Freight and Heavy Vehicles What the Community told us Concerns • Truck congestion
Opportunities • Build bypasses for heavy traffic or use an alternative route • Inform residents which streets are best suited for trucks and which are best suited for all vehicles • Make better truck parking close to eateries to buy food • Build bypasses and alternative routes • Divert heavy vehicles away from school zones
• Trucks create a barrier for the city from north to south as well as being unattractive
• Better truck parking and access in appropriate areas, clarification of where trucks are appropriate
• Negative safety impacts of trucks
Findings from Technical Report • Inadequate road access between industrial areas and main freight routes (road and train station) • Continuing to develop the key supply chain routes in and accessing Wagga Wagga by understanding what their current and future needs and constraints are based on suitable planning of the expected growth in freight volumes and the changing vehicle type sizes, as well as help facilitate the implementation of potential technology based logistics improvements • High numbers of trucks parking on the highway within the city due to a lack of interchange and overnight facilities
Freight and Heavy Vehicles: Your Feedback? Emerging Strategies • Review the existing heavy vehicle road hierarchy to protect existing road bases and residential developments, and eliminate de-facto heavy vehicle bypass routes • Continue the development and master planning of the Bomen industrial precinct • Investigate the feasibility of a truck interchange/change-over location (potentially as part of the Bomen development) • Review capacity and capability of Eunony Bridge for heavy vehicles
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