Wagga Wagga City Council weekly newsletter

Council will stage the installation of playground fencing at all Regional and Suburban level playgrounds across the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area as part of the revised Playground Strategy 2024-2044.
Adopted at the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Monday (22 July), the strategy includes 17 recommendations covering a range of actions required to achieve the aims of the strategy.
Council’s Recreation Coordinator Joshua Walsh said 50 written submissions were received when the revised draft Playground Strategy was placed on public exhibition in November and December 2023.
“We were pleased to see the community get involved in helping to shape this important strategy, which guides all aspects of Council’s playground management for the next two decades,” Mr Walsh said.
“One of the key themes of the feedback received centred on more fencing for playgrounds.
“We’ve listened to what the community had to say and added a recommendation for the installation of playground fencing at all Regional and
Suburban level playgrounds.”
The implementation of this recommendation would cover 10 playgrounds in total, at an estimated cost of $300,000.
It is proposed these projects are delivered in a staged approach with grant funding sought to fund the associated costs.
The playgrounds are at Apex Park, the Botanic Gardens, Bedervale, Chambers Park, Forest Hill, Glenfield Park Oval, Henwood Park, Riverside Precinct and Webb Park – all in Wagga Wagga – and Paddy Osborne Park in Tarcutta.
Other key themes of the public submissions were construction of a water/splash park, increasing the amount of shade at playgrounds, more toddler friendly areas and more barbecue/picnic areas.
“The strategy includes a recommendation that a water/splash park be included in the planning for the Bolton Park Masterplan,” Mr Walsh said.
“Staff have been working towards realising this project by submitting applications for grant funding.
“We also have six recommendations which directly relate to improving shade coverage at existing playgrounds and
ensuring it’s integrated in the planning of future play spaces.”
As of July 2024, Council has 25 playgrounds with sails; seven of which have been installed since an audit of the shade provision was completed in 2022.
A further five playgrounds have funding confirmed and plans for construction are in progress.
Wagga Wagga City Council has supported 63 community-led projects through its 2024/25 Annual Grants Program.
At its Ordinary Meeting on Monday night, Council endorsed allocating $268,059 in funding across 10 grant categories including various environmental, creative, cultural and community projects and initiatives.
The Annual Grants Program this year attracted 93 applications, with the total amount of funding requested by the community reaching $521,372.60.
The 10 categories are: Community Programs & Projects; Recreational & Community Facilities; Neighbourhood & Rural Villages; Rural Halls; Arts, Culture & Creative Industries; Local Heritage; Events; Environment; Youth Programs and Projects; and Small Business.
Mayor of the City of Wagga Wagga Councillor Dallas Tout said the program's continuing popularity can be seen in the number of applications received.
“Our Annual Grants program plays an important role in providing vital support across the community,” Cr Tout said.
“The program enables Council to support local non-profit community groups, individuals and small business with project funding which directly benefit our community.”
The successful applicants for 2024/25 covered a wide range of projects and initiatives, from a plumbing upgrade for the Tarcutta Soldiers Memorial Hall to supporting the Afghanistan Women’s Football team to visit Wagga Wagga for a weekend of events.
“We are pleased to be able to provide this support to the successful applicants, who will be delivering these diverse and inclusive programs and initiatives to the community,” Cr Tout said.
“We look forward to seeing these projects come to fruition.”
Applications were assessed by 10 category panels comprising of a Councillor, an independent community representative, and Council staff.
The Annual Grants Program is part of Council’s commitment to developing a vibrant and diverse community in line with the goals of the Wagga View, Community Strategic Plan 2040
New initiative to look at smaller scale second homes opportunities Local students roll up their sleeves for
Council will investigate the potential for small second homes in Wagga Wagga after successfully securing a $420,000 grant from the Federal Government via the Housing Support Program.
The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts funding is for the development of the Wagga Wagga City Smaller Scale Second Home Initiative.
Secondary housing can provide a wider range of housing options to meet the diverse needs of residents and key workers. It can cater to smaller household sizes, differing income levels and lifestyles, offering alternatives to traditional three or four bedroom homes.
Council’s General Manager Peter Thompson says the uptake of secondary dwellings is currently considered low in Wagga Wagga, compared to other regional centres in NSW.
“The intention of this project is to understand the potential for smaller, second homes in our residential and rural areas and to promote the opportunities that exist through this housing type to our community,” Mr Thompson said.
“We also want to find out what barriers exist and what changes are needed to improve the uptake of secondary dwellings.
“There are obstacles in the Local Environmental Plan, the Development Control Plan, and the fees and charges; we will be looking at those and how we might change those obstacles to make it more attractive to build secondary dwellings.”
The project is aimed at trying to take some of the barriers away from people who might be looking at changing their residential lot into a dual occupancy or having a second dwelling, including blocks in rural areas.
“We're looking for ways where we can facilitate housing supply and address housing affordability,” Mr Thompson said.
“The more we can make it easier for the community to participate in providing solutions, the better off everyone will be and we can hopefully start to ease the housing shortage.”
Council will provide an in-kind contribution to the project by way of project co-ordination, administration and promotion to the amount of $30,000.
