Community Engagement Strategy

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“If there is any great secret of success in life, it lies in the ability to put yourself in the other person’s place and to see things from his point of well as your own” Henry Ford

MAYOR’S FOREWORD Welcome to the City of Wagga Wagga’s Community Engagement Strategy. You’re reading this because you want to be involved in community decisions that affect you and you want to know how you can contribute and participate. Council looks forward to your contribution. The community of Wagga Wagga is made up of a number of diverse and different communities covering a large land area. As such there are many points of view to be considered before making community decisions. So, what is Community Engagement? Basically, it’s information sharing, consultation and active participation between government and communities. There are a number of forms of Community Engagement which may range from receiving a letter about a neighbour’s development application, to an advertisement in the newspaper, to attending a facilitated workshop on a masterplan or project. Council recognises that community members and other stakeholders in the community have a lot to offer in their expertise, skills and experience in the community and we want to make the most of your knowledge when making council decisions. Council has a responsibility and influence on matters that affect your lives and we want your input on such issues. Council needs increasing community participation to ensure that everyone has access to fair and informed decision making. Council welcomes the increased role that Councillors are expected to play in Community Engagement. As your elected representatives, we encourage you to contact Councillors to discuss the future of the community with us. Contact details are available via or by phoning 1300 2 WAGGA (1300 292 442). We trust that this strategy will smooth the path to good communication. It is with pleasure that I commend Council’s updated Community Engagement Strategy to you. Yours sincerely Cr Kerry Pascoe Mayor of the City of Wagga Wagga

Your feedback to the ongoing development and review of this strategy is welcome. Feedback can be directed to, the Customer Service Centre at the Civic Centre cnr Baylis & Morrow Streets or via 1300 2 WAGGA (1300 292 442).


Community Engagement Strategy

CONTENTS Why engage?


What makes up Council’s Community Engagement Framework?


International Association of Public Participation (IAP2)


The Role of Councillors and Council Staff in Community Engagement


Who are the Community?


Community Inclusivity


Context 6 Principles 7 What is Community Engagement?


Levels of Engagement


Methods of Engagement


Other Communication Tools


Methods of Feedback


Evaluation of Community Engagement activities


Ongoing Community Engagement


Feedback to this strategy


Community Engagement Strategy


PURPOSE This Community Engagement Strategy has been developed to guide the ongoing communication between Council and the community for planning for the future. Council actively encourages community participation in the governance and decision making process and see that this is an essential factor to successful decision making. Council is committed to having open, honest, respectful and truthful communication with the community and encourages the community to do the same. This Strategy was developed using feedback gathered during the This Way Wagga Vision 2030 project, feedback during other engagement activities relating to strategic, social and masterplanning, reference to best practice community engagement techniques as well as reference to other agencies strategies and documents. All these ideas and feedback have been amalgamated into Councils Community Engagement Strategy and Staff Methodology.

WHY ENGAGE? Community Engagement provides a valuable link between Councillors, the Council organisation and the community they serve by: • • • • • • • • •

Enabling Council to gain a better understanding of local needs Enabling the community to be better informed Reducing the level of misconception or misinformation Ensuring commitment and greater ownership of the final decision by the community Encouraging the community to put forward ideas To make decisions with the well being of the whole community in mind Helping to identify issues which may not otherwise have been considered – others outside of Council may well be the experts Acknowledging the basic human need for people to be involved in decisions that impact them Enabling council to make sustainable decisions






Community Engagement Strategy

WHAT MAKES UP COUNCIL’S COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT FRAMEWORK? Community Engagement at City of Wagga Wagga includes two documents:

Community Engagement Strategy (this document) • • •

Overview of how Council will engage with the community Summary of methods and techniques Reference to best practice required under the Act

Community Engagement Toolkit • • • • •

Details of how Council will engage How to determine the right method or technique Techniques/Methods Feedback mechanisms Evaluation Techniques

International Association of Public Participation (IAP2) The International Association of Public Participation (IAP2) has been used to shape the future of community engagement at the City of Wagga Wagga, as it is considered best practice in community engagement and public participation. IAP2 is referenced throughout this strategy and the staff toolkit. More information on IAP2 can be found on

The Role of Councillors and Council Staff in Community Engagement Community engagement is about ensuring that the community have an opportunity to participate in the decisions made by Council. A Councillor’s role in community engagement is to participate as an elected member, listen to the views of the community and consider these views when making decisions at Council. Community engagement provides valuable opportunities for Councillors to hear and understand the voice of the community and ensure that this voice is properly represented when Council meet and make resolutions which impact the future of our community. A Council staff member’s role in community engagement is to organise and facilitate the discussion, record, provide feedback, evaluate the engagement and consider the community’s views when making recommendations to Council. Both Councillors and Council staff are encouraged not to dominate or direct community discussions, nor to dismiss the community’s input. Instead, Councillors and Staff should allow discussions to move forward in an open, respectful and inclusive way.

