Cars, Roads and Traffic
Concept for Road Hierarchy in Glenfield Park, Wagga Wagga
Cars, Roads and Traffic What the Community told us Concerns • Congestion on Glenfield Road • Heavy vehicles causing congestion
Opportunities • Make Glenfield Road dual lanes from Hilltop to Pearson Street with traffic lights where required • Proper footpath down Glenfield Road
• Traffic during school pick up / drop off periods
• Improved road network needed along Glenfield Road to allow residents from Lloyd to travel into the CBD, similar to Lake Albert Road
• Congestion at minor intersections • Congestion on Docker Street
• Build a bypass for heavy traffic or use an alternative route
• Safety
• Inform residents which streets are best suited for trucks and which are best for vehicles
• Too much of a reliance on cars
• Develop school zone free arterial roads to allow for free flow of traffic during peak times • Remove traffic lights at minor intersections • More ‘turn left on red’ opportunities to keep traffic flowing • Conduct more regular maintenance of roads • Incentives for lower levels of car use, car pools, and other modes of transport • More buses to reduce car dependency
Cars, Roads and Traffic… cont’d Findings from Technical Report • The existing road network has developed over many years: there is no road hierarchy plan that identifies the role and function of each road • There are many roads that have surplus capacity that can be reduced in cross-sectional trafficable width, which would also help reduce ongoing maintenance costs and reduce the current budget shortfall, simultaneously creating opportunities for walking, cycling and public transport. • Area specific initiatives, such as within the CBD and hospital precinct could be used to better manage existing arrangements. • New housing development is likely to increase pressure on Glenfield Road as a major north-south route and may require duplication of the road and construction of an additional overpass over the railway lin. There are a number of corridors, along major highways as well as along local roads and in neighbourhoods, with crash concentrations. Road safety within the Wagga Wagga CBD is a priority.
Cars, Roads and Traffic: Your Feedback? Emerging Strategies • Review and adjust the road hierarchy in Wagga Wagga, with a focus on improved safety for vulnerable road users • Evaluate options for city-wide traffic calming measures and speed management • Develop education, enforcement and engineering programs, in cooperation with RMS, to improve road safety • Use the transport model to identify pinch points and bottle necks in the road network, as well as the potential benefits of a town bypass • Review layout of key roundabouts, consider grade separation and analyse options for the following locations: • Sturt Highway/Lake Albert Road/Tarcutta Street • Sturt Highway/Docker Street • Dobney Avenue/Pearson Street (double roundabout) • Prepare road safety and traffic efficiency studies along key corridors, such as; Glenfield Road and Bourke Street
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