Council News Issue #534 - 22 February 2025

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Villages to share feedback on CSP 2050

VILLAGE VISITS: Council’s Executive Manager, Regional Activation – Projects, Christine Priest and

Humula on Wednesday 19 February to chat to community about the CSP.

After strong collaboration with our community, Council has drafted the Community Strategic Plan (CSP) or Wagga Wagga 2050, which is open for public feedback until Wednesday 12 March.

As the next stage of community consultation for the CSP 2050, Council is visiting multiple areas around our city and surrounds to show our community the draft and hear if we are on the right track.

Part of Council’s next lot of engagement with our community focuses on visiting our villages, with multiple pop-up sessions confirmed.

Council’s Executive Manager, Regional Activation – Projects Christine Priest is encouraging residents in the villages and surrounding area to come along to these sessions and share their voice.

“Our villages are a unique and key part of life in our region, and contribute greatly to our community,” Ms Priest said.

“We really want to get feedback from our villages on the draft plan to make sure we have covered the key priorities and goals for their area that were communicated during the original consultation phase last year.

“It's also an opportunity for our villages to see how they have contributed to the draft document, and the broader

plan for the future of Wagga Wagga and surrounds.”

Council kicked off the village engagement earlier this week with a visit to Humula and will be heading to Uranquinty on Saturday morning.

“We’ve been communicating with each village to identify which pathways of communication and feedback would work best for each village. While some villages won’t be holding in-person engagement, we still want to hear from residents about whether we are on the right track.”

There are several ways you can give us your input, such as heading online to our Have Your Say Wagga Wagga page, where you can read the draft document and make a submission. You also can drop in on one of our public feedback sessions, or contact council on 1300 292 442 or council@

Village feedback sessions

Quinty Bakery: Saturday 22 February 8am-10am

Mangoplah Pub: Wednesday 26 February 5.30pm6.30pm

Oura Hall: Friday 28 February 5.30pm-7pm

Paddy Osborne Park, Tarcutta: Tuesday 4 March 5.30pm-7pm

Currawarna Community Centre: Thursday 6 March 5.30pm-7pm

Remember to remove lids from all bottles and containers before placing them in the yellow lid recycling bin. Lids and bottles can both be recycled – just

Community invited to apply for the 2025/26 Annual Grants Program

Community organisations, individuals and local businesses that have a project, event, or great idea are invited to apply for funding under the 2025/26 Annual Grants Program.

The program, administered by Wagga Wagga City Council, is designed to help fund projects that benefit our local community.

Applications for the 2025/26 Annual Grants Program open on Monday 24 February, with a total of $232,000 available across 10 categories including: Arts, Culture & Creative Industries, Community Programs & Projects, Environment, Events, Local Heritage, Neighbourhood & Rural Villages, Recreational & Community Facilities, Rural Halls, Small Business, and Youth Programs & Projects.

The Annual Grants Program is part of Council’s commitment to developing a vibrant and diverse community in line with the goals of the Community Strategic Plan 2040

Mayor of the City of Wagga Wagga Councillor Dallas Tout encourages community groups and individuals to apply for funding to make their projects happen.

“The Annual Grants Program supports a diverse range of projects that directly benefit our community,” Cr Tout said.

“It’s one of many ways Council supports our community at a grassroots level, whether you live in a city suburb, a village, or in a rural area.

“It is always so pleasing to see, yearon-year, such a strong take-up of this program by our community.”

Director Community, Janice Summerhayes, said, “The Annual Grants Program supports a wide range of services and activities that contribute to meeting important needs and priorities in our community.

“We will be holding a Community Consultation Session on Friday 4 April 2025. I encourage anyone interested to attend to learn more about the application process and discuss their project ideas and plans with the relevant Grants Officer for their category.”

Applications for the 2025/26 Annual Grants Program close on Monday 5 May 2025 at 11:59pm. For more information, visit community/grants-and-sponsorships

Councillor Jenny McKinnon visited
CSP Engagement: Oura Hall with Mayor of the City of Wagga Wagga, Cr Dallas Tout. (2024)
CSP Engagement: Tarcutta Hall Markets. (2024)

Jim Elphick Tennis Centre Upgrade

Match point is nearing at the Jim Elphick Tennis Centre as the upgrade enters its final stages in anticipation of the site’s grand opening, currently scheduled for mid-April 2025, weather permitting.

