Historic Riverton News Clippings

Page 1

Excerpts from the history of Riverton and Lives of Some of Its People

Volume 2 -Newspaper Articles

'''""' .hi, ,, ,-,~ - ? -H·-'r-·--• sS dV Si J,


;q·" ,i.--,,2Pei 7 AKE UITY,


%keel7-----s-'JnoJQtb, 1887... ·EDITOR DSERETNEWS: ..-. .• ,_·.-. Having vislted:Wes~ Jordan \Viu'don_. Sunday, the !Jth;·Itbought a'few irems from that direction would' bo' welcomed

#.r%£13% EE7%:

southwest of G. 8."_L .' City,; and. ls divided into four d1str-!cts, ea.cu of which has a meeting and·iichOQl house; where they assemble every Babbath, except on,

thesecond Sabbath bf each-month~-when -

they meet at Jordan·M;llls-tmder tlie di-·

rection·or Bishop ~chlba.ld, Gardner,. in-. a splendid stone edifice,· ~x&J, fo.' cltidiiig vestrf,-wnich·00st ten"thorumnd

dollars. · ···------ ---- -·--·-- ·--·-- - - '·. The total number of inhabitants is

ab_out_ ~'-- principally

settled seven

miles up antl five' mtle~r down-Jordan' River, ·from Jnrdan Mills, cultivating mostly the river bottoms which. have r been serlously·affucted- both.the present fitand past yearn by high water. Much of '•. the land r:md-grain is at th!s_ ti_m~ i:mder_ #water.-Bishop Gardner ssstbe.water ! w onG hich higher than he ever s it previous to Hils. time,· and I must say tbat lt"Is fiy-his··perseverenre that the bridgennd crossing have been preserved. ~ . He llas snent 300 ao!la..--s besides con-


~ si<lerable poll b:t:a:, dni-ing th,e pre-sent

i week, forming an embankment. whlch

] extends one quarter of s mile. The ma -

#terisl for it has been carted in, n d has beeh mostly obta!ne<t by cnttrng 10 or 21 feet. from the top of a steep hUl, muk. 1 ing n much bette1' road. ' :\f:rny ,daces :dong- tb.i~ levee ll-:tding to tile l,ridgeH :You!li 5Wim s. hon".c._ The




.. ,

~a.Ucm M&ttm~Tbe ~ tf,i,i of the South Jordan µrlptlea Company held a meting'st Wet Joritan~yHteolay, .a t yybleh It wu 4~lded that no should :'~-,a~()tre«! .j· to an. water the coming yest from-.,, the So.u U1. _J t>rdan C:tn&I, unleai 11-..j 1 1

·I b:~~ p.&1~ f,n•.au·d. obfsfoed. s:oert.i·I. ;_.

~te(fffef' Wll!;h!t rlght,··amf£1!1Bin only ff ~Edhrig-to-tha.~1.motwtpaid; !.. f:,;tiJ&tc~n,Hic.13tas 9f - Wt.ttei· risht .be•·

fssued o ho persons entitled to]

~htrn~ betwe~n ~ ~t ofsud hif, of .&:iuebi 188tt


•· -~- ,_ j

#be Secretary, Jesse • Fox Jr,f, 116 ·.;; \VU~ lm~ue;i Uie eeiiUlea,te;o.wht>-tJi calij ~t1rtfpoti-ton hii:i'trf;-"i1Hr1r1,r-li!•ni-~ 1 J

bte'fht ell trsnfens of water right, fi


from one psron to another, ~ ~nte~pilllfR-J, ba m&de. btitmJD~.;


fhe eert!fcstes ns ?stied, tare. . trouble fAD d expense.. ·rbe DOlfl\l.U:Uii l 0Ul'.'t'ft ([}f 25 cento& wUl-lm j ~ the ri:uitdng out of {i1'Ch _eM"tU.1!e1i-~,# ~j •







to be · 1 .done bri tha t~n~t, in mt\ltlng m.n@ j~ . AB ~neiJ1e,ra'bl\\3 work_ b . , ,.,.,



. .

.. ~·-· ... l'


i~pi\i.rlng fiu11.:He-9, br.:1n:1.1, ete.t th,i~ ·,; , -• " - I vdU oo a dninee for tho"Ee Je;ihn::l\f:i; ·

.y I


~o' purebs.Ets v/ater right1, to do fill~· paying in lumber, If the sppyk t~) tbs tJupenn.t.";:l;Hi0niil .J~~~ \Ji/,, <"fl'


.~•t e,il\iJ'". ll.t.nrtH:lu"l\a





ha d.b-tincUr u.r:.d~.r1 tiCc~d.l ~ __,lt,d%ould '• ,,. " - , tbn1 only tho:1,e ~i'Stt!tta ~ho m~~ ..., ... Jr"~ ic.r the wr.t.,, rlght, ru;d >!lfCo.~tbe# i t;;:i.YrtHi~..;ta~ b.ctifoni U:.te ht 6.."f>f J1[JZ.N:he •., &HI b entitled to ster during tb ol


iJ .; .,~-~- .,




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,J::k:,{\Jvt . . ur . ' - ~".. :-··--·•··-;•·--.. -:-·::tGe /C>O'd , · . • zo ~~o~~

he Aydrautie 'anal Company. ~ '

L 'rho

.nrtl<.~~0$. ()f lucorporntlon of

o lydrlle Canal'ompny hv@

ee11 _tUed_ \ViU~itl~c \OU ut.y clerk:

t,_:,c~ho_ obJect of tho co1np:i11y, ns sot forth in the articles, Is for tho pur-

. post,-of.,the constru ctio.n ti nu n1nl n>- teuttnl'o of-a canal - through vrh~oh ~ to-couvuy ·wntor for ngr.iculturn,l pu1·poses,--nrid_ the purchnso.nnd erecUon ·b y,:! ralic machi nery for tJ10 nifs.. of water out of the Jordiiu IU vot -

- · cann.lll fu _ bo -eonetl·ucted · . .·t·' ·1••fl,;f;;!\-. .C. ,CL. ;: ¥' '/'' A\'/<>·~. t t . ~ ,.,O!l n.& t·- -• ·1 ) . 12%± ,~-i,AHti.:,. ~1t .; . 0' • ,;t ,,., .., ~~:\,..,.., .....:, . ...,, ... .,~- J ~~

- ... >a

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-,P, K'- "<U -i! 0 t't

'fl 'f:,,if.lA U~Lfj


. i· No t' . £~_tJ

the soutixsrn. boundnrv . ~ net .. - 1.%.5.13 % ·-1 i- of .~ . _Salt l..1Uli6 (,oi1.n1ts~nnut:!biLffting: .Iil a noi•thorl y direction {o &he -iiitersect~i. r. .... j





~ ~~


~~ ..



ing Uno running b~tvi/f:t~Hl seeUnfi 10 _ nud 2t and 17- au-d: '20 ~n ttnvnr.1hi

south, range 1

. rid1an: an1d btit~d -·uhJ. used direction and suporv ~.- poratioa fol' h-rlg::iUng .t o thJ~_ chd srdd ~

·'~, ,and .

adPI! ·•,~:--· .... ,


--,,,; '





. I'

tarele4pr we7gt pe JP$

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B:_:J~ . ,

~I _,ti._4'm__ Mf,.~ .ffli } Mgassab.±a'j eoopla;/la the settle # rn r\d&.- &~1i,Jt>--.i:Aaii




mrtat of the Sdota w~r~~ ~- W0ll, ,

.~f~".:""! ,~-::"Tn"'... _ i-~ - •~1 ' ~ ·ar-1 -:.'' ~ • ...,, 1'1- ~ A~ ,r -~~dTc'. .w-Aawi:"" OflU/1:t~ .

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.r.'be ·u.Hey ail:or~~

xtu»m tor. t•

·-·-- ---~ t I


1say tboas¢ds more _ope, is yyeit ,%% ; '\!~~id i;!\\!ld thn~M.1i 'J! tm«11~,:,. i -ntft7.~ Ut'<i!X'C' ~>Xifllt~ ~d t>m~-:· ' ; ~

1\)(JmJ Chui~ M. pe4.re4 f t~ "11.ifiTd Dlmdct C for OO!Tht.ellO:~ @mi@. d:t~ f'!i>i""e of u~wf~ cohebitgtfor, io \t1b.re~ he bd l ~Uty.. "1ti.M'& !~d~~t of the COilft that 1B0 oo tiso!!l~d Uil Ul~ r~~t ~y m th.. ~ !Of flliO.







vol. zg (January IS, /£i"13) toZ



THE. JUVENILE INSTRUCTOR. A NOBLE RESPONSE FROM THE .. CHILDREN. LAST Christmas morning, it being Sunday, the Sabbath school children of . the little town of Riverton, in Salt Lake County, were ·reminded by the superinted ent of the school that the Presidency of the Church desired to have the Salt Lake temple completed ready for dedication next April. It was explained t_o them that means were required to finish tbe beautifui structure, and they ·were invited to help towards coinpleting work. Sunday, New -Y ear's day, was appointed as the time to receive what the students had to give tci aid noble cause. Ori that occasion the amou'nt of $15.35 was handed in by the chtlclren of the school' as a free-will offering to the temple±hi!--ii When the children were" told the of building the temple,' and


possible for them to help in such a great work, they became interested, and very willingly gave their 1i ttle 'savings toward that building. There are many little things children can do towards building up the kingdom of God; and they cannot begin too early in life to learn fo be useful. Little friends, look about you, and see if you cannot find something to do that will be a benefit t.o some one. You will find many opportunities to do good deeds if you will only look for them.


sJi~L;~~rn ('.,.Ot~nty, J'.~_(tf'C\n'

31.-A.ltbougb- lhng !n ~.. nn-n,! J tbi fl plac-,e ,iB i:i:eep!ng 9.b1"l:11,.Btt with the tires in ip tovemen& pa @oierprlz. L'.i!!fDeeemtJera f.:io.'.j tw·o-Bt,irylbrlck 1,cu0-0! tJouse was1 comp.toKeu i.t & oa,!'lt of l~bour. $5000. E;J 1, l.'<::0Dn~ U,<?,,:\; ,,-wo f'll ' ' ~· ~ t J' ,·:.-~ ~-- ... t { 1::scb_ovls ; t.i.nn11.1a.1- ~,;.:J.~.,. r_t\.:A. ...: J ,,._,,t .h , ts } 1.h,;,1,,1g!3t ti11un, ~l!L!lh Cb,,t.·,e-;:,,_:__ J ess eddy iight t o C(imui'erol;_,.l O•Jtnv,2,ny wuri

lil.t e,





.., . ~

'fbts (;ap 11:&.l wz,..

... ~

,r, .• ~.

jpn.: ,, t

pnid up, ±. ts1or t,ulltHng HJ to~ l.,ni.1.~ ate. Doibi:, r,f 1& l:v.:· $5000~. 1·11., i:\ :,,,p.L,or fo tc, b<1 •~·'''°"l 1':lOtt·, wmtehvllf!~ "' r;.nd fl ,or :or & , am1 ;.;.eJ(t]. .sn.1 k.•,.'l;___z~. , short time wise s JJok p,1 '\!!e hEI'e. · The uh lid' 1.:,.:,D t, ti-CWrn to Es

is th trps.ctin sers Mee



• J·

Doute and l~tter h1<viog·sc,ff Bl:i.e5J/ aisling tte Afla.1_i's in aw ?Vi~r ,, ouscouctltion. Oliir .J 1 . • ' • ' ~ awake m:tn, 9r!dug lu 11rn pr•~8elh


Jnt.1 pbnulng fo~ r.trn_iiltun·; Lie d!reelB I -.i ngt,itn ' " " !3 . wi'lu «n almost .unerr ttiEH\Ull•.. : 1

""f''."' '° '""' c1,,"''"'

1 fjiane: J """' Wbtre bi• ,u pr gress anJ tru-::: n,.i.h.'!O,J ·1eet lu lrlenuJy u.1,brnce. l



A: l

Three weekH u.go :Brother Ed)V1'1l alk&]r, of Riv0rtoo, wa:3 ca.lied td our the loss of his daughter an1i nly child, Olive ::-riay. On the 12th 11,s t. he buried b la w He. 8 he . w ru, f\ itl1,!ul l1atter-day Saint,.and at


nne of her derniEtf heid the position of· cod counselor to the president of tbe rinsary Association, was an active

t·eacher in tbe Sunday school", and a ominent member of the Riverton 01r.


flisterVvalker was sick only fon r days, v,ttended the recent Cuoferenoe in


1 '1! ' _ RIVER-TO~. - • 8alt - -

Lal:-tl t""" county, I .. , June v.,,

l 8.-JenB Nit.tl~tHl acd wide have had a .




gall txperieoce in the lt.at jet.'.. Some 1

twelve_ Ixiontbs ago they 1 · .ttt a son ~ooutli years olu; be died o ,: :3right'Ei tiiseese.. .Last _Wetilt tbey ·le,_ t two of teir obildren, girls, one. gs/bout l8 ,. , ~- •y ears ohl ant.I the otbe.r about: 17. Tbis ! ti roe it wa, uiohtberia -w hlot1i gut into · the family. .No one know.. how lt :i, came but the docto.t dtHJ( red the .~, Lt1sease to be of the worijt t,pe. 'The two giris when taken wer' in the bloom of hEJ.&ltb. Ooe was; ill only , _ fur days before her death, Te otbtc1r ~ on~ took niek aud died w i~ht u five





dftJ'_e after _tut,_ first. DQ 1nteUigent girls.


I .

were good . \

'l'hey _


A brother oftne deceased,~ ~bout 24,bad just._&rriveu·_ tro the B._Y.




i actidt;m~ ~t PloVOe Ha baa b ,$0 t&}HHl_ .own with the sme dine, tnd !t is


~ {\ q_ue~Uon_ whi_1_ th.erl he -w.iH s_ r_vive oi· as be i~ vory ow at vr-e~~e; t Ii.1 not,Brother l~ie!son f.ind wHe ,.l!¾.'110 the <



}sympathy of all the people in Riverton

lj ward.

o far ss cn be learned the

J disease Lae notP.l_prt,n.ct.

c,iny f rtf-·2.er a.s

f, r • t , 11 not:,Id o ao. ,i yiH) ~n d 1• t· 1s uopt~u' 1-,vi:u



~! .


---- -~;;,,-



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·.&;,;_!fc,n,i;~~fitMM.,···:···.·•··•···•·T7.v.1 '.7b1 Yl.93

,1 ~ l . ..



•~; \


- ·· :: . , •.... ·.. . - . . . .







:::> Caso. Dismissed. l . I


. . .. .... '',·.. . .






The ot Bills, · : , Bou th Jorda.n,:~,P~;:the .Oh~r:gc1 of p Jmftting

tl.l.6:;ccarci,~s; ()f_f?heep aqD\lt . ~~ pren1« ises, came'up beforo U. B. JC@mmissfoner Norrell -ye8terday ifteruoon. The hearing was not proceeded witb, as·lt wa.s'lascertra1neu ttn~t ' Ir. Bills had temovell the c~rcr,~!rnes ; hen.. diM tl{cted to by_ .the b~.~lq ',~ 1J1Ct.r. ·t,l'be cast, was conquer z,]/##pi idsed. The ,


.. .


.. •






eircom'-tn:n;~;-~8 . CDIJ illtn 'lUH.! t. " ." , ; a+es }k±J a ~ t: n.. ~.:::) 1..a u d tee± h · ··•·· ' · -:-1 • ,~..1'fr 4, ~- . :· · · ·• • : I .· . ... J.--~.; C:,_:.,~-dbi [,li '.l(--~~ ,l 11






6, .,.


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,.....,,,,..,, . ......~

~ht· ··f~.'l'/. ·

··.14f,se)fufl/tf/5/l,J}jl}~~4--.L l



Ts ow $4RP;:r, Mo4L. . ~ ·. ,~.:. . -~ . , - • ·:{ '-.· . .

·,1. :

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j '. •

rast IU<Un;,..• fall / o~ ~ · 11.i~.rse,,,?J1nd.· a:. ' . . .. .' .~ . f011.; ·.. ·. ',~.. ~H·.. 1.. ;eg. ·. · · ..· '. I .. _ i .• •.·

. . :_

:'. ;, . ~./_··.·:

--~· ~ ~


! .

., •



- •··••.

:· -~ . ,- , ·. .:

RlVJ~RTON' iB~lt La:k't, ;c~nty.~Wlll ert the following in your ~a1u~IJ1e P,~~, anu ·•. a&:: t~'i sam& Ume;:

oa please.ins


to the youngmen?


./\:.~..· aco1uef·· tt bao~nedl. •. at· above,, !'.lntrxed ·place ·su.ndayitFebruaey··. 4~. 11

\ · . .J.'wis i{· ·.:o . h . · sent r..~ . ·.,- .:. iuo, of p·J....~l, .au cterrand .: bi.s:.''.·.~•.·".:[l!ler•.~i·.~t·,r~~~··..·. -.~·:'.•.-·.o·.r·. ~ rte. off hi~JbJV.~atber:a!-'ve ; not to ,01 .···.. o t~: ~·- . tt~· r9~.: .· .~~• as very sufet account of snow i,.•a1t

1•.8H4... Ttie.~1•.·.tt.. ~. t•.·.o n· ... UtUl8CD, l\ sbout


h ·. ·.·•··" .·: ..•:·:·

.55ct.±c7a.± comingback brook-nek

·'van,nd st s ±d the horse struck n glassy• place

·id·tbe -oo·n f«1<iuenc•: \Veas_ •la'taUJor. tiu,. · · n bro~.;n leg for the boY.•~<t •


b1l1.tpjlbtt· tatb~r, !~»•ldt1 ptQII

§orraw ito bhnaelt;anld·tue:wnow. 1·:: .:. . - JJ

~:'. ,:. ;~ ~,-~.-I

"'·, ·o• . . . re½.·• N··· o:>~<.f#. • ., ;,: - . ·. •

. . '-






. •

• ·.





:~,;~ ;

ffo 1.Hsoover

;iJ~.ti '::: )t~1'10U8 :0KninH.1ed. an,J

J,.eiu·\·osi· coJJ ar i.:1~~tn~,\tipo<>:~ · ,:·10. ., ·, ,. qeir. . ~-,·aomha ,,. . .. J :


, )3£U' . ··i;.. 1,,;./JH~t


'.n lg

d" :.rt,· HU

/y·in "''to . · .l' l/i,




'It It ' . !i!tHl.

·;••:•t-1.d {rl.i.HI.\ .rr~itd:..


·.•. ;J W!;, Svei f,.Jt,';11/5' •· . •~

.. 1

1 II


' 1

11 1 ·




dt. /2, / [S'JS . ·

Notes From .Riverton.


}. RIvro, Sais Lake Couty, '.~ · . · i . · ·. ' -.ranoary lo. 1695,. )llditor~ .' ...· . . .. . . , . ifewa: I ··1


fl' : •An_ lnr'autry r:~~p•~1 of the Utah


11 °!illtia hae · be_ep :,f ~~ganl&ed . ~ere, with ;J., Chriaten~;n~. captain, WU~

I So-elberg aa flral lll'utenaut, and Tba&




• ' f

! I

) P._ ,Page at eeoofd: Hrutenaot.. C•pla~n •


· Cblf'.iateneen. went ,to 8aU . L,ake CJty tooay for the porpoae. J>.t obtalQlng , feqtdpmenta for!t.~:e·~mpany. He· waa 1


informed b.r Genersl .. Ottinger Ula& the

uniforms oouJd · na,t-:; be turniabed u tht!ffl w,~ro no& eooucb to eu pply lbem~ bat that the

goats snd other equip-,

rould , be.I proviued in the near _ ! I · , ,


e. -1, 1@%i

. -iii

3'he Rivertr

'3ran.sfie asoIstion,

y%? pp.teat Th HSocis! Glass"? si tfe 3


D11!p~1f. b.. OB Fr'id•Y e~n1 ng, J B!DU• l lft The pro~• ·will go to esist { Gartes who ts now j

"neon, W. H.olden, _

i~~ _ ~oo.. f f{owe g l sxctr will tsks prt { U ~ WJrd~ i,O lHil',1

hrs jhy:

. ,1..w~~ -- · (iii.In'\ Jr.,» W a. · 11•


.,) .,

Ji }

Etc _ , ocii, F.. Vt!-~- ehb,


e.'~ ~-' I ·' I E · · nr t 3/.hu~tf.)~•n,! .!.A,. ._ A. _ ✓." ~keir, ~ 1

lVfill@ii\, ME'8.. Bow Jden &1:in u ilorB r,% t·


i·-~~r1os211.. be ~~-p:1.1uy_ made e grea.t t of tbifi play at Ute ..p0ni lil& of ~ 3flu1l'.ferton tlu~•&teJ:L on .J anuaey Srd9 th@ ~ple ~ave; tequeated tbtlt u.·j i~~,!N'ildtiCffl:i hehl,. ,,, . · n ft; ~.. Vo



..,___.___ .


.. •



am-ever 80 es 9er



w 11./t:tvr

NATEE E R' S.,3$18±223 . 9±3%%i187%388# 2#92 1 $%e.% All. aac--- I "W, 2..7, lo ~ f


Serious -11i~ta.keJ ia X.ambi.. Ri V £.11102'4, u '30, March !l..i, lb.fl.;, .Et.f.r/01? i.Je&c-ret


In yr.ur paper of Friday. March 22, you t:-ald ti.J1.t ldbt r;ff llarJj,, ·and-~~

County Attorney Harringlou weut lo R:vectou to uike .Jil31rf lD t :t t1eariog of tte cisy betore t±e Justice ut th3 pee of t:sat precinct in wLkb .Ba tc..1 1:ltnde.rwn auij two 0H1~n a.re !d1H&nt


cb.ir,geJ wllb p.etit l.r~?cer;.y.'

Your 1~ !ur~Dt tt~m~ to baV€1 ,got U:..ith.b t-!;simtt-vat mn!xed in reg;std to pmss txd ti ate::. Pd>out · one· yc~.E a.go .baU'l!:\~t !UJ J J AHl lh, tt. o 'illf i!Cl ~ ~ fil'it¼!·~J:f o .o 1., ctJ::srgo or pidit iarceny eu·ttJ.-«H~eb.tuf;a.J11 .... lbcr~ bt ni~ no e,vzJence a.gatiu.!i't. U11eni1 @, \Whi t0Vt:r.

llr~ 1:hmct~ir!i·Oltl trn:,z l}~V:t.t

f bees arret t and rougtt before bis ] cuturt ou «uy ttg wt»teer ! ±y

,t t!T'Q f'


f ~),-1·;. HarJ:in.gton , ar.nd .111:r. .f!uJy

I ca

.H 1".Pt":l/'to:o· Oill ~,JI.iucn. :.., o ~o b~ Jets {'Tore cir4 wit targir. aai~ .• t •

} present at toe tearing ox ors

ij . I W15h yuu ·w-ouU St t t :.1e tll\:¾.lter · ri,;ht b~!c1rt0 the- putiH;:: a, t.il!'I: ~H11t.!,i,; interested think tat ±u tuytustlce Me b~u d4,ne then,. CHA!rf.L.:ES

J uetice of CUH.:t.

, regrf.::te


throur::h i


Lllt: .Pee.cf'., R~ wr1rw11


rli&TlON•. . . . ;. I!. • ..

tr 1




zxe1a•1,e·er tue


20,106 a4 W~llt ll GS,Ol:16r~l11e l&el■r... · I


· 1a Be ·~,


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. Thtff,811& ·:-~•ke·: ·.?.tY;r,:<bll~f\_Qf-:_

z7:.2: antexclusive of, tbe ty 1

llt.J.l. \,~ •. ; •.••••. ~. ~f•··•~~~-~:•····~·J~~~


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Es ! f





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f?t$Cl! net.• ~ -:· -.·,pare11lli,;':.-•,r: ~tunbE!'.!"ltf1! · _ .,:_~.::. · ._ ........._. •• .~, ·.:.-.;.,.- · · 1


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_~ :»Cf1m'! rf41 ~ r=-ctrtr:tr'tm:ii'+l';;,>,Jql..;UII,'., r· - · --

•ff·;f;£~::filti AND tbllNII~ .;.~ -~ . - < , I

rug '68cnwood Power CompanJ Pa.. I


. ·,.·du~s _,or ~~lse.

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,r.eE in1iilfulE tOJ1'f&~(}T A\J?P•ov'mD j·_ •· . . ~ ., . . .

..- . ~"""'°'"~•~='-'~"''"''"m"~""""'"·'~.,-,,.. •

- •


@a#l&lg hermits--Th Welk"g tJ:i_,., m ll ~ i". _'f!itl,·, .....,'04.'ii~.,.,w;



- litA .


·,nm:i:illft.; t tl ~ !t·

[,<\,ujot]f.tii.EXX0~'tt If

[K@;il.Jili .t\l'/i,{l,•l§.. }; .




HI fbe oofssions % as @ere Couty At- #}

Count";, CoJ... l');~ ,It




clerk ntborlzsd to §llrth1tJ.Sict 500 coplet; of Uie n.d~ of 1·; tb~1 "l'~~i6i @hltrlet OO U)tt, . • lri,1:l. 'i ~ l, •~>U't•i ~ l• A f.)~ 111f)nd :JI DU COfi:!tlrJ.'1,:Ct O». \v llh mrd ui i


8t0w~r! for Uni cond1:u:ctivli'& of ~ 4S.~ foot, IX)fll!l blgb wny cGmbtru;iUoill brivi1e ~ am'\.,~ ~be :torct1?.n river. bet1Ween S1il.m!y :i BJlli! Riwerton :or ~9'10.w 0-i~ i~ort to bt· l oapMeted by Oz:ober l0 vs present- , 6-d f.Ul fl iH'.t t} ro Ve d •


".i;~1t;wri,'~~::Y-'-:n>1'Pt~'/::.1'.,-t':,'!~"';-~·;;·:1""mY'!''""'~?r~·=:_..;-:;l,<:•s.·":-'Z~-- ."t"';~J\:;'-f,7.l'-l.lr..D~..'.-\':'91'\!'B.~1,

=E E I .--I ,.: rda kiyr Being Used far jump:


\ug · U.dust '? .,

•1 m:1


lll,CFP' DALE) Jan. u. 1£:3. m .·' 'fo tho E<litor: · It is ot rare occuuenou wbeu tbe peop!e of tbiB llltle ·b urg 1u0 ·arowe~ to··• _Uu, point of making. oomplalnlh, but th@ p!l:ltat rew weeks teey have hl;'d to ~ breathe alr whicb, to· say tbe leut, la junt i:lmply awtul. 'l'be odor arl1ina ~ tbeJordmn river ~t Uooe1 ...-belng ~s io be ah.nott un~r&bl@. · It h rlioi ma}y rich In t'lmeU but in tm.tte.~lt:ou { people H.vhig adjSictmt to it h~ve • J to atop uaiug U!il watern entirely j





I i

fr domestio purposes. Conjectures re { ny ts to the cue, Dt n@n® tu&Vt, gned It to natrl 69eequemcee, gtit th river or lake te being t1> duropi D~ grouiallJ.for ~U OO!?iDa

,~r t0f U€ e.

If th IFJ fiil . U~'lJ c~te the 9.~ot thoa!u be Ot'J!U&d-to this ~uenUO\il of t be@-€' v1boli~ dnty 1t h t.o·atl@nd_to.1Uuti(·H'

~Ue10, U.uit thia probabl@ ~ute o1 fess nd de!h my he tot08d.

·r_r,tuiting this mty tlrJ.d-,~i 1m@.U &pace an ,•oi.H' Vi41U~ble eolum!'.li'o l am . .

. . . ft.,. 8 U !UJOBWtffl,.,,.ur.:_

I,59#9g±4ES392J12%294.1$2%2e32~%2pi4#j&jigSig#pi#Se9s aggerr eam, ill93f.R M$±' ii$ 99 us '

. l£ ~,~et/e>f,l/5 ·~


_F!!.2,,, 2-</, {.?_"/_] -- - . ~

Ri ve1·ton l'i e n·s. 1l1VERTON'1 Balt L.1ke

Coa_nty, Feb. ! !:!i:.-A .tine.creamery h&s beeo uodeI .ctec\.\on IQJ' ~ome \\me. \\Ud

\s novt

~oout ready lor lbe machinery. I~ 111 a : ntw'enterprl~c 1n lhls · rapidly growi n.g war ct, and it owes its --ere-0-llon-t~1-· . ------------ .. -- -------,-.. ; :\lr. Ch ~r!t:B M. l., 0kee 1 \



a ;well to do


. C:.lrme.r of H.'tVtntou, OD whoeti ground"


it w i 11 Lie iu opera, tio ,~ • ' alto t.o _ MF; \V ilHtim ocnoott of· San·dy) t.b~ h.ttei "l>tlrii;;_ wc;l_ knuWll aniong-i1:Is railroad

.,_lon falt.-r o t: U~ uloo a~. o a_t'Psctoo· .of (.bu- eta.U. . e-.g·eUme -·~ ..ut- e tb.o trom. o?_...tn.e ,· U1c hr nwh of the fi>&U · '..lore w~e the~, Utah Central. It ls hop.a\J tba_t U1e · ~..l creamery wlll ba a $UOOO!i@ ~t}d '-t;;1H * ---- ' --·-•·---···----· :·. --ii g!,·e g;oou ae,Ua!,u.:Uv,fa .t-f-Uus e;;;ctllJla.- m, trs or its pro,1tfot.· · ,,... A ua_w t?rga~hu,Hon h.~ apru r g ;{, up vi late fn the fas of a string b»@



#j Italyorgpig ±ti@ which 4nroducea

;i_~ 1tsei1 OrJ VnlenlhH1i ih,y . 'by tuufng tbc ~1 thh;fo to tbe · Ugbt fantu.otic'il in tl{; I D ~--' ,~ p !:Ha . £UU ' ·,i ,, ' .,,.U, ltil . h . fa''i;ll!;,1 ..,p., I Ve LO i., 0 ptrd, H ##j wt! give tu!!setis:c!ion to the to-vars kg o: tbe torpelcloren art.jibe prestiept #$f ot tho nsworz u! si ls Mfr. J. W Webb, wbo also J1a..8 the.. (06\n&gel'.KH"l'.lt ~;' or tbe Riverton Open hu.U,. wtth .hit. ' , .E. J\.• Walker as stage n d fh::H n:rn r;• ~' Be,61". Tbese gentlemen liiutlJ,Y lnVXh} t:~ tl:leli frhHHh, aud 31&0 draitntiitic ru;.socs~ nt1ona to ·visit ttl exn a ad r·ecei ve

I trnatmtmt.


I f?j. . :ull o perat1~ -----~---·-·


- -


\Vitti the new ori;,111,olz d,ion we now ba·,e two string b1thi8 anJ onFJ urn·•!,~ tn. u d. . \Ve_ a!S:J tJ a '_,.a li UHt.H, e.~o rea lr.:.

~- '""""-'· · , l ~· tn,u--, "ft) t I ge:n .

THE HIVETON 0-0 --·:·'l·'

..:\rtlclrs ,,f ln 0 1 p ration i h\-he l ouuty tJ

*k. -,

AHicle!4 · of 1nc·:rpvtati~ n oF--.t t· ~i verrnn Co-op. wete 6JeJ ·_with .Qouti.• , t.f ·ClHk Dunbar tb18 a(JterriOOD~ , .. 'I'be


lr;JL.fl-.•QCS:lou ·916_ Toumas H .. Salt Lake Cny, Willi»m E.

&ete, Eruest T. Bate, Henry·Brown, unut!I ll. Greeli, ad Edward Or, .~u nf R,v-,rroo, 81lt·!-'!,~~~~qp_u ._.,:r, . ♦

.-~itAt·-:1;1,;'i/.i~.~-~!lr~.j.aJ'.it .._. • _ ce, .· ·. . :

r ·..., a;. ·.• - •·'··, : .. 0




·.J&tv;:25;;gafr•:• . . . . , ·1vL; .._

...i,....,--...,..,,:,.,,,_..,.._,, - ·• . , '·. : . 1

.'~i .·· ,;..:L:1L· .-·. ·.., ,..·. ''.· •... .,· ·. ·•.: i""siherm Salt/f a ke Couily 1Notes.ff? ·· ·· · RI· rt ni,.: Salt- La.Itri ,•'11um:--, · ,.., .f;'l\,t.W.'-~ ·


~ ·,



f. :.Johri Kone died ·on-'.l\~m~f--·t:;b\ ! f,roat . .... t)~ho .· id cold •. f.· e··.•~ . ~-;.f...::contoicte.1-.. .~.:.~tb . ,.· .· ii11$b.·.·~.·•:.·. ?.::a.· _be.~:.··d~r~. .· . to . ·a. severe· weeks ·ago·_ wii~i{ ._J&ln~J:in· th-4. ;lt(it_~r


•··.:t .

u .-·e .~•.:·· ·_

4road -at the potnt.ot. be, nrocnt4ixJ The· deceased ·wa.e. only sick in bed .about


:i m:tiaU:· children, · <>~e.~ a:· Ut:tle <- •():ve:-:;".:~ ~"

4ers and the. other bout 5 weeksld \. Funerai. sen·lc.fl(.:nre_heid::.p,n~tb.£.k._,Ji~

.! sisvisor.ta.e.tre



.. . ·> ,·


· ..


•-·- ,.·




zldthe ·whole:: pe0;>l~ -' f.~l. tl">/'S):_r,:;lpa: •.


·1 . · . B,:vt,h{!r and S~er: -~amcJf-UaUMi{'of?

f·Bh:df. Dale were· ril.lled ,. to :-m~um· ·the

· J,Doss·;_of' their inta:rit .:.baby ~~ughter'./;oR LNovemher loth. · · Funeral/. · ttervf~::

i ere- held . from ,':the. \'\~ar..i . ~~ ~ ·: ~~ '.: ~l;t~ip~f.;:<'.Jtth.••·::: . ·:, 1i-·· -~ :,'.-:, ·: · ..\,..· •+±di% 0:·:•.

J,>·:i'I'.bomaa Blake."Of·.' . ·Souttt·; -~-J"orilanlf~(" -

egs?zig"!z .g.±:g3.2; ~~m~~--~~LJuat ··111ce-··a4'dtit6i;1~t: ·~· '~ . Uli.1?$.t~ .,.;;;i-i

-"~e.. :



'cton1pleteci :. a. i',fhtelling andis 1eartng:• --'b!4 , _., .. . . ":_. -l~:hycll. pro°vid~_.foi'~>·-· ·_;, · _,;_:,:/·/?\{ . . :·:-fi:t ·1 k<- ·Tiie delay . :in- resumlng.:•:t~ co~; -fof- -sfl!dy. •at- the $ont.h· \lo~ n: ,· S<'h~»l' -JJ:1as been . due to jin. ad Ott. to th.a:

} @4iding .which the

t izt


as .sadis_ j


;i'l"i1j~·'."of and·-·w . · i ba&}Jwrt: ~nc:. j romplet~.. :·Th~: ,..p,oth to._ the· ~ri. and p® . ll1J ··•. ·:an~~·: :;1 credit ~o ·.th . istrlc~'._ . ·):\.'. ;,.:=;;--·. : · ·. · •. t)Jf \i-= ··We ·are·. ~-to·· -report·:,the J1n..~:·.p.rov~m . t . of the youu men j so me _me ago :became victims of ;~ el ts---one . wUb · a ~broke-n-, ·teg•. the !.fl . er ~-.itb a fracturetl. skull'.: . ' Tliey·,_ ~; nr~ ~Ible to be around . anil liarfly: .at:"" . ~s to the',.......,.1" .-,. ,. ·'. mF .., t..·,11rl • . u d·u t'~es ~-•.u. . · - . ·. . .,·. ·. ·:: . - : ...... ;t · W. \V. Beeksteacl. · o.C<iU ri!::">n >. ~:a)i 7







~ tnoved .into his . r:~·-lt!ti~:-:::Jt-'u{ hardly yet complet~.;_j ust:~ en6~gh :<. to.

~ c-eorumO<tate. hls~... .:or-~~~=


When finisbeod:·.lt· C\ilt

•bo doubt

nest in the 'better able'townsmen.

he,one thea.few mote .su-clt-resMences ri-~.·.i.·ni.,fY ···. ·,,::·~ .-_· ·. e···.i·.· "nnl tootsee erected our


in thf ~near future-; as, lt ·a~its :g-n-atiy·:

to the nppeartUlt.~ of re.our fi!.,,::!Ulerilen~ a·t.ld displays the falt.h··ot .h1h·!li·b.l-:-j ..

.::.hs .Llhts rn· Hi1 ru_tu.-re· x,~iuv: .


• .· ·. .- .

, .....-- ~- .T. c.,;·: •· .


·- -·-·--··----·•·-·--·--



A FIREBUff8 · .~·BEN . · l!tf,IK"l~ ·me FMLURl





! Attempted to Burn 01.!t


C~·op. at Riverton,





(!1 .·:I .


=~ - '"''~"""''~"'' •=••<'<·.,.,· <Qe:..!rt"<l l~i.n


?~,: 06.';i·N :"i!Ci~t".


:i~ _

i Jil\".';::~IA,.';,;:;-◊,--~-~-1:~".~~~:;.~1~- ',;•'


:~ ;.ti- i'rri.blll:" ",:dt.-111,·nt hfft.•


nlr;ht orrln°' ~~ '-\;


tt] lo· th!!- dlll<'•.1Y.-rY or o.ttt·-mp tffi lncen- .~~srt;


~ ,

dl.:rh-Tn l'.t lh•· Poin'_.r ('o-~- 11ton::. ~~-. A dLT>rln.,; 1•1trtY wrL ■ In prt~ ..,;s~ ln th•t> .. _lta.l(""f; 1i , .... ,-11:,,n v. h,·n lh,~ n~.rn,--..i t,r-ob:,e ~~ QPL For_ a whll-: tht-T promll<'<.....! lO d~~ Yt'~VP,. ln!o A ('• }lll~;1,-r:1thin of l.u;;-e 11IE"'.Hut o m ars per » lx·lni;; PN""''"'...-nt ~!: ,r;.~ t,.'"l,.a,nn nf lht• J4nc,· a:,tl lht' n c.in ,~ -,;. (1! a 1ttn-.am o( w:ll• •r ph- \'t'Oi.<eo mu -ch ~ dama..(f" b--ln& dun•·. · lnn:st1,ea.tlvn ,•.hu"- ,-d U111.t U.}1! rQ:r: ~-rt ~ n "'3.IUr1Ht""tl with knO•lot"n~: th~lt ~}1 a..~ h11J b-l"t:n l:--1,r,-.J lt:rou!,!;h lht" rv:.i~ 1







-I~ fii:J



:7 #i3


T h.: rup,.- hn.4 ten lgn!td wn! thut", th~ 11.Jt.. M H•Jl w._..n- t·ommu.n_l~·e,H-<..l tn l~ oll on the oUll'l•h• o( {b-?" t~~t\... i¥,~ tH.rn1¥~· ,~_f &Y~ th.al th<!> ~nd ru~>1' l>u n:i<:"-J -.~ dld a.lt<o£> th~· C' il. 1(:-t lhc- o u :- jf'., p\<k" oC th~ tr.nk bu! tlrn.t nrt th<" ln""id~ ,urw.J'ti.ntlnl( t'l 2!, to "-ll .~a:1;;1n,.,.. dl<l n.r,\. -tl




,..., . ,r

T.W"'ltNr ,lid


r:s:p\(><.k .




Wa.5 .!&1

.2#r"± t1 ftJH-<l.t•-> 1 h-i,!i· In l~ roof -K.Jld n hurn~

-do,ac .· •rb .. l;,.,.uJ"""1~ on "YT''t\.-: tt.. rr1 .-.i by th-r Ho-in...:..:-r<i ~)t"1"r1( AI~ t,ut t,::$1).

th.- b~.dl(\ i-~• 1!" tf'/ [·~Ir-.- of -L'i..r.h ~ Th..i.l.. ofl th·l' ~~

si c; :r.±0 %± 2%24

T he

ron-.p.anr ,.,-nt 1tn P.cdjurcll'f


I.fie -~

%:""±.±t 4

p-t--r-~ l!y lni..r,-,.1 .... t In lht> ~Hrrprl;..e-. ~ lo!r. ila.lMI ,-..a.pr: ~ mr ~,·\l-mlnd1="<l ·\".~ :i{ l•u r.::, e,l·h:nll)" 11.t\t"fTlp 1t-..l to b u n. h~Pl -j

uo_;.~ c-Jn,::;i.t,\e dlN" O- \"l"it<l tt\A-l t-;,<' :,· h:1rll: du,,,r n( -th" ll! , ,"!"1,.n t'o-mmr .,-;-hd _' ,.11.•n-- ._ ot---r n"t- <l r>.l,,1ut th time of lht' · till::.. I .hid.1. ,r11.I:.~.ri~ l.1l ~ I.c~ rt--1.ll..c.t [I


±7 iii.:. ±±..Al

ti\J•d,_... th,-


lha.t F')vthln~ ti mlH-· \

":"2·J»« "f<h,-r.rr 11,,..,.,_,.1.1;1 o( }'\-.!t L:tl::f" c-am~ 1: 152• 245. £1 q',,llry t'n10 a r-.~~><,rt ,,,h1rh h."1~ # G .2.2/ r.1~ Jui:ipe:-tr.:r. cnn 1r. :d 6\\~.:Ud"e U? rurt lwr

,J ,o


hJ":"niM' t-rrlo thi> 11.lli'·Cf'-.1 tt1•b0t~d- .. -· re-,ult'or hU: fin<l.lr >J;"TI bs.. a. !lul, y1,"1. b,h-n i..nnu11c.c,:'ii.

+er.sag Ai±BEER; /.Et@

THf' ..woRr m AH rncrnmAm


5L./-12ralft .--~ftprlB</1

PIONµR CO-OP AT IUVEllTON RAS A N AJiUWW ESCAPE. c;lium 'l11At th•· Pootoffl~, Which WU In the B~ilding, Wu }\obb-cd -Shrouded ln ll!y•te<T·

A nro whkh np1")('af"'!\ to.haxe b('>cn o! tncecndla.ry origin \>roke-o\Jl 'ab1lt.ll t.n rd nlJ;hl on Friday In the P!(',nM?r Co-011. ~.tore at H.lv ertn n . lt h r1p 1•en eJ th at a: d&.nce wa..s In· pf')gn.•~c In a. pavilion tu~ar th e sto re,. an d th e d a..•H·ens turnffi ou t In Co r{'c 1:1.n d l'Ub<luffi th e- !ndplrn.t blaze before any damugrc co n . lit q u en ce was d o n r . Ti w p ...1,5.tu mcc ls ·, kept In the store nd a the postmter, {Pl? ErnC'1\l H-alC', n:1-. :-te<l the, \nf;s of s:w wurth of ~ta.1111,:-. It w:ui cvnc!uded that~~ a rubt,l-r hnd en tered the mac e nd aftC"r ·t4:'<·uring w·h:,.t _vahial,:e-, he could,~






bA~~t~~~1-1\~Jo1~;: fl, ~-:

~,~~ lltr;a:t1>thlt~1~\~~-~~-~ ~ume- ont> on th<' ,,ut~\Je'. br !1-\J.~l'l'lld!ni.- , .a ro ~ . l"l\.lUrf llf'\l wlth ,-pe. l fl il, th ro u g h ., - ...... the ron(, wllh the h•wer t>11d d~ni,tllnll:' ~ !n .i. cu al oil ta.n k.. a.nJ th ~n 1 .i~utng n 1·e /

r~ !Ji?~

to tht: .r<>i" -'· She-rtrr llo \-1.'('\lf, Dtputr ~hc:rln' CumRn<l 1'11~1,,J'i \( ·,:- Ins~'<"lnr- But1_1H\ f\!i W(•nt (l~t t,) Hi\"l"rtnn )'f"tltt>"nla.r 11hin1inR" u.nr\ n~l'..<le a. tht•n,u·~h ir:.vt'::-1tlf(n.llo11, ~ 1..:omi1li,!· 'to thl· t·1.:in du,iur1 thal the nre




z; .2%2 • 1! #%


11mn.ll ~tn:-f:'rnc1r.1 in tlw r,·:.r (.'lid n( the maJn 8-1.0re. _J_n ,111t• 1.;.1irnf'T till' )' !uund a rt uanl!ty or 1•:1N'T. :;aturnt1•d with Mt~ Ct!l t.l





)'h·· ..


:f i

nr ,·a.n<l l• ·. , i ':§1

and th<"!- ""'~r WR~ ~1tur:1t.-1l "'.Ith ('ual :!;\}" oll. In thi=> t•nrn,·r tht• _ flN- ~tnrll·d un,\ J;;~ hurnl ·sm.l ·:--i.;_on:he-d th,, 1:-u:li.!,• c,r thr-

:.i i atPd w!:h oil, Rd~rn,,l



t,, thr- ·11c1or ~u f~ firmly thnt 11 WRF vnly l'~rt\a\\y J.ur.nl.· 1 1f. './ The- tln-or'y h< th1l'l th..~ .,i[,..J 1,a111•r wa."\ .pl:u:cU Hn !ht> r\o,,r n,•~:- l!lt" 1111 t1\nk. :l-'" and eli-s{'I Jn~ It ~hl'lf on whid1 w,·ro '-?. ., ~c•,·r-rRI c·n!'ll',.•·! rr.ntdn~. arnl thH.t


,·antl)i, \\·u}: \!i:ht,·,\ nn,I r, j:u•1·1\ i,n th~ ' J• <qwr p.11 thP..l \\ hl'fl th,· ,·:in.Jh· l,11r11l _ ,• J ,.wt1 l ienlted the 111i.1->":r. lhus 1~i\"inl-!; -·; 1 111f• lnn•nd\a:·y r,kn:y "~ 1J m1• 1,, ~••t ~·


'"my .J,,.f,, ,e ,cny n JJ,,n c,... ,,r h is became «/le.

" ± ± ±.1"4

wuck·li l


-~ 11111d windows Wl'rt' all Ir.tact 11111\ the,"- wh0\u ufTlr teems shr ouded in mus-



$S&fl f:;




T. H. :,;111t _,1f ~all 1-.ux,~ l!-4 tlw 1,rJ;::-, crt « r _in we @!F I lth"\•l"t"tt, \\ hit h 1.: mnr.1u::,·d hr J·.n ~e~t ·. Hate, wh o I also post;:aster nnl #n ]

"«;r '@gs.

p \ \' l h •r

In th1• ~,,.,rt•.


Il a !• ·

\\"; HI



h1> told tlw l'ht• riff . fl.l 1<f,,,ut 11:::t1. anJ all ,,·a~ r-l ~ ht th,'n. '.\!,. Hn!(• t11\,\ \hr, l'"~t1>1t;,•,. 111'<PM'. ·t,,r !IH\,~ln- h.i•l 1da1, d ! l.;,, w1> r1 h· ;,r 1-r..i·,l an,1 ~-1·,•.11! -1_ttt!1i l".-) In rt ~m:.11 t•nYd,,i,1• In n. 1\!-:-oh 1n th,·\

£3. 1%.2.2


,,thPI" l:l li<mJ >'< ;ind ,·:1!u;ihl,-.,. ,,r 1ll,· J" • l-'1t!ice: Mr . Hate took home for nufe



cur ding to hi vustum,

.#"2.±222±%4 •lni.un·d f,,r t::_,,.,u with ~[,·C,,rnkk fir1• & C ,><,k

or till!- t"it,•.

£fi,( .

R ._.


,-. c-·t--··. zo Ii th

erton.[ whi.

ffice, an,I. the door- ,,... , meri~a1 store· t.><'.'.'h,.,~ 3.ccl• · open, <'!l.Utt",·d rumo,·· of ii.r-

i&r ..r t, r=h Sheriff Howy roti ng early, invesi_s11,i,r ·ff. 1,hcs:n•d tiw.t rr, pile tu!"ii,\~ · with coaJ oll, hail in a oc·,rnf:r of the ro·:irn


r.o--oplstorr: and 'get. on flrxe.

egg;99 <he kls


1mc- <lnn•:--er~ i rL~ •1· la.i-m v

ght. .,tt'!:l,

•rho IB

n. ha f--owni:



5$ irs T he- :,I.ore is ln.s &l

·ant Co. for S,.?.f! OO'J wtb McCornlc W-<'llsJ.~ J-(l !:,.st -<"\'t~rl '."K t h0.t oubt but th,· fln' ,·:,Ls ·th \' ce-n .ln.ry and il. \\·ee start.,

no yh92ad access to the

~t".1e .... ur, o,.."ti.e~ s. rv \:,·&, ad,·a.n<'ced," f\a.itl th€

a the fre orig! z ed on t:he ·bLildlng-. \)t:.t thls ·,rovt,,.5' b)··. I?eput:r c.urnn1e~ck Th,.t it \\'as done i.,>r ,the

robhdps _Is not t ,, bi". corfadd· 1 · th at HatPR c-lalm s t,, be

a. ::--o. fo en\·eJope c:unu.dnln;.~ f stufu'ipg nf thP.. denomina1t a.n,,1 ~ Cl'ntr,. P<'rhOlHLll~·. l ·en:- t~at it IH poms!bie, to numbfr or i,tamps· Ir.to ,;uch ither ~lueH I'Dxtofli,•,:• I;rnpe,·who 1,·ent down frnm Ogden te. f11e l11surance wa,ci n~arch 9th lust. Deputy Sh-erli'f :•.'irec-dly charged B13.tcs with cendl[ry, but he !nd\grnn itly


e sg, .. }'fed Gr·ant & Co. went v;;stl,rato the orlg-ln u[ · the +

leb't'rrJ. 1,1.kc

111c a d jU llllllL'll t.'

~.,,.,,.,,mi!l,- 1r/'J!ll'!l;'l~ D'ii11~~i'Alii~

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. . •


P11:1tm1lllll:r Bate Clil"';;td •W !tll i Ser!o!!!l 6-1me.




BEHIND THE ~ , ACCU-S I' £D OF swrrnro· :F!J!.E TO oc~o:e nosz. I


' by EHLI Hoa!i and DeArrested u ty Cumm.ock nn d Brught to th< City LMt Nlghl--f><>mo Sm>.ll!i ~1fctUDJrl:,8.J:lili.l »rli.itJ:noo .A.g'f,,L~t tlie Acc,uaed.



Wi\h th e s-erlo rn:i .ch &n;..-?~ n..--son h.a.ng~ng O V-t¢' him, Erne-u.t 'l'. ,1. 1..i!.le, poil•, me.st.-er e.t R1V'ef'1.on. fi ~-rn;,.ll ylll~ "-' ~ abou t twen ty miles oou t>.1wet1-'~ cl th~ ~ C'ltr . t~-~1 b rou :;-h-t to S« .lt LAk e at mld ni~l )u,;t n(irht b)" l):!)Ut;/ Sh~rl!'i: ~~ cum.m ock and !0-0:.{e-fr' h \ ti~·i. cc-un ty


. I

~:} ja~ ~ Crime with whl·di. &i-i~:: ln cb.L'r.ro!-0 : :-i!, 16 lh'M o( Betting- rtro to ti.le Plixtec1· c c -p-p EtOt"-e at 1u v erro11. ~l mld.n.l-trilt et Fey nth. The Co-O'D i;t.£>f'e Ill m A.nage,.'!. by lhe a.ccur,...>d rn&n. a..'ld the ~ slo ·. tnce Is 11lnu1.ted 1n th~ utoN. A dance- w-o...a In p rogresm In SJ.. p a-vlllo n a.rl~ j&C"("11 t to the 1,u,re "·ha, the t\N W<'-F.! difll<:O\"t-red, and hii-d lt not b•;:;<?n !of t ·'j pt>1lTipl work on the pert oi'. tha da.11:Cp



!!,,~ b !a.:.e-

was cx t!n ::., 1l.Jsh r..J y:Jt h o p t mu -ch ~ ' damage to the build!IIG' o,r·H.ti con ten{:;.. The condtt»' ¢e so rroud the .su.."'-plc!on of n1.,..r1~' ol theme 'v.'"!10 went ir.to[lt a..!t0r th-e fir<: had bc~n f)'.lt out. ::ind lbr Cel-e'))hOn~ Sherw: }IO\-\""'t-Ue a,ud f D.-pu:y ShN ln'. C:ummock were 15um-· nr.x t mo mln,, to . lu H ~Ur,.u.e




rft ;~~7;;_.;,11c


] sn oa EI DE8CE. "Uher fountl trtrong eYi<.'ieuc.:; tb1t the fire lwa.s ol ln cen d ln ry v:;-{sin . .Tu !!t b -..• r !'!de a door Jes.ding- into.?~ utorcroom rn . ~r.e ·Tt'R.r or the ~~~n-e thef fC-'.JnG i:. QUAH~ 1:1y1 0{ p:tpf'r !'.aturatcd "tT!th coal oil. ' in the mld:H o'C thl'5 Yl-3.f'" t~ plK t) o( h:qr burnt can<llt:'. It ,,,-_-;:.o h-e-;->? the.! thE-1 f re t rtd. und \t. h, tillfll)OUd thn.t the ttuturn.t<'cd p&Pe-!' <";!!.Ji pln.c-e-d on ""'~ the fh>u r- 1md t_he t·antll:c 1.--cd lig:hted &.nel r,lf!.('('f\ in th£' midst. Vi':\1Cil UK C;!l.mHe burned out lt would lzlt le E;i\•lng the tncmJl1ny ~. «·..e p!enlY or time to get r..-c-.-:,_y fre pot wel Heartc-o.i. ' ~UJ•pidon ¾"'t...V firnt &~~ti.•G lcr owit"lc- lO can!IIC't!ng 1tl_ilt~ 1e-1,:t~~ ;:;ta:\1 it l,s rdlt'i;rd. ht'" !1HHi'<." nh0ut ~ tll;i r,! ~tn.mpH. ;30 wort=:-. in. he rlaln1nl he hnd le-ft in- :,:. potof ce. ThlD draw-,:·,· wn,~' b u rst open Kru:1 th e sta.n1:p-~ v-.·,e-rc ?,WC. but there was not th z!/h tet _Yi6<:"f)('C :!l.,t n.nr or th-1: door,, or '"~\~o"='·~ to to re had been tempered w!th. or that tor--c.\Olc, ~~ had been otits.!nf~ 1,, It Jr. ,inr l•thc·r \\""Ry. 'I'h!i; \l-"tir~t t~.., -~ !-tinw thut l'W""rl' t"""-Jn-O w1LP had (!. },:e;' le thE- J<(o:-r- hn6 b-t--er:. iur;.\,.' or tbo2 mrn-~·na:t· \\"f\.s •. trvm the- ,a('('"Ol.!nUi Ot S-f:"-,-c-;11\ "itnti'(:.>t~. ln the &lOr"<· lt>$s th;,..n hal! 6.n hou; t,('(r,re the, fir ('" , 1 .l..5 dis•






: ±z;a:re

him :,nrl h·ft b!m n the to r f-hortlJ b"!nrf' rn!dn!~h!. A ha]( huur la.ler th"': tin• brnke out. T hr•ft' '\\" <~rr - l' thf"r rr-u!"-pldnu"I c\n-J tnf!\;inc-•.~ !n ,·cnn-r:'-·l! on ,\·'Ith lh•• ma tl~t"

wh tend! to point to Hate's r ul! ,

n1·.y aftt>r Fin-riff HvK(•n.'I ~n,\ Dc--;)1.JIY $

f:h..-:iH Cur:1mco<k lmd :h-n;-,,u~hl..- fJ lor-k"4<l lnln the ca; hey de:ded H..!"ri •• .:<: J\ali:. if. \\"1't'!l b1·oui:;--hl tn the city ii>.::5l t'\"!!O• f ! lni::· He.\(.• hnd ,·,,ry lltt\r, lo fl-4Y a':>ou; ~ the rha.rg-e 1q;aln~t hlm. lit Wi',.~ lodt.f",1



1:72 21 ±2%.2%3 MM aster to enter a tv the cisr r ef

.1."! plt·a.

o( nn:nn.

,·!:11ract,:- r hrn u ~h t

r.J:"aln l'--1 Ha:I'. bu { THI to'Pr e Mu le cou ld be Jar n ed /st <•\·fn;ri;.;.



.-.•'t,hc...,,._, ., ey








- ,' j~Q1:'.~" \:··-· .


, , ""' "' ""

r- f·_/ y



. :JiA!:::; z·~

:B. F. Grnnt Tried 'to Got n ·coni'e:,»liRn . from :Bate. in a Da~k con-Ds:,puty She1ifl' Cummock'a '!'estimony. '· .'rhere is evc:r,:_.prorntse' or e. hot ·ume. be!Q_re· Jutlgt: T'tiJlinony th!s i11omlng In the case- or E rnettt .T . · Bute, tl1e young HiYerto11


and merchant, who ls charged with attem pting burn Riverton Plont'er Co-erp on tho early tiliornlng of Apri l 1st. Fr·om the, stat,'m ents or th~ young . 1nan it appears th at the prn!\E"cutt,,11 has b(:ell dillge'lll I endeavoring to procu1·e conft-ssion from him . 7 3att:: was arrested on the nipt 9!' pi 1 th, and brought tu the co u :H y jail. .\ftc'l· h!s lnea:-c,·:·ation in ll rLu·k t..'i...,.11, he says, anothP..r rn::.1/1 \\·as unc.:·rt'rnoniou;;!y hustlt'{J. !nt•, the' ,cam e ,~,m J•artm,'nt. ane1 for two hours did everything fn h!~ p<'l\,·pr t,) \\Ting- a.. cunft.•:-: .. Bion from him. T he m:tn. Hate furt ll,'r :,:ty,;, prr-tenelf-ct that h,· ,,·as also und•'r a rrest, but the ~-nung- nian 11'?.rtwd Inter that llis c,,m pan iun was 'none oth,'l' llH1n H. F. Grun t uf the Hom e I---irc 1n~;ura?1L'':' c.·01npany, "·la1,- hy Jhe aid or ::511t'riff'H,rn·.,II~. lrn<l se('tlr<::<l 1.td· mission to tiie c,·11 fo;: the JHll'J)D'.iC· or p u n 1p in g hi1n1 , The pn·limln;tr;, liNHing of Bat<" began bcfcre Ju~-Hict' Ti1111nony at :-i o'e!oek vcs rd av aftern o on, and eon -


tIn u ·«!

u n til



n d jou rme n t


1a.l,en until B::JO tlli:, mn.-1~:nr,-. The ~t.11t• '\\'ilS J"•'Jll'C'S[•lltPd lly \\". T, \3llnter ·:u1d tile' .Jc:'ens~ l,y \'. f,. \":1ri.111. ·J. I!. yyas rrcsent the p rosecu t io n , (T:IDJGCK Tlllc-J!U:1 111\f Cl'JLTY. -I)eputy bh(~ri!'f l'urnnhH.'k t . .•~:ith•d t,, his l:'Xa.n1inath>n <i!' th e premises the m0rni11g afV'l' the tire.' He ws on;iM o

















.j-·~./ {,,;.-....;_. .._. r,W,lc · ,:·. -; ....-··. .·... : . ··' ,.1!'ij -·~ . .{~✓ -!


