Wagga Wagga City Council weekly newsletter
Saturday 25 November 2023 | Issue #473
Works & Projects
WORKS AHEAD: Marshalls Creek Bridge on Kooringal Road.
Two major road works packages unveiled
Have your say on Wagga Wagga's cultural, creative and economic future GET INVOLVED: Wiradyuri Elder Uncle James Ingram, Council General Manager Peter Thompson and Wagga Wagga Mayor Cr Dallas Tout launch the Cultural Precinct Engagement survey, encouraging the local community to have their say on the two concepts.
What public venue do you want in Wagga Wagga for events, shows and conferences to make our city an even better place to live? That is the question Wagga Wagga City Council is asking the community to answer through its Cultural Precinct Engagement survey, launched on Wednesday 22 November. Our city is growing, and we have two big ideas that will create opportunities in entertainment, conferencing and cultural life as we move forward PROJECT A: A new regional scale entertainment centre that supports larger entertainment opportunities as well as conventions and conferences with configurable space options and incorporates a First Nations cultural centre, located at Riverside. PROJECT B: An expansion of the Civic Theatre at the Wollundry Lagoon that adds two new venue spaces to support more performances, theatre, live music concerts and workshops. The engagement process aims to find out which of these concepts is seen as the highest priority by residents. Mayor of the City of Wagga Wagga Councillor Dallas Tout said it is an important decision for the future direction of culture and entertainment in the city.
“We've listened to past engagement and now we need our community’s help to determine what concept they want us to pursue first,” Cr Tout said. “As one of the leading regional centres in NSW, Wagga Wagga needs facilities which provide both lifestyle and economic benefits for the community at a regional scale.” Cultural, business conferencing and entertainment venue This project would create a regionally significant venue on the current Cross Street carpark site adjacent to the river, that would attract and host concerts, business conferences, trade shows and exhibitions and provide a premier space for gala dinners and award nights. The precinct would include a First Nations Place Keeping Facility and Cultural Centre to allow the stories of Aboriginal people to be told through high quality exhibitions, education and public engagement activities. Expansion of the Civic Theatre A draft masterplan has been created to explore expanding the theatre by adding two more performance and event spaces to the current 491 fixedseat theatre. All of this would increase the capacity of the theatre on any one night, boosting night-time economy in a
Hey Wagga Wagga residents, your input is needed!
bustling performing arts centre. General Manager Peter Thompson said our community has been the biggest advocate for these projects through past community engagement. “They would both be great additions to our city and surrounding region, generating jobs and stimulating the economy for decades to come,” Mr Thompson said. “However, as it is highly unlikely we would be able to get external funding to pursue both projects at the same time, we are seeking to understand the community's priority. “By giving us your feedback on the two options, it will help to direct Council’s efforts in seeking this crucial funding support. “I encourage our residents and businesses to get involved in this consultation; now is the time to have your say on how you would like to see the heart of our city grow and transform into the future. “Our staff will be heading out to locations and events over the next 28 days to chat with you and answer your questions face-to-face.” Turn over to see more about the two proposals and artist impressions. Complete the survey at future-venue
Council has announced a program of major civil works worth a total of almost $5.5 million, for the repair, rehabilitation and renewal of several key roads in our network. At its meeting on 20 November, Council accepted a $4.5 million offer from Complete Road Seal (CRS) for the rehabilitation of 13 road segments within Wagga Wagga. The works will include sections of Kooringal Road, Copland Street, Morgan Street, Forsyth Street and Johnston Street, as well as the length of Church Street and Cross Street. It adds to a $1 million contract already approved to contractors Fulton Hogan for a separate package for works. This will include rehabilitating part of Boorooma Street and Arnott Street in Ashmont, as well as road repairs on McNickle Road, O’Briens Creek Road and Oxley Bridge Road. Director Infrastructure Services Warren Faulkner said the roads in these two packages were prioritised for rehabilitation and renewal in the 20232024 financial year as part of Council’s longer term asset management plan. “This program of civil works will renew and improve these roads to make them safer and improve the drive quality for the travelling public,” Mr Faulkner said. The Kooringal Road works will be carried out in four sections: Lake Albert Road to Plumpton Road; Fay Avenue to Vincent Road; Simkin Cresent south for 300 metres; and Marshalls Creek Bridge to the Sturt Highway. “Contractors will also be rehabilitating Boorooma Street between the roundabouts at Messenger Avenue and Farrer Road, with an interim fix to remove the patchwork quilt of repairs to potholes,” Mr Faulkner said. “The temporary seal will provide a smoother and safer road surface until a full upgrade of the street is carried out as part of the Northern Growth Area Contributions plan.” A schedule of works for the two packages will be developed once the contracts have been finalised. The program of works is being funded by Council, the NSW Government's Regional Emergency Road Repair Fund and the Australian Government's Roads to Recovery Program.
Council is presenting two potential projects – both resulting from community feedback – that will provide increased access to arts, entertainment, conferencing and cultural experiences for residents while creating jobs and providing significant economic benefits to the community.
Scan to view the options!