Who are the Community? IAP2 considers the community to be any individual or group of individuals, organisation or political entity with an interest in the outcome of a decision - they are often referred to as stakeholders. They may be, or perceive that they may be, affected directly or indirectly by the outcome of a decision. Internal stakeholders (individuals who work for or with the decision-making organisation) are also part of the community and the community participation process should reflect their needs as well. Further statistics regarding the Wagga Wagga community can be found on the Community Profiles link on Community Engagement Strategy


COMMUNITY INCLUSIVITY Council, in its engagement activities, will make every effort to ensure that all perspectives are considered, in order to: • Attract and reach a cross section of the community by using a wide range of communication methods • Invite specific targeted community groups as identified in particular projects • Accommodate participants’ cultural, language, sexuality and other minority groups or groups with special needs • Involve community groups and individuals who are sometimes hard to reach such as children, young people, people with disabilities, women, socially disadvantaged, people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and people from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds The following target groups have been identified as part of this Strategy: • Children • Young people • Older people • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people • People from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds • People with disabilities • Families • Villages and Rural Communities • Community groups • Stakeholders (business, government, private) • Councillors • Council staff

CONTEXT Giving everyone a voice Council’s Charter (in section 8 of the Local Government Act 1993) requires Council’s to provide directly or on behalf of other governments adequate, equitable, appropriate, efficient and effective services and facilities, after consultation. Council is committed to ensuring that all groups in our community have an equal opportunity to participate and be involved in decision making through the activities which form the Community Engagement Strategy.


Community Engagement Strategy

PRINCIPLES Section 402(4) of the Local Government Act 1993 requires councils to develop and implement a Community Engagement Strategy for consultation with the community which must also be based on social justice principles: • Equity • Access • Participation • Rights In all dealings with the community, Council will also employ its Corporate Values: • Innovation • Trust • Respect • Teamwork ‘This Way Wagga – Vision 2030’ as well as the Community Strategic Plan also have key objectives to achieve community participation in decision-making (Objective 1 – Participatory democracy and decisive leadership).

WHAT IS COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT? Community Engagement is also known as Public Participation or Participatory Democracy. The International Association of Public Participation (IAP2) considers community engagement to be any process that involves the public in problem solving or decision making and uses public input to make decisions. Public participation includes all aspects of identifying problems and opportunities, developing alternatives and making decisions. It uses tools and techniques which are common to a number of dispute resolution and communications fields. IAP2 illustrate community engagement as follows:. Source: IAP2





Community Engagement Strategy


LEVELS OF ENGAGEMENT Council is committed to the International Association of Public Participation (IAP2) Spectrum and its recommendations for community engagement. Council has adapted IAP2 approach to define how we in Wagga Wagga communicate with our community:





Goal: Information

Goal: Community input

Goal: Greater Community input

Goal: Shared decision making

Goal: Community decision-making

Providing information about issues that affect our community in a one-way format

To obtain community input on issues that affect our community

To work on ongoing basis or directly with the public on issues that affect our community

To partner with the public in each aspect of the decision including the development of alternatives and the identification of the preferred solution

To place final decision making in the hand of the public

We will work with you to develop alternatives and provide feedback on how public input influenced the decision

We will partner with you in decision making to the maximum extent possible

We will implement what you decide

• Workshops • Deliberate polling • Advisory Committees

• Consensus building • Participatory decision making

• Citizen juries • Ballots • Delegated decisions • Section 356 Committees

Our promise to you: We will keep you informed

We will keep you informed, listen and ask for input and feedback

Example techniques to consider: • Fact sheets • Web sites • Open houses • Letters to residents • Advertisements • Public Notices

• Public comment • Focus groups • Surveys • Public meetings • Public exhibition • Village consultations

