Thanks for keeping your dog on a leash!
When visiting the many beautiful public walking tracks and parks around Wagga Wagga, it’s always great to see people out and about with their pooches.
It’s even better when people are being respectful of others by keeping their dog on a leash.
As the end of winter approaches, Wagga Wagga City Council wants to thank all the responsible dog owners who are doing the right thing and restraining their dog in public.
Regulatory Services Coordinator Claire Hynes said we should be respectful of other people and animals using the same spaces as us.
“It’s important to understand that not everyone is a dog-lover: even though you might think your dog is the best boy/girl, other people might not feel the same,” Ms Hynes said.
“Some people might be uncomfortable or scared when they see an off-leash dog coming towards them.”
Ms Hynes said not only can people feel unsafe around dogs off-lead, but also other dogs might react negatively.
“When a dog is on a lead and is approached by an excited or confident dog, it might feel scared or threatened
and lash out. This is dangerous for both dogs and owners.
“Taking your dog for a walk should be a fun and safe experience; by keeping your dog on a lead everyone can enjoy the same spaces.”
Sometimes though, it is great to watch our animal friends enjoying their time outside unbound, and for that reason we have some perfect spaces for dogs to be off-leash.
“Council has nine off-leash dog areas, which are the perfect place to let your dog run, exercise and socialise leash-free with other dogs.
“Remember, you still need to be able to control your dog even in an off-leash area.”
Ms Hynes said NSW legislation requires that all dogs in a public place must be under effective control by means of an adequate chain, cord or leash that is attached to the dog and is held by (or secured to) a person.
“We don’t want to fine people for exercising their dog, but if your dog is off lead in a public place, a fine of $330 applies.”
There are plenty of popular destinations for residents and visitors to get out and about across Wagga Wagga, such as
While it is great to see these places being enjoyed by everyone, it is important to remember that unless it is one of the designated off-leash areas listed, your dog must be on a leash at all times.
For more details head to our webpage wagga.nsw.gov.au/offleash

Tech help for First Nations seniors
First Nations seniors can get tech help for their smart phones, laptops and other devices, from young First Nations people.
If you’re an older First Nations person who has a tech problem, or difficulty accessing online services, then drop in to the Tolland Community Centre and Madison Williams and Caleb Atkinson will try to solve it with you.
Mr Atkinson said most of the problems involved a mobile phone or laptop not working.
“It’s often just about the user’s settings,” Mr Atkinson said.
“The job gives me the chance to pick up new knowledge and pass it on, and by doing that I’m giving people the tools they need to help themselves.”
Library Services Team Leader and program coordinator Jeannie Hazell said the program is run by Wagga Wagga City Library with funding from the NSW Department of Communities and Justice following a successful pilot program run in 2022.
“Technology assistance is necessary for older generations, creating and maintaining connections and to stay informed,” Ms Hazell said.
“It’s also vital for First Nations Seniors who need to access online government and health services.”
Ms Hazell stresses the program is friendly, flexible and free, and that appointments aren’t necessary.
“We invite any First Nations senior to bring their own device and their tech problem, and we’ll try to solve it.”
“You don’t need to book, just drop in for a tech yarn!”
Wagga Wagga City Council weekly newsletter
PAWFECT: Council is urging pet owners to respect other people and animals by keeping their dog on a leash in public spaces.
Lake Albert, Marrambidya Wetland and the Riverside Precinct.

