Wagga Wagga City Council weekly newsletter
Escalating safety concerns western end of Dunns Road prompt full closure of
Saturday 26 August 2023 |
Issue #460
NOMINATE NOW: Launching the 2024 Australia Day Awards nominations, Wagga Wagga Mayor Cr Dallas Tout and Carmel Wallis from ErinEarth, which was awarded the 2023 Environmental Citizen of the Year.

Nominate your community champions for our 2024 Australia Day Awards
It’s time for residents across the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area to recognise the achievements of local citizens who have made significant community contributions by nominating them for a 2024 Australia Day Award.
Nominations opened on Friday 25 August across five award categories: Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year, Environmental Citizen of the Year, Ted Ryder Sports Memorial Award, and Walk of Honour.
Mayor of the City of Wagga Wagga Councillor Dallas Tout joined with ErinEarth co-founder Carmel Wallis to launch the awards.
Wagga Wagga City Council has taken the decisive step to fully block all access to the Olympic Highway end of Dunns Road in response to safety concerns surrounding the Dunns Road Upgrade project.
Dunns Road, between Kunzea Place and Olympic Highway, was closed to all through traffic when construction work began in June, but local residents still had access from both the eastern and western ends.
However, Council Directory Strategy & Projects Phil McMurray says a hard closure has now been put in place at the western end as a direct response to motorists blatantly disregarding road closure signs and driving through the road works site.
“The construction site has evolved into a high-risk zone due to the presence of heavy machinery and large trucks operating within close proximity,” Mr McMurray said.
“This kind of self-entitled behaviour by these motorists jeopardises not only their own safety but also that of the construction crew.”
Contractor Excell Gray Bruni Area Manager Justin Porganyi noted an alarming spike in motorists ignoring road closures and “recklessly speeding” along Dunns Road in recent weeks.
“This is clearly dangerous behaviour with heavy machinery and workers on the road,” Mr Porganyi said.

“While road closures might be inconvenient, they are essential safety measures to protect the lives of both our dedicated construction workers and the public,” Mr Porganyi said.
“Remember, every member of our team is someone's parent, sibling, spouse, or child – their safety matters, and we all have a role to play in ensuring they return home safely each day.”
Mr McMurray urges motorists to obey road closures, saying they are in place for a reason.
“Aside from putting lives at risk, people should know that ignoring road closure signs is a serious traffic offence,” Mr McMurray said.
“Motorists who disregard road closure signs face potential traffic infringement penalties. It may also impact a vehicle’s insurance claim.”
Riverina Highway Patrol Supervisor Sergeant Hannah Bloomfield says police obviously have significant concerns about the safety of the road crews that are working on the site.

“We've identified several instances of non-compliance so police will be maintaining a high presence around here whilst the road is closed,” Sergeant
Bloomfield said.
The upgrade project is progressing well due to the run of good weather in recent months.
“With around 400 B-double truckloads of road base delivered and applied across the three-kilometre section of unsealed road, the process of sealing will soon start,” Mr McMurray said.
Council and the contractor are working with Transport for NSW to finalise arrangements for the next stage of the project which will be to create the new Dunns Road and Olympic Highway intersection.
The project is funded by the Australian Government ($5.8 million) and Wagga Wagga City Council ($2.5 million).
“These awards are an opportunity for the community to show their appreciation for those citizens who’ve made a difference, whether it’s as part of a community group or organisation, or as an individual,” Cr Tout said.
“It’s a chance to reward and showcase the outstanding service, time and commitment which they give every day to improving the lives of others.”
ErinEarth was awarded Wagga Wagga’s 2023 Environmental Citizen of the Year award.
Co-founders Carmel Wallis and Kaye Bryan were acknowledged for their work towards a sustainable society founded on respect for the earth, universal human rights, economic justice, and a culture of peace.
“It’s been such a journey for ErinEarth over the past 25 years and we feel honoured to have been acknowledged for something that we have loved doing for this community and our environment,” Carmel Wallis said.
Nominations for the 2024 awards close at midnight, 26 November 2023.
To submit a nomination, visit wagga. nsw.gov.au/australiaday
Local primary school principals and music teachers are being encouraged to nominate students for the National Anthem competition by midnight, Wednesday 13 September 2023.
For further information about the awards or competition, please contact events@wagga.nsw.gov.au
DRIVING CHANGE: Council are leading by example in the path to net zero emissions by transitioning to EVs, in turn reducing corporate emissions.
More electric vehicles to hit the roads of Wagga Wagga
Wagga Wagga City Council has expanded its fleet of electric vehicles (EV), four years after it made the decision to purchase its first EV for staff use.

