Riverton Review Print Newsletter - December 2022

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RIVERTON REVIEW Official Newsletter of the Riverton, Utah City Government MAYOR’S MESSAGE

Finding Opportunities to Serve or Give By Mayor Trent Staggs

Christmas Wreaths: I am grateful to all who sponsored a wreath for a December is an excel- veteran’s grave at Riverton lent time City Cemetery to serve your family, as part of the Wreaths Across neighbors America proand those gram. Because in need. of your generYou don’t ever need an excuse to osity, every vetserve, but this holiday month does eran will have a provide a great excuse to think a wreath on their little more about others. As your grave for ChristMayor, I wanted to encourage you mas. We need to either give a little of your time, help placing the Donations from Riverton City’s Holiday Donation Drive provide needed attention or money this month to wreaths at veter- gifts for The Christmas Box House. Donations can be dropped off at a person, family, organization or an’s graves. Join Riverton City Hall until Friday, December 12. cause that would benefit. us on Saturday, and beds. The donation deadline is December 17 at 10 a.m. for a brief Along those lines, there are a few Wednesday, December 14. ceremony and then to help place things Riverton City is doing this wreaths. month that we need help with: Silver Rush at Riverton High School Pet Rescue Dona- is a fantastic way to give to a deHoliday Donation serving charity organization. Other tions: We are Drive: We will be service or giving ideas that come collecting new and collecting holito mind off hand include giving to a “I wanted to gently used pet day donations at food bank, doing a Secret Santa for encourage you to toys and supplies Riverton City Hall a family in need, helping an elderly at Riverton City for The Christmas either give a little of neighbor shovel their sidewalk, or Hall to donate beBox House until donating to a Sub for Santa proyour time, attention fore Christmas to Friday, Decemor money this month the rescue organi- gram. ber 12. Items zations that have must be new and to a person, family, It’s easy to get caught up with all been so good to unwrapped. Items organization or cause the Christmas preparations and take in unclaimed currently needed forget the importance of service this that would benefit.” pets picked by Rivinclude: children’s time of year. Though it sometimes erton City’s animal clothes, children’s may not seem like it, there are control officers. sneakers, clothes many in our community who could Ideas include dry for teens, duffel use your help. Any service you can food, canned food, toys, treats, backs, hair brushes and more. You provide to your family, neighbors blankets, towels, brushes, dog can find details at rivertonutah. and those in need will help make coats, leashes, collars, food bowls gov/holiday-donations. our community a better place.




Home is Where the Heart is ELECTED OFFICIALS Trent Staggs - Mayor Sheldon Stewart - District 1 Troy McDougal - District 2 Tawnee McCay - District 3 Tish Buroker - District 4 Claude Wells - District 5

CITY MANAGER David R. Brickey

UPCOMING CITY MEETINGS CITY COUNCIL December 13, January 3, 7 p.m. PLANNING COMMISSION December 8, January 12, 6:30 p.m.

CONTACT US rivertonutah.gov 801-254-0704

Report a problem at rivertonutah.gov/report

FIND US ONLINE! @rivertonutahgov PAGE 2

By Councilmember Troy McDougal

I am. I live in a land of great freedoms. I am surrounded by Forgive me for good honorable taking a personal people. I live in moment, but this a community year has brought where people some big chang- look after each es in my houseother. A commuhold. A son who had been serving nity where doza mission in Uruguay returned ens and dozens Dozens of youth from Gospel Hope Church volunteered to serve at home, and my two youngest kids of youth from this year’s Riverton Town Days celebration. left home to serve missions in Brazil Gospel Hope and Ecuador. All three expressed Church volunhow much they missed teer to clean up and service by so many of our residents. home and how blessed serve at our Riverton they felt to have grown Town Days celebraCertainly, we live in difficult and “When I turn up in Riverton. They did tion. A community with challenging times, but if we are off the drip of not realize how unique parks full of volunteer going to overcome them, it will be negativity and look and special it was until coaches and neighbor- because we come together as a around, I realize they saw something hood kids laughing and community and city. We walk away how lucky I am. different. I realized that having fun. A commufrom the fighting, and yelling and I live in a land of I was guilty of the same nity where hundreds build on common ground, reach out thing. In a world full of to each other, and look for opporgreat freedoms.” of people unite for constant dripping of a day of service to tunities to serve rather than attack. negativity, political and clean trails and parks I invite us all this wonderful holiday social division, and and take pride in the time to reach out to your neighbor, constant focus on the bad, it wears way their community looks. A town make a new friend, look for the us down and we begin to believe it where the biggest high school activ- good all around us. It’s there we just and forget the good we have. ity of the year is Silver Rush, where need to see it. As we serve each funds are raised for charity, and other, we lift our community and When I turn off the drip of negativity everyone gets involved. There are make it something worth missing. and look around, I realize how lucky many more small and simple acts of Love where you live!