/,?t... ."'~ · '--', ,· --i:-{... _,. /' I . i

.. · / /•• .





Ernest1 T. Bate,

the Defendant.

<knt, ho JRld, frnrn d;,, in trr•i••r ,q ,p ra .:-auce that: ih,• building- had lJr-,•11 :-f'!. nn tl!'f', 1"11111 /mlli<<"'J l!Nlt ll!Yf•~tlg-ati<tl\S ('1111-

, ,·lrw<'li hi111 Hrnt Bn.t.e ·was the guilty lllhn.


H0 a.lf:o t<"iitlllPtl co1\cPrning- a cn11\·,,rs1tli<>n bf'l\\'l'l'Tl B. ·F'. (;rant a:1ti HHII' "" th e isht of Ap ril 5 th , at ·JU\'(•rl1111. t.'urnnio<'-k explainer! that he' \\"}1:-; in lntllng-.b <'l lin,rl ·a. cr;i{'p and c,n1!t! lllsiliwtly hour th e conve rsa tio n . Gr:git, h e s:U d . flmt tit!kc<l tci Hal•' ahnut tlJ,, rep;.;ymn ent of $18.35 which the Home Fire lnsura.11cf.' c·nn1pany ha,J 11:tid (ii- "·Bt: to 1a tho elder Hts for !am;n o to th.e hui1ding , 1~.nd· the y,)u·11g ?nan ;,1gr<•t·d to 2 the money to the v omp s y in sixty ,days. . I ' ., • 1 . t";n L;1t tli.C'n re:miwl,-,l H;;t,: I hat he 1h.... ,·dn't 1rdi his \\·if,-, bi:-: 1nol1i:(.:r, 111·J1L-1 father that lu~ )1:trl ~~t lhe building- 1:11

'mock . rd, re-

tire, und Ea,

i>ll0d U rn t '"" \\'OU!dn't. 1 'f h n

c;·9ss-f•:,;..:.illl i1r;~t;inH nf.' ,:\ 1r.

C u n i-

'CS Varian was v s! {on ;nui v,,:-y s-r,,ucl1lng·. rumrnodt ar\•11ltrno('}t h

ted that. he k w o 'rant's visit t•> ,Hatf;',; ,·r, I 0in 01£• ·t •e,,1'11ty jail, an•.I tln,l Flln lff Hr:nn ,Jl:i took part \ii il. \Vlth refereneo to his own etions ix the l11at ll·r aid b!!ovd Rate, was ,;u!Jt:,, nn<l told Lin1 :;r.,, at 1 Hin ~a.in,i tlna.. . 11-rr;lng hi111 ro lr:ll ·,\·}11) put. him tp lt. 'ummxoclr hod hr•an l. hr~ s<.tid, nf .:.tn U.Lknnhn lll.:..t li prn\\'li11glout T iverton on tie nih t of the fire, t•nt. .didn't tl1ln)c tlw 1rnkn<11·:1i hwi anything- to with it. 'umock admittcd I eonrlasion th if th pre s.+rt·d Pll tho- r,i,;1' of (1H' fn~1ne atldillon lu th e :,ton•, hhi!(l 1eory wou!tl fcill.-' · DAN1E AT 'THE 1»ANE. The nx t w!toss was Moroni Dans!o, young ma n w h o wus utto@in:g a b a ll given by the Hte family in u, pavilion 1,i,a.r lhtt :;ton:i on the ni;;!Jt in f)Ui·hliu11. }!,_, \\t:J1t.·iint,;; the- st'orc with Il a!.,: :Lt a lJtlU l 11: ~(,, he Bald, to· gel Horne ca.nd y nnrl .a lelter, and they left tfw HP>re tr ,g-L".her. I Bat,, Jocked the rino1· H8 they .,·a.me out,)' but he cUdn't I'{' (" Bale aga_m -u nu J. tlw µ.lurm was .-g1ven. Dunng- t.11e e \'\'llin g , he further teHtif1ed. 1:1,t,·, tug-ether wli.h his father, broti10r and BisH·r had lw.en playing foi- the dfl.nce.' eroi s examination Dansie. said that Bate ran Into the ·additlon arter C

















the f\r,~ \\'!Ul dis-c-0vere'd -a nd dra,;r.:ed out a. cou l oi\ c;rn ihat ,,,n,;, very· close to t11e flre.

Ile a]so caJricd goods out. of

thP btorc>.);


\Vhen. t:tSkc,a the <'.an<.1,i, for for hlnrnelf.




aid you

"Els :•'i· _ J,:·n


#... _, ,,. -s,'fj I' ..t- U· 2


He ·Set~

\ _.,;.{;"1.it tht&t

-~- ·-: 'i. ~

., ~~~ ·"!t/fe·



. . . --- J ••• ; '

». "1!.,, ;Grant s.~~- .

•. :11,;,_


// ,.-.,~.o::i.er: a Serfos . o \ •:

Irt on Witneasas ~

::-~L;;nk---Th~h .T-0atlmo G,


t-b·.-o _ t~t -T:1.;1,te \•

:ih\'in .Cr'J.me w~·

·1,,;:-c!nl. Ac-f.'nt B.

.1:)lt, Flr.c.: ln11_ur.u1<:c. l'(\lllPAn): !:i;ll .. ,·c- It ain!ul lo· tell ·11.· d.-11 ,,1<-r· rc-ttaln ,·ondltl~n,,':· u G:-i1i1l t<u ti:-°t<t.llh~·\11,1 dc-r. oa , 1;,;.t,:- ar~i,n t:il1't' tx,fur,~ Jtfstk e ::y )'.~i;!nu,iy: Thi~ r.o;nreii11i<>1. I.,,., ;1,; ·1rorn ·<ira nt h>·.:e. -S. Ya.rt , .;~--~,-~xi.mlr...:i!ion .'aftrr the


.tore& he insurance man tu

h.id •lcllb(wra.\rli: .11, 1 1 • .. •.•.,«it~l!c '.-~-:-~ -~J\ /!:Ulh•: th,~ .df'."f~•fl-tlant?.l -;: ;._,,_ ,,:,J,,,-i. a i·uur .. ~-i:ilon 6! i:-u_llt

IE±Z±..at ;sir'con;in Grat to% ° ~- ·;111sfom•,.~"" ;,\ 1trlat,l ,tu:,ec;d_._U


:'.1.J.:~; !f•yp;t ~llda"t, i:-e~~ fit;di_ ,,-~!/,i~ell!i~.d1..,l.!J..!jl,;:.J!.~flilp . .I·, :-::i},:o_·,onhi~ .ttu,:truf ·,n;.-iw!''.: ;,)t,,· 1_.\i:n;o not·'t,e!oi'~ •" c:o~rt <r Tin." 3rnt swergd,_ 3




&ii.iii; Ayn . f'•·"P..,-il1-::.w. 1h11 l!ne•. ·,A'f ..~. ·

· ;·,,r,.- ',.11 ;--,,crl:t tti tt>II •;f~•lB&h<><> r ,Jtry_. lHc L.b :11;· a,ec'ordlng .t o-;::v t,:_lf ;: ~--.f•:_, -· 'C .- . ,_.- •, .. --f~l;--.?•.. c,' / ,:p; l _,lon't th.Ink that; ·Oil" y;a i .&ordfsr natter."

t:. q:.J: L Y! xn

,±; ·

JUS'l:IP"IABl .. 01:_. It :!i.'> lu <'Xlrnordlnaiy m11.tl ; rnu}1p-;1,1n•r _It. nil -rlg11;t::, to te ]1{ .

·'od; i t breve In drwin

:1<'J1\'1-.•.l,i.'.tr1<!lm<•n>·,l11 ·I\, UOU_r\'

,_ i•·r un:l,:Htatlni; I ~h\Kli <jlll51dr1 , ; '·"J• ttl1. . . .

_ •




,:11ui:i-uunt or pc11a.Illc:t1 lmf)l)llt"d . ! Upp9e?" ; on ~j.('("UUilt ·or <"Oitdlllon~/· ,, \lri a ••u11c liku. lhl~'!" ! . 1, 1 ·· !j :,c rafnlr\t•«tlt.>11" ,'ir th<' c.a.'t".ar,' RI :1·1 ,_.- tu luvoln • H. 1''. (;rant ~fl,1' Hh l.11 ' ,:nil. \\'lli111m 1 ...111~ton3 ,a.vlng <h ·;•,I hi:< 111i-c•ntlon yt-t<I·<:rdia.)f or lmit ··;:; ,,-lvil pro<'f'(",lln1t11 •uralmit Gr,u i

;_-,.,.: ,. ,r."

1 ; . : ,


l"llll1'it1:-.tn11. n_{ q1~

•- ' \

{ · --:




·/rr~~Pn_l he»

"!'''" : ll•· ,.:r,,und lhtl Grant J,

,,,111lali.1·. ><l ~.i:<\.. -.ctti\r&,.cd· Ji ,. ,•.,1uplkit,· 111 th<." •1·ll:r-gt.-(\·.1:i::h:nf 0 ,.-11 llH' h~>1rl11~ vr~,.--r~il:l;fint><l :- ,·i--t ,-,·,~a~- 1n<1n1lnJr... n. ~"f,j ~ (}ran ill,· ~ta,.,ct .. ml '1d1tUM ll\e,varlou ·.•,·~"lion~ 11•llid1' he t'lalms'to ha.,· Y, ·ah

l\a 1 f'-

xo.. -:11~ .:M ... ~


1 ---



--~ -~ ----· ,_,


Solomon to In ct.a of F. Oran 210y ! Postmaster Ba




'_ .,'L,

H. I~ at_aled upon good ·authort'iyJ 11 · .• t~stlmony of de-!enda.nt: Bat, !. l ~e,nsatlonal Rh·erton · arson,. i''"l!l'ue&day w!ll·be 9! a 'charact~r ": lead up to and. draw e c,,.r!nl;(_,·or the clrcumS>(an,:n· n /;;<.'h i.tiH•cla.l .As;ciit Grant ba~L




~.;:;_ ic_'.."•. ._lht .,_\".llllhm Lung. •t~D_-·r_kl_:_~_:_:\~' I pmethln;r o!.,i.Lthe Iverton fire, und [to [hldt <'lf<'<'t lw testified ltrlda)".-' .•JI te l!l te,;tl (y, It

Is ~tilted, tha,t :.1r.,;or :· f'r

! Linton's name in the' Intervi#"


\It•.~ ,Jaji. :llld th:t t he nskcd th~ :-·:,.t'i'' jJin•ct I! -It was .not I.A :' Nott who put hl)lt up t<i_ flrlii

·.:1,u(.,;g... lt Is rirnctlcally·upon·;i;h

: \'i~w.~nt Lhc jail that ·I..un-~tori· '.':.Jll 1:,,FL his thr~:1tenetl cui;e' ii'g :-. {:.;rari.t for ~Jandt?_r. · · t{ L'I T'Im 13!.SHOP'f, COt:R:J';,

now leaks

r:HJ1g c--iYil :: ctic:,n__ it Urn.1t·$ all<·!i<•-tl .crltl••l'.s11\· 1.~r:,:;,1- i& to i·.c. the: suhjcct.·0:f ;8: · c::,lJ~~t tr!:;~.!. lt : ::t\.'l'tns thn..t

\: 1

• ;.1,-.

,:.:.:-i!I· th1o fire at Riverton, L~

.:.r, Hl:-ihc,p .Sul,>tnon u(-;.Qr,H :·.-\. ,1!H~ 'I'w e n ty•th lrd , anc.t ~c·i.:U c •.-;J'h:!l'.hl°I Hgl•1H u( :u·Un~ ln,::ln ! :. , ..


,.:•::~t:r nirk& nHtl)nu,· lllWH1"d~ hh,,1.;:·.:d t:1nt U r:-ttlt · bf!--:.callh:.-d to: acou it.

~-q · to :di,.~

th,~ hli: hop's :t•ourt Jnsf(;;aJ fl ,1nd (-PnlJtl1:\1• ln\'t-'tHif;'n-tion: ./ ·,-r r;•·;,t "H ';\ \l l h~\d ::ni<l and dulh.•.!'•unU.' · ,_· ::rth1•r hy di.•1..i_·niinin)t ,q1a_t.·_ ti~_ .. ::r, •)rant ha,l ·for Lrlngii1).; _f i]t",4·J !"l•1n·!'··J n:'\111,• into the ,·a:-:t,<_ 'J • ·air:ant god ht it be .1 and, it is ai l, Grant was one ·' <o upper. At t latly refused nntil liH' Hi\".t·rt••n c-af,~ .h:1'1 ·11••-. •·1 ... . re«d ef in a v wur ; »f j us;ire, . ± is still t iin wnth Iishu]i ,·:

l hn t.


dore «t t» po

n, and. i is unlrstowl, ··,f Ltt,·r. Til'is . 1•\'j•l(~lll 11·· It, i,,1-:·•·n di•· -tw~ 1w •11-1:,,11· La.:;1· ht•r.:·-\


,-~·._,;.;•;.;11":,~ :f-«i:~


r... \'.:.1

l 111

i•r, , .__... _ q,'[ 11.n'\i!Ul!l l o ,;.-i



4%:#2/£ i~?,I

.=.L..,.•nl (r,..,M. lh_.. )•l!l.n,1 \t't!·h [l<il.1'1 J!1<. ••'l-J 1.,r,.. l--<l .,1•,•r 1.. T.,.14," I 1r( !\::l ,~n,1,- m111111~ \

fl· n l' ~ . •.

\\"t;, n U 1?T\,M(J. 1•!1 (,-,.rt"(! tti,r ._slon> .I l) l~<" door Jt1"l/]lOK 1mu trw-. N.~.n-10 W...'I ["i ~ h\l:·ni,,~ hr\ 1'~1y. 1t W:!..~ 't,,:,lt,-d !n.• rn 1 } te Ir.wide, Wha be rl"l.~"t"1"'rd 1-fit' ' "k-nth lr." th -- r" W-U.Q t•n.NkcJl-y rw, n~ ~r 1-....r- 1


t&Apr·l rqc;,----·. ·



._De(ense i\er:ts ro Kno,v Aoo~h K!Jrwj -i. "{,. OS-eno Saturated Ragi... · '

,; f


, -· ... ,








tDfflOOV~ffR.U~y•~V.:Rf)-.e,_~~ ·-·


W'eDw.4. lt7 ..11:; f'~t~2,t,rr


-t1<nk h:.id P>-cornc 1.. r:,,...o,;d~r,,,,d .uwtri ~I ,., tht" ACll•rn t,( ti'»<' ~,~t. li(' tt~J t;r,""'11 1-0 pull ,,a t lb...• l'QC' k th.r,-t 1:'-,1V,.r,-d !ht' mn.n.h<tl,• 1-n th<: maln l'tPn-, H.J1h,•u11::h u·t-:-f' o.-. that the




ut1ir ,,,u alU::h t UM II lt b s.d ~ -n._ lo rn


n nr.

lf r. YAr11rn AJ:1'1.ln t()(llt lhr 1'"'\lnc-M an.I t•l\l'l!t..J lht' lnftl-TTTI":a.Oon lhAl the J..-{.-nd4.tH w trs nt p«rt u! th tire durlr..g th..- lnt..-n·,\l. thAt _b,r, NJUma.lN It' to11.-.n,, on•r a 1111..,-~•l of ll or ~ ndnutMl." It rurthf'r d<-vttr,~ (Mt ~rnt...,< Jl&.tt> p,fkl a M r. Kl~ k IN t tl~ dAT,c"" hfl.1 1 tor -.bvut n,-~ nt..!outeA. lh,u.u . 11howln.1t that thl" d-t-t"n.d.lU":-~ ~-rft the da.nM" thrtt t!ITH"II In All, and mo twe, f, ..,..., ~,re,tjowlty leil'l l.fk-4 _

,i,.. !_,... ffi Ji

CONDlTlON' OF' netLDlNO. 0-t-otyc ll&.C" k-rl... n cLrp-Mlt~ s.i.ad mm~ Yn-1,r!~l ~ di.;.,;;;;g-~!.1....RiV.!rtW:i-\Tik3. _lh.es,,...



o. ms«o. of@jj ;;hzh.±.: h C'n.M thtu. Wt-Ol o\"t'r n0r1n w1u:i tNrn tn ~

fr-1m FrlJ•y

a..!1.er-1 tM lr,.,;tlpUoc


M.r. R. Jr. Gni.nL


lri • J ?J.11lln• nm- _ th-t Jt,1m cre fnsarne om pan y «. ors au +h fhat Urn(' tlwre W"t"f't, \'t•rr ,vW . Jlji~- i '( i+ }.}a4 to ate ±s cood1ton

;j""..tz7 i

lato.N J~f"N"t-nt out,.ldc r,C the fr \.,.n,..u o< i. f the tore wl>e-n h/JI lt"ent to prod th.,. i'lc--cu•t"U Ern,.J1t B..tle. • ~~ .-ttl': th:!- N-P'!i!~ All,XTt<·Y • J .at1. IL Moy!~• :J...:-compR.n- ~ Vll!tu,"'J:1; ett.!tt.l tllLt''.-~ IT'.7~/J ~...~ R? of tlsr e feet that tu p tho roof .Mia lt'<l - by n :-t...oosrwwt« r. etched "" ii is burg:ishs die ._-~ ~ bt-relfr!ur-t.- fc1r UW! h,.rmt1 Yon, !k-.?' l>wl;r., dJN-ct.17 Q<f'L':' \~ ~t n--.11: - ;:!Mur-A'{;,~ t"'U'mpnny ., ~ ~' u,..., \".-t~.. t eAl tn. ru:t: fficl'fJ.-U lt! ~ i=o; . . , • • 1 , l~ h.oh· 11"-\ tW r-o.r,; vra.:i u .a tcl y i-1 w ornJn.:- we+lo wzs prate! l ,-:;w_t."!4.etl~ -&,;07 ~ia tkA- et~ dt:\'<'1d o! l>th·n.--;1lt. betnK d..·Yv\~ (O a+ii» «: ii 1

., ('-~.,



p"plj T' <,

u~~.. we ··~~

EE'±±EE]#EE±@ @$;eigs

y , m v.~n.Blth·t' Rn <l .1'.'.);c~dv<'l!:' ◊~-\ib~.n.tc- -r,·lt- fi


Ly th<.• 1nanr~J.C.:- cvmpa..ny to rt•• ~ COG.l~,J '- a_f.- ,,,.:•.-., ~-~ . . . _ Ii~;} Tbt--r• ~!·~" .t1k -o ·.,'i .:..;. t--r>.lr tb<: bulhHn:3-:, tc t.h~ c-tt:~ t IH-,1..t l.-t ti i-o.. ~ -;t r..r...o-~ ~ i:,-i-,1.'.. x~"..l)tm lo J,.,c,),.tt- 1~ «n-11.111 babd:z- D!' }· fr or tie stong cM -fT'<; ,;!. _i-z{;r. tht.t l• ~ .r, n:<l 1.:-1..~ !.ii c-r1.:Jrt ),r-a'rtc.:;· n di.i.·,':'<;rra l;-4-l -+-l z tbs ts!tor . fil:!"'1:'.: ~ thi~ ~,-.........,,.1~ ..... , .,\.~ ·~-- - ,, f&l-O)·t'd





¥~ ij $

~ ~




f.% .ta 3


,:±";±37±2%. 4 .-2rics; if or pg%r±% %fl %%.2 %a.it; 'l\"W !l l<l.,Y' ls,2_; lh.i- ~~ Yk> I ;.-.! U:i,~ d;,_rx·,1;


J• l.11. rLn~ Hv.>

,1 •~

j£i/f a


r:A. ..i. no In c-<:>t!J Ul'K U<,~•


lh· 11,,.,r

the- "' IC".:U1•t11 .. btJ t U,llil 7~-

CT'\'1<,X ·C" .l.llff ll!l.n tJ nc

1i>-I,' /..lt'1rn -.-r.1:unli·r-

lh...,. ()1'":!-,1 ...11:r.... ,,..:i;N-:,.t t,;; r.......n,.,, f..- w c,_-' hr •lal,·d that b,,. fouu,! e1l l,·n\·r-:s o( mlnut""s: ab,v,.1t 10 p.m. 1.1.... t,- n--i'.1Jr.1-l"'d. ti C'vlll • II U£,oU ilNl roo! <if ttv>:' fl" ~; AL,,,1 ~ n. ! ..ubqt.'"'"ntJ)" ,i;n , li.:.nn.. !..'!. l'ir,· ~·;y. }~ ln.,dd..- ri! th" rmilr, buH,.11~r. .-,t.,,ul 11lx


.2. ±3j

Pl<~ · th,\t !hr- 11t;>N- 't'l·a!" n;i f\r,•. A.l'i ,.._..,,:.i 1,1 Pt"" l'IPJil•t>N! that b, Q.o } bd-i·n 11;1tu,o1.tM 1<.." he could r ljeet his wnttred wtwee ' 'i1>l!h uil. the-~ w..:::i &-,h•~ llNolh,•r IJttJf" h,. nn!lr,--d :h<· 0(•(.-n,1.1.nt HP.l•• l"rt..-r. pl! .. ut r,,_p,t-r (lo,!'\ th~· 11...-01• lyl11i. ,..,m~ J.!'t- fl r.;i,,J :_,- .-;1,:- uxsr-<l In carrrl:i,:: pn,1.,,,.ny -· dl,itancl.' :<1w:11,- tt-.;ri. P.!l'"i,.u ..,! tr•!<'.-■ uf oH, uu! of tbr r;.,~tnf'Tk,.., T h.-n ll'">,. ••••Hn.-"'"'" bvl It haJ l'l(ll t...,,i-r; J:-;n lted. l'-;r.ld ll-t" }.Ant-J th1· tnwld l,r\,k"}l<.k " n,1 ' Ti10: C-OlHl 11':,c-.tl -~i:1,;,11.)IJrl!-.r-d b.it-.:"L'"'l'.,-..d !n f'Ulllnr. l•Ut th .. nr~ . Hu :i P,. m. tat! that he noted m u1-hnlf• in th~ t•.. !lln..c ,,r ,r......(,,,,-,,. !M t ......... ,-o,·r-rrd .,,·rr " lth A ,.,..... ..._ \\"ilf'lo:'tl.• J-J\l!laj th,- -..:t.c ~ " ut ;,.r, ,I (,,-.ur,.J It l•.• t..... 11h,r!Jt;







cllm~ up ln<r , th..- ho!.(• A.J J,,(I ;1,ft,..!' .:a hu<"k .. t -of "' ' "-t~-r h.a<l 1~-n pn,N½-.l UtJ to h!:ic,, h.... i,ut n t..11 th.- L I~: ""!t11..-~ In tbt• m~:,1J m" <an•i,r,J lh>.- bhu::h~ ,-11.c!i to th.. f"l>U't d,,.or- !o. 0 <1 Lllrt.·'IC'" 1l ~nto lh(? fll!"l'-t'<. Te x...... m1n,~Uc,n th... • •-4 ,·r-ry d.-111_..~,.,._l.c.' In hl..tl


c--u.i.,IM fnlly rt)rt )' nntr.ut~. l~1<µortk...r:1 nf lh,e, tlTThtl" kiri,:: 1Ak..-n up l,y d~·np(l<A)a c( ttw:- !nl ..rln.r • nd #"l:IM"ki- r of th.. wor e where tle f rfo lX-CU n t- d.. 1

u:rr_TUE l!.AL.J_, TWlc~t,:, Jo,On 114.11:-. Ii hf"OO)t-,r c,.( 1M'" ~...,\·n~1U\l, 11'(1 OfH!' of th.!• ll\M kt.11.hd ttt" th,q, d:-.rJ<T· ,...., t.b-,- til,T ht J.n""'°i-~1fh.::i., .,,..,....!h-f' ll r.l lk,.-!:··1tw s lAth"i Lh.,u L. U t,nl;t .h~ h• rt the r,.: n·f1J•n1 a.bt'k1t IO p.m-. n.r:J rd 1U.J'1:W<l ,i;-,.. _,rt ly :a.ft\"r,,.•11,,...l,f, "'°·lt.h ,... r,lrrt

u( ~'.>lil'.3>1.Y-\'.-uer,1 t,, l,t-4.r up In.to 11<-t..~ for ll dr>....-fr~ for r•"'-.Mn<-ra... Tii"ltn....._. Jtt.ct,r,,t p,,.t hb l,n.,ft·i-.--" 1,:,-....,..,._t ~,5,...J;q 1..-fi: Lh.-- h+it at tout il:4¢ ln rocl) ~-a.ny "'lth. r. Yt> <-:i:i :;: n"W<.n n.-d~d l'l-.a.-. ..- 1('; .a 1h,.,- ki.tt .. ,.- ,..._ t,r I h"'° cJ.rl M' kJ-


.-n1: h notled that th top of th al }

r,j ]

Until ::U

Iner tn-nln.n: l~P1ll)' ~h rrt.-ot.-£! him 1:.1ul t.;.4' hip . Jill H\ ~an lA'IU· t" .-,-· Wf'U dr1nr4[ 1ni.u U> .1,1.W:· l·vulJnur<-1 th-: "'ltn ,r. rn.lll'I. J u?4 LA .-1.lr,z, ~ 't

rr...nl of us 1 kuot1.' ,-.....u l,ul)dlu«. li1.1l I ir_,ww un to the dd br v<. .he'" r uni.-. • )'IH\ \,tU •• ho pu\ )' J<rl~ 1 · u- u .... uJ _,,....r .- Jg t, I or ~ r,rn. S o... m:r PO-r. dlt1 n •ir ~ o\t \,\J\ you Ut' \o l

_ 1;u11.ua::_tAJJrnrrtA..:: th'" d..-fr nd.&nl, tJVOJI· ■l

topaz$€ b & -._,. .....,,..i li2 .of'C&C Dcti.M. 111,;tc v~t~ ~ ra:tdy: -~ e;;?-1 th.- sr. g.;:i.t.;; &..~ lh~n ,r~ t 1Mo the pod@e te rt n etter for a Y"""<f. -.I l left th> irt~.£.o::eU.l$".• e...'\Jii tbo wHt,."l~ ~ ltMllll:1. eont:~ ·,rt&i.~ tv,t v-i..-e11 h4I rtur@d to tko pt2em kg reumnd Mis ch,tt.-.G clJ! ttt-U te.&a ~ natU tbit ffY ot ....• fg e pi ed, res bo rtYIMd ' .c. -- -· ---• ••.• ··-doW ,;JM

TM lnWff'!lt tr. t1M pr'WUlll nu)' ~ria.i or the llaJ• - "'" t,.n-J tbt• m .. nil tl&' ..rowt4 u •• c :u.m l~ lk> ll

ur I h t'

" Ju,_ «c,v p k-4 th• •l•n J J unq tM •fltlra ..,...1un.' ~ W"ll&I ,1 11,•la .,( •pc,c l& l- "' ""' l"..-n t In• , h,~ini:: Mr. H<A.l. •·tw, In lbt •~"''"' .., hi• p,arU14r. L,an •lu ll,. c VIJ\....-d • h n ly ill lff'P t ln th e roe«din o owo ..i ..r ~ 11~ t

,.-r'■ ,......,, &I


TM w11n..- p.........ttl.-.1 ,., h- uat h


lh e

t·\t <"IIIT.:l tU:u :,.,•

hi• arr.al

,ub,:11,e• q ,a n l aon~ .-. U<XUI' WUh l.><-v11IJ b'h•rUI' C11mmol'll And Mr. U.. Y. \,rant.

1,..,1 11 ,·...-d


or wt> <>m M'l'C, rd Ln •• 1 n th ~• .u ·1- k tl ,. Y


1,> NYL<\.-d



,. wuvkS CUY1,1 .... tlH- aa""" u t 1two "oUl <"f" p«rUN1 °· Who WwN . .. p ~ to ...... .. .,._.,J tb• F'""-'P¢ ...... aa a ca\'■ ,.._ • • 11:m.l IA.tc. Wik, la l111cll\JC•nt )' "\lrl,1 n,.&.ll, o( l W\"fll r•t\l.' U, told bl•

• ,n a

t;qultabh• or &a-J.d.'. ~ tihtlt'd and t .-1:'rt> It\ ,.-.rv ant! tlw..f



!II.J o,

~ l<, r)' Ill ft • Dtn.J % h Uort1 a rd m a n p;,,1" \l.llh v\11 t,,w k>l w& o .r t- l UUK'Y, Al lb • &0 •~ -\o a IJ.N,r.,1 1141-tuil l.NClo.d thd. tl:.s ~ d lftl> • &a:<' l<• IIM bla0dlft8' by n,.._ .-u nt...:I tu



lD<t' ~ll •llh tL ~-·~ 1.M°ro- AG lt' ll up tlu.l ),1,-_l, r d had n hand

ol, ""'1


ti ~ &t:

"ton 1ind Nott we .• Vli•.i1.llr . llM< dr. }£.1.kl,r

n-i.m i-


t'(,~ -..·a.:\! t;a~.t'. i ,:,>,t s


1\ 11~ lk-c:U.t-.d,' c. )'Ov.ftQ' uiui ~ l <lrn l of RI~ - tM -,cl v ♦u ..l&.U~ bat l,lL JIO__ er _ d,n ~ II.U 0

;:::.-::~"'u!',:::...:i,';':t:~i ~-·· -·-· . ···-·· vsr the per!sics a t t, w±tot th :

";a • u s 4«4so, w,ui on UN au.•:'I ,~ ~ t•o t,..,vn. . 1Nr1ec ,e,, ocvr-..lC' ot u.a hfllUl:nollY M .·

l1◄ ' ' 'rt t)il- <$ & rvubd ta, t.h <! t,, LS,t doo!" uf' O'le 'it'f;.U•\Q.. h.kk.ccl U Ill G,..-..d ruU~6 c;.it. k~1t~~i:o~ ~ It'!,~ 1~ · tiw -eccl ::.-0 tL."llt that Wn.tl !n lrtl-~ b .E. 1,- ~,. u~ T. H. Nutt. AL 0rw..._ r, i beat d ca&it!on tit It bur r tls On• zz,%.7 . .7 er , us s »s tats 1 ts te o n to+


{":;...,'.1,2 »la- «4er-wren !by- two a Mmo.lt .'l'>t,o. C$JT s.4 "° to..u.,._,.. °"'

.:.: %..±"%..7: u 1... 111n.


tbe ors


znd et!nu\bed

. the Dre tML ,,.·~w l.h1!'1'(<. AH" w t.be exi e «: « ws, 4re4«tst «+

M d if'--::o--•t'C'N"!Z t.h n t OOU.G o( tl~,") uiunp,;

1•.r.wat "'"' ~....

ii:!.,~ ~,.'~~,.!'0:'i;_.. ::~ ; •rerw n,h:•J.in!i {1"'0n1 the dn,.~<t'l' la Hl<e e&btn~l tbo.l h--2 tut;! cufitfd I:;'-'-,., th<!' rret. _ w Ms vs«too s eer ams

~ ~ ~ ·~ :1mftll!1.


wltM -.

la.,,___.••• .--7 by J..lt .

,-.. ..w-. ~ ~ ..W.·lll pr; r ef 5 '.w,..



6:own la lUvr;-to:n the :..cc~m--4 n.g1'(''-"d. to v w e A; retu rned to Salt t.A.!tP t ty. Mr. Git<.Ol. '\1 b-0 ,;,,,... with hlm s.n d.ay r-ef mair ! @y4 ±4 ±pg . g g!g. •?· e--."'\"T'"' 7I ft!1'i f, c'!lf!';f'\£' th T ~•~tff'nJ( f(!~ f~M 9u:-Allc-~· mn.n 11..d;.,r..d 11'1 :o,~ b;,:. bo-ok1;:;

..2 In«o+,

..t Ibo t.t a the hether ht es tot r-..r1 tut l'IUIII J' - utt 11,,..,i at'T't«·

:./ 7."


• Bu tto n


«<st ats, ot«a 0t e «-

.±±;T3.5 tJ {# #.4. oe;,



I o,bJttt#-4

tw-111«- ltitH' •

~?~t:!:. ;;;t~:E~~


ir: a.&k.



a n. ,-1 h ln llf


wrtu,:n 4o•n..


4 td

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.. ,. .. I

1 1> nt1 to


d id



i f T1K,e.,..r1 ~ .- ...-i

a.t , ,JJO IIU• ,,...,rr,.

."...: ., :; bti 1....:11 ........., v.-- r .... t,•r·,hy aflrr• ''""'" A.n4 !Jo ~ • lb< <kf,·n- I' "' r.,n.... t '

{:. {: .22.%:

5". ±· :


~T~~!'lifoU~l~c r::.,r\~~~l~!d

~~ f

% .,,.· av


l)<)ll (t)f!h'<! L-ook•i1. ).ff. -ii fJ'J ll rhM" ..,N Up ;.n-<l r..t1.k'. tlh•Y 'lft•ri • ;:. ,, ,.b•,rt.

" th,· a-11.Jntt

"I told bl

#if;$ ±$;'E2 n-M•-~ • .-.....- __..



tr o t !f \hq· \\·rr.:





tin u ed th at on t tu twq v n t o4on ltr. (in1.nt PUKll.'•~l-<".\ tL\41: he v-houhi _.;..-t [..,,.n·,t;ton or !-." t\ l•1 bu)" lh<: ;i.!a...rnt•• Jl,.ll

- . +uo« . e t n« "». «rs o th~n,·· " win« (U their (' (> h n K' l \h fl sy,,·\th tht< nf'(' lhAt had Clt_ '('ll t"rt' d In lh t' r,.,.u 1.+» - r»row. co 0 s. rs

.,,.~ • fov-1h 1 ..1 ........i In ,.,.,. ,...,..,.

11( lhc.- .-vld<"'nc,,:- ).tr. ~oll k-a..J1~ v,,·r 0 r- ·p< •t" lM" a.nr.1 uld... S ow, )'OU 1...&Ur.!' -x.nJ l(f( thi:.t lu lh~ ,... ,qw-r.••


r, ... ;.

n,,R IY•rio,ia.....-.f«....,.,,.r•ani,&,al.


1." .::'2: h~

s"':." u..... 1 t, .. 1 • 1 >... ,:,, t~~._i,·.ry•

..:1~-~,.::!,-J~ u ::..•.r,;:;:. ~;:~..~-~ ;:h<J:·ot 11\. S"..-..l• In 11» s aw tar m o « lk.a l\ ._ ,. ., ,. , l"" H. 0.1 .J·~ n -. i, ...n CLr "'"

.%." {:,2".:."77"2'.

: #:%:

,., ,.. "·"

1-1 . ....... ~, • ., "''

,,. ,..,._,. •• .,•

toning d o n to th e n l.- t, l ,,< n ,.. ..,.,,a ""' ,.,.,,.......i t h- .. , . , ,... I<> lh,, •\•"~ "· •I P n> ~ ... - \)oo,I ,, .. n , ., J,_.I ,1-,...,..1,..,,: ...., ,.. h • lu

fe e t

nrc w1 11,.,.. • ,, ......~ ....

\,..-,I• ., .., -.j J ..,,, , ,.

,..v.. ,

-.1~•"' ,. -11 ,.,m,. ,,/



co€A LE




r,·e:-.r.rJIF'\C hl11 p1.r lnr. ~ii~ )u,;iur:..rir,• \l. h.-n ).lr. firnni him \o n·!l.ln..! the money. ttn wa told h1rv \lHll It


lll,.a.Jn ·t

h lR



\h t' ('-C 'll\ "t'nu,. l \•Jll

.tad « + oo • 4ur «rd msn hidinr thir d n r st rl("Hf" whlch 00 .,, rrr rt,rn <llr'IJI 11.! th~ time, Uc .,,o,n 11..a

l!1 .-



(o u ri(l

ou \

l h ..:i. l

h-t' brvkr 1o..nd T1Ul

h .,-

,.. _

d la -



±., :%:1±.±:« •tr..-..l { )n

TI1urJl-d11.y l> l r.

fl ra.n l

c-a.nw- U,,wn


m-t ~I \h,f" wa.

lw:Y. ~•

ln c t o l,A.e frPq \tC ftl m..-1 , lkmu l 1hc lal • J, U.11

·• a..nd

n1-m tunbrr ..Jth

lk '"

llw- qutti,i-,:1 ot ±ted tht be h ,h.£it l.,I.• b,,,,l .H-~ ...;"






J>n,a11l?-.,ft: m:,·· ma'. f:\!_ _11\11&; .__•'::!':'~ .,,.. ,a ot

ho rei.Gr± ii+lea&the defend&rt hd cones±d that hes e t fire

o he sf@ins." <i ;±" . · ORANT'.}c.ALLED': ON.·'. GOD.•. .. "I· «Ji beard 'Grznt as:, 'For God' H sala, Em,..,.,. If t~ -Ul 't.nyone, elt<e ur, In this tclt th&-<l'Uth r, "'Ho did. •dld !,,o;r:· querle<l.. Varltrn.


"Did ho-this· ms.n-Or= t-:<'"-11 · UJ:>On (kn!?'' . _ ""· .. ",~.,-- . .-.·· .. Yt:.>v.:· . ·. . "'l'll,ct ·l,; all," remarl:ed Y arfa.n, i,n,1 C.untc•r ,mid '"' had more e,1ilenco


to otter nd was.yIiin to "'-'bmll th<>

-~t:a.se~,.,-a.h out u rgu me"n t..--- _ · _;,_ ··• · · Vnrlan objt><'W. and iirttumenta will l,<,)!'ln th!H morning ,it t;SO o'cl<><:k.

h1 ronJunc-t~l 12"lth th<- c-lrcvm..:;(.n.n~ o! l~ C q.:nmM'"dJ:iJ

th.r.. 'l. t:hQ b.,,,.d:: 6.....x-

o,-<:r, .tu,:h tna the r ret Qt lth ·itrton ltil4 t;-.,rn .pr-MU?t"'..¼b!y for-r..- ~ 10~

OSI lhr.( Ojl..i:b t. It 'IO U! • ft ble tory thll.t tlWiiS-.- Uld:i'f"i--6 t111.1a lud obo-..11.:ea lh,c k c-<:,~ P41 f<rorn lh1l ;atof""e. ._,0-0_ &-1!.untl- j " ta«-. a bond}e o rgr wth the name, h.<1.~ thrcw-z:. u~..., b.f.JUtlr''1t ._:,.,.nn<-h• c,n th~ . 1",>t"I( o-l tb f!' ~ n -to .·· t.'o u n =-~. c-mlln u -


1rl!:', w.t;;,.t~ the ltnewa nar d Leckc.tt'fld h;1d k•J<1--(fk-d • to th~ f.t.ct Llu1.l .,. ta"ht't'I ~ dlmb-..~ u1~ nn th<f" r,'Xl~ n(


:%2±£1£334% :3 &n(i h.A.d

W!l. ltt

VJIJ!h~-,: l thnn arr :


lh•:)" -~

hr.d. rl'.)O ~-,,uUt,._ _c.Qnt~ndN thf" z.tturn('"y. -~ ( lleu Into the 'lean:to" t re they


;~~rr:J;t:;f";~ u~~

;~=~T~! ;';~J~~ t

lr 1las porer4a, r--£toremg«iwor p ta Hlt,-1,:.-.t.! <'{• nft""l'rl onr. l•r f1;1.t1". !'J r. \'A·

rlan i< .11\<l th..y woul,l no< b-: r)('"rml,,.s::a.We ; 1:\"\.J.-r:n• In any c-ourt. hAYlu,: l>(-."n ~xtnrt .... 1 1.;nd.-t: thre.:t.ltl, -pn·,uiu~I and

'll• ·

f"""'" l'"'"("U; j _ _ 0 \


:-·----~ --

. ..

!tb • rau1t!c and 1Ka.thlnK trl>f\l(U~

l-t r. \·:lrt.:i. n pr,,c-1-N l~l to rrttklM • th..m..ihr,,_.h u,"'1 Dr }fr- H. Grant to ,,t,1111tn n f' •nf#"-,,.,./-,10 {n,rn 1t,,. ><C<.""•J,,,1; h•• llat.-.1 jlh.:a\ ""'1IIH~ p•r, ..,..-, U!i•...O>' ,..,1.-,.,-. tlrr ,,..., l,.-r :.rn"' p..·1-:'t·cu!-lunlf., 11..n,1 \hil'l



ll 1'1~

,,,,r ,.,r th•·:n.

\"J1r. nn , \ <J!JJ,\ th•· "" -r11.i!..... I

-u n,1.,,.

Ai• pArrn1ly ,lic-T r11.1 ronrc-,,,1,,r ..,. r ,r ,.


rn:.i.n, "'h "m he• ,t.-,dxn111.-.1 11J1 n matur t t u t r mount+hunk. ,:~th,·r " tlh, ··::1. i.,rr • J.<-:" tf -r of th• ·,,ry I·' ' · I ur,-.,_ ).Ir. \'11r1Kn rr11rlr" •troni<: an,--ut:H·-,t that "14• ~L Ii\ in 1,roi:- r..-l<C'\ \\ t1<·n 1:i,c ourt,look n r cr o wt I I!. . Th W

Aft •~ -

At ~ ~ ,) <h i,. ,.•,,·,-r.,-,a '.\.Ir r:un,,-,d bu ;,q:;urn,·nt tli,11t ,·.,ri -1,1,-. 1 th~,_.rn,.)-..~.. r,.or\ !<1 ('!!In.;; urin th h»w orern!nr the of th e:o r,ti +ts of d«[+n }1ta derive and ronetudd the

,.,., •••-l•·•l

"Jl i',



••1!11,: \<J lh !h.- J><>!nl~ ,.rt-.11. lndur!!ni;: tb-t· ii!.! 11· ·-:,..;,. .., " .. tL~--1 \n··,,rr .... ·t. ..,._ctrn,><lr nf th.- <lr(f",1o,1.u1 JL.r. ll !"l::\ : ),. :.:_, Jo-,;1rf..-fJO.r. ) ntur»«d that the de" rid n th torr t o

. I

I f



; ~








_ft He:rld



Tl stmastcr Ba(e Swears He Never Conlessed the Crime.



- --


To.1 "'hl.,eh H~1ll•• f"'('Jlllt·d:·- -;;:'\o. twr. n e k n ew an th l u buu t It bu t my -




o d ml,slo ~:lo r th la an d oth er J~·len ee at su ch time was p r odu ct iv e ,! IL ~rt•a,t th.. .,H of ari:u111t•nit, but hi:1blvc.tl(1nt\'or :-.lr. \"a.rian wr rt" In <:h BAYS GRANT A..CCU . SED LANGTON.[ nstu n •·• m·or-rulc<l. Th e t,.,.u mo n;:f .,r both :,.iJt·:-< ,n1?'< ~-1111.-Ju<l<·•l an,l urc:uAND NOTT. , m·n tt> w!II lw~!t\ ~t !i:::11 this ----?--JM Gran t I n Jail. ., Ater relat in g: th we circumstan ce «f ».,-te Sc-.ys Grnnt Cn.nrg-ed ThM..t 'l'wo 'the lln.> ;anil h i:-: fari·,·i-:1, Hate aid t 1at u ~n With Firin g thfi Eq n .lla b k ~ u l lh t• Jal! h ~• "iu :-:_p u 1 1111.-'. ?. ,·,·II :.11HI C o -o p '- -Descrlbe.8 Or P..nt's }~ k.e t-,1<,u 1.;ran l ,•am,<· 1n ··_rnu ~mi::.a. ~•Ht I · . I h C J. U .f ~ nn!t:l', nn<l t=.:lsin i: il \\ ii~ v,. h ~ uC u n cs.r c-~r r.tlo n ,n t e ou n ty ~- -t_:~ flx ,1~1 L~ In .~• , ',j · . I 'l'~timony LJ' .All ln.. ''I le Wl\S put In. nn H-CIJnn·nt c-~11." conl!nt:Pd ~th~_;.:,wJtn-,·~"', ··and finally j came Into mine. le wanted hi broth<'r i,;pnl fur lu:b:ill hini out. JI,~ lh(•d On the \\ ttnt~£. :--tun...I in his ow n h<" - ,~ to ~t•t nie- lo ¥-..'lY \hut t•llhC'r I~1ndt,m half, Enw?-L T. Hate.· }"t·:-tll·l't.laY Nld thr or Not ·lia1! a halltt It! th~· .Equ:dhle ~t••r.)' (,( the J:h·,·r!vn 11CJ..,, the l•irt'lllll· 1~·!, ur ti\!'. H\H•t"tf•ll irir•·~. anti ,<:1!1I h,~ ~IIHI 11 11 i;t'.,11,..-~:; sui,·~•ui1.Jin~ :.i[lJ _1·<,nn1-ctt-.J ~, -~, ~ ~~ 1 t: 1~' 1 11t 1 "\\!lh ,it an·J t!H· ._-\·,·nt,1 l(•adini:. UJl to_ 1;nH,t::lon nn.J :,.;,,itt. wh••II 1,,. ~nt 1,a !t•i! and foilrwin ts attest, upon the out iu the wr wet· in it f or ..:h::.11g-c o! :.r:,;.._,r,_ H;i.'l•:·,1 tt·:-:.lim•Jt 1y wa!:l fii" f;111·<'. Fin ally , th jiler ams and {old i11. J:a n-: L tiYt: f...,rrn an ,\ :i_t 11,) time wa.i -~~ Gru n t h is brother wa s downstairs with ]Ir• JntcrrUJ.•tt....J. .l!•· rl;iUy 1.h-ni1·J. e\".-r l:}i\ llii-t l,a-1\. '1,I- . . _ ~ ]1.1\"ln;:: mad .:-- an u.Jn:i:-<:<\11n u! c-u ill to Th is co n clu d d his nr r ation an d, In ~-i _:-,:p,-d,d Ai;1·nt U. F. ·,;1-.int.~•r Dc-puty r.J.?. .·.~ . ..r,•ph .\,to ~Ir. \'\nRn. b· ~•:td .lw di~~ nl ;.•.1..1; herit J. H. Cumo vk, us the have{i tel! Gr unt _he_had tired the wilding:. .vr,-,·1,,usl)' lt•:<tillN. J II f11,·1. h•1 swore Th e size of he envelops· _in which S \ha t tht' l{"Sl!f\ HJ II)" of Grant wa:..... !al!-.-' :;,ti:&: ]t;d\.' .dalll\l'll 1,,,1111.,·• · pl,.1n·1l th,• ~rara111,,: in nt•,1J'ly ,.,_- ,•ry 1-..irllt"Ubr tllat tentlt:J w:ni' 1-t fl'al_urt,r,or lh\· _1·n,s:-i-1·xam\U1J• ~) 2fl1hr:I!Ir ±Lyn_ihg_detendant. fi t on. and i t s wa_x iv n wunch ·f f


__! lf1







.~t~~: ~

;~~\/li~f~. \i7~/•:::i~;;/ \\~r,l mr in,


l ·rt!





nn,l ili~

er tn. eto!ore ,~ very.JJtJ.bearr. fnlen....1.;tlna:.. o( 1nt~TYiew nccount o! bf~ .".• -;,' _L.•·.,n ..• •••' i-;t.. nnmp.».. velo (npJ•a.r.~ntly th e Fame 1-:•1 izew,,rt h u..11 r tled. nn b y :?•. •. "W'\:'en hlm~cl! amlUr u.nt, Bate dt"ClarNi t/:-; him,-1.ut fi,il,•d tn J:::l't th,~rn lll>'i,h·. . (hat On rnt Mi..td lh u t h e bd lc-v e<l ·\VII- ~hi . Sh eliff 1Howells Testifi.e<l . 1'~ 1 Ji.um L&..nJ,~ ton w.nd ht:t 1wt\,1dat,~g b~i1 !'i"ii ~ , 1 t::\~ n1red th o Eq u itab le C o -o » ._In thls ir { Slisif Ho wchis. f or the tat. in t ] u. nunfut,!" 1.: ( }'CUnl a;:; o, nn<l upon HUITT• ,.t;I b~ltt,t!, ~\ 11... nftr i- lll llrh ,lrl-! Ull lf-'Ot. ,i,- ·[i:l f t"OU:i\'' otht.-I'. {X"('ilt>!r.~n8, H~-te dalnw-0, 10-.,·t·d t'? l' ta~~ th~ t=l=i· of ll!~ f'r1 Yi"rf~iJ/! (ir al)t lmtl ex p ressed th e same 1 ±tier,f, late he ued. Ato r _\ i!• knd. hnd kred the defendant J! he Ulcl -1/;i\1 rlan. t1;t""l"- n turn nt \111• ::llt•riff. ~ 'J?o\, ktuJ\\' t<Or.lC'lhlng ul>out L-un1-:to1J P'~'.±1 "Mr, Ho wells, wh atv v er Jnrlun-11 ?"ou..?jj unil 'r. H. ~t.Al thu-t v.-ouJ.1 saueer@ {' ns her!r' of county, to t row your { \bf-m Into h('lv inrr llnle out v ! lhe p--.:,:-:. ja!I ,:J•f·1.1 to. t:in1t1l, u n ll_ )><.'rrn i{ nll.Jth ll½ t::.•·. 1 LLamp troul,\.e. ;ifiJ \iu'-hh•l's'!" . ij • " ~Ii'!:~ .. l iw,1n l M r. Iawe h ad k n o wld l What Ora.nt .,,.aid. J:llllt .a11,I th•• )IL11')'<1:-,~ u( (;r ar t. L"p-on c-ro,rn-<-xun){r,Q,tion, the sena[derstool._was to n►ll:ll'l't f.<>lllC o!h•·r ~ tlo rud fc•·l!-lu rc wal\ rurth(:r a!rM . ln • with th\11 "n•.'. \\,•. lrni~ an ,Jr:!.{~ ·wa.s BaleK fHn..lC'mt•llt uJ,on l.;c.[ ngtl.5kt:'d' ,~ tht•n· w1·rr conft><l,•r:1t,·'4 1n wllh H !o.•." •~i l>;,• AHurney (Hln-lt·r for d,•t-nll:.<: . f£: "YnH loa•w'r.othlnJ,.: dil·,•1·l ._... ·~ ..l hHd un t•ngui-; ..• n11..•_nl to .me-et Grant__ "\\',•11. l h~t..1J_111y i_!nJ,rt•:-:-:!ons 3..,!!. to nl lluz-ray. he h11,·l11,; 1r-i('J1hoiw,l for l}.J -..·ho·~t·t th,•'--:--:lllf'. to l;e th~rc with IL WKgl'lll. 1 tHd :-11, '_'\\'1·!.l. didn•t C_r~H. talk t(.)_you ;:·i·' _n m! on th e wo.y on·r to JU\·cr to n . ht" tl1L" a ,\·JwlC' 1t11: /j t:Hid: 'El"l'\l'St, dot you know your #j "Ye," ! iiu,n,! nnd your falht•r " .uarn,:, wa.".\.C-h·l' furlh":- ~l~·U!-<ttlnn. :'\i,,n:J:'oi ny -~ 1 · Jt_H.· 11tio1w·d __ In cvnth·i;Uun \\ith th at{~ tt'ttllk d t.1 ):c-.:,rin~ .the (·onn~r,,,:tt1,'.n an-:l. ·t1 L,iu l111h h-,. tu -o p . tin ·".' I to h t him no , t1-~ tlw confess#en of Hte. Mr. Vnr iar ? u111.l h(: Kahl. ·Y,.'11 kn<>~,· :,-ou w,.• rc w,>l"k- -~.~-- 1' n.1~• t·xan:i11\-J 11{ f!Tt•l'.ll li•n~th·an,.l !'<'• lui.: th ere, d on't rnu: ':rou kn•)W .ili-'1 v 1·n :f.\" :-:-t·tiredl lh<· w!ln 1•!\s. 1. : ll,1\h :-it.in.; anno1uwc••I tht~ romp! tir,n . tl_l•' !ln• \\11.S ~u~pidvu.s·:· I t,1Jd. him I diiln "t. k11,1\\" lt w uspleiotu und he i uf tht'II" i·uF'~. aJHt t)w. !'-tw.te nrf,-pJj to. a:"'k, ...J IJH~ If I tlidn't know Lnni-;l.•Hl an,i . ·.' p.u\.Jmll ., ,n 1•\·!,lt:.JH·('. TJ1•· J,~t•··n,=•1·ll1•~ ~ :-,.;:nit i-<o' L lll"t.• t,, tl1..- hul\,l!n,c: . l tuhl ~ 1-ir,•d tn he h< •.irt!, hOW(•\·er, an;J IL will;~ Jd111 n11, and he ~..:dJ 't--;1n't you eqUN"1!1} " l,c- l!.T'f;Ucd t11tl:1\·. · 1 lht'lll ir11u llur !n..:- tht·:'~ t-;{alllp:-·: \\'\., ~ , --.Hl't' ~:111 . .. !l,.,I tlll'Y ~·t tir,• ti, th~1-t t,uilt\- ... " ' ln;.:- {n1,·;11dn;.;- 111,· J-:quit;,bl•· l.'U•1>1•-,) lillt











1 ·l~

~'f .

i:.J . ~J



~ 1


tlwY :in· t,>u t' lll,• f .. 1" U:'_. .. !,,,!,• was u l l .Jir.·,·t t•X;tni\11:i!h•n :di . Pio. f,, r, , 11, ►<1 0 . :ind n·.is -u111\,·t· lh<' t·n."l':-<-

li1l' u! .\Ir. l;u n 1,·r :,!I 1lu ri11J,t" lllv .1ft,·r• oot t«shot, 'Th e cr os- vt min at/on \1 :1:- 1-w nn:·tiin~. ;in,l •·lidl\.'•I n~w a11,! ill lj' Ul"\~lllt Lu·t.'"'. :1!1h,)ugh th1• \h•(+·n,I• 1111: t'-lllf' k tn his t ery in lhf' 111.\ln. jtees in r ebuttul were exam ined to illl]>\ ·.tl"ll ch,• t,- . ... tillH•ny .,( ]t.:\{f'-, aJ !H'lHg- tht·1n h.-in>,:" :-:.h ,·iirT l!•J \\"1•Ug an ,! ]1,·J~1JIY ~J:•·rif'[ .John '.\l111llK<YflWl")', IIH!-· Litt,•;· h;-1\"l!lJ; ,1\·,·rh1•ar,I !li,• ·,·nn.'\'<1•1-,..;.i. ti,,n in l lH· j.,i!.

'.\Ir. ).t,,n\1-!HIJl••rY t<\\"<'l",,

J'lt-iti,·,·l:: that (;ranl In,! ~rnil! t;t HHl•'· --J-:rJH·:--(,_ d,1 you rnean 10 ti·\\ m,- yO;i fire d


!<11 \ j l l /..;'

g i t .t i p


ty l l

;111,-.-cblnf; :11J"11t-i1 but




arou\ J







-".'i' ~~i.:ti1.. k;;(JJJ


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tlie Hie


,,n !.. n.h.-.ll

'\1..u4:rr-a& l:wo_p.a.p,t-N

tr 4 n.tJ-i: rAhfo

t~~ 'R' a. J! .r.n . M r-, lct:-.:~~ d

TI ,i lf

XO Jl"J~Y A~ YF.T. ,n lht' h l lr 1Hcl'I

ll l "' rn, ...

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E±3 EAS E. :11.n,-i


..,.t _j,

lk- nJ :.. m!n ,}-'

RT6As CASE..i -if%ff=iii#ei@@;

~!AL: Ol!'.-ERNESl;'


~'l'-:: BATE IN

psrrerVT., •

J\l~on ~lected Yesterday, and Tak-

( ing ot Testim ony n,gu'.n-Theori~ '

,::,_' l


): · of Prosecut.ion" and Defenae.



From 11) o'elock' !11 the n\om!ng unt!I . 3 :30 IH t l,1c H.!1-:rnoon Wll>' occupied· ycs_·i t<crday In Judi;c_ ~orr~IJ'H_ cot1_r;t tncob-:. , Lalnlrii; " jur·y .or eight. IJ'll'l 'Otul; lo tn· r:rnt'>'l T. ·Hal~' on the charge o[ ..arM n. Ht'Yentet-n t1d,·t-:-11t."•n " ·ere cpcamlnc·d b,e.:f<,r.- 11,,, 1·••1JUl~ltc number who ha<l no us to the guilt f




















C't-n< e of the cl1.;ft>-ndant. nn d who ,~_·err :<at!sfa,·tnry l<l t:,-,th the Hl':ll,' and th<>-~ 11,~rt'nlhH1t, fl•Un_r:i_. Thi:- na1,1<•!"-, of tho av+pt«·«d w-r,» ¥, , R\•:er~ •. ,•



f;,-nrg,• JI.

llbn n ,o~,- ·.F'rNl F.b,•1·h11rt', ('h:ti-l(•S \\-. :·{h1_•r_\\"1)0ri·.'i· ~- F~ 1-;art::. H,,hr·rl H. T.I Ta\'1 .. r: J;1hn :-,;,,rr .i.nct·Jnmes ){. Fishh . fr. Af!Pr,the Jury was i1nr,;.tnr-.l:•,J.


