Council News #60 - 5 September 2015

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Issue 60

Weekly information from us to you

STAY SAFE: Council is reminding residents to drive carefully as a wet winter has meant more potholes on local roads.


Wet winter keeps Council crews busy across the region

Services Heinz Kausche said. “But unfortunately the increased moisture also makes patching difficult. “The presence of moisture can often prevent the bitumen from In most cases potholes are caused adhering to the road pavement by moisture working its way through and can cause the patch to come away”. the road surface, or from the subgrade becoming saturated. Mr Kausche said the most common repair techniques include With above average rainfall this patching with asphalt or the use winter and for the year to date, of bitumen emulsion and stone Council crews have been hard at aggregate. work patching roads across the local government area over the past “Hot mix patching is the type that few months. most people are familiar with and emulsion patching is also carried “Rain always means potholes,” out by hand or with a jet patcher,” Council’s Director Infrastructure

Do you ever wonder why there are always more potholes in winter?


Mr Kausche said. “In some instances, the severity of a pothole means that more involved repairs are required, such as replacing the road pavement material and adding a binder to produce a higher strength material.” In the past year Council has received more than 300 requests for pothole repairs from the community, with half of those being reported in the past three months. However, this number only represents a small percentage of the potholes Council staff repair each year.

“With a road network of 2300km, it’s great when the community can help be our eyes and ears,” Mr Kausche said. “Potholes can appear very quickly, particularly during the ongoing wet weather we have been experiencing.” “If you spot a pothole or any other road-related issues, please let us know as soon as possible. “Our road maintenance crews will try to get out there as quick as they can and we ask that road users slow down and take extra care when you see our maintenance crews working in the roadway.”

POTHOLE PATROL Let us know! Residents can report potholes to Council on 1300 292 442 or at services, or download the iCouncil app and report it straight from your phone.




Evocities series rides into city A prize pool of more than $80,000 will be on the line when the Fairfax Media Evocities MTB Series hits Wagga Wagga this weekend. Australia’s best riders will descend on Pomingalarna Park to tackle a 13km track for the six-hour endurance race on September 6. The mountain bike series has already been a success in five of the other Evocities – Albury, Bathurst, Dubbo, Orange and Tamworth – as well as the second round held in Western Sydney. Mayor of the City of Wagga Wagga Councillor Rod Kendall said the series

will be a boost for the local economy and a great chance to grow the sport in the city. “By offering a significant prize pool and creating a mountain-biking event of national significance we can attract biking enthusiasts from around Australia to visit each of the Evocities, participate in the series and generate an economic return for each city,” he said. “It will inspire increased participation in sport, raise the standard of mountain bike racing in regional NSW and raise the profile of each of the cities represented.”

HONOURED: 53 staff from across Council were recognised for their combined 605 years of employment at a special dinner on Thursday night.

Long-serving employees recognised by Council 23 September 10:30am: Tykes to Ten, for ages 4 -10 12.30pm: Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, for ages 5+ 24 September 10.30am: Tiny Tots, for ages 2-5 12.30pm: Big Kids flicks, for ages 11-15



25 September 10.30am: Little Tikes, for ages 3-7 12:30pm: Best of the Fest, for ages 5+


Where: Museum of the Riverina Historic Council Chambers site (Corner of Morrow and Baylis Streets)

Long-serving staff members were honoured for a combined 605 years of employment at Wagga Wagga City Council at a special presentation night on 3 September. Fifty-three staff from across all directorates of Council were presented with certificates, including two staff members for 35 years of service. Senior Team Leader (Civil) Nigel Griffiths from Infrastructure Services and Riverina Regional Library (RRL) Director Robert Knight from Environmental and Community Services were both recognised for the continued

contribution to Council. Mayor of the City of Wagga Wagga Councillor Rod Kendall thanked the long-serving employees at the ninth annual recognition dinner. “Council is fortunate to have many dedicated staff who have given invaluable service, not only to Council but to the community in which they live,” he said. “It is our pleasure to recognise the commitment of staff achieving milestones throughout 2015 and offer our congratulations and recognition.” Mr Griffiths started as an apprentice carpenter in March,


