Wagga Wagga City Council weekly newsletter

Wagga Wagga City Council weekly newsletter
Saturday 12 August 2023 | Issue #458
Council will deliver a scaled back New Year’s Eve community event for the next three years at Lake Albert, with a focus on a family picnic atmosphere and fireworks.
At their Ordinary Meeting on 8 August 2023, Councillors endorsed delivering New Year’s Eve (NYE) community events in December 2023, 2024, and 2025 at Lake Albert, within Council’s allocated budgets.
In June, Council called for Expressions of Interest (EOI) from businesses, groups and organisations to put together the next three communitybased celebratory NYE events, with funding support from Council.
Director Community Janice Summerhayes said no applications to organise and deliver these events were received during the EOI period.
DRAFT ON EXHBITION: Council is welcoming all members of the community to submit feedback on the Draft Community NZE 2050 Roadmap. Pictured: Council Strategic Sustainability Advisor Carly Hood and Wagga Wagga Mayor Cr Dallas Tout.
Wagga Wagga City Council is urging residents to have their say on its Draft Community Net Zero Emission (NZE) 2050 Roadmap which is now on public exhibition.
The Draft Community Roadmap was endorsed by Council at its Ordinary Meeting on Monday and will be on exhibition from Friday 11 August 2023.
Members of the public will have 42 days to make a submission.
Net zero refers to the amount of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere within our local government area being equivalent to the amount that are absorbed.
When an equal balance is reached, net zero has been accomplished.
The Roadmap outlines key pathways that local individuals, businesses, and groups may choose to follow and participate in achieving the community net zero emissions targets.
This document is not a policy or a basis for consideration for future fees, charges or planning documents, rather the Roadmap is a guide only, that Council welcomes all community members to read and provide feedback on.
Mayor of the City of Wagga Wagga Councillor Dallas Tout would like to see everyone in the community get involved in this initiative.
“This Roadmap is a unique opportunity for community to have their say about the ways in which they can address climate change at a local level,” Cr Tout said.
“They can provide feedback, share ideas, and contribute to the ongoing development of the Roadmap.
“Net zero is a goal that everyone must achieve collectively. Together, small changes can make a big impact, and the more pathways community members engage with, the more we can contribute to our net zero goals.
“The Community Roadmap allows us all to think about the kind of legacy we want to leave for our future generations.”
Community Director Janice Summerhayes said it’s crucial for the community to work together to contribute to the net zero goals.
“The Roadmap provides insight into available pathways for all members to actively participate in climate solutions, creating a more equitable and clean future for us all,” Ms Summerhayes said.
“Council understands that not every situation is the same, and similarly the pathways outlined in the Roadmap will not suit every individual, business or group.
“It is important that members of the community choose actions that are most suitable for them and engage in as many as possible within their current circumstances.
“Council will provide future educational campaigns promoting specific actions that can be taken to reach net zero emissions, and part of the feedback from the community will help contribute to the distribution of this information.”
Currently, there are other initiatives active within Council which coincide with the exhibition of the Draft Community NZE 2050 Roadmap.
Future Now is a touring exhibition from the Australian Museum which features a diorama display highlighting positive solution which individuals, communities, businesses, and organisations can utilise to address climate change.
It is on display at the Civic Centre arcade until Wednesday 27 September.
Wagga Wagga Art Gallery's GREEN 2023 showcases exhibitions and programs all year with an environmental sustainability theme.
Members of the community can view these initiatives to discover more about their options to contribute to climate action at home, in their community, and in their workplace.
The Draft Community NZE 2050 Roadmap will be on exhibition from Friday 11 August to Friday 22 September 2023.
To read the Roadmap and give your feedback online, visit haveyoursay. wagga.nsw.gov.au/netzero
“What we are now proposing is that Council will go ahead with organising an event on the foreshores of Lake Albert encouraging everyone to come out and celebrate, starting with this coming New Year’s Eve, farewelling 2023 and saying hello to 2024,” Ms Summerhayes said.