P11tnurn. on



..... """. "''""'"' """"''"'·t o. {. t·llin the ,,,.,,1,, jnrors""that he expected

th:1t yon Hate, wh(! Wat' fJO, tm.t•I•·:· al' 1:d·,,n.,,1' an<I :c\t rk ln 1!i'e· Hl\"(•J·t, , n J>j,.,_,~.1.,..,~ ·eu-r1p ttfr,,1·1.•:. ln wh.il'l_1' '

J rl"' l\"f'


his fHli.,,,r 11:i. a l:iri,:•• stn<'kllol<ler, t\rt• 10 · . th,: :-:-111_·•· nn tht: nhdll -n( A pril , .· Isl 1,,s,. T h.-\si"•'k in th,· ,;i,,n ,. )Jr ..,.

and c onsisted }1:1rd t11 ~li•ll t: ud wort h w ot. t o exceed $600 or s70, while thw· insurance wax wu0 uni bus!P utnam


said. {w a s l ow ,

<dd.. 11t)l- n f -;d :tlt.:


t.!' (JOcl:-(.


li;-id, !lh•.• t-::111,•s not "~:n•~_;tlln;; Th:•·ri· \\":JS ~i d:1nf·(• :1t l{lYtliat nig11l Hli•l tlu• p r ,,!'=., l'll1••1'


Jl•J a cl<!\". f'l'l11!1

id h1· \\"11t1lrl 1•:-11, .. thul y n 1111i:r 1:htt•· .d )1_•ft ;h1< 1l:1\it'" h;-tll 1hl'•.'1.• nr (n11r·ll 1i'111t·:--- dnrin the v·nin ad one t o 111,· :-:1111·,·. ;tn •il 111:11 Kht>t·tl~· af1.-•r h •• l1ad l,,·,·11 tli,·r<· 111'· J:u;1 ti1r:,• 1.1],.11,~ th•· Jln· !.1·1,l,.;,• n\11. i lt \\·:1,.:. hn,,·,.,·t.,1". 11Uit·_l<- .. Jy t•x:11u~11i:--lit!d . .,,ith PJII\" Jlrt!11ln a r d :ir11:1i.:, ,·~. · 1, 111 J tll (• flrn,t· in · 1h,· n,\11P_ 1 ,•• li,·1·,, th,· 111·,1 w:,,.· fnun'd \\·;1s :-ittt\Jr:, 1, •d \';i1Ji 1·,,~1 ,iii. ;<.11d 1,a'fll•l'_:--utu1·ut •: 1l \\ i!h ••f•HI cdl \ \\·;1~· t-, ·1·.itlf'l't•d Pl"IJ\11\d. ~tan11•=-- (q I 111· <111111\!l~t f1f ;;)IJ \\"•"!'•' 111l,,o ,.:i11J: fp ,111 (h•· 1111:,-l11tfic'-1•. u:h k )1 w:1~ tlJt• to te an1d uler the d ire vtio! vf th,· ,1,.f ,-11d ,11'it Tl:,· ln1i'lcl ing- J\;itl 11r,t hr•,·JI l,r,,!i,·11 1111". :,n.J :'\Jr. Pu1na1•1 d,•. l a+i d th. t he won1hl l ow that nol111·t.•· 11111 ti·•· •lt·f ,·1l'Lt?ll harl hr,:!\ Ill the tor tor hors before tl e tire star1el Th,· .j .. f,·11""''' 1·v~•·1·,·•·d ii~ 01•r11in.c::-.;;1IPIIJ• 1,t, b u t it rs u n d e rsto od th a t ii ,,.-,11 hr· !--'.ln1ila1' 1, 1 that p11t up at the 1 1,r ,•l11_11'.11:-. 1 y l11::11·i11:.:, th H,l 1r n 111p !-i ~,•L tir1• l•I Iii•· r,u,f ;11111 1111d1•1 fr,nn. 111,-r,· Ji;:,! f;~_l·:,-11 ,!,,,,·n 111 1h11 1·,,;;.t] nl: c·;:111: that the defendant vu 11ld llfit hu, ·1~ rlnll" ii 1 ◄•1·;111:- ,•. I h1"! ·•;r;-;r,-11:::•:.- r·'Li i1ni-: . h r• ,jj,1 ~ 1111! i0 :t'.•· th,· ,l:1!11·,• i·11(n11l 111 i-1.ll:'t" ti1n,· d111·i11~ !h,· ,.,·,-n111g-. -· ,, ·. IL 1-;, :, 11:--c ,u1s t hf' flr1-,t witncf;~ •'.:di,·d Vi ll ol 1, ·~t!ll,·d 10 th•• 1·1) r r cr tJll•~li 11( ll!ilt-•:: ::111I rli:igrarn~ nf: th•· !'-tnrc au<l :--t11T1111n d in ;:~ 1.1, h, .. u :•H·d at thr> trial:



lsur un,o

diutnr .I


1"r r t on

was ling examined as to the $20) in~-1ifii.ri,',· "" ! !If' tda,.-i· 11,!, l'f1l' \'ti !11~




tlw s\h d c \\' h\,:h h•· ·,;,iirl{w~~ low a n ,1 ' "'.'''.''',, "'l:,·.n 1hi• ('(,Jll'l ;i',.i'j,,uriwrl, Ull(il I Ill~






I -----.---

.•·•-:.~~J.,.· •·."

1RtAi. I~ DRAC.Ci~~ AUl~C .?],.~/J_[f.'Jf1_f1.--• ··-·· ,,._---· S1,iw F~ ng t:t..lc io i,..a,. Am

Ms5e~--- ..., ·.-.· .,






'i . .• . .. ·~~; ,n..., . ~... ,.,.t·~ -- ......... .l M eritt woo«k Te»tty--







:· ,;, •:-lilOW,P~ hu, (bu• cu bHa. ~ the Hlr to n armn case, and iI p,rwaitnt. lndli.:atton..- mat b.! talr. .-n :.,. • crl;.

L In

~.:'~i•/n -_the tr:iat .promises -to.bf: •.lcPnJIY

'p tow lt«



hour th)s , b\ll two-..·ltne~ bad htt1I v.pcm'lba .t~!\d~ r._,e:hh.-r.-Of",_.., h-:•m i;a..v<" a.r.7 a.!i.11.

t+9nal{4cu to those alre ady. report4.

I• ·fft-.,.-rt: ,Ut:'

~utn...n lh_-1;t th<t vtO~ u t~ tCu .... mt! n,•\l ,11.r,J f.t'Jf{ll~ l,..tlm{J.Qf tu .utrcr.- .,,\'ha:.n ,,~u-...,....,l r~~l&e

±.:5 2 2 2#.

u•ln.ltt~·,I 1·h11l th,.. ,'1!11tr w.u In V,,,,,:~ 1.i~.n u!·_,...,._.,:,,;'.T\' rJrr:n •. l.hJ tM ohYl,,oi h ' alJUJp ... J°c-<.":IU.:d l, ~ ,rt:atc- th.,: na1.u.n,- I.) ( lt.J.







1·!10: ,1..H'!•·I b ni.a.',1,- _ u1, v! th<! ff.Hlu-1•1u;,r; p r o n «; w, • tu ,, Ge6r e H.-H.u - \ .--..~ .. ·\f. }·r._-,J'. }:l:>-C'rhArdt. C bt..rl,r-a . 1-1i11-,-..._-,..,... _ ,I •. _u . . _P .. l!uh• •. Hob•·~ H. II['. J I1 T~)'~'1'"; J,-h-;1 ~~ff 2nd t.'h3.r1f'ff ~- PT6h-- '




t-S:..it:·r:;tJ Jury l1°1l'1 b.....

•ts 11, we- ;,,· ),{,._: utnar mane an ope n mat t. H ,..j d • h~ State )• vul• I 1•~•-~ ;th4l th<


, r:tr:("!rH.lr...nt kt ·nrr t-<J the HJ\·("t'l"'° ri.- !

·~ JJt n~ .-. rJ;,,,.·~. ·_L>·'.:,·-.o_lir p . ,.r11ti ,r_~-. G-n.vt.th,-.Wl-l.01L& c.. 'nlg:h nJ t~ j n,...._n.,i t,h<I!" put pose a to nH"IC"<t·.!..l lM .-rn~- · a(1"nif'nt ,,r s.::<1 In ~t mi~; t,. J N Lo- •...-..:-u.r,: 1





· ::

•1 ·

: . -.; w.. H. Evf'.n&. ~ti tJe-nul'\.od ,C"t.• t1.JJn ,u.af'-" a.,:.4 d)itKT"-...m .... _•·11:l•dnc _,h~ l•"o<'Atlf•n ,.J tbl> ' Cb.-,,p. •tot'f:", 1,natoftk~.; da...."l('e- h-:1.Jl" AD<1 U"'" H11.ll''• /rt-.:h J"~ op,. ThH4:' "-rt' :..> bl.! l!·i'.-.d at thtj trSl)J. and lb,r- "·an~wo -sh:o'" t

.· • . .I 1 ,;·

$3.FE±EA±EE #EI ; - B\·&t ,· Ju .u n.Oc'" ·cvm tH"-':lb';__ -..·u nu:.t ~

, hr',ll•wu · P'"'nt c,ul- to :,4Ju ..t-.,;ttb-t_d,to l_h_o ct.and. \Yll n<-t:~ ...1,.-te-d .- loo-. .- th--fi~ ·l· f•' ,. flU..lAln....S br thot ,}rff'ndr.nt 1l:.rou.;:h th~

£ 2 C-ourt b ert' a.J}>t;rn #.±5.3%, e-d .un til to-

. o.r 17~.








_ TOD~Y'R l'H<X'Ef:01 .~cS:.

. .1

g;zyggr: g] t -


1~ 'hm! 'h.a:tf· rlr'I-'!' 10:a.~· -f"X_'{:\ 'FTii:!'11<1:.Jl:_ 'dJ:1J1{\t:'Z - f9_.: t l ,1,nJ lrl!\vect_j_~~ ';r.:i~• if-%:-· -,'m ln!,i,,;

& I ve,.

. , • ,,


()'f c-oal_ oil! Y-!AA mhu::lni;".


not fell

Under crow-«x..m!natuon v oes a4d rn viJt o'( the dare ~.t; f' to th.(' ,;.-::c-k TJ"-ti)C b:Y ,.-niokt-: ,.,,_ .\ittliri-,bt fJ:-.-. Thi!"·df'f'e'ndsint u,M .-.1tr,,-.,u th.r.t Jt,hollt ftv<.> :r aUot-ai


111 with I~ ·th""_._,. ·&r· ih-c l!OfllA: F'\ro .j 1:nn.un?lC"it',<"otnpr ...nr '1.iHttti,·i- tb.a.t u.,; ·; crime of a.r:oon -!1,.11,d -l)'t~n rom.mltlN . ~ '}'f'"r.t out to -JU~ ·~ tton ll'"ith J\, Y. 01"'1\.at. l\' aa I.is at,tl'nd. .tncit - at thf! prr!iu,,ln.ATY

:z .%-5 fh<>. pv.:,h.~,:3.% %2/ 3% v,1u

T;h~ fh;t-.a':F:o r;nr,.11.n·y ,lA111.""1

t;.o60. ).l r.. '.&t~btm tiv..t· ltt.f".} ~.xt •·u- pr-ld,;nt r.T! t'h'! JU.n:rlon (.'.:,.(?p.

ET.3±3%7 3. .r k±.7±: rpornlnr.. _}MM l~t- d,-f~ndiutt aM bJ, (jalh<C"1" . __ W}tn~ ,f'("7r.d.b---d t.hll" bu\ld_l·n«_ 'lr.'h<"re ,ih-t- , 11re ._on:urrcJ.. .· Th.I' ttU in

6'.uJJdln« ,u.11- th(' brick~ Jto"r ,.,._ a-nd \.b,r ~ulid- ·a,llttll'-l-o th.- ~-..r-rh. kn,;••o iul th.- l~n..:to. was hol:t ,,<_ lumU..-r. f"t)1J..:i.d fJ:if'".i,hfhtlr-i. ·n n"lhC r,.:.,-t ,:,( .Lh'' lr4-ll•t,, had burned. · _Wl_1n._TJ11 ri:l:Ate:<1 a



WtWN.' n



:"4: "5 ...."ta.st , •


he kept the tamnps gnd replied 'br

r;.J .)"•

lfl-« lh.t.t hi" haJ pla.~ lht- m 1n ar: ..-r.\trloJ..tlr,sldt- ·,h.,. dra.• :.-r n~ a.. d_~l-};I ~ J"ald h!f "ru.d p,:tt 1h,:.m th~r• .,_r.,,,s &bout th(' ,ltth c,( •P'"h ru.iu -y. ' T h~ ,.J~ ot_ the ,-n,·..-t upi> ~ wblr: h d-r..: 1



t'n l• • ) c-1!'nts: ar.J $10 In ·on"!' cM:1t.. lh--ff'nd1u1l •••dd lh,. rr-11::1,,,<t ht p-ut th.,. ,:l.ampa In, 1hf' dr-zi-~..-r •r.11 l'":"'",i,u,- h..1r a.J: •~nlnJ!:'1 tr:, fnt\·kt<,OUI a .-t.atl'"'fnf"'Tll of P,,..,..tom~ rnaittt11 11.ntl th.J.t·b,: lnc..-r.--J1 • '!"k i n 4" 1

th -t .\

1 h -m o , •,~ r .\ ,. . , ...., ..

c11nr,,., l'H

~ ("rol,r.i--t1·1



lh •l

nlh t


· ~---EX.\'.\fl~ ~mlnt"U by )(r. Ya.r\_a..n w!lh.. m.-1• lh,., ,:-,...mp,J..aJ.nt. ·......-..J.

;r~'. .l.~• :'.".'~ \'·:'.' ~~:,:"~n.1~ -•~ ·~'.,~; l• lb.__.

,.::-.-1 I•






enit : 16rel1s 3elates Wat H

2iovsred at 2iverton-Value of tho Stock and Insurance.


.,,.~'here · ·were more ot · Ernt'ist 'l'. f-;s,tc'a ~lath'ei< prffenl at his trial for p:,,Qn ~tore Judge Norrell Yettt~j;d,iy,.: ,iite•tot' his alsln is, his inotjle_r and one· n:· !tis .,wftc's iJl1<ters were · there >&l\d l<,\"era f! 'Of their lady friends. In fact l~h·(--rfon··waiJ \·cry well repreaented··a~ ;ha ll'litl .

, ,_.

'· .


. .

.. ..

. In11ur~llcc AUJuslor J. ·K. Annst1>.n, r!'oo !>ll<f !;J<,en lllace4 on I he· stand lat_~ ·:.•,r.--;j,!'.y .. arterno,1n, .'·,was · reea.111.'d . to,, ; ·.._.., . the ,·alue. or the· tttock· o! .goo ds ;-, h e ate store, wh ieh he said w a s_ ,dw<'cn t7vu and iso.,: Uc ded ared i,,r:: the mark~ ,·nlue \,-.,uld be· one; ; ;~11-_-,J,,~;., He testlfi<'d that· Hate·• •i;,.•deci,,{-.!fi,OC-O "t lnsu!"llnce In the s,·ea

·.· .:•-:~ :?.ftl~it,t'anc-e (..~mpa111·. :. . . .

.: .. ·: . :



··)•;put¥· Sn~rltt Cuoomo<'k an.d Shi,i'itr ·.',.; ·.•,ells: t.-»,t <>t lliclr trip ,!own . t\•id h ;,•K' ., ,'(~t> the tll't!; wh e n they went ,., 1.trr-01-t lle.te;· They found 'the. barre!' ,: oil. nenr the t the inner

1\ ·Jtt •re:r'il t- fire (·om-int?nc<.»J. a n d sa\\ ;.' U tif

;,,,,di,,' tteb.l' .the- door... . .' :· .,,_ · :· · : ,;1,.•r!ft Hl)we-l11< l;,a.rned that di>te.ndlla,: .r,one lnt,i. the· H!Off- lhre!' Jlf• ,--r~·,)l t.lmc·t. durlns- lh<' . ,w,-nln!I' on . s{+!h the fire had occurred. Ile ·aJii!''i ,. ,,,:. 'a( 3ate bad toldhim that some] i~;.a hi.1 iit,,l('n $al) \\'i.•rlh nf; Bta'tnps ttn ·I f·:~ J.-:1t,H!· ~V(\nln·i:-. :·; · . . .. ·. 1_G, ,•rl"e _.\~.- Oltlni.:N'. e:x-,·hll'f. o.f: ihf,\ ,,·,,· <!t.•jl:\l'l111Mll, •lt:<tilll'<I In liarlng·· :, 'll•1 1.-. • Hh',al'loii t.l1J·('I• ·e ks aro In ·m!PA with AKistmt County At-




res'an Cott look t the store;r,ru.-: J! l d that t he t ire hu,t ·.. ·:,u·!:,.:; . J, ·J·(~d:-.i!-I·.th1•. ln\\'1~r ,·C:,rlfc-r- o(·ilt(a -J-~'th,-.i~~}~lJ 1;,,flr'ii·-':\i~d ·t!'.lt~h<~Ul·'l!;ff-5' ,_;\-1i <'i-•,fr1·i•,t.: 1'h c, :frllo n o( the fti'ii. ' Me n u p wa rd . d e~·<•tt:... 10 tt ho·w thfR tH · c·•lntntdh-t .. t·hA ·1


The pros·ution

,.,•,ii:y . ,of th,• ,i,•f<'nl'P t'h:tt .lmmp:< h111j tire the to; from t. ll<! had alf'o• ,<J>1':I\ olly· ~,1,-it .on tlw :l!h1i;. iu'l,1 lt hml ·11 Lrown ·uni ·tn<lt\:, :u1;iO{!l,-t fl c·uTi.it>,,,frnnt hurning- oil. t











i·Anu!fu:<f ,,·Hnef'~ -..-~,_,r ;th.., pru!t«x•~Uon

:'-1,s·. Alm,i D, fl.lTC',wk ,who Im,! s...,n :i-pi·rn,,,n!xt"il t1t> witb· oU a._n,1 .w:at.er the.fr of the. Inner roan:. .At the re at the fire he h ad not iced a. hUi.n~ ; is; vtwevn he wet window and { ~:• dtYll" o( t.hv ft-nn-t,-•: _ . :! ,J'!10(,ignq1-J.1.~...

u:.J . .-t,;afn:-.h\JrY ldi!nll:- J

·' t!c ures t the Genes tn and nt9ut [ •r.•. bull<linit whh-h .lut\'<' h<-c•n lrilro• 1 1,·f>ll hy tht•.pr,)${•c~tl.,rl•. "'."·· : . -· ·, ·~·1.1c c,uu..• ~,ur ru·n a<•v,·ral duytt J•-.n:u•r I' th!•fl• Rh ' tnnn)• W1l'r)<~~••N·tu t••,ttJ.~S:,:, · :,·1 th,~ .c·ru11~-"~i:11nlnatft)n ur. ,.AJtorn••iJ ,~J'i;~n _lti-.B t!~~f! t" l~ ;:._ _ . ·:· .·


:--~l,Wl.• ·•:~---a~ --..--



7esg 0"@Tl. czargge .yet@ t±geerr er ?g2'Ege 9#R388%%l

OF_ BATE AR$OM_ SASE. I{7mtAt 2\i Jun~lfqq . SL fr,"h, ·.


1I l



----·-Ex-Chief Ottinger Opposl's the Th!!ory. of the Defenss that tho Fire St1ut0d in tho R-00£ of the Stort'. 'rh(\ trh d fl [ Erll•"<~t T. FtH {f" n n t Ji, , ("hnr-gf' n( Ftriting 1irn 1,, tltt• H i\ ·0.r1n11 • l'iQnf'-flr C'o-op. :-;tnr,...

,. \prit l~t. ltti, t,


th" niilit ·,,(r


rf':--lltn••d hr•fn1•.; , Hui Norrell and r Jury yost rday. in~uranc<· .,\dj11:,ttt•r t:rn1t--i11n \\·a:-crntt!I. .. PXH·n1inf"d 11~· ~tr. \'ririP.n 11[ 1•n11n, ,,1 for th t' drC•·nd1-1n:. l!iF i'"lrlsin a ! t,:latf:tnf'nl H txl a,t !n...--rrTT•p ('rkf' t\1,· :,;tn,·k Sil tl1C' ~tnr<' ,, ·Hs ahnut ~;rn) 0r $\'.I) :). ?.!lr1 that tJir- :-:i:•llinh \"Hllh' - \\·a~ o n -th ird lxs, re main·«d unshnko. \Yi11lC'='X !:;11•1 h, int.-"! 1f,): Jr.jn:--r! ,-.·;:ll 1~- F'-- Granl lu fprrrtlng ,·11r! th<· K1i;•p,,,-::<'d ,_ r.""c•ri. . 0


and Deputy Sherif

Cun1n'!'Ot'k tf"~!lfit'rl lo f:. nc1ir. g tll(· 1°; oor ()f

the back TU(H11 1.Jf itH• ::-:tor<' f"-Xlllt'fi. i?d

" ·Ith t.::ci:.il 0i1,ancl pP.pPrs ;n1d ra~!,\ !iln:1- 1 larly sat urated !ying ar11und: .:tli"C. rf Th,· lowf'r pHneis 11( thf' dt>or \\"tJri.· hurn,.,d J-J Kood dC"Hl. Thr i-;.t(•re had JicH l.~et>n hrnkr:.·11 int r.. t .-tnd 1he defe!Htant hurt 111Jd thf'n1 thtt l 1 nnth1:u) "as 1n isstn g hnt $30 ,._·orth n(¥1 Fi.1111!'" frc,n, tlw .P0~!0rli<",' ill t_h;. tro n t of th e store, Th<- t-ta:11p~. :!_:1('11_1 in nurn- ~ t>•.'r. they a irl, t hi! 1lt>f••nd!i tnlrl ( h,,i,, hf" h,ti! put. 1n an orcli.nary-~l]~P d i•:ttf"r (\llY .-•l" P (' anrl plaee<i In a.. dn;w , ·r i!: !111~ ~

$horr pir-<·f'-of t'?i ndk .


l j

!rn11t office for stet. · i Ex-Fire 'h Ye f Ottin g e r i t ho had f examnined th e sce n e o f th o fr, wh ich [ 1111rlnubt<:db:· t,;(H.rt(•rt al th,-. ln\\'.'•r f'a·:--l r••ri1t•r of th<.' door und \\'1..lrkt'd 11~ \\ aY 0

: 1

up. ThlR \\' H~ tntr-nrl"'d tn cotrih:n I h 0 · tht•P )"'\" or the defenue tht the fro w a s


·111 the J•1iuf.-q .\ :11,>t D. ~llt",wk .te~ti:il'<l that whon l th y were workin t o pt out th tire. :,1t:1!'lt:d


lh' :--a.w the (,1il•~-t1.t.urnt<"d papf'1~ nn 11_11• n .. or. and also aw a r>lt:..·c-<' nr r~-1g- l111rniru.:: LJ,•t\\"<"~l th<"' _\\'C':-:t ."\\·indo,·.- and th,' 1· 1:1rti11 building--. TIJ,, trin1 w ill bi" r("ti:\.ln1nd this 1n0r n- . In t; . • -i 1


endiTi±¢Ii s±6la Not


id id submitted.



te. arson case c;arne to a sud. 'y·es_terdiiy _u:tternoon. The ci-}int ·tn the testimony or Lhe pro8hll-'! been reached: ll Is whet.her the alleged.nrst confession of Et:t\eflt·; T.';_Be,te to Spedal Insurance ' :Ai,MW-n:· l<'. "Grant will b e admltteJ in

ecn.tlcinor not

~; - ~yi~ence:;;:':#.1f·,.; :' · ·



. ,;,:,'::A:ttom_eys-~ulnam and Yan Cott for :,l the· iitate)Ul.Ye bee n counting upon this I con.fesalon ·to convince the Jury that Bnte··1s ·guilty.' It Is the. strongest tes·.tlrnotly ·,tJt e v ha.v e- aga\nrit htm .

Altor- \)

sp eech es.


nes Putnem und Varin sent some {{ ~ ~i-llme arguing· the qu<eallon yest_erday, i-i! and_ Judge-.Norrell dlsmls,;ei\ the jury~ ,whHe the _a.Uorneys were making their 1 ; g


A decision upon the


..._1_t!on .will not be gl\'en uy the court_ un- -~191.tU County Attorn<";l Putnam ha?. con- ~ eluded his ar irum<:nt this morning, · ·~ . _ ·There was little testimony o! Import- lJ 1-i:Ri1ce during the day. The only enl!vtn•



1:. ~- lng lnc fdents we re the oc.casions dur!n-6 :

\t( which ,Attorneys Pu tna.m and Yaria.n ,

'ii ·dm ~red O\·er their met.hods o! examln- .,

ij ·1ng witnesses. ?-ir. \'arlan thoug.ht tha.t "

i, ~!r. Put·11nm was lcadlnb ln his ques-•


~ ; lions ;;,:,vend llm•es, an,I there \\' a~ ~ome : ~ di!,p1', fr o·,er the matter until Judis" ~ N'1.:sn·c-H hiformed the a:ttorneys quHc f ~-~ po!r/te-i~ly fhat they rn u st qult a.rgul.nir ~• betwe~·.1. thcmsel\•es. __ }


Chr-lsten~en Peteru-on, "fh01na.s Poge, · t

!t Reub,.-n Nell, ?\ich.,Jas Dansie, Hel>er J~ H.oUse;. Hen n' D lack


a.n d

:li or(ln t ~

Dansie, yp)Jng men who hud attended the danc<i"bn t11e night or the lire, and ~ ·whci had gune over to hPlp extinguish 1.

~ iI · :

l] :he fi res, told


observat ion



itlj on that o,""aslon: The-Ir t(-,;tlmony wap~ l! _s_ 1--mllar !~ at glYen at the prellrninar;- ~ examlnadon,.,._, · · .: . ~: . . -~.,. . . . . .:· Mr:· Grant Called:: ·· i, Sp~clal agent o( the Hon e Fire In-,_ r.;. 13u-ra.nce · <.:<in1pan)· B. F._.-9:1""3.n t wag placed


tile wltn'e~ Htn-nrl.

a..nrl hP,


too, rein led_ -,i·ha t h,· had seen nn the _gay-after the !tn·. The chief puruos~-1 !· of hls t,·stlmony ,ms to gl\·c an al\P.ged i





harl ..rnnde



him when he went down to Jlj,·(>rton

#to 1na.ke un exa1nin-a·tlori of the o , - ·

·• · ~

The point then arose at-i to whr·tlH.~r or ot' tht <·onft>-:--;-tinn was I11,·nIu11tarv or a.:. voluntnryi.t Aiton~ey Y ctriu n cr,)s..•i-exomtnt-<l to brl1q; out. facts cunc~rntng'1 --,_ this.· ]\Jr. Grant said that he hnd told .. · Batf!...that he believed the store· · wall

·burned to: hide the, shorta~c .or i::IJ - -worth o! .J!oslai;e stamp". He s.ud, to·o, thnt h¢ would do all In his power. to, se-curf! n. light sentrnce for the defend7e ant If he woulrl i1rnke a cnnf<·sslon, tell~ 'Ing_ w•hn.t .others_;:\\·~n.... · 11nptleu te<l: .-

•; ·· -~ ).tr. Yurlan mitin-t::iln~ that a cnnfc-s,·.~ ~Ion unde_r thc!--e clrt·1;n1:;lanc-c--s '\\'1:is\Jn-

l< Ynlun,1_an·,·whllc C<1µnty ,\-ttornl!)' l'u_t. n a..n r },r,ld s th e -rc~rsc Ylew . ·

'-' "_- -ota-or-



mi#6"9s4!3 .15. " 7"3 2'±it ,SE N..

.Mr. u~t 'S'\ "{:.£1 11;£"'1.Jn t"1:t ll ~ to· tb1:cl~nd a.rid p.rc~ ctd to f'rilltt tW Lal!'; ha ·bui With th~ ddx<t".1.R.nt nt RJY1T?otl the- day nflA-r l~" tln:-, l>t-!r-nd.a.nl &,c)h1

rm~ il!VEfff(i'tl}Utiiti)l@&S[

\ll 'ltn~s,t!,

-z_q Ju/1£{~-· --J£tE:Ei (I./ , _ll,_ r. _ Gn>nt l'rol«'.l\iM'i. ½•'• 1''tL,:io3, k, i;,,,., "'!!., Sm1 To<b,f. _. •

~ .

hQ..t b-N•Q OTl

or·««+ o» ye «t r -


W~ 5

,., ...




:, 72.a.""

ur. cot. or«a-+ + E ;{ th(" Rln--nld~ Jl,f~ fi.



t.:hort oi11! h..'ld t1J fl.r-e thol- Lui.Mine lO ro n •r u p hl• ln.1.du. \\ ltnfW' !UH:Nl b.Jm why ho ~ not f.",)("'..~ to hla fa.th~ E.n 6. n-~>Or.«I lb-e &bort.A~ _and drlttMS..nnt W!hl ht" CU~It wc,,uld ba.vo,· ~ ~ t.-r, but Me hd ~ ln:tf'd to do co. B..:.t<ll uk~ wll.nff~ to hclp him ouL Wlln,".H wld h1"' wn.>uld do ~u bf' rould., at:d ff)ld del r,·.,.b.nt thal. aa hi._ ufflce uoef lot of tamps he did not beli ve lhf"'l"tQ would ~ n.ny Lro-u Me In i~utntt ~Q "T~rth. 0.--ft-n.<1,,nt tlw-n loh'l lll1ll1 t"'KI lO bre IVU MI u;n-.1 -.:r,>f. U\E' oM w'l'rk", Ron Lh.R-t WIU' ltK" ):dn-..1 ~ hfl.l;. \J!.kl'U

!~j to eN llr. Eutto-n.. lhP


P')t.')~1(--e lnllP,N:-'

f4 :.2%%.%1%ff2% %%% fy .,..

Mr. Grant ,r lt-11~lmon1 lll men _lf ~ rv-pe1th \.he nt,:i.Jt:i~ <k·-f.-ndn:nt loM ..,:1t.1W&;; lltlon uf lt"hat he testLsd to a.t tbt> L~i Lhnt h.i: ,:r,:.m ld to. th-NT, In 11, dltl.'.":h, , prf'llmln.u-r st. a«« {g$ r--.. lot bl rutl»h rd fiad { 0~•

o rer" [


= ca-J:.1 %.t.: '.4: 1"7:

p:l.Ul ng: _ Lo Lb .II!· c,o.g;n\f'--•jr.:.H··· b;.cl·.:h.•"ttt,;·

~-;;I lht'i>!t t!.f(".o:..Jn.

V, itn- ,-.~ t~'l! t}..-7 '1..:,~vnd~


« se so ar ri s

r.i:~:'11,I':" 1oo.J tht-n ·to-re1 "llhvUltl not ifO tton~d L,,:n)'<;,·toi'l r-...r,~ H'o <t. Br.tte ,:,4.J~ lu th'! Jury_ ..,. , , _ ·1_:S; "11<' hildr+'l thtr .zchl of A"'!tl¼' to t.f,iem,,

Tr» »«.anon ·g- ±? "FE3¢.2. '2a7 h-0 f,w ,.-h:i..t ho h.&O doM ill.iH,

.J,..,.~,...,~~-•::..\.• a.a-..,,_ ..,_, (~.,.'t'""t'L~l::'.:'.l'l: F.'~'t-~1

l,y Attorney Varn and

"iif~',:: !t-!;l"","'Y

the tr oa- ii] Ji' hb ~'.u•.1ld r,;d <,,: ;~ of tlil.Jt I\Ct"' <'".~ ho-

•.sot a.e.rs+ E%? .. %$'.7%2 %2;

"~.~·.rrttC"b 'C3.rmt-r ia consequence. t r: r ded up r !zk th <)('(,n•,..::lll..:it In~ 1 he r rl>f:>r"'t• Utlvn W!II l1bdy rHt tu· f;.'.',i l! -..t ~ff..d-r r,.tu1 QU~Palf•.mod a.,.u., 1•01~ -n: f;{1 lor. It. ...the 1j.4-fr•;ndR..l\l, bo..._..r ,•·t-.~, ,uil,S _i !.

ca.."t' In l·h\.-f !!•,na•tlroe ton,orn'I!,· ·

so-ea«>.R 2"..1%:,1 .222



l(•~d.:.\y Ht- l--e.i· Th,.rn~ ll"&.11 on the til.-i:,n,l. K~) ),,fr . P,!t ru.m ,n.,,-1 }'fV><" '• •-Hn:r t,,. l!'i{,;.r-~ Jhnry 11::u-k a.,,J J.Jun...nl l>nnc\e "'·~rf' .~.• 1 ·· t"r...:;r1!t" lh!' wltr.-~.~ ,.;i to l<"hJ-.t ,.-a~ ;.;<Jri, f: n.-rY.t '" X:..rr. !n,."'1 . The-Ir lullf1lut1r len•l"d lt hr lh-1" i.! !"1',..nt\ 11nt J>t tht- c-ounty Ja!I. ~

to.a ..o.«o «a-o..13z22%28.. £..2±%:i t,11lr,.- ,I the c,bJ .-ctl,,n.. It .will be 1-.- .. t f''fi rn!l ~l lhi.t • l th{' p,r l"'? \mln.r .:-y tr;,~ ~ton: f.,-r Cully h;\..lf .a.n lHi\!J' k(vt"'C lhe (, It t,ruuf(ht out th.._! M;. Gr~nt Cite wa.3 f--·i 1,\.11,-r- ,-d In lht" E....-.,.mt! r,,,11 ~.:1 nu.. tlw ~'. lLa. l,:o ba,J lrl l tht" d.i...o ce h.1J.J A t1u1u~r j~jJ 1.,( ti1n--=-;4 11. nJ th~ h~• b..ul bl"Cll. tu th,,.-



d iT.C VV(.,:f






JJ. F. Grant, spcll sr enot tor tbs ll,.1rn~ F'I.Nc" J 1,,-unuw:c CVtlJiH.JlJ', W.t.!1 ~xt C-'".l lt-d .

\;i ;;..;: -~


\VHnM<: ~ ~•Li<.\ h.::

l\ ' ....n!



·_;ffi 1

f:l!i,"ht ni \h.;" !ttlt~r',; JU T f.-.,.J: . fi R.?~ fT\l p-- !;, pose; Ont ws flies p!onr +n4" J,i r.li,•'(tt-d to h.i.ve in.a.de .r.D41.h-er al.l.tcM f, m('n;, 1r;- htm.



r-$ , ;11s:.a:•fc-d ti

1~:<S.,:<alJ ..11>:i.t "

on th& morn-'

w-we oil tk

saturated with

,·n ,\'\("tll t\11 tt1

\·hi. ...:h•; h~< ~aft!-~

i_ 1,i_,.h111·,.:·.:~1.r:_·

··or· 1 .-rf·ii.'St'ln·-:_;{hhl ·· n: ·h~ttl ,.ht'-1.•lt ,:,1_t..:. :ii r.' Y ,I Pi,11_1 I h!•it ~ nt !"iHhlrlh.'n



r1.·,;'."tU'\i 1,-.. I IH·

.;.r'finn,~~it.n: ~:-- \\"'i t11·:.::-,n_r·t k tr



rt•t',-~r("lh."1'_ l{

$' oh¢ tntuccmeni in· wines bi held $

{eitto. at

19;mu3° it.

Gy m



tr.~.1 !.!n·w·the ·.·.t :/o)~.·:-.'.. h~_. :·.n.1·,··'r..1.1.!_111-: ·_a~1 •.~.•.: :,1!.. 11•. tl,n:,_ h,· 1 defendnt at !i e rton, nd $ :._rh..-.<,t,•(,~n1hint-· 1!-vtt fl•&; ,•,l _. t Ila l- ht•

w as

·/t!.:W!:~hb'1·, }f1_i't.1ti~f ~·fa'o1ll · nt-.-·,.ttl11 (· in__ th•' .t

.n\istot_tk·t,.·~=.!_Ut:•f···th~t! tt,1 c11,·._-r.- un his f '}·1:iir-k;c· 11·l. 'J i;-i"a': -i-::~•:···f1rr. {•I qi-· hr:ll,li11~. I

r._~,,#.ftnt·~~- 1.-r(•,,·r1..:.(~ .u:ift• ·nlHd•·· 1 h,· ,·n_B-

i: :~tp#t,;_tlu,. '. h:'Ht ' 1_, ,141 _ 1 :tt h · 1 !1:11 •. 1.1t.~ " -' n . :/~j1\i:,;:" ·,kfH'W:-i h:.i.t . l{ftt,~. h;1d ..~·,·(' !lr 1' l•l !

i·).hi~) u·l lhtiifi .:_-;i"_t:'(i ··, tl~tt -hl~- ,,-::ly ·,, a:,._-_. .-,:·1l_

1-' i._~J.dC\\"H.:' .IH J:n a k>- _.l !·!,•:111 ·.:n·._·1:i;.-1 of ·1:: .

'·,tri.,f It'll al) h;; ki,;,"-: and \\ l,n "';,,.,, hi.s ~


G rrt then trot;:axed that f}.lf: _Hit:,(" ·did so he .. wou1•l l1t·1P hin1 idt__ ,,

~~\f.. r••1Jld.t ;~11d __ 1f h-:.-,_h:1d. l"I.

~ ·t1 __ 1,_, Ja;t..~ rru~~wj11_1!··s~; w,.111J,_l_ U~!• h1 :,;: 'lf-11\Jf"JH·.-•· 1'• i4 ;~ha \·(• ns. shtfrt .. u-_!;-:. .. :11,·1h :1• .,,- :l,:s~1hl1• }. impose d. The oint as to th•;· Hd11;i~:-:i. hi_lity of 't i1is .tetum .i1ty \\ ~l~· h,•in~ ~1 r·-~1J,·d \\"flt·!!( :•11qd a,u,,ur1:l··L. . T!ir"" ,,th'°{ \\'it111i:-:-;,·,,.:. ,-,;1_111inv'd du;·i:,i:tlt.• lic1 :· w_1·r·,-, . 1 ~ l',·l••n .:,,11 .... Tli/ 1:1!:t~ l"H,-:-\·. l{,·lrl)_1•:: X,-·il. ."\1· L\d~1:,: (l;"1;1:,;,h•. li 1·l11~r Tllifrth;·. l'!•.•111·, 1:!;1,·f\,·-,,11,1 .\1,1- of! ,....rt)l)i l);111; i.~ .. ·-r11~-~~- .. 11":..:j·lli:111". ).A~ , i treit ··«} tohos Ihai o! tl:.• IIIJ:11: 11[ ·th 1· l:!1· th,· 1k f ,·111!-.:.1n ! i:;11! 11·(-1 .l ht· la . n• ,, li:111·1111;,.,. ,.-r :·,11:?· 1 i•u,-,.- .,_c1.l ~~:1:i1• J11,·, 11:,- ~l1l1:1• .• ·ind th ;1t- :i,• lu d h;.••... H i•1 hf' ~lfll"t' .itl'1~t· h:ilf .il:1 hHllt ,111•( ..!~; l-iH• ·,\_ a:-- dij"'~·<,, ,.•r1•d: · · ·· 0 '

... ·



hem !lllln,t;' ·t<llUIII'~ ' + ' r. The witnrs thi:rt· Wert" ntlll'rll ,-,,1,. lire. t1J<k,•1l liRIL' \( llwi,• m11lu1i1\11t"d thu·l h" w,01 c-1int•,•J"TIN:l. ln ~n,1,~.l\"OJ'• I '\,·hc-th•·r J...angl" ll 1111,I ~ ~Equtt;ihl<' Cn-op. w .. ,~ ?l It. lw drew fr ,,m · 1t111,· h t these two men would I $~0 worth ,.f ~l<Allll•!!. l'r of th<' J)o•~l(•'.ll<-c> WR/•


:·:,::i.t'··tlrent 1.1-romlsod the. · Pottmu . • ., dldn'l hal"(' tht•m."' WNt•d Cr:=1l!I• r ··n1,1 )"OU h·ll th ... ,q .. ry ,,, tllll' ····•ll• shat the 8tamp Shortage } {%{%!2 "i !old )"1•U'! .. ,,:<k,•ll .2 ..l¢ be 2fd Good--Bate De- 4 %7,$%". n ««t.1 ;,_·, ,:-·. ·, st;': ..... " ..:t'I i"',i">'l.a t "''o ., •sai;.:~LeU. .. ...:.a Him " . -:J·I' tht• hurulnl{ " ' th<· rr-. -~!dn,1 ,...,v .,L" . '~ ;- Ue·· ,.(:,. lha.t h•· hat! -:_·.•·u F.., ~ th e,Qu .... U.d'1ng. . l·!!trnu,:::,•.mt·n al.,oul lhP. 1,Ja,·t• -;,---,·J'-_ng ·u·_e.1.:0 nh:h1'? " . _ •;._, ::·,,'"Y~.". :'llJ ...

,. ·.

.-. .l,L ,e,.


l'"t .. ~ ., •·ll

)' OU

e+ins tr Ernest T. mate of Jiver• //i.i'f.-.r.j'lal for·::oroon JJef~i-c•~~JUd;.!~ t e n e d to the trones t testiinst him ·yt-.sl<:rda)' :,,,;,mini;. ire d!ti )wren without evidences t or on his te he wora "a&S n d sometimes p tn ed 10k. sh.ngi the dam,u;lng le1<1lmnny".11r :::·a.J:.tfff~i-ance ~gt"'n'l n. · I-'".. ·u rant . -'·'D,-,;ut,'- _1$h<r1rt ,,;ummo<'J<;. h.- lift• ·::;;/:Hentl:,'.- 111~·-"'lri.-; who hus been ·strnt attendant durin the trial, : .>.:Ir). l!mll<' at rim•·~•.- bUl hi=r ·('(·:+J:!.lh:tl. and dit>ll 'll.\\'.ll-): lnlo ·a pill; : ~xr.;n•,...ion: ·"fh,·r!' w,•n:." In I Iv· ·Y t - r(),,'>':Ji llllln)'.:re~il!t'nts•'o! ru,·er-


:; .,:J~t1en(j~ ··Qr , he tH1tt-cjil,er;" •--~ _ ··,:~ ·, · ~ ·, :~i•,1s,i-eic11 mlnn lion of' r.nml S9pit Varin wan riots revere at




,.air\ lo him tht you hiul l"\.'l till' hulldin~ up hi tracks ? 11\l>'Wt'r!•d 1l1e \,ltn,-;,s.

Not Admit He Lie-d. ,·ou llU)' lhaL ~-,,u \\"OUlfl ,::.rt nr him, 1111•1 <!idn'I ~•-•U admit 1,r,._•llmlua1-y ~'xam!u:111,,n lhal


. .


l'r."' ,=.,Ll1I lh<· witrlf'l'tl, •·J thlT1k thnl." . ' p,u 1 .. , ,:-, .... 1 ,.,,,,ul!h wlwn y .. u 1h•i !<Iun,1.'' l':li,t :,\11,,rn,·r \'st-


E±EE- ±•




• ,111 i11c· l't:011,p,.· l\ •·a,,\ fn11n., ~ 1h:-1111r1_11,.,111, l'h'>11\11,:: th:ol th,' 111 lllul lt1~•ll J>lll ,!,,wu 1,- hut Judi:;~• ·:,.,·,rrdl ~-···•)II,! '


! doln~ all U1lt1 to aid n,ul IH) that .h ...- ,n,ul•I bl' nt to "nll~.r-y·::• 11~ed ~\1_1orn,·.Y ,·,.,.



,ul!,llnK _n,u .1,,1,1·111rn a rah•,··

, '4:!'<'n s:itlC'll\atf'<l.. Sqt on<"<!' did ~ o .i:.tt~~•n·c,e·n g e n t b~ me : ln,·oJ\•('<]_ ,\'k e the littorney';:;l!H":nlngl)' l ·l>IK Jc1>11wr, but· )1e did .nnt _ .. r eklng the force.of Grant•11 :'1.ii:r-,1~: .:,:_· a ,rreat e.xt·ont.· .-·_-:.:·· -:,,. '• . ,_;;,.,S~,_,,·kne-l'<lay art.-rnoon- Grant had :'.':.<n,: rmt upon thP t<land, .,J>rlncll"lllY C,'~!l. t,f the alleged ,..,nft-9-!tln ""bl<-h.. ; .::, ~,ad m&dt> to hlrrt on the'·wi)·.af::;:.:tlft• flr.·.. ,i'fhere· wns -long lepal ,_.c1,f-iit·iit '~" .tli•(adfitlasl,i~n:·of, thl!!: irony. Jade Norrell decided,ye-LJ(~v, t hal-1 h1y,.conft>R!lon WWI. '.fiilunj utd therefore dmtssable, wherei,::-;,:i{lrrinl took th~ a1and .aod. 11ro-

lll\'l'f""rh•n·:·· H~Xi·,l \"ar! an.__ 1hlnk I lultl h!n1 uny III th;t1

tl'to re!at@4A4s expertence..1-

± i-

,\i-t•I!, I 1~\u,1\'t 1..-fr>r<- a r<>Ut't .lhf'li... l<1\l lll1<k•· ri',,ll~1!1w1i-•n !l,;•n lti \>.hal


i"ou 1l'il"Lhc lf.U\h IU-("Ollrl~-.. ('f! , lllr."' ''i ! fl1:r th(' t'lllff_f£\t'_lll o( 01-put}' _<;um. ~k. ·wh,, lh•!f't'l~c\ tu llnl\,'11 1,11-rllnl re,iA nn whll,:.hldlt1;t-l.whtrid 4 c-r11tC: J:""9d", ihl' .. tute tertc-J h11 c-a~• tlornt)' \'nrlnn. ,Jn hi" _f)l)Ml!nJ: tc-in("ll( tn thl' Jiiry, ,.,d1! tlull- hruld ln that th Me bud h.-.•n ,.,,1 tr11.m1,,. pnil th!ll Uni,• w,H,.lhe fln•t tn·. to' extlnE:uliah the: :l11innt Hnd ·kP,<l hartlOr thnn iinyonc' ,·111(·. t IM )lkl'Jy "\hat lht~:--cu::1e--wll\ not. be i i@ i 0«ts__g@

'nder roexamination

My Mr .

urin the witter x pretty roly lUl<ll~••l, :\!,• 1(Qn,111,•,\ 1hnl lw lml1 t-111•1 :iJiliTg~ tti H11i,,"11hl,·h w,•1Y>.11nl lfUl' 111 unl<·r 10 lw\,w,· h b 11 to ,·nnfn•"··

.-«3± ".

l•lllt:t. lht•lll. t•>-llfll'

7±• • %:

lllrn ·,.ltn_ o[ Ill..::

Z5EGE±rs ··To help him'."'


,ro,iil'g 01-ts to Get ii Cou-


Hi 111, f ,.- .

«r t»en

sg "Jet

'' But you le>ld hli'r1 ll l\'IIS to hd11 )1111,:·· .. . . ' .. I. ff11~11d'°<1 i::.<"ll!ni:: thr t,\Ullll't'. fnihllll. HHtl tl>hl him ,_.,,· >111,l it 1,i,:; 11,, Hr.'

l'--'-'--1>,........ '4~ ~-~ .~ ..,..~~ u~,.~~ •~~ ~ ~ ••

'I .: .> .,.,.-~~·.. ~~~--·-~

1 {pgts.itmi tgr tu, s m

I· I JJI,, jf I f?f . ·-··-·- l 1-Jom)'t{




:·t ~Vitnes:t.f!~


a~ fl


'J!01." DVff!lnse f'~h ... ,~ ,-.:'\e YH,fexidil'.'.J....

" 0 :,t Olo "J; I.re. lljuttm;





., _

{'r. Bat-t- for ,·~sri1)n

~ • 'l 'h~ tri>.11 of }~~-r1e,*. ~ dragked · a.ion!; -ll{!for;s



i :re8t~rday ~t v.:earlsOff\f: li: ~ht'r~ . . 'fh<:

~ de!enRe has b-<!en occupied in pn. r. tin:~: ~ f·.:irtti ti?!.4Urr:ony to prove tit ;·:)unr. ~ Batel d tt\ not et tirc to '-}f''. /!) ru-=.~;-t,:1; st.ore. b·~it. that ii ,,... Rf!. f-Y:! t b:t tr:;rnp:r.,


~--· ,•,:hoi··:hfi<l 11.x-tn pro\\' li ng abou;. th•~ ,, i,;ac . La s H:__~d(:--.t{·.l'IG had en t ',\·o ,, men 1>iRndl:•g- nb-oui. the <lani:--.-: ~! th~ igfr-~ Or ihe j'"1:-e," un:l ht· h2.C. ~i ticedl thnt -.;··:!lc-!"i.f'\·er r:ny •,;y_~1-::nn. , Ji nr-a·r tiv."rn 0r- 3f'nillnlzf'<i ~ thc•J:'.1. thf'.) ~•I bH.::·kNl o-ff '.'"1' ;.T . the J.igf1:.









bto:.l1er, Edg»~r1 wh:) had first fre, :i hi !











m ,

J; rrn. w fH.• f,nJ-ncs on tho roof. \\'hen ev c 1·y one wa red en¢ rued e r to

the ntore ya Date was the east

4ereti: !1 '+gu(shin the fizz;en Jl sa vJrp; f,[n,:1<1r.". •,1 Thf·1,;1,,q lfa\e teHtl!led that he s.,,.w :: 1 1 the ~ l'"t> t,urning; on t:"e t'fH~[. nr:•:l that / t urnlr; rszs, ch seturst- " ~: (>d w1ith COf.\ oi!. One oE tht:sc Wa.H OJl :, j1 the ·rioo! arid one r,f thl'm WB..~ on the frrotq1d. 1-,:e dipped up v;e.trr to put on { '.he fire, and drunrne<i up tho ditch so~ f; that 11.t coJ1d b~ the nl.ore rCH.dJly sc- ;( k

?hara to


t !

~ curt1.




~ D arld Henderson. who ha.d hrc-n cm- i ;, ployed at the Equilab1c Co-up, test{- ;r fleet ~hat the f!t0c)-: of goods was " ·onh ;1 I '.il.2, lnc-i tH!ing- store, flxtnres, w hich ,l_ I he ,· lued at ;350. 1!


'V!ti~:z:£~1i~~t.t;~~~1.>:~~~:»::~1x~~ tl~V£tt;l:4µW?tl&)~t

11 ·.··


tl i ·: .


25l 199

RIVt!1HH'll_,1H~soN CASE. ; . i


I_ _






Th'-l Mll..ll who &$paired 'l::he Buildin"' • 11:) . After tbs Firs, Testifies as to W1iat He Found. I








--I 'l'he trial of the Bate e.rson Cll.38 j j c'ln-.gged along- slowly yesten'lii,Y' fore- ij I noon and court adjourned euller than i ii usual In the afternoon. Mrs. Bate, m other o! the de!e ndant, · Ed.Ith Bate, hls alster, and Urlll21 Orgill testified that they hau seen two· 1msp!c!om; ch.a.ra.cters loitering about I; /. on the night of tho fire. Atw,ood Or~ll J ll nd S£Hn\.!el Green ,,-aid that the f fenda.nt h!!.d· left the dance hall three ..; times durlr,g the eYen!ng, but never










i· i

George Hackett , the man who re- I paired tho building !l.ftcr the fire, test!: f':ed th0 w.me au he <lid at the p1se1!*1·0 fni,.ry hea:ring that he found a :rag ff saturRt0d wlt h oH !n the rafters u..nd t also found s. sim ilar k!nd. of reg on the , floor, which he thou;ht had tllena from f ;j the roof. about e week gf er the fire. ,l This. teut!rnony was to fa,tablish tho theory of th-e· defense that the tlre was i started ro mna tho outs!de. The t-rtuJ. l wlll b<> :'(;i!lUme<l m1. Honday m:>rnlrtg·. !s2+,- +±ES5S3EE3.34$. . I 55$$38 A5





l i""

· 'l"he-,.Ith•·c,rtolll anu.w:t Ciilse• i1J &.UH ~raft·- .

ins along In the crimln !' curt. Tie defense today introduced the £es.irony of more Wies, chef unoJ:.ts ~"hk..b ha$ w--en Olt"-Ot'ge Hackett, ·- ~·t,,.o. by me-ans of a charred door which iioo--ll'.-rom th-e lllllln store to the .b?a.n,,;to.,.d.~rlbe-dto th1(?' ju1-;r the action or the tii)'~ ).fr~' 1

Hackr_.tt ~id the-re OOI,ttd t,e, X1t4f doub hlH \l\·h.:iH fhe fit-e st.artt"<l frcn:ri.\ tlM~ to~ and WO'd{f"fl iu ~ay down. - . · - 1 . · - · Tom-0n-ow tx•tng a ~Etl bo1i{i Y H · i~ I ha.rd!y 10:.(~lr th.at ~a conctusJ:on \tjll be .




~ r<'!'-ache-d before \\:edn(."§.d-ay-o_ ir 'l~hurs ..,,] ~.

} d. .




.--i -



!~~:•;w'l::W~~;'~~~-~ (11,c · · - "'

_ ,.

·. ,

~· '

~ );

.ni(d ing the () .


Ill on trial e Pr0Eires_El three witesterday.: It fs II not be fl nfs.hed

i sdo:

examlnation n.nd

r George Hackett,

re-paired t he bu!ldhla ...testlmony V<'as

fire started on· the ,vnvrn~ rather than.


the Mnslde room nd ' "t;:-1 He: f.ll. ld on cross-

Tthere liad J::een lnore .. th/\!1, on the roof, but

tHe 'IO)ume focreased as ad \:'i.oYorwa rd.. ~- · · ·

adl 1irnd hls wlfe.tr:stlfied J 'horne ror the pronee11othem that he was not alUlall durlng the even-• saj!d on the stand. . t _f(ri.te bas not y"et been ,vlp\~,, stand, but ft !s .l'!p testify on '\Vetlnes-J ~ni;




holi day, )


r.<.•~•,~,,.,,,,....,.,.,~..c~ ~ ":';~l'[:i7n,-,l~•~,~C'';\e,..,..,_~,~.,-J

•·-~ ,.-,,_-.-:,.:.,sc,... - - ..




1 BATE ~AKES-TilE _ .



[sitanew [ 5my I

p.fa@mt Knee Hot#int of fire Until Alarm WllS Given,






i CASE :\URI~~ C0;1TLCSW:'iH!• ('• • " ,,--."" 1l• !!i ..,1i,.,. P... -, au ....


! ij


F.rn,-~t T Balf'~t=-d".rt·~,;••nl lo th~

;ii~""'" c.JI•"· :"""'" c.t.ih·.J tv .~t'l-:

~111,,-r: ,,n



..- h.lt. IO• t- :if' ll•W• _m

.,,.4. J!E r• .,c.,.,..,.;, w h••

Jl • 1,.,~ru e-d of~ l'l.r_eo,.

j "' ltt1t:Jl.l



t·.J a

to-1.Ay, a.nd up


,J t-·.. •.·

' hour th!, ;i( trrn oon bl,. fXA_mlnl\11~-ri .111 . chld b.- J nut cvoC:ud~·d.... T :h" .!.. ,,.cJ •



tr>1 t! m .. r:.r

'll cu:

!l ubs -~:t.ntl.1,\/y

' _-




,a11Dlt' a, l'Llt".I bt,fr.,~ lh~ c-on;~:tll:it , m.:.s. lir tru le-. In JUU k' rr 1u· )l. r. \"arl .Hl -f~

tl i

• J;.itc- 5 4 !'1 hr w.u,: bvt-o lu Am -l." 0 <: .&11 y., rk t·,,:t-ntr -UtNX- y""3ni 2.,:-0 i.a~t ,I[ m•inlh. 11.-J lh·'t"d •t .Amt-d_can i,-J,.-k and Hl,·,-rt oa. all hlll lift!..• !i,l.a·rn .-J. lf 1.lx,,ut two

rh-,. yr:i.n aco..


ch!idr u, th+ olds t

l~ yvun~ t UJ <l ~n In


[11.lb.- r vr three


ti Utlk ove r OM yu !". the mo:rc.a..oUle- t.~1nc»;,

f ~?;


:."2. #, : %£i Ft...,r ...

and bua!nf'll"- n-:..• ov.r. ,:-<l b:r ,-. ·It · n-H-S" !.ilhn. Wll ~ -&ll h.n-cl. o-;w-foorH. ,£~ 1nt<t-rHt In It. T he unouot or ln!l l.lt""Ul t..-.on lh+- 3 t o.r-,, w:r.:, ~ TIJ<.• d.i..l"l <: £- ps-.- }};-



lh,r, bu,1!~ . lrn<.I ti b:- t'{" S'..~~ It .hmm:_h_•~ t"; t,f th.- :-i..Jt LA~" l"..qtl.1.U:.bk· co--.,;,. Vl "H· . . n-.:-u • u appolnlf'd m.:u> 1t,,:Ci" . 1."ttt- wtoci-: . } ·v;u ln..-u N-d tOr ~ ~ -

Th ot- r,nll-t:r <a-:'I ~




uc-r c ~\i.!tt 11:-.... i-,, qf ~h.,1,11,Jt s-r· thr.~ !''!', l'I...-.,- In ·n'W-r,e, &•rn.n. 11..:l; th..-• .?:1 01;.o <>r:r.. Kn-.:-•..:-

3.3122.252± #hi

..-,.__,;, t"rl'" ct.-d h-t-luni;r ...,_1 t•) d..-.(.-u.J.a.nt";a rr.. tb-1.' r, but thi!- but1din blon to bout


f e young men o His«rton, member 4g

". 2"

r>l an orr-hof"11lral b-o nd.. di!-•fr nd.11. nt l..- 1~1'



o« « s. #$

d..o:,·u"'~. n....t.- ....,_1,-i th.- », h.11 ..-.p,,-n":""'l al'>o·ut , o' r-lo,dt. .An- .. r th.._. d.an.r,,, h,., w.- n[ <•\.ll _ thrtt limn. T -h ... t'!r,. 1 tlm" hi' .- ,- nt to


f'jfr: tb f" tore atvr a p r of car!tw rd ta ±hj m.-. ~~ :iomr tlclt.-lf' ••UI "r. lh" ....--.~n-1 11mf" h(' • ·tnt l.nto hi• b n l.11!4' 2dJ olcl?1,£



:±:2:, :#!~~~

.o:ne lntmr,,,i th..111 ""rN' 11.r,J,Un.d. 11




,m.-1\ hanr1 i.imr to rf"t th.- c.ardhoa.N


• n.d n- c• on.Ir In the t or l•K¼:' ~nou .:r h , ,; . ll"l 11'" 1 thr i:-:1.r\t..,..•r-d nf'!" lh, counlrr and J["O out. WIn·» rem« mb rd ro. ln.g 1,1 th.- ~lri rr th.- M-n,nd tlm" thJ1.t ' n!Khl • 1-,nr .,..ll.h ~lnrn-nl Dtn,..lr to r t ~rn.- c-an<l r. l¼1u1 .. f:"l .mt' Jnto 1hr ,;.1.,,,. :,,J .. ra: .,.llh -J ~!.-n.-1.~nt " r.d lh.-rn.- han•l Litml' •a, 1t«:>.fn II! . rndnt lo ·ald he pot "' 1~11rr


~-·m 2: R

rr .. "


r-a._ndr. llnd lM.rh ra.m<!" ~ut ,.{ t1, .. •inr.t~--<h,-r. !½1~ ....-Ht: h-1(:)c t£> the dare ,~,·!llvn " ·h-•n !h.- th., uU ,:1 -n ·-n _ ddrnJ.rnt .._..1d ht- ,ca.,. a.t !h(' r,1 ... n,)_ JI,- lmm.-d lat...tr r-.i.n O¥t"f" to 1h,-. J1t l'll"'f' . On th,- war ""'™' onf" raJ l'"'Cl: ' ol.ll ""Aprtl ,,,..,\_" V."lL~· h,,-sftac..-d & mom "''' U'l-d lhf"fl .,r,.in.,oJ'.)oOofy -1,1. .. lt' a no A pril i'oo-1.- u-h~n )..-~ -.. (>l')t on. ,-~ nr,.t lhlr. ,:- h.- dld <>n n- ~c-blnt. th~ ~lll"t r>rr • ~ ln "'P'f'-r. lh<! docw- a.ri d la.kt' <>ut tbot r- torn {'-(" Nlb\r>.-.(. D-t.d UO( l"l:'""lkt .'\ JJ.c:1-,L H,- lhrr 1 rul!<b-t-d lo t},,,- nurth <!o--r- nf th,. lo--an-to and " Jer ked the ~~I oil f"Jl.tl v• it. '\\"l1n.,l'OII ........ lh-rn ci:1rn it'M-d •l ~ l~t,e4,h " ' I•~ r-,-.ril',-ra.all,;:,..-.,i ba.d "'1th RtM,-nlT H,,.,...,.1i-,. t~u(y •:Umm<X"k a.,n.;i; R f"i,:.nt. alM 1n n1-=-1..n:l ni O><- JJQ ...- p,nh nf 111.imi.,it t..M t)<}6"to(?k"' In.I. I• IM"11 }If' ...al-1 h♦ )!1 1 .. 'JI" h0th1.D.r o( th..i, ~ Uhtll th~ a!,v-m ........ c1...-..-n.





