Medical Precinct What the Community told us The Community’s Concerns Walking • Along streets such as Dobney Avenue, Pearson Street and Best Street, there are limited safe pedestrian crossings
Opportunities • This is a major problem for mothers with prams and toddlers. Building pedestrian crossings would solve this concern • More ‘turn left on red’ opportunities to keep traffic flowing
Congestion • Congestion on Chaston / Docker Street • Engage with private providers to improve parking at the hospital Parking • Lack of parking Freight and Heavy Vehicles • Truck congestion Safety
• Build bypasses for heavy traffic or use an alternative route. In particularly on Edward Street • Implement traffic lights on Chaston Street/Docker Street to provide safe and speedy egress from the block bounded by these streets
Findings from Technical Report • No evidence of a coordinated parking strategy is found to exist within the health precinct resulting in parking issues • The Sturt Highway and Docker Street act as barriers to accessing the Health Precinct. The existence of major roads reduces the ability of users to access the precinct • Public parking found on site is subject to time restrictions • Wayfinding and accessibility throughout the precinct was found to be disconnected • Poor access to public transport exists on site
Medical Precinct: Your feedback? Emerging Strategies • Prepare a precinct masterplan that integrates land-use development, car parking and accessibility • Prepare a parking management strategy, including consideration of: • Paid parking • Land acquisition for off street parking structure • Multi-storey car parking • Provide improved signage and way finding to shopping/restaurant precinct, park and break-out spaces • Establish connections, accessibility and ease of movement within and to the precinct including: • 24-hour access • Lighting • Disability compliant footpaths on both sides of all roads • Bus shelters • Improve pedestrian access across Edward Street and Docker Street • Council, State Government and other stakeholders work together to achieve better planning and funding outcomes for the Hospital Precinct
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