High Quality Cycleway Corridors Map developed by Wagga Wagga City Council
Cycling What the Community told us Concerns
• Insufficient number of cycle paths
• Add more cycle lanes
• Lack of connectivity of cycle paths around Wagga Wagga
• Take advantage of the city’s geography which compliments cycling
• The poor quality and lack of maintenance of cycling infrastructure • Lack of cycling amenities
• Register cyclists and include a fee to pay for cycling infrastructure
• The cycling culture of Wagga Wagga often lacks a positive attitude from vehicles and other non-cyclists
• Create an interconnected cycling system that connects the city
• Vehicles are often unaware of cyclist’s presence. This hinders the safety of bike riders, pedestrians and vehicles; in particular those who are less experienced and are of the younger generations
• More quality bike lanes throughout Wagga Wagga
• The intersection of Lake Albert Road and Railway Street traffic lights do not acknowledge the presence of cyclists
• Encourage more bicycle use to residents
• The Wiradjuri Walking track is too steep with conditions that are not bike friendly
• Use the rail trails to Ladysmith and Forest Hill as cycling paths. • Regular maintenance- fix punctures on tracks - Bounder Street, Red Hill Road, Fernleigh Road, Lake Albert Road and Glenfield Road • Promote cyclist friendly driving attitude and adherence to road rules pertaining to cyclists • Acquire PR support to counter anti-cycling backlash • Make Wagga Wagga a place where cycling is a lifestyle choice • Promote the health and climate benefits of cycling • Create a training facility to engage kids to cycle
Cycling… cont’d What the Community told us... cont’d Concerns
Opportunities • Emphasise and educate communities on the health and safety cycling benefits • Adjust traffic lights so they sense the presence of cyclists • Improve off road cycling infrastructure • Increase dedicated cycle and walkway areas • More dedicated slow lanes and/or cyclist lanes • Plan for cycle paths before new subdivisions are built • Ensure drivers of vehicles are aware of both bike lanes and cyclists. This could be achieved through appropriate signage • Convert wide roads as well as widen walking tracks so that cyclists and pedestrians have enough room to pass and overtake others • Upgrade the walking track to encourage cyclists
Cycling… cont’d Findings from Technical Report • There are limited, basic and at times disconnected bicycle facilities provided, which will generally only attract experienced and confident users. Whole routes will be completed once gaps in the cycle paths are built • Surplus capacity on many road corridors and intersections where improved facilities could be accommodated • There are opportunities to provide high quality off-road facilities along levy banks and potentially the unused rail corridor and its alternatives • Holistic network blueprints are yet to be developed and incorporated so they have statutory weight. This will then help ensure that new developments are required to tie into and/or provide active transport facilities • There is a need to change development control plans and the Section 94 Plan to require active transport facilities as part of all development applications, including end-of-trip facilities • There are significant tourism opportunities, both from a holiday and organised events perspective with the implementation of high quality active transport facilities and supporting information that link to the many natural attractions in the area
Cycling: Your Feedback? Emerging Strategies • Update the local environment plan and development control plans to require cycling facilities and cycling networks • Develop a strategic network of safe, separated, connected and affordable cycling routes, utilising excess road space where appropriate • Develop high quality recreation and tourism circuit that complements the commuter cycleways • Support initiatives to promote cycling and improve safety for all users • Provide connectivity between cycleways, establish links and networks • Prioritise implementation of quality cycling treatments over quantity
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