.\\ .. , -.;,- .- -~ -. . ;1,"f~:~:-· -: __-~. __ ....,,.::~--It~--~--::. . Denies B. F.,Grant's Statement T'ht ,•_i,lte Ma.de a C::onfea,slon..;.;.Discovery

Li see

.cc:Ernest _ •r.' .Ba \e .1he · young , store_-_ 1 keeper o! RI,•ertoo, 'told his story- or the f re ot April 1, In Judge Norrell's court ye&terday;ij. '!'here wus no vrillon from the t~~tlmo.ny whkh he had f given at ·his [ prellmlnary ,:,:camlnatlvn ll i on the ch ar g e Jc a rso n . On ·cros,;,-e,:.. ~ 11mlnnt.lon h e ! did not contnidlct ·h im/ 1 se)f, hut made i\rohahly the best wlt' ness for .his sld{_who- ha· s ;-et appeared ~ Jn the case. ; ~~i · - .. · i . Date's le,stlmony was tediou·s for all the ,·arlous ,,,nal1 and sL><.'Onlngly unlm11Portnn1 details -l~hat. came out before , were•"gon,; Into. He :told how he had , . , ~vor-ked n!td liYe-d at· An1erlcttn Fork, he was.born, an d at Hiverton, 1 i'\vh ere • whe.r!' he has been during tqe latter •nart •or lire.·: He said that he was :3 1 ycars old, had u;ecn marrie"di ,fh·ei yearu

; 1 n t,1d w.u.R th e I fath er c( l w o ch fld ren .

j] He said that he hadbeen out of the f dance haU l.hr:51 dJITerent tin1e on the ll nlght or the tire,: Once he went to get ffJJa pir-er: or pasteboard. fr01n whic.h to {}ma ke tlckets; the second time he went l!ito h!.s home ne.:/t" the pa,·ili;)n and the· \lit11lrct· time he went out with Constable !/1s11coclt to identi~y Sflrne tramps. Ile, gone Into dle fitore ulong with j !.loroi,I Dansie to get some candy. -


Bat-e WC'nt on Fto relate- h ow

at th e

r alarm of fire he rushed ove,.,;.· to the store,

llj l-J.e OJJe11-c<l th e tiack d oor an d at one,~ 1

took ou t th e pbstoflce cab in e-t an d n (lerw ard w en.t]to th e n orth d oor or

tn" lea.nto an<l got out the cnal oil can.

"I dJSCO\'Crcd ,tho lo,,s or the $30 ·mOrth of stumpS afte.r .I had exam1n,.,,tl the contents of/ the cabinet in the At:ree-t.," said he ton crup;s exnrnlnatlon. i" l heard that stlisplclous looking charii 111ctHs hr,cl beenli around the place. I

I ,heard It at the· t,jme of the nre.


as nothing else bes!des the t:30 worth tamp s missin g . I ~ rfound u re_w coppers in the- :->trert th:ll













I 1had probably b~1h lost from the drawer durln-g the ex-cl\erT,t~nt. " _ ~ The witnt>f'-8

t}'lade a strong


I of fl: F. Crant'II' !<lalement that he hud confes~2d .. l}Ie- ma.lntalned tlut ii Grant l,ad n')t charged him wfl·h set!

; ting- fire to the store In

· i!lnn.

th eir conversa-

Co_unty ,\tl_r,rney Putnam trle,1

to h ave the wi tn ess tell o( the difliculty he an<1 J!u[u$ rc·ll had ,J;lrttl•n fntu

'when they we rdl_accu sed ot breaking Into Langton &._j.Knolt's s.tore, but llw I testimony was ruled ut, "I I 11kely

If ,t hat

the case 11· 111 b,:, <'fJiiclur!c.d t,oday. latsnseneaesasazusskelkG.Sarasaaame.

Bat~. "·ho has heen of lur,1. \!'11 dayr< lleroni Ju<1:i;<> · on the rh1<nw ',1•! fire, to llie c,,-~p nok the- Rtan,t y_t\J-;d·fen:, ,, o-,,,rc 11<',ffly u.ll da:; u,11•:J.nt! cr11:.-H;-ex11.n1iuatl_~',n. ,tt. good-, 1•1Hnt.-RX, t,.•111ng Hu_!,th 'inme story as he did hr-arfrr~:. · · '.;:


a«in thr of t-told 1al ''),r fvorton on thp nirht ~~..!Id tlin t li•.· pla'.'·,·d , t


_q fr n.::- fer U;,• dn.n,·Pr~. JI(•. i-:;-1ht h1• '.>:·.;he.~:.it:d·· ~\a11 · t!Jn•<· 1J111,...:-< -luri_::1;.; ' ycct,a, oee to o to the_tore i ..

;.···'::'.t r:•t•i:::,.:;

<-;.:~;·dhrnu·d 1-" 111i:1k, · 11,•kf'I'~~

s,it4er ite ta help t'ontakale

rel to,rt up en e trap s th.

3 s::,a0:te1 to ho prwliny around, · ·; r..H <H !~.:•1· ,titr :1• ln J.!:••I ?1111111• ,·;O:•f~·..t'e e!or f ur Moroni Land·, who

.. ;,("y:1!.i·. him.

"i)));;;.:u;n B!-;,Ni: AL•i~;J':.


-~ ;,;:,:;.:_·: . tH..•i.~ hci rudd, ln••~II i_n 1.h•·· Hln[e

...1±,z1-eta!ng, unl wns at mu 'hi

l ~.~,;~-j;--~::~ f.'.'.:~ hr,ybor1y ""hf'II ·th,· •·ry or s:; "iMg rf, Jle rw h o d.o u t or I IJf.'t

.·i.-:v ;,;.;1, a.nrl,wlll! nthi>ri< u~..,1 Pn,1-y :.;.:!'°·~· t,.·~

p\ti.: nut tht: Xh,nw~.


1 ;

~--·=-·~.~·.: r.\..{1Ck Jn th~-fitorc- \\' Ii i( uot murh

1,~1)..r.Mc 1.1 t !.hat time, hut WHB .., ·{1<,lr /,·.r;-11;'.e ,~-r the p;t?Jt fe,v ff:arz~. durrng :·'.T:}h l i <>C•l) <>C fire tnnurnnf'e wa 'J.'he only lilifl,!; mlMHlllg from 011· ··"·~ ii(tel· !h,: t\rc; \\"HII put out ..... J~lO 1•·.orlh of ~rurnpR rrn111 the po!lt, !;,:., ... !fo;notlfl ~<I the Gore, nn, .. 111 o( ·lol!R of,.--th,, Hlll.1)1\"ltl, 1<.n-,J. rnar!A 11,t" i.1ount ,~..:l1)d, Rt tht! t-ton1H ·t1n,,~ filll111g u.. 'bln r.k f(Jrnl ur proor nf lo>-o<, f'\.X;: t !n-;z- '.-in~ r~cover t1h!. nn1n11ri! frn·ru ~-·:}l uVr·r-tlt?if"llt ,\·hf'>'lf,.. thn l"~x tth:t1 ll ''f{ ;,,<'.'t'n [J.'Ully l(.j:Vl'RUgalP.rl. fJJ:;i\i )rn: nl 1A NJ"8 TALE. > fo. 1ib:,0)1Hely rlc-nl,-rt .,_. ...,.. lia, Jns,; '·1·:frl:-tti,;t,{u!, :Jo•,:B. }o''. Crant ·r.,f a11,.- olh:t '·• thllt hi' hnd flr~d the buJi{l(,;g in ,,:,:,i·ctJli !1_111,· lrtt('KA In ..rl:ic t!HL[[(·f ,Ir . .,. rnlus!n,;r, l!lampx. · an,1 · w11 h ,.-,~uni <It~i..lCnP~~: <1enh:<l that Grn.111 uc:~u::s,,•fl• ·, ,'of Oil \'l" OFB · l'XHlllilH< l) Ull i',;, id .tg he hd ever rto)·n oohs " the j tu!table Co-oj store :o- u~d· glvlrled the ._procePdM-.c"wJ'(.h ";tr• ·Nelli Th<' c-oun,P or ,inutlnn fn 1H lnni; nnct teclir,up. t"'lt I! • Wfln!'l'f> 'a cH1,·rect to til~~u, 1,,111.11 ••'1 in lll<'' 1nnl11. The ,Jc-( ~e wi:11 :tf th!i; morning, >.rn'd 11!lrr II rM td. 1





In t


,:,•bnr In

rehutttLI th1•

c1<."ef' wllt \J~

·,1cyrt·a.t·h for Etrgu111l'nt It IA ex P.clcd it thC' Jury late this ternoon. ;1



V..,.-,Jt.~ f'!-;;;;~==:;:-;.,=. =:_-:::.___






..Riverton A~1 C.ise Comes-to ,FCoodu .. .·· . -··.




s ts &he edlee ·. . Eid!i.~r be &Ill ,Aq;•~milUlf/il er.

@pilots , ;,.;

,, I


.... ;


· t.i'. ~\/§!m3'



- The. Rl \·erton. arson case. after. .a long , ~ extending Q\"er a period 'of eleven days,was submitted: . to the- jury af a late hour t.hi:s &ff.er: ·_noon with prospects {or an acquittal or a :d!sngre-ement among. the J'u.ror3. $} The defeadant, a s on the _witness# ·' stand the :whole. of • )"t.."Sterda>·, the !'ff greater portion. of the.,time beifl&" dP...;._ ·rot~ to his dir,ef.'!t exaniinaUon_, Late . in the afternoon.:- h-e 'IA"rul <.'rosa~ellt"amt r..c·.1 .






and_· te-aious trial.,,.,-







. b;r~.M:r. P1.ii'tm1m·~ but stuck to· hls orig_. -~~~~ ...... • ... ·

·· .


I . _,Vheu.· C?u'fl~~coirfened ·thlt,i 'mor!ain~..

I .t~ te waa rm\her: NuamlnN by both Mr..

-~ ·.· Vari.an and AUonte-y :Pt!tnn_rn. aft· ;' whkh the- defense 1~tt:d~· : ·: : · · · ,,



-.rne-·sn,te ·-rheri-~aUe.id-: hglf · a.oz.en. HI

} witiesue s .'In reburial end 3fer they had . b--een excutk.""d . ~re,..,,.n·9.>.1rttS to· th~ Jtu·y ·w(;r~ begun Assistant Cmmty' Al-

torne:r -Ray Van Cott. ..1-ed .out v.n,J vk1.s

fo!lowe-d by lI r:. V.artan. ,lir. Pu.tr-am: .clos~i · for the SJ.ate. and after Ju,Jg-6. ·,...N'orre-H irnd tl~-'tfet~ hi~ charge &iHtt ·': likt)~ff . waa>swos·n ,In and the- j,iror1J Wt•~re t_ak~~ w· thtsir toom to dellheratt! · upon· .·~;4.ercHct., . _ : · ·: - · · · · -WU.lle:t.he argumenm--w-e-r.Y-in nrog1e!;-S ;

. t};p-/4efend~nt sat .factrit the• juty wifh'i ·Uttle ;;irl upon his lap. . • .:_ - ·

E:C.NES1'- BATE'S SUCCESSOR.. krs. Catherine Thone.ppointed Post-

master of Riverton 'Today.

.kt«toii±i o ·ssr"


tbts afternoon j 4nnonces 'th at cs±ere, aerpe.2p g$p" 2mots ''·.:p0atm :....'·'·.'.:•.:...:i .., ·.·.·.~ '···'>'.,'J, :;z ·,.;;:"' ..sfe.> ;.1jf~ /i..''.,


.;:- , ..Nil'.Vi ···,·' ~ .·.•.: ·.·.. ·· · ·


- :r.~Tl . Ji!·.· ·

·:,~ --Oft :.;_ -.· ·.·1·.. t: ,...

ts. 6 rua $? " rae.

'''n10~ed., and rn~- ·on tr(s.1' _J:.n '':!.bf . 1s--j :t.rkt court in ~his dtY on /tht· c; 1 <>f . a~n~ Anotnet 8.PI-lOln t mie,n l a_;s 1 toHow s-: ...J .. "\V.


Satterthwt1ite. Lak~:..:

town, Rich coi.mty, vice ·"\VIH!is Jones/

r r.:


__ ,;; ._,,_

·, ...:. :.._,. , ~.;-.(-:~.-----~ . ~'· ll '. ;·.' :.ir. . .

ige, {defis tr11 &he"c@e of tne

'vJt:$';to _·-o1. _._.-~-- ·ve_-~ 1!.-;W ..IT.




Em ,:_:~t'·:T,,·. ~t~v. f\nd .




t.l\l?'.l.$$ilu~.-~- • , . ;uty._ ·



verdet was reached t :15

; Jiiol'.ix~· de'ti.~l:11 °

at :3:the ex-ostriezer of


ieft U1e courtroom a free man.

'>iii I~ I~~ . only one ballot

'l.'li .

that be\f&' unanln1ou11 ·tor.

acq_uU.ta.L "The j'.ucy's decJsfon OC • C$!..1Jion,~-0. no snrvrh, . among tho~ who I,!

11u1d-bf,t'!JU_-1n ntte.n da - Qe at the trial and· k;;ad b{:-.'it'd the. eVldJnce. A great deal

of he test!rony

wasso ofthatcotradlctbejurors.

fon,- ru1J..ure.. o much

thought, could do no othe-r acquit. B~t.e, or the i1erious

er'erose than · to

cJua..t)Je.. ·




1r.i e\'ldenel' intrntltil·1id yen-rrctHY morning was in rehuttal. lho defense

ha,·Jng 1-e~ted at the concl usion or D ate's lcstJm.,n)', Rufus N ell , w ho cl tt lmed to havL" vlsite<l the store nt ltl\"crtun on the day after the fire w it h hls wife o. nd :-,lstcr, told of the wity the rl· defendant Rcted ut that ti me. H e Rahl i that Bate, hud shown him how and 1 w ht<re the tlre occurred, at,,tlng that ii H ate oo!ntecl out the l'Oa! ui! ,:,n the ·1 ll oor anrl motlont~ll upw ard to Illustrate> ii huw thr. nil 1nt1st h:i., ·e bt>l:'n throw n 1 ag-nlnsl the c'1c11r. . Bute r,.ad unth•r~ taken to •how him thnt the flre must ·, hnve beg-un on th ..• toor and not al th.,. j roof. as \\·as now cun!en<lcrl by the de-~ fen~~- · ,.. 8herlfi'.' How£>llt- ,,·us n•<·all<'il to tr•~~ j tlfy eon<'erning he envel ope that had j eontained the $:lf) ,-.·orth or 1-11.,un11t1 al-~~ l_egt-d to h:ive i;-.:-en st0lr•11. g Herry Hl uck, n n emp lo y ee o f _ th.-. Comrnercl u.l Co~np of Hl\'f•r-tnn, frn111 w {ch: pi e the defend !led the keruRf'nr: used In U1e fl:-f' W.Ht, ta.kt>n. was cu!!ed to (ext,fy thut the Erosenc ? pump Jn t.hat st or could not he orke , by on~ unfnrnillrn v:hh It. ~in'!_ )tr.;11,· f X ell w ·as thP . i:t!--t \\ ltnt•~~: 1-lw !' 11rn,h- f oratr·d thr statements f her hut and, j Eufu~ ~<'_il. · Assist«it County A ttorney l ay V an ; ope ned the arumnt hurt $ adc..l.1".C;;;;: fur the• ELttc>. Hf' " ·rnt 11\·er} the round carefuliy to Floy: tho Im .. ·; puss!l it of the store havinr; teen set }


3y Hue ±lvcri s re& k s Po4miss.

--=- .

Err.est 'l'. Br.!~ is not gaillr: ~o said the .;'ury ,vlikh h/J.H dL:rlnr; ulnc GayE

Jlut~n-ed lo hie trial for ar;;on. The jury does not bellevt: th.1!.t lH! eel fire to the Riverton store on tlie night ol:' April L Bttd, n cv.-s co me s .(ro m \\~a 1/n iJ:3 to n for Bate at the aa.n1e time that he I~ cleared of the charge of arson; A dis~ patch recelYcd last nlght F.aid that he

hnd been removed


rJostm.a.1Ler at

H l\ ·erton. The c-nuse . Is no stated. M rs. Catherine Thorne has been s.ppointed In hi s riace. · M ost of those w ho hr,d listened to the testimony believed th (hcye v:ould be a d.iHl!gTe~mc:rit of ihe jury. The eYldencc had been so conflt ctl ng- und the chnrnctei~ or Bate hr1ving bPcn goo<l, it >t con:=;Jdered thnt the eight men be of t!JP same opinion, but they thr rnatter ,-ery CjUlekly,










E±kiss.#ts Jlr. Vt"i:rinn was very b!:ter In hls de- } ~.c•r!pt ion o! th€' eo11duct nt thf' offi.c~r.',; ; to\rard Hate. \Tith nHH'h vehemence he dec'red that tho defendant la d } been " houndc·d by the ofll ce, :r-1 o!' th -2·1·,

"% corns n o a rrru n H •n t. _

«ea oi. ] /c:-, ,


The jury w af. ~f'nt_out -.'lt -i:;rn rlurln~· ~ the aflen,oon.1.ln c·harg-e ·1..1f·1·D!'fJ1.HY l' S herif McDuti and Pery. «.gh j rnrn · c'lf>'.lbl..rn\ed for jur-t ~nc hour. ~ 1,;'h M1 th e y had-reed Deputy Pery ·/ went for Judge Norrell. Mr. Arlen n4 County Attorney I'utnm vero on { hand. It e, w !th hl!i!. falJ'tf-r n_nJi rnoth,~r. [ hlr, wife- and hls two I!tt!e chi 4rem nd { 111:inv othPI' rl'latlvl's and fr~J·•nd!i ·wh0 P have bcen in constant attendance, w e;e I the court roum. . .1Y hrn the ~.-Prdlc ! W:1 R rr:-a<l and the dcfP ndant il lschan;.-d. ull the n1, ·erton JH•oplr cnrne forward to h k e hnd f: w ith him. ~







1 ., .A

~ p N"\'.r4.C

Hp ec l.al Corer'!fpondentt. n,{•,- rt • «'-. ~lt L.ak"

\Ve lhlM



(• ..,,;;~ly-1:'od-. l

, i:-v ~l.._

(' u .. ~!:1.-rch ~--

rav..- hao3. our iihare or ·" lnl~t" h<"tt

J1 ~Nu,on. bul, i;l'ne-n11!y ,.p,-..--..."\klnz.

2R'irf\.t £•32.5 25

mA.ny P: ht:"t.'P thb• wlnl._•r. but owlr]K tn th~ hanl ·a.n ,J prol,..\ngffi w-1.nlPr hay l11 ,·,•ry ecan:l:!. Ttw !ann"n a.

t:23 3.# Jin.rn,-ttt r,rlc-t"'fl_ tur lbt'1r nnd



J•nxililrts thl~ i:omlng -.--,1~on..




A !""'w"ll ,,..,.ty ,. -111 I><> g lv •n In the nh·"-'h.,,n hall TuesJa.y <:-,·enlng, ).Jarch ·t ·~ :!ht, In ho n o r ont- or -{1ur -dt>pa.rtbg ij ml., t na rl.,., Rrothor S,th !'lxto n ..""·h o . f·• · b: g§lntt to J•:nttla!'ltl; nlP-O on FTlday 'J eYr nlnK. ll;i.rch :4th, n. ,i:;ru.n,J (.'h:u-uc.-t~r ,J: ;l ~ ll_J.u!.Jh'.t..ll.._Jp tJ1c iuune hall. $ cmhi pres w?ii Gw ;# bcl'll (!;-hnrn,·kn n•p!"'l"s.•~1t<.-d.



t •l.



--ki ss







1 ,,.1 RIVERTON. I r+rN"(; -4.C (. Ne=





..,,;;~ly-1:'od-. l . i:-v ~l...

Hp ec l.al Corer'!fpondentt. n,{•,- rt • «'-. ~lt L.ak"

\Ve lhlM

(' u .. ~!:1.-rch ~--

rav..- hao3. our iihare or ·" lnl~t" h<"tt

J1 ~Nu,on. bul, i;l'ne-n11!y ,.p,-..--..."\klnz.

2R'irf\.t £•32.5 25

mA.ny P: ht:"t.'P thb• wlnl._•r. but owlr]K tn th~ hanl ·a.n ,J prol,..\ngffi w-1.nlPr hay l11 ,·,•ry ecan:l:!. Ttw !ann"n a.

t:23 3.# Jin.rn,-ttt r,rlc-t"'fl_ tur lbt'1r nnd



J•nxililrts thl~ i:omlng -.--,1~on..




A !""'w"ll 1,u- ty ,. -111 I><> glv•n In the nh·"-'h.,,n hall TuesJa.y <:-,·enlng, ).Jarch ·t ·~ :!ht, In ho n o r ont- or -{1ur -dt>pa.rtbg ij ml., tn arl.,., Rrothor S,th !' lxto n ..""·h o . f·• · b: g§lntt to J•:nttla!'ltl; nlP-O on FTlday 'J eYr nlnK. ll;i.rch :4th, n. ,i:;ru.n,J (.'h:u-uc.-t~r ,J: ;l ~ ll_J.u!.Jh'.t..ll.._Jp tJ1c iuune hall. $ cmhi pres w?ii Gw ;# bcl'll (!;-hnrn,·kn n•p!"'l"s.•~1t<.-d.



t •l.



--ki ss







mesere f



no , .a




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m e · /

a w«

S:rec:ul ~ p.;!1'6't"noo.. .• .1\.h•fflon., Sa.ti l.A.wt A:prU 1.--0ft Bund.a.y a bor.»e uttccllm1 to & 'buaY bro ke koe froe tlM- hllc-Ab.1 1" past ls.a fl-(,nt ot the po+ to4nee an-1 str.red for home nt li vely rate. In turair n COf"" n-tr ln lh c- roe..d bo'lnnn,,.fd · tbs vehlcNu wan upwet nd tadly barged. YHtrrdu tn<h"·01lD-C Jam«g:Dr«d o thL pace.fond try¢ vetodog # ht. ..i-p co,..,...J tt-un.s- _ c,,Q rlwt 'tclfW1)1J o{ ono of hta torouhbrrd t..u-n '-.. Fourt .-...,_ al hLi:: flnc, a.b- o 'lr"tt'f.l ffi9re or las rlo!y 17red. three or ·- foor or wbkh ~ l, 11urrivlb.. A ~ tor- da..mq'1'1 '"ir!l! rpn;,,b:lt,.b!y ~ 0.. nr-ul\ un~,, tM ~ .-. ot. .U..., l..l'.1(/;IJ~




u. "" c<>Gt,l ...~.




lamsasrvrsarzsamass . zta.arc;Mh,





~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~





; ..o-,,.

.Til.c 1.l,;11\·e 1.a. t. rtc{OOudhm {yo,)p-4 i..h ~ d..•·1C\ll.n~cf Arcb \\ed :K lt:llin g o f th " ur-:1,• U! t-'.lll \,r\dc nn tl ,tn n f' rh .it.P"l that the r rprin!r r tuple of Hl erton ward. fa't lake roentx, ur h ut to +rt !r · le'it ss l- eon-.


)t u 11: at«wdue.








,- t:, .,. .. ...d

1.- "~ t' .,..,....C

h l,::- !.

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lb •J' ....... n <l a t.J.., aa

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•-~'if" a,u <Jll v rJu ro


r,v. llf'ry

'\\'hJd~ CO r.10~ hJ!:Ye• ._ *'f'a.llng c~1;v.dty of t1,t11,1·iy l.0'..-0 fx"rs(J,01. All {hlnK • r•mslJ,·r.-<l ll ..... 111 b..: ·or,<: l•( ll,,;o h&11.J~ &or .ieJt( a Jl hOU•f'~ cl v:on,hlp l!I ..by o( thf' counrry dl8'0"lcU' ot ~ St-.1<!. Q.IHI lht- Jlh·,·.rtw L...t:.o:i--d1.y ·:-t.~1l1llll. 13lr6hop . )11:h•r nvUu, hL'ad, JLN to b--e con.e-ra.tub.tffi 0. 1 lhdr "r...t.rri,r~ - 'X'4., nw,..a,.u,,, "'·ILh "'·bid: to r t the





T U1'1.l L Ll ),,•..>

n t. •:,,,.

Mks» n } , ti4r et t±recto ad fr

Ty Hu' an, .» t i,.11.;P r ,,untr . [ tnpurta mt +nu p th a i t le+t, we+t m thf he ls;i iw f t ) Mr ±n wdfdnt, Huhn ti .. r _n'Jl,1 c.-111n. nrlnr O_ tt_ 11111a a.nd JuLniu ... 1 J;;:!l.ll!IIUl.f\ -r,-rn· P11nnHi, hun, ..- rrorn N.llll 1..11.11:u l..-ll)' c,n tht bb...>\"c ,Jnt.11. nmi 'nbn1 • fr-. · ·rnlli•ll out llfi.tln ltl" >H«l4!' ,·o.11.11, bf\. ,.. vf tlH!' tln,:rlf' U' t-e t ~JI./JH.' d~tJL1•bNj ru.u,i. In;:- o:,...- of !he< nn1m.al1.. a lart"I'. }',rnnlt' \,"!,tr ~ Jn .. r... 1 0 b<-(-, lf\1 ,. !r-1,tht.-n,..I llfltl l.a, t l', .. t,t,-t;-.,t I<> t-wl> •t ,. (,·... rful ,,,....,..,!, re nixh; be{nr rn ther drk n!de¢ to !h ;- p...-,:: a: th .. O<'C \ ,lj ""- 111 " .. , the ri 'J'h,. rutnblri,"'< 1 •·f! nrt11 t>( !hr Jlt,.hnp a.n,! l'uun~lor ·n111s w .. ,.,.. rv ,1uln-. J 10 h,ol,I !h.,. lt«<. ni ·1r1 th,. roa,I. i'iuJ ,l1enly a lln-<!' 1'>:'!Af•l~l.l 1\'h ld1 l f; th uflt at the HII':""(")' u ( th ... • nhn.'\l.... lll-. h• ,r ~ t\11.- r h<X-dln~ nn to tbe one lll'lt' .11.fld rn.a..1..n effort to run th tm up to t tele. phom.• r, 0l1.• Ir : nrcl t't to mlt1K1111" tht" lmfW'i,J lnll'." rA1fi.lilrt-.p~ ... AA muC'.h ... f'-011-. Jhh- . H.- rnlfl ;,,., • ,l th• • J• ul.- , j\1Hf 1hr only rrm alnln to lJ,,. IJ~r-ltt- ,J ,.,In• fen, Te Hwhop re1n1tdot(",I, " hol,I on P,,y,._·: "'-1\..-n !ht" ·t•c<lrn. '"'·1th thf" 11'-hl 1:p,-\n,t r,:J\ -rr,o-,_l wt«yon, ]uh+d through the ten, nappll\;{ ,-,·~ry n·lre -.11 If tnnJt" o( 1.-in._. 11.nd turn >"d t1H· war.o n ov- t- r with thr n,,-~ c,,.-n1pl\n•~• unhurL Th,- hfol"1'k•.., ,,,r; unat.-! 7 \-...•("tun-, fr~ trn,n lh,dotJb!,• \<o' ri r,n n u.nJ r\ ,v•ht> •1 \nto a' ~ n1 r .. n.- .- ,,,1111 r.. ,·raJ<h., 11nd. c-,uu..- tn fi ,i-tsuu!11:!ll In r. n,..l\rl.: ,r pio;s:tur-!', A-11..rti t. ., ,j !:,:.ten·. r-tc·,-..,:,-11.IM thtt'"I" ~ rnur rnttn u;on the nlrn ls , but happily no















ru n





i:.t-d.iu• rhnrt,i'"ltr, Thrnu1th lb.! u( ~ fl. J•.ntt'.1J, who. IJ,·C'<.{ D\'tl.r W 'lll"t' ('rit<.-te,J an<! th~ p.,i!"1.y on th• !r wc::.r '11.·l\h thanb- Cul b:i vtni: -t,-:,.r;~ ~ J z..o ru\ra.cv-

~''"_ !

"""""" "'-.C'ilt'li"'dl!',l~ sJli!Wi!lll.~ .- -~;L~ic'r<li:s'f.<ab . . . " It$>'-'--···----··


It . Subscril:Jf.•r~ and· J>atron.s of · the ~ •:.Ne,vs··. JUvedon. ~210 ft,.. dclnity ' nre_nQttfit>cd that th.e- agerw:y has he,;_;-n tn1..nEfen·e.d from X, · .L Chrfrtense·n to the Rh:er-ton (.::ohtmtrclal ('Ortrpany. All [ ha1:lng hush'letrs · with tbie. "Ne1-\ 'b'!<•• or I knowing tn.etnt-\"Iw~~ ln ttrn.•:ars are re-

in _

l QU€'.,Sted t<> ·catl on thnt company.


. ,





··•or.: , .

i ·•it%r€Ve>,Af:11JS '



__ ·· _ {JJ.f!:!()l1 l.f'99

i res.ea.Es.ii9 #±gig.$T79.GE#Eu.33.i3REE:



News . . . . • /900 T~!n llab;r o.r \Vil ford ,vebb Dimi Oil Thurrsday.

Special Correspondence. lUverton. Si1,.lt La.kc

C'n.,. Dec.. 7.-· The twin' baby boy of "\Vi!ford \Yebb dJed. on the night of Dec. Gth, ttt 10 o'clock. The ,;ist<'.!r twin \Vas buried lust Wednl'tsd!lY, having- dted on Mon .. day, Dec. 5th, 1900, at Hive-rton, Utab.



e. lad Ruri Cetus±@a Atcehuia \'t i<>n-:

8fh"'cinl.1 CoweaV,OndE-nce•.,

Riw~on. 1:l~t t..4lu:-


co·.. '.Mf.l'lreb 2,.-~· 1

Oe-0'!:~ Or~n.~..r. · who bas been suffei•itli1r; •. _



ffiOre oii.1 hltt nrm for ooaine Unra::

Ct1m~ by vaie-etn.&tiot!. '(T i ent to, Salt

I..a!lP- {;mty to b.ave it tre-ate<l. the Xh:~t I o! the week, At this r!ting the liirtn ia ·1 dofn.~ nllcety. 'l"'he ptlrtJt h; th<e brothei•~, · !n-in w of you-r- t":Orn>~t-x>ndent:. and. bat; ,

been lald oii <inH.if!. f-0. 2mmhff.r of dll:fD I on_ ncrount _ of u·~ coiu.pu_· ls.-0~y vaee.~in-1.a..i: l' t




\),\i in









oa d

line, He

the 01.npfoy of .u 1-c riinro:\d,, ttiC I

Cte:ut J.,..·~ .k..eb tui r;;. l't,eccH6.1.li 1-...:u-td. ·· ·" •·-l \,a.,:Pt.. ~....

® .,,.,,.~.. __,-•·--~""'"'~--

,- 7wsr"~--G:' '7. 'Te 3 sci:zs-a e»

$4%±± prtiog'

}t r tta oantx lying outs ' 1 •Q! ~ .n.l t LR J:.c Cll;--; Ah c! 1,, Iha j;>QutJ1 ot k ur;a z einet, +; b-t CA!i.P:!·• Cu..n!i,. ~ l-dUt:-kt. a;,~ th.'ft pc,r!Jo,n o! lhi, t-cffl~ty l7ln1i -s.outh of ),!i.:ru.y ""' UJ b.l ea i~ JdM.s.:-, ac hoo! 41u• :.r:ir:t. e.dt ~il'!tk't WU/. !u .v e a b~r<! ..:>! f!'\'~ tru.Mr."t;-:t W!tb fozrr equal t , -:-JUr,; or lb• 3'(:<.-,n.d dell!!\. ''!,'1;.r:o.r.<' ills--


' lrlc!~ 11'Ul Clp:p,:> t..tt itUli A ·<lLt- lrkt It.I •

p:.1.±% 2:.2

ho•d on\.ct :1n t11 Jt1n t 1. U07. Attrr that om« ,rtl l bt de-cln.n- d Y11c11,nt, 1


!hr.. 1h11


ch ar-ti.


· .

Tli<t co,mty <~mmJuk>ne-r■ wlll 11, p;S:-C,!nt 1M flnrl b';an:!ll of NJu;;:~tlon lo-; ..,,.,., uuUI tha fl,.,.t 'i'fe-J n-.d ay 111 ~_."'mb<-r. lllJS., &l t.ht1.t llmt lh,:y wlf l t,,,, f'l.-ct~ for t.hr:-o ru.r.._ 11.ftn 1h, t-'X • 'plt.10•.>11 o! thrt.r. y1oat11. ~d, JU• tlec ' • .()f'ct..,.d f;:,r fo1u• E..d: Ju11tiol!·• ,


. prst..-!r.ct • Ill ekct on• m~m~r or !he , board t ducat}on, there betnx fr » JUlll th:.'lt:• ' TA'"f4.'1rrd.t l.rl f'Ach khoo l dlA lr!ct.

phe fotbowin txmned perw ons hare h-!-.,.n mt-nlion~ r,.~ ~,nt,..-,.. of he oo... r,J ro,- Onu:ilt-l' ,i.c,boc,1 dla1rlct: A~ 'oabhotl, C. kt. f'..or..-n6Qn. f.i, J. !Hookt-y, J•. '\'7. C•n.&'lo n. C. a. l>(.u'tu., J, C. CA.hl)t') ri . !'ti<"har-4 How,. J . C. M .11.ckotT . J, !I. LlndKY. "1'. 1. llon,-e. l'or JordaD 111.,r1c-1: N. ·.r l1,ocnr..-rn. A.. o. n ot..-rt. -,.o...,. C'. C. C::n.po,, Vi". 0. Kt1b,-e_ He~ r .A. Sru lth, D.

o. ~Mt'lt, J. H. HA•·l!nc'.I,

iohn l-h.nM-n. JJ. }l. Jlec.Uttio.,1. t •. H. fi•>t'l-t!rti;.. J. W. ON.LL 1. J... L.t.-,·~;l!l. Th e la pram!d a i arr t Mt m.-·,re t:i.an u.oo a y~~r &nd m tn..,·dln,; I!''(• p,-n...-. H4:t1 !ICbJ-..O~ wm h:n·,:o t.o ?x ,.,.1,._t,/!<tl-i'f'd 111 tl:dr eountr thin )"1'1 r. Th11 t
















ro p


the 1


oe·east! trt4 7r;metre id, kur. ray, hin,:h?;• ll C &..a)'oo, 'F..1t.1<t Jonl-lln 11.nd P.J..,.,rton, Aflu· l.b.111 h.• t!i C'.IIMlr1rU ean Yl!t> t .... .a,-it b• r 0,r,,,i h..:IM ,r;n ,:.,tv,..,nc-f'd HJ a-h P<'" n<Xl t. -tt h Oorn ~" tlr. )l ('ln--,<"f.>4 .,,vl i-n .<t.nll~l lr., lnlft!: ~H\i lll. 11 th~ bln•t k;t!tpouut1._

l. up.i viii Ria. ill

-~ ·cre (\<' us:, A-.pr_ i 8, t ,:1 OS



Jame Given Rew Financial institution At Jii're~ ·La.ot Bi,ih,t. tu-.·erton is to hare a hank. . .At a l meeting of toe Jordan Valley Commer-. ' dal dub at that place last '1!Ventng, the'

. bank was organized and a.rt.Ides of 1n.. : ~n· · oo filed "t.be, I county clerk's" -The name .-·of. ('(H""p<>ratlon.



at Oitce l.fl.. office. · new lnstttutfon !is too .Joroan:-Va,J:..·'

; ley oo.nk. . Its capital stock, is $10,00%,

l dh'!de-d . b1to 1.00iJ shares . of the par

l ·\'a lue of $10 . each and nearly all of the:

stoc:k has already, been subscribe d, for.· A building has already been secured, , J¥Uitabl~ furniture has · been. olf'd~"-'d a. nd it is proposed to Of*-Yl 'il.M: OOiltt. <Hi J'lme L ·A.. T. But&erfeltd te presii


l} dent:


Nicl1ols.. vic,e.,,pm tdent;_

j] John Hansen, Jr., cashier.



"::::~:~::·~·=~ ::~:~~-~'pj_!f!f~~~ ~~~,~~RIVERT01i~ l

-~ ~ ··





11 ·


. ::tf'


i ~;~~.~•.eJr.itff8 J>N~•tent--B•~•• o_t Jlln.,

J · · C111befl11•,J"liott1•-lf•wr. Mttlen.. ~I .. ~pecial c~~pon4en~ - . . . . . ·. . . ! · Riverton, Salt l.A.ke Co.. ·Jo.·. IJ....... ~ Tbts place. gtneran;. q~lle 'health:,. 111 , 1 now havine . a gnat deal o(· 8lckness. i ); .Geo. li. Dtuw e hU • ~blld down wJtlt l ~he dread 418eaae ."dlpbtberta. hilt' ft is i · ~-~verlnt. Jacob • MY.fla . bu. -'two { childttB:i also suffering Crom dJphtberL~. · ; Edgar Millen a: n'ni~h ~led young 1

\ ,1fl1Ul. i

ery low •tth lYlJhotd teYer.

l Heber Tnor~ a young _ tnarl~. man•.

; Js ·ah,6 "~l"Y · 111 with•' i,-poid pnettmo-

;,,.J.£' f p;df1~r-s. . Catberitl~* ·:· :tbom,, . t~erif ·I· r~---~.:maJden nam.. Bowlde . ·

f~ sr~u Who llt'ed at Rl"1lf11>1l' a . ll~l!et· ':r • -~ to be buried here today.. tie ~ t11.'&d · tllllt.aJY _n•ea~;,1r1ur:.11.« -~..m-taw•. _

~ _J'ohn w, . rtb~. :_.·tu :.:-.it~: JAte.· eit.1::·. }Oeath came ·thro:ug1l·.ol4 age and_ gen.. l'.~ts! .deb'iUt:,, d~ _being ab®t' 1.C. ·. ! (i > S~ ot1 · laftt ~ :fil.,., ,i:bii$ ·: WMk- : 0

'.{, ·:-~~!. iit~Ctitiilt,.-)~ft;-dl#tiUi~;bUt/h:pt,et, i

u1 %i

~ ~ 1,~r , , ~ mtiairi·' . BoW~


·= --.. · -•~ i~ ..·.

%s%Gs%@+"%t ";± # es"..2ta.6% o


j4, .»54lite pt4ir iifiife ~I·- --.~.·~·.;i•., ·hi~ . n ·,ahey, do ._'dtlti« .. · ..•.♦-'.:i.~~ - as {• ..,,..,~ ....-....1......... ·. . · ii. ' · ' . . ·. .-, , '~-.1:...,;..i.liiia.i!, f· teu·O-uu.aauun:~.-·•·---·.n:·-.......

---~ -. -~ ·•

1 i~a down. to-· dinner 0rs tie' it0; @fer i

;.·s.t~• oomtJ1g;~·r•~ut:,~ . ~-·.~.-:,

(· ;):~~!s~~r:~~~.~--tts·.~lfl.ibd·:-. · 'i

!. •·

~.,r.t·it·1.-:i•.· nPliled. .-ridtit~:·.:·llt'f .·.· -"'.·:···· · ·:.:. · betq· ·· • .· ·J,·1 ~.1• i Jixnit - iioJM~rl · >\ ,·. · ··~ · _,.

@isue on@ con@.i ea#Genie..$

fr?'ioniieiotoirfies 'troi' sheep .,f 0

i! - .. · ~ or& , .@ . ·:~·:;.'-.. '-~":".".. :-:!.. :i-..i:if'. •..'. ..~---i:.· .·.......--. ·: ·~••··_:·. .;....~..........,.. -·, .\·-~~f5Gasi .;;i .---.· .. ._ '....... .: · -.-.. /·.. ...... ··-··-~.--:<·it:-.-.~ . - -•i•·.·

p:> ·Among t~e ·1:l~w.Jt~\tl~n ls Mr,. With:-~-: 1

#epg h9_ha4Pg ge±gt-the .3colas.g.-] $it¢ct.piece,Mr- $tlcock- hays.3ur-

;84.@$.mgg,jg%}gg,H,mg t@ i9sis }

'a.way-hts:·a~. · :.'f~s. atter·a·very;_·

"z. sat».-

1 »nee« ~ among•. some' otYt5uf ?restd~t:s. · on : pro~•;

erpte.t1· ).n . the ::~~tbllls., :soutbwe.;t' o!'

<b.*t-~·,'. ·:·t'\··:·'''·.,.i/:.'.·,-->y· °".'.·: ·."_..-.. ·•_-:·


. Tb~V:Wn¢TB qC'.Juma•·abote ttle'canabil . ho~ing in tlma to:SE-e \Yater brought. :Upon their- 4\nds. though the government ~lain,. of other-· agenci<:s. AppU~ caUonB:· _govemllltlnt _aid under the l rte-clam$Uon a.~t nre being slgr.i.ed al~ , · i.mtversnUy by both thoEe above i L!1()!'J-i; tH'l(;lJ.;\" the cannL





-"'I'--· . . ,.. .

>;·., •..

4terpt €0.Hold Up Ray Densley- Hone '. ' .. ;I.•







.. i


- •

.- •


;' .


Special. Comsponden~ . '. • · S :·

• Riverton.) 8-lt Lake o, Jan. 30.'.LW&·

had· a Uttl;e 'excitement . rn '·the morn-' Joe or Jan..J27, the postefflo4L ~Ing' bur'.".; "latjze-d. aµ. . l<><:ks of 1, t1e•1u · beln&'. ·

, II

broken open. · . · i. . . · · · < The Page-$rtxton Co/a. .«)re WU al~ broken ttnto. · The . 'postofflce and etore are ltt 'the same b:u.flding. Tho burglars, failing to find in the


,, J>Otilofflee. ~urned their I attention to the 1 a tor~ 'Two doors were forcedopen

to.e.tfe-ct art.entra.nee to ~e main ·room.,. Two men v,ere .s leiep:tng tliere. and they1 1 . . ;wete- ·awakened by the· ~ttrglar• torclrig. ·tb~ _doOra. · j:: Had. a pt~tol. tn the bant.1a, j ~ ot: on ofthe men dischsed · Y.·hen'. ~ ' ·the trlker !wan pull_~. :no dou.bt..,one Q_f i

I 'the.· burgtazta.·wou!ti ~ve.· ·~Jl appre-.,,j }lended at once. 1.11, 1~!an ... being1 't frlghten~ ow;, one . of JJi~;;'ill!!n ,m~fng ,t~


I advantage,:{l'Ot s.~ayo · · •

. . 'i

·. .

'I·. •·. A"1-ri:J.O"I1!lp HdWUP. .



l -A good sack_or moneywent erore J]

Ii 2tl)d. e. couple of h.ta-tnv~y-.eu ·: fo11aw~d, ·~ if aYter-. In a 1 bold:np a.ff.fr '&,t Rfv~ton · 11 . Fr!dilY nic'1t. ·

. The .·.bold. robbe-nl dJd ·11

±: ££¢£7 ±¥ Ag 2,z.± ii%7.g:7 i±; d ±



td::~~~ .:the:·Uttle ')dtima:' -en-/"-~ kt $fr"iii€5yj}


·honle talent,drew.ago0d audfence and .}

4qg4,ge,gzgper e,pg, gggegg;; 'n.S. t e trY:~~r, • ·. 8.:Y _;Ll't:'uJltl.ey, was.,, ,,

,:. ca:r· rying with bJ.tn;'the tw .o mffl ap .· PJ,' .Pac..P. i.the/tuDd$: n.g ·.. t·· hbL·.b. o . ·..m· .. e· ·.. a after ·. a._. bo-it •. ~. ~~ .':.·. ·•· ·1•··~·. 1t'8Qddenty. sptng-• out• or the. darkt:i~

22,91.5r..$ .%l at: tha· 1,. and


full :·IS~


home. . Later the matter.-vt<~s -reoorted to J the • poUce. a,nd from:· the-··, description f.µrn.i&he:<l it fs b~Ueved that _ shtrl.tr's


they the ,sam~.;:'J:.iq,r . ,.~,hich -1i>'btied;• ·,the postofflc ·.fr.htf': · ,aJ~. ntght.· . --; ... , Our local[t presented,the_four-{fl act r.lr.tmtt ·t · eca!u e;I Il...<)ve:,1 ou~ to·· a:· ,•1 ...~ • ,! .,,.•{,-:I ..• .• •·1 ! I lt.i O .. , (TOWut'u no.: : ,:r~P.', I , I I~•~'\' ' Oii•. »era:' .li<.:u 1se.... Frld , _ ;n Jai'. · J. 11 ' l .. ·11,l l i!(o.L:~_.ih~"' • sth {ff f a i"·" >l ffi l Ir , 1Jrtrf . ,' 1: !~ memers uyDl±h!tronic . bi!tty. ad fhewsyy//ft ir~l·. i 'HHi . 1;'/rt_ !i·l• h-e nleee

alent 1

s :





1 •

carried z?rot

• ·hJ


:h bo 1.· ,,



[~l ·n'r<PI ◊! care·-.. "

I. II ,,

! :


i ·


. 1

: . iL - ,_., • •

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,\\.,-., ··-·~

~i•½,•·'~,; ,,_,,;.;,,rs-, ''.••·


. Al!

.... ,,,,~•., ##VS 9EASON.



is#sat.# .


l7..° .·:-., . ~ 11:r1=.,.u.eo-. ·lire. ;.ff.-Jf~ ci-w



.·· · ·

-~~~it~..~ .. °Y•. · trtieot ~t. · .~. ;M::-~th - - -~ ·.,~. - . :· :,~~&~

"~ '()n-t ,....., ···;· · . <;ttbe~



.'-~~-. -- . -"~ ~--r_-~.=;-.... ~~

: ,•

. ,,



:· .



. . . - -- ·,;ru>d eratf.t. ·



~ . -· .. .:,~ --~

•• ••

• · .•




. ·- . •. ..

. {' - •., , ,~-.......1!<

.. "

~ •·

.. ·

. e trtiJt w@i"" e bat it a n · Off :-yt;,aJ'._;fot_::~ -. /:~. po~ (",!} ;. -· ·. .. ' . . .• ..., . . . . -: . .

##2,19y 199%j7 m+A$. 4n hens,P # ni 6suiis±tei,EaA,am

U - ;._·~~--

gNpe. river / . tJle.-- - :_: ·4 . . ::r-r, <:· __ •'::''.:-•-~-Ii•.· _· "*~ ,. -~

-~•;t~._ w,:,.;Jth·a-,ew count,

. .,,'ll,Wfi.r

. &¥i,.Ofl[t: th-!!-.. .


_ . ~.

_ _ __\~~' -V~t :.-·.,.·.



: '•-..• '




ecWSt:i>'tbe, Av.·,. --~/'~~? .· JI\": .;,. ;


L-:'."Liio~:rt·· ... - - .

5:30,i1er# was:h·scene2or.s2£

. for_ ;1itl~~.1tb~Jte<l i,ron)~in,g' (Qt;'il'sl)(iot;:;

' fog _:~!i~: ·:-A·.te,v::daytf'fAgp :Johrtilpal-~ . ·m ,.•t~i'~1Jort:·:':·.'i~~-'il,~-1: .;tor{·\tb{{\(~t~.o t a.,td~.,'dt~ha-tge.d . n., number o( Greeks· ,bet•a"i.ii,;re.: <jf..sotrie.,'.Jidrior :~van~•. :Thein eqf: itri,heillateJy?.'~.~~ t:·,;t o: Stil_t: .· '1A:k~ _antt:/~P<!_rte~ ·:the.. :,;nau.er:,y :wtth·: the,ro.:.;:· suJt\-:that." Vf>-ffterdav·:P.alin~!' ·' Wt\.s ;re.. placed by a:M rdthie, Greeks


er¢' ordered:to.return:towork.>,hen .•they; f!in'~v¢d,. ·>·~~.x-e.:.:7/I~/' f\"lffilrl:f>:·.tbe>~:


.tt:nd,,: ~ha5ed-:th~tr::~m~;:dfstanre·•.~loJ1g,:,


.Uu-eutFJ~:. ho,,•.et~rt,~ere:~not ieatt"led:·,into:1:

etfeet and,on,•~~ avii.·r 'fag oftrace the; ·•t·~.,,,.,i:i . ·~ ,. ,";,~.•-::..,.·' ',;>;t,_;;M ._· rf '

: . -t.l ', ,, ,,;,,, '·l...,L '.'

.uf'~.Jll.'f:1i ·'n ~1n1:::-'11-""liU,O


·-t,.,Q, 'l!>½•''-'n-,. ·•!l~~R -~

ya'ummnotesf@7%/The men gave'their.' .JU!l.nu1s as.:-'r,ho:tn,~r,<,.,•·~k!Jt.~ nd Chris.E

;~i'J4:i~.~-~· T!l'omsis,. MU-o·\f~~:":~

~'".~ :Af,~~~~-·::'LE.- <

'l,._~· -Ai ?J•:-cr-~ ~\r,, ~j by ht Gs L.f wlaea. ch2 i the M e. " JUY.i-:ti.Ki. \;t.a..h.. 'Yfu tta a t or U...-C. IUCbt IJ> 11.!l N-U.,. ~ f..-..:, c..a l-lotl t.."u..b ~ ...-aJcrt 1,,- rt. Grla _s.-~ f p Ze d trttels P, ,e,~. s~ .. -..·aa :-..-· "1t-d O<;: ( ' "" ~~ Li. ~. lbert.1 11.g' )k- 1,,-1 11:!d r:-t M ac ~ o,! i.J..,Jor,,1 .._. ,·.i.:-t7 ~"t l llb ---uoe ~ Ln-a l. t-d

~ _,,.1';:'.

gt.r:.72 l<T I• l"l"C"<rl •~ a-o-•"""='1!nts-e■ t aid .-._.-.. ,tu... C'UlU'l~tc,U!.•-lli~oCA.il~L


r.,.. ,...,.._i ,_ ":, - --- --~ . tno':1:f!Y Danae«d pa t iz to the wee o< th .le _. e rlJG ::° l.lo,;.t _.,.. fa •t: l ::a ll. l~ pn,, ~ JJ ~ n...e,,: bo.1 U:,,c,r--,. r,a...


I r._, .I;\:-.!> FVllr M~i.us.·_ ·

uu, rr. ·rm: oi.,:ri. -:-,~

"2 foi, 1'70'{ --

1~~Jte er l\.o-!r,,,s-t J!.. ~_z.<ia. • l"JwQ • Uiiq J•.,,.,;.tJ,:i: of 1.!.iTfft.oin... . l

s.,..,wC'o-rT-T~-• run•n•.:. l."\.ab,. !-'"'lrla.. 1.--0u u,. " :,CJ. rd.....__.,. 11>'1.•~ -.-"tVC"

.. 1t ... ... .. .... ..

),y1b,tnlrnn-ap,,-r.n.,...11i_t--l:l.>\c"tr«:'C t r too l«dt at. d tr roe, ,,,,__ ... )'DU "C P~ l::l4,o-r ltoott\ ~

a!'f. _. .......- k



Dw,.a -

no:--a...1.. rJU-

~ -:.r ~ ~

o( }t~

[anal, dad. prober Dis ra Kf.>t U,.u, ,..,. w,::ff!,;i •a". o.c-,-.r. .-- of ~.-,«u;,. , u...-c., Cb.....,du at lbt at-a.D<t-


4Q'W'l1 '" Ith a --b k- !'!..

:::2% 7 ::.± bl.._ T.,,,.., ~

~ .....N". c-43 u:,o .. ... 1....- 1 - a .C ~ llc6rt a.A4. lb.> d,,,c:t "I' t.-n k l"IA.t.l ~ , _,... f'- 1 lh !1 , lJ',ft J,.l.c Nlalh'TV • ·n;r ~•a:"1 a ad n •~ nJ.c,d It ,.. _ ,,. a -l -'""'



ot unw •~~ ••aLJ h<I' t.nr .._..._...

rd. flo l.bl , }t,r~ UM ..l'llll'ffWft.t ...,."""" ltw.1 k .. -.... 6,r,r,d II .a.• • a-ttat s.!,,o,i( t• c-1'~ • He 1-~ l'll•Wt.alll:da..=-, " r-1a.n..u ..11 M ~N! •t ),011,••-0•1o1• tuldlll,.,.. de atre he had per)asty exf.,._.,.-4. ·~ Yluwn.l 11n-tk'fl ~ bid 5i-,b7 I~ n,-1. vll. Ill 1 ,._ IIH, FU~




=arr ",1:

Uw ...,'"'- -\\""""4 NOl r,i -11o lH lltt •u.rtk,.1 .-1,(:.,,. .Ollft lo7 a.1« Onw-,• 0->t.t"rid•• • ~ J ....... ·i"!.c~. ,;-:Q!s-a -m..J:1 oi ( S..>i l.Alt•, LM.•~ bctt...-11 .-K. <.:-h,,l,.flNi M... Xok«I aN n~ Bltbll t<idi •olue-1.qd th6 Uf• 'f( U,,(; o,h,,c,fro,l-4 .aild ,_.. ....,Jly


vat =yrtt..-«" tt:.trm-...~ Tbt

t..k •b.o, la


::!":!.J~ :r;..~~~~~!!:::

"E' ET N;;e.

: sis i: __,_1.41.._, n....._.i:.i .. ..... ,....-4-,. ~ QI.

lr8 rtrt)'"

~-:J .O.:


± EE±.5# = . EL c~:._....,_ i- W~<!<r I;±.22 .1

I3%iii es#si ~ ,..·1.-- •nttletokSo.~ l•,lh•

~..i. ~ y-.u,.,,- .....u.- C'Otd •·-UJI

-. p,,o,dl 7 ~ 7 g,( \~ ~ - ...th .I \o •1L""' J.G.l "•. tl..a. 1. Jl ~ rtt- ·wUOl tt . •.

,c~ 1,i~?:m-.,,_,.:....1..:.'..!:•

%" RIVERTON. "" ,% " IE yr2 ±: v&X.Eo 11Ul10ATlon QUl!t.9TI~:"i


\V&2!!£> C~N- r~ ru po l."l. £nt llCe--: ol4bona md Petit!on Leg!slatur

"!R 3%..»

buslntas orzznlrtlon ha held some thr""tt i:ntttlllV bu-"t', lh<'ir purpo-9-<' lw-• )ll,f to butld llP tho" 110Utb,-.·e-t1 tHn ro rU,on of "6,a. }t

L,s!.b county. and \ll t-.:ml•

J"'06''M o{ rno·Gt ol the J~dln« cltlz1-n1t of Rl-rertoo.. Booth Jotd&n and Ulurr l>id~. 0-M;,. \V , 81Uill or Dlua D• lt' ls tht 1•r~=~,c,nt, Jo-uph 11. Holt or South Joro!an, t"lN p~ id~nt a.nd t.\t!-tb Plxton of l:h •

" % ,Z2 cs++6.r 6 cooa\de-retk>n .or lrrtgr.llon

Jrt Q\Jl.- ma.

an-d Efkr C"OnR1der::.ble dlaeuu:Jon !hf' tollowteu ~•ohn-\on and J'K'tlllon to ttw Les-1.<tllllc~ w-n,., adovtffi, 'fl"hkh 1oJny ba.t b-Ntl. slenN by llf"a.rl)' nil the Ir• r1..,,;-s. t.c,ro6 In tlW portion o! the county. RESOLt....flON8 A.!'{D P1ITJTIUS, V1'he nnu.. Th e nw-i;t lmri-ortr.nl qu.-s-

t'Jon tb.&t eontr()nt,,; the cltlscn:i: u! l"tah lrrlt,."">1.LlOll: and, her+as, T he present lrrl tlon lu ar~ lnt:d\"qoa,l,r_ hu.h-llnlte. and In trn1.. 11y ~ !t:-\IG rtdkuloo,;u1: ah<I


' 'ib':T'CAJI , ?-::n41eaaz r;l<>ri n.nd blt1<-rta·1"6

llr)g- 1\llcm. ro n(uuf - f.,,!!>!ln,:- hAY~

rr out or our pn.•...... nl i.•:~t_.r 1• ...-11.

r htu Art' n-Ol del'ioc><l as r-("i. r.1 i.l1 the r terahed; tnd

\\"b fl~:;'1..1.. No P'"-'rnu1.n('ct ~..- ttl("int- nt or venter qumtlon under the pr esent 1AW11 r.n-d d.:.-cblon!I oC t~ courlll I• J"<-'"· f4b-h-; n.n-d. 'W ht- re- 11.1,., l.:r. ny or the moot ,·Alu..:. bl-e i.,,cn lo1ic.~ot our rtte have peen ta@


~~¢{kclly v:.-.lu(!l~-i.-:.."I lhrous-h th~ rnlA• tasnt.per t of our enter supply ut-<1 H.s dl1,trthuUor,..._ t-:i;?M"-c1a.lly dur1nE (h.-.: ~et Utr~ )'f'-"~r.r; a..""'ld. ,Vhifr?£.{l, liD'll;t or U-,40 hllrTt1t:Jl of our to U lul-~ b-«-J; 'll' lp~ out thn)\J..'fl'i th..--~ nbttt!nr.:- \."1,, u .. MI; F.S..d I •m~•"l?"'e<UI. l-h,ny hsr e bs ford ..

a,_;: t:. -om tb• lr horn,c,c to


·;1 m- ,-4-.: J.n nclg'r;.borl:::.e ct11toi:: ii'..ic.<L



3 32% : '®mb!;-.;.!-•~ oC our lrratr em; rs9, :;1· . ".Y M z-i!'ll"., .."\'te._k r

r'i.!rht!.il .j,:?.Y(l ,b l'(,::..

ea z a%¢ ±%, 5 :

:. ..

,,,.,.,~ -Rl°"VERTON.


OlLl...~ . o.-: RD


l!IOR F: M Ol"F.FlT 1...

Da rTC'$t /t.--a~-f!iuaaJ lpo1.


tlo Mr«, Win id Te»pt l ad. 6D't"'C1A J Con-u, p,v od~ ...c,. Rln-t tO"At \;4Jt ~ C'Jo,; ). l:H-f'h 1-; .-

l"\cnrdn« h::u"cofnnttnc..1. an.l Lb.- brmw Of"I' Ull.Jl

)'""-"1"' .ll_N

f-11~ •n..uUrit,t"M.