Cost: $2 per child accompanied by an adult/carer


Bookings essential: 6926 9655 or

The Museum of the Riverina is supported by the NSW Government through Arts NSW


EVENTS WAGGA BEACH - OPEN FOR BUSINESS EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (EOI) OUTDOOR EVENTS AND MARKETS To ensure the competing demands for the use of the Wagga Beach are managed by providing a variety and equitable distribution of events and markets for Wagga Wagga residents and visitors, Wagga Wagga City Council is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) from parties interested in holding regular events and markets at the Wagga Beach. Process 1 - EOI applications received by COB 14 September 2015. 2 - Site meeting conducted with the applicant between 21-25 September. 2 - EOIs assessed week of 28 September. 3 - Booking Agreements, Event Management Plans (including the conditions of consent) and procedures will be provided to applicant from 15 October. Successful applications must demonstrate how they align with the stated objectives of the Riverside Masterplan. The assessment process aims to ensure residents and visitors are exposed to a variety and reasonable frequency of events/markets at the Wagga Beach. Who should apply? The EOI is open to individuals, incorporated groups, clubs, business and associations seeking to make bookings for outdoor events and markets held regularly and/or recurring (monthly, fortnightly, weekly) or casual (quarterly, annual, one-off). Enquiries Download the EOI application form at For more information contact Sally Nolan, Manager Events on 6926 9620 or EOI applications close 5pm Monday 14 September.

Isobel MacCallum, Marketing & Education Officer, Civic Theatre Graeme Clark, Team Leader – Parks & Garden VMG/CP/CP Sarah Myers, Visitor Economy Officer, Visitor Information Centre Vicki Bennett, Rural Landfill Attendant, Galore/Currawarna/ Collingullie Ray Outram, Truck Driver Phil Hamilton, Surveillance Officer

20 YEARS Susan Stanton, Records Officer Kym Stewart, Manager Family Day Care Michael Ellis, Mobile Library Supervisor

Cameron Collins, Development Assessment Coordinator Carmel Posselt, Executive Assistant Michael Hann, Team Leader, Civil, Infrastructure Robert Wishart, Environmental Assets Attendant Claire Campbell, Manager Library Services Geoff Norris, Stores Coordinator Bill Zanoni Surveillance Officer, Roads


1980 and has been involved in major projects such as the music bowl and constructing large tanks at the Kooringal treatment works. Mr Knight began his employment with Council in October, 1980 as a reference librarian and has held a number of roles before being appointed Executive Director of the Riverina Regional Library Director in 2010. Mr Knight oversees 130,000 constituents across 13 local government areas, with a network of 18 branch libraries, three deposit stations and a mobile library service covering 47,900sqm – more than the size of Switzerland.

Management Support Officer Patrick Murphy, Works Assistant Engineering

30 YEARS Mark Hewson, Supervisor Contract Services

35 YEARS Nigel Griffiths, Senior Team Leader (Civil) Robert Knight, Director Riverina Regional Library Wayne Peacock, General Maintenance Assistant

Carol Slattery, Library Assistant & 40 YEARS Promotions Barry Elphick, Carpenter Stuart Matheson, Payroll Coordinator Bruce Roberts, Supervisor Solid Waste Peter Brunt, Facilities


Put your night vision to the test and see if you can spot a creature or two in the annual Wilks Park After Dark guided walk. WHEN: Friday 11 September 7pm - 8:30pm WHERE: Meet in car park of Wilks Park off Hampden Ave, North Wagga Please wear sturdy, enclosed footwear and warm clothing.