*Council’s Community Engagement Toolkit, which is a resource for Council staff, includes references to the IAP2 spectrum and the steps and process required for Preparing for Public Participation 8

Community Engagement Strategy

METHODS OF ENGAGEMENT Some of the methods which Council will use to engage with you include:

Township and Community Groups Township/community associations are a valuable means of giving and receiving feedback on a range of issues, For a localised issue it may only be selected individuals or associations that are consulted


You can contact any of your elected representatives to discuss issues for the community. Contact details are available via or 1300292442


Council’s publication will be an avenue for information about community engagement activities

Focus Groups or Forums These are discussion groups usually led by a trained facilitator to find out the range of options available on a particular subject. Participants are invited because they are residents or have a particular interest, involvement or stake in the subject being discussed. The group may be comprised of a range of people with particular skills and interests relevant to the particular issue.

Local Neighbourhood Placing articles on local notice boards, in local newsletters and publications such as community and school newsletters, may also include neighbourhood networks and social groups as a vehicle for communication

Letter box Drop Council seeks feedback through unaddressed leaflets or flyers delivered to an affected area. The flyer will summarise the relevant issues

Telephone Two way communication between Council and resident

Survey This is a statistically correct survey or particular qualitative and quantitative data. The data may include individual’s attitudes, beliefs or information

Personal Briefings These are held at the request of a member or members of the local community to discuss particular issues with a responsible officer, which may include a Councillor. Initial contact should be made via 1300292442

Receive petitions Council receives and responds to petitions generated by residents/stakeholders and reacts appropriately as per POL082 - Petitions Policy

Write a Letter This is a personally addressed letter to all affected households. It will outline the issues and invite comment. It will always indicate where the comment should be directed within Council. Citizens may, of course, initiate an exchange through this medium

Community Engagement Strategy


METHODS OF ENGAGEMENT CONTINUED Media Release This involves issuing media releases and conducting interviews with local journalists. If it is part of the engagement process, the Council spokesperson will indicate to the media representative that feedback from the community is valued. The media release will be forwarded to local media and is also available to the community via

Contacting Council Community members can contact Council or Councillors at any time via 1300292442 or

Web Page & Social Media Information will be placed on City of Wagga Wagga internet site at Residents may also post their comments at this site and receive feedback. Where possible, information will also be placed on relevant social media sites.


Community Engagement Strategy

OTHER COMMUNICATION TOOLS This Strategy is not designed to dictate exactly which engagement tools will be used, but is a guide as to how to expect communication from Council. There may be a good reason for other methods of engagement to be used, and this will be considered using the Community Engagement Toolkit. Council will also work with emerging technologies to maintain engagement levels across the community.

METHODS OF FEEDBACK We want to make sure that when you have participated in Community Engagement activities, you feel your contribution is valued and utilised during the process. Council undertakes a commitment that: •

Upon completion of a Community Engagement activity, outcomes from the activity will be communicated to all participants

Information will be provided more broadly to the community outlining the community engagement outcomes, considerations and recommendations made by Council – this will be available on Councils website

Formal reports to Standing Committees and to Council will contain a statement about how we engaged with the community when providing recommendations

EVALUATION OF COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITIES Staff (and where appropriate Councillors) undertaking engagement activities are encouraged to evaluate the effectiveness of the engagement – this may be via a survey or questionnaire. Your honest feedback will help Council ensure that future techniques used are improved to make them more relevant. All feedback will be considered in the spirit in which it is offered.

ONGOING COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Council is dedicated to ensuring that ongoing Community Engagement activities evolve to meet the needs of the community. To ensure the ongoing needs of both Council and the community are met effectively, Council will: •

Continually review and update methods of engagement for relevance.

Try to combine, where possible, engagement activities to ensure convenience, value and reduced duplication of activities

FEEDBACK TO THIS STRATEGY Your feedback to the ongoing development and review of this Strategy is welcome. Feedback can be directed to, the Customer Service Centre at the Civic Centre cnr Baylis & Morrow Streets or via 1300 2 WAGGA (1300 292 442). The IAP2 Framework for Public Participation including the foundations, values and Steps for Public Participation have been referenced strongly through this strategy. More information on IAP2 can be found at Community Engagement Strategy


City of Wagga Wagga Cnr Baylis and Morrow Streets WAGGA WAGGA NSW 2650 Phone: 1300 2 WAGGA (1300 292 442) Fax 02 6926 9199

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