Wagga Wagga City Council weekly newsletter

Wagga Wagga City Council weekly newsletter
A plaque for Wagga Wagga’s 2024 Walk of Honour recipient, Peter Cox, was officially unveiled in the city’s Baylis Street precinct today.
The Walk of Honour was established in 1998 and recognises individuals who have made significant contributions to the community of Wagga Wagga.
Deputy Mayor of the City of Wagga Wagga Councillor Amelia Parkins says she is pleased to see the late Peter Cox become the 41st inductee.
“Peter was a dedicated and passionate leader whose life’s work focused on developing our community’s creative, intellectual and artistic life,” Cr Parkins said.
“Peter stands as an exemplary figure within our community, embodying the spirit of inspiration, generosity and selfless dedication that spanned many decades.”
Peter Cox was named as the newest Walk of Honour inductee during Wagga Wagga’s Australia Day Awards ceremony in January. His plaque is displayed near the Wollundry Lagoon bridge and Civic Centre forecourt.
Peter Cox was widely respected as a teacher, actor, writer, director, producer and mentor within our local community.
His career contributed largely to the local arts scene, and the nurturing of countless creative minds.
Notable achievements from Peter’s work include his involvement in feature films Backyard Ashes and The Merger, both of which turned the spotlight towards our local community and have been celebrated across international audiences.
Peter directed and produced a long list of musical tributes, stage productions, and interactive performances in Wagga Wagga, and fostered the education and upskilling of young emerging artists through his teaching career spanning 40 years, a majority of which took place at Kooringal High School.
“Peter’s enduring legacy lives on through the countless students, artists, musicians and crew he influenced,” Cr Parkins said.
“He taught us to care deeply for each other and our community, to nurture and care for the creativity that lives within all of us and to live our lives to the fullest.
“It is therefore very fitting that we acknowledge this incredible individual through a Walk of Honour placement here in Wagga Wagga.”
Motor oil should not be placed in any of the kerbside bins.
Up to 20L of motor oil can be disposed of at the Gregdaoo Waste Management Centre for free.
EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT: Raiders are set to bring the club's first ever NRLW trial match to Wagga Wagga, with the elite women’s team to take on defending premiers Newcastle Knights at McDonalds Park on Saturday 6 July.
Canberra Raiders NRLW game heading to Wagga Wagga
Wagga Wagga will host an NRLW pre-season trial game next month, under an agreement between Wagga Wagga City Council and the Canberra Raiders.
At its meeting on Tuesday 11 June, Council endorsed entering into a Memorandum of Understanding with Canberra Raiders to host the game at McDonalds Park on Saturday 6 July.
Prior to the meeting, Canberra Raiders approached Council to host the NRLW pre-season trial match against Newcastle Knights, who are defending premiers.
Canberra Raiders CEO Don Furner said the Raiders were proud to take the club's first ever NRLW trial match to Wagga Wagga and continue the strong association with the region.
"We're excited to be able to return to Wagga Wagga this year for this NRLW trial match and showcase the women's game in a city and region that supports us," Furner said.
“It's a really good opportunity to promote women's rugby league and help encourage the next generation of young female players to take up the sport and start their own NRLW dream."
Council’s City Growth and Regional Assets Manager Ben Creighton described it as an exciting announcement for Wagga Wagga and the surrounding region.
“We are pleased to see the continuation of our ongoing and valuable relations with the Canberra Raiders, which saw our city host four NRL games over five years, between 2019 and 2023,” Mr Creighton said.
“We have a great track record of hosting and supporting sporting events in the city and it’s fantastic to see we will now be adding a pre-season game of this elite women’s competition to that list.
“The game is also expected to deliver broader benefits to the community, delivering flow-on effects for local businesses who can capitalise on the visitors to the city.”
The pre-season match between Canberra Raiders and Newcastle Knights will kick off at 2pm at McDonalds Park on Saturday 6 July 2024.
Admission to the event will be free.
The Wagga Wagga community is being encouraged to give their feedback on a Masterplan which will guide future works at the Wagga Cricket Ground.
At its Ordinary Meeting on Tuesday 11 June, Council endorsed placing the draft Wagga Cricket Ground Masterplan on public exhibition for a period of 30 days from 14 June 2024 to 14 July 2024 and invite submissions until 21 July 2024.
Manager City Growth & Regional Assets Ben Creighton said Council has been working with stakeholders and key user groups over several years to create a concept plan for the redevelopment and upgrade of the ground.
“Now it’s time for the broader community to have their say on some of the concept plans,” Mr Creighton said.
“We want to get an understanding of what the community’s desires and expectations are for the Wagga Cricket Ground and hear our proposed plans for its future.”
The Masterplan will serve as a longterm strategic document, guiding future works by ensuring they meet identified priorities derived from stakeholder and community consultation.
A key consideration was the future of the cycling track around the oval, was previously identified for removal once the Multisport Cycling Complex at Pomingalarna was completed.
“The track is reaching its end of asset life and will become an increasing maintenance burden,” Mr Creighton said.
“Its removal would address those issues and allow us then to expand the footprint of the oval, which then gives us some more flexibility around the use of that space moving forward.”
Initial costings of the project estimate the total cost of implementing the masterplan to be in excess of $4.2 million.
Currently, there is no allocated funding for Wagga Cricket Ground projects within Council's Long Term Financial Plan.