“This year we will continue the tradition of a fireworks display at 9pm, which is really good timing for families to cap off what will be a great familyfriendly event.
“We will be encouraging people from across the whole of the city and surrounding rural villages to come along, connect with family and friends, bring along their BYO picnics, chairs, and picnic rugs and spread out around the lake and enjoy the fireworks.
“After that, those who want to go home to celebrate can and those who want to go out to celebrate well, they can head to other venues, restaurants, cafes or pubs across the city.”
Council has had a budget allocation for sponsorship of the New Year’s Eve event tied to an EOI process for previous years, and in the 2023/24 financial year this allocation is $57,964 (excluding GST).
At this stage, Council staff will deliver the next three New Year’s Eve community events.
However, if there is an unsolicited and viable external approach to Council for the delivery of the 2024 or 2025 NYE events, staff will report this to Council for consideration.
Date/t im e: Thursday 17 August, 2pm - 6pm (or until all seedlings are claimed) Ve
Gobbagombalin Park, Paradise Drive, Gobbagombalin. Limit of 5 seedlings per household.
For more information
GET INVOLVED: Council Environmental Officer Sam Pascall is encouraging the community to have their say on the draft management plan for our arboreal mammals.
The community is being encouraged to give their feedback on a draft document which aims to protect, enhance, and increase the targeted habitat of arboreal mammals to help increase their population numbers in our local government area.
At its Ordinary Meeting on Monday night 7 August, Council supported putting the Draft Arboreal Mammal Management Plan on public exhibition for 28 days, from Thursday 10 August. Wagga Wagga City Council Strategic Sustainability Advisor Carly Hood said the 10-year planning document was identified as an action from Council’s Biodiversity Strategy: Maldhangilanha 2020-2030
“Since European settlement in the 1830s, more than 90 per cent of local native vegetation cover has been cleared for agriculture and urban
GET TECH SAVVY: The popular Tech Savvy Seniors program is back at Wagga Wagga City Library.
The popular Tech Savvy Seniors program is back at Wagga Wagga City Library throughout the months of August to December this year. Supported by funding from the NSW State Government and Telstra, these free classes are designed for seniors to increase understanding of several
Gardens, Cnr Shaw St & Albury St. P. 0411 417 956
Ladysmith Tourist Railway
SAT 12 AUG, 10AM – 2PM Ladysmith Railway Station, 15 Kyeamba St. P. 0458 263 443
Swan Song Panel Discussion SAT 12 AUG, 11AM – 12.30PM Wagga Wagga Art Gallery, Morrow St.
6926 9660
Free Museum Tours
development, resulting in the loss of habitat for a number of native species,” Ms Hood said.
“In turn, this has impacted on fauna populations causing certain species to become classified as threatened through State and Commonwealth legislation.
“The Draft Arboreal Mammal Management Plan focuses on our tree dwelling species, which generally use trees to forage, sleep and move throughout the landscape.”
The nine arboreal species identified are known to occur, are expected to occur, or have previously occurred within the local government area: the Koala, Squirrel Gliders, the Grey-headed Flying Fox, and six microbat species.
It is expected managing these threatened species will also benefit other threatened species that use similar habitat such as the Glossy Black Cockatoo, Superb and Swift Parrots,
Information Technology topics.
If you are looking to improve your digital literacy, these classes can help you achieve the skills you need to efficiently operate computers, iPads, iPhones, Android tablets and phones, email, and online shopping.
The first block of classes run from 10:30am to 12:30pm every Friday until 22 September.
A second block will start on 13 October and repeat every Friday from 10:30am to 12:30pm until 8 December.
Library Services Acting Manager Michael Scutti recognises this program as an invaluable asset to our community, with ongoing positive feedback from previous participants.
“Every day more services are moving to being accessible exclusively online,” Mr Scutti said. “For seniors in particular, digital literacy is essential for accessing services and for maintaining independence.