FREE EVENT To book or for further information contact David Read on 1300 292 442. Council News - A Wagga Wagga City Council publication

Community’s kids get behind Waggafest

Wagga’s already the City of Good Sports, but what about our great shorts? The majority of this year’s Wagga Waggafest Short Film Festival Entries have come from local filmmakers – with more than half from under 18s. Judges Peter Cox, Sonya Gee and Lex Marinos now have the difficult task of going over all the entries, including what’s set to be a hotly contested Young Filmmaker category. Cox was one half of the Backyard Ashes project, Gee is an ABC Open producer for the Riverina, and former Wagga resident Marinos

is a renowned actor and director. They will be assessing the entries on a range of factors, including their “Wagga-ness” and relevance to this year’s theme “the best is yet to come”. “It’s really encouraging to see so many entries from our community’s youth,” Mayor of the City of Wagga Wagga Councillor Rod Kendall said. “This year’s theme is all about the future and going by the great films these kids have made, our future is in safe hands.”

There are more than $6000 in prizes up for grabs this year, including the $2500 Hume Bank Best Overall Film award. Waggafest veterans Sheraden Robins and Klutch Kable have returned to the competition for the fourth straight year, having won best animation in 2012 and 2013 and the overall prize in 2014. The pair’s winning entry from last year, A Wagga Wagga Winter Tale, has since taken out prizes at film festivals around the country and was even screened in Melbourne’s Federation Square.

“Waggafest has been sharing our community’s stories with the world for the past five years,” Cr Kendall said. “So far in 2015, Council has held its first Winter School animation workshop and provided the opportunity for our kids to create the posters for Waggafest, now we’ll get to see who the lucky winners are.” The 2015 Wagga Waggafest Short Film Competition Special Awards Screening Night will be held in October at the Civic Theatre.


Weekly mowing report Spring has sprung and Council’s • The east team is mowing in Lake mowing program is under way. Albert, before working in Tatton. All parks and open spaces receive a • The west team is in Mount Austin grass cut about every six weeks, but and will then be mowing in the ongoing wet weather may mean Glenfield. these timeframes may be extended. • The seasonal crew has started • The north team has begun mowing work in Ashmont and will then also in Estella and will be then moving be mowing in Glenfield. on to Oura.

Wagga Beach open for business

HISTORY: Wagga Mayor Rod Kendall looks over the Kangaroo March “Hop to it” exhibition at the library with Illabo Public School year 5 students (from left) Judy Hopkins and Anisa Rees.

Exhibition marks Kangaroo March

The Kangaroo March “Hop to it” diary and postcard exhibition was launched at Wagga Wagga City Library on 2 September as part of the historic event’s centenary. School children from across the march’s route were encouraged to create a diary entry or postcard as

if they were a Kangaroo Marcher or a family member. After being exhibited at libraries across the state, the children’s works will be displayed in Sydney for Remembrance Day. The local leg of the exhibition was officially opened by Mayor

of the City of Wagga Wagga Councillor Rod Kendall and will be on show at the library until Friday 11 September. The Kangaroo March reenactment will start on Saturday 5 September in Wagga and will travel 520km to Campbelltown.

Wagga Beach is open for business. There will be more than the sounds of splashing water and sizzling sausages at the revamped recreation spot this summer, with expressions of interest now being taken for events. Whether you think it would make a great spot for markets or your next community event, Wagga Wagga City Council wants to hear from you. “Wagga Beach has never looked so good

after the latest works as part of the Riverside Master Plan,” Council’s Manager Events Sally Nolan said. “Riverside is all about reconnecting our community with the Murrumbidgee and now the beach can be the unique location for your next event. “Expressions of interest are open to individuals, groups, clubs, business and associations and can be for both one-off and regular events.” Recent works in the

Riverside precinct have included improved pathways along the riverbank and to the CBD, as well as landscaping works and new barbecue facilities and furniture at Wagga Beach. Expressions of interest close at 5pm on Monday 14 September, with site meetings to be held with applicants in the following weeks. For more information and to download an application form, visit or contact Ms Nolan on 1300 292 442.

