Andy Pierucci
Andy Pierucci
Spencer Haymond
Administration / Department Heads
Kevin Hicks – City Manager
Ryan Carter – City Attorney
Cary Necaise – Public Works Director
Jason Lethbridge – Development Services Director
Sheril Garn – Events & Operations Director
Josh Lee - Communications Director
Shane Taylor– Chief of Police
Division Managers and Contributors
Mark Smith – Chief Building Official
Christopher G. Bown – Justice Court Judge
Jiny Proctor – City Treasurer
Stacie Olson – Assistant Public Works Director
Craig Calvert - Purchasing Manager / Contract Administrator
Brook Bowen - Graphic Design & Marketing Specialist
Meghin Costa – Senior Accountant
Contact Information
Riverton City Administrative Services Department
12830 S Redwood Rd
Riverton, UT 84065
Phone: 801‐208‐3122
The fiscal year 2025 budget includes a change to the chart of accounts that was primarily prompted by the transition to our new software. Another reason for the change was to make sure the Riverton City Chart of Accounts more closely aligns with the State of Utah’s Uniform Chart of Accounts. This will improve transparency and ease of reporting to the Transparent Utah website. The following are the funds that are included in the budget for FY 2024.
Governmental Operations Funds
100 ‐ General Fund
110 – Class C Roads
120 – Riverton Police Operations
Capital Projects Funds
400 – REDIIF
410 – Community Impact – Parks
420 – Community Impact – Fire
430 – Community Impact – Stormwater
440 – Community Impact – Roads
450 – Capital Improvements Fund
460 – Capital Improvements – SW Projects
470 – First Class Road Funds
480 – Grants
Special Revenue Funds
260 – Redevelopment Agency
270 – RLESA
280 – RFSA
Business Type funds
510 – Culinary Water
520 – Community Impact – Culinary
530 – Pressurized Irrigation (Secondary Water)
540 – Community Impact – Secondary
550 – Sanitation
When projecting revenues for the budget, accounts are analyzed to establish historical trends. Staff will then utilize these trends along with outside resources such as the Utah State Governor’s Office of Economic Development and the Salt Lake County Mayor’s Office. Staff will also review the analytics against planned projects or programs, as well as any inside knowledge of additional items that may not be included in a simple historical analysis or from outside entities, such as a current analysis of the development activity and what projects might be coming.
The main source of revenue for the general fund is sales tax which has historically been averaging just over 10% in annual increases. However, during fiscal year 2024 we have witnessed a slight downturn in
sales tax revenue. Due to this downturn, staff has recommended a very conservative increase of 2% over the anticipated finish for FY 2024.
The following are the budgetary departments for the FY 2025 budget.
City Council
Mayor’s Office
Committees & Boards
City Manager’s Office
City Attorney’s Office
Risk Management
Finance / Human Resources
Information Technology
Justice Court Animal Control / Code Enforcement
Public Works Administration
Fleet Maintenance
Development Services
Facilities Maintenance
Street Lighting
Recreation & Events
Cemetery Operations
Streets Maintenance
Water Maintenance
Transfers & Fund Balance
Riverton City provides many different services to its residents. The City maintains multiple fund classifications, namely the general fund, capital projects funds, and enterprise funds. Most City employees perform tasks that benefit more than one fund. In order to properly account for both the employee costs and associated supplies, or other expenditures, costs are allocated between various funds. Cost allocation is determined based on quantifiable measures as follows.
The City has a general administrative split, which is based on the number of employees, number of accounts payable checks issued, and number of purchase orders awarded. A rounded average is calculated and applied across all departments that provide general services to multiple areas of City operations. The split for FY 2024‐2025 is 70% to the general fund, 15% to culinary water and 15% to pressurized irrigation (secondary water).
Expenditures for the following departments are budgeted using this 70/15/15 general administrative split.
City Council
Mayor’s Office
City Manager’s Office
City Attorney’s Office
Risk Management
Finance / Human Resources
Information Technology
Fleet Maintenance
Development Services (Engineering portion)
Facilities Maintenance
Public Works Administration
In addition to the general administrative split, some accounts within the Public Works department are cost allocated to other funds according to construction and maintenance projects. In these instances, employees’ wages and benefits are individually allocated according to their projected workloads and could be allocated to other funds such as the class ‘C’ roads fund for street maintenance.
