Wagga Wagga City Council weekly newsletter

Marea and the Queen’s Purse, an innovative new exhibition, will officially launch at the Museum of the Riverina’s Historic Council Chambers site on Saturday 17 August.
Spotlighting renowned milliner and local Wagga Wagga icon Marea Bright, the exhibition illustrates a key moment in Marea’s life in the form of a children’s book, written by exhibition curator and Council’s Museum Assistant Collections and Programs, Sophie Magnusson.
The story follows Marea from her childhood in Wagga Wagga along a journey to the streets of Melbourne, all the way to London.
Having first learned about Marea and her career as a milliner in the 2021 exhibition Made in Wagga a Retrospective, curator Sophie Magnusson saw an opportunity to bring her story to life.
“I wanted to take the concept of an oral history and create something new that was more accessible and understandable to children,” Ms Magnusson said.
“I felt Marea’s story and the particular moment in her life that the exhibition touches on was a great way to do this.
“The exhibition is also a celebration of the international excellence that our city produces. I want to show young people that they can achieve truly exceptional things starting right here in our local area.”
Not only does the exhibition tell a fascinating local story, but it has been consciously designed to be cost effective and environmentally friendly by utilising recyclable cardboard panels to create a winding corridorlike structure.
Council’s Manager Museum Luke Grealy said, “the storytelling techniques and exhibition design are an innovative combination that have really brought the story of a local character to life.
“We also have workshops available for those wanting to learn from Marea and try their hand at hat making.”
Subject of the exhibition Marea Bright, also commented on the works, saying she was honoured to be recognised in this form.
“I was thrilled when Sophie first approached me with the idea of telling my story, having seen other people in museums and their achievements on display, I thought 'oh my goodness',” Ms Bright said.
“It is amazing seeing the exhibition
come to life and I’m so grateful to Sophie, it’s wonderful what she has been able to achieve in putting this together.”
The official launch of Marea and the Queen’s Purse will take place on Saturday 17 August at 2pm, and will include talks from a special guest speaker, curator Sophie Magnusson and milliner Marea Bright. This will be followed by an opportunity to view the exhibition while enjoying drinks and a classic afternoon tea spread.
For more information visit museumriverina.com.au
What you had to say about the Botanic Gardens’ future
Wagga Wagga City Council says “thank you” to the community for their valuable input on what they love about our Botanic Gardens precinct and what they would like to see changed or improved at this popular open space.
Over four weeks in June and July of this year, the community was invited to voice their thoughts and ideas about the precinct through an online submission phase.
Council’s Recreation Coordinator Joshua Walsh said the public engagement period, along with consultations with existing user groups and stakeholders, is the first stage in the development of a masterplan for the precinct.
“We really appreciate the community getting involved and taking the time to give us their feedback for this important planning project,” Mr Walsh said.
“In total, we received 59 responses over the four-week period, 57 online through our Have Your Say Wagga Wagga page, as well as one email and one letter in response.
“These responses will contribute to the future planning of the precinct, which is a popular destination for residents and tourists of all ages, attracting thousands of regular and new visitors each year.”
Council staff have been collating the responses and several key themes have emerged.
These include a strong desire for improved pedestrian and pram access, better maintenance and infrastructure such as upgraded paths, fences, and more seating.
“There were also calls for enhanced plant diversity, additional educational and interactive features, and upgraded playgrounds and café facilities”, Mr Walsh said.
Many also suggested activating event spaces more frequently and improving parking options.
“Your feedback is crucial in helping us create a more accessible, engaging, and enjoyable Botanic Gardens precinct for everyone.
“We’ve engaged a concept and design consultant to draft a masterplan and all the submissions will be considered in this draft.”
Once a draft masterplan has been designed, it will be placed on public exhibition for comment.
At this stage, the aim is to present the draft Botanic Gardens Masterplan to Council by early 2025.
The Council of the City of Wagga Wagga has now entered the caretaker period ahead of the NSW Local Government elections on Saturday 14 September 2024.
Nominations closed earlier this week, with 61 candidates vying for nine Councillor positions on Wagga Wagga City Council.
General Manager Peter Thompson said while Council’s day-to-day business will continue mostly as usual over the fourweek caretaker period, there are some aspects which will be affected.
“During the caretaker period, no major decisions are to be determined by the Council; this includes the General Manager or any other delegate,” Mr Thompson said.
“The restrictions are mainly at that major decision-making level where we can't enter into any contracts that
are worth more than $500,000,” Mr Thompson said.
“That's not just the councillor body, that's the whole of council, so I can't enter those contracts either.
“In addition, we cannot make any major planning scheme amendments or determine any Development Applications that would be considered as ‘controversial’.
“Once the new council is in place, we’ll have any matters involving major expenditure ready to go before them for their consideration.”
The last meeting of the current Council is scheduled for 26 August, which is during the caretaker period. It will go ahead as usual and will be open to the public and be livestreamed.