Winter Parking Policy & Snow Removal Protocol The following snow removal protocol and winter parking policy is in effect in Riverton: • Between November 1 and March 1, no vehicle may be parked on city streets during a snow storm OR where snow has accumulated on road shoulders. • Major roadways, high-traffic areas and school zones are prioritized in snow removal efforts as a matter of public safety. • Minor roads and cul-de-sacs are cleared if 4 inches of snow or more has accumulated once main roadways are clear.

For additional details, visit rivertonutah.gov/snow RIVERTON REVIEW | DECEMBER 2022


Holiday Safety Precautions By Chief Don Hutson Unfortunately, we in the business of policing find ourselves working extra hard during the holiday season due to an increase in the number of thefts which typically occur at this time of year. First, we must acknowledge the sad fact there are individuals living among us who are exerting an unbelievable amount of energy, every day, to formulate a plan to steal property and otherwise victimize the law-abiding citizens in our community, even during the holidays. Prime targets for these thieves are packages left on porches, checks received in the mail, vehicles left running and unattended, and gifts purchased and left in vehicles. The following actions can make a difference and will minimize the possibility you will be victimized. Remove packages from your porch as soon as possible or arrange for someone to do it for you if you are not available. Do the same with your mail. Many of our home

burglaries and thefts happen in the middle of the day, when the perpetrators assume no one is home. Also, lock your doors and windows, even when you are home, to avoid a confrontation with a suspect who may enter thinking the home is empty. Motion-activated lighting and external camera systems with motion alarms are also very helpful to let you know when a prowler is lurking around your property. Keep items out of plain view. If you leave items of value in your vehicle, lock the car, but hide the valuables too. If the items aren’t visible, it means the suspects have to work to find the items, and in many instances, they are looking for the quick and easy score. Also know, if it is a larger venue you are attending (church meetings, funerals, concerts, etc.), there is a chance the bad guys/girls are watching. After you enter the venue, they may walk the parking lot looking for the easy score. If they see you take your purse and put it in the trunk, all they need to do is find the trunk button inside your car and they will take your purse. Finally, never leave your car running and unattended, even for a few seconds. As the weather turns cold, it is

Wreaths Across America



Join us to remember veterans buried at Riverton City Cemetery and help place wreaths on their graves.

Christmas Tree Recycling Make arrangements for someone to remove packages from your porch as soon as they are delivered and do the same with your mail.

tempting to leave your car running and unattended to allow it to warm up. This is an invitation to a criminal opportunist to take it for a spin. Thank you for watching out for one another and keeping your fellow citizens safe by taking steps to protect yourself and your property and reporting suspicious circumstances when you see them. Have a safe and happy holiday season!

Properly dispose of live Christmas trees at one of three free drop-off locations through the end of January.

Centennial Park 13000 S 2700 W Monarch Meadows Park 13675 S Monarch Meadows Parkway Riverton Rodeo Arena 12800 S 1300 W

A Riverton Holiday Tradition! Come enjoy this free family event featuring wonderful holiday music with a 100+ member choir and full orchestra.

Saturday, December 17 10 a.m.

Monday, December 12 7 p.m.

Riverton City Cemetery 1500 W 13200 S

Riverton High School 12476 2700 W




Join us in the new year for the Mission Slim Possible Weight Loss Challenge, an individual 8-week mission to lose weight and feel great! Mission Slim Possible is a weight loss challenge, not a weight loss program. It is up to you to lose the weight. Cash prizes will be given out for the highest percentage of body fat lost, most pounds lost, and male and female division winners.

For a list of items to donate, visit: rivertonutah.gov/holiday-donations Riverton City is collecting holiday donations for The Christmas Box House – an organization dedicated to providing emergency shelter to children in need. Donations will be accepted until Friday, December 12 at Riverton City Hall. Donated items must be new and unwrapped.

Couch to 5K Training Program Have you ever wanted to start running, but just aren’t sure how? Join us for a Couch to 5K program to gradually build up your running ability in just eight weeks. This program is for people looking for a structured introduction to running with support along the way. Cost is $30. Free entry in the 4Life 5K on March 25, 2023, with a race t-shirt training support and much more. Register at: rivertonutah.gov/couch-to-5k



January 4 - March 1, 2023 | $30 per person Registration Deadline: Tuesday, January 3, 2023 Register at rivertonutah.gov/slimpossible

December 14 to Sunday, December 25 Drive by homes decked out in lights and decorations for the holidays during the Riverton Tour of Lights! A map will be made available to the public at the website URL listed below on December 11 to help you identify locations to drive by on this self-guided tour. ENTRY DETAILS Riverton residents who put up awesome holiday light displays are encouraged to enter their home in the Riverton Tour of Lights! The entry deadline is Sunday, December 11. Entry is free. Participants will have their name and address included on a map and will receive a sign to place in their yard during the tour.

To see the tour map or enter your home, visit:


Half Marathon & 4Life 5K Be part of a Riverton tradition and come participate in one of the valley’s best races. The race is designed for all ages and abilities with medals and prizes awarded for participants and winners. General registration opens January 2 for the Riverton ½ Marathon & 4Life 5K Race Day is Saturday, March 25, 2023 9 a.m. (Half), 9:15 a.m. (5K), City Park

Register at: rivertonutah.gov/half


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