Riverton City Newsletter - August 2020

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RIVERTON REVIEW Official Newsletter of the Riverton, Utah City Government MAYOR’S MESSAGE

Riverton Police Mark First Anniversary By Mayor Trent Staggs As Mayor it is my duty to lead and make decisions that directly support our way of life and Riverton City’s mission to, “provide essential services that enhance the quality of life and sense of community for all citizens.” It is my belief that the most important service a municipality can provide is the preservation of life and safety for every resident, which begins by having a dedicated and hardworking police department made up of only the finest individuals. Just over a year ago our city made the decision to become self-sufficient and create our own police department. I am pleased to report that

the Riverton Police Department has been a tremendous success, and we have seen first-hand the benefits of managing our own department. It is apparent that law and order is essential to a community and provides a level of stability that allows our residents to live and do business in trust. With the addition of nine officers for roughly the same price we were paying for 26, we now have 35 sworn officers that are visibly present in our community. These fine individuals have worked hard to build relationships, protect public safety and enforce the law. When we set out to create the Riverton Police Department we had three goals in mind. First, we desired a service-oriented and community based police force that would be focused on the needs and concerns of our citizens. Second, we made it a priority to hire experienced officers


that had displayed a strong commit- testament to the quality of officers ment to fair and objective policing. who serve in our community. We look Third, we wanted to protect our cit- forward to introducing new programs izens from financially irresponsible to the community, including the Cithikes in property taxes that would izen’s Police Academy this fall, and have occurred adapting to our had we stayed community’s inwith the county dividual needs “I am pleased to report law enforcement as they change. that the Riverton Police service area. Department has been a By creating our As the Riverton tremendous success, own department Police Departand we have seen firstand taxing serment begins its vice area, we second year of hand the benefits of have collectively service, we will managing our own saved Riverton continue with department.” property taxpayour commitment ers $1.2 million to offer the very dollars a year. best police services to our community. With the The services provided by RPD have help of our outstanding officers, we been phenomenal. The feedback will continue to enhance the quality over the course of the last year from of life for all residents and preserve our citizens has been overwhelming- the standing of our beautiful city as ly positive. This feedback is a direct a great place to live, work and play.



Sanitation Fees Increased Slightly to Help Cover Costs

MAYOR Trent Staggs tstaggs@rivertonutah.gov 801-208-3129

CITY COUNCIL Sheldon Stewart - District 1 sstewart@rivertonutah.gov 801-953-5672 Troy McDougal - District 2 tmcdougal@rivertonutah.gov 801-931-9933 Tawnee McCay - District 3 tmccay@rivertonutah.gov 801-634-7692 Tish Buroker - District 4 tburoker@rivertonutah.gov 801-673-6103 Claude Wells - District 5 cwells@rivertonutah.gov 801-875-0116

CITY MANAGER David R. Brickey dbrickey@rivertonutah.gov 801-208-3125


City Hall............................... Cemetery............................ Animal Control.................... Building............................... Code Enforcement.............. Fire Dispatch (UFA)............. Justice Court....................... Parks & Recreation............. Planning & Zoning.............. Police.................................. Public Works....................... Recorder.............................. Utility Billing........................ Water...................................

801-254-0704 801-208-3128 801-208-3108 801-208-3127 801-208-3174 801-743-7200 801-208-3131 801-208-3101 801-208-3138 385-281-2455 801-208-3162 801-208-3128 801-208-3133 801-208-3164

By Councilmember Tish Buroker

Beginning in July each household’s trash collection fee increased by $1 per tote. This increase is the result of much discussion, and finally compromise on the part of the City Council as we approved the budget for Riverton City for the fiscal year 2020/2021. This is exactly how government should work. Let me explain. Each year the Mayor presents a budget to the City Council. This budget includes the Mayor’s budget based on strategic priorities, and the City Manager’s budget based on the needs of the city to maintain quality employees and services. It is then the responsibility of the City Council to actively review the two budgets, meeting with individual city departments, the Mayor and City Manager. These meetings never include more than two Council Members, as required by law. The council then meets as a body in public meetings to discuss and finally approve a city budget. These public discussions took place in work meetings and City Council. Approval of the city budget is one of the key tasks of the Council and takes many hours over a compressed time frame in May and June. By state law the budget must be in place by July 1 each year. One of the issues debated this year was sanitation (trash) fees. The known facts are as follows:


1. In fiscal year 2019/2020, $630,000 was transferred from the REDIIF fund and placed in the sanitation fund to cover the actual cost of service.


2. The charge from Riverton City to



residents is $72 per year for one garbage tote and one recycle tote. The actual cost to provide the service is $136.68.

