New look Lake Albert dog park opens for play

The Lake Albert dog park is once again open to Wagga Wagga residents and their canine companions, after Council completed the project to upgrade the ageing facility.
Located in O’Halloran Park, at the northern end of Lake Albert, the dog park has been closed since midOctober to allow for the major revamp, its first in more than 15 years.
Parks and Recreation Assets Officer Rob Owers is confident the community, and their pets, will enjoy the changes and improvements made as part of the project.
“We have given the existing agility equipment a fresh coat of paint and installed turf in the central part of the dog park, around some of the equipment,” Mr Owers said.
“There’s a new, taller chain wire fence around the park, with top and bottom rails, and we built up the soil, so it comes up to the bottom of the rail, so dogs won’t fit under it without digging their way out.
“There are also double gates to enter and leave the park, to reduce the chance of dogs getting out if one of the gates is left open. The last of these gates was installed last Thursday (28 November).
“We’ve also made some new additions, including a bubbler and bowl for the dogs, a shelter and picnic seating, and a variety of seating options for pet owners and visitors within the dog park itself.”
A concrete access path from the carpark is another addition, and the Pet Waste Bag Dispenser has been relocated closer to the entrance gate.
With a large number of mature Blakeney Red Gums inside and surrounding the dog park, Council approached an arborist for an assessment of the most appropriate ground cover around the trees.
“The arborist recommended putting in a special forest wood mulch to help protect the trees’ extensive root systems by reducing the compaction from the people and dogs who use the park,” Mr Owers said.
“It's got a long strand so it doesn't flick around as much as, say, playground mulch, and that will hopefully minimize the dogs flicking it everywhere as they run around the park.”
Council ‘em-barked’ on the upgrade project in response to a number of requests from the public to improve the facility.
Mr Owers thanked residents and the broader community for their patience and cooperation during the upgrade project.
“We know it caused some disruption in the area and had an impact on those people who regularly visit the dog park with their pets,” Mr Owers said.
“However, their understanding has enabled us to get through the work quickly and has given the newly installed turf much-needed time to establish its roots system before being exposed to the pattering of paws.”
The upgrade spend has been $70,000, funded through Council’s Strategic Recreation Renewal Budget.

ABSOLUTELY ‘PAW-SOME’: Local resident Howard Hocking and Oscar check out the changes and new additions to the revamped dog park in Lake Albert.
Events & Tourism

Hundreds of amateur cyclists, including the next generation of Australian racing stars are expected to descend on Wagga Wagga when the AusCycling Junior & Masters Road National Championships arrive next spring.
The nation’s brightest youth and masters-aged road cyclists will compete across four days from 18−21 September 2025.
The annual event brings together cyclists from across the nation to compete for the coveted title of Australian champion. Racing will be held across three disciplines: the individual time trial, road race, and criterium.
AusCycling's Head of Events (Road and Esport) Jeff Corbett said: "We are excited to bring the AusCycling Junior & Masters Road National Championships to Wagga Wagga, a major regional centre with a rich cycling heritage and outstanding bike-riding facilities.
“We are looking forward to partnering with the City of Wagga Wagga and the local community to deliver an outstanding event for the nation’s best amateur cyclists.”
It will be the third time in four years Council has partnered with AusCycling to host a championship-level cycling event at the city’s Multisport Cycling Complex at Pomingalarna Reserve.
Mayor of the City of Wagga Wagga Councillor Dallas Tout is thrilled the city will be able once again to showcase a facility purpose-built for these types of activities to competitors from across the nation, as well as from this region.
“It will be an exciting opportunity for local cycling fans and the broader community to see some potential stars of the future and the masters-aged riders in action, and they can also hit the track themselves with the community bike festival,” Cr Tout said.
The courses for the road races and time trials will be announced next year.
The championships will also feature a community bike festival on Sunday, September 21 at the Cycling Complex. Locals of all ages and abilities will be invited to bring their own bikes and join in the festivities.

New enclosure for Zoo & Aviary miniature cattle
A new enclosure for the Wagga Wagga Zoo & Aviary’s two miniature cattle, Stanley and Basil, is nearing completion.
Wagga Wagga City Council’s Team Leader Parks Operations Jonathan Nicoll said when it is finished, the enclosure will include many new and
Business & Economy
New food safety requirements from 8 December
New food safety requirements covering school canteens, boarding schools, childcare centres, supermarkets and coffee vendors selling food will apply from Sunday 8 December.
Three new requirements have been introduced for businesses by the NSW Food Authority, depending on their food handling activities.
Wagga Wagga City Council
Environmental Health Coordinator
Sharomi Dayanand says these include appointing a Food Safety Supervisor, ensuring food handlers are trained, and being able to show safe food practices.
“The rules only apply to businesses that sell or serve ready-to-eat unpackaged food that needs to be kept hot or cold to stay safe,” Ms Dayanand said.
“Packaged food, and products like confectionary, are generally not included.”
Ms Dayanand said the requirements will help prevent people falling ill from eating unsafe food.
“Most of our local food businesses take food safety seriously,” Ms

important features.
“The Zoo & Aviary can be subject to severe runoff after a storm, and our cattle can be vulnerable when there’s a lot of water around or the ground is mushy,” Mr Nicoll said.
“To help with this, the new enclosure will include a full dry area as well as new turf,
Free entry
The Wagga Wagga Zoo and Aviary is open every day during the school holidays, 9am – 4pm (no entry after 3.45pm, closed Christmas Day).

improved stormwater drainage and a new irrigation system.”
Mr Nicoll said all the works are being completed by Council’s Zoo team.
“A new shed has already been constructed, and we hope to be moving Stanley and Basil into their refurbished home by Christmas.”

Dayanand said. “These new measures strengthen practices and processes, making sure consumers continue enjoying their food knowing it’s safe to eat.
“Council is taking an educative
approach by advising local food businesses of the new requirements and developing food safety newsletters, posters and food safety calendars.”
For more information please visit:
Siding Rd River and Wren Market: Christmas Market
SUN 8 DEC, 10AM – 3PM Wagga Wagga Showgrounds, Bourke St Lazy Sundays at The Wild Vine –John McKellar SUN 8 DEC, 12PM - 3PM The Wild Vine, 1313 Oura Rd Wagga Wagga Country Music Club
SUN 8 DEC, 1.30PM - 4.30PM RSL Club Wagga Wagga, Cnr Kincaid & Dobbs St Myanmar Humanitarian Aid Music Concert SUN 8 DEC, 6PM – 9PM Wagga Wagga Civic Theatre, Burns Way
'Tis the Season MON 9 DEC, 11AM – 12PM Wagga Wagga Civic Theatre, Burns Way Painting Classes with Leigh Hewitt
MON 9 DEC, 6PM – 8PM The Curious Rabbit, 44 Johnston St Riverina Producers Market THU 12 DEC, 1PM – 6.30PM Hammond Hall, Wagga Wagga Showground, 27 Bourke St Wagga Wagga Orchid Society Gathering THU 12 DEC, 7PM – 8PM ARCC Hall, 131 Tarcutta St Pottery & Pints –Christmas Gnomes THU 12 DEC, 7PM – 9PM North Shore Studios, 57 William St, North Wagga Wagga Infusion Games Trivia and Karaoke THU 12 DEC, 8.30PM The Victoria Hotel, 55 Baylis St Wagga RSL Christmas Party on the Greens FRI 13 DEC, 5PM – 11PM Wagga RSL Club, Dobbs