Councillor Dallas Tout has been delegated the functions of the role of Mayor of the City of Wagga Wagga from 14 September 2024 until a mayor is elected by the incoming new Council.
The election of mayor and deputy mayor will take place at the first Ordinary Council Meeting of the new Council on Monday 14 October, subject to declaration of the election results.
Pre-poll voting opens on Monday 7 September and closes on Friday 13
Wagga Wagga City Library has developed a partnership with Grand Pacific Health to establish a free, weekly drop-in session for community members seeking support to navigate local mental health services.
Grand Pacific Health’s Care Navigator Clayton Leese said anyone over 16 years can drop in between 10.30am and 1pm every Monday without making an appointment.
“Our Medicare Mental Health Care program is a free mental health service that has recently opened in Wagga
Artworks with Tim Crutchett SAT 17 AUG,
Wagga,” Mr Leese said.
“The service is a welcoming entry point for young people, adults and their support people who are experiencing distress, crisis or mental health challenges.
“Accessing Medicare Mental Health Care services does not require a Medicare card, and referrals can be made by email, in person, or by contacting the National Head to Health Phoneline on 1800 595 212.”
Mr Leese said the program’s staff will talk to people about individual concerns to identify the support they need.
“This may involve receiving care through a Medicare Mental Health Centre or referring someone to other available services and supports.”
Council’s Multicultural Services Officer
Curious Music Fest 10 SAT 17 AUG, 3PM – 5PM The Curious Rabbit, 44 Johnston St. W. www.thecuriousrabbit. com.au
easternriverinaarts. org.au
VietnameseCooking Class SUN 18 AUG, 10AM – 2PM Food I am, 29 Kunzea Pl. W. www.foodiam. com.au
September 2024.
The NSW Electoral Commission will facilitate the Local Government election on Saturday 14 September.
The Returning Office has opened at 72 Fitzmaurice Street, Wagga Wagga, which will also be a pre-poll venue from 7 September.
Postal vote applications are open now and close at 5pm on Monday 9 September.
For more information on postal and pre-poll voting for the Local Government election, visit elections.nsw.gov.au or wagga.nsw.gov.au/elections
Maryanne Gray said the partnership program was established by the library to increase opportunities for community members seeking reliable information about what mental health and social support services are available in Wagga Wagga.
“Having a care navigator available in the library is great for our community, particularly for any of our Language Café participants who may come from a trauma background,” Ms Gray said.
“A free and confidential service that doesn’t require bookings offers exactly the kind of flexibility needed to help people in this space.”
No bookings are required to attend this free, drop-in program.
For more information, please go here: waggalibrary.events.mylibrary.digital/ event?id=81360
Detective Hercule
Meet Hercule – a seven-month-old, male, black and white, domestic short hair cat who has a bubbly and friendly personality. Like the Agatha Christie character, Hercule is a curious creature who loves to be close to people. His
Historic Council Chambers, 243 Baylis St. W. www. museumriverina.com.au
R TEA – Tea Tasting Experience SAT 17 AUG, 3PM – 4.30PM R Tea Store & Brew Bar, 231b Edward St. W.
Saturday Night Roller Discos! SAT 17 AUG, 7PM – 9PM Bolton Park Stadium, Morgan St. W. www. twincityskate.com.au Hey Google, Show me the ArtExhibition SAT 17 & SUN 18 AUG, 6PM – 8PM Station Creative Workspace, 54-58 Johnston Street. W. www.
Willans Hill Miniature Railway Rides SUN 18 AUG, 10AM – 2.30PM Wagga Wagga Botanic Gardens, Macleay St. E. elocwerdna@hotmail. com
Riverside Markets
SUN 18 AUG, 11AM – 3PM Riverside: Wagga Beach, Johnston St. E.
Road: Johnston St from Tarcutta St intersection to Church St
Date: Tuesday 20 August to Tuesday 27 August 2024 (weather permitting) Duration: 7am to 4pm
Reason:Road stabilisation works Detour: via Bolton St
ALL NOTICES NOW ONLINE AT: wagga.nsw.gov.au/publicnotices
victor@prideshopau. com
The Merry Widows SUN 18 AUG, 1PM –3.30PM & 5PM – 7.30PM The Basement Theatre, Morrow St. W. www. soact.com.au
Wagga Wagga Country Music Club SUN 18 AUG, 1.30PM – 4.30PM RSL Club Wagga Wagga, Cnr Kincaid & Dobbs St. E. cshawe@ bigpond.net.au
Wheelchair AFL WED 21 AUG, 6.30PM Bolton Park Stadium, Morgan St. W. www. wsnsw.org.au Riverina Producers Market THU 22 AUG, 1PM – 6.30PM Hammond Hall, Wagga Wagga Showground, Bourke St. E. steve@ wfgb.com.au
Earring Making Workshop THU 22 AUG, 6.30PM – 8PM Little Black Duck Studio, 23 Guttler St, Uranquinty. W. www.