Expenses for the water division of the Public Works Department are generally allocated 50% culinary and 50% pressurized irrigation (secondary). Exceptions to this 50/50 split are items that are specifically attributed to either the culinary or secondary water systems. In those instances, 100% of the expense is budgeted by the appropriate fund.
The General Fund is Riverton City’s principal operating fund. It accounts for all financial resources not accounted for and reported in another fund.
The economy seems to be slowing down a little bit, estimate is to conservatively react to this projected slowdown.
Estimated 130 SFD, 308 MFD and various ADU and solar permits
• CMAQ Grant for bike lanes project (rollover from FY 2023) - see 11303052480300
• WFRC Grant for updating the AT and Transportation Master Plan
Senior Center contributions from other cities
• $35,000 from Herriman
• $10,000 from Bluffdale
Various trainings and conferences including but not limited to: ULCT, ICMA, ICSC, Fall elected officials conference, disaster trainings, etc. (split with 510 and 530 funds)
Various trainings and conferences including but not limited to: ULCT, ICMA, ICSC, Fall elected officials conference, disaster trainings, etc. (split with 510 and 530 funds)
Includes the new First Digital contract, but maintains a portion of the existing contract while converting the firewalls and tunnels to the new IP addresses.
Eliminate the fiber building to building connection for the last 6 monts of the year
Includes the new First Digital contract, but maintains a portion of the existing contract while converting the firewalls and tunnels to the new IP addresses.
Includes the new First Digital contract, but maintains a portion of the
to the
• Survey Engineering certifications
• Building inspector training
SLC Recorder Data Fees, GOEO Database fee, Dept/ED meeting expenses, project costs,
Includes a 4% COLA and estimated 3% merit Includes one additional facility maintenance worker
Charges for new Rocky Mountain Power connections
& replacement
•Replacement of wire due to theft on Sentinel Ridge Blvd
Move replacement of wire due to theft on Sentinel Ridge Blvd to capital projects (see account 45303050-480306)
Combining with Community Events (10505030-450320)
URPA conference, director retreat, miscellaneous local trainings for certifications
Monthly staff meetings, senior staff meeting, employee socials (Thanksgiving, Halloween, misc.)
All Old Dome events and activities (FFN
• Increase for third night of Rodeo • $5,000 from Waste Management for sorting payout (see revenue line 100340410)
Increase for cost of living increase per
$2,500 grant from Waste Management (see revenue line 100-340413)
City Council:
Increase by $5,000 for senior student scholarships; award of $500 to $1,500 per recipient, based on number of recipients and criteria set up youth council leadership
monsters after dark, hunter safety, other miscellaneous classes, etc.
UNLA Greens membership; UCPA Utah cemetary & parks membership; ISA/UCFC membership; Weather Trak Smart controller cubscription; Horticulture, tree, irrigation & pesticides updated books
Materials needed to maintain parks & grounds such as irrigation supplies, sod, chemicals, flags, etc.
New tree planting, tree pruning & maintenance
Maintenance of small equipment, purchase of small equipment such as leaf blowers, snow blowers, line trimmers, sprayers, etc.
Incentives, luncheons, awards & miscellaneous supplies
• Main Park Update to Weather Trak controler
•Park bench and table replacement
• Smart controller replacement 3-yr project
• Three stainless steel strong boxes for meter enclosure
Move all projects to the 450 Fund (see account 45515031-480302)
The Class “C” Roads Fund accounts for repairs and maintenance of Riverton City’s streets, sidewalks, curbs and gutters financed by the city’s share of the gas tax.
Operating vs. Capital Expenditures
• CONEX (Multi-site facilities Management
APWA Snow Conference (2 employees)
LTAP specialized training for all employees
City does not own,
• Maint of plows & salters to ensure plows are in top condition to respond to winter storms quickly & efficiently
• 13400 S 2700 W - 3200 W CMAQ bike lane CMAQ Grant of $280,000 in revenue line 110-370110)project management with UDOT - roll-over • 13400 S Bridge replacement $520,000 (City's portion, UDOT is in the finishing stages of obtaining a grant for the remainder of this project) - roll-over
Street sign making machine - to make street signs inhouse, saving time and money
The Riverton Police Department Fund is used to account for law enforcement activities and operations.