Oasis to host swim champs The Oasis Regional Aquatic Centre will be playing host to the Australian Winter Swimming Championships on the 12 and 13 September. The annual event held by the Winter Swimming Association of Australia (WSAA) will attract up to 500 swimmers from across Australia. Men and women aged from 18 to over 85 will compete in 32 events at the championships, with former and upcoming Olympians and Surf Life Saving Champions among the competitors. The WSAA currently has a member base of 42

clubs, which are mainly offshoots of Surf Life Saving Clubs and include the Bondi Icebergs, Maroubra Seals, Bronte Splashers, Wollongong Whales and Cronulla Polar Bears. The winter swimming clubs compete during the months of May to September with the national championships held in September each year. Hosting rights are shared between regional NSW and Sydney, Queensland and WA on a seven-year rotation, with the Wagga Leagues Crows beating out Newcastle with their application. mins west of Wagga). Ph: 0409 203 720




Until Sunday 15 November This travelling exhibition from the Australian National Maritime Museum highlights the contribution of the Royal Australian Navy to the ‘war to end all wars’. Museum of the Riverina Historic Council Chambers site, cnr Baylis and Morrow Streets. Ph: 6926 9655


Sat 5 September 7.30pm Written and directed by acclaimed playwright and Sydney Theatre Company satirist Jonathan Biggins (The Wharf Revue). Wagga Wagga Civic Theatre,

Burns Way, Tarcutta Street. Ph: 6926 9688


Sat 5 September 10am Re-enactment of the Kangaroo Recruitment March of 1915 beginning in Wagga Wagga and travelling through the countryside, towns, villages and cities of a portion of NSW. Civic Centre, Baylis Street. Ph: 0413 709 171


Sun 6 Sept 9am - 3pm The fun, flowing course is a 13km figure of eight loop, of around 95% single track, through natural bush land at Pomingalarna Reserve, Sturt Highway (approx 10

Sun 6 September 10.30am - 4pm $2 per ride, enclosed footwear essential. Botanic Gardens, Macleay Street.


Tue 8 Sept 6pm - 7pm Australian author Don Watson will talk about his 2014 book, The Bush: Travels in the heart of Australia. Riverina Playhouse, Cross Street. Ph: 6933 2292


Thu 10 September 2pm Tips and techniques on how to improve the preservation and storage of a range of objects including letters, journals

and photographs. Cost: Free. Wagga Wagga City Library, Civic Centre, cnr Baylis and Morrow Streets. Ph: 6926 9700


Thurs 10 September 2.30pm - 6.30pm Free entry. Murrumbidgee Turf Club, Travers Street. Ph: 0427 441 107

For support in organising your event, contact Council’s Events Unit at au or 1300 292 442 Mon to Fri. To promote your event or for a full list of events go to: or call 1300 100 122.

WAGGA WAGGA CITY COUNCIL careers at council VACANCIES TEAM LEADER TREE MAINTENANCE Remuneration: Min $1,186.92 gpw + super Enquiries: Jim Dunn - 0457 704 727 (7am - 4pm weekdays) Closing Date: Monday, 14 September 2015

REVENUE & ACCOUNTS PAYABLE OFFICER Remuneration: Min $947.13 gpw + super Enquiries: Rob Taber - 02 6926 9245 Closing Date: Friday, 18 September 2015

WORK HEALTH & SAFETY ADVISOR Remuneration: $85,000 - $102,000 gpa (inc. super) Enquiries: Fiona Piltz - 02 6926 9215 Closing Date: Monday, 21 September 2015

MANAGER CORPORATE PERFORMANCE & INTERNAL AUDIT Enquiries: Phil Pinyon - 02 6926 9121 Closing Date: Friday, 25 September 2015

To view these opportunities and apply, visit Wagga Wagga City Council is an EEO employer