Contractors – seen here applying the base coat to what will eventually be international standard courts – are busy preparing the acrylic surfaces for application of the final two-tone blue Australian Open surface.

The eight International Tennis Federation (ITF) championship cushioned acrylic hard courts will ensure the Jim Elphick Tennis Centre be able to host ITF-level events.

Meanwhile, synthetic turf courts are already complete, with sand swept in and nets installed.

Balcony Sessions back to celebrate refurbished balcony

Wagga Wagga Civic Theatre’s Balcony Sessions are starting up again this Sunday, 23 February.

Dale Allison and Geoff Simpson from local band the Groove Factorie will perform together this weekend with various local emerging artists on the Theatre’s just-refurbished balcony in a sold out first session.

Box Office Coordinator Isobel MacCallum said the scheduled upgrade on the balcony started in the first week of January, and the scaffolding came down to reveal the finished project on Tuesday 18 February.

“It was a big job, involving laying down a second cement base, waterproofing and tiling,” Ms MacCallum said.

“This scheduled maintenance work program also involved new panelling and wiring to be installed underneath the balcony, and repainting.”

Visitors will also notice a technical upgrade as they walk into the Civic Theatre with new electronic signage installed. Thirteen new display screens have been fitted in the foyers and bar area that liven up these spaces, assisting audience members to navigate the venue, promote upcoming events and present video content to theatregoers.

Environment & Animals

Sustainable and beautiful

A new garden area has been nurtured to life at the Museum of the Riverina’s Botanic Gardens site.

This garden area, located in the backyard area of the museum, has been established through thoughtful sustainable landscaping and the use of local plant species.

As part of Wagga Wagga’s Seniors Festival in March, members of the community will be able to learn about the planning and execution of this sustainable native garden by seeing firsthand how it was done.

The ‘Walking in Nature’ guided tours will be led by Museum Assistant Matthew Brassil, who was involved in the design and construction of the garden, and

7PM – 9PM Bolton Park Stadium, Morgan St.

Lazy Sundays at The Wild Vine – Trysta Willoughby SUN 23 FEB, 12PM – 3PM The Wild Vine, 1313 Oura Rd. Now and Then SUN 23 FEB, 1PM – 3.30PM The Basement Theatre, Morrow St. Balcony Sessions with Dale Allison &

Geoff Simpson SUN 23 FEB, 6PM – 8PM Wagga Wagga Civic Theatre, Burns Way.

Lunchulele with Brian Beasley

MON 24 FEB, 12PM – 2PM The Curious Rabbit, 44 Johnston St. Paint Club with Kate Smith MON 24 FEB, 6PM – 8PM The Curious Rabbit, 44 Johnston St. Art After School –Term 1 26 FEB, 4PM – 5:30PM

Council’s Environmental Education Officer Christina Reid.

“The garden’s plants are all local to the Willans Hill area,” Mr Brassil said.

“In November 2023 a contractor commenced building the garden’s retaining walls using large rocks to terrace the sloped area, and when that was completed, we started the planting.”

The garden was constructed with more than 600 plants, all typically found locally on rocky ridges as opposed to the river flats.

The two free ‘Walking in Nature’ tours will be held 10am-11am Tuesday 4 March and Friday 14 March.

Environmental Education Officer Christina Reid said participants will learn about how this garden area was designed without the need of irrigation.

“I’m sure these tours will inspire participants to think about their own home gardens and hopefully consider water wise gardening in any future plans they may have for their own gardens.”

Participants will also be able to view other features in the garden including a range of large objects from the museum’s collection, including a section of the old Hampden Bridge.

To book your spot on the tour and for more information about the festival program, visit seniorsfestival

Wagga Wagga Art Gallery, 243 Baylis St. Riverina Producers Market THU 27 FEB, 1PM – 6.30PM Hammond Hall, Wagga Wagga Showground, 27 Bourke St. Infusion Games Trivia and Karaoke THU 27 FEB, 8.30PM Victoria Hotel, 55 Baylis St. Terraformations Album Launch FRI 28 FEB, 6.30PM

JOB DONE: Box Office Coordinator Isobel MacCallum and Technical Coordinator Russell Stewart on Wagga Wagga Civic Theatre’s refurbished balcony.
& Projects
WALKING IN NATURE: Museum Assistant Matthew Brassil will lead the ‘Walking in Nature’ guided tour.

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Council News Issue #534 - 22 February 2025 by Wagga Wagga City Council - Issuu