The Redevelopment Agency of Riverton City (RDA) Fund is used to account for tax increment generated by designated project areas. It is used to finance infrastructure and other improvements within project areas.
(Riverton Law Enforcement Service Area)
This fund is used to account for property tax and other related revenue of the Riverton Law Enforcement Service Area.
(Riverton Fire Service Area)
This fund is used to account for the property tax and other related revenue of the Riverton Fire Service Area; the service area provides the funding for a fire services contract with the Unified Fire Authority.
RFSA Expenditures
Riverton Fire Serivice Area Revenues
The Riverton Economic Development Infrastructure and Investment Fund (REDIIF) is funded by franchise taxes that are committed for economic development throughout Riverton. REDIIF is also used to track legislative appropriations and other state and regional grants to be used in roadway projects.
The Park Impact Fee Fund is used to track revenue and expenditures for eligible capital improvements to parks, and open space which are attributable to growth from new development within Riverton.
The Fire Impact Fee Fund is used to track revenues and expenditures attributable to growth from new development within Riverton.
The Stormwater Impact Fee Fund is used to track revenue and expenditures for eligible capital improvements to the stormwater system that are attributable to growth from new development within Riverton.
The Road Impact Fee Fund is used to track revenue and expenditures for eligible capital improvements to roadways and bridges that are attributable to growth from new development within Riverton.
The Capital Improvement Fund is used to account for general governmental capital projects that are ineligible to be financed with impact fees.
Capital Improvements Fund Revenues
Capital Improvements Fund Summary
Capital Improvements Fund Expenditures
Replace the following vehicles:
• RS3 2007 F-150
• RS18 2015 F-550
• RS19 F550 Additional
• Police fencing
• Rodeo grounds improvements, concrete, etc. (will re-use some of the rought iron fencing over at the rodeo grounds to enhance flow)
• City Hall restroom improvements
• Police precinct flooring - moving to LVT similar to City Hall
• Police precinct floor machine
• City Hall LED lighting
• Replace blinds at City Hall
• City Hall exterior lighting
• Police precinct exterior lighting
• Old Dome exterior lighting
• PW carwash equipment and new HVAC
• Miscellaneous office furniture and equipment
• Evidence storage room (above dungeon)
• Upgrade to LED
• Painting of street lights (green to black)
Move Sentinel Ridge street lighting maintenance from the General Fund (see account 10303050-450611)
• CR Hamilton - move main entrance and wrap around patio
• CR Hamilton - upgrade to culinary water
• Jordan River Gazebo & Boardwalk renovation
• 12600 River Bottoms Entry Improvements
• Neighborhood pavilion replacements (as determined by safety inspections)
• Centennial Park Restroom renovation
• Playground replacements (as deterimined by safety inspections)
• Park general info signs updated to new version
Move the following park projects from the General Fund to the Capital Improvements fund (see account 10515031-480501)
•Main Park Update to Weather Trak controller
• Park bench and table replacement
• Smart controller replacement 3-yr project
• Three stainless steel strong boxes for meter enclosure
City Council:
Add a bocce ball court - project to come back to council to determine location
The Stormwater Capital Improvement Fund is used to account for stormwater capital projects that are ineligible to be financed with impact fees.
Capital Improvements Fund Summary - Stormwater Projects
Capital ImprovementsFund - Stormwater ProjectsRevenue
Capital Improvements Fund - Stormwater Expenditures
Capital Improvement Fund
The First Class Roads Capital Improvement Fund is used to track the revenue and expenditures for capital projects eligible under Utah State House Bill 244.
Capital Improvements Fund Summary - HB 244
The Grants Fund accounts for the revenue and expenditures associated with federal grants such as the American Rescue Plan.
The Culinary Water fund is used to account for revenues and expenditures related to Riverton City’s culinary water system operations.