Values - Part of everything we do Trust • Respect • Innovation • Teamwork

Council News - A Wagga Wagga City Council publication

Meet Tiger

This week’s pet is a domestic short hair cat called Tiger. She is a shy, but affectionate cat and loves attention. Tiger will curl up on your lap and fall asleep listening to you talk. Tiger has a beautiful orange tabby coat and you can adopt her from the Glenfield Road Animal shelter for $213.50. This fee includes microchipping, lifetime registration, first vaccination, desexing and worming. If you would like to meet Tiger or any of her furry friends, come down to the shelter from Monday to Saturday between 1pm and 4.15pm. Contact the shelter on 6971 4651 or visit for more information.

WELCOME: Mayor of the City of Wagga Wagga Councillor Rod Kendall (centre) met with visiting dignitary Mohammad Faghih Khorasani the Head of Yazd Council in Iran (right) and CSU senior lecturer Seyed Ali Ghorashi recently. Cr Kendall was presented with an artwork by his Yazd counterpart during the visit.

Dhulura our newest locality

Dhulura? Where’s that? It’s Wagga Wagga’s newest locality after being gazetted by the Geographical Names Board of NSW last month. Dhulura (pronounced dah-loo-ra) is named after the former Dhulura school that was located in the centre of the new locality and is made up of land previously part of

Euberta, Gobbagombalin and Downside. It’s a rural area, located on the eastern slopes of the Malebo Range and back towards Charles Sturt University, bisected by The Gap Road and bounded by The Gap Hall to Downside Road to the north. The locality was renamed at the request of a resident, who had

difficulty with visitors finding his property as it overlapped Downside, Gobbagombalin and Euberta. The gazettal is the finalisation of a resolution of Council from 11 March 2013, and a further resolution from 10 February 2014 confirming the position after exhibition by the board.

mobile library timetable Uranquinty Monday September 7, 3.30pm – 5pm Ladysmith Thursday September 10, 1.30pm – 2.15pm

Ph: (02) 6926 9771

Public Notices


Notice is hereby given under Roads Act 1993 Part 8 Division 4 of the temporary closing of: Roads: Lake St from Main St for entire length Eastlake Dr from Lake St to Lake Albert Rd, Lake Albert Rd from Brunskill Rd to Lord Baden Powell Dr. Streets intersecting these roads will be closed at the intersections. Lake Albert Rd will close by 9:39am. Expected to reopen about 12pm. Kooringal Rd will close at Lake Albert Rd from 10am to 11.30am. Date: 13 September 2015 Duration: 9:30am to 1pm Reason: Wagga Lake Run and Ride event Detour: As signposted


Notice is hereby given under Roads Act 1993 Part 8 Division 4 of the temporary closing of: Road: Baylis St from Morrow St to Lagoon, Fitzmaurice St from Lagoon to Travers St, Travers St from Narung St to Hampden Ave, Hampden Ave from Travers St to Hampden Ave Service Road, Hampden Ave Service Road from Wall St to Marah St Date: 5 September 2015 Duration: 10am to 2pm with progressive opening behind the parade Reason: Kangaroo March Reenactment Service and Parade Detour: As signposted


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Wagga Wagga City Council & NSW EPA are piloting a Household Asbestos Disposal Scheme offering free disposal of bonded asbestos from across the Local Government Area. You only have until the end of June to make the most of this scheme!


This project is a NSW EPA Waste Less, Recycle More initiative funded from the waste levy.