It recently added three new MG ZS Excite electric vehicles for staff use across the organisation. These vehicles produce zero exhaust pipe emissions.
Council Manager Plant, Fleet and Buildings Travis Weir says the transition to sustainable travel has already resulted in positive changes both internal and external to Council.
“The EV are pool vehicles to be used by staff for work related activities within our
local government area,” said Mr Weir.
“Staff have given positive feedback, noting the cars are easy and reliable to drive and the convenience in charging is useful. We have charging stations inside the council parking area, you just park and plug it into the charger as needed.
“Many of the staff are now more confident with electric travel, and this is one step Council has made to reduce corporate emissions, with more to come.”
Charging the EVs will also have reduced emissions due to the solar panels positioned on the Civic Centre building, equalling 302 panels in total.
The initiative to go electric is in line with the Corporate Net Zero Emissions 2040 Strategy adopted by Council last year.
The strategy details plans of action to avoid, minimise, and offset emissions from Council owned or managed activities and facilities, also identifying its role within the community in achieving the endorsed
The ClubGRANTS scheme is a statewide initiative that provides the framework for registered clubs that earn more than $1 million annually in gaming machine revenue to directly fund local projects and services.
NSW Government targets of net zero emissions by 2030 and 2050.
Maintenance for EVs in the form of charging stations have been growing in abundance around Wagga Wagga since February 2023, when Council received a grant for the installation of four new electric vehicle charging stations.
This funding is part of a NSW Government initiative which has committed $171 million to assist the building of EV charging infrastructure over the next four years.
Alongside the NSW Government, Council is also dedicated to ensuring improved access to electric vehicle charging. In August 2023, it adopted the ‘Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure on Public Land’ Policy.
Along with the solutions Council has engaged with to take climate action, the community of Wagga Wagga and surrounds can also contribute to our net zero goals.
The Draft Wagga Wagga Net Zero Emissions Community 2050 Roadmap is now on exhibition until Friday 22 September 2023.
This public document will focus specifically on how individuals, businesses, and groups within the Local Government Area can help contribute to net zero.
Members of the public have the opportunity to read and provide feedback on the draft online.
Visit haveyoursay.wagga.nsw.gov. au/netzero to read the Community Road Map and to submit a response, and make sure to keep an eye out for these new electric vehicles and equivalent charging stations when driving around Wagga Wagga.
Clontarf Foundation – Engage with Year 6 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander boys for transition to high school
Ashmont Public School – Breakfast Program
Mia the cool cat.
Mia is a spirited young woman who enjoys exploring, playing and is very affectionate.

She is seeking a safe, cozy fur-ever home, complete with plenty of play time.
Mia's adoption fee of $264 includes all her vet work: de-sexing, vaccination, microchip, lifetime registration and permanent identification. (Imp c23/0373)
6971 4651 graswagga.com.au
Gardener (Tree Maintenance)
$2,045.38 gpf + super
Closing: Sunday, 3 September 2023
Community Development Coordinator
$3,847.48 gpf + super
Closing: Sunday, 10 September 2023
Aboriginal Community Development Officer - Job Share (Part Time)
$2,431.36 gpf + super
Closing: Sunday, 17 September 2023

Amelia Parkins and representatives of the 17 successful groups and charities of the 2023 ClubGRANTS at the presentation held at the Wagga RSL Club on Thursday.
Community groups benefit from ClubGRANTS program
Local community groups and charities this week received a combined $178,700 in funding for projects and initiatives through the 2023 ClubGRANTS scheme during a presentation held at the Wagga RSL Club on Thursday.
Wagga Wagga City Council coordinates the local ClubGRANTS committee made up of a representative from Wagga RSL Club, Rules Club Wagga, Department of Communities and Justice and a local community representative.
Director Community Janice Summerhayes said the funds have been shared between 17 successful recipients.
“The funding provided by this scheme assists groups that may not have been able to secure financial assistance through other means and helps to ensure valued services and projects continue to be delivered,” Ms Summerhayes said.
The 2023 recipients and successful projects are:
Wagga African Association – Building culturally appropriate and respectful family relationships through dialogue
Riverina Vision Camp – Riverina Vision Camp 2023
Dreams2live4 – Dreams for metastatic cancer patients in the region
Ronald McDonald House – Sponsor nights for families in need
Carevan – Pillow Swap Program
Little Wings Limited – Children’s Hospital Flight Program
RSL and Service Clubs Association
– Veterans Benevolent Fund
Solve TAD Limited - The Joy of Cycling for People with Disabilities in Wagga Wagga City
Pro Patria – Wagga Wagga Property Trust
Cancer Council Wagga –Wagga
Relay for Life
NSW Police Legacy – Matthew Owen Family
Eugowra Flood Appeal – Rebuilding
Good Talk Mental Health – Wagga
Race Day
St Vincent De Paul Society – Family
Fun Day Wagga Showgrounds
Willans Hill School – Bus purchase assistance
Executive Assistant $2,759.24 gpf + super
Closing: Monday, 4 September 2023
Ranger $2,422.82 gpf + super
Closing: Friday, 8 September 2023
Wagga Wagga City Council is an EEO employer gpf = gross salary per fortnight
For more details and to apply, visit: Enquiries: 1300 292 442
wagga.nsw.gov.au/ jobs
Help shape our future haveyoursay.wagga.nsw.gov.au
Have your say Wagga Wagga
Road closures
Date: 6 September to 8 September 2023
Duration: From 9.30am to 2.30pm
Reason: Footpath concreting works
Detour: Coleman St, Macleay St, Urana St. WEWAK ST (BETWEEN TARAKAN AVE & BORNEO PL)
Date: Monday 4 September to Monday 11 September 2023 (weather permitting)
Duration: From 7am to 4pm
Reason: Reseal preparation works
Detour: Access for residents maintained
ALL NOTICES NOW ONLINE AT: wagga.nsw.gov.au/publicnotices
1300 292 442 wagga.nsw.gov.au