SMILING RECIPIENTS: Recipients of 2024’s ClubGRANTS with representatives from the clubs which financed the funding of the
Eighteen local community groups and charities will share in a combined $155,693.50 in funding for projects and initiatives through the 2024 ClubGRANTS scheme.
The successful recipients were announced at a presentation ceremony at the Rules Club Wagga Wagga on Thursday morning (22 August).
Wagga Wagga City Council Director
Community Janice Summerhayes said the ClubGRANTS scheme is a statewide initiative providing the framework for registered clubs to directly fund local priority projects and services.
“Council coordinates the local ClubGRANTS committee, comprising representatives from the Wagga RSL Club, Rules Club Wagga Wagga, Department of Communities and Justice, and a local community representative,” Ms Summerhayes said.
“The funding provided by this scheme assists groups that may not have been able to secure financial assistance through other means and helps to ensure valued services and projects continue to be delivered.”
Clubs that earn more than $1 million annually in gaming machine revenue provide funding for community projects and services, and in turn receive dollarfor-dollar gaming tax deductions.
The Smith Family – Goanna Academy mental health program
Riding for Disabled – riding lessons for disabled school children
Learning Links – Reading for Life, supporting disadvantaged children with their literacy
Little Wings Limited – Little Wings
Children’s Hospital Flight Program
Stewart House – Support for vulnerable public school children to attend Stewart House
Carevan Wagga – Supporting those experiencing food insecurity and social isolation
Country Hope – Time for Life
Children’s Holiday Camp
Ashmont Public School –
Breakfast Program
Foodbank NSW & ACT – Regional food relief funding
Boys to the Bush – Wagga Wagga
Boys to the Bush school program
Life Education NSW – empowering disadvantaged kids
St Vincent De Paul – Vinnies Crisis
Support for Wagga Wagga families
NSW Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors (STARTTS) –Ways to Wellness, a multicultural wellbeing program
Autism Spectrum Australia –interactive technology for students at Aspect Riverina School satellite class in Wagga Wagga
Cancer Council NSW – Wagga
Wagga Relay for Life
CareSouth – CareSouth Health Hub
Clontarf Foundation – Engage and retain Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young to complete school and support them into employment or study
Willans Hill School – Courtesy bus and school facilities.

Environmental Education Officer Christina Reid is encouraging residents to attend the last seedling giveaway in September.
Last chance to get free seedlings
Don’t miss your chance to grab some free seedlings to fill your garden!
Council’s final seedling giveaway for 2024 will be held on Saturday 7 September from 11am until 3pm, or until all seedlings are given away.
Head on down to the Museum of the Riverina Botanic Gardens site, where staff will be waiting to hand out native seedlings specifically picked with our local area in mind.
Council has already held two successful giveaways this year in Gumly Gumly and Estella, and held a National Tree Day planting event in Bomen.
The One Tree for Me initiative was launched in 2021 and aims to see 65,000 native seedlings planted throughout our local area over a six-year period.
Council’s Environmental Education Officer Christina Reid said the last event in September will also fall on National Threatened Species Day, and staff have fun, themed activities in mind for community.
“The site of the museum at the Botanic Gardens is set in one of the most beautifully preserved native habitats right in the middle of our city, so we thought it would be the perfect place for our last giveaway for 2024 to be on Threatened Species Day,” Ms Reid said.
“National Threatened Species Day recognises the many species that are in decline due to land clearing and loss of habitat, which aligns with the One Tree for Me initiative, focusing on local action to help maintain biodiversity.
“By planting seedlings in our own backyards we replace some of the habitat that has been cleared.”
To find out more visit wagga.nsw.gov. au/onetreeforme

Showground, Bourke
Merry Widows
25 AUG, 1PM – 3.30PM
Basement Theatre, Morrow St
with Brian Beasley
26 AUG, 12PM – 2PM The Curious Rabbit, 44 Johnson St Art Classes with Leigh Hewitt MON 26 AUG, 6PM – 8PM The Curious Rabbit, 44 Johnston St Wagga Music Eisteddfod THU 29 AUG, VARIOUS TIMES Wagga Wagga Civic Theatre, Burns Way Riverina Producers Market THU 29 AUG, 1PM – 6.30PM Hammond Hall, Wagga Wagga Showground, Bourke St Thursday Trivia at Thirsty Crow
Brewery THU 29 AUG, 7PM – 9PM Thirsty Crow Brewery, 153 Fitzmaurice St Infusion Games Trivia and Karaoke THU 29 AUG, 8.30PM The Victoria Hotel, 55 Baylis St Pottery and Pints