Capital is cash, adjusted for receivables, payables, current year asset additions,
and conferences including but not limited to:
• Backflow
• Cla-Val Training
• LTAP Flagger, TCS, TCT, and welding safety
• Rural Water Spring and fall conferences
• AWWA mid- year and fall conferences
•Treatment Operator Cert for Green Well RO
•Water Users Conferenece
•Reverse Osmosis for Green Well
• Misc CEU's & training
• Hill Well Investigative •Green Well Compliance
• WET Samples for Green Well discharge
•Green Well Discharge
• Misc Samples
• Misc Supplies
• Hard hats, fall protection, safety glasses, safety gloves, hearing protection, safety vests, snow cleats & steel toed boots for 20 employees
• Air Monitors replacement for confined space
• Air Monitor Gas for bump testing
• Traffic Sign and Cone replacements
•Green Well salt for onsite generation
• Chlorine strips for testing machine
• Replacement of outdated testing machine
•ABPA membership (4)
• Division of Drinking Water Operator renewals (5)
•AWWA membership
• Utah Water Users membership
• Rural Water membership
•ISP membership
•General Maintenance
•Meter Register Maintenance
• Asphalt & concrete repair
•Green Well HDPE pipe change out
•Relief Valve replacements
•Replace level sensor at High Tank
• 1"" double check backflow assy
•Mag meter for Gedge
• Miscellaneous requested tools & supplies
•Tilt disk at Gedge
• Dept x-mas luncheon
• PW x-mas luncheon split
• Quarterly training supplies
• School & community events swag
• Water Week Celbration
• Retractable banner for community events
The Culinary Water Impact Fee Fund is used to track revenue and expenses for eligible capital improvements to the culinary water system that are attributable to growth from new development within Riverton.
Culinary Water Impact Fee Revenues
Water Impact Fee Expenses
The Secondary Water Pressurized Irrigation Fund is used to account for revenues and expenditures related to Riverton City’s secondary water system operations.
Capital is cash,
Riverton City Strategic Goal for days on hand = 180 days
US Median # days on hand (Moody's Investors Service) = 382 days
*In the actual column, one-time capital expenditures are capitalized
PressurizedIrrigation(Secondary Water)Fund
Various trainings and conferences including but not limited to: ULCT, ICMA, ICSC, Fall elected officials conference, disaster trainings, etc. (split with 100 and 510 funds)
• Windows & Screen Cleaning of Water Shop Offices
• Install Exhaust Fans in all bathrooms
• Interior LED light changeout
• Exterior LED light changeout
• Light bulb replacements
• Shop & Equipment garage LED Light change out
• Maintenance & cleaning of electrical panels • General Maint
• Yearly pump & motor vibration test
• Misc requested tools & supplies
•General Supplies
•Dept xmas luncheon
•PW x-mas luncheon split
•Quarterly training supplies
•School & community events swag
•Water Week Celbration
•Retractable banner for community events
The Secondary Water Impact Fee Fund is used to track revenue and expenses related to eligible capital improvements to the secondary water system that are attributable to growth from new development within Riverton.
Secondary Water Impact FeeRevenue
Community Impact - Secondary Water
Secondary Water Impact FeeExpenses
The Sanitation Fund is used to account for activities of Riverton City’s solid waste and recycling collection operations.
* City Council salary will be 15% of the average (midpoint) of grade 20 **Mayor salary will be 25% of the average (midpoint) of grade 20
The above pay scale includes a 4% cost of living shift along with a benchmark adjustment for grades 7, 8, 19 and 20
Administrative Policy:
Steps will be July 1, of each calendar year, based on budgetary approval by the Riverton City Council and successsful completion of the annual performance evaluation Service credit will be as follows:
1 to 1 years credit for Law Enforment Experience
2 to 1 years credit for corrections and other law enforcement duties with average weekly hours of 20 per week (i.e. reserve officer working 20 per week)
Step number shows the completion of the respective year of experience, no proration will be considered (in other words, you will move to the step number based on the total complete years of law enforcement service you have as of July 1)
All steps will move each year based on the cost of living analysis, as approved by the Riverton City Council through the annual budget process.
Employees are in‐eligible for any step increases while under performance improvement plan or other disciplinary action
After successful completion of the performance improvement or other disciplary action, employee will be eligible for the step increase henceforth
City Employee Census - FY 2024-2025
DHPP, Rabies, Elizabethan Collar, & Microchip)***
FVRCP, LEUK ,Rabies, & Microchip)***10-29-450
(Tables, chairs, TV,