Public Transport
Above: Different Bus Types for Wagga Wagga could be used to meet high and low passenger demand Right: Hail and Ride signs show suburbs where buses have no formal bus stop but can stop in safe locations for passengers to board and alight
Public Transport What the Community told us Concerns
• Cost and ticketing
• $2.50 all-day ticket for public transport
• Bus shelter, timetables and routes
• Need more affordable public transport
• Treatment of bus drivers
• Vending machines which sell tickets near bus stops
• Lack of bike racks for bikes
• Using smaller buses outside school hours • Looping bus routes to improve outer suburb connectivity • Larger variety of busses • A simple University route addition to the bus system with concession price • Buses on Sundays • Buses to New Year celebrations e.g. Australia Day celebrations, Anzac Day services and special movies only shown on Sundays etc • Introduce heavier consequences for abusing bus drivers • Bus drivers knowing when a child gets on/off • Public transport should have capacity to carry bikes
Findings from Technical Report • Wagga Wagga is quite well serviced by public transport facilities, with bus, train and air services • Providing a public bus service that includes a number of high frequency and travel time orientated services between key trip generators and destinations along collector and/or arterial roads, with local feeder services ensuring a service is still generally within 400m of most dwellings, to hopefully try and achieve an increased commuter level of patronage • Consideration of how to better manage the interaction between the many bus services that travel down the main street of the CBD, so as to improve travel times and potentially help unlock more efficient routes • Making the train station compliant with the Disability Discrimination Act, and make it better connected with the local and regional bus
services should help improve the attractiveness of the station for the users.
Public Transport: Your Feedback? Emerging Strategies • Review bus timetables in accordance with work, shopping, school and business hours • Test price elasticities and the fare system • Review routing versus network coverage • Evaluate the Hail & Ride concept in suburbs versus having bus stops at key locations • Communicate principles for public transport with Transport NSW (State Government body) to achieve a better public transport service in Wagga Wagga • Investigate alternative public transport operation schemes to better serve the Wagga Wagga community, including taxis, community bus services, school bus services.
• Continue to work with all levels of government on the development of High Speed Rail route and terminal to service the City of Wagga Wagga
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