3. Riverton sanitation costs are less than Bluffdale ($177.00), Lehi ($126.00), Draper ($180.00), West Jordan (192.48), South Jordan ($175.44), Herriman ($204.00) and Sandy ($191.40). 4. The city has an excellent contract with low fees. However, as the Trans-Jordan Landfill becomes full (estimated in the next 9 years) costs will increase because trash will need to be transported to a new landfill much further away. 5. The city receives a financial audit each year. The audit recommends that a fund, such as sanitation should be self-sustaining, such that money does not need to be diverted from another fund. Each Council Member, similar to each household, has a different attitude and philosophy regarding income and how it should be spent. Some Council Members favored continuing to subsidize trash for as long as possible since there is money in other funds that can be used. Some Council Members favored increasing the sanitation fee to $11.50 per month to cover actual costs. This would allow the city to increase funding for other projects, such as parks, street lighting, and enhancing downtown just to name a few. In the end a

Even with a small increase of $1 per month, Riverton sanitation costs ($72) are less than Bluffdale ($177), Lehi ($126), Draper ($180), West Jordan (192), South Jordan ($175), Herriman ($204) and Sandy ($191).

compromise was reached for a very modest increase of $1 per month for the standard garbage and recycling totes, with an additional $1 per month added for additional garbage totes. This increase to $72 per year, for one garbage tote and one recycle tote, is still much less than any of the surrounding cities. As I stated earlier this final decision was the result of communication and compromise. No Council Member got exactly what they wanted but all were heard, and their opinions respected. Hopefully this is the same attitude that prevails among Riverton residents. There is room for many points of view and personal opinions. As we live together through these interesting times let us all work together for the good of the community knowing that in the final analysis compromise is a positive outcome.



Golf Cart Safety on Public Roads


Adopt a Park

By Chief Don Hutson Summer is in full swing and it is time for all of us to be mindful of a changing landscape on the streets of Riverton. Many more pedestrians, bicyclists, motorcycles, and other types of traffic are prevalent and require all of us to be more aware. Some of you may have noticed one particular mode of travel missing from the list above, the dreaded golf cart. It is no secret there are a few golf carts and other non-traditional vehicles which frequent the streets of Riverton. Some citizens are irritated by them, some are very concerned for the safety of the riders, and some don’t see their use as problematic. I would like to clarify a few points regarding the utilization of golf carts in Riverton. First, Riverton City does not currently have an ordinance authorizing or regulating the use of golf carts on city streets. So, state law is the authority regulating the use of golf carts. It is illegal for an unlicensed driver to operate any vehicle, including a golf cart or other off-road vehicle, on the roadway. It is important to know the roadway is the portion of the street where vehicles travel, not the shoulder. If operated on any specified highway, a golf cart shall be equipped with: head lamps, tail lamps, turn signal lamps, and other equipment specified in state law. It would be impossible for me to ad-

If operated on any specified highway, a golf cart shall be equipped with: head lamps, tail lamps, turn signal lamps, and other equipment specified in state law.

dress every scenario related to golf carts, but I will specifically address the most common situations I have seen.

which we deem to be unsafe. So, the best way to get our attention and perhaps be the focus of our enforcement efforts, would be to engage in unsafe behavior as it relates to the use of non-traditional modes of transportation.

If a golf cart is driven by an unlicensed driver, it is “Riverton City not legal for them does not currently to drive on the roadway. Howevhave an ordinance er, it may be legal authorizing or for them to drive regulating the use on the side of the of golf carts on city road, similar to an electric scooter streets. So, state or ATV. If a golf law is the authority cart is driven by regulating the use of a licensed driver, it is still not legal golf carts.” for them to drive on the roadway unless the cart has all the necessary house, that will safety equipment outlined above. our attention. Our interest, as police officers in Riverton, is the safety of all our citizens. That said, when it comes to enforcement of traffic laws in Riverton, our focus will be to address any situation


I can assure you we will get a call if a ten-year-old, and six or seven of his/her friends, are cruising down the middle of the street on a golf cart. Conversely, if your fifteen-yearold rides down the side of the roadway to a friend’s probably not draw

In closing, please help us keep our streets safe by monitoring your children’s use of golf carts and other similar forms of transportation to keep them safe.

Riverton has 33 city parks and numerous trails and open spaces. The August Keep Riverton Beautiful initiative encourages citizens to “Adopt” one of these public parks or trails. Great ways to help may include picking up trash, cleaning parking lots, sweeping mulch off sidewalks, or weeding flowerbeds. FREE clean-up garbage bags can be picked up at the Parks & Recreation Department at City Hall at 12830 S Redwood Road.

For more information about the Keep Riverton Beautiful initiative, visit: rivertonutah.gov/beautiful


NEWS AND INFORMATION Riverton City Hall is Open for Business If you need to visit City Hall, please adhere to the state’s current safety guidelines.

Main Reception: 801-254-0704

Animal Control Building Code Enforcement Human Resources Justice Court Parks & Recreation

801-208-3108 801-208-3127 801-208-3174 801-208-3135 801-208-3131 801-208-3145

Planning & Zoning Public Works Purchasing Recorder / Cemetery Utility Billing Water

801-208-3138 801-208-3180 801-208-3175 801-208-3128 801-208-3133 801-208-3164

You can conduct most business online at rivertonutah.gov





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RIVERTON CITY EVENTS With the changing environment due to COVID-19, we recommend you regularly visit rivertonutah.gov to find the most recent event and meeting information. PAGE 4


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