Contact us p 1300 292 442 e w a Civic Centre Cnr Baylis & Morrow Sts PO Box 20 Wagga Wagga NSW 2650

Follow us


Notice is hereby given under Roads Act 1993 Part 8 Division 4 of the temporary closing of: Road: Rawson Ln between Docker St and Lewis Dr Date: 10 September 2015 Duration: 7am – 6pm Reason: Riverina Water County Council water main upgrade works along Docker St. Access for adjoining businesses and residences maintained via eastern end of Rawson Ln off Yathong St. Detour: As signposted


Wagga Wagga City Council is calling for Expressions of Interest for grazing licences of up to five (5) years for the following parcels: • Smith St, Forest Hill (Lot 1 DP 436168) approx. 3.237 ha • 211 East Bomen Rd (Lot 22 DP 1085826) approx. 90.36 ha • 2 Horseshoe Rd, Cartwrights Hill (Lot 3 DP 717409) approx. 3.7 ha • Part Moorong St (Lot 3 DP 701905,

@waggacouncil Share your #waggaview

Lot 1 DP 757249, Lot 5 DP 828547) approx. 24.0 ha The above parcels of land can be inspected from the public road. Persons interested in applying for a grazing licence must submit an Expression of Interest addressing the selection criteria. An information pack providing further details of the grazing land on offer, the general Terms and Conditions and the Application Form may be requested from Council by contacting Jenny Bailey, Land and Property Officer on 1300 292 442 or email: au Submissions close Tuesday 6 October 2015.


In accordance with the provisions of Section 9 of the Local Government Act 1993, notice is hereby given that an Ordinary meeting of the Council of the City of Wagga Wagga will be held at 6pm on Monday, 28 September 2015 in the Council Meeting Room, cnr Baylis & Morrow Streets Wagga Wagga. Notice is also hereby given that a Policy and Strategy Committee meeting will be held at 6pm on Monday, 14 September 2015 in the Council Meeting Room, cnr Baylis & Morrow Streets Wagga Wagga. This meeting will be immediately followed by a Supplementary Council meeting. All meetings are open to members of the public. Members of the public wishing to address the Policy and Strategy Committee regarding agenda items, must complete the appropriate Public Address Form and return it to Council by 10am on the day of meeting. The form is available from the Customer Service counter at the Wagga Wagga Civic Centre or from Council’s website www.wagga. Copies of the Agenda are also available to the public, at the meetings or from the Customer Service Centre at the Wagga Wagga Civic Centre three (3) days prior to the meetings or from Council’s website


Suitably endorsed Tenders marked “RFT 2016-003” Supply of one (1) garbage landfill compacting machine are invited and will be received by the undersigned until 2pm Wednesday 30 September 2015. This Contract is a lump sum contract for the supply of one (1) garbage landfill compacting machine. Enquiries should be directed to Mr Graeme White on 02 6971 4621 or email white.graeme@ A non-refundable fee of $110 will be charged for each hard copy of the specification or specifications at nil cost can be

accessed on the following web address:


Wagga Wagga City Council has received the following application to carry out “Development” under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979. DA15/0475 Change of use to medical centre and internal alterations, brick side boundary fences and gate and access ramp & awning in the conservation area. 88 Forsyth St WAGGA WAGGA NSW 2650 Lot 1 DP 322529 Applicant: Anthony Wisely Constructions Name of Consent Authority: Wagga Wagga City Council The subject application and accompanying documentation, may be inspected at the following address until the closure of exhibition. Submission Period: 07/09/2015 to 21/09/2015 Where: Wagga Wagga City Council, cnr Baylis and Morrow Streets, Wagga Wagga (Customer Service Counter). When: 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (except Public Holidays). Any person seeking to make a submission in relation to the abovementioned development should address all correspondence to the Consent Authority to be received prior to 5 bbpm on the final day of the exhibition period. If any submission is made by way of objection, the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission. Persons lodging submissions are required to declare political donations (including donations of more than $1,000) made in the previous two years. For more details, including disclosure form, go to www.planning. Persons making written submissions regarding the above development are advised that any submission received within the submission period will be subject to the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act (PIPPA) and may be attached to the final report, in its entirety or in part, to Council unless explicitly requested by the person making the submission that they do not wish this to occur. Enquiries: Further details relating to the matter can be obtained by contacting the Council’s Development Services. If you have any enquiries regarding the application, or about making submission, please telephone Development Services on 1300 292 442.


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