Biodiversity threats Key threatening processes A key threatening process is defined as a process that threatens or may threaten the survival, abundance or evolutionary development of a native species or ecological community. The Environment Protection Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 lists 21 key threatening processes and the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 identifies 39 (Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment, 2020). Once a process has been nominated, the Threatened Species Scientific Committee considers the process for inclusion in a proposed priority assessment list. Once the list is finalised it becomes available for the public and experts to comment. After the assessment the relevant Minister decides whether a threatening process is eligible for listing under the EPBC Act or BC Act (Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment, 2020). The following is a narrative summarising and grouping the main key threatening processes that occur within the Wagga Wagga LGA.
Clearing of native vegetation Clearing of native vegetation refers to the removal of endemic species of trees, shrubs, herbs, forbs, groundcovers and native grasses. These vegetation communities provide habitat for native fauna. Other activities that impact habitat include removal of timber for firewood and collection of rocks for use in urban backyards. The removal of these naturally occurring objects have degraded many native environments that provide habitat, foraging areas and protection against predation and the elements. Clearing of native vegetation often results in flow-on effects including dryland salinity, soil and bank erosion, increased greenhouse gas emissions, increased habitat for weed and pest species, loss of leaf litter, and changes to soil biota. These flow-on effects are also considered key threatening processes and are detailed below. Another major flow-on effect is fragmentation, the process by which initially contiguous areas of habitat are separated into a number of smaller areas. This creates small isolated populations with limited gene flow between populations, leading to inbreeding issues, reduced potential to adapt to environmental change and reduced resilience to disease. The hostility of the surrounding (cleared) environment is a major factor in limiting movement of species between patches.
Weed and pest species The main pest species in the Wagga Wagga LGA include Red Deer, Fallow Deer, Pigs, Goats, Rabbits, Foxes, Feral Dogs and Cats. Foxes are a major predator of native animals and ground nesting birds. The other noted pest mammal species are destructive to the environment, causing detrimental impacts on the habitat of native species. Introduced herbivorous animal species, including deer, goats and rabbits compete for food and habitat, and carnivorous animal species prey upon native animals. These and other introduced animals can also damage native plants and degrade natural habitats. Carp are a major pest species founded in the Murrumbidgee River and tributary creeks. Carp are a vigorous species that out compete our native fish for food, habitat and breeding sites. Weeds within Wagga Wagga LGA have potential to pose a serious threat to our natural environment, agricultural productivity and the health of the community. Weeds are those plant species that can potentially bring harm to individuals and the broader community. They are difficult to control and have potential to spread quickly within and outside the Wagga Wagga
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