HELPING HANDS: Possums Early Learning Centre are excited to plant the seedlings for this year’s Schools Tree Day. Pictured: Environmental Education Officer Christina Reid, Educator Ingrid McNeilly, Little Possums Room Leader Deepali Bhagwat, and students.
Students around the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area gave back to the environment by planting seedlings at their school or preschool for Schools Tree Day on Friday 26 July.
Council donated more than 1200 seedlings to 20 local schools and preschools to plant, with a wider community planting to follow on Sunday.
Environmental Education Officer
Christina Reid was pleased to see the students of Possums Early Learning Centre enjoying a day out in nature this week to plant the seedlings given to them by Council.
“Planting seedlings is a fun and educational way for young people to learn about the environment while gaining land care skills,” Ms Reid said.
“Initiatives like this show that small actions, or people can make a big difference to our environment.”
Another 1200 seedlings will go into the ground as part of the National Tree Day community planting event on Sunday 28 July from 10am-12.30pm in Bomen.
Council has partnered with Regional Growth NSW Development Corporation for this year’s event.
“It is great to have their support for National Tree Day, which is a wonderful community event,” Ms Reid said.
“This year’s planting site has limited space available, so people must register before they attend. This will also help us know how many people to cater for with a free lunch sponsored by Council and provided by ErinEarth on the day.”
for Sunday’s event, visit gov.au/nationaltreeday
Wagga Wagga City Council’s Active Travel Plan has taken an important step forward with the NSW Government offering funding for a new shared path link between the Exhibition Centre and Hammond Avenue.
At its Ordinary Meeting on Monday 22 July, Council accepted the funding of $1,354,890 under the Get NSW Active funding program.
Manager City Growth & Regional
Assets Ben Creighton said the grant will cover the entire estimated construction cost, including project management, escalation and contingencies.
“This new link will comprise a 728m concrete shared path that includes a pedestrian bridge over Marshalls Creek adjacent to Kooringal Road,” Mr Creighton said.
“It’s something Council has been planning for a while, and we have spent a lot of time after receiving feedback from the community, particularly the users of the Exhibition Centre.
“There has been concern about the current lack of a separate pedestrian path across the Kooringal Road bridge, which has seen people walking on the road to get across Marshalls Creek.
“This work will address those concerns by providing a separated shared path for pedestrians and cyclists.”
It is anticipated that planning and procurement activities will occur during the remainder of 2024, with construction to be completed in 2025.
When finished, Council’s Active Travel Plan network will provide a dedicated cycle and pedestrian network of paths across the city, giving residents a safe alternative for commuting and leisure.
Wagga Wagga City Council, in accordance the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 – Reg 280, hereby gives notice that persons are entitled to vote in the upcoming Local Government Election and are entitled to be enrolled as electors, if they are owners, rate paying lessees or occupiers of rateable land in the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area.
Brian Beasley MON 29 JUL, 12PM – 2PM The Curious Rabbit, 44 Johnson St. P. 6921 5391
Art Classes with Leigh Hewitt MON 29 JUL, 6PM – 8PM The Curious Rabbit, 44 Johnson St. P. 6921 5391
Wagga Civic Theatre, Burns Way. P. 6926 9688
Lunchulele with
Oh What A Night TUE 30 JUL, 8PM – 10PM Wagga Wagga Civic
Meet the curious Carson!
This happy and energetic one-yearold black and tan male Australian Kelpie is looking for a home that will suit his needs.
He will need ongoing training, lots of exercise and mental stimulation.
Carson (ImpD24/0220) is available for adoption for $344, which includes microchipping, lifetime registration, vaccination, heartworm test, flea & worming treatment, ID tag and desexing.
Claims for enrolment as an owner, ratepaying lessee or occupier of rateable land in Wagga Wagga Local Government Area must be received by the General Manager of Wagga Wagga City Council by 6pm (EST) Monday 5 August 2024.
Claim forms are available from Council’s Customer Services Centre, cnr Baylis and Morrow Streets, Wagga Wagga or from Council’s website wagga.nsw.gov.au/the-council/citycouncil-elections/voting
Further information may be obtained by contacting Council’s Governance Officer, Kori West on 1300 292 442 or the NSW Electoral Commission website elections.nsw.gov.au
Theatre, Burns Way. P. 6926 9688
Pottery and Pints THU 1 & FRI 2 AUG, 7PM – 9PM North Shore Studios, 57 William St. P. 0418 876 122
Riverina Producers Market THU 1 AUG, 1PM – 6.30PM
Hammond Hall, Wagga Wagga Showground, Bourke St. E. steve@ wfgb.com.au
Date Night with the Sky FRI 2 AUG, 6PM – 9PM Bidgee Strawberries and Cream, Billagha St. P. 0480 311 643 Guitar Trek FRI 2 AUG, 7PM – 9PM The Riverine Club, Sturt St. P. 6926 9688
For event organising and promotion support, contact Council’s events team: events@wagga. nsw.gov.au or 1300 292 442. Mon – Fri. /waggaevents visitwagga.com