~ ~ t UU!- Ullff"' I> ( v,.a ~II \IUJ,xt ~ Uln a:. ll;l ~ ,.,Uh n·r,.· IHU<t. r.utb. ftH lha.~ tt1.. an.J lh,.-1 "' ",c,t• 't1-0\ '11-.WPoiDtr,J, S<i 1ro/1rt h,..dr>tr tbel ed a»J Un-fr work. th.ey p-,.lt th.e-l.tahoutd.n-• lo ,lb "' ...-b a--1. a.od ~ brbu.a-b.t ...-..icr£:io their fa.MN ln Ueno to N'ffl the l('tffht' p,,rU<111 of tlwlr ~n'l aDd tndiat ru th,.fr on:hu.rd• trom ditstn~ CJ.a.a. , . :-t ·.':·. ·~ .... , Tl pr many_of tbe farmer l'J'I:


if G. • •


m .:itCof"ff fo r .lll. ·c.1\nl\.t'r7 that la ~ lng eil:• L'lb!},h('d at Draper, other l\.n! ·"en~

\ar'r ln,;- the:r ·on:-hard• an.t . ..om1,···art. f,4mlr.g ner oner Am on the larger i.n. t-.:ar.11 G. W. ·Bill,., J:1 ~\trnU1i_i J,;i,.) '1':'" lnlitr i\l• ;,.! 1> 11~ U. J,".~lkck•u:-;Cd b plunt..:· lt1~ 3.i<(I Blll rt lt• li 1,,;-ao. 7_ p_ Pag'u COO "' l'"l tH hl'\,~• -• .I . J ohn ll:i.H kn S, Ht':r;l "5

• .«e


r,f lh:• • 1" ~1!:1~1. t:1,th<! {:.un llT u! i.:11!. -i:l P-.tn.•i.-. t,,t o far t: h nt 1q·,r• • 3,J; :.ti,J

all tr,... ,1,kk.rrl ,,or• ntl" in:, hlr

1:. 72 3.2%2 . r-unnln:r · .3 %5.37±2 % 12.1 tb-e· In 1~. iii--:

!'.u~-.t fl J."'Cr.t t,,rl'I fH1T •1 .... _culn"'k ..-,,tl ,;~ tliJ' t,11•ln ..1.11; 3- 1:an>- th.101!:' .'I J At-= c.c::i!n,.t -tlu- 1.1rt~ "h~":• th-t- ft,r_o:-,, t ror-. r-\'("!l , 11,ot- l\C' o mil-: illllll J


r 2 4 2":17 %/ \\'yc>tnlr.r. 11n-l }.,...:l.\':f



~~I.J I

!amt, ..-r,•p lA~t "J'rin~. n,:1k~ ,~1:-i•lhh•r.' rath.,.r •\lia,--.,unic!n,:. f..-.1r,~ of ~.>Ur !t•r-1n.-r l.."l:,t t' n,...-·k "'":1.-c'! arl' J.V>'..r t:1,•.ir<lr .•,u~ of


" lu-l. .. ). U.T lL D,\ T J--.!);J • I::..-; T

DE Ar> .-

Thf" h•n•I Qf d,.._~h h~...,• t.All"P,•:;J,,.njtod"y Fl~~r ~111.11ld.a Tt"nlp.>-J L .,,, If,. qf J ,11.m,-.io T ,.rr "'T1<l... T 7'll11 lady h.111·\h·•-•1 ht- i- f' t--r.- r ,in•:.- lh,- orgunJ1:.it~• ,n ,~r th•• 11··1rd ari<1 ,, 11...11 w-..n ;rn.J rnTv r:1..hly ;,rn ('l.-rn krr h-. rn nnr ltln1 ~.....-d i'. ~h .. 'P";l" trnIn }.±l end oe 0 years no, an-d t°"rn..- tn l"L'\h In lht- rly tie. £:,bm,o,, o! ni:r ('"\!tu-u.ll a~ -a-antln,: (>lt!',"-

± ±3.2:42: n c-oaunltt•'"t"

Ith JM_

{"Zr -----~: ,:c.]


r • ..

l.L" H"lt


«set _

Ccm;,,i"k>nL-,,._ and Supu inl~nd,'11 al W;ck on a Sd.,m, ·w,11 Rtduo, ·-,he !t\(_umhll ~~ D~ric/J ltl Sall U>!'nlr --From Thirtp-Si:c lo Seven- W,11 N : .;i'" ror.. th.- <"O'U nl7 c-on1mls-:aiorw- ra for "'°1\ . s ldrr.11011. ~hovld 1t •~ nr1.rr· la r« naf r 11',c.. DU,lltr •f ■ II. 'rh.- law rtT .... !hf' Nronly ~tuml ....fr,r,_ 'l:f'll au1hnf"l1r lu rh-.t: nr" ttH, 'b<,lJntl&r\.... of Ua ,.,-twiol ('J!■ Crl<-1• or ron...,,JJ,1i..1 .. th .. m upon lh• ~mn1'l!nd.-'llk>n u ( ,~.... <"CK.In! y llui... rlnll'nt\.,.111 · n ( •.-ho.-,1■ o< upun itieo r,,,,lflh>r1 o! lh• rl\11.-t-n■ • l\,un-

•f fl..l A•hJon. M a ~~..,-_;k:"»

re«wrimeid' the.ra -.

.1:1,..\tlhlrit:_t-(::_ )n_l _~- 'i'!Jt~~

• $..%%/



i;.1:[.1otH'I•' -•


i· ,-Ll,1-~ l

?:!, H. ~~. 14 •r--J

di imtn i «rt o, +


f •• _ H -r,nd ~; :n:u 47 !.-0, r.,, '}- 4'. H H,•1 ,\\■ r1<"ti l'l.• ~o._:, .,,,1


. 1%4% d' :n11, Oian_•l ,:. ',..-r, all r

No 7.


(Sf)€'clal tothe .. News... ) I


Riverton. Oc-t 8.--:-\\...hat mJght ba\"'e been a fatal or a small boy and 1


a didn't-know-it-as-loaded gun, oc. <:ui-red ln our dlttJe Qurg yestt'"rday• . Thomas D£•msle~·. _ the '13-)·ear-old I ·~:· · 3 of Daniel Demsley. Jr., : was· playing

•• _.i



with ; '.:!:!-callhf-i· pl.stQl and pointing IL . . . I .- , . . . . . . . . . . -

tO\ll_,·an.l a trninbet pl'.children. pulled the trigger and _sJ;1ot hi~ :-ister h·J·; a:ged 11. th€' bill!N pew: rating the elbow joint . of: the right arm. The unfortunate child { was taken to !:-andy .. where-medical aid, w~Ls summoned. ffrut the physicurn was . unable·.. to locat~ the buHet and it is thought he wi ll have to res o rt to _\_-ra\·.s. ,... Tht· l1tUe girl is now r;:-stlng ·~£i:: E·,~sll~~·.as <·nt.iJ'd b~ expt"ctc-d. r..



Thi~ i,tai··e ha::; taken on new· :flre ~ ~ini:t' tllv ir:staln ent the pumps, and!



r,H-<Jple frf•I hat the water pr<:,bkm .i!, n0\v \\'f'll (>n the·n,ad to ~ttlenit·rn inasmuch as the_ go,·~rnmt>nt _, sens favorable /to .the Utah lake resl ht

t>I"\·, i,·

''t"hPrt°it> ..

1sip 'T10mas P. Page. nominee to:

!"'tn te re;rsnative on the De mocratle ttckt. a thate lected hewHH-in--{


. I

! .


!r(►ti\H':.' a l_lll!11 b t'l( mt>astfri'S th:it ·w ill h;• of 1nc;,1 Jr:ula ble ~ nt:flt to the people (If this ~t:i..te. · \ -- ------- -~


..... P\ $- ..:lW -i.. i i(_ ™~


l4nUI,,\,·~ :,.!_;. :.·: _,,,_,,,·~

#lino9@ jjjj;;; . . ·:- . _· . . ·-~· - '· - I ".. - _.:~}:J~.(i~: Pleasant Ball and Banquetto Cele;

." . . .



~. :_ . . ·..brate Abundance of_ Wate1'. .. , ·"'t : . . . ·. . . . . .· - ... ·. . iHh- (•rte.in .. ,(ll.' L· .2I.--A



pleasant nf

.fail' tnok pl;i C(' - hei·(~· Oli l\l ond11 / l'Y<·t1J11g: October! uth, i1.0ommemoratim of th& .-!ill c, · i, "'s 'f u.L . i r> sf ci I la..w:.u.L-1.!.f ·-qf,. ii..!.!_1__1_1 J ii n J{ ~ pl:iJJi. ·;-1L i.:tah lal«~·:,·111d,-thc•--t>al :,i~f]Tijf:

~ with ·wJdch: our. fiffniPrH nt·<' bd 11g- :trnJ>·-" ~' pli€-d· with _wuter _fc\r irriution. A ·_1rnr1.-: ~,- q u,, 1 and h~1 I) ~ti_rh as. _thc.1 (.'lt-lzp11,s: S?.LJOv.;-: ~ · c·rton. a11d, vH:11111.r _c:an _\\'C'IJ.--bc- proud oJ. ~1- w0r(' · hC'lf\ .on· the :aliofc· ·dut.~, by :=;JH;d·:il-

] iiltatlon,at the'residcn@e of our popular j ~tn<'kman. U. F. ·H<:•ckstcfad,.:whpse :,pa~ l[-ctp.ll..S_JlJlaJ.'. .llllC.:Ll.~p!;l_l..:...o appearance


# of_genuine_enjoymeit.. - -:;·: _·.t ·:· • ,.1 .. ,

t. !::ipt''c~ehef.. an(l. mu~k-- wcr~ .intcr~p0.rscd i, with ·a- J\'<:li-lndt:in board . 'in 1·01mcdion


fl ·whi(.-h thci il1\·ltC'0 g11i,Ht'~~ <lid h<'111or, a rte;-/, wl1kli :t!l l'E'j)a1r<'cl fo Hlv,,rton'i; l'lpadou.8. ii.hall in thl· Cnm;11i\J·cia'l b.uiltllng-; ·will'n:


and old enjoyed music, daneln

!i ~I•(•c·<·ht"•s llll t 11 ·l:! o c-lock_,. _. _ .-.

·- .

and .

Th<'· 1·ornrnitt•'<' nn an:,1ng<·m(•nts de~· I, ~1•n·1':, ~JliTi.il mention ·f6r it-s g(ltHI ,iwlg'-· ment, · a wcl as our Jovia I fric'ni:ls ;1.Ie::inr:-::.· r. · \\·. Webb and Edward_Orgill, who have ; 1•h:1r,g-1' ol t.h•~· hc.11!,· 1Y.l11clr was·:wl']I light..,

ij ·


• -Ml-:.:.~ 1111:..-11_ ,TR n g-1~d-.-fo1•--t·hc-·"Tom !ort---a1Ht....,

plp1ifiUl'f'. of t hp· on~aslnn. :: · ,... ·-.-·-· ; · _. Tlrt~ p<•<:1pl,~- ,i'f ·th!~ r:nmtnurilty "ferJ· thnt 1 0



it1~"<"""f'ffim1 ~ _ .• , r ,, ,~~~~~ 1 , _ 110' • 111 al~ ! i1J prin-ii,Prlt>· :p;a,1t·1 '.app1·arlng.,1 L:.111ct , 'Y;tltn·::: arr 1111 th,.. Tis,,; lnl!ll\' whn 1111,•p. • -'1 · ·- ,.. · · · · ". .; • n· ' ;l l fr- 1 t , • r · ·. .• . " • lo1·;tllty !1,1 \" 1·d11<:lt1dt'd I to r,1mal i1 IH'rl'. · Hiverton sustains twa mercantile com[uies, both doit ;a ;@od Iuincss, and ] 1 h<·rr· i~ !4<111:"1• talk• 11f hrlpging th. ~•inH~ ;! rn;rn11L11·l11ri11g _ lnt<•·rr•Rt~, :\ r,•;\( <'f'tate <~frk~ ha;i b,•.-·n "~tahlli:clwd. town .Int.~ nr,~ '·i h.(·tng pl;11 t 1·d out and r re]!in from·_. tf,n .I {l $JC/O' (•;1 I 11; lll(ltl'l'r 1~£ l,r1 g,,nd· 'd ,:ma lid :ind ~r-r111'l l l,·« _;i ri•. r·nn~l_<l<'r'N! ·nrst 1' 1Ht:r';; .~ .\\'1•.i11,·I!· 11;1?·t,,-:-: ~•·•·ldn~ :1 lo!'"".!. !1,·,d'th-_ · f 11 I I, 11·; il it_\ f II r ·rii';·;·;j·;:;-:-!·--·fi"i..i\-:-t!{ Ir: I: I\·,· rto 11. . .. 1




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1- - ·L_!ii_li . I 4fl Immense l!lachlnf' In ~lie JordtnlRher.

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1.Ahl. -.1. .'.t.a..b.1 A~ i.- TY:-C O tht: h.rJr,,~ pu lnp s at th e h«ad ot the r d :n rht-r -=.re no,,.· n·•~'j _ for_ 1'1·ork,' ~ d In t11~ coor ..': cf a r. w pa:rw \mt o~ 't ~um1-,. .... 111 l--r lll•,•l~ .-1,.nd ~.!l,», nu aa.rn b C'O'.l'mvlcted the pum ~ J>U\ tn OP1"l"W-II.OP.., j 'The-~, pum~ mtid-e bT l yron


.££::2 •

·_n ~cl4J.t;\ ·fo1

ca . J'.ln1 - Wt'rir ~~e lhl:iv ~ wr k. T hey re ca ll,e,d'· l.n:b C"'llld(UK •I rumr•• ir lhc doubt'. W<'•

l1Qn ,tRttrm. h.. \"tnrla •tHHlon

r_haq:<- Qf

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:. : rn rnc-. which




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a rn ('r" t '<1111 or tlit' arm . her th tu1•r i•umr•• Af'"" all ~n111ta!~f",,1, th·~ .,..Ill (>(° ~·u1-r a ,par, f.l'l l! fttl. an~ .- 111 t,y



I u_mp, lh(rt ar.- ; tour ,OOf'-hu'., drN hOr1"•:p,•,..·t/ \\' ,allpThOUIC ll?d~ t\l> J, 11,, \Or1'1 . • nd th~ trlll fl" f•,rfn,r-n (.8 17•1

~ w. -r arh to u.an.-f••rtn tht' ~ - rrr,: n,11 .. hlT h J.,u l~n/ I 11,,



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1 lllaro "li: l'lri 1:n-~.- r1~!h 1h.- wht> lf!' tt·,,.rr f,r" n,·,. r,..,\I .,. ~r plilnr. T >1: nl• " ur.,' • r ,·r,r,• :~11ri n an t- Xt

!ant ,. t.11 • 101,

thrbll 1'


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r a1or , hr every ·to rt t,!('1()' ('X!>t-t l:1,,_... 1~ 1 ""0f_k?· :-lny,-d rby l\TH1 .nlxht-'.~•hH.tt, '~ ~


h•\'lnl'f"n:~-> ,u

l- t-.,.,;, ,._ , r,_rr \)',.- ,.,.roh,t t,Utr'-1• l'l.rr~_1l ~" :\ro \.S d • tAOor:. h,.rt. lhf' '-1\J~

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WAR QUE8TIO E vening News




Dec ide







Government Proposithon,



T t.ih

lh• C•orhHlto• ArrlYM al .. ,•

e ¢ting la ttrarton La w 3uu<'.ll" J -M .. -lnll•• .l.4•,-.t>i-4.

P,p,,..,..IAI Con-.- t1r,,ond.-nC'+' . J:J\·,·rton. A UK"U~l l.--At th.•lon ,,f thr r<1nf.-r.-nr,,.. of !hr

c-ondcJ ,,rd1o1n

~1 .. '11., of Zion, a me «ttnr w« h .. l,j of th~ s t,wkhuld.-n1 or th.- dllf .. r• nt J urd1111 Can,.J



v. hlt'h



nun,bo- r "" rrr pn-• rnl. T h•· mt:"l'tlnc Wl\ 11 h,-)J In NOJ1k1•·r 1h• iirupol'llion or l.fr. F. c·. :,,;,....,.,.tJ on l><-hal! of th,- fr'>Yf'rn111,·n1 In n-r:•rJ tu the ftah J ,.,.J .. n rh·rr ..,81,-r •r11t.-rn T h,.

lake •



orx1u1l:u·,l "' !Lh J ohn H•-·.,en . Jr.. •• r,n•fllJ.-111 11n,: J.an ,,·"' l!1:rd,r 11;11 !M'-l ·r..- t11:- r. J uho H .. r,ry 1:-ml!h. ,,t-.,, ..,,.. 1•n·,.,·nt. wn.~ equrwted to ,..,l<lr•·""•' lh• 111.--.•\!;1,: 11 .. &.tarwt amon« oth.-r Chine• th.1.t ""hll .. 111 \\"1111,fl\nclun 1' i,.t;o:-t tlln.- aJC ,. h,• luuntl thr 1,:- .-,01d.-11: ,:f lh .. l.'ntlt> d 1-'t,._:,.,. ,J,.....1,I, lnl.-" o.:,-l In lrrll(illlun rn-1 ttrn:. :,u: lh l> l t.,. t:LJ llul h.r, ,·., Kn 11~}-r:u11!1v ,,'. v....·!ni; ~Ir. S ,•v.-,•il L... a: ,1·t't·lo. •" J,.. "'·u 1·, l•l.1.h•.1 al tll<' t! rnr. JI,· :htJIJt:hl II .. :,,,. :1h-,1J1 t.,n .. for 1h.1 • ,1: :-- 1 .. J,,.,;.. M!l,~ 1h..-,r 11,1.-r..-,.•.• in th• t-..r.:tler ":" h1- rh• lrmu:1. T hom,i~ f'. Pil:r; ... (I J'. lHll~r. J v-·'.,h J \\' Jl l:atnJ1.. C t- ..,. \\. n,' nd Hi. • Ircktrad al:w f':X• prt:ea:k"d lhdr 0 .'1. cuG1m/u.....,. 'C'<Jn.•1:1-llni< o! T houuu. P. P:i.i,:r. J oh;\ fi,.tiH·t,, J:- .. :,nJ :S. A.

A,.._., u..

,·J.. •1·,,..


J.,;:!.!".lo:I' :111-"! I" .ll?'",11'._;-. fur A n,i.~ 11 1r_ er <''•:;· u .,. I .t,11·l"tt"<l In tnrd•.1 rl\·t"r, .1 ,J t) ·d eav or to he Nt.-... ('"I: " dr1 r.- ~:a , ..... :,.- ... tin,: rnr 11. n,urt' tho;-..,·J ;:h 1..,r-•. '. .... , , . n,llru:: of <h•· ,;" YC'fll• IJ.f";-.t l•to: ... u!l•.>.I :!11<.I f;,, n....:ul!'"Ji: lh:o;I otlf -n.it,n, .r. nd n•r:r,,•-11t111i, .• ,u-.,J lh.- ttnte +nzitr favor the mer ti·lth 1h,l:- l!tl 1'll <i .i h <.- C, Th.,. rollo..,lrii-c n:-»._.lutl<>n wa ll lntrn• dur,"(f ;uu1 IC' /,.,r..,..\ tr'l lh•· N'lll:'lll1t,·~. 'fl' hkt- will C'X,•lai.'l I() ....001<" t·Xl f' ;ll lh•· s ltua.Hua of tb;,, l!!rTT1f'n1 un •l<"r tht' J ordan rennl \\' h<,-... .s.1<, T h.-· t:. ~- r.o,·<"rr.rne-nt h1~ thN>u:?h !I.tr. F. 1:. ~.-....- t- \L 1n.:,i_d,, what mur t» t n o/er to take hr of tb"° C tnh Lar..- trnd Jon111.Jl rh·~, lrrlpat,on myeten, ,under the rece ntly paned rrlrtloh ls , nd to tu:,a!s h 'llllbut,r\·pr l/ l-t'II O~ rnay h,; o.-.-·..-, •!'< e1ry !•J r the improvement o! hd ys tem, nd lhc:1 wllbo.-ul lntt- rt'.!d, am: \\"h.- N- 1'.JI .• ihl= wl!I bl' d,J:,'/' w)t hrJut {hare to our»he, unlea It l In ru e Y;'hl"N' ,,." ■ rt 1,...:u• n1,-d anl.l ,, ti.·re the wa ter s upply ls lncrend ru!tiein'l:- ,., l-t" ft ltr ollwr land:<. !ht" r.o\·,·ri :• tn~nt will Curn\J<h Wllt <"r .l•l r..•1,· ff l~ ti...,·,. nt M-CtUAI cu• l. an,1 v- ·h,• nnu. Thi:: uf'f ,·r [1< rr. 21(1 .- b,· '-'X· J><' l'lll of lh':' J-.tirh..-vt rl'!n\.: lr; !:-:-1;(,\t,un rnAlt.,.·r,. In lh<" L"nltr.J l"lr;.t .. ,., >4:-'l•l 1, roll tor the lenett of the lrrtution. 1,1 •nd alt lh ........ ,k \\Ollld h,• r,r,1~,·· c-1J1 ,•<I .11..l n "'" ~;,n·"i,.:i11:1 r 1y,t,·m :ind not..,,. of I\ J>.& tl'l11,nr\,; 1,lac.wh/,·ll In ,.,.- ,ll,.t'•Jurnn, (>( 1h.- tJJ,.un11.r ,,f " ur C'lt.lut! con11i:u1I,·• u-.- t,.!l.\ ' t'" \<> rn,J.. 11,·ur to c-nrrr lhrouirh. r1r·,d her r , the water enter1nx l.'!Ah l.lll•! 1 ...... tliu.n 011.--(,;unh !•ill( rra,·hi•~ ,,11r f•r11,.• o,·.-r thrr·-f,,u,t!J• ,l,..·ln,; lo..-1 1hroH.1i;-l1 ,:-\n;wr:.ill ._:n !n 1·1.ih J:d, ... ar,•1 t"la·ur;ttl<1n ::nJ " ·' '1·'11.;'•· 1ri ou;- <"lllrn\,. 11.n,J we!:- dlt,·h•·>'. nnd . \\'.b,·.,..-:,><. Th,·:-•• A~•• :.1:-,•.1rn,. o( ,,.,,t.,.r f\J'.'",ni:1,: lo .. ~.~,,·. or thnt ,.,:-.. uniq .. Prunri ...,tr.:I [l[ th.- 1,:·rs ..-:1t 1!1n.-. whkh c.:..n t~ ,U1·t'rl~rl. r>.'"1'<"f\"(>!1-c-ol 11.nd u\!I• l:r-:-.J 1n l' 11•h 1.-.kl·, Ilk,:, th.- l' ;,prr t,u. C'IH•,.n..- rln·r. 11.n,I th,• \Yc-1.H"r rl1 ,.,. <.Jurls s priay and fwd meson», rd Whereas . For th pert thre year






fa ninz

:;,·:1•.· -.!. nnJ her nr T o


ha re


our hcms It l ln1r,•r1.1111 .-h· r, ,.:"tr: \h,<t ,111r lc•i i,r. Hl,r: >1}"•t<"m 1,.., l,r.iul-!l- 1 u:·'1··· ,J un·l .-:q,,d,!,e ohttons thut )t o

i~.~'7"" ~~...;,·;~~~ ~ .,.,,~ .:,_,,~ dJ.A~"Jt.~•,m,-_;_-.:~,:.;:.~ ~~ ~:-~

#@6ii»s vi@wows ff.ii@,

' I

!I Rivtti,,!'.l'n · Dk! Men fJisc.•,a~t'd, Sf,-w:;:_;; C!t!u1'l• Lc,;v!11iz ~,


Ulli3 Golar Seep tier&lag-Must tave Wt or the Tomi_ Will Sc,oll Erimd Prom tlre Mup,


Des Evening News Tues June 10, 1902





~on:1..1 COl'l"H'?)Oru::u,a~ -

.An uw an 1n

JtJ~ o.n. n..11 UJU, COf!I... J µ ,._. J.W♦ rlta n dul..- h;,I • tr ain. l"'o,- l...b,a" ma;

a rr-= o« «t s. -+ r« t.» v». tr tnd, ran s ms » rwr Hamito n to


nakg.river pd Gorge aa hlngtoa lk<-b1t••J v-ho·.•111 rnako ~b habha~ tk;n D~DI' tllt · Or r-iru_nJ.:too, at La • • n. n4-t- .. Our pe rts ane ho ,..,,.... 10

- « sot «4 o «n« «r ~on:-h tn ~ In l}}q flln, and lo, • .., uu..,- old m.- n dll'>C'"ou~ .ur mJ.&dl.- .a,rr-d soe-n tr,-tnc lo Hrl ou t enJ M.1r )'l)un•


u. r oe • rs

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IJt'IJII&" ,\f! l.1.ndl &00\P lhf! l"J1.I U1l4:-nJ1:\i::


{ Zn ton A4tn r throuh

::.:.. lbot t,u:it&.M' k-





t.nt:-n P-h..-.vld do untu )"'0\1.°' ,rh-!>1·~ toc:,nety prtperz re in or pl«undnre. >..U>o w :."~~~ O'llr ~l,,!;Uf"I 1'iC"'<-" ~tJnr. 1::ou- . ·- h!c.""~ haa tbe nme of bet th..- f;;rr. r,,}.,'11{ hl(•.. r1nt hOOt< t' "-lT•ot>u .u UH· ~"OU ::. try ui:. rtls 0£ ZJon larking to a...,ty " hs?ow-J; ,:i.r...; hur.!,=.... t\.n\" h.. bq1 n. tongr»flog.gr proentyttends Wne k! rio: fill oa,:, r<H"'lM-1'".. Th-r trou.h;.., Ju tllo nd the wdJollwg '111":.rdi; l,:, tw-c rt y all dUof' tu A. h,rh of .- at,..:- tu1,j 61- k.ct; of rt.w- fTY . Jl'or lb<t •h.u-t-V--Q"<-' c,n o- ur CT oJ>-.1 ,,..,. rn.tmt..ko . bu t 'WC" 'P"oT"h r~: ~ ,-.- ~11 ro,r lh• !JIQ IYatl-on o( H..,. f....o.r-d. but 'l'""f' tall to nt:: pon4 14 11•·tHl"'"f."l'fk:tl.lJ:, JHlttln.:t (KJr ah~kJ..-., lo th- ~ trh'c-l-L Tb~z 'f:!l/ tn.i>.~ tM I bird ;reu.t of om· knl'"ll'll. and '"-" ♦ fl tlll -..r:rv • '""" r N""t-.-.-u.~-.ii J'or our re!WI'. '-r,d llw'n try and bun.: to~ ~~" \;,r/'J y 1.\wy

.ahouJ.i r.,.:,,: be: ("",;;,.rw-J o~t.


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w- o-.\llJ not r-Y tr i\l("h tno,,e l,) u.11 •x'~ ~ . Q-r IPI- lh. lnklo.K that tM dry


p;;7,5: "", """", "";

j ~:•~ ~ ~ :,.u .t!,.p from patA.n-atlca..

h.a,·• bN-n tr-mpl-Nl fro m 1:u•k or ttt'd to_


drh" P

eh •--c-r• un 1?w1i , -£-+ffi \" d )and A, Jn

M "-.llY of lh<1 ,- ouna.- r m,n::1~ RN! no "n" J...iok lns quit,- Cull la.c-c-d . \"Y•tt D'O ffl,o

+.r . - • :.:

oc:o r ~u1~ with o,.- ,- halt tlwo \"1u:·1u1.t a·bM""e tonn....,.lr •land•


crt ~a.r

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e {1. '6. .»es +i2ris. •.' .{

Orl~"l"d ....... ,_, ,;J.a to --., r11nns · f~ Cor -}.,p •t MM -half 1~ prlc-..-,e llM- T C"OU kt b+HJ. ao-t d few tb~

•• a s


11UlJII" J:t·t ~-


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u n--• hr d1..- ,,.Y."1!1!on »t~n (ro m

th• '1p~ra1,,,.. M n~.-tr !1tC"'l""ll lo b,,e Ca.t•

:cci .2±: ir ": ::

~oud o-r ,,. J\M<I II


,:" t.:J.>.H.

r,o mt•


,r o,(' 6 br l~ r'<.l n:mo :n n,q n,1e of tM mum,pa, Jr: out (.or. !AI ,.ff.r.ln bu.dn~r,11 b&• Ir.• rend ,.. ...::1J r ,.b,._.... a n.:n,,l ddlYe-r,r WaJI M1t.1ibl!1h~, • nd nu• II r.r.dllll~• have jnre nd fr om one to four I\ da.,- . Jn 1b,. f~w1,,m..·" io. .. IH1li<"l"!i: of ap. proprl tlon of wtrr, o ft>r l:J ,-..-,.:::,ond fc--Tt• .;i. r,.J o.n<>th..-r t•u· """' thouii.,.n~ od feet. One re» l ,-.-11.,)6 lJ'"..«i.l 80-IIM h.f lht' W1iln·11 Hr..- fl it"<! 011 fur d/'f',r nlon lr 1to r.>o.,·lr. ;.,n,1 T o..-i,. rQ-U nU...._ My r,,.t,n ri:..r n.- n....... rty wrl llri K (,.;. r dh·mto.n lnln tM lH,,,..:)'(!' .Jr, pl f"ll"rt anr.l tbt!- ~. citk Ot'-t'IIUI b,it , n f'J:Al1l ln:.i.,l\,,m II C-OIT 11t11y ,c 1)-.i,-u, and T .xw-1.- C-otln:!c:~. 'l" bt. ht-ln.:r th. t-1t...., .._.,. t\!'\tl <:Htt·..,,-1,,_..., _.\'"II ..uppH-t"d ...: Ith "<"'s.t,.r on pai.~r. r. n,J t:- U..l It wi:: no1 bt' Jo....,~ lho:,l11i" a.11. ·.dnJ.t h.ope) th.Ill 'al-<Jm11 ot th!.JO p,r. p••r "o\"l.tcr vrlll nu,.. toPrln ll~.




p laI Co-responderH.ln·rton. l"lAh, J un-e 1~.-B ln<°f' 1,ul •·ttk a. &:-llrni>on of llir ht h.a• a.pl>"'.t"'<-1 nrt J YHbrd ay the d.11,•.- n or hn1'"" ca.rn~ !hrr, u,-h thf:' d-1-s pllllr and d,'lrk,u• ..., whk·h had -ir-sttJ.c. d oYe-i- \J..11 and our la.n~h for jl() fflf: Um., p.ti .1:·L At our 8,uu.by M n·JC'"l'a th ,: r.r,....--n.k "'r" d---~lt (a..s lbey have done on PN>\•i,::,u.a o,,:-ca.al~•) upon th• n«.,._ HT ,o! h&dn,c & llttle m,:;, re

helped formulate th-e contrn.t"h. hJ! onl.> • r.. ru-.d to 111Q;n, bu1 ·,;:,t;Y(' ?V.>tk<e Ul.a.t ti,- ,,·ould h-0 1 ~ N" iipou~!l. ,1-e for 11. ny l' "')"l.r,<Cnt for tt-..c J)i..•mptn.;: pL~ot. T nia ll~ YU._' llfl<""r 0:1!: !'li"Vdtholdt!"n:r: or lh.at company had tke roted In f.,v-or of r• umv:11. cau.,,-...i Ii f,--,,;•H111r o:' lrld i.;'halk, n .,..hkh 11p,.;,. ::1.d Il k<:! ,. p.rarh• l\r. f'.r.'.1 llkt'"

il th" h-tt.t tor the thll-f! w1ur t11ir-r.~. A· mtt1lnc '111."1\a h-:--:d c>n 1""h urd ... r-. Junt!" 11, at th,- llln1rtcr. ~hoolhou.'-"•'"

WhC" r('. Allh<Juch then• .... *~ tn- llnn, o.nd man3• ha.r-.! •·w~.i:" utt... r-.r-d on the out11k1e. In th,.· n, .....,fh:ic ltz..,lf Ol"'d ir r ,.,...._ . maln!.n.Jnrd. ·' Cnmrnltl.-r-.u 1ff" tt? appolntf'<l lo wraft on the director of th c-.Ln&I rf'fr·rr ~ to; to WK.I t on th<"'! p- r-M J:nl11 o{ th.- oth;-:-r r.t.1'1-11.h; and l.o •,...~ t~ th• t our ndd• wouhl b-c ope ore ,ontr• clor" ll.r>-d oth..- n,. fr uitful a.ii •fv~ thn~ · T he aa that, Oil l'\• tun: h.y, T li~ d.u·k.c-■t hour• <:>(ten lmmedla.lrly J un .... lt. th., dll"'M""to/"'11 nr Thr f'-•1t1,.,J N' f1""rN' <l to appoln1....- , anoth,.r to h.k~ the pred e the dwn; ind on lt M'des. 11L :t. N> of l h-"lr Jlf"""'<"1111<i,.nt on th..,. t....,_r.,1.] dar Wf,lnd~ trlt l'II.J. tl. T h<" rra.AK>n h.l•o.an!: !he bot. .r-.l 11! ran11.l rn -..-.. 1d,o:nta lnc th•t lhf' ln... ta.ll~rlon or the, pun,plnc lonkln;i:. ro the ood of the pop» illnd µ1..-nt at th,e lntukt"" ·of J nrJ an rlv-rr -...,.. not to •ll,;ht.,, tbr-owu up,oo thrn;, W1·a 1110: -n lllln,r J..Kaln lo art: an,! th• ahandoo~. }-~o r th.La -... ·.,, In conn«•· ror. tni.,·toni for tn~r.hln<""ry a.rfJ r~.,r f,.)-..- .. 1 lion with othccr -..-•N• In thr ..:Outb"'·-e•t f'r .,.-~r.- •Pin prrYA,11-rd up,(l n lo l&lcf!" o! Ba.It L& ke c;,ounty h&)·.-· 11tn•.-K"l.-.d •• the mnwttr In hand Th,- c1....-.dll' or lb,.. f;'afut.l c-ornr--.n~ 1 L. lh-.: only a. n,.lb. ble 1ncc&n.. or ""''a.a. howo··H. bll. t1.ly lnJ ure,.1 tf'mpora.ri'I prrnting the lue r on the clay h.nc.h Jly by 11uch unbu•ln~1uilllu:- ili <: 11on• In ' fn•m ,Syin.,r o.Jl -.nJ our ort·h11,.r.1Ji (nun c-ounl,.nnJ1.ndlnl[. •rid tho: C"Onln,,ctor.W/10 'l'l"t'"n :- formf'rly QUllf' vfllh,.- lo -<'lotn>dlon•. B ut rh-e ortl.- r11 for th_.. a,o-,._Jt l~)·m-rtn now n;u•t b-e pal,d a n·um pumpa nd elc,o<"lrklU- . ri la,·h!nrrT to op. l'.ratt• th-f'm '\'o'r-rr- COUDl .. rm •ndM an.j 14\ld l•J hr In lhf' n-,.1,ehborhood of 111,0Q(I In ,o,1-,,••n-..,-_ !he t'nf(1nl'"t'"r IJll'l<"hArl'{',..,1 \\·,. al! frlt Mad, frded , tnd with uw th» prrdent A1t th, ('t>ntr•.-c c-atJ ,. for tw-,> or lh~ pun1..p• tr, W lu' .,..or-..lnx orJoe-r c,,n or of the board u! """'-"'! l',......•d.J rnll•. who l>dorf"' ·J ul}'. l{. th l• •••:!!] r,,ro bably ,..._-,,~ w worn <x.1\ 1'1.-!th -..--1r.,. nC ...- ork lu oreo ne the many obatarrn that t r. our orchard s nl )uern fror dwtrue. 1n th~ of !h[,o l>l"<">P,>•ltlon, ...-hlch tlon. and niuch of eour Jr"-rd -en r; :urr . T h-I th..- onty .,. •y tu .,.,.,... nur horn.... Kfl'all"r P•rt c,./ our wh~..,t llnJ o..ta hnw.-vf'r, h<P llJ\-cu,·t:""<l l<> burn ll{'. 11.. h...d OT .-r<-on1~ 1&.ll th-r <11m.--u111 ..,.·an,l tb-. ~trac-t.1, "'. .,,..,.. r.- a.dy tor •l~nln,-, Th" l11lk. or rn-P n . .,..Ith "-" nn• t~,i1. but •t th .f- J.. .,~ rn<>m,,,i on.- c,f 1h .- ,·an .. \ dt'IH"~• •·• )'~ nr.<I. In An-r "'""" " " try dl11trld In the wtnte, leaving Asa th» , M uld uot -1 1: lhf' "°' ·t.. rJ\,• ni or m.-r. c-h-llnt.11 th.,11,l w;•N •.,rl oti;aly thlnkln,.:- of h-<>xtnl{" up thelr roods nd hlpptn to o(h.-r r,•rt•: Ar-• .J th.-. ,-tor,-pln.c of tn t r onlf'n hy ,tonr k!""• P, "' n•. J-...,. u,,.,.. it.bl\t..-d," ' ::i1>d a.t"l .. r· th,,... Y•--anc nr dr,lucn ,. .,...Jt. \\ th~ l!mr n ( p l ..- n ! y "-'hlt.•h ,..,. Y .. \ tr-.J.•I nu,y \..,. I" .. :.-,.~• f,)r, u;,, !r, rh-- fUIJ..r-: .

patine nd not to leave our homes and a.bin.d on our- f:t. nn-., ~n('i lo ha ,·o faith, a..s It ,- ·a..a " " .._rl y ~rta,ln tt..-.{ 1he la1·k o! ..,. .• h·r ••rou)J be o,·... rco m-.. lln,J





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·i . ,·, ,. unt es.,. _ . ,,.,.,,.,.. • . ,.. ,. .. ,.,·... xj .

:upie<l by : qu~}:c~~e.n.ns

on:ely decor&faith flow

m tion al eo l t;itiili(ij'jl · bn n q u e 7~1'Jit':~ 1ternoo thout 1


(•}ec_t l"'~~9!.-t :·;tr~t:Y:'.'-'"-'_4•V~?- ...

~- .. n th~~ev:_ .. il'H,l)e·tau Pete and. ttie.' ·. ' · · e~' and ifanm . .,1-rtckp i it. _rm," wa 1

l,lt native.. 1A~l)~c'~lled .nd art,, ent


'ar ahea-d ;ot.;,J'nOSt.1<0f 't,h,e,

rou Dl'.'S, .that}fo;.ve'--boon . nf ,

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,-~I :.tl~ei~; c!:::;;..~[~;:,: . · J'.·,.!vierwn. ,..alt :Utt:~ · Ce!t~;. _ -~~:r hi~- HUM


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car±yy•. G.nu. · - ,_n .,.

! f:'tHi,,ih~ M'\:i,.;:lffl )\ ,r::;~~,1.('l'i]-i{; t.t ~. . .. iut't,,w'ilo ..





th,e .o u:tsid~ '_Ott°'

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:::-_;.i•:.,;?~--!<:.;<~·-•,-_·,;<:;y:_;·~~~_i/._:{:;.t~;~~J;;rz~ ~~t~}JJ~,ifil~~,r-Y.'.;'Lnif':"";'~~.i.-,;;:.;¢;··•,:>?~>A ."i"f;J

t'r!1:( Jt•A /'

.J ,,•r2'1DL ~ . At'ClD~ilN'£···TODAY•'fi ~,_,.,,.,.,"-.~1':/2 ·. ' ' . • . o, f~ ntet Montey ktverton Hes 'Two


/' .

. lUbs



·. ',;';::\_I,.~

Densley. of Rl.v~t·ton. m.ot. wttb; '.1

nfui iu.nd g,omowhaJ; et•i~ou,l{iwi~r;:-. ~ ,~Jd Ing on n targ~. Mgh)ita.t .._Jj th\s nHernorn.1 w I th bl~';s{tjµp.g_' :'.

They weni <1rtv1n$;-':_~j':O~ '._

• ~~r. trn..etul .ef tt·n 1U1!1J,l.~ ''.•W ~t\;lvi

. i~Hd {t..lth1g' th@ track. 1 ,M r;,.~~;.~

W°KH:t. 'ifl.

ovet. 60 yetUlil · of 'lfi~j; :.c,vam

1r-.,,,,,~*n beJ!avfly to tho grou1:id ~htln:1m!f

l!lhOUlder fU)d f.li~~turintt

we. aken to£be,iC M. 1J.. ~ -.·-.l<'II ·_.

~ir,..,,_,.,,~~'At·ll!)t .


-~ '1,VlJ!"•meet, .h_Jt. l'lili~,n<.H~~thetJt t l r,tt\.Uon ,vlth _a, bt1rg-Y on his i:trrival j

tl""aln home tbi.3 evenlrnr.. H l.s· ·j rH-o•\r<11: the W&1"-~-on to iu verton ; OHJ

}"rJ r.

Ilf!rt Gley• Iii t1(n1 !':


tflft.~·:f'("'D. r:. t ! ! ..r~ r~7:1i~·11-IJ'SM f ~.c,_.,i·-;,, ',.,.... ,,... .... +·

n· I n the 1

/ l. l"l


PeNGJ)':: .y ny pgyp . .,1 1i .E,dJ.['1.. .lt"\i c, .J, ••

i:;>.,JftN- Lqo7



FARM.,.,"'EI:t-8' ll~'l":I'1:."1Tl'"'E~ nor.gearr e

Pi·otr. I.,,_ A. "!'4 en1Il DJ.:rt-C'll.l~ Drry Jf"'~'"T.n PostbiI{es In 'Thi County. . d Sps:ctal Corre:<_:p,on<lence. I-U,·ert.o.n, Halt Lake Co.. J,u1. 11.-Tn ~ f;clcrrners 1n the :wulh · crid ot the Salt 1.,.,.. ~-.c ,'alley have hc,ul an ln~l.£ifl1t into the r_-,c,gg;H_-,i'lti('S of. the vast ra .f,J of land:; in t hb •t&llev lhRt ~r~ sittrn'. t'i.:'d far abuve> th,r, irr:l5;'f1ticm·.CA.l1s1. At a. !.l.'l0etm~ l.8tt,t :night ,&,t whk h 1W la.nd I ow.·nern and fa..n:oen of Foverton and v!cln1ty wne. r,:"'crwnt. f"'r·of. lA-"Xls A. lJf:rr11l, {'-Oltor of the Deseret .F"an,rnr, at Salt Lak.,.. CHy, sp ke of t.he me{hods to be pursued in reclaiming these li.tD(:is. -and outJin!E'd c-o--o;)en:;t..H\"'e rnethods t,,.- •01hlh . th(-f.i''<~ lands c®.n b<J cu!Uva t!Xi rr;.o~f economlc-;diy. HQl t'l:l)O fu:{.'- of the :-rucceg.gful rtxl)('riments at

the vanou~ &Ut..:.o

<"Xpaer!menu.l l'Uid fa.rtnJ! and lso revle<t-d the: work nf Bb,hop F'an""t:11 of Cac..'lo c-ounty. Pre!<ldent:,; Paxman and GraOc" or Junb county. who. the speaker stated, were probably a:0ng the tncmt Successful a.r-id farmi;"n; of the stat<'- '!'h<,!) orin•...nl:ui.tlon si;c'l work of th,r, Ct,e11...J1 .A .rid. F~1nn ,:omp&ny ,.,a:• alBo gh·t-o a..s the l'i;U(·,::-c,~,-ful n·sult or co-or,eratlon and the ap-pl1c.at.ion


1'1ciCn tlflo

mf't hodsi.

Prof. Men-Ul h:.1.d thl"J attenttou oJt the ·a.udience fo-r o,·•·r. two hOl..H·~, Rl.!ld con·;,-inc-.<J many doubters here s to the ;r.:;nict..kcabll!t~· of arid rarnung. A cnrnp-a n :r has been org-a n f:«'2-d. mo re t. han



ere elected, ,,.,.(. 0f t·chlco 1-·b. ~ · ...land . ' ·.,. . . . .s tract10n C•i~,n>? vv L' C P'-1rCfl\'.LSt':-('i..:._, ,tn1j fJ..(:·ti ve ◊f.lo{•rn at!ens begun darns t± coming r lri, -•---...w-_-o,~-~----



!I one here: is .... he - flm, .. ~x~d .cmhr . .<rt.earn ,

ti Sai.Lekcounty; comej} harvester simf\er ,harvester/was itr belni.;'. used the _~Ste-adman. t

hgt purchased } and by , 1 t{ .Broz;. :v_"i'i fa_. n_~ ,hi ~ordaj:-i, it being t ; dr.3n•n b,,.- 26 -non~'c:"-. • -,· f The tard tfmes· of last. f.£t-H had. '\."erY -~ ! Httle f:':ffe,r:t on Hh:erton,. and the· neigh- !J +P oood is quite prosperous the pres:. 'l 4.ent .year. Work .plentiful; - '£;~. ·ages J faJr1y g:\){H1~ lt;c-ern ·1r~-S yi0tdl!;;'d har:>3.YY ! crops:_ ,.,,·he~..- on l n-ig:a.ted land is ('Xtremely he-a~ - out is do·wn lr. _ many ph.-lces~ 1-.;o thilf.- ft he trou. _ bi,:ssfim~, l . I f to cut. l''rult IF ahnnde.nt, bta hun- \ dre<I~_of' p,ear - tr-N~ 2.rr1e being ctit. don jI l}






onTl1e p1pe l!rif' o,r tht'.',bilight. a no ,,·a..ter sy:c;tem, tnk- • tU'<'O:..lnt




j i

~ !ng vr:ater for I ulina.ry - purpo~<cP. from ~ fh-e monntaJn.s abo,·r:>.Drap-er. ucross the-~ [J7br-dan river and ne1arly haif-wa~· to ~ Hv~ Vit er1t n1om'.r:.:;h1s,has Just been e:0m- -~ 1 p1-eteo. fHH'.i rings water of the flneH ij j quality into th,! honiet- of_ th<1 -penph• ll _, ·-. ·_ • •-., ~-- 1ht l1 at a. . co,gt . . of . ahout . . . $20,000.-.,_.; ,I ... - • •. .. .

.11~ ,r.rw--etinghou-·se~-- ~ -~- h_)ch -_:h_ ~'-.tJJ:~_>.n_• -~-~H?-_"f of,T-being the finest country ward·meet- fj

1- .•

I _inghouse In ._-ov~ Ch,1 rcl1t•··f~,\~Clgs.e·,.. ,li) · i

:1~}~r~nff:, :;

r..-ompJetfon. and pro

Is,, ff EiC~

rtsz !'.:fh..

blr -wnt be:~rend\· --~

1?l1~;:;,,#ji~]t:;:;"' l


·,;xJ>'·iJ.s,·• of abobt it;,.ooo 1,.--,ught watf'>'.r rights on the cast rounta!nus. nd plpcd a!Tt).':-8 the YH 11€v and the Jordan



IN, unct it

noi·-111 th.~ home 01'2.tno-1:r· of. the residents.. Tbfa givf•::, -the peop-le. p~re ·wa t-er · tot cOHnary IJtt.n ,o,...~s t-1.nd. wa.tl::'ring stock. Though tb~.·expt:-nse j;,;

prr family comes high, no one 'who'now has it wou!d do :without it e,·en if t.he cost was higher 1ha1.1, H.).8..


+tun ", 'ru p ,: T:;;1 1.e

In•, hat~••. Tti•·?•· \\";11, a L.-i:-.:-,· :,tt- 1, -i nn,·... " '" ,1 ... ~-:1,.,• ,I \\ :1,• ,, ,-II ·l,J .,,., 1, .. 1,,\ ln.;:11' ,--.t,·• 11io- 1i ·1n • t!:;1: r-1-! r.:" 1'1<rou11\\. (1.t.\"lf•~·-lin·d In Ji,·rr:1?11n (, ,r


2 "%


•·Hlf"J:"lrllr• r••l•Jt --.~,-,-.. ,, ,·t•· n,;u:,• h\· ·t1i.1:1~;·1• 1·r11n,,-., H!J<h,,;,. Th•ITTl v- IIL:1 :,-r·. t!·Mt _iit lirzmnn, ft+tu ,; ..r,1,,,n :"'. 0 lllll.( ~nr · 1:1\'l't lO!I win,!. 1-: hl,·:-.. J ..)-;,• 1'1•\\1"11, J;,n,,.• ~---t"Nl)••. \\"1!:1;,,li \\" :O-l,•1·t1ll ,.,.,1 v,:11111,r,1 1-1. t-·rr,..,n.:u, ::-.• ~t::,-


,,,,:• ,I. ·• • 1,;1;• t•·r-clrn·1! by fl:•· J;;;;\! i•.11, dinlr. F:!,tr,· I '-·1·,• !• ·Y \• • .,., h.·,rn Tl'"fl.r H:\th. E 11~!.1r: ,I. J uh· ::,, ,,_.;; In IX:I t, .. rn 11-

, 0 ~.:.::;i1w1:~=!" ••f")'. ' 1t}

rl,-,I ~.,1·.1!i. H,·r-,·h. ·:tn,J tn 1.::G.1 t•~CJlm<" 1nP111h•·r 111,, 1·1:11n·h. \Yith l}J.,



"l!!~ ;,.nu r,~~:).:...:lilhl,~1...11-~---:"1~-1•.':_··et.1·!;·· ~

2., 1£.32\,4. % 111 1-!1{·1:1., +«Md«" r r r dchlren

nd ? 10 gt,~.1t-~1;.1n,k' dhln• u. ·. ": '1'11,· r,•n,;,!t\,._ w.• n• ,burl<°·d ln..J.!l .e....1..1. m~ · ~

!ly 1,!. ,t"l,; !h,



=, ·:'.:_"__:~:::::.:.: :.,:-:.. .:::·~






: a;-.



t '

tern! f re th pron!nt r! P" ll:" r" o' H:·.,:t••,r~.- .\!r ... •_·.1rt,\:nll,ir 1,,!1 .... ,.,~ h.-l;t 111t th,. Hl.. .-rlr)n et!nzhous» today Rbh,-,p nor<jc,n ~n11:,- r .. !1 ,!u-.·!ln,- tho: ,,.,.,.,., • an,1 z;\-,-h·-

?..rt"'-"1 ll,1t1,.rn,,.hJ•. ._~._r1 .ll•<1,~fi. l.f_~ ~u,-h J. Ji,.•,or,nl•. .,\fr-,i_ Cbsrl,..i: }:._ }-rlll~r'; Ja..m.-• J•r..-n. B l11.hcip P.'ar-rnw-c-rt.h. . . •'- .-, ' ' ' -•~- ~ -

/'•~--°"-.-.,.,.-'.,_. -~T-'i:.f. ·•,./,v ;,~,'-;;_ ~ <;. State Pies'.dent Jyrum.G

." 'llll"-ni.·J.:·HIII,: .':1,t),d. Dbb. n.·Enne11,_oc,ing !he imC8;-Xi


'tr-JJ'."Tl .. J.:rn., :. l5?ir A_l J-t~L~ :nark: t!tn!.J:r.:.ted tol.'.'tn.h 1 t;t,1' married John Ila.IUeJ1,. ,rJ:o/ ,iu r-v !,·t.,, h er·.-..,_ Sh o ,P l.e.rlr f.o.Hhful worXer .and I} +'¢k Ih the ne!r n ths t!ma ot her dea t 'r.=;.(whfd: w:u ,:::au :toed. bY :/-,.. -;,t;oJ, · "u ,, presid en t- n r H-e.r ,.v-:-\<:-tr or n ..tv ~rtc


~ ~!,fr i~i



J c,1

t.&±7. : ---,-·- -


:.L ,·,., ,,' c.., "t,

•. ••



foe'rfr ·we(fril. • 1uc,.,: i•

· · rst ti fu.h/ - "".'-~··.

iii'this J&:;ait(y/ 'i•/•.


,tt. ,'r'<..,r;j;, rt.rt~ not·h~.tl:..4l.m:f'=ahP..li::~.: Gt:-at)9u t. hi.i 1r - H,.,.crr;rj: -.· .. ,.. ·:-::it>-':"(;:-;,,_: ·T'r.ci·e ls; some ·.agUaUon · fn :regilft:r to·.

-Jn..fakir}gat ions-ad4tis.jprob== f:b!<, tn the. t'i\'.'ar .future fands'aoo1:e:the

. r,,:l':,·.,mt ca.nal llne:s ,vHl'be br0,u)-;-ti_t.·1~to, irTtn:rt\.ed cu.ltinition and pla,nteu-::'on··o~---





Drb:!d ·nrns hidte-d 11ll ·the old-. folks·. und many of the Jeadini'citJien~ of-U11s' . iity_ th ·a bitit'qu(;t on July f _·· . T·210- ·people of Ri\-~rt<,m;.~ftlu'f.r Do.lo d. th southwest of ,tJie'·:count.y - ex:.:. .Y·<·t ti:1 £.,(!-l~•bra tr: mo. "24th·,__ · of Jti1y: ;,r,,r':t>c-he.s, . ha.EC' ha.!-1, horse ''riv.:ing, stt-er ·_ ·_(.'·'"'jl''";. }t.ii

;,t (._S .-,

\'"ii)··,.•.., .th-,-._;''..h.;..,;i,.,,. -.,'. ·, h ;._., _,·•'J"-"'.t1·q_.;"'·,1~U-,..:,1._.l 11, .--·-.•~ .,:.1.-1.


4. ° :.a2.Terr ,; tes e--..e N.eW~~ ·,,.:;:) u l'f.: /q· 11,Z tY · · ,· '.:::7 ,:.,·•~.' : :<;q

]_rs.ii@is'.±lsrs«i d±.l


Us#-pet ? n:·;·l


.,.. .. #±Ry" }#pf# l\'f. t'-'.,:·,_::i 1 n .,:· ~t'; 11 .·. llJ};, '"-: ~ _~ ,,,,,. :\c./i ~.,,_ /:M·o._l!:,.-,_,-_ } ".... rs«is±.as."......k-oath,sssst ·1 ·'"''r(';rtl -riir,,_ ;,.,RM"' (·'·.H·i~_f·r· s · · '·>·)'\\:"'•J•C: ~ ,,, ~ ' ru !p ~ ~ · _,.·..,,fj;,·o .. ' . '• ., . ' ·...-. I '•1I :Fl. tt . )I

. l: kv


~B•~~.f~ 1







~·1.11.i: ~ r..i n· ;o'. ~1 ,: . ·1· r:;'~rii i. tvUMTY l! . _.·: ·.-·.t 2.,-:,r}:.·.".: ;t1:::).·'.t ~:t··:,:;r§'.f\?}·?:/\;.i· :..\· 1 i . .



~ . ,:; /7:'J5.;n

•.: ··• } .-.1·v\~" ,·ll &.iuu.

k· seetag__correspondenej



sou·ru: ·.rOIU~A.~~· Sait..I.Alke eo:Ju.ry- ~

UL-~A tcrrifi~: stot,m~r;trµck tnts:~. j o( .tbc county_:on · Satµn;1ay. artunoon. r a..bcut 4: o'clock;. ,,·hen the raln ca.int ·


torrents, accompanied by

1-H~\,.~_r~ eloctrkal d!~~har~.

!Duru,.g t.ht" ·night the waters ros~:ln., the)~o~th Jor-

dan canal; wl)kh overflowed and bro~ . !ts· b.n.nki nvcrtVrn:Jng: many .tariMatid' ooin)( idanutg0_;:1o~th:e"'.'Jit:lfnCj5fS!~···~ ThP. principal .. losers~ are;~Wl11!~- So!t und J er~rn tali.! St,,,.cklng:(;. TM, wsh-r-ra.n -wild all··night. and • in lt.s wak-e.i ·).fany·:had' toi"ffee·from


thelr homes toescape from the rer-

flowing- ~tt'etl!TI-a'.~'.: Nd~orie;·'Jioi·eyer; 'A~ ,. hl!rt, a.nd _U\o·.pr~ndpal.;-da~ tff ... C rn I'll'i 8. n d . eRn_~l~.... I he:; I.a tt er ;ru1d u-~ ' . fnnnern· ditches· 1.wlng w~!h rn1.;,;. 1 and debris. 1 t /dtl ,tak6 n:pftlr·t. he ~nn~_land ca:11c fr·oq1 thr, ~outh,.·hu\. ,a,.M-...t:..~ u·n<l fitr north this Diac .. ' · .: -~



I. I

~n~.11 ·.!hr,~-rl~""!.:~§.








{, · · ,-11.

l1 br-nk<-n ~ut In the vkl,nlt;y.,.·-.:.the South

;lj ,J ordrrn _.s<:h,x,l ha..s b{>eri closed for the

J remaJnd('r (,! the week.·. The Riverton.

}~ Sandy, . .


; . .

_-----.,;,~~ --«- ~~




·wHl .-be

; 'iumlg,lted Haturda,y, ,



fir&a dances


I \to-rri:-.rflifiin~m.i~i.i/i _ ..... -...

., E<es$1en1 .SOJl~~- recl:tatkvt'tt.' __ __ .. ·1 ",r -··m .. · r-1·;... r . ·. -.: 't" m · ' ·•· ,,, " , . ri'i. ~-~JI·;:,., J.;'.'{·~:; 9 ie ?4. P!!±..f!%» ?%%i



safe university were given:;;;

! . ·':Phis is a. cttstf!ct: ofd:~iitg$ )1ti .: "· ·,,,,. ''• ,, · • •. · · .h· -~· ir,,.;,;1-· ·, ,,,;,,, (.;,;.;; ,. ·;,. m"'·'··J- '•=, 1ni; :l,je,;;,n ~-·'-·"''-.re.c. - . ~i.,,,:µit~ rn-e"3{'!1 t _r<?ar_. >\--.;'.hkh. tnaJi::~- >_ii< .,g ,},·•> --, ;;;,; : (~ f.{~'-..t t r:_-,.i(• __ ~

n . ·o\. •1;i~;,; •"·~-..Al .,,.;;,,d-- ._:,;: .• .,,...-... ~; •vi;,,•, J.,ci..it~'Lh~·~ -,'}~~ ,, --_._ ~~ J--';p,:..'"f' ~~~j:~_

luz·pr·ne here under th:e Hoder ca¥ bout" two t@As higher . •





±. var., rd%, g2g22

Hn- ,1,11-, th{> n::,1.c...ns bei iris%;tie .,.,-a10r i3 :.'Gi.nn; and Hv':1.t r,11,i tL t\:1.e/a.1:·s.:.:;:. t•.:n1 of pump~ a'.8 rn.uch fr:iig-a.tuig:·T vat~if\ r·an be h~~c1 in Urn f'aJl a$. in the · Thi:,, 1:m·.-,t•n( y,·ar tH:·!ow r.orni:,L. as ht' fl,-st ,:·H>P-

the. ;_ril31d. h.a.s the

,Yt~:-YH ''

There wou ld be- a and .,,,-e .a r-..~ think thnt n mlllin<':r. a. plnm}-Y-Bt dent ist wold do well to con.sider U11.S fcrr u;-- t1c.:.t11;cr-.



lon:i.~ion. -

Nearly everyone here has. ;,,-atrtrt fn;. -cu l\n,1 r t urposs in .,'lhr:: h"mL.1;,l.', 'fhe wa t {·r is piped from Beu.r· c..anyon cfr1 l:h~ {•ast 1noirn ta Ins aJ;()\'('.



th{• Jtffdan riyer i-cind · lti' distrb'.)utcd'·_tit 'n{·nrly ('\;('t·y , farm. in . Rh~erton and:Bluff Dale. TH;a wuss an ;acr±?:on -.~ _M·f·. _




..__, •



>\.A •

~ -.'i,JJ. L.