“The response from participants is always positive. A lot of them are mostly self-taught so they may not be aware of certain features of their devices; sometimes it’s simple tips – for example how to set your screen timeout.”
Class participants will be guided by a trainer and a technical support
Botanic Gardens Site, Lord Baden Powell Drive. P. 6926 9654
Said Hanrahan –Exhibition Launch SAT 12 AUG, 2PM – 4PM
Museum of the Riverina, Morrow St. P. 6926 9660
Drag Race Down Under Viewing Party
SAT 12 AUG, 6PM – 8PM
The Curious Rabbit, Johnston St.
P. 6921 5391
Barbie Roller Disco
SAT 12 AUG, 7PM – 9PM
Bolton Park Stadium, Morgan St. P. 0427 075 600
Sydney Comedy
Grey-crowned Babbler and other nonthreatened species including the Brushtailed Possum and Ring-tailed Possum.
Ms Hood said most threatened species are found on privately owned or managed land rather than in national parks and conservation areas.
"Protecting threatened species is the responsibility of all levels of government and the community.
“The plan details objectives and actions outlining how Council, in partnership with government agencies and community groups, will address the issues impacting these arboreal mammals.
“The five main objectives cover educating and inspiring the community, increasing data gathering and sharing, managing pest and weed species, enhancing the quality of existing habitat, and increasing the extent of habitat and populations.
“Our main role will be to manage our own land effectively, but we will also play a role in promoting government programs to the community and key landholders in the area.”
The Draft Arboreal Mammal Management Plan will be on public exhibition until Thursday 7 September 2023, with the public invited to make submissions during that period.
To read the document and give your feedback, visit haveyoursay.wagga. nsw.gov.au/ammp23
Billy brings a smile to everyone’s dial!
Billy (ImpD23/0363) is a twoyear-old, brindle, male American Staffordshire Terrier x who gets along well with other dogs. He’s a sweet but high-energy boy who would benefit from a solid training routine.
The adoption fee for Billy is $312 and includes: microchip, lifetime registration, vaccination, desexing, heartworm test, flea/worming treatment and ID tag.
Festival Showcase SAT 12 AUG, 8PM – 10.10PM
Wagga Wagga Civic Theatre, Burns Way.
P. 6926 9688
Windows of Wondering Photo Walk
SUN 13 AUG, 11AM – 1PM
Wagga Wagga Art Gallery, Morrow St.
P. 6926 9660
Cultural Knowledge River Walk with Wiradjuri Elder Uncle James Ingram
SUN 13 AUG, 11AM – 1.30PM
Riverside: Wagga Beach, Johnson St.
instructor, with the option to either bring a personal device or use a library supplied device.
It will be small groups learning with no more than 12 participants per class. All learning materials are provided alongside a break mid-way through, with a free morning tea.
Mr Scutti said the demand for these classes has changed over time as technology continues to develop.
“Ten years ago, we would run a lot of beginner-level computer classes: how to use a mouse and keyboard, creating a Word document, very basic elements. We rarely run those classes now, as most participants use tablets and phones, as opposed to laptops and PCs.
“The baseline skill level of seniors has also noticeably shifted upwards over time, along with their confidence.
“Even five years ago, most participants would baulk at any online shopping, viewing it as far too risky. Because we have a strong focus on online safety, the Online Shopping class is now one of our most popular.”
Bookings are essential for each class. You can secure your place through the What’s On Page at waggalibrary.com. au or by visiting the friendly library staff in person or calling 02 6926 9700.
P. 6926 9660
And Then There Were None SUN 13 AUG – SUN 27 AUG, VARIOUS TIMES. The Basement Theatre, Tarcutta St. P. 6921 2594
Youth Art Class
MON 14 AUG, 5.30PM – 7.30PM
The Curious
Enquiries: 1300 292 442
details and to apply, visit:
Help shape our future