For more information on the masterplan and make a submission, visit haveyoursay.wagga.nsw.gov.au
Alternatively, you can email your submission to council@wagga.nsw.gov. au with the Subject line: Wagga Cricket Ground Masterplan Submission.
Council has endorsed the draft Civic Theatre – Performing Arts Masterplan and approved the pursuit of future funding opportunities, as they arise, for the continued detailed planning and design of this project.
The draft Civic Theatre Masterplan was on public exhibition for a period of 28 days from 12 April to 10 May 2024.
During the exhibition period, 242 submissions were received. Of those, 231 have been categorised as supportive, and 11 as non-supportive.
Council’s Director Community Janice Summerhayes says that now Council has endorsed the masterplan, staff can move forward with the search for funding.
“It was truly exciting to see the masterplan be endorsed last night,” Ms Summerhayes said.
“At the moment, we are focusing on preparing information that we can take to other levels of government as funding opportunities become available.
“It's an enormous credit to our community in the way they have gotten involved and put forward their ideas about how they would like to see a performing arts centre expand.
“The response we got through our consultation was overwhelming. A lot of feedback surrounding the masterplan confirmed the demand for flexibility of spaces.
“We need both smaller and larger spaces to accommodate a broader variety of performances, including cabarets, comedy festivals, recitals, and large-scale entertainment shows. We are a growing city with very diverse cohorts of interests, so the performing arts centre needs to be a space that’s flexible enough to reflect that diversity.”
Any future funding of the Masterplan will be subject to a future report for Council consideration.
You can read details of the Wagga Wagga Civic Theatre - Performing Arts masterplan on Council’s Have Your Say Wagga Wagga website haveyoursay. wagga.nsw.gov.au
P. 6921 5391
If you are passionate about community and are considering becoming a candidate at the upcoming NSW Local Government Elections, there are many ways to get informed about what’s involved in being a councillor.
The election will be held on Saturday 14 September 2024, and with registrations for potential candidates open, now is a good time to get up to speed.
Wagga Wagga City Council’s Manager Corporate Government and Performance
David Galloway has some great hints and tips for those thinking of throwing their hat into the ring.
“Two things I suggest kicking off with are attending the free briefing session next week for anyone interested in becoming a councillor, and attending a Council meeting to see first-hand how it actually works,” Mr Galloway said.
“The free session will be held at the Council Chambers on Wednesday 19 June 2024, and Council meetings are generally held on the second and fourth Mondays of every month at 6pm.”
Potential candidates can also check out the Council’s business papers, available at meetings.wagga.nsw.gov.au
“The business papers will give potential candidates some idea of the breadth of subjects and details councillors must deal with,” Mr Galloway said.
“Another local resource for anyone thinking of standing for Council can be found on the City Council Elections page on our website.”
Other valuable resources include the websites of the Office of Local Government NSW and the NSW Electoral Commission.
In particular, the NSW Electoral Commission website contains all the official information candidates need to stand for election, including what is required to register and nominate for the position.
For more information, visit the City Council Elections page: wagga.nsw.gov. au/elections
Senior Team Member Civil
Remuneration: $2,422.82 gpf + super
Closing: Monday, 17 June 2024
Oasis Senior
attractive remuneration in accordance with skills and experience. Closing: Sunday, 30 June 2024
Geospatial Coordinator Remuneration: $3,652.10 gpf + super Closing: Monday, 8 July 2024
wagga.nsw.gov.au/ jobs
Night Roller Discos! SAT 15 JUN, 7PM – 9PM Bolton Park Stadium, Morgan St. P. 0438 366 327 The Spanish Kitchen – Tapas and Paella SUN 16 JUN, 10AM – 2PM Food I Am, 29 Kunzea Pl. P. 0439 565 653 Willans Hill Miniature Railway Rides SUN 16 JUN, 10AM – 2.30PM Wagga Wagga Botanic Gardens, Macleay St. P. 0412 439 455 Riverside Markets SUN 16 JUN, 11AM – 4PM Riverside: Wagga Beach, Johnston St. P. 0499 212 293
Wheelchair AFL WED 19 JUN, 6.30PM – 8PM Bolton Park Stadium, Morgan St. P. 0407 682 545
An Evening with Vika and Linda WED 19 JUN, 8PM – 10PM Wagga Wagga Civic Theatre, Burns Way. P. 6926 9688
Pottery and Pints THU 13 & FRI 14 JUN, 7PM – 9PM North Shore Studios, 57 William St. P. 0418 876 122
Half Light Duo SUN 16 JUN, 2PM – 4PM The Curious Rabbit, 44 Johnson St.
The Charles Dining Room x Eden Road Wine Dinner THU 20 JUN, 6PM – 10PM
The Charles Boutique Hotel & Dining Room, 82 Tarcutta St. P. 0408 218 088
The Spice Route of India – Cooking Class THU 20 JUN, 6PM – 10PM Food I Am, 29 Kunzea Pl. P. 0439 565 653 Prinnie Stevens – Lady Sings the Blues Vol 2 THU 20 JUN, 7.30PM – 9PM CSU Riverina Playhouse, 8 Cross St. P. 6926 9688
Infusion Games Trivia and Karaoke THU 20 JUN, 8.30PM The Victoria Hotel, 55 Baylis St. P. 6921 5233
Exhibition Launch: Katherine Elizabeth Looney FRI 21 JUN, 5.30PM – 7.30PM
Council’s events team: events@wagga. nsw.gov.au or 1300 292 442. Mon – Fri. /waggaevents visitwagga.com