, .. ~• .


... .

~,nd exp,,nsJq,, undertaking for a t':,i1·tn_;_,· ing community, hut no ft has bee · ::;talled, ,,-._--; cannot

• • -.- •,:: . 1 __ •H-



cial Correponden

•. ),tarch-,.17.7A ;CO nt.ed to pump w e. dose to Saratoi

er to 7 feet above

so tht excellent e afforded to both ~ in this ,..ldntt'~ited are J.

n, Stephen


.t ·: , Rt"•-- -•·' · ,.

L ,',·

nen:t,. ilmrru!roW:,. ~- ).,"lfl m·fll the


.' :1

!¥J~~~:\.. , .%k...T5-foot and.pamp.' Jrd9~h Akk:l>-J'



?a cost · 1tot\:t,.o· exee~rl<tSO 1~rL

'rid . an, ::hl\ni.ilil'. mabitet1.anc6:,.

::i.,er:·.#re.:.;jJ} Th@_other ofteristhat_ of theTe[hi:

t :·:~~~ ,i,::t:~M: not· 1£iejfo~a •~

s ·1:-h-l~{P,1:xu-1:r, cqmpa.nJ<;.: i\·ho propose. 't-9

f install.pumping_stations on/the' banks

j of tb~fl.Hab and Sall. L:llc.~ ciU.lBJ,. ~<C ij piimv ;.~ti t~r · f'()l~ :Jhose {J"'11tng '\\'(tter·_. i in · tha_. t ·_:canal:·:_~ti_~;_~~n· annual '·.l.":O.st .a..p..::: , _pro~hn_af.:-IY Qt\~~~!~.: :c,r :tt. for th'tt .t.af .' 5 foo-r. ~H:oot am.tr~~foot !~v~ls r~sp,ec,. .-

ti'n~lv. -· xn addition thf':re wouM 01:'.! t.he. cost - ut" riump-~. m _. ,:.•iors~ _·p.iph.ig, n _iuna . .

i:ng;'I!:,. <"k., tht> Scame lh:ing fo:: th~~$-:1 fc,ot •. {}f)-•ftx.tt · und 75-!oot - lf.•'.vei1-. ~tbotit. ~ ,.., ' . . -....












. ·:.

$;-;_,) The . 9- --~1.:." J'.rd,rt ,).1·kSl . s E to P€.. r. "hom ~t::.-re.. r.:esp. th.us < .{><1.:... i_Y~ sc,.h .31·s e?Ut'! ·.. -.. ,·· ·•~ i be ; open. ·would.· tia,·e to own :

W(nl ld.

water in the Utnh antt &lt· Lake ~:·:: ! which {s worth about $$0 per acre... 3:fitl(:J

I.. h'- . b·a_~.~ed. on 300., _.2'(T~ . -. _ :_,as·~-. nnH · Co ·. · r, 1 pu~~phlg, 1iar:ir-e-r::>Units ':,C9stmg , ~~~: · [ what less. arid smaDer ones somewhat






. ,. ··: ·.:•·.~e:,;."::'..s '.::-;f•·•·: .

·., . ,:c :,,· ·, :.: ,·;t

! ' rv.~-,_~·rthfl r.l½ plari_.tl:ryit,PJl],e ~- oreh~y.~; . ! this year, those p@tis.acreage.vci

f. Ha1Js,. B, . ~ct_1:;.:e:ni;\.-.l'~o~$; :l\r:'1ch•~1::~t

~ .!\.£ htt;~1rth.: Th()?ll-~:-;•:lt~~:;,P~g=~. Coal'.

f-U~:.~i◊k.€'~· ~ttHl ..c•· ·l. JJi;f.ti~i'ti~ll~;) • ·• S,j-f( ....

# snd.St&man's,


i ·.:. . ., " .:.:~--~~.}-.:t~~f1iSf·~;.:_:-

i~ ;{fJE~~.!S.fi!l.·:.;.i,·A~_,-~..-•- - - -



ea eEEa.



(pec11 conespend~-) Rlverurn 8et. z3-A few -0r~nb:n.Uon or H1e bt.abOpric w. ~- -~J-Ob'Jln£" .ward of

South Jord!tn hU l.'J,$en effeeU:4f in e(}n.N ; quen.ce of the death of :Bidb® BlJ;ike. Samuel E. Holt .u.v·now bts~vi. witb· B. H:· Beckstead and . -Clui.&"Jan . l,io-rl.e.n~'1ffl j aa. c.-<iuw;ciors. A cll.Mge bas-~ -~ made· _ tn Riverton·. St.1.nda.Y . ooboo-1•. a.a I supt. John Iiansen.. Jr.• '~,yr,~ t.o Bu.Pr! in 'thi county.fie erysrintendency i} hQW us follows: ·F'rn,llkr!(ls W. Se, 8r., i superintendent. th T'ho s Nib0ks and ! Ni els J. 1"i'iel sm1. M!J.ifbllf:lJiJU'._, · - : : i . . . . l Crops have bn good &rcrinn thz -year, f v,1t.h the exception of the fhrw.t .,er&:;, -.;;;t 1 I ucorn. which w-an aln:i.'.M>t , e. f.r:dh:a:~ {

th:rcr.1t:h the rayac;es or· woe·dl. •rhe.n, i an; h'Jv.-e-.·e.r..• hea... -y second and t..tiird crops ot lucern. ctue to ou.r in.'igatlon .sp;".. l.;m..&. . . - . . ! 1__; tn.11 1 a. k ~. the J ordaa. ri r n&


our ]

immense pump!ng pln z ri ve the sett?ers

~in<for the· Jo:-<lan c:rn.nL.s the best w.a~r [

irl° the -st.al.·t·. r--iarmcr!_-t unL1r--r •this;: syFtr-m olJt;1.ln wa.rm ...,-:u;;,r in tht :: ;-p :•i r, ,:. ~Lnd I ~1 b.H,.'., r.,,a.n 0t' t.h.e &?..;;L,,Gn , ·/ "·ht-n tll•.: 1nounta.Jn sLr~ rns arf~ abo,,t dry · ;.c, n:u..:L water a a! :i.. ny Llmei of tbe Y ,:,,;,. r. ·;·LI:' J ord:i. n !--·o ,: r,. rui yr,1·11f'. c& l! Lt. l'!l' n c•t r,,, rtif.'.ula rl:,c E- 1;! i-·r::l. rm- d :-!r.k1nt:!' ;:,:1q:,05-':'!.s, t.: is fertilizlr.s. 2nd far br ttr {tar ~··, d c}:. b ri ~!~t.. r,t1 r<:, r. t rklin mac: ntn! n tram water for th: ;±rps± 0f rig-ht

l, r,.r: _.

\..;- ,, • ~-re

,..•.,;'iJ PF'r,-id •;..J vdth hair; a water syst m1 ir •'\·;_•rr !<1-rm · h~H..15~ · Vw~~t!l - ,li.i.>t _ v,..nd. at::. bath t b s. ctc.. in a arr }HT (;'!°· Uw b<.'m•:·K. · C,·u:· p;r,e lfr,,. in-:s 1;.:r t fl, fr'!nn l L•; \\" asatch mountains I }ra,rrt:-r. ,ros-S-.t-"'~ the Jordan river and 1tdt- to the nc:: lands o;; tne- west s;d= :(•f_ rhe y. ,rdt\:L It v.-;at a 'lv·.l:i.x)' J,;:o , Cti ,the po;le to ta! th!s !D p r·rAt;on. : .A nit•·"' 1 in IZ' w Ith U-1•·.· r>t> j ,:·{" t •f b n ru.ri r: .; ~->m0 tho,.:i,,ind ncr't:-s of. la..nd e..l',O\'f• tnt. Hie of the ah nd salt Lake car.al i ·u!;d-,;• :· _ln_ili;,'l.!io:i , ls to be held a.t Rh·-::r; h,.1, Tiuidayy. Sept. • at 8 pm. J. F l Murdoch. J. '-\":i.1 •. Knl~ht." Abf.•l ·Joh•· ·1 I:,._ · <.».,::pman, J. H . W . ,r. : Fans • , c_. , ..,. ,.St '-'P·:c:1 1-'ltz.,:;~·n:ild. . r. \\'. .r-.. L' [1·1.c m · · ,.... -~ ~,.u,,_ · c·t,., -· ..,•-,~ ""~ , ,a~•., '. wi 11.. ho pn•w.:nt to COD!i<lde,r f'4.--ip!i"C·a{i~.:,,- ;, for ~,·at('r at ! ;o9±i%l° It contract {]' 1 water


. ..

, · ·


, · · • . ·. ,

' '!'- ~Hmlar mE'·.:-tini:r l>4 n.h=0 -:to ~ he!d west Jordan yeanesday.

s%## "

,$8. 3. ·

··,.A nutnv(-:r OF th1 :mt inf7,z !a)

[atri; elf ass _erton . f,l.tJ~.l thfs. 1

~th-0 [if•~



.-Eietbii:·- H~lcJ.. at:· Riverton to :'J)Jscus&. . :~ J·>roposed\·lr ast• Canal .

. .


.. -/.·-•.'

. '





.< Spr~.:. ::L! Correspoo~D-\..---e.; Fiver9n, .Sept. 8. One o: the larz- [#? meetings or \IAnd own.ers . pt·~ pa,ri c,(. the country was h~l<l . ve hast night under the auspices of


7he l% Hi

Riverton commercial. ciub. =etinr addressed by Messrs J. Hjj nnJock~ ..L _ ,, .,,.J--,tzge!""a.ld . .Ab-el- Jol:i.n 'r1A F . A-·K m 1~:ti --.,·-·•1,-_·. ..... s a_... _ "1~ rk"-· u .:1..... __ · __ •



·h0:°;i;(! .g · en:; !em_~-~_" _ (). I. t~~r:_~_:tl!'.· (,f:'(!.he i. r: _:'~ ::•. ti.on cor.ppa.nte,s. they rpresent made !D l . -

;,. l'o1 lm,.,irig pr,opos;lJc,ru{: · · C,, _._·r:1 brtng wate:r ib_y pu111ptn~ from ;-1 •1 · < nr•:ng·iplant l!) :l~•- t,:..r,ir l'l•·a: Sara~'/

t . ·, -:.,. ·J;:~•v~?l ·i )_t \.:.'. J•}'} : ;:••·t .;,.}-)-,_.. \.. (.• t!1f.:· ;,., } i 11c· i:-i:{f-.~i t !-1r:. .:: t ~•t.~- .c~·:_.::t '-'( ~i ;k ;· a.r·r(.. .-- .rtritl ·rt:T:i annt1tl~ r:~-~;-~~hta·ir/·- _; C·•· }:\•'·. 1-·• 1,.:· - .. Fhar<"•"· . ~ . .-,r .. . ,._ ~ t:X• e,~•..--;. -•.-. t~, ......... ,·-::- f,,r pumping and d!str~!-:>~1:i•:l-n. ~}r


• !;-;.:·-·11 r.


. .




ro .hnng, wat,:-i f,J· a 1,:vt>l ti: :::~_; f(·t~t <")•,·,:.- Hrc pr-~·::~~r.t line of n.:.ltiY~l.t:••n by t: gt . Cost t r) b-t.~- SUI pr-r a(:r-c ,dth·•:f · ,.') ·Ll....:. ,· I . -, lsl:i ' ..lJl_· ct a..r ; --an<.t__ •' · ·• • !.· ..... h •. ··...;;. · _ u· .• $! .,_u1 ..,~•. _ •. ii:, watt•r ,\·r:,u]d · be the- ht-':·: v. ::s.t-:,r-r-; hr: i?rovo and wour:d only h: availin .-\ pril. May nd J un,I At a .. ,,-r ume tq fur-njsh wat(,r fr·,:dn r.:-s-:-rFrsrhc- (.,f ·.. \Y-hich a.rr.! l]u,,· be;ng ij ,{;::..r uctNI antf~sai.d v.-at,:·r t,, l"-K· an1-il., .· ;,:_. .Juiy, Aug-t.1st and S~ptcr.di<'L TbiS · ,\1ld. cost n1?ot:t _$rJO P,::"r :i.cre fiddi- /


nal, · but parties nceo only take· a! don of· the tesen.•oir · watiir unless! :'j,'

<.!es!~ to do·~-

The.re would.@;

t tn.mtam«ms[


offedngr-; ,tnd


•. ;i-.'7 I

.· . - .-

hu-;.;-e. cni1gregatton j

;.,1,· j{ni•-15:4 ·$ o{ the h!~h f1ttr11m .)fl h!eh Elder 3±Ifs was fld In this com- , mu:rdty, S<-th Plxton.,. Thonu-1s M; J!a.n1U~ j ton. },', E. RNd, Br., Jr►htf Jfa.ti&::.-n:, ·,Jr-;i: !


<C, Cntf)o, ;r,a.d i. Butw.r-ffold_, _tmd Go~ f R Bl In ead-1 · brn.·e to..'JUmcmy ,1Jt hiG ii Ing W(}!"! h. . The pallbearers.were :· eh-Off("n rnnn , the Rh•.-:rton. Comme~ci.a,l ~, club» and.th> sining wus turn\shed by ? th~ RivPtt<m d,ofr. trnder. the · ('ttre,cttdn B W.

mer. rz.·

\\';>bh; 1dg1., t~ ~oio b:i/ Os't;-1u-~ T'he 'Intertwrmn€ fook_ p)r'i/4 Y-2 hit






,N.k ~holl'!.


The dedicatory( ltHli<tir -~ horf,a$ f -·



· · tf


' .. Charlt::-; \V. J<"fff; Vr'.!P, horn .l!), Ame1tka.n ~ F'ork. Ltah. l><"',·. H. I~:!{l. AflH t?hfh!rlhl~ h!Jll.•'.• PHri'n!1< ti!turned to E'V,tt,H~ro_n, ,\Vl,'_·.() .• 11.!

th,:,1r hume. in A 11r,ufrt..




: . ,



hf:if fr.d.her y/as .• ~<.'cl.., ~

f~::,".:*1:2I:;~.z·.n:~~rj&?{~~~~~~~t~~-L~~-~ ~ -----•-------------.

1 ~

. . . . '$itf',:a.· ;


~11'. -~~


Jru,, 30i}._"!_~,.}~i.L,~.-.•

. r,c.-- e,,e; J,euA, d,e>< .




liil!S~ ~

he; ~-;-·-"RIVERTON '~.~.~,•s,.,,.~ · :- . t_,,>,,-\;i ._ -. .; _;-. - IMPROVE' . CITIZENS±. z"9 g ?gig~[ T"EIR·::.TOWN"i .-.... •... -:

; •.. : ,t- ; •..

#$#$55 1%%""El"%%?" ,

.. _-,, ;., (S~"~Onde~);·.,,-,\-r'•,,,J';,,_·


if#ii6"sci%f f.$ fist ieei rafeied;pivoiiter#j. #e'sad; this' task ii@of the way,{thie { $rgk of gradinjtwo"mfls:of;sfreefs

ha&.peen i .ind~:"'· - r'I th·: dh"ect!on·'tot ,-.,.,,;,,-•_.:.:::_. ' ~:.:~1;' )t,.>.·;•:;:·-·.. ::,.•-,:... ,,, __ ,:t j#a. czny, cox ies@as.if'gees3x" /ii ti Ilve:coininer fafiii.} •.... ••El -_.,-· .. hies' ~ -, . ·•·: e , .. _, ... .,. , .., '< '' ....,,;...,~ -ri:'6: ~..- :,-. -----$-i.. . . ~.4°~ . c, · · " ft d o .»6 s, i J:'r~op,o'il--ed to- buU.d ·side wal iffl: ilie--"n~} l, t:i£i.Y, · 00 . men and ·3-0 kame were : busy r l ~,.nd dtirdu~· the week two miles of _snde- j J

'ti .

; v'i.•f<1UtiJ ha.vo been g-ravel-ed.. All . thfE : w·ork h~JJ been done .'Without pay. When



couaty commissioner learned of

_..~ tt1 j:Jlil!Jl.~proprlate<l-$ri.,o.ugh--):zl<me:,i ; ·2.c) p:\ill,y for ~,n,Miing two miles .of ros-.d. t i '.foflSk.:Y the . a.nd ilea11J1fj are work , .hirt tor the count~··· _ _ t' . . i}~h'5 :.ov:n.1. ha$ ('Ot1trad.ed for a Hghta ~ ;.}S:iJi-s~s:ste.nL...and..IP.01:c-,;,U1an.. J.QO...,h,4)u~ J\ i w--m·-bei \Tired by Apri! ··1-. . .. .. · 1/ ' ,. .,,,.,_ ,. people aie nnv;- 8f;k.tng for an 0mlion oi the car. line !ron:i Sandy !1 to Riverton. Riverton ,~ s:tuat_ed 20 l 1 \ !nHew f':Kti.rt.hwe-;;t of Salt Lak- e C1ty· a:nd J 1:1.~l.-'f1 iA popuJatlon of about 70-0 people. i .A f011:s· ;rears ago they united _and put ·



{ {


1 •·



; j ilk3.


• h,

system nt .-.. co~t of $1-4,0{',0, it to more than 10-0 fam~

i rnom,ta.ins east of Draper. Since that

j improvement l t·ap!<tHy.


to•.v n

ha.s -


TlH''te ls now a bank. four 11 butcher tihop and barber


A _ $20,000 school house -is well ; fillG;,;_t-~wUh .- fine, healthy children. It bna

;i, 'io],ecornt;' _ neooMaey

fOT the tnill§t~


l :rqqp1:,opdate _;s,ooo to fUrnhih f.Mil.di1J,onhl

l l!:'001n£1 to ac(:~lliod.ate t1HJ rapidly.


I .,


~rhe ·-.Yater is· pip-,:d · from the'

number of children.°

;\;~:-~~-~ , .:1-;,_J;n'



. . ~ %EE m~i1tiut;;.-q,t~-:.~~:.z,

was ,h~;,i,UiJ 'e'.0 r¾rg:ri:;;ili• 1i. ~, 1

th fr y e:~w" tl?' tJte, n, ;.@f: !''iiul t

efvd a

Gx6$~t. lldtiib.i~ -

,.--1.. ,,.~,•11" .::-,1·,t,...... 1•-~,;..r..,;;;,."'imi-· Z, .. ,..h.,-.e.tz. ~.J.J A.,. :....< ~

u •!i-:•

-- ll"!',]

s mis!!ik>ti. j~

has rczit!jfj

tJr----"' ;-/ ~~ ;.. 4'-:::,,__ :. ~~- ,..,~

but 'i_(-Vlod~.j w·:-1;{,}·v, '·

!;; •.~' ul><tl ii.., v, i:,,11.1.fou i.

<Jt ilic U'u .ij,11:d fitn.~1u 11.

z.3.22.2±£/ ~-1th

1-.-.o1Jl.J 11"-,- .. 1:n..d 1~:tf' "A.r,u:k~(,, n.n..t " Ii• ~ ! ....,0 ~!d th lt.t rnt,~:i~ l:iill\o rtc ,(If d,,/';u•: •1n ,I !-,n ;:,d n .:d ft of lhou :rnn ..!.. o-t J ,\,,).--~ko1n r1\'r11" h'JI. It_ wfll LLIJ OOJ nt•·l 11:11 r.~·•u Jn 1h11 ~nd."'• · · ' ~-• r:.lt• ~! ~m" ll~ r.!\'I<:.,...",~ -(h,_ rt--<:Qt\'!

l tt"tar4

nJ -:':>· ---~.~- ~-:-. ; Senator Reed Smoot· Principal

.~,, ,r Nn d )•lPt r.t~i.- z..tzi:i· aJlf<J_f nlh_.r tx,nf'(\t.lt. n.~--<"C:--t·d !r-oru l.,q!k- -~ n.nct 111>pnr'\U\f>l\t..1.l. .r~"1,1L~t.ic:-r.., ?-

· Sve_aker, Re.viewing Na-

--.. ·


f· ,.. n<\'l'-b1p• for thl\ ' ' • ·wlnfr tr U.ll"ntf'.nt.Jl

\ior1ai S\lu'1\ior1,

wor\;;,\nlfl n" n; tft- ~ t·h~ ,c•>n•mOr'J. ~


!,.-~,>.~ i\lHJ crth cr v rlUn ,i:11 an d' In h !~ ·f

'. i;:~,i~h~~lo\ll;rt n1.n.l Loto t™l..~ ll c,f '1 h r r'r'::..t,IJ •. Yl•:.Ju d pi,a.. ....11n d .....;udk lll..L':"d !~"'. f ;;~1.-.JH h t JLf', tttTort lo 11b ,,·.,- tha.t.. th-.: j ll,:•~jn • !a uot !Jl,@11 l'oundtsd . · :


. .•· 1, :·11~: PflF,_RIDi.~T'6 !3CP'1":0!-CT'YCtOC·Ti

,nr .\,lmlul•!"'"''" ,., ., ,, .. ,.,\ 1 1 _1: }'rt').st~ n t . At 1·,..~-:..• (11- l',•lnt,i r,·, 1 :,·• rn r;I,

T .


h !.1

!l-ten t1s jJ

~//:;r.~:,~r ~~";'V~lt And b!e fr1'8n.<la.. lj

··_IJ~, ,·un_ brli:1·...... ~..,r 1 mlnut,, lhAI'. ! 1:•." 111"Nroa: frt£-n J, tha.t ...Pr~ld";7:l.\ 1!1 !'. ... ,,•.-• ..-,:lr h1o1.d or. 1),.:,1,.rt.h would \Je&-ert lj '.1" : x!1 ,! d• ·nouuc.. him lf they thqUK ht Lj :"~ n mln11t,e tJui;t h11 h,,,..4 ~ rob~ ,,.. ,11_:•· ~lr1KI,.. _\·otc- In th,e C'hJ~ ,K'O con - 5

.or ,nJ,:d 1·:11111l,\1,1,..... t


r··ri.·t .1

.,, . · , ,

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In b..Js d cn u u d a·. lt

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1Jt)IJn t\"W\ry pubUc QU#tsll,10--a.

A Hti



ri~H only tn one t{

±::3%£11±£:22415%, E C.ltU~•;: I hi>Jl.. btrn 1,, 1 ..~ _Tr,.ku Pr r~ld~n{ 'lart. a. ?11.1.c Lll.11.l_;!{f •.\'t•

Hr.;.,:.··• ! .11,.:

±M e3M E EC.±±#EE$EE±±ES±


#",#CE"AT:,EG ~\~~t : #±" ~-:~~~~~;m1;:,·t~:r.t\.:;r;!~ t·i

~}._~~'.;,.,,...~~ you

~ 11:i. l

hr l,t /t.n l111pract1<"a ·

'i.CWL T.lTT'S l'L ULIC J..Jl-1:;_ 0

nn llouti;, l!!ttn\' o{ yuu· knc:1• a. Mar±er. le wax a plrniid ,\.Tl t"J.u~·:.itrd r:i;1;11. r.i, ln•lfl'f ;· O\"l't t'lll.-r,-..1 1·w1: th,1.11 hr; ·;•:ould )"'ll !vr ii inmut~, f11ink or


b.i.b:,• , 1:Jlr\ ·l t'!'lf t,, )'OlJ l!1:,1 i;tl .....\\"H-


IU1< )W).

n•.) m,ir ..

Hi ••' \Jl



,~ r,T,'.ll~ lntrUtu::nn. <Jlll►)d,, ut .. t-'1U-.:.a Uon.el lu><tnu!i-.11, 11, ... ,1 111:11:vn..-.. .. r otitt!r A m<'rlcli.1; ,·;:\~• \.;~. ··.su '1>· l.- t u, ,..,.. !,1r "' rn " n1,• n1 1'· ti:.u -C.tJ,....n .. n..-..• !h,. nlh,·-1· 111-11.n r,.,,. 11.JJ.,: F(,:

"31.£·t1::--,: %:

l,ju~rt•·r 11r ll. c•·n1ur, ,,.. l:u.-. i,1.,.- .. ~ ot rt•;tpon11ih',llly. hi-- h.-,,. 1-•·I! Y• ' ll!' e'lrvnnl: l!.t,11 \••!! 1ur· " c" r111l11r,• nn t:!.• o;.\:-L T~lt m,, o( c.-f :•· Jr1:-t.1n , ,. '1-1 !:,·r.- t,,.





,n i)n <'r . ur t,·11 nH.' (r y .. 11 <u..11 1, !,••:">· ha hiu, try 1,~!,. 11. !nJ l11r,, and tl1'15.l•L"'';n!'!J Uh, km erlenn people


,}(inle.1. (·oill• ··I.



i±EE 11.,




c,.,~:;: 111





9eA0EM»use s.asms"3sf2FE-s.A M3e±fie##iis%e 3SS&es@ jiSki

...~ pc-t-,' IS,,";qJL '. .

l)es, Eve.Nerus


lt _yl i -..... . . suet±cs . ·- .------~--.: ._ -"• ·, ,. ,.~----

I PO·' gT C l



1 2 t' ,M.


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1-E~.,· . .,., , ., ._, ,. ,.

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tr4pg ~J fl _y.:;.n hi /


....· r,-~/ -· -~ -- . . rrodenc»·



. ·;l

l?.Ull •· n,-:i · ~L.f t.~





~ {

R~ert.0n. Oct. 1€..-Ri\"e:rtc,;n >.1> ha,·-~ :fl. numoor of p0;\tical r-alHoo 1at~i~~3Last Saturday, Sen tor Smoot and thfl $ · Rf'puoH<:,a..ne; oe1:r.t Sattn~1;.1:;__l.h_~_l)~ O-· ~crat..t$ a_~d nfc!:d: v.:-~k. th® Pr·ogi·e.r;.aiv~®- h Th,2 oo.rm.l w12~.eh p)mce~~ in t.h,0 1x-Mts1at- ~ oo coh:t~n 1->•. i.2r&'f' portfoo ot whal are~ n.o-,;•r at•}' fn.r-rn·c;, it bil1rig · "h't1TR.@d on, • s.nd s.b.in a a hatf mi11z, o•f tunn:e-1 ha2) ~ ~n dug; for th8 et-urn.1 in th~:; Bouth J: ~ htHrJ. - . . · · i T'ne,r·e ,h.fl.1!1 her -o7!. &l.. cha.n.{s'te in -th;;, rn-e<l-





~ kal }!ne;. Di·. F'<£-rgutMm having ~old o;ii:

! to rn-. Hiu·d:;.




t il

~ F"risby A ~hill c<nTlpa..n,t" ·w~1n o~ r- :i, ~ a.ted a gein6n~l mer..:~handi.&-e bu!fln~J!i. ;; i havl:' dli.'-contJnue<1'i and mm·ed to PrO"'.·o. \

l.#?ins _pota gt hers..pt±;ns_apn!%.j toes and 1oa6is beet.] Pk ntz


I < rop, s. re .~uod. -----'l'cb·-----



i ~-

· •·


~~-O-'/".-"lili'- ""A'·"-,;,,,..-:-1wv•~,,.,n....,...,,...


1~* '.:::. ~.Rii/er ..

ea1as jtb&tik~/ 'iianf· ij.. - ~ .-~ ..-;_.. _··::· ,,·a . . >.


~ ~:as ·' theri/:

#i3eh, i4±sh$±,9%

~ s·v~~en~<at:ioutri~-a-·c~.--. ff6is@@$ff»@ j#@ I tn, .. th"' -lock. at:-,0-k·hs•.:.;'.f.rou~ ta/e@' an re4ci4/fr±s'tr. ij± He leve1~,,th~ ·\.,"'e~pon :_a t'.,-the~<l09r-~· i .. ~: .


,:. ·- - '

2%71.° _.. S:,}·/. [-.;,->·:::.;-f:··;~"'-~----,,~:. -r.t

I ivaited. J'.);1 a.··te\~i tji6mentt,];4i~Yi~ur:; ~ gla~- t?ibandoned lflf, o,ttf~~-f?ztct::!'~ ti he door lth_the :. k:<:1y/ ;,_~,~!i~:;;t-11~ theilt· a.dentlon,·to · the :.s.tdc:~:,windQ.W.:.:

aientrance,3rr. l: ,I1 EE.,$52%±±±2.#±3%2

While. Ui·e:r"•:,~£e :P6;frig -~icf'btherwtai attempting 'to gt@c ~ro_i\·n_ ·rnad~ _llts-;_·i,:es._en~(la~~9!1 bya

, · _oem~nd_ · that,, ;r1ey~_--9u~ft;t,he. -· pre~se:$·· 1

and tntfmated .1tl1a.t-:_11e;:"\'\·~ ·r-ead~\-__ for-

,~ through the dar~1:1_ ~S'.~·_\i.)ij'l1~n_ >the_r,!g_J1t II . v-:a.tchmn.n ·.ma.de·.: •art '\Jr1yest1s-a,tlot)/': ~t ;m, the w-indow he· tou1i4,~···l;i.?:j)Ick.···a, s.plke. m,Lul and an overcoa_(;tliat: the. WoUl<i~; be)., bur;.rlar5 had -l~-:'.:Whtr:itl tri. ~~eir, haste to. g~t away~·- -·nw officers ha:x.~e the art-feli:'S and. th~· -COttt. ir·rt'."j.,"'tird~d may lead to th~ a_p.preh{•nsion of

as ."-. cluf' that




'r i D"'_,,, ,-~ - :---;--r.:-----...:..,,t;c""®.,;.;,_.;.,.:;~ .~ -~ ·q · - 1·::., _· · ·,I r"'',._..,"'.;.,.._;;.~~~, "',,. eve New :· · ·.- ;,t.'-l!'- "'l--..... ·.::, "'


Dffl,M~-~11~·~1 -~,~--'·•:" .: ... ] Jl ------· KU lil~~-~...\~J--"7-'.',--•-~ ~- •--~J1!; - - =err_rems"ems_f% TRIPI E'J.1""~/~ ~fflw - . - t;



!1.I i·1 _

b,,n"l r1t: l] a ''"1 ' t ,\YJi'cre


ii M,-...J.&~.


.... ..:...,.iiil.,L~~A,i.,.,,,.._,._..,,




' ' ' --·••·-···-·····~ .:iam ' ''"''', :I' I . Ti l' -_. ' '_··-.;-t=' t·:_;~-"-;~,~-- ··,>·~ -~ _·•-._-;.:r _·,··t • 1-<.JL~·h:ti,:,,~p~L,-v. ..,~'.I.he ·o fflci2J .. te..1¢-.fJ,t.

or the

tie tirt;umtt


Lgko Ii<

riestions company pumping plan near.[ Sar fosa, wran conducted April .· 22. ,::.... I


observers "were . . lJr..

· Interested

g ±4z gg;:3] %%$3.&.re.pl53g# ~~~::,c_-co.~ ruct1on r~---. , . ...•----·aoo tests .-- ..,-Jlt ···::... the. ·,. ·:

%EE± ±±3±5.#


.~P$j,·•·,cformer,. Sta:t& . J!;EAgin,~lti .

Tntie; representing the,sgubf 1-

ifof,wet under the ew proj-#2lg ·.' %M%_CG..Josbe, 'cashier?of:doi'3.## Ss.fps Dirts and /Trust .s eons&ii.##j ,-•







. .·

M ·.



l-vith;::0~11YL~:f ,~i;itcfata: ..,from t.b,e -~·$..t':J>fs_ ~t'! ;~

etitntiop; _Joesph R. Murdoch: sr& 3$%j WI!ifs Mn'hit, President and vis- jj

p.r~~t- Clif: > the Utah ·.l.ake · fui..; ..~ g&Uon _(..'On;U}1',K)Si.nY. wiHl (}iher· offlciaJhi; iti of. Ui($ fr-dg1r.iijon ,cornpany; &:ot:] _R. ~p~


Fah·,~.nli:s_ a,nd 'C. 8. · Jat,1.~~ en&"ineen1- M tor:_ tieUtah Jake Irieatfco company. [# '!~he V.-'a'-r~ isatJr1fa.ctory 11.rom ~v(J.'liry I~


~W..tdpoh:xt. · r11ie F.argest r.n.u.np of tb12 ;;;:1 &1,'i'."'Otlip,__ which was gua.:r,:ntfa<e(l to ;lii-.:0_ an overall e/iciency of€'Z.8 per cent l$1


1'ol\~ p-·tn:np £lrid rnotor. de1tven.n,r .:_2ft iD!


~ IH! .. fl.i:let a,gllM.IUl•'}:

a head ot 111! 1'feet. ma::;.:imum, <lel:hrerNJ 2 4 ..~ eecond-feetfj .a.g&.1nst ia. tO%Jlll.! be-.a.d of 107 .5 feet. fl wHh an. effidency. o,f 71. 5 cent~~ overa..l!. Thif; hig"h efficiency i."'.l a. Ci:.\al'- ir!i~ acten~tic 11Sougbt for- fn pumping- xnachin4'ry as it. :reduces the a·mrnal x:na:1;1- 1;



t~n.a.nce charges; f9_r J:>'JW~~T' to a rn1n- ii; imum. ' ' The. Utah Jae Irrigation company h


w1ll. be deU,ering water to Hs sub-· 11 ~r1bers in Utah cnuntv by Ma.Y 1


~ I1

this year; a11tl in ~alt lAk~ coui±ty be~ ~ : fore the mid<Hc of ::.\h,y. 'T he eu.b- ~ ~ stantial c_orrntruction th~t b . ~e~r1_lt i_ conducted a.long the ~anal,. inclttct1ng steel reinforoe-d concrete_ (~u.lve.rts and hrl-d&~. ingQ.t, iron · h(i;·:,ulgat~~ pl.pe.s. ,md 4,000 .f eet of concrete Uued r~, i tunnt•ls through Jordan narTOws~_ to-. ~ ge.1.h~r ,._ith the ~rubst..~.nUn.ll:Jf.. buUt l~1·

, I

Ii Ii

ctrn n.l

cxt:end:h.1.g frorn sotlt'h I or., 8.a,r-

, atogo · in .tht _ Utnh .. com1tJ\;}?. :~tei~a.l •· Hes no7i"Ul · olt :11,\ves-t:o,n:.'-~~'.'~~"'":::.P-~~ m . ,.,v.;ut, :.ctn.·_ a.i..,·_ ...,:"".,,.,,,. _ tll_.. c··ai_ -_t ha:lt county o~e-;i.-v• - , ~--~-"----,-· .-, . will • be a-upp • • J'l10>-h ~-.:i · ••~ i. -I!~·::.. l ,,, ·h H:t'" ()-U t:s'.iO ef~ w,ut.:i..~ "'/ ...._.::;, - · -_ ·; ., ·· A_

6r' raria . 'de;gout tu 9Pye,c%;; ', ' . AL . .· C&.lU!-~ ,, al' h,,1. uu l ®tructt.:m;·; . UiO rH.'i-~'. ': .... '. •·· ·, ' ... · 'to '"I ,


,•ltl t;,rn,bs .. ri;.dh:·ofMl, ~m <v.,c,,,1 ... . , all \YOUM . ,._ , ,,. v••.r.;,:q,.>'!YP:I H,· m .KC<l.': ~t;.ii.ul ·.r--u :i.~;ue fO.... --t---· ,l:,) J•.,.., •• i>\'): -;'




, (,i ,.

,/ ,.


W~-lkl1:,Y-f.''1:.'.P ett ~foi-

""...: i>J!B:"·~m ~. . ....·of. ,. ' . .th~O~lilll)!l!.t . &it_ :.~


ihe ,coin#is±o nes.of tits ,

. _~ .,,, •· ,,,•.,,.,'tw,~A : ~-.... Jri~'l,<11,chilif: "·tn'' .,.-:,,. ;;.; f .D9?2hit, i% hiJfi~lid, -+? ll#? k 0 •

-rorost+ton of9dis,$he,$

th.&..t ~.mowit. for-.Uif,e ·w~---..:·',j ,;.,.,~_•;;._. cc_" ;·•::,-, , ;•:.-'_zl" r,t1ffl'2U .o.f: tb4'' l'flci.l~.i~(held 1 , ,,.

,; . ·v •: •

·;; --. -~·;;., ..


yesterday @±scam@ad? ?seprecent.a&ivasofth l •,n--•. .,.-.,,.{.-,~ ,........ .,.:,,.Al---~--~,.,,_= ;,:·..,,.__.•..-i.n , .., f{

8@g Cisnercta! club % f7J•8 U£,tif. ti,r ~~-tA -~_.f(l<r. -th~ 00'\ffl.lJ'. : t~ Ii..

-,. c~:-1~:ii,,•~~~e....1.l· '\.,f.WU


~-r,'Z/ ~ -~ _~-1 'f _



~i\i$.J.k1le iii~ city. It_·_ t!il. · 11;,m~~ '~ rn:, ost f..b~ ll-orth a,n(ll $~. i~t.!f -~l

rod running eamt us@.l

.,•• L

-t~ 1•,& tr, h-t!i th W!l • m..Q4.--a.d~ ~1- · by: '91.


p-rni::,cu~ ll>J,· thci!I b;)n~~;·,.~n& , 1 · ix; vrass «sie zt the m0 _ . ~UUfE ~~' <' <'·o,t!t cOti:F/4.1 . b;::I <fov.~ ~~-Uh- [b g · fJr,,r,, buid$11 (J:f. ~l~-Uon·· c: S E 1 £;:-?1 1 J of the c spry . 'There i? 5-i nlriq';'fJ _~f -0,·dJua'{JI'' ~~ _.,. i,,;'.Jt ,,n--d {'T U10 l'M!i'£i wym:~rrnii, it 113 ff1 • .. < • • • · ,;,;· ..fl ,o.$1 J;;-1 ",nr:-<1 t fftat ".b16 ,Jlfi<&fl c-,,, rn~.cm .-.1,W.J"fM.:l'Jc-u: f•t, on cu-uM bt· obbdne-<l and ke.pt :UP tri




.,... - ·•


,,, ' •"v •


cs? hr the li) 1'1'•,.* F:lit ail[(h~ ff; l's;, , "•



• ••



n iJ·,1in >0n of

~ •


H. •~mh1;i.:•a. th(!!'. >£'f.){';1 ?.' .,, w (" u1~


:.:rd ir:f"-r·"~~t on b-on:dg (',( ~1,·,}~;:,;)j; i--Z;): ;; irj ,:~:r t:•ftnt. $.4-~ .. t!'~. .:~q·_i h1° Tngl {nk tr; fvnd to re~nnu,.1 rna.int~na.rir-1• •~f Ot~ :o·d rr',@d i( f,:5-,~,('J.'.J.0. o'!ii 1a! tho cost f r:al1rn;·•,c(• ,:;r ·1 hr'? dirt r1~,/is. m: tl!>0.(~-0. of etl t.h,._~~H" f'r<nTJ out t-.,f tn th<:' n11.dt•v-·Uo\}dng. thl"I

' il ':1

&g7"or-ororeretie8Alas-A mii@Rh"ilidtf..fl:::ii

:.;:•D..e~~.· _Ne~s... •c =-=,,.,., . _::::~. ,._ . ' . - . . . . l. · . ·-~-: ID:VERTON.. --· . : . , I . .. I 1

~~-:fl~~ = ..







-- .

. ; ~




i Sp,!.>cial to Tb""

X""~"- ·,. . .



1 f

p . r . .. . -, l... • . .....r· ,.. ertr.1. , . .\Aa..~.-A,.._ t,.e. iiu.aI-.. . er!~ ., 1,...




cr:inf"'.ren<..' r- n~ · r hr- Jord1u1. st.::-1.kr- r.eld i),r,,r..- yesferd,ay sn r) Sarnrday the Bing- ~: ham ·,\·ard ,., .ac. :--.·-<J-i-~aniz:ed ,~!th .•Jam es


A. \Trtght . a;:; b:shop a.n~ Hyrum S. l!i

Kee1e-r ar;+ F"ranc:is A. Miller: a..s h!!!i. ~ . . ' • 1· • I;; fi1,st .e.nn ~s-,::nna <:-OtL~s.e Or!" :resp-~-eon•- 1Rl )\'. • E;.iar~:- Ri.. 1d_ger- Cili.•'--'i-Ofl. .t the Cc,u:1ci! 0: : r,..-, ~·f-J\·e. Eldir .J~eph ""· ~; }! (")i 1.;r:-ir,, ,_-~~ th!' F!rst ouncil a£ Sev- # -&hties. a r;<l }-:::'.Jr!,,, A :1drew Jer-:8on WP?"~ th.e, ···7"c i t ..-,.,-, Tn. r.: .r-.. s.,\.. \-.,~r, b• nas • .,. • f'.i' ..._. ·" ,.,. ..g., st>,·,-' ,a p2t ,: ;,,, h:--h0r, to p:-r~5ide 0V('-r tht fC: ·p ,,,-1," { i--,v ":'. .. ~ ln .. -5 . o n,, ,._.. ...,,, ,....,. . _.,, ~ • -l-:- ,de·•- fi'u-" r. u..(;'•~e-.,. ~ "'- L~la 't\. - Br ~on: f:.. A.· )fill'(!, v·a..<t ◊rdained i. h!gh 1\; prir.'-: :... nil !".it a.r,a rt a.!- Bf>"hop '\A"'right·c se-eonri c-n,in:-,.,,-.;0r· uy l";,>·E-f<l~nt Hrnim \1 (~--r-,_fi". of th,:; .J91---dan i"tak!:_, . HJ:TI1rn S . ~j Keeler was tor present. T his bishopric "k








~B S

<.H lCT



a me-et- "Iii

i:ng held 1r1 i3--;ng-ham MHy lL · . ~i~ T.n~~ ·dsit!'.',;:-:,, ;-,-p-<-. ·ke nt . the different 0ij ~ s.s:c,ns of tJ--...,. <"'Onforen~t. -..Yhkh ~~ re~ .. . · U·,:4 ail ~ ,e-Il ,'lU<?nO'.?d. upon_ c'hast.fty and purfty among- th~ y()Ung. Elder An- i~ 1



dr,e,~ .J.eni-ori. a.t th-e confr·r"'.·nce. of M. 1. A. h£:-id in the ~v~n'l.n~•. leeture-d .,

on his: tr1p around the word.

_ ._ .. . :

, ~i>..i:,·;.

•• •


J·.::)"" a; ..... m,::.r,) ,.~·;:!...}<; _!hAn ,). :g th Aripjs of ~·i::-.·~ n.l'lnV~. btttn }r & F;'le tr« Ri--;·,.,.:-10,·•.

it1d'. - . i'i':,-,1r ".


n<l E!!ii. .. p.,,. .

"\\'a->:.-r -:,~ ·/,; h-:> tut

Thill ca n-·iff;'.alt('d a.•.'H•.'-1~ ;j on ~ n<i · Str1:: h J M~i 'h,t,, l~nn \r- ;ill·.· 1


n.i,m.m.'\· -il.fl,r'J '.A.~ n:••' s +n f1 tradin ;)('f(,:PJ,S~t'i

th1?'. l'pJ,~if

. ._ ·· 'm,t..,rurh.;.n. rt n:,1 ti tt\ ' th:¼1, Rh·•• L.eke 1

'pi pt vall . Tl

Inc mon

.423£.3122 7 Peso»as»Essa«a,e, , ___



-1 . ~ --. l

) . . I . . i'!M ot the • ·

,a~uf\r.:ompietoo.. I

: ·4eaJ$~ -.:,n ·


~ 'toh.ku a··vart~

,- .,,,,.,;-~~- ,}tt!l't~ :- d · bl in- .

·-,~~½li~-: ~ . the li~ ~$11 -~pl~t.,. V► I

. --~~i~' . tii- ~I lllnti~-J '.inllf-s118f t~"O

JR..h,ertcn.,.· '>-- :·.<:'':')

g4:#iie¢ _he erected«sf s-i ~:~/,1.:., ~•»<• '!l'l;••"~u.,.,..,. ,.,,_ .'...:l:".11! J "'"~'"""

"'"'""- y;..,1..1!,,/l._.i?J>


"""'-ams. 'I".. · .....,._ "". W, ~ .


3f..a9tis',@rem uefm•~ 1';e. ·saw - t ~ erigtn~Erii rid to-~ t t~do:

~ l.ti.t i:oo · engn~~ .1i ;.,ir}lt~r\'i1. ... _ _ ; m·;.,.H:k 0:Mt hon~~-· pBh~~· .ili~Ji~~J:o~ '1~]

~ ,;;Bot ·and J;dlang..too~ i~ P!:t'.,,t•,i~ %l

g hores ,4·ert1: tr.: -a-med l~ij .feet by::llt.a'! ·tre..~i. l


JI:,·- -s\~"'6 nl;:l-1.1,;~.ll-li?A--i::i~iA1:.ii;~Jli;;-l:tlif~~


~ thfl attempt . tq · T>0iR:1 ~&..:c-~ ~.m-. j ; l'l'·neua . the < ngine gtruck the f8itlmal2J: ~- ~is;:, v:,·~--- jer_ k<.--d ,.-lole:rb'l..ly__ falt"~t~ _-_•. ~. ~~ :_ . f'i.kH"•)W'n aµ ir.Mt th-9;_ side . of ~ :.1600<>; ~ n•,,oth·e. ~{lg body 00!.Uttieo j the ttr1:a.c~ ~~ •when.,__ ~~om l:i'~~i;


tack tier

.~~~1{:1 ir_~i:,r~_~ :~_·.•~-:r _:~ frorithe ~ stle froms engine."ge,estir.fed

¥.: ~. •







. . ~




tn~. count:r. ,h.lg"h.~ray ·. -~long- .~da; d ii vin,t/-Jiot far ·•"&Uttion. ~ru:i tonbt'ht;.. tbat. he. :n~ ;:JJ;o vrt. i the ll."" - .1 ,r th . . . .... ,.~-,-_,·:t-'· .: e-:n·,, -.;:;:.;.,i · .q~;;{'"·: • , e ..t.r~c-&. ..: -li""fl ",i..µ €:CJ ..s}I..J), tJI'\'.:: SP---U. ili Fr& nl{I in wit_





5 · ~nmam :J'.~~?!:l<t,i!~- .. ,_,

# agreed ·ltu hlrontiieeji@ifs; _.@e: ,.=;•.~,_..,,,.,;.;?:?.r:w~-

~ En&r.land. ~d .

1i\f and o.i:te-l'f~lf/

' iixpior.,.thsila · -'"••J·~,..,_-,..:·"-~· 1.1&/;"•Ilkiw ... ~-,\-.:·:--~ , :c,a:ugh~r~·:


gther@ye s . to : th0, ': ·ut1(l

i2=. . ::o~tefrn


lt- l1'i ntrt· S-d

h.1Qtl~ wiU be. h""~d ,>< •·

~'- -. ..

:,· >ri': c,;:··>· ..., ,,,··.,··-·,.:.•.


n.t HI'n~r,o:n Btatfon Nov.::....§_ Nov. S~ 'at l :.o·ct{¾~k .~· in Fiverton meieUni!;he>u~~. . l?l:is;'h,,J.7!: $. BHls vr-~.skHng. ·. ~.l'll~ tJ~k..:. wet Z ag?grtak"Bater3%el&,3± •Rn bir:n Ha111Htou, J'a.m~cl\f.m.£1..: 131 f.hoJ, Sot?..tl l\asmi:usi~n The art.. choir sang


.... '


'.' . . ·, ~ ' \ . .

,. . '


Rivero?' No;mi. tie,chits.sve a [

ggecgfwi, <ntiftjfiint,ism.tsh

ov. ~.. . . "iHM 'J .. -~ f/fl,J;),.?'1;'.,;:\!N"IW .. ,.~,.;;, -~---•~•f·. · 5$$}·•·--.it·",~ · 4y,· 8.Py9187 · -;.~-·.<:"•-tJ;,,i''· · ~ · · .1--;.gs@3 .r, .,.. ·«sf ·fl) .'Ill! · (I~ 3#%fj

.",J. , -111

;.,•:~ ,~-.::1'M,V,,Jlii-

.2%± 2.%s33±.i,

,u no,w omi ,; U&'f'));~i('!'.1t@,•~~:X7.' ,TU$.~

beets ra nevi$a1lj; '·t'a$w$0'n {% 9pio. ,ha0%.h%9'9%%9$4a.cps lg ,~,~'0,;ii.J:f/•,»t.\l~""""o 11~~~.~:, · .... : ·e£<±"353.. : ·.. ·: .· ~ -,tr! tt ·


'> .,

V.:.<i.~ '·~....;




~ ~-


· .~


.·ti..,,,;,, i\" ,.._;J.,,, , ...,.1,...,,.'.;!,;;f;_.,,_,.,!i,§l!c, .t.,1&. .... f.u1


~w -~~ bu\:,,.tt- M

n.··&t 1.tt/0 he~lf :: ~.iv

at,. Rhl'i5·ttt"P!a' ft~' m.••.. . n<,J_·. ·.•'W....L.,~


'i.r :



,.l','u•,~,:,:m.··~i.:;,r ,,n:.~m~ .,,,

NQV~~ h-@i".:~t. ''·J·:?r _·: · lf,1l'l' i" _,-!,;,..m;,~f£' f~'i1/'·-~•{{lj'lm ~~ eJY . f,~ ,::~;,. ~-.i:,., ._~·!"'t~-.t~ /" . .,\ . ~- ,·... -·. ·~,.y . ,~~,",

~ \

. :" ..


'""'-"li'f'"', \•.ll'!lg;-, tf."11' .\! ,.,.,,:.", ,..,,.. .,.. ••.;,·,··:.,•,(..,•.,_,,,., ._,... ," e, ,-& 1f~ l!r .,::::-1.~ ,_· ;<;... , ·" ;

•-i:--~,. ~-..11.\~


"\<Q", }I'


~ ~


r'fhlf: itftetui.~lt!\~)tj:'4\t-el½i~~t1It{~\r~ trrn't'lt 12 1eta to xtver{ on jsst? j



Quit&~ aumooJ'l-·,of,~il{t!"iJ ta-t:]tt.t.1>1>1~ ti&V<tJ r

rn¼',r1 ·_ 1trind@ und~ ~J,:1fl~'•r.i,viV;~~:IDi&-ul ~,~ch\. ~

,i-.iu&: c-omll)!e~ed·: »..~-:~.:.-a~i::~~~t!" ·or·. l1'} r; ·

tht!l p:re-~t'Lr; y~r:··:'.:·:/: .·, :1""'·;,...il ,"J..;.;.,M;;;i.~-,·,··•···,,,•,·•--·"·•11 ·



);,..J:~;..t,: ,;~·- ·i ·-t,~

.... __ •·•': ... '.

-:, , .. - f · ·· Tniri.YffltA.~lil'.~ .. ii~~~:e~,.":'&i1;1!•-:,~m ~. i/ en•~~~~ · -~~~~ .:,~,:fdt'i~1.•.;·~}~~"'7'-li:'~IilMt· ·t ., .


- .... "'' .-,.,.c•;-~•ti~~1•Wi1,t£'':,.t·!;t••h1.,-:!-;:/_··1,

~~1mz~-·~tfio tft~b : -Qr-~p~:::-~; ·,: ?tMiJ.'it~~~ ti pmrehs.u¥d th(l tt&."'ht:@%: ,w~y ~Ji: F.ti @'$C:.. [ on,i foot or .tltttt~ir..:.:'./:· • .,,, ·,,) · "·· , · . ~

~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '











+ma,IaZ q

- bi~~, sue::.·n7e,1,t1 s

~ SAN~7• L --~--~~ , . .. ,iJOH~S-COUNTY LEAGUE; ll.f.


I .,_,· .,-.•,.~:.·. .





, ,- .. ,.,

--_--···.· ..

·:·:·:···.· :·:;--~. '.· . -: OTHEFt lTEMS OF NEWS ~ - - ' . -. - ·. ~ . . : .. / .



(Spe.r;ial C_OO"?e-Bl)-Ondence.) _. _ . . Sandy, Mareh. U.-The _ Sand)'. _·com-:

/ ~

· ·




,1 mercial


club held a U.valy meeting re-i

llceti.tly - \"·hen·. H.errui of. =a loc~l. nature 1 wete u.ken up and discussed. It was!


[deied to jofn_theb aseball league, th-®·-south end of the co1..mt;r. wiHC-h is

] Being organied n d made 1up C>f · 1ocal i ;jf ' l ~: pl.ayers. Th~ towns i:>nterlng: t,e,ams · ji the league _ will be 'vl.'e-!"t - J0rdan. ~.f:.o\.lth Jordan, R\\:erto:n, Blurt Dale and 1 Herrirn.an, on the ,,e~t !>Ide. and Draper ~•and Sandy on the- ea.at Eide i k# on Thursday «he noplg •.1! Sa nd:r. est Zordan, Sguth Jordan. Crescent. l1 G-r-e.nHe. and l:ni:1n wl!l tl.!171 out_ Salt - L,"iK13 HotJ1e rkn10n:>tr.a- . . tit,n xrnin. - .t\rangementl} ~re ;;\,)~n he•:' Ing rnadP t,:J l".nYE' the udv,nl benti 0ut · to ·w e 1c0nH" : th~ Yi sitn'ff!. . Eeatt; wi!! de!!er a lecture !n F, a ri d y FY: d ,.; y .. \' (' n :" r: g- () n .. Fa r mn Sa n j ation." He \··dil use lant~rn Fli<lf•g #t o illustrate his talk. Tho lecture \\'i!I





oo fr,-ee arfcr-~th,· puhl:c l~ !_n\'ited.

j 'Th Sandy dt y r-a rk ha~ b-een rn.k('n l!o\'e_r by !he city: more t=I:'~ ·t,-!ll b{ plented




j,bes leveled:r





and p!attei

l;i;--- Tr.r~; ShoTt · L:nP

Rn.ilr0a11 c0m1:,an:,; w i 1 i p n r k t h,~ :" t a , ion roJ .n d s this '';sp:·lng . . Supt. Brewer wa:-; <in·xn r<'{cent!y ;o.kin over the situation and ir,a!ci v.c,,k ,dl! he h0gu11 ;i t nnc~. ]] 'Tho brick work on the .Jordan nirh ;scl:n•::>1 "~ un .r•·s'.f'rctriy an,~ 1::: t0 b~ l1n!sbcd ln _4() day~. .-\ ,ntagr• wi'.l i bo :built on.__ 1he ·~am .rut. ·w_here dpsl Pett'1·son will :re~1de. . ·

, ll




.. _






~ .

·_ . .

-- nonesseemmeaimer»ERIaadileg.ti#fa±i d#es@jg

.hiillh . ~-·, g et!gig.i d, id3p r@ gin ,q .." .. ,1, .....-.. ,,.,,,'.,,c'.

ft q1,1,.¾-tllY'/s.: .• _




ii JtridiiJ-~, AJid! JO: '11f'v1 tatfolU nav.e· _u&.:n

jny._hr'to_,the t onirerctgf ctut@f

,}~ :~r1-lt

L.:tke.-,Ci:tv a.n<l··to the Com m-ert:m1.-!

~- 21 u},., \iii. the 'w<--,;t: sldi 0<>r:tlii,.)or.Oaii: l _;; n I:(!·· to0 ·:-+·h-01,e.-·or LeM . and ·,A.mf.'ric_an 1: ')rt.,rk', ,·

c:::·<:. ·.· --~-.--. _-· ·..::·· .· . _:- ... -·- . -~

-R±sit&i fatso 1a4 airan±sent f ·wit (he Agriilural co!lee tor sneak- f ,J >r~ rrmn. -l :w •·o}l,1gi": t,t h.o1d -M ss1(,ns or. ·!i o,'.\

Prida.Y ;/nd r-:1·tui_-d:iy-~ April 1,·-~11i:l :JS.:·)

·,t·· 1'hom:;s P. Page h?$ returned trom a i

:,rq, to·.the,.c,ju;itr-h•"' -·of· northern1 Eur>p, wbre he'has been y!sit-irig frt,,nd ~ r1.firi 5\u<lying rt•.i,:::ent-.Ja\,-!'l t?-TI- f. ctd.± thise lands for social better- ? 1:1,· n, ani news rethids of ta.".t.ation, . t ·-, ..\_. ian;e ~fn,)uut·,_,f new_:.l-&ndsi l~ 1:,elng-·~


·jnto cu-tth7,1t_1on this year un-1 ·'t,r·,n..:gln ±. th nwc anrt and about i0 percent {

·, 1/.ldl t..ionar irrigaH,d ground is addeii to ! :3..,, ' ,,.......l ' ~~ .l , ~ ·,.;.a ----,--~ .- •• ,-ri""w"n:r'f,-.u;n:c·'t~. ~~.;ntrtrl ~• t:: :.,. . I

Th~~. 'ctr,Jl,·er1e~of. Tiie Dir-..J;,:1ret :--;e~~s lt _. . . . t.~apw c-.":ening fro1n the lnterurb.:i:n r d are app1.-:eciatcd by · its -ma.n.£

.. :i-,f:

,?_~l~l~ ..:_.






,t<.· -- ..


. ....,_,_


.,·Hl">·~rtou-_ :%.,, i'-.: l>a-:'5-0ball~.i~ill);[ '_u};d,~t·_

1-tv.> inanagf•nt-.i1H - or Edwarrl t)rg1ll; i'-'hlc.h expects to be hard irom .d"ur-..:

%i _cg


\va:s· {: •,:;:.:.;c . ..


0t f! ij





i11ght:. s

to tne- Pt~.. '"- .......-.~""·· .

sbi . mt1nth:ti~: ~('.J.1lS\.t

#..a± 7

"man · o.r<e5im~1i)':;/:\\~J


ploylnt• . .lQ',,:t11eiJ.\Jcir:·,.rH"-.

,rnonet>11ii:s· ::oi-:,in\put i'rp tl-,,

.v.·ho ~say:,:.t,}iiltt.$~W.OOQ .•. o_t":/_ be depended upon ,vhen·;c: lak~'i1r·.a.. more- 1,'. i>11crete .tor"'

· CA <tonfm-lt-tee. · co·m1!stlnt•



H'O\'<(~u·d;: R. 'S.. IJrrn1Hto~, ::J'::'< mtin,_'JJ,, o: Dhteout. -n"~'-J, Gro

Peterson £.'A. Morr{sin,


i~nd. \V. :C~ Cr•tt:rn1.'.i~ wa1f~pp.o!tiV

range_ prelimin ary ' u~-.ta:Sl,s:'jtl.

J)Ott <to,~ .•i\:m a~ti i,J1'.l~~t !1;1g;.-·· ' httf'.r··t;y J; ::1.1,",.•·.Mc-lki ·


f 1


1 L.Q.l{r:f. cJ)JJ:nty.-; :\•PU ·


E ,,. ln. 1.lld,dOl1r··:'J.,')"\.'h~.

j)hint ·is._ (~i:mtemplat~ .. ··· ; A.4 8

sugar.. ~(h pmp. ·:,~. ,, ·:.

.E A

. , '.·'t:re1cJH':S ,h~?;/tO:TI,lO - · 0 . l<.ld:i.~,iUt, V . H. i-tnm,:• 'f,il>i ;1::ct J, I·: .,,_..

,.__ ,,.,.,,_.

..,._~a, .. ~.:u,'l-'IJ'.·-··


~ . :·;

r,bes, , .,,..,,,..Eve. -EJ.§.ws· ~ ~~


. . wiiuf"ORP . wEBB\:o '(.$pectnl·'.~·~~~-

HJ t•e:rt<i,1~-~ F0b~:· .~2,,.:_.:_W!if$

r,,rom~n.0».t ~nd . ~~ .d plac0. ·01~ 'Feb.· 'u.·:•<.MT/'_'. born · h'Ji Englr1,mll, -~', ~.h:1$$ .. uri dly htswife,,nfr@dis!kl

rz-w~<tehJllh~t. - · . ~1f'!l~il\ trt Y''<' !!1eUil:·tn thfli'•,lllf.~{! .. · · 0

in0vs Skay, "Pel..$2

--m. ·. !•- ·:.\ •... ·• .:·, ·} ,>.L~~-.:7\f(fi~~

V• .\

:-ft •.. .


lay, c.om~.

'• :U; <lhlp


~&t!o'BliJ, 6?are srt.ztct

. ~l.ee~~· tn~.

'! i/_.: ~(.~ .:~·; ~


. ''i

Sh<-rdf .l~)fip • 8. <·ortt•s~ tU:l<l_ 1-1- numbnf d_~•pul_\,_JJ l1:b;. flli.1mi:ng. resumt>d. t.he, W I· · . · l t1ul( at dragmnx thu. Jordan rlver near{

i:di a!u et!•;,rt to' flnd. the b}:i"J:!i; od

:'_ R!v,·-rt,,n f

, \\'illi:i.in !ieed ·,-rr, Br!lt!


.\it J!::_ls. ~~ed ·: pipneer, _wtio(ir;~

to1l.!l~;have q-.p";•an:-d





(torn. hfs; hotJ'ie -a:tl

:!1.fior~dtiy. !light.; . His hue' and' a~

I :'P\'~ \H•r4\:.(eund (1n t_r:. hank,-5 of the~

#%j fiver ye«rd@y

y John Hanson. a-tam-}

1 1 · P'u•1tnh. \1' . •·. _· l ' ·-~•• " ,J . • } The her1ff 'extended ·» _ v,in~ n~t ""' . 11·· ' . . . . .

i-'r or

.· ; ~~ O\"er ~'1

1,,, th,~ Jtirdan_,f_ ·r(ver up_poi".!i~ .Samu.-1 · li<>w-~ . II, I . , · ,. ,. .... . /; 1% rd's ranch. a mi le blow·the_point here{

I tl.e h:tt __a.1:(J (1"_Jon•_ w:-_r~found, 7:t1!s 11arti

I d_ th~ nn·r:, 1l-. bPln g _t!i-i~s-ged. tooay.

._ ~

i7l. rrw lll!8g,ng rn~,.n wa--"' · !or :L"2 yean1~ ' hi~i':op o( ~\'1-r:t J;_inlrrn!wanL His ~ion.t 1 '.Ult'\" Hlll~. ~a Id he VVRS n+·arly liiJ v:earsi

,.. r as.if'.

:wh : . ...-:rn ft"ebl,:<

Mon1$a 111•1<:,· t11

Rtt ◄·nd


H1r: J'}ft hori1~f,

e ad ome tu si-]

tv ln · SrtH Lnk(-.·



tliought t!ikt thl" ,,·alkf>d ·nl1H1g th~ ba:nkl of_ tl1I' 1r., !,1•(nHw• tlred _:tiHl i>-erhaps~ f,·J! :ntn U:~ rin·r H,,, wa... born at burg cm1traced tu op el nd '1sd



/to f

pa ins Sn!t [Ako valley in tMS. I.Hlt'!" !11• "'i''t tlNi :1! Hivert.on. He r{t'Ureif as 14s± 4 . .+% ward bout 15 > r-i:1·i. ;,g,. Iii, , ·, '. · l! :--: ,, \"11 d ,l.11'.d i.,··r•r' rf-c'_P i \'('d from t ' !iss o'lock thls afternoon. !·




. -T+----. ~ ...!L.._-~ _




# et1i'1& ~

,_.;2.:lfu-- !0s,€;l\.-

«II Nl \ ·. .CF I,. ' ,I fl•,,_ .WIL · IE% "!%'~ . 111,L


'-~,·'FDUNO. Tijl5 •',''.;.jf/M'ORNING • .. .- , . \




•,c· · ~

B-at:!l:-· dl;'!<·ompn-1'1~ .

:·· ;.· h,;_· e. ~m. -~.- -.- o. !. WH{iafn1 #; Efi 1

1' :


----....,;..,:;..__ ~

Bl-Ila.. who d1appeared from his bone t · Rf Vt":r.tnn all1)Ut tl'''O 'vi.~~i.;s · ago.- -..;.,~. ;;i',iin'(j, in_ the Jordan_ ;,rt,-~~tir1;t 11' o'clock ody by a searching partyconsisting of to sons. George . and David Bil!. Joseph Park.

The body


was found{

··: r:n!l~ snd _ll. half n~rth'o~.1~rhsr~.,h.~•--·!1~t.

glo..-~.s were found. ; . :n . ~ .. 3-Jr... _t-.11ltE>. who . f,-,.r .1• nia.i'.f )'C~ ~-\was_

d:.';.111:?,iP o_f &ohy. I9rdn

_ward. _leffT'@i · 1

'Jffi0 1ft mf'tl't aoout .fl"O ~ ~1;, 1D ag-o.

hs:,. was_o lng

He dfd


to S alt /Jake Cit onl not t:r-etu in. an~. me,m ...

of hte ·ramUy ~S'.&f'l'fif6 earch for Hr1 . hAt l'lnd oneh glo.1 1- we1·0 t'o1;tn(2

vtntowg o.-rt the I hani\oL th,e· rive-r

#leer<on. and asearch cfthe rtre:f



of the wnter wAtt rl_r~lt.&"-'<! out andj river ws ,1,:n,-.mftfd, bigt n0: t.ra~,ot ~

! 11-t)t.:r

,,·~:ti founlf. _ - I


_·' · i:1


'onf'iii'.l,;>nt th~tt th-fl bod)· w:.,s. ln .,the rn('"fnb-E>l:fl ,,.i:lf the fam:fh· ..:-ontttautl,-' ur, the ftlE'1trc-h. Te party sa.Hlng ·'HI th,~ t1, er to-dar hptlt"'~ Ii\ ,illght rl~•

In the

t r. nnni upon investigation


i"ounrl, to h1t,•f.'·. ,_,:f>.. n-~"'"" b>··· t~ . > c,f t.h~- du d tna_fi: _ Ru~rlf( ~orfoa1r'/.



otUied of theiroery. No ar-{ r:•ntit for tllf.' fnrr..~rl'll . ,_,a.,·f". n•t b~~n . HPV'l lfr FUii" !-lh·t•rl untn ·t ;.u~u11tt . hP wcrntd have:~<'Tl ·~1 yean •,




"eJ.ML.5"%/'3MAS9-, 9Rs-TEE+ITV# A a#ar-T7SSE3RTE"STARACABS±




. .. .

.. ..

Crt,s, cv.e,- ,

ANnHr-PR£S[N1 ftf:}

3, ;





rnn· BP•. w. ·t BILLS


_ Funoral nervices fl)r «·ttlhtm A. Bills,.

for :;:; y, an; biRhnp 1,r ~~,i1th ''j;;faaii.: yren" hel, >p:>sterday At the· f!i\·,~rt 1 m chapel. ']'he large hall. wa·s c,1mplet"'ly i,


~ rm~d -with frienl'a ,of tht:" family, many; ~- ?f them having ;om('. many miles to be l iJ lH'Olikse-nt at the f 1neml. . - I ~l •'lihe · erices were conducted by.\ ~ Charles MHte:r of th~ bhihopric of; 't·Rtv·erton, \vsird. The_ choir:: u_nder ·the I

<~'V. '\\

~ !\i!r.-,~ction ·of. F. f.'Ob, sang, hy re- J / <rtHHli'i:, "\VJ:,1en F"iit®t the Glor1oue. Light i ~1 of' Tr11.ih.''. _ fhmbE>n Ham!iton ·th~ hivoc£>,Uon. 'the SJH'ake1·i.ti vrer.·e _ Byron { j Bt<·:Jute-8'.d -of South Jor·di'¼ri_ a nt.' Phew / 1 1 of the dit<:-e3tgl'.&d., who zae R biogmph_- 1 lc;al sketch· of the pioneer~ rnenUontng ] several chracer{st!e experienees pof { /Ii M:l lit& in the__ S..t<l.lt LltM(' county; Jos~p-h : Org-11! of Ot"nper, Bhihop Snmuel Holt i • of South Jori:tri>.~ 1u10 ,v111,am D. ~v.hre.



i• .



I j

stake. · Ms!cal{ b .lames{ l Moneru-r f?.nd - Cav<:•nd~ah Cnnrwn. Mr~; Moncarr , ~h1~h'l!f b:r requ()-9t, . "Some-{ 1 Ug"tif.l 'We'll Undierstand·· and. •·o My I president

of Jordan

j number




,,__Bltihop F_'~-~_\:~nE;d .. f('ti~>n_ ptnnnu. ,,_c~d . b·. y ~Ii .Jo_hn A: t,:;gbert.' Interm•:nt wa.., J I in the BnHth ,1oNlun ct-rnctt>ry, I






tJ~ ~ - _· . . --8~~ lL"ffll1'1a.~:!:Wf,~~,-;.~~ ~ ~~~ E E#A,%9.$$ ,£32%%D%2%%%%25,+t%2%$e%.$is%.32#de .


.Asif . ..,

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1 h,- ,. " nlr.i;' l h" ;1;11<••111 w,-:·I' ,_ 1 r.. ,;! ,\lnnrr nt th•• \lr,trl R .. h111 )'r•H•:. ~urlll!( th.> '"" llf~ ahl f,a tt;one pma k er mo! u,~,c 11,r ~-:, ,._._ • .,f'"thf" ,·/ln.JLI ~rnJ rrt. rant It K trkhan an ts»tmset»f. .\n•l M Mo.A.«k outline d tr efl t« r.1~1" r\ .,• 11-, .. r<•r:1p~nr :an,~ 1111 n·rr1:. :n 1!,,- t,,i\1<1111;,:; u! lh,. r.. nal. ••:rt ,,,,.. , ,,., •. "'" ~k .. r rn•to•!Pit .t! thw arr w nd .-s.1,-n,Hr,,r :" \\"r]! ,y 1,,.,1 nnh· h,,--f'n 1'v·gu11 l.1111-f ' rr,he r M r M urdock r ar e tn J r!'V>-<" ;.;'r.i~ht (11\1 rrl'r1\I (f""r hh ""11h1-.n-·.. ;n n,,. .- .. ri v t,n11n..-!11x r.r lhl'" r, rn}••,r t >'hkh 111.u!r 1111 t,.,,,rJnnln,:: p,r>a•lhl'". lik• f,tr ~; ~f•·Alll,lH, IUI thf ff't-r,.- Tl\t',11\r ,,{ tltr tn;\nufartur1'r" nf 1·11111. nr;.l• • ·• I th,· ,....mrarn· fr,r 111 "'-r>rk.l l<> h·II tho- J1rM1<!nl or \hr- plan,; .,..1,·111-a: tt:><! ll hnt tuah n»+tw moor» E the openinx vr • rn+,mmotb ,:unim,.., rt·· 1'1,1.n hi! ,.1_.. ,. al r, rf'1,,,• n1 11'1 lnC""~-- -l ~r, In Pr.. 1·0 "?,D}Pll. He v.td 1h,.~ i; 1.nrul~1\!c,r: 11nd th,.I ,.u.-1 1 r, n• J....- 1., .,,. 4 pro]»ct was ,t to Nqutr thw l! ,r rr rnlr «tum»fny ope n th wa r propett of the nl.J T .. lluri <l ,~ r,,r ,11,·h 1...- •1• 1.:1,,;:!" n. Hr K11,·,- 11,11ul'>1.11,., {,r !hi' "' lj•i .. ,n n ( th .. l!"llln!J(A,·lurrr~· ,._ .. _.,-. ·t.\ll" n in lh,. r,-e,-ni•lin,: tlf 1h.new lanti . 11 1 I .:; _ I


'l·t,~ r,t0 Jc.ct whkli m lnz.tlon rr•c~ .,; f.,,.)· yer in ths m ak!rg,

om{eetlon throw;Ge he tort,-. 11:.\14 .-n,i,:-,::r c,f .•on,rp?1


d~k And h:i.: ~~c-13.lt';. lu the /l('r,l~?'Y nlr c-<1nlP,'lh7, f.J; -.•,t'll A.fl

. llht" \!':"l-!'ly tlw~.lu.ablo o..,,,i;!Jitanc<? o! '[h.,

C' t.HilJ )\,t,!k,n · of

cr,Hh.!. 1-n: mA.rk"'°d



l"-t- n:1-. l.';t"bl J;.n;'!. J. ~i\'lllt.l\m l<

1,r ll11;,·Jumlna c,; ..-,rtl<,:c-n,,_ot Jh~c,;mp:rny Qr-e

%if$fit±5Sf±$±ii#ti. :0r~.• lr,1&,,•ph H. l~ur,fo•·•. J. v1·1111.lM nurl11,..- th,. "'rtt-r- Enl'°hl. i'"r#J.:1rh v..·. Klrkh!!m. Ru,.

clllr: ("ll>1 n( 8,:,. 11 l.a1..1':

non th+r men, form!nr n party r pken l Chipmtn, A. J. En s o, (" xn, ,ii:. th«e r r t uf th, o;e r Biol, J_ C. J t11111,e.n, Q .. ..,,i(,. II. Drlr.i• lrr1,-:-itliun l"Olllj••q,r 'llf"rr IJl.kr!. h ... 11 J\lld 1° -1,h n. r.: ..... 1 .. r IU J'I\Jt pr:p)!,!Jr,. ,,,..,.r 1hr l!n.- .-.( lh., Th+ " tT !r1J l11 ef t!!r c-omp,,rp

.27««co so·pp :::%:12.3,

Th.- r,;11ln ,- .. 11,--1. z·, 11,ll-11 Jn , .. n.nh ;ih,- f)A~l lVn )"l' ... r~ h.11 • t•11.1\ .J ln·ctlon h><"- l:11 ini~k• • ~,,,.111 .1 11111,- 1111(! ,. Hi1¢' f th rnrinrinr wot of the c11. n.t. l

'.!t\):;:.t. :;::,:,;;'.j,~; '.:/''i':'.'i~.:,::::,::': ! ;;}\~\:\ ?·?0~:/ ~:;,£~:'? '~~;~~ t ·I· . -,~t:~-:: ~'.~~\?~t:':L~~~',:;;.,_'. jl :·:;'.; :~:. ~i:~-~'~: :~:·.i:<~\:.~~{;·'~:!~~~~ ti; ru<H1 rr of whuh ie s uppl,rd Ms tt ours unls +r». ·.1·At.-r1. th,, ,-,.,r. .d lr ... ,.- r,..- ,. 1hr •H•·. 1r-1~•(y_


th ...


uni-.- .-,t hJ,a ,.1,,,.,.,.,,,,,,~l ,.1 tl,-· ._ 11!;rht .,r \hr .,i:: r1,·u!t11r~l

.,_-,.urt .. r:.a: r.-,...><1r,.-·r~ 1

lh.-_,1. " " ' 1J. \ -..1:n1,·l p+,.,?>J.- fr<11n ,.,.,Jt )l " " 'l n.i•l,11,- "'-~,.: "'" ·;•r,:!.all,·.

r ,

i• ·hkh h•" '""" '""" "''" "'"'"' ,c,'




,h-,.,,,, ,,,., ,., "--

re :"" th.-


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111.-!!11,- ..( ?.di,_,,,,

"" ,,,, "''' ••" '-'• '""""' ""'

,.>, <>•.<'• rt1dnty of a. nc--v,· 1.u.ra.rl

Tn.;iq·Tt: lY• nt·!LP~:E:--:


e a' Hn ppltr th"' n• w 1..8..nds . J.n'1 ~ f.-r.-,1 •., 1<1.-:, .-.1:--n .-Ct•IJl..-r~h-~l 11,. 1.h·:, tl- ,a.t ~--...-,.i

peo p les sooth t« lrrwh ere'fo r lan d . He th_.r.t Qur'1 0-ir 'thl• '.-,n~ H:1

.i.1: a:1.i .d

1 . . . , . ,.


,• .- " ' ' " ' '"" ' 1111.J,,n .. 11.1h 1ti ..

, ' d Ir- •• I•• r,, 1h 11• , th, r11tll t'f;IJ\~ , ~ • \,, 11! \\ •, f } • 1 •~~"'I• ,L T h.....; •·,ttll \II ,1• I,. • .,:P, 1• 1 ... 1 rl • l ,.n• tl - r t.... ,. ''• ~ I•,• , fl t) • ,


\\' II I, IHl' !1'"'; \T ._ l"n,t.- ..



±£Ee±#±± e±$fee.s '-'"' ""' _,,.,,,,,..,,,-,,,,I n


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11., , t th,.

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i I

o.tHEARTFEL TR_IBUTEs TO ·• E. BISHO P? WM, A. BILL.SJ ~, ;,.oes . Ev e~ing_ News Mon_ Apri.~

l .:.~

:? ,


• - 's !'corriroi+is k.JT..non,· April,-.:. ~-- li•r,·k u

-=-ji_ .$


~•cl ~f•~:: J'!•~!~ ~'!!:;, .... ~::.1;;: l~';'.~i' Th lt ~ --D rtcO VU fd on I"'" ?0( 11 In •< .• ;i were In Bh,.no·n • •rd ~~ ha,-omrnfn d n c At ! oclllf k 1• m .. .\11n1 :l l) l)'f' ld


\'l't-. ,.,.11 ·,

fi", o ir ca»r«s in-+. .$ '.H1 I h,.. lt.lv~rtl)fl. w.,-d bbh,:,:,rh-. pr.-f'fdf'tl. ,!

& Th r ......,n1 rholr Nnf -,n,,1'\ nut thf' ;l: iglr lu light or·cruth."- · hn·o.·a1km b1 !;i

i~ Etd,.,- R,.u~n ~.: Htrullt'on- ·




• ~-(. J.&n W'a · )Joneaf of st.Luk c o.R king th +oloa, "Rmrt mu_ e! nL

\\"11.t,l.\) : \. IHI L-... ;!


T t, .. J•rlri•·lf"'-1

,;-,.:ti<• t

'' ' "

11.- rr~




r,-rm--:- HJrt- n;o J•,t-n l. ;..:r-; ~ •r: .. : :t ,~-. ,.t Jr.rdan rr•~r.·.•un••,-,! ·:•• 1 ,, .. :1v- ~'


f1..S i@ri v€] i _""'"''""-""'"~~..,,.. ,_ --..~, HI. RIVERTON l 'Jl,Yj,..

~ _.• .. .. . .., .«' . - ··,__- \·. _ ...,-; t kiarwepage.gt'.tr9totters snoopeeoereapor3 wettestnaroe l~-' •11' • • . . ,- '.

iTO··· OFFSfi}PB'OfflJSJtJa.


•' .·

• ·_•.'''·




it#U ~;ffi!L',T#M ;,- L.ML&, . · ' 'JI}ELG; ,, &}9LEAL,AMA 8 •. · '' A w

t._-Y.. :_ '"• ;,, t... ....,'¥\.~;... ',;,, .. 'S(~.\,;'ili,&.'4_ ; "~""o-potntiort· ·,GA·-·-:.-.• ,,.h'-ia\,·:.t:.c .,..,.ou:n.ws..n ,, -~ " ii±;fie"@Ti&ijfjsr;±6] }fnsi!i zzexgb£.nkj6here"sf"cjsigsf l



,;- .••


~1on on· ::r.U-<:·.calln. tg other.-::P,{)fn.ta: -ln ;t:.b~ r

s t . g%pp?g , .), h<,>.,J,;J.t!Ll' • Pagt:,. ~- schstrmg oft?st

'. meeting. He was uiorid $o fil.P··<J • p::rinl. - :?. · ('ommtU~e ·_. f.'~t')E"@lJlenU~~ dt/3 •


'. kl, ,;:rton· Cornn1e1°clt,:;:a club to wnfer wlth si!n.llaf cornmltte.es ··wlrlldi h-E.'ie , , iH:i.:n ""ppo-k:ted. t:r othef' count-s1 clubs.!


_ ~;J<:.-tdu·ne ·,,i,1 th,;,, m~1.:i-Ung werrre:i 'Count y.. { C(•rnmis:;Joner -C. :F. · ·S:tilln:,a.,1.. 0. '\~!~-, : Cr.-<.:-Ji,Q'n, form.e<, county con·imlsai9:r.iet·~


G. C... Ern(:ry· a.nd Ed. E.... u·per~··. _.' .. -·. " Ee ;uesion of an iuiepondent tele- [ p:wrh<i coriipany Game 1rp; - ·and t was l the :."en.:ll~ of tbe m<t'eting th~t 1.Hans 1 f.

f6r th':! ,,rgill.niza.tlon of truch an - ent~rin·l.!Hl he i,u:.: under way tit befound nt·ceI1s.-.ry !,t order~to f':',i:-esiaU 'thl!l' _propoi.,ition ,.of the ·:Mountr;.ln: StiU.~s cot1pzn. Committees: have lsez .£.p. volnte.d to take this mstter p, gs fo1-

\,::.,,.; ~;: <'i. \\'·. Carlson; J. L.. ·:si-cwn :n..n.d: l>. '\Y. :-..foffat, to· · prllse:nt the leg&J. phar;.r, <J! the nn;anl.zation of e..11 h1de.f•<·r,,d1•ri;:. urn,pany; f,~or·g-s C. Smith and Jarn<?E B. ·:::i.1osll. represe-nUnrg,; the !lnanc·:al ph~:se: Dr. r;._. C. Erne.t·y of Holli'dr..y. ~1-ieyor J. "'\\~: :'ltcHenry of !\iurray, :n:ri J. ~\\'Ur::et Bo0the of :,.ndvale ·<.·onr-atl: u th o.n -e.r.eo.uth-•! c.omn1tttee, repre,_,.-:i.tlnR" th-0 committete:s o! three mem'r,ens l[~.ach fr-om the ,,arlous Comm-erdal ciub~ r.i.'fff~\ated

·111.·\t h

th.e enH.ed. (~om-

n,ei·claJ clubs of Salt L.ake eo·unty. The memb-;:rs of the:,se thr~-,e committeea are chaq~td w1t.b tht, Oi&'&ntxa.Uon .of an

Independent u:,k phone comr,-~ny at i:such r any _ t1me it is de:em;nd ~.dvts.able in

Hihtirqr. the 1iroposil1011. of tho compa.ny



L~ke c·o unty.

0!)6J::"i?.ti !l£:".

in• Salt

,..- ·.· ., ,.,:·, ·,

.~ \Eri~ii:;!~ .l

'~ .


11_ · ·





eld at Varibus Pc . In County Enthusiasm •


•• . R·uns HilJ~




:i: ~~~K~\o ao;corr~~-,. 1}.l · : :-· ALL WHO iio'ui"olir .

II a/ '."'"""' •• •• ' ""'t. . k.waeender srteio soi--I

~- Cla~~r tci Sign.;·Roll or·Ho~o,..;.::... ·Parade Planned.•

.· :·/



-- fflr-o"chl i:o The !'( ~ w&.) Y.urtay, A.:,,.ll 5_:.._ Tr p iral .otJD..a.& ~.-0 t,d,S·1utr:l~t,t Ml ,ario.11 :poh1hl 1h:ou,:bo"Jt the e<>uatr : r-it!:11.il'f"o to th• t•l•ptuui. contr Ot"~ur, th# on• h•ld here as enthuriatie hey@nd the &.a - ' tldphtloru ,,( tu procnot,ue.. Th• lllU• \)


•.,i r&y c.11,) I.a.I ,...,._. J•ci.Cl(. .-d " " d maay , .jou' d rot «et In. T h« M urr»y b.a..n4 dl• • ~ )! outed pui th.• ll t,plf th• hall 11 aud th• 1 rc, ... c:• •1.1ra~••J a.J'l <l lhroac..J lo .i..tu1. <,11,t . Tn" aJ.,.g;..ir. <o f I r.e ma.~llnC' ,.




,. r

wu --1-1 ...:,d_ Tuccttl•r.

o~!,,~~:..:::·:~:!.:t' :c; '

,:U~11u:t,; ';.:_~·

U>Uh.l Itl up 1t, tt:c- t,,1,1• to f1(r O U1• , · r ull o{ no:.or · A · 11cramLi1e: roHo• • , .. ~ •ml ...-1-:,u th• COUDt ....... rr•.-.d ••,: telrJ,b<J:a 1:• -t rll ha,! pu: lh<:lr nAJn•a du-• 11 lO ordtr O·,ur ltltphonez dl•COA• hl'~-t J lH,l h.te:r lt,IJl., o doclt D41l l'rl•· •

"4,""{1-wok«rs v «ro orsrl-

J. \V. ~.-J!~1,r7 ual it..•. ,•.-. Carh,oa.. ! .u-., or' ).l dh:,rr r .. c:r"!'J th? hl,n o ry of -~, •'~ lh... conttU-'f'f"fT. Jlr. h<lM It bA.~ l,e•n .


J. cumpanr ha•






4+2:. 1.%%%-2' +::.21.13 21. 2%£. ·::22.527\4:83 :::222:.%2:%2 lI, Thh

dttta las t moo on Iha i,.11.rt f>-C the com-


Into tht l<Sl,..pl'lot\l· ,01( 1.1.- !-tlon.. C:OU.1• rnl! r.- .. ~ouf.. rrcJ Tdth tb• T cl• ~hon• ' C""Ump:uiy and afur- r,r, ~£tl"d eUort• ·. arrl\f' ;at .J.:-: und• 1 ,tb r. rllnr: It riporled ~ U• .o.l II C"'o•.il• I lt:ak.- nu hcad,.,• zy and th• ,


+#%. . 22.23+ •,r a~Ju ct 1• ~ 1h .. •rtor111

tu • uh• crllH:·r•


{pp%;;;if±±ti;iji; ]?

r :.~~- t~nl:\ ~::.1:-r:~~~I::. Uld 41-i hOl W,tl~ : ~ r11o4.-J"'C'r--1.>..... t !C7•f- ~•1;111.-•t~. , ,..-o\flt;<>n ,...1,t µubllc· Ullllllc• owe • •• r.l\JC""h 10 th• J.,t:Qi11"' a fl dn th• p,copl• to 1•ul.ll,: utt11t1r• A1<d I,• "" ncurrcd In th .. • l&.tcm• ,.t• . m.- ,1 .. bT ::Wayor· )1..- )f.-nrr, ,...,,.~.:1.1H,· lh thl" nu.1ur nf th•


hl•l•,n· <,( tt... .--,111,..,·ic:r,,

ti,. •.s.lJ th•

,ou.uty C"'" lnrul• • ..• • .. r11 h-£,.,. tht ,,..,._.,., tu r11111:ulalo p:,l,J I<.: u1.t1t!r• In rr(!'..o.r,h lo tlll•J Jl;tJOJ tc,11• 1o:1'1 th~t undt- r th. trllr,rhu• ir:r~nt..-tJ tu th• tcl..-phon• u:alltr n.r, t,..- lrlc-d oul



In rt"..:arrl • , ... J\n lnd,pc1nd,nt llfllUU (•f tc:t-pho11e:1 .)Ir. •~~.,1.,11, r• port• d th•t { .. a•hrn ,·.r:.ri1t•li•1c. •·h,,a1: n•m•• wer•

:1 £ : ::3.2:/

~ .-111,,-na 'IIC'lth

u:• an:1 In tbe r. nuntr • Ill l,ack ,h,.n,. Ir 11«-e.u.ar,- . 11,- ••I<!, an 111'1,-i,,.ndrnt •>•lf!m w:11 t.r rut Info 11p-,r.11tnn. lJ a)"Or l! cH• nry ,.-.1,t th&I ~ l .. 1·. Urllo or llunt'llr lOl<J hlll'I th•t t:. .. h.,d b..,...n apprt,&rhci<II hy • ,,.1,r• • rnta -

%%1 2

{: .' ±2

d• r hl11 1n• 1runu·r, l la)C• n uut. )J r J11:l! r,. }Jr )J~·J lu,ry ,-;i!J, tnhJ I h., r',..prt.

E:2:.. 57 •=•

1oll h1• nrh;-hL-,r• bo JC:I\ •h,. ,...me tL lf'• . 01tirr• !Pt1 f-~ wouJ,J ,,,,!tr n:.11 "J,h"nt UIJI . tans re already under ..- a,- lo ~.11.i.• , !ht 111a:hr \.u the (,-i,1uL. .t:.irc 111nJ tod..,y 14li. l'. t.:m.. rr "'' 111..•llhby :i.nd ~IIJ Or }I.:· 111:nr>• a.r~ tJn.(tln lf p. l,1II to b,s (Hrter. 1• ,.J to th• IIO'il ••-ion (Jf that l.HHIJ'. ll 14 11atd th.a! J: J,r..,, i1lr• th.., rot,:UI-£• llt•rt uf 1,ut>lh' utllllir" . lout "-llh•HH • 111.Jt,Ji,- u11!111,.11 ron11111~s11JT, It I• rrp<>rtr, J tl.• 1 : •: ,; • ·. }-'.m,.·:- : t,:.,- 1, •.,n ,.r,r,r,1•rhrJ by .1 rc:,r.--.1.-,., ....



1 .71 4

2±:721"£:2.3Of th• A"1lllltt1 l'Ollllt'... r l.1! dub.a II-,

111 ...ald" l-0 h11\"11 rf'rllr• \ :-h:.t no') ltrn1• ,..._,.,..:,la. f11&l ralr u1II l•r q•n•ldf'r••I-• 11.-. lf ,l..- f• l"J. C"'L • nK., Cul:• 0th...,.. n-11 ..,. .. 11.-J J . J~ .. ,,nrt .. fr•·•n• ,.,..,...,.p-.,;• t,.-),1 hi .. 1t,.-,f'l.,,-,., ln,llTAl,o ,.,llhtJ• _..,., -'ll•I fir. 1!,1,-r,r:ln.atlc,n lo ,u•n<I 1••o;t.u,.~,.. )lirl·

; • .




"'"' ti1.anlic:1n Sn1!1h. ,:,..,- .,,._


·,n,n, "'• .,.__ ,;;r,n•; ,C••< ;o,:1 ,·,-. •. I.'. ". )."_ · )4 t1J h:11an; Jt! -. ·• rt on. T . J' . P11l,r • . ,.-,, ..:,.,,111 •• ~- A. o-·1whtlr11d :,.:,..1.-oa: , fi ra.n11t• r,"J ' . P. r,.,.r,,on. )l• ir r.z.. t~c-t> t(a .\. Litt\,..; (;arfl•l-i. J\ \\' ).l•-!! .,.11. f-".,n. dr. .)1..,)-),1' \\". \\" '\'\"11---~" . llH,,.J,. 4tf°' J ~n Jl)"ll.:"; • ari ,l ,-. -~J uH: J'., ~ , t l'lt. ; \"-"ra.\. : ' J" ••~A•>. •·111·.1,t.-. Al·••"tt. ,. ,,.th Jur,l•n. :J ,..,- q,h )I !l~,1t· !• ,:,,:,• ·• - !· , .. JU,!l'ou•




l:l:;:.: :~:::~2=~~~ ·t•

inorro.,... nfJ;bt. ;n<t llrn {ri .J,;.r)" -th" ordr rr out ot th tel »hours on tha !ol-

j}is;: )o~/p" r':'a 'lr~",!· lll'1J'al• "i ." ii ? 0



th.-.t :"':'-t .i,_;:

[th,+:r 'phon«ew and the remainder ... 111 i6•

.,Q_J' iil:◄ ::r h~~"!:i;;h~D~n .,.;~? b~•~~ l-!~t.:;tJt:;.r,; ,·l•tt,o:.d tod~T- · d• velo;.....t

I r-c,u.,l


At S.-.f,>d:r th.- ,.-,~nll• th.t.t rn .. 1'rh.a11t or

tho- wbo •11: n th•• •·roll ..,f hto:..or.•• Al T a.ylor-aT lll4 lhofr-e Yt"l" < pre,.,..nr 1f'h.. ~ lpbont uaor• out o( &Jtot.&J ,,, tS .anJ



::77 r::7±:4 ?':. ;c-is:# ::r: :.i4 # -7% .:,"2.3 ". 1 j u-...-o ir nlllort o[ 1hls

e r.• \t


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,,,..a• •lJJ.rt.cd t......-la.7 16 lnl•t•ut lj all p"'1',u•ra or 111.1to-m"bllu in ~ll .1--"~kG co-:,1\lr to &6l1Ht1bl..- »t Murray ctr ! hs. 11 k rl4• T ar1,.rn'>u1t • nj\d p.-. r,dr to th11 li hl• phor. • otf l(~ In Si!t ~~4 r i:r And·~ A

tr, ~ 'l'-e


du~ lo urtu In



.£%%+% Salt l..i.~e k! l p.tn.. ~ 4


,,i;ion · Rear.heel bv Commer-


1•:iril_:Club Board of aovernors RQUSED

:;!J!3µ Ri3ANITES

: ney · 0/.tered for- lndepe(14ent i i;!ephone System in Co.unty• ;



• '


He-•io i,.n t ti1ttt· -!h <tt c:llr -•:onimlff.. · i!-r,n not ia11o•r Ufe 1•~opl~ ot l!ur~ r d th w coin !j to pwrade he :~:-f·J'"l..' o( S.r,1: ,J..,nk" ('"l1y tomorr-O"( protest t i nt the nw tele,l·:.,j/!,) fbTi ·r"11.t.t-" 1n ('(l\lflt)" dlsutcui .-r.!! 111,;.,J" to th-.. bu.krd th.b rn·orn•' !~ h,.-

C ..C.

(' A mphf' U. dlM.rk l

;,~·.r.i..? ,r° o ( ih4' )r,,u n ta,in . flt~l•~ ,.'.:, ::;._w~ n..;jd Te1"f".KU Jl h r"o mp .,,n y . ! t'.'.".,

IY'l"'rn·h,~n, at'.&..ti!-J


lh4t - In

,,:i::h ,...~ no ,e:pr,11<:A~l~tor •- p.tr• ·' : i::'.d l:.t-~·1l m.11.-6~ th n r o mml.M 1o n t1(l,t

u ~k o ar. h ..,J"1d In th 6 co n •

1:1dr.-:,.u th-.?T<! ·11: bt">to'fto1:rou11 or 'un;_~•<rdn~ cQ.idUct th • public· hD.ii •·ht. t ti e v, of tha'r trsat pt1r-p';,'.\-1.·~ , tf', ·"1 nt6inb~r-4 1t:1<l ~,A/ <•n'f'.'>rl h·JII. li-t rn~d:::t ) 1::.": Jn1n ,d ~. · l:hte::t::«n!~n ..Gs y Commti lo«er Jeb r


"the?thntlephone c om+ · 'l-\'l.;<1h •.~ d ~ti.1,,-t1ra,.1ti ln t,c-h !,J! ot . i)-t'~'f·:· !C-n it mlj(ht d,(I s.~~ . :.,:-;·r ..:--.~-cn ?·l'!.!h ·~rt" o f· th e c-ump ::u ty '.,; , :1~:. 1.n ,Le t:-;u-=h 4:..4 ·tt· ha.,. t><Hne ,( :Hi,t.•O_O lt1!._'~ l11t1 'tn thts ·cHy'.tl.i,:

:±±z i1; .,r

t~:,ui \.h -1'- JH"<.1p lt1, ~'.,;rii:.)' .;t.n d .th ~ fh Nt~Jr-t..'I J~1·11p ,"l;..:, ttr11t.\l:C" iu

. ._,_. . _ . . ._.


. __ . _n

; mu¢ in th .o're to 4 · ·. b· nn ).roui1t:tln' m.:it.. '.:l, T<tt~-~ 'i'·i!e-i'r:q;h ••..;omp.{!.nJ~ t:-; i -:;• ,n ;o')•'/-r,•>U~... ,~e ...-rlth th-,, loJiij ::--~ t;.rl~•:t•~n ;,i,,d t l..:;.k(!, {;Hy ,;- fnli1ty i-oln~;.. :t.<:C"Ordtn, t,, r: eh«t by th bond of 4

i,t ,:•:-., c~u :trn<t'rd ,d clu b P-f•~· ·8r 9a ;:w: « lun s t nizhs{ • ;-.,;'h ·:'.·!th rr.~r,.•;111nll':"o.-..-. (\f-i

•d ,,.:.,1' ;



1ic-?; l•if \[l'•.•l•d ,.., ! l);,·t \ h-11-t'-c> I,;; J".<J-: ; ... f•H' ,.-~r-,~1-:..lrl'l c..• n 11:• p~r t "''th ( :

s. e..


~/ 11.t lh!." \. 11;1ls.rl:'1i.-·,· 4


Wtr'U .A. JL I


)Jcrf~u :::n.i;lfl <!•:r. '(Jn'!-un ·J •lhn H >:d~. J li!k:. e,,.nnn1,:..;d:11l '"•<-nf. 8. fl. :,..;.oo-1. l

: "A 1/ z;:.27%31 t:, tr1l·l'nb,..ro1. n !

th •

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or 1

o l.) ll \ ! '. r;•1: t flC' h . Th-i Lna.n11 !,l,·~r::f :i..n,: 1t., 'it'l'!!fJhfln~ ,,,.. ,,pto dr •: \ ~ t,,,;,q • t11 1-,111.).:i::- ).•ub:tt: lhc-.:nJ..mcs 1 lhf-"'·' b1JE-li'lt'-"r,: rn ... n. 1 Ji ;.:..r: ~1h.-~uo:~h·~ dh,<:U)..slnn <1C th ci: .i~~tc,n th<i t'!lr p t;,'ln ,i, v·, ..,p_!~ rlc."->· •:;• tl'- lju, !1Al\.d.;.ctl,1n u ! th'• b ,,,._r,1 ,io.J\'1:.•rnun1 ,i( ?.h-,.. ~•Jul, p-011(0, lhat 1

%±: %%:

1:1.,n eli.!o h ·y ly \~'\a.t lh l' r ro ,>o !C~d L.ol! · ...•,. ftr'1'' TI" tUH·r 1nij,p1~ nor,.. t.1h• 1 .. .-1.:\!,I..-. ~1,. J:1rhm1.-nt1.&· 1:1a.tc:-.t ),1 h~ :,,!l,1~11..: . . TJ,~ 11,r·n.~,-, c,,C ~i1,·,·-..--nt'lr:,C n( l 11.,· Cnm~:.: , \'.!,•.I r-!uh, 11'.!H--r I\ tli••rvui,:h rc,11. ·



1<::•J 111;;r.; ... m~.r.t.n p rt••t-nlr r1 ~10 th·c. -.~ hy (1rflc1!'rn er th r :-01~,unt&.Jn ,:,,• T ~).~p!,.o;H, & 1' •1e,;,-ip h C'rlfll • :·. 1,;",·c- \,y u r:.:t.nimo u 1 . ,·n t"' d t-C'ld ,l!tl.l when ·th-o p,-opl11 nC D-All l..a.)c• :j· ful!y-:11i\G11rtr~11.nd lhct ChAr,;f'a . mf>.J-15 ror 1r n-lo ,.· ~nil tntt:nc'\t'1 prl'ltntlle,~ l1r:j1r,w,.r:1nnl.-, c-,( th.oA 1 1·.•· th~rt· ¥.-nt l)e. n,.,.--r..-uH ror . ~ofn.: I ip nn lho j,'M l or CU."l!Om.,.rl rit j• ,•li.,tHt t:<'r.:-,,t•tl.111 .. it!1..-,r 'h-:.f A.lt I..ak-11, ('<•~fr,tr.t 1 · or In f\r U ,., r-rp ".... ~11lfl.lJT",..,, cf tnb .A.tt!IJ "tC o mm~r,:::h d d•1t,r o r ~:.i l-it.k ,. :::r ""N" i:) !\P,,.r:-:!'.!tl.l\':.,, h ,;:i,•tt)J:' ,1c~·1 rd. :.,., ,.H"'-r:-u.• ·JI vt.h• ..- t;nr..- -..·!th·, h.,.; p\",l)!i" ,._,..rnru'A.r:y tho.n Jo.n i'nllre r~ I





o«cs «+



v.,-.- 1,,11 • 1;1,..crl;,~:t')n t"H•l<,;;'? ·{,,. ,)p<";;.-~1 !r,,,~_;:--,t:: 1,, !h.- forn-,;l~ '. ,,r a. n ,. .,., '!:t:.<1'f.":,,,. ~,. n ,, "r1t c-(Hn:.-i


.EE±a · 1~B•l . I '--1-e,.tlnn


··p;,·1p~..-:Ct-'.> 1() l!

rl:llr.f,..:ll.'' · · · · · "l'\.tlt f..ai{t: trn.. 1n~&.11-:1ti"n \Q, ~ •'C' l,t-jWI· !f .. ~!~.J .. by tllll- cru.111;,.. lu toll'!,.~,nonl• 11.a.:-\·\c-a :1.11d• tnli11 • t.o .c.n\lt,IY 1•<,lna. ..': • alJ,~ 1r. ,J!lch1n• ,n1t tt,1,- ,r, v>rn•




··(!:ft,cla.ro-<] tliOJtn•"'!ln•" ,•,.,nvlr,<'od.

o1.f\llr \he, ntt- t:tlnl( , lh;o.l th•, u• l" l'hr,n@ <:''..Jli1,,:1.ny ],: JV1't 111 ' "" M. C1 HJII. In y\cw of th!. · !u.ct ·1 thln'K lh•· r.n!:,• t1:1.nd ' lh~ c';,:J b c.,n 1.:... kt- :~ that t- -q ,rr,._.. ~11 l□

{r· ·v m i «4_· -'People United


Against Toll Plan

"ence.//piss ·mo&sis&-··rt.~ . . of'; P.l v-e·rto.11; ;\vb,;- •w~o·

mlnutti~ for 'to c.on~eeu .\in. Un_derwood rna.ch1~ the 'l~tah' ·.rot.llte OJHm<:c◄ .


•. .

.,!:. ' .




Bfns' . e':rro'i-i we.r(!· u'n us !ng onl;. ~-f ·: in · ov·et ·

r o.r·:hi~ · o;oj:>On(;n ts.-. • he progra


c-..i:· contest~,

,!9_wCJ:.: •. :.>'>: ,_· - ·:.. : · · '\ . ,::." '. · {.nt.e.r·m.ountapi·__._ opet1.


,¥, ~~-1

.1~.i11.!;· P..1 v~·non.:_:J.Z.O pe £.. N c- wgeon,. D€H'\ '\·er., 95 Sa! t Li 1"-f:; ': ~H ; Ru th. B \

~o; Gt'crt-e S!.ax;ley_· Pax ·.rowc:.ry, ·Park C'it.Y, ,-·'JE, Sa! t L:....ke, i&'S. ,

}.~ j

..t. t!



Mate. oJ>cn-:::C.l..t.! ¢ 4 ¢ r , £; 3 ;.,a • ..,;.L- ...,~.:::..~ou. ;::.;,..





.. .



. . , ~· ·- >-;~~~nf:l.



Lt:iin @tr:tte.. schoi::clip1. h Ot,;d ~:.s·. Stt it 'L.1.11. tt €:, '. ~ z ~-8~.H IA.t~.-71'1: L-0i2 (;lh

: ·-t tiJ!.,.·.


·R ').fot'X"h <1">1, S { Glr:J:uli~ i?~"iJn,,:;r•,''1:Tu.it 1 lJ (;ret1 <:.:n e:;;">t{aJ,t l . .td..l ;e" ¥5-1 ; , ~ y_ • 1~. . Ct•· ,. ,,.,,..,. ~ ....a..i:ie, ..,~, . i en6. · p itn,.v .. , j Iptermountalsi c. 'eho-ol--.,,'.\l 1 ' . ,,, . .,

M; J rna

~ d,::;on, ·-1-H:;. Oie.n..n.ie '\Vt?,inei ~i 1···,. \' i s.. o·~~' t· , -, . , .. -s1 tii Pir~L··r.ear ·J1it;h >'Choo~ ·

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,; •.('"t • . .' :.,., ' -;· ...J.. .r ..~,. • ' ij ., L- 'T_IA. · ...... , fJ: 1: __ .v :;- l ~ ~-·· _'f.: rr, n1.n_ · Sutton, Par k City :t..."l,,.~-!'of~~-;-t½rk,-e+t-:r;-~vJ .~" ··--r

~ ·p .

b __..,, ., __





..-ear ·. hiJf,h

i T<..•weY, ekk City~ 4; ·i l'?-.rk Cn...-, t;l:,,P. A. j

8an, .5ya.Paul. vie 1gzzpa ±re4±,pg, : Versc::JJ.~r;..~01.€:'.~~n;:;r,u ;.::M

Ea444444 {Stai!h i ft<

# eon, Loan.


£it; R(;'J!i:. .lo · 'ThlB hi. U1•. se<ion<l· t lh'> i11ter11,oi:int ·· · · l i ving taken I ±gaaggggdig ets$egg g3g32%% 3<g3k ! 1'?.rk .cn:.y~

~ ~ ~ tf.t~ ~ --,u_..,.,.,..._,,_,,._...,

''m,it l •,'

,i't" .



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-.iOh]'.l 3.:Ktet~ ·

, Loo •. !i ti;, e-:rm a.~."




C,. 4,t; Ii



ning News





. . .

( Special to The


Riverton: June 7.-''l'h@ 1.f.i•mont~sson f Mgr. <,; ,.il7own~ here today in ID.n iniga7pa.3ch. father i the D. trn~ R. G. dflpot and b<,y had~ b,eejt p~rmitte(i to ,J
































the st~tiim.

• L.211a~ w~ 11;,,u.a.y thl.? htuo tot ft\i.,-fil~-·. Whe.11\i · tb~ faUi0rhim z och resulted tn Indirg i ski!lo ditch' not fer

{Specfal to 'T'he ~c,,..·J..} H!Yedon,·

J~·m,:: H.- Dr, . 1...: ve"terh.1arh>.n. Vaccinated

re 3{.

for cholosa. ;'he wee in {he herds of Danie! . 8!::ld '['. P ... Page. Every prc:i,.uH:c;::n .is being tnken to pr-ev~n~. the ftHtffo---.Ei~~~d of the malady. · . .- r._ ,. r'· ~ ~,,,.,


.... .


Pa ~· . . . ss ·~---:-~I


(Sp~da.1 Corresrondenee.) · · ·r, H h·~rton. Aug-: 80.- Mrs. &.Mf.h Lucy JackHn \\'ebb. wife of Cha..rl~ Wl!\1:/b. dfed hero Aus. %7. Sh_e WM born. at 1 America~ 'F'ork. Jan. 2!!. 1866, it'ialllg(il.;,_1 te-r of G~orge and Ruth W~taff Jack !in. :\fr. nnd, Mrs. Webb liave ire.I: alded at R!V{>r10n for the pe,st 2~r y~~ i '



;\1rs" "\V~hh was an

energetic Cbu:r-ch


, work':'!r. hn,1ng .be@n a.cUyely en~2l4'0d' ,~ in :Primn.ry ~e_s-Od@.Uon wor>k. ln thf:aq I ward for Hl yearn. and. proo!6lt~tat. . @fl hi that organtat!on. tor efht ye be-] ~1 tntr relsag~d 1£,..gt ·. Febru©i.ey ·. o~wfi:a~ i0; \ ~ fam.i'lg h8t,11J'th, ~be ~ wt~~l')f kiiirfl1~-"'&(] Q.n6\ e~@0m . ~d for h~i· unf.1:}.fJh1$ ,it~ -. 'it,' · and ih®lpfu1n~ to thof3® hi n'i¼.~-iK. ·. \'., kl Yun! service _wot held tn. ths


I Riverton chspel {oi3. Vigen epek-

ij e1i"t;, tnclutlh'iat Wi'.ii@~'b0m ~f U10 ~~@&h?tru'ii thrtnJrn pYt.:i@M-ene:tf. extoU®iu. bm· \111£@' f,t!ll

#%. %l

•·-:·~:-:~~~, ~- .. ',; , . ·-, ··::,.•:•.~,. ,: ': · .'-'.. :1•.:·~r.~:~,1o>,_:-~;:t~fr'.•~~ ~~;~~tt -~ Ete Nef£S · · ·: · · ··· ! ·:,,,;AJtiw 2.¥.;,-:till:fi;W:,•:'

i rremroNi.tilee


ilSCUSSt'OUES~ ·o·u·,.,::/·

,:· ,, .;... ··. r ·· 1·&1 . :

a ' .

. '






...... ;. ·_.-;.:·i;f '::· -~ .~· .·-,:':·1'· • 1

to The New.

. (Special .; . ,, --~- . . . ' : '. . •, ':.~:;::-:t·;.'.-. '. . ··: .... :·•! R!verton.: Noy. 24.--enti! ·· ~.. : -·. . ·-:-,- •. ;. '. ' ·. '·. ·:·:. _. 1!·:'.-,

,,rot" of a.:·•u~, :tact.on: ,Jl own so strong thatsma · · j )

ii ws ii« tor kl", j.te· ~ro~sltfon ,.~d,lt<tr.ile:_;II•

.;;...·,:,'t>Yl?.'l< D. O. R d· ,.... """'··.· .c.,,,..,.. ' •. • · •' .. 111 ec)U\Eof :.:.ui


•'•:li;t'{4Weetern: StiSi · · ·

';;:<J•.· Webb,::.f! ~

~I-1'.ed to ·: help\n c:i.~rsilr).c:r1& •·Md:'he i•.

,1tu~ &180


' . 10 ...'~~' 1;19 , lD·,, -c--

ztter_he»_not taken nv 3., ~nw.n .. pubU<li,setatlmerL Seil@va4 ii.be err«nii i-0-1



1 .....

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{}4;'._'B i.j·_ ::, l ;:::;\\.' ~'~·:' ··s _•::c.·.l ,j


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~i,t ?("".. ,_~':'?_-,~ - .;';~_irn11 , _- - ·"' :•~1unutJt-··:/ l*·:~DluU ~-·- · ,., --. 1i_ll!.· V·~~_ .'t,,~1r• .. N_..,@_-r.i;.," , 4,hlfe1 rt, -~ · ·" ~-""'· ~f-~- .,.,._t't,, ----~..;,ti .,.;·M_...'lll _·


.i,.~fr" .W.'1.> :.!~~-~nS.,:C~..~~~ I

ti&'s o iii@r&bi id ·vi£atty st @ k, melts; is& fas t we&@


!~ m~rit h_tl'.~~ il',1,ere. ~1er;-w ~romi.~ @. ~um:~

j f.sty..fo 1917 it estrata cs be @Peered fos E.9gt¢ .4r0 v{ bis @gd

~~ZOO-:'f.. fti'\).e m,~t1i.r~,~ :iAlJ~~Jm~ 5~e @ @re chtizg &r. . , 111



cot@ct fe et&res J4ye

{e. ti&ieft, to fee& the &there j Ups.ha Bugs Co. of »elta; he ili'4 il"81)j restedtrest@e, gg tts {g?or@is; ~- l.f.tO OO~Ap·.~i'i.Y - ~ ~ii.:bM~. - _.fufi!l". ·fflt,nnl.lt

f ye tbag pr?s@!pesp ~'3.kiil!r ru~ th~ l?~~- t._..,, J\ U}W• H~_ 1tm idi: h~ . Y@?l~t l'! -· 1tJ./iNtt..e<ra . ~@pltat a5$ to author@& te stun the ii_- ~ -rn _ ~~ ~ba!.t -_ Uie -. ~:i@ri1llY_ ~- ~~ _ f:{; ~ ~tdU! th~ f,}i!Attt - Wh€m Ui0 fi,tb)tf1\I 1 ff~ t'i:)r -i.O~®. ao~'t _ 'l~~- contht.~

j @ii,Jf to?. the @men& by tte ft&rsti i i"t"f;!f:>-t~nt~- .bw t4ir~ _ ~~~~~ ot -it t1t. toft for bM~~ t1eiivt'°@d at . tbtt i'ae . ' ifr ~-t ioa61n{t ~!!~!\, wit'b an U~Ml t;U41tti ~.V.o f@tr ~ UuU 0

~c(,f ln su~ c'.·t~t~~'t. _ Th~ aJ.eit1 ~11

·: f0r _"Ii ~«rf!tit ad4' Jtlo1tiiil fe,.rr: ~Uttl ~ , d\llU,"etti;.d bif'oni Jli.h. 1, attet dtcsn. , The 'fitop~ i6eMion · of Uae tlc~ ' l-1a Ofl ib.€!1 J'or-d~ du?~:~'

ve?i'i@i. intl. Dri\pjr. b. C , 6ut · of I)Nr.jer ·~nti. HO~~i~ Alsten _ et -. 1v_~rti_1-'~h>mtn~t ~ &\~e th'\- Ot\g -:·. ~bb I 1\ ~k~tr ~t'h,1i~ ~ ·- h5l. UUi QV'til; t,,lo•· motioia ~f the &eh~mt~ . .. • I . "f1'!~ w1::fe 1\Miit.. 1151 -'t:&.h~~re pr~

·1 _' l

lL~Ja.ta , .% ±%: :-~!ft:; -:;r - •,_ ~£:~jt:...·:,:-::

ti·i' '.' . .. . ~ ~1i 1k,,f _. ~. ~~-;;Bt"(Jl\'~j( ,., ;: ,:. ';,'•."-_::::1.1····1 -tr ~l.ti,£ ~~l!."'CKfi' :',••::;~ ,t ..




~~~ cS~ .ct'af.~ ~~~ ~~ ~ e:::i!~ ~~ ~ ~-.,:

- -

~ FUNERAL StRVfCES FOR . - · ·\l: 1

!I ~ t:VC.l\i> AJJ GLADYS c HAMILroi Hu.2z9 7 "







(Spedal (',orrespondence.)




; ru'1'erton. .Ja.11. 21.-Fuu·e.nm.1 j tees for .Gladys C. Hamilton. _wtrs of ?o-.:;::as M. . ~amlltono. we~,~- be~.a -_In. ~~--ne Riverton· .. ft.!"d~ o.: !BuRidq9 j ±3±shop Gordon"8. BI1s presiding.' The-


# openings!pray er:vs

by;cs-%i,2ii~ ±. °. ~__;.:

'~: :_'-· ,·:.

-, rJ~,I j . ..~ .± i





~~~ ,.

ftj ' ~;fsi ,




~1=.tf:;;1 . . ~r-~~ •.. Ms %9%"%22$$}

.%j±.33 ;. ;:.1,1 ·'@$i,..i;


. ;' 5 ! '




-~,,,:. -f., ==--=--- "eex· · · •1 •• ,.'ll!•'·•.,· '";t1:,{;,~m "t;1~l--, -··-ft-; , ·,•·N-~i.':~ lp~,;I;\.. 1•,·:i/ l , ,,~f:I , '


,•~=1 ··· .-~-~~·-.,.

4# 3Et ., {39%£%%_5 98;'° {48 i-"\:,,J;W '-ffi"B J: •-i· '"•,·~~~ ·.{~4'.<'"

•:! r·, f l'

:;;;_,;;.u[.. I • 'I -~'.Af.;, r i(-,-iic"!!'<'if (ff $ski $$s 3ge '!·:~:.'& A'g,y!,•.·~~~;*;:\'

t{ .


r.,J tr fl




.Appropriate musk was fun1tshed by the Riverton chotr. l."..nd a quartet ·.;0mpo~d or Ethel Latimer, Hattie Hi1w. ·· A.. B~ · 1s.~on and I. E. F'raeThe foUo-v,(.ring paid tribue to :;, i\1½3 Ufa's work of th<0 dep.tli.rt~_.Blsh].> Orin P. Mer, Bishop- Gordon S. t; J.:m . i.s,. David Bilw, · Z. Bnttert'teld a,nd ~Cl11u1J.. England. ft. mittSton.ru-y comp.an~! i~m of dec-s:,:ised·s husband, and Enn;· \l };?>etei.rson. former pret-1&en t ot th(!l Rh·-

~ iat«ton Reli~f soclet;·. The benediction ij v:rau by Almon. T... ~uttertleld. - · Inter~ Ament in the Riverton cemetery. . ill •. ~ Ilam!lton -,."'all·.- born S~p.t. l i. 4.~--th e -o aaghter-10f-~war,n;c1.1r"-:-'-I-~cn·,l ··



~ a.fld - Christina :Mc~~u.«:Re:,71oids... She iID fiurd..-c.d by her hu1.m..~11;Y, Thos... 'l.L

:.. lHa.mnton, ad even children Rs fol- 1 lows: G!ndvx lt1rlt:-. EYe"rcU ~fark ~ Ow-en ~.-.t.h .. E<li~h ~aom\, Yest.a \'as:


{, 1Yc.s-ton

E:;i;::-rino and






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...:LINE' BECt~stEA·o·: :sflLS;;-

xiiseRs @ii.ior xra . - - -- ..- ,;:;::_,,~:: m. • . ___,...-- -

I .

:I .



•. -

to The Ne_WB.) . .

RivcJrton,· .Tan.

:,.~ ~tead


• ••




2.-EmeUne _ ~,._ ~: · I

fiHls. 80 . yea.n 0,1<1. · widow -_'.?!_;

:J ,~ .Bu.-hop--\.-~~t1~o wa:sarowned · · two . ye..ars ago. in -the Jordan rh•,ir,; died s,t the .tam.Jlr__Mine~:yui.erday_.,..;


[leath.w&fl--d.M~~-io..:0ld~.a~--::::':. __:=::::::-..=:;=~:=-...=:

; ---:u-n:---'l31JJg °t\•itS ! 00t"'n

in. -C&n~a :tn-

ind cJ..me to nw.t.. when l! y~'rs ••l<l. _Heir 1'.1J.anH:r bettlcd ll.t Souti. J"or-, ~: dz.n. Mirt:::·ftH!s lea,·es se'\'eD cbfldseu. ~ ~rhey are Bishop ·o-ordoii S. Bills. D~ · id Bill$., Geor&e ·1.v. BiH!s.. :\an;.. F. -C. #} seal, Alexnder BI, Mr. Nephi Ar# u and_-_\\·. A. Bma. ~--%;;) :"tfrs. BHh -VTi<:1..13 ll1Ctivt in Church :u,,f . · 3w.charity work, She was president o!:r ?-#!J the R,t:1L:f 8lN'.:-l<2'0' £?,t Rivet-con !;C

i•i ) 18S7



#3 years.



....., .. n,...,,.,..,.

__.........,--- C··..-._:t) .• -m:-,_,._,,.,,..,,_..,.,_,._..

~;d!;:;." .t':""~~~~ 't~' .~~.IJl. /wi.'f"J"'::;_,-; ·n,•!'l.' '..:-:_,. :;- l .,>.•




I: <

;- i

lmprewve Funeral . . . Far J. J. Burt1di


l]f"t.erton, S't'tpL of thi&1\ ·place• d.i~d: iJat.il ls survived y law

re:o, The t'iu1eraf \i''.m ch.Mi l?''i~l 'hct-e, $!,t', 1.1




; yr 4re;y·),

.J ,9-jQT cl'_.:'J, ..: . '-'~-,::--~~,'. ·, ·•>'.-:"'.(, ,e

~ r T&:V(?- YV e,(,,f)~ .. .


t ,. /


· - ~ f ;; ._,


T .:




,. .( Speda I to,,TheJNewa.:Jf\ '·,,- RI\' ·rtn, Oct. 30.John 'Dail.z:

n!~-long ruldent _ ot Jhf,a vic.Inl~;i:/4!_1,.,,,, &t-- . .a -Ji. m. ,r.esterday;.,:·:~9-lJow~.ng·.:a.n..~:~t'~-

tack of pneumonia_ which"developg 1<orne w~eks a.~o. _ .l{.~:.,~~-.'91:e.:Hr· , JQ.h n f,,;urnl(·• ; a., plone-&.r,:.~or ·-,IUut.fa_ ~· ';;.r.d· wa.i' 33 yerold. Her@rrie

c. s_Mn1er

Julia, daurhter or ot·Rfvet. tqn. "':hp --: ~'-trvtv&-s . M'JI• :-~•· _do_-jt;ti,:r~. fh!ldrt!TI, · Jei<,-t'!., .,·Edgu,/:: and - Ddto~bt'/1

~Lr. Darp1:~ : ..JJ also · ·"'"l.ved:,.·bJ,~'. ~Ji•i b, \H h H a r. t'.t '5 tven sisters. 'Thefuneral!

wlli- .be h~l4


tl~e :.µlU,y:~rt.oli(chaP:.i.!

Thy,.,r.~da·:-,;. ·-:'ffi.i;>;:·, 1, .: at'i.1/i)'o'clO<?lc: ):i~cn~.:f The· J;q.dJ:· r_r,;i1P-f be:- vfe~ed: on tfta.,t".',\aiY,

r,om 1r1;;ft 'J -1 l.. l'J o·c:lock a:t '.the fJmtlj,':

1 L_.·) :11 r-.





~ ..


fV'f;ftTON' Ii '.!'Y?H.1 ~,r. tho ihrlf!y--aniJ prosperous towns f the

valley ,Ji.b ft popu.l.atiortOr-~hout. 9.()(j P"(;pie · nd tb<i trading center of .a popu laUon :\·}O'JH.· U,tee .Umes this nUrnber, locai,.; :I .'lf't ~ 6( the .Tordn.n river, 18.mfles of SaJt La.ke Clti' on th-e O!'em ttit~rin•b,ul r~.llway with the DeJl'\"f.tl" ;,-,, !U(» Or-and~ flkirtlng the NUttet n lhmd!(iJtY.,

lttverton fa a t::'ommuriity

; i'r,,t(fter,1. for th.:, mos( part to agrfotl!.; ;, :l,.""'11,,...~ >,•'1'-<'«•- - •....;....~ •- •-~- :--·•.,.,_ •- •"""- - - - - - ~



..... / I

3333±TE A-I ,9ERR-TIE±,Eeape;.p AN up;answers

rs .·





raisin . , .. pzsuf18... 1:t

itntJl'OVf•m~)hS.·.. ,.,.,.



1...,2 it«es9Rf,ere y

system, eterte

eii s



· 'T'i .:.· h>rnnw ni ty :rn ppo~~s .~-·,a:u,_bs_ta.n-. ai +amk ta mirier of stores· anfl· a . , r: 1 , 1 : it: fa c t or y : l_ 1 r n 11 g h w_h i ch the •·,,ci,;''U, r)f' th,• f'.ln-:-1:1 RH! ~.a_l}ned. a_nd •'"JJ:~rp,J f,ir t!l(' Jrli:!l:-k~·t.·


· ·_ .

·_u_;,.-_.;rtnn i:::• u com«nun!ty .of a19:,

ui dairy herds.

_· ... :


t: '{ npph': or.~

nf' alf: ifa : nd 'beet fields ind ::,i ,n,•:rl:, rh«t ui-,· enlarged ,bY thq~,q,, r; ,:,( :-t< T t';-,'. of dr:; farrn~ \>;"llh poss,~ ,1 · ;•r., ui' y!(•)din~ ,vl1,:at cnoµgh for


J,;1:n ~[iller or llh·,.,rton rliNI t0<ta:r nd for the second time li'inc,i IIU!t t.ktou,,r Willla.11, L cwili· ~liller', n· son, wil l



l>v1110d frorn



l.als~ in W.i-llhln,;ton tr,

at [1[ •

1.;n,! lhn (u11eral o~ a. me111lier o( th o, ftcm lly. Th•: l11>•t tlm ,, )'<'.lung Mlllur c,arr,.,

lior11,, he acomp u led the body of hj« / tiruth>"r, C!iHtnc" .\llilt'r, wlio died o on aft.,r thi, l,ryy1J n ,acht-tl the CiU.1l011· · mN\!, .Willh1rn L,<1wl11· :'liilll:r :rn,f Cl,H(Htce ,M i!!,·r went to. C:in1p l,r,wt~· with, thr n111lon11l 11nny a.moni. th"' first roritinf,•!t1t!l !ro111 ~11,H l..;1k e cou11ty,--{:lttroncr~lMl ller ~lc:ltenatl o.nd dlt:d. When lils hoj·11 cam<! ht•m e. on" dnad rin rl th,,, 01heyr In rnournl nr:r. John Mi ller,. the:

n rti er .:-F<"" m rm;tTrom 11-rr.1Tctt,·rru···<'lTIF: trnled. ,\ft•:r tl1!l tuner.<! the other Loy 1 v>'<cn t back I • eam f :,.nd I h1i ra !lwr j gloved. It • ti d hla death w0} h!uitt·11n l, 1r not 1,ctua\ly brrought on, 11 tr.rough i,:-rl•1f. . . Today Capt. F. , Fitz Gerald, di- t ysra! gent tor Utah n$ nocr@try ? ten Governor imor Bamber«et, w{rod i Vi!l liirn1 L twle M lfler· at c,,b·,p Le1;vir,, I fd iewn of hi father's doath nd ? n~-~us:1,1t for n J,:;.,1v& (!t·aht1('nr.:il t!i 11t th1 ! 1wldiH bey ml1;1lt ,x,mc. home to the l fnrl!"'.i.1'H.L John. ~illler t.A·nt\ a protnh1n:r~t.. l_ ¢ it {e n o Tiverton. l

,..t~..-,~...;.....,.,.._~~--:~:~..:;:.r:;.q,..-,.,,,.. '"•-,.,



rn,7.EATAR; Funeral Serice el& _ { I · · for Jacob· JH yers J,,t,q · trihnl <'.'s




~ Ja<'.'oll '.\Iyer,; .:it a funeral Thur, 1l;'.if : "<f t_i•r_no0_n-; In

wcrl' ral<'I r ice held


niv<>rt,:>? j

~n,rd .ch,,p~1.1" Hi11hifp G. ;\_ Bill !! prel'ld1-rl and the f<[)<'al<on1 wt>r(• thr hl~hop,








., ~




Zaeh;u!ah BuLterfll,ld. · all· of whor\1 spolrn 01' the 1<tcrli ng riur.!ltl~R of Mr. { Mrc.ra ttn d (:1Jmme1H1f'fl. bl~ acllvltl()S as~ a us,;ful cil!xet,. Tho op .. nlnv. pm. yet·~ ""'"!! hy A .. .'l'. Butti:-rti•·•ld and lho e.lotJ- 1~ lnr,- prayer by Cbnrliil'\ 1-;. Mll1er, 'rhe f ward choir'. ~:an;. the following- Roni-rs; jl "Nr,nrr_r. ),I:y, God. lo ,'fhee<," •.'8h;1.l1 W0 Meet Heyon<'I the River:-"' "O M,y 1i f'11the,.r ," 11n<' 1'.Tte1.1tfn1c Now· P"rom Cnro ~ 1>nd \.':1-0rrow." ·Th" p..'l.llhen.re.r"S were. 01::i: yon._s_fol1os: _Lols J I. ,I., Chu, J, .• Vi . .T. nnti Urbnn. · lntorm,mt. w1u1 ~ 1



'In th-+l. Rterton


,;urvlv_:cl b;_ hs vite, nd 3; f,r_nh,h.bUclrr.n.. .


11 .


Mr, 1'.fYeT11 '

children f

:.' . ,·. ,-.,. ,., ~

al.zz=-razz a.f






<~y rtJB·\:>-sln-d•

M.cK)ly- ITI'.l"•H mldn4:ht "JI.


kt 01,cti, ob..


cos:re ; _js y ! % "] i.i i:.:·--•.r-t. Ofh~UM to 11.r,hl th-e~. 5 ;~.. b:;."1 t.-t":'n itricka-n •n1th t~,<JJ d ~ $}• 2Y..d. t,: nO"'A- + p+i nt tn tuns i1~0-luJ.. )L.:n ~-al r ,,, oodcock; d ?ls ft the pbt!e c hool¢ et t s!t ¥ ~-; t,. 1-tft th:.t n1·.,rninir tc act Sn th-~~ ;::;,,:-, ~~rHy In tt w 0,;,t:i..:,:, en-k!'r·&·6:1C'f ~4-ttt.J • Th,. h..1.,,c--men t ol tha :f'ln,? f.

# &a


Pi¢ ':!.: t f



rhurh o Ogcjci.n_-~a:t ~ --~ l'l!'n ...j b y t.h t: th:....t.-..,.~ o f •-b~ '.·:;t:-':!i. u, 1n " tJ ' f""'r~e-T •tT :;,-.,.,-"f•l'!l.t) ·:aa .:4i


·:,.M:t.l In th.,n c-Jt,- are ·r1vo of 8:h,.:-;'.)e-'a, .!l 'f.<'t,o_ a.vp.urw.4 .at -Uu:•. cn l ~ thit'.Alrt- t'!.-rn w~,el,t-Jl s-.g-o.

11-... rn ~It h.

Bl~,1.:Mitl M..1"¥ th.at r,rc.n~'\!rt4r t-rtT-ora.hty ln

r 1.t1hr.UJth -the,-,,. 1ttnr ·i.. la.:,;l?I of



V:~dl)· ~\""ry C"f'>Unt;· ln tb4:t ,;J-..h lh,. exc~p1 Ion or }(.Q.Jl-Je and fSl1Nr-i.f1C'; n. h,\.:t nlrt.;.dy tiePort&-0 \o r..l.i.(" t,.,--,...u ,1 of bt:a.lth tb..t .pn:-t.~u-~ · ~LI'> 1,,n,.,n,..._ All th,,... c&mil~ . llH..k ~ ,.,h<>r,. It h.iv, ~qn toun-1 &.td l.1c::- oqj~~ to put,· tnto f!ffect the ~.. b:J.k,n1 c-lt~n~ rtch~,1.., churehw,



Dt'!"'l'"Tn tSn g


ln <1~ c

p u b lic


~ -~~""'-.. x,..,r T<,.nta1, --·· ---·---,--

·-u,. ott~~ of the st..u,, boo.rd It thii. m"rn lni· Uu.t ,:; ln--· ~ · • "•.t11ed nt~.1 tQ••~·n, ◊r oihe-r conH11ttn'f-


1e•.1 r·tovvnt-d th~ dt.·tt-'K\.


'1..l.ty 1.n ~t---1n •d u -.~



;~ ! , ...,er1c-.u, ;~ork .A.rtl' n, r. Dur R~r. }n a. mar:at, 1std«eni, Dos.ml;. l-H,l'·th 1 rn,_ CJJM.th: Ot..lti, <A·--d.a..r iit,- Clrth--,-.,1~, C'..u-1<.-.to-tt. C™'-lvllle, l:lt7 4. T:>..a,__ D eYU- • Bll,h, £<, ht>_ ~\' N1l!, Ei,l>.n,,1..nt, Z:Ur-t.k~- \''.-.nn-l" •rrc;~->'l•\~Jn,.-_ Oarl!l•l4, l(:. Gi»li.n, · Ounnlir<,n_. !fotl!• 'l,,t.~,, H •lp~r, H tnefor H lis-el<11 ·.:~,,_,,,n.ll.a, Hoi-t,,-nl1¢,-' · · 1r..-. X-~on. Ui.nc.. IAh.i , Le.am--] - L,,.Y! on, ua -..,._ t.,, ._ --Le,= · li•4'"-". J.!.i.yO•ld. l.!Jd-....1,. Mu.. 111. ·:-}toa!i., ){C)d t.J:14, l,L:ni.UO@Jlo~ i :ob.r: ~ ~M~~-~ ~r<ortH11,. l.!c--utt.t p~~9lnt.., ;~ l _,--,, :,.:.,..,to<,, .Ou -~Y, ..

iJ ·-;;;





:f i'"'- Ooh.\r:or-;:.n,r~1o; •Pti:·I'. Qty; '.''~'""'"-~h.:r,n.,·,,~ ·p-'0'1!01), . I')(>!>~ \..-,,. f'l"""'-'r.t - Oro.-~ -·,-'• l'.,,-~ Prk,,, )" ,-ov,,. 1V.l>dn ph, -':.ltlf.,~~ .R9:T11rt~Jlfv.-1· .H6,t U<;-_l;!,J J,"'1,

'ko cm; ii s, 8rtx g:. ii, City. ;racu, r: 5 'ht±,

2rm 2a. feaisss,


Wonlq*m;. w,,h,.tifo, ,W'."'7 lj a..;,.,.,,. WIUV'd. <Ut<I ,"f'r~:;, ''..L ~

Vonu ~

'· r,,,. Ji•....sy-.~~ i,fu.ql1 I>r, 'r~·l'l-· IJ,,..u;r, i,.; _llu-iii ~-b "-•, ~ - Of-t b<i ,..~,~ pert. t u&, _In_ct r; 'i tea,gs{/ 1-llh ...,,-;i ~ ·at ..the,Jl';dt.84 Vt.&b. ' ,·


....... l,~&l'\I,

+res.oz.", 213314.£. A l•lecn,n ""---chlm,of:thlto-,;.,ti<c; bmloon.nou,, ......Ui<I fact~.lhai th,111 rt "' -- ~ '. '';J;.r,,4, ~ i>¢11ltlqn"'1>ac/ "'"1'.!-

- --


4 c:


tk1 "'td&H1 r())itf•""-' ~11.:i. merc,··.:;::f,,,.i:i'->n -<Ai JiVDd.:l.,)", Ho-.rt.~'-'TJ 1h-; p...-,~ mVilk i-tport tro :r: s.: u r:;l'I~ lh t< ·h o ~p lla.lft ;.,..port d M.1.JO'r W, C. Cb 1dez;.ltu .: !.'-AtilM e.-1.Jr.u.tM tb e-lJ re. o f !e te be 10 dB.YI~ -·

·.-.,_.; ~i-1.t rih"it«if,- talCl~ DT ui o r,tU1lntt-t" : ·.s:!1,m roel ed only nvt

T, 4'h.to.l th c.•1'f JJJ

,:;,~ fu terd :11)' In l'<l n lraat ta 3£ ¢ ta w reis - I o, Th+n- Al4, ~!l t;-:,g uo nur f)n t-u m.0011. de• •,.:z! V:1 t.~f:' 11,1.d t t 8 ho•Jr&.. Uu 11 ~•N: lo clu d N! ln --1.ts ~ "'h lia, rlv,e d imle d os



Last le no mo te tee p r ti¢ ·H.nwHu n..-J du rln ~ th o u.va.g- e~ ',;-,;.; s th e ord er l.l.~ r-e' ~r Dr. T. n. B Nl-ll j", ~<.S lC ::,,_"('!'. !t $.Jlpel\rt : lh-..1 e2rt a in: •.:;i !:L.l!'<tl.1:;- Lll!.& d?,m,tJ.u[. i! ta:t #are p arty wr n , ·.:::.::•. t'-:-i":.!'"I'!. v.1•k.l~ .new -0::.-:;~ · A ! sp ed . 'Thee n u ¢ E



·- 9 ......,,;,,J'2.m~m. E·~ a. rn:-r:omlnen"t ~.n&' ·highly·_ r-e• t'>!;SMent ·o·f'·· Rh·ert.on, ~le-d at h m:-n ~ · ;•·eb--t.erday 6f pueurnon1a. fn.Uo'\j};r h1g an g,.tt&.rf~: of inflm.lrl~ M-r. born- !n RJv01rto:ri1., Oct~ 11. a~ ·11iui ·• n.cU·ve bi . Cbur·eh a.r~ a

eonnnu nity . wbrk:;· tia,-vti'lg · b~-

sgtsta.nt st2peritendent o? tieSunday l president seventies' ] orum. He till~ il- rril.tAfo-n--·~1(,).r th.o · rch soveri} years £la.f1ti'J<. •- lr:iiA fg gur•• \l!ved by · his widow, fhl"ee . et.\Hdren, p~ront.,ct,,_ l-1r•.. 3l!t(i•, Mrg.-.,· Cari Ma.d, ]. 0 .l>t'-oth ea-s ~U:td - :rdst~rs. - . __azsrt ssrtces .iiJ! be held tr the n



F!t..l__vf!fftan · ciem.etl!!r:r _'f.Jg • eJl'c.1(>:f!!Jk ~-stl:k -

· - •-






S'tt.Uiflq,·, ; NO >£'' , ,.. . - ,, ... ""' J.

, ,/"'





•. -


+uf R lilfa<;to ry.\' 'hen.s k

:ffllio,-:ii __d,-the


fe ver¥

h'l 'cloaed m..u,flu•n: !_l"Al 4-_,.r.

77i trar•ni.l

C"alre' c-1rcu 1tJ1. o r .th e f;'OUn try ■r e ·J.i:··o~nJn,r "of lh ""




day ll •

::-,"4},;•~~(/ i /q // ool · Principal Of I{i;erton Passes Away

~ D- /V~







{~per-ta! to The Ne,~·s.) r . · RJVF.-:RTON', . ,fan. 14.-;-.,\) ?nzo · :~j Isaacson rrinipl of the public schools here, wid"1Jy kno,yn und hl~hl~ e~t.e.~m.hed throtigh:Ou'!... MJu th Salt Lake roun t.y,


t d!oo a.t his bort\~ h~r<'I y('!';t~rd,,ty. fol-

11awing two weks"{ness of inf;aerz. }.He was !!S yea.f~:.•:rf ·t.s::•··.~n<l.h~.,J·tau-ri:;ht

; • in ... f.he · · l'H"boo-h~ ''\">f ·Jordan · .··.district ., :;; about 81:rc '.Y (•tcr.s. · 1 • . . . . f .. Mr·~ Ili-a~caori: · ,i,zs~ "ifun: · bf"'-·'Mr. n. nd Mrs. · Martin hmrtc:--:ofr._◊f- t,:;phratm: nnd

Fa grad.uatl'! pf. now

academy t · that i .p?a .tie,~ H <> In ah'.o a fornio.:,. .~t.Udfn.t of. the i J)ntversity of 1.·1ah, '"·here li~ ex.ceUed in~ ;fiidH"ll\.!'.till1p:a·p .<l won th-r '\!l{Urn. frienrl-- ~ &1h1p or hf'$ 1r1i,;:CrudonJ iHHl feHov,- ~tu&- ~ '.l'Z'.nt.6.

He .filie.rl a. mh,i;-slon · to Eun,,,;ui,. ittt.d ~ out hy the outbrf.ali·•,.of. the~

~•1t."lri~. rlrlven

sir, completing hls labors{n tho st h. ] tibro.:u2..I he was active I Church work. ·' ·;,· .';, ~

t:Y.ltl · $ti\t('~,'. At hom..f!. ;.u:.··well .' 8..S

, · f{c. •~~ ~-urvi.\'t>d · by his. 'Vddtn,··

· :\!r~: ~

±Cher '£¢nson Isaacs9n_5ormaert5


::-.iai1d.y.,.!J". h..ey .. ,wer./.i m:1rded oniy ,i • fc,_w ~ • . . • . .. ...,. !,, #nth o,+Kie is sr d also by Hts k .;1'1il'.f e nt sni tho f o lfo~ hi V.r b"'i'Ot h frli ·-~m iliif]

j;'l~V;;1rit:_ ·~:~- M; liJ:.?,.aeson o,t (5:.:;\H ,.I..nkiii', ti

:·):--1~nt!~n •. Th~:H'1!)1\li;, . ~-fasah. J~ddi~.. n.nd La(

va &acsota of%Ephta!m. '

' ,.

-~ •


f' • "·.•



sys O£ A. B. isa&cson Jau-r If.;; (t?fC/ . _ =

].femor al S(>1·•;ice8 for A. B.. fsaae.sori, f ornier ·c 1 il vend t y · of lJta.h stoderit and prfncip:il' of t-he Hf,;-~rt?n &chooln. who <lied J a.n.' 13, · were held !l!,t the homE! In Riv-ert◊n . \V~.dnefl<;lay. -Tht>. ffptak~ra.

. were Bish.op G<)rdon 8. Bills :of Rfv~rton; Elder Heginald . "'"'"'hfte of · the : Randy-. wa.:td bishopric; -·supt: D. c.: .JenKon of the I '>rdap 2tchool district and

or JQrda.n

W. D.. Kuhr~.·. preS'id~nt . · stake. The}" all

highly· eulogize& the character ar:d. · uset~lne88 ot Mr. laaa.c-i

· 90 n.

wh<l had not only endeared hirsalt to rela tive,.,, and friends bat who wns recogried as s... 1>Ui.hi::art -young J.eadf ·, _able and e.n~,J'!g'{'t!c tn .· - s.~sisUng in. Ch urcb •. and· comnrnnl h·· work.,. A do,i0

hlc qn..1.rtet sang u\7\:~)c.ome Tiomo" and· ·Th Teacher's Work ts Done."

·tak e·n a home the d<ceased nt n~)m ,,,~a'Tijother· Ferv!ce•

Th ('J ;• b OOY. .rw.a.s Ephraim._·former

i ,; . tbrfa_y

. ,..J

wh~rt.;;,.t! Fric!Jt.y1: . If( w1 ! I be he!d. rr:,a.ny of 'Mr. Isa acs@rs relat! c s and_fr'ends resdin;z in a"l per ally. lntermn wi,l L.co _ at tf En\. r-·-·;.-" · 1I 1,.w j il t

...-J/~ 4 l

· ._..



.. J ••

'i;. ,.. ·






it~ij;fj~~:Ji~ft~,~;JE.t"ti§ _.,

1 ·,.;.1.:.'...!..;;.;:!!...,!L~ · ,1.1 -rJo 21 ~- 11 .. tB zs

1. , ;i,:·.c:~ 2~·-. <:I • 5:, 1,:-,,,w,.· z1> ,,

ff//·/it-/·.>'.. _ .- : · _\-;//· • : /~ ~~-' ··'·:·:•:./ •. -</:-:.,:.:.:_// ,.~ ?;•r•:-...· ·· .-.tr::- · :<•.. ~··:.;.:1~~;:1::: . ·:;.~- . . t ;-:_;_• ::":_ ;~~::.:. - :"·/--;:'}·rt1.~: : .(- :t(t~~( . ,.f_.i_ ,r:,nT;__ , i.ow tnc: th.•_,nuc1....uona_,·.•.n u._ ·._ .... _.. m_be_r_l!!>t_d_,•_a.,l~.· ln__ a.-_•t-_L&k _'. ~,._5='lt 7,_J_(?!'(tli•'ll1>•.)_•_"' ._._i. .'"__,,_u_.~~..._;•· ·5row' irm Oct ober, 191, • Maret1,191%, habe pr«er re d My the the+re or4 of he+th for th . L "


ii.±tr of ti e generalpobue : -~ ,I•. ~barJ.. •h~-~~··;t~l. the epidemic reached is,e n!th durinsthe "''~~·,;ot

EE,EE£EEEEEEgEEEE2±»EE±EEEEEE;;pgggEgg, ~lot <>f. ~--'W\,ll

, '. ;;,: 1,~o.l\_q,.~ _the.~lel>t#.tlon ~t •1'11!J'j,lll,<! t•• )he :dlHUe .•-l!ed;i1 _sudd•I! lmpe..!,':'!'°.•nd ,lhf',""-".',~ r"r / , :~lll'bc~ !roni UiM c1tii. ~IU 11,![th•·-"l'e•II; •ov._ n ~i:-4..)b• ~!li':," ed Croll\ thl", c,au"1, :F_ro1n;_tbat;.~\!'I · ,of dWM' be~tl ,dr."1' on!~ to;, d•alh• were •~'Po,rted trom #pantuhInfluernadurinr •~1~: ,c{..In~~t&; ··~. q.tr.4·.·,.,,...ve ., •'1~""4· tM, ·~Pftnlra1:"of ~ho-ol•_·~~tlt {l6tt_ :w~e":·,~t ·J.an;;:l}h9:':_~Umbfl"~a_ ,ron• ·::





f rJeot1--$ ·



1110,NDA Y MAY

6 ~~I










liitN~..,vAwEs · rfNiMiiuoNS tf •.


fl1j ff,our r '_ -

. __.----



r«o r E. l..,y?), ch h .u n n lahed aaM!l • men t o·n Jo e:tL I b us lui &n d oth er l..rce .0 0T1,cu ,t1o n'.&. ·1n . m&lc.ln,c'.UJ) h t. vaJu atlo M h r

1,B ~.-, cleTUI,~ w1d e_ly tro m the polley o f hla predceir , Mr. Faro n h o

p,rop o .-e-d to l&..I co mp&-n1M o n th ei r .. 1n ta n gtb le teta," h e Ut.n.h b o ar co mp an y alon e harin g been serened at fl0 .0 0 0 ,0 00.o o. Th la h lt-tln l"_ ..f!]U.chtiln the the up m<1n lh • oaor Lynch k-ltnounce-c th.a.t. c nly a.pi,-arTnt and ta.nc1ble .-..-.t• hani• ~-1n.•~~~bT hlm In a.oco.rd&ll.01!! wiUl c;-,ourt d.-cJ~on-, and. thAl all · ,



court and

hearing com


~Jl-~"r,}¢w1.· bi:ff~b~n.. pl_:a.o.d_."at·, ,t ._t h-t1 d ~·:Jo.:~ ,/~tti~d,-e-qutt1Lb1c valu%33

»»ox. » «kt ,s, no or

"",,a a sun


pufP,OtDee tn 19 ,tt. ltl Mt -.t~ 110 .1 0 1 .~u . a.oco,-is'in·~· to a. ata.l.rn.-nt r1v~n o,~l todtY' 1,y _ M r . Ly n ch 1 Th ~ 11to d c ln .U,NHI 1n..t.ltu 'tlo~n • h u • marJce,t VJLlUe,, ot_ lC ,tU .4.U A.Ud lh., _:"ri. L ""'"lll.io l~qldltil'ft a..r.-1 lmPro~ m•n ts · ~n wo rtry.i!'t Sl.15t.tt'L r:r:ia,klnl(' the&·~- t10.1%1.u,. loL.a ' ..-t .. torthdn tti~ AlM •ffi--nt;:1 Arwor Lynch .in s that mwk tn « u p .. h ta valu atlo n w for taxatio n p ttrJH>&,'ff' h4t had folk>w~ eloe+ly th 6 ltTIN ~ out· In a ~.)'.II'(. d ..e11llo-n c.f. thct ata..te ·aup nomt, C:,0-U,rt In a.n &c::-tlo n · ln st.Jtu t.e.d -~ n .t t'h e fOrtn u coun t)" -~ by lhe .C'.o~n n ·en L-1 .I Nia;tlonal~ba.nk th i. ck,. ;s;.,, -_ ' >"'tc'\I~ /o r N oh b11.n k ln tr ln,,•Otullon In Ou cou n ty In th ~ m,i;Hel"l' o f O'Wfta..l •to C:·k' a.nd rt"S.l c-nu.te :t.nd Jmi,ru Y&men t-c a.n i,tl fo rth ln•th~ follow• t dtalt_in ths or report..



_ 0

B an.le.en 'mat compan y ·


BID&'hun But• BAnk .. ·..... .•••..• . .. • • • .. • Troot aomp&nY , •• • •• • . • • • . . . • • .. • • c.,,,,u,,.n w l<a.tlq~&I Bank .. ·•••• •••• " q o,pperl1e4d 81.A.t • Ba.nk D• M"fl'l N&tlo n-a.1 Ban k O-r et:S&Yi,nP B•nk .·




M oCornJck A- C o mp&.n y R a. n·k en


Midvale State Bank .. ;


MuW•y Stal• Bank . O'.f



,(\'· ·IC.

U ,0 0 0 , .. IU ,filO fil-4,COO fb.900 I

~ ••,,1.-~- =r ··" J0,000.


1 9 ,5 0


U,lH :1.110


Na.Ilona! Ba.nl< or ldurrar .•. . . ,•• ·· .N.a tl~l'ta.1 ·.fuk or nergtte •• .'; ·Nat- c1i:r BUik .. ·.· ,


H 7 ,0IO


.• • .• • .. ..• . . . . • • • • • • , .•...••... , •... , . , ,.. , • . .

O&rtl.td Ba.nJdn• company , . .

11 ,.10 , 0

Cohlmb !AL




NaUo ~ l 'cQP?OI' Bank. • . . • . • . . . . . . • • • • . .. S&ndy C tty B ink . . . . .......•........ , .• . , ... S~ .B-a..nkJrlc oomp~ y Uta h 8t:a.'4::]'•h.tlona.l HP.nk Th • Fin l 'N...U o naf ~a.n.k ot ·J,,!a,-.n.,a. ,,-.,,.,. ,L_•.. Uta.h Sa. vln p & Tru•t co mpc.n )" ....•..• Wa.lkff DrothO'ra Dankeni ... ~Zk> n '• S&vtn ri-B 1Ln k: &. 'lru rt eom p a..n7 .

, ,4 4% Jl·f;-tOS ,c

1.0 U .!:.OO





JU ,110



.- ~%.&00

11:.., :i~ ~5.001)






is «:,9:s jll,US


$1" .1 9 ,0 9 1

Eat&rd[Womgnt. __.,




· Riven-ton Laid at Rest

Rf\'EHTONj Eeb. ~-u;_----J.:1'.rL 8""a-b .-\ . :\fill~r for °?wh o m .Ju n.an&.J •-er-rlc,N 1 «r e hrd F'ttL ,. -..--.u:t, b-or:d ln h J\ ,~"'"' en,- Jn .11./.ne. Jl7 t. lSbo wu th.• d au ,;h tn O( J.lr . an-d M rs . J , 1'f, .)i!o r n.-,. · ~h '" w-.1111 mi.rrlt;d ln 1Bt6.lo W. ,,·_ lIJIIM. .About 10 )'E9.n ~ a au,y



.i '· ·.·;- •;;"•' ·~:. ,,,.. , .. •....., ' :o/' ''''. ~ : !.;"'<':''":",'?:!) ij



-~,,1-p~§ti Fl: ,.






..)fll."\. SAJt.,\.B A. rno ,·,-•1 10 • ·an 11d .1. .-.n d c.u n <tl bf.I.ck to ii Hh·t·r!M1 a!,u:;t ,iix )"t,;J. :"a aco. Mn:t.. '.\lfJ;.-r • ·,1.• •• rll.'\"Ottd wife ~nd mofk,qr an-1 a ru1:hru1 ,..,.or ll.,rr In the Church., .. t,.-1r1,:: rwi ly ctive lr the wo rk of f? thr Hr ll.-~ w,c-11'.'t)'. h e di+d is. z, et f h•·art tro u t,J .. n.n 6 o fh flr co mp JJc.:..tlOL~ ~.,


"±7 2.23,# th .. :·,.:c:d •:r,r ,.,, UUh <ip Go...-d o n BU11n,;~ f,tt·l'll•1:n~. Th,· !)f•'?itk.l'ri; were Jn..mo:;f'; H /1.n d u-so n o r l4.a.Jt l...ak t: City. CW'- ,'.'.' f'orc! I. <: .. ~~ -,.,,( ~J 11h·alc- itnd Bh1bop J.


.2%2#.7.3%# "2,/2.2... Jif.~ Hill - n ~ a du••!.

Inl~r me-nt wu

Jr, J~

hano1. h~:- pa~nt~. 11-f'\"l'n brolht"ni llb-d ron(' ,1~,.r ,in<'J th.-. fo!lr,,;,rlni- chlldr t'"'~ :-{;fu


ieek#sussssteweesosswests.s sse ee,us«Mets%.lt#it#$:2j #t#elf@ g#@iii#ii#%%23

l Cattle at Riverton 1




Reported VicyplS · · · nr Anthrax · ·

. ,/ .

I. W. 11oran. sta_t,.. Ji\"".' stnrk ir.±pcto. _ Ii ~t.-:,. n"'t urn ,~d f rt,"'1 n. H h·~rt ci n ,· where he inspctrd cattle blonin; I ! '-' f! k ii }.! .rd \Y i th e r .l:::, t h r f' r:- " ( t h ,,. :. n i t %]Lah; ha\·in,; r!Jr·d ri( ;;nthrax. tu w~1icri 3 others ha boon expo«d. J? ii;i,i } «as1res wro ordcrcd ond put 1n I f'orce by nr. Hr ;ran to stop ~pr"f':-Ad !'.•f thf! a..ffr-ction ;} nd }1(' av that hf' N>nf l'-id<'."r:-- tb.f> r;,!_lli".' 1,r.1cticall~.-~r(; trut1) (f"urtJ1,:-r ra HJ.J; ("f.· ' At I'ie;ant Grove ;he inspect: ~C('ndu;·t<'--d ~n :lU1C•psy on fl''\"('fell h,·,,:1 th:1t "had dir-(j !her<' rf'<-.fntl~- and h,_ f·•urv1 that tr:cy ha.Ji b~en Yir1in1:-; cif ' hog <'holer;L, f >r. \ :. T .. Ions of Am" r1an Fork, deputy to the atc inspectr,r. ha . .; hcer; FT1.·,:,n rharr,-r:· of he


~ituation· in th;:;r \-j.-·fnir:,.· ;:ind further t,roub!e fr·c,r:-1 cboh:::-a. will_ proba.L>ly l,e aV('-rt e-i. f>5:,-,'f:ve,Nv1JJ$ Fe/;., 23) iC/2/)

..i!i,li'.$1A\!i'~z;,'!Jii.•~.•.•. • ".""''""""" '". · '"''".~ . · : · ·. ···. ·. ·.--.·-·••·'.":'.-·•.··",. .Des:Ever\ktl& ·~ ·~'.--·--:-,- .


. .. ·. ·.· r. .•





New~ Suits .Filed;;' .. ·.·· .····-·~..:.c._::••·'·······,· _Thill'.'(ll _Di&rict : (_:.:ry.urL · ; ...• ,


against the Firerton

Creamery. to quiet title to certain real property'.·

· .· : ·



· ·- ·


'~ m111W YO'i" •tM W'ZU1..,.. lf::Nf7 TI_

1ti;;EU?>Ab<,5;~ · · · -



· . . - -i.:7,1tp1-11w


(Jf iasing./R ;"'.lerton. ,C hildr~ri l' .;:J1.;,;i .. ;:. ; - Are Found at Salem· l°i ~-{ 1 i




::)) ,r;_'~ia.bt-:1 Il':ay. N ld1 o).s~ !lg~d .12 Years.

:,:~tf-:Atian Nlcho1.s. ag<.'d ·lO 'y ears._ chll-

;~:_.,t~n,1,.!.' of. Thornas Nlcho1s - or· Rtve'rton . ,. ·. .· ,


. -;\.,:,,#··; I 1


lwere: Joea te-d yeste.rday at Sttlem. Utah ,jJ;.O!iZ.-hr~ ·-: The. t"ff'O chHdreti disappeare<;l,

,::tromi their hc;me Sunday morning, an<J:. their parents t.;elien?d thenr to · ha.vet :{:t~ne:.'.to,; St1J1day school. ·:··Wh~:n they·

tel.Id tiot return a sea r-(•h was· instituted 'which lasted 24 hours. l/:~~lt· f()t_Jnd .. y ' Deputy Sheri tr ,?WU1U'lm· Brough that the two ehHdren,

·was .

~;taldJtg _wltl1 th~m $2- .whkh they - had :';ia'\•~:(l,



Orem· tratn- for

1:.-;.~ J~:.': ;T.}iertFthe,y went to the h.on,e

L;;of: L..· J.· Christensen. whom ·they told{ )ir.t:U\~t i_-'t.hey\r-were . · orplians · from· Salt_ Lake ".. _. . - . - . _. ·. . . - - ... - . !. }+se.<; Cit 2.¥,_ ,:;';T/Ttace"':or :the c,hlJdren w.a~· :.round

]through .a_checking with the Orem

}iratiroat .oticlats. The children eve; no rgon for theft a.ct.1on and.·wept rim.~'?t'·t,'.ea,t1$_:.y,ht"t1· they ~ere. reunited.·

#ith £their.parent.. 'They sld they


"would arain attempt - to wander l,i,,i• ·· ''!ii't..· ·-~-1 ..... · .,, -'_.,:...•. ;,:i:;'.,i..,~.,o: .wot·Id .. - . - . _ , . . .,•..:-,,.,:,,,,.i 11,,l 'l\,_0 _.;~ ~



i1Ga.a-a. -==.,_..,,..,..

. ... If

Is Summoned by·-Death < Special - to .The·,


:--:e,, s.) ·

.ET2M."#t $2"±

. ::t h:';~ he~-~


'R.a.t ni,-ht, of· n!11

She WU In her 83rd year.ho '' was born· !n Vtain.;, Denmark. J an.' 3. 1g38,cmo to Amero-40-years «» i and had beeni a· resident of Rin•n<rn ! 8.3'6.

for '38 years. , 8.he Is 1n.n·vtve<i, hy h«rl husband and t't'.IVo sons.. And_r.-.w ~1.-,J- i en of Wldtsoe and Nie la A. :--:~b-en 6f' M ld ,·ale; aleo grandchildren. Funeral· sarnces _wot he 11(.'ld in theRlvertion ward eht1'1ipef SundR..y, :Aug. 8 .

se,·en -

at 4 p.m. Interment will - be in,_. th~ j Rfverto,n cemet~ry.._, .6 A-i:.'q, Fl2.o ·

-' .·___ - - • ~----~"' . ---:--


rv: e e "t_i ng houseO!uh

wrd com@eve& an$on, s t 11i s ·d.a,. t:..ej:,i"w~a s df!'(;;!:1., :c 2. t,c cli':,J, ,,:, ,..


.,,:•..· •.•_ ,,_ ..;t·---~ ·.


., '


' ...

lf~,e:r:·s;e~it' 11






-r-> ,• 1)


( l; ! · o rr, S . 8: • ·: J • H l s t. l _ " e p t ,. Bl-:. )


1J I

-, \




~, 1

,--. -;


. '.-.·' .Tt~e ·c1e.ci$lhn handed d1>w :i by ·J\ictgo l·~(·L:·:Hrri'wn ·jn. the1 Thfrd di8tt ic(<~o~1 ~t .'ls UJ)h.•?!d .. hy th(> ~:nt~• supr~nle.,,:ptr.l in R r,1Ung- tnntie ill the d1ie c,f


)llvecrton. :Pipe- Lfoe compani;. ,igains.t the Bear Canyon Pipe,lJine (•Ofllt>~~n'i<' .Tht? litigation is th:tt ,vhich arose }ht~ rithts.of .the two .pa.rtk•.::! to the


.,\.·ater.S!·.rif .thf'

C.anyon Creek


:netlr. D,.-'t)..{)e't·. ~alt. Lrd(e <:1H.mty, ,>.. · . · : I

,): 'l'he., district court. in its ·c1ecishJrjl d¢·~ 1 term.tned the fin<t rh;ht to. be .that of. the'' l"th~eftOtl Pipe Line (.'.o mpany'•.t() -60:,0.(H,)>. · gn:llons per .d ay~· the. secohd•

:r.ight \t<> :·he. ·that. of tho.. Hear:· inh<~r

[Canyon PJo'-Jine coinpany_to.192.-

• ':·12Q allons per day; ·the- thfrd J:"{ght t.o lu~;h Jolnt'rl$ht b~~tv.re.en· .the ·two to 72,000/gllons day, 5-6 of which is j ·to. Orn/Rlvert6n comptinY...and the ref.


mnlnihg l~O#J.-Jo the.Bear:.Cani:on corrf:

·Pn:ny;··;the :fom:th rJght to. he th~se'·or r:....~a:farid ·'Ernrnit. · w.·: Srnitn.~·-Jot::eph

'·'\M~·iS1~ttn. :' I( . it· C:'r <)sigrp~te rtri<l. Mn-!.

p;tUdn. <trosgr,>,:•e: . In it.~ iq>pe.al to the: d::SU.pl't>:tJfe:,-:court th(!·. n~Ar• C:1hyon ;com'."'

tt't))~rtf.di~:ft1:<:;}Jt!i>d }.n. · (hti /·.ndJurt~ ~lp1.1' if,Qt th@ tr', two_rights/but took ex+ t.

eept{ott~·to-::lht- lflH~r . ·two.

theater'rightsmade.In -the-dz strict 110 Id~.. ·.tr ··. e.. :·: s4ye4s o, o

1·.~·:.·•. p ··.·rc.···~ · ·· ~.;·.i, . C.Jju ··.·.·


The·· su..,.


r ·.·.

I ,:·;~;~~Aift('.¥:~.·;_t~~·. · on:11/M:Jch~~1}i.:~: >·'.. ·.>, ·. <:

' ' •.'' " '.·.·-;··b ·






•• •


·e-~ ~ -

t_, · .. :. L~,.'.,_-

B.ody of Riverton ·:Arrives Home ,



(Special to 'The :;JVERTON,,


----l! ! =~e!l l~-t

l ·.:4•·''"""""~ ';rn;••'"-' lli,;i,;,""" "-'l\;,;,-,,.! ..,~ • -• 111 "';"""''"-· "''·"',:·.\l'il -,WWW

iimi@isl #kt#.. tr · · ~;; ·.• . ·.:/.·.·AcNAL_ '' Ji_-_ .,: ii'· '\!:•- . 1

, _:· ·::- :-;--- \l;>ro · . . - --'


Jl ll ·

"·· -·· .. •. .· -~ ·. .

' c-~'-fa111L~

r~ :/:ltf\:S-alt' .Lake·. ·Valier?U I

sis ggrass;szaazsis:ssz: si s=aaagx:sa g a ±{sc ar#a s


"i-, t.1_~---~C,:-I ,it~f'.,.<. ;;,Of Jhtb;}?:tOY0-}1:-eSeI:.r t

%jtizz±l f Ts@kc@is arcs»f@@s$86{

,;;::Ionk, 1:i.t_• t1~.e _J o_r-gan ._'.Narro_'\1-:.. S,: _ · wheQr ·)

±E±Ee] E; £%%3%/ EE#

i' : . , ', ·,,,: :--·

. ;

:·•.:,- , ', , ·, .,--,·;: ·-),·':':,: ·- ',,, , ..,,:,--- '., _. ,' :t

,' ;·-,

11and£i ln 1h~ -western par.f;Of_'Ba..l(.Lak:t · t


- : .: __ .'.._.:,-::.".l._;._,_- _,· ·,.


the second highest 1rt in the

[i This 1',

< :. I

. ·: •. ·:



• .



'. :

' •

. .. .

·;- '•

r,t:1.t~,-.tptf :highc.st being the. 300.-foot

tiff. "6[t'n~:-nonne,ll1le ·Iti'lga.tion com:

#j4#jssisct;is -:rh~:-i?fo\~i, nesen;,01~~\~orn r,a.-ny. ·cort_,~


[rol in/h4ch.{s owned .by.Francis .,

11-:ir-khart·tof Sa.It Lal;{e ·and· ,r,_:useph n..-,

Murud@al.of.Heber:City»several4yea'ra-, so put in an, Inverted syphon to bdnt;

~-h~ ~aJeit:c.r.rom the PrJj-Y<>',rI:v~r tq)t_he -

1n1--:h ta:ndff ·on the west side ot Salt

"ake county. A comparatively small rt_mount\o ~ •<-watcr wa·~,,.deli:ver~tl""t,p it at

that tirn-".<t'or Ore, ~eas~h:.±hat theid~\--

~1:a.nd _Wa {,,not large and because tha


i-111). --- h"'q0;ratr-~


nae± Gr' ti n


were too s:mal.l.. The :sypho-u ica.rri~d l flood · waters from·· the Pro vb


an.a: water from small reservoirs


h e company on

the headwater. or. The stored water waa u.sed

L ·.·

.,·lat~ ·in -th~_season.

• - . The rn.ea. of pumping the·water from U{ah' Jake into· the west trm ' the syphon to increase

the - - '.~tter ,· ~·atcr ,

suppl:-• was <':onct'ived.

According to

el',tfmates. at the time the pumps were ,Jllac_ed on the ground it ·9vas·calculated {ha.t''~lfo_ a.n.nual 'co5t of· th_e· project would 'be approximately $4 per acre. _ Since that . fim·e thrf. Power rate.has

· a;dvariced abouf20 per cent.


,__.. · - - ~ . D1--'d ·


...;.--. , : . .· .,· .1.0. . H'-_ :~_, ,·at.er.,;~_ < ·':- :-•:, , l , _ It.. Is potn'ted out'tm1ttt· th~ po-wJar 1 t eost cari _be,, m~Jntained 'at d. . r,cHritl

' ~h$re:1t· 1s- posilible.~to pump tll'~ wa- !

: _ te_r · 1)toftta hly 2. 5 0 _-- f~~t.. for· lri:-igatton, l

# ti;isthe Intent!on/of the;compnv {

l<t◊~-rtlY on Ufe'pump!i,_,forthe>late .:wa- l

~--.t~f:eupply,·v-iest_.of. the·:J9fdan,·:~~:. y,.l tUH'):,the· stored·.wati:ff,t,fi!'ough: 1':l, cot)._~, ! tinuatron: the , , ,· ., , ' :, ,' ·o , fJ-__~the , -, ,, - , -canaf· • ', ,· <,,eut·: " , , ,, ,, ,,:6.t' , , ··, .•.. ,. , 11 --Y...-;~d- ----a""d,;.,.,,.,._.-far .·..,.-;...r • t-...· ,·~s D.. a,'iiit· l :·~~~::~<-. ~' . ' ) ~..a-,v.·_. ·, . ~•;_- ... - -:_ •'.'•:· : .. f-, ·:i _ ; l..i ~

•· .... . ~

(..t.. ;



' .

_t ...

3%:%%%wh~cl1J ±l

land onthe, ea,-sf ·of .tlJe· riv~r,



'. ."· -~

npw w_ithou~ water, __

·· .

: <-· ·


pumped. water w{II be sold to I

i~ zs:,e~,u~.,f.&t:.m-er$-,.a.t-.$.2:.a,-r,M).;-~,.a:ria4f:'-t4.,...; whiqh enhnes ·the: u.ser' to one S{)C◊11d } Jo_ot- _per 1,0 0_ ict't;S,.-: or the cauivalentj

4:±£" 3


aha.res also give the purchasers a.n Jh-- .! terestir the p1ai1t,.·.ot- "the Asifi5i:Tate'd i Cnrial -__ company

near -L~hL on· Utah·j

lake.- This plant is noCfeing ·operated 1

· at

pr_es~nt _and possibly will· not have ' ,t◊ (be :operated this srasoi.1, since the gravity :fio"-/ ··from t_he Utah lake into the ·-.rordan· river is sufficient dur.fng 1

the ::high water f',:ason at; th~ lake,:: l .Ttec·,.pt fos_ts made 1ndrpate:_that th~ ·l syphon will_- ca,~ ry a ·maximum of 123



z_, _o, m _,_ ilcs_ ana_ trn·-uth_. n. dls~rf__ nee_ o_f . eight -.1 ,ryn1e.s to · a point - oppostte Saratoga ijpr-ings,.Jl ·. tract of· 10,500 •acres on 1•-

'.tlhf.'l: iiorth end·, which ·could. he· Irr!' -~~tcd, with a. short extension 0-t th~ j canal northward, and about 3,_ O O O. ad -

( 1 ~-


rhtionai acrc, s in . Utan:-< I, . . . ' . ~. ·~



. n RE3_., ._ ,--z",,,"75,7TE2zZee - - -·- ... --':'." "".' -o .-:- ~:-;.._ ..~ .,.- Jp.ur_,~l-:li~n., ,"~~~,2ilfi~..,. f,;

,22$37..KP /:<<"! ·

1/ .

·~ · . .· ·.···t-'.);:·~ii:\,:•:(·i., i_i,<·:·:···,::::,_f;(i}~ ORDA?f STAKE ·RI vERroN_yyar± g2%. · : . ::··•/. 4" ·· i a,'i:c;rda>a:ne•. a ::,.•,:,.-<·-,.:::t;::•·"•'.:"•./·-.· ·«· •~ i · B-=r11 · s: was'.'.~..u~· i:LfC_o.a





. .···.

..· ...: . ,.,.•.···~'7::_.. ·.• ·: ...,--:~;-:-;,.-.,.'.•;;.,.-,.:,\ '·'~·-••....-.;.. ,4?~'.:.::_,.:·· ..t,i~.-~.•\

!' ashon and wasset±j5rt?t6%pr6side#3% i? · ~ 4" . · ···"~~-:-~>:-·.. <,.-l··.. ·•;~--;~;~:i!'Jt\J. ,yver t.ni.s war,d tiy · Eli:lc-;1.. . Richards. . . His coui,.a; and· set; apart these 1

.. .


and Ward Hfs:t;"/~r.~'fsiJ

' , . .. ·.

-'j,._ •. ~---~

·,_,.--'.ti!_:.,•~:,~~ -

a, G; shed+tea " ,. ~ ldeetings Sc e u e . in !:\ i's.~_, tii"ve,. ,; Nr-:.:1.1.15 )

_.J or.da h Schodl==9istric t • · · ~-·· · /~,1-UfJ.-/92.I

J0rr!1rn rilst.rlO !'-!Chool~ '1',111 opein· for !"O~ular r<chool work on'Ttte1$da:v, SllJ.lt.

• Lah's new !a,v rr-,latlv.o to ·a ttent!lr JJ ::me~ -r:,f ~choo! children up to' 18 yr of




rigidly ~nforced.

In order to factllto.tei

and ·} confrnlt with' patron!'!· who· tn&y tfol!ii1·i'l




\ lo he more folly arlvlaQd 1.s to the Squiri:-.mcnt1q, or thl" law. tho attendance '1 ofr!cer cf t hf' ri!Rt rl('tf J. l·L Greer, wi!l ;:1 he nt. UHi ldca.i · st~hool buildings -,u1 :fo1~

. . ·. ·· · · Aug. 18, 10 nd y~~;th ,Jorrbn, 1 p,rn.; Rln•rton,·Aug. I'S,







. n.rn. and Bluffc.ia!e, 1 p.m,;· Herrlrnnr1, $vs. 22, 10 a.m. ana Draper, 1 pm.;; \ii (;rNJC':'. nt. .Aug, 22,. 10. n.m. R.nd S~nd.y,, !<l- 1 pm. : 'C 11 ! 0 n. A u g. '.:': 4 , 1 0 a. m . • Rut:.. 1


$_}er. lye . e nd Gran!te, 2:30 pm.:/I n-]

;:~l1am t.. Anynn.·'Aug. :6, 10 Aug, ~5. 10 n.m.

a.m; M!dval•-1

--1 .. l j



t.i• ~,...• -. ;, .


~ 1 ~-

T• ,,,·!1. t<r, ,~ r, ; t· •-: •. 1. r..

" •~


},";' «re«, r ?oyn c':: t~

..... ~ ;I ;.,.. tf'

: · ·

/\ •

f"> '.,

<:. f• ,J, - ' r-

••• } -

·t·! ' ~ t

Ii t' ._ c:,.: ,',.. r • . - r .. •t


• •·, _


n? ± ;l_l • _,•;' ::

r, ,


tor r~

..,, I r-,,


,.: -, .'·,r ;r.: rr,::;m;:tee in

·,··:p •fc.ri~ ;

r.~-: ►- . • , • • ':l:

f~ l' X ,r.. : r1 ( a r :-{


q r; r; i ; :, ""A ~ . .. .. . - _, ,

r." . J-! ic±; cz I


. f . t}no tr; ,

r, .. f (, -· n.: i ! i-

$$.:· cost:- th tad:n '.' ;:'._::,,_·_._...,,l' '. 'r: "". -",. .

16' 5e.'lJ. /"12..J . ~.. . :L


',f:. ,·1


ft , 0%


Riverton ·Autoist V/ho·⇒~)f;r-


_Failed to Stop After ~-Ev'c), . •d· ent. Is • f' ·A/eµls .A cct . 1ne .d· $100 · . .·





.3@.--Thomas, putter-

il rteld of H.!verton who drove on after ! Hts toino;i!e .etruck . and knocked? j down Ea #;n. s!-year-old tau;h-

~ ter of 'Wren i.Y1!kins. il,a.at _'rne!!day, \•va~ !fined $iOf1 by Judge J .. · Bi Tucker In c lt v c n u n ,.· e s t e r'cfa.

!t, · .

v. ·

•. . . . • . . • . . ~ F!.utterfli::·ln \\'af' ch1trgl."d \'v!1.l1 drh' Ff· e i .. f) p j l t& }J. Ii 11~• .· ('-,•l r f) ,.\ .{h e J f 1-•i ~-, . ~· ('I , r·. ,_ i :if; n-;.H :1!'< fnUur,o. to Htr;,p f1ft,Cid<'n t. · .· · .•· .· . In P~."':'-irig !J-i,·i i'li'i:t,e i

er announced



h. 1:;}

JJl tho 1ex! person rho {a1] af ter tin :ir•t id,:,nt. · !::utt1~rt 9 'dfiipar;1.i;ii1g: :f'fha r),: ;1.ci )-:,r_• t.f'nced an(1 Rnid he hoped {hi> m R:H~nt. the rnr>1!t•y and !h0 ptti'

whi;ch i went won!! hr- ;red. P ,. ,· I' rel ,. • n:· (1 r i ri1 n n d r- d .· : f' ,1 r t,e r Ur;n h y r Ji r: j i1 r11/r: ... wa:;

n rstis is, pi»iii :'i92.i'•)' -~--

a,•·--:;·, - ~,,..... :, ~ r·:T •· ..._.....,...,-

.f5i5; . Neu,




• •



•• ·~·

M. I

,_....:ro.-,u:,. l.ii:

.. ..


; . ..., . -. , . o : t! ,i,c ,f:1(1u .o .t.a 1'-i.tl'"ti the ~~~- v t It to r for : Ut-'cl. -J M'O.n ..n rl%'t" .

±1±1%1.2±8%.: %% .omas.Mr-

vu- tel» to these

±rogo.iwv@er ,., ·F'mishes · B1 .


Reo,,,n t 4nla.rs'emo.nt: i,, u o n o( th• PrlYTo U.1111:~ h:i:YQ ·

~iwd 1t LlZl, 0'16 l.b,41 ·~ :>o m Pf,...nJ~·

o.! th µ-t,,..r,.art "" U>• oo.Jnplf.to.d


,w:n.pl.da r.o,tem '"'-·90\U,h ot'·•

,,4 · , ~

o( "'" la' • (l,Q .. ..or o· \· . i )l.,..,:--Mp,011'U' O&l)O,.C!b' ,. n !h pomar tolit Gf ·wa.t,,d UO t!Ml.&.boff:J~


CJ,- ~ordAA rtTw .io • i,iic .._ ,_ . 'lrll,,Job , 11 i. .ll

wet u..----

hytn udu

,· \J'

n.. ,:r,w,zi, s~· 'l,11,d

)ue etest t. ur¢ ~ ot t.A4 o,on1pa.ll,f''1.-a.4·_ o·_

1'--.w 1r~ "1.·.u :..;__ ..... -~cw!, lo u..·, .

c u· Jor-d;.&..n_ ~~·,1 "t... ..i Q"Pl!.lm....... l>;:Ut',,

3:: .%.%%1Zt:.A..n~" ±.±%7 t

·. l f:Lc..bt. -•'ff'IU · ,-~uu-u ,at..« . to ... ..:'-"=' , lW-ld. .

\,...; ~rl.ot l ii Q

QUlJ ~Qd

±.E:. 2%% ration omnar U>•

~it•n._-.,.tiit,.,.,. 1B:'i/l.,.,_ . Of' ~lit

cHr.ctotaL...,_ lit 14 J.Up ;.lha,d

_gg es.. la YA'tU . ··n4sj to U,e -;Sal

lll&' ·., UA4W 'cttlti•f1h.wu, ...., ....,. ,._ ..- ,: • . ., ' "·" • ·•,.!.\' N.b4 ---~ Ot bil' hll' _l>N>d•. otJVV~--~ Ti..&rdJ"A "~uu~lon; t.11 :; land. Pratiolb all ot .tho b.nd ""• .\ -o<><nl)&ht;l'llolU>op!u ·. '>4 .bl' U,o. ~•U.C<tro••• tl"l'·•to;1

\o ~ p.r ~i· m&l •l,)I ~l,~O_I)

A.a" b:%:z7.Pim»re"

rnlb mater from lh-o,;: -.,,, OttlMn:I' an4 tlroot OH ot .u, 4· 0011>4,:': and on ,the ....._ ald• -:~~ ~Mlpll_• ~- ,Mutd~ek,. _ PfUt-:,\, Ulf ll>J'OQch~tM ,,;,i.,.1t' !Jf Yfl!I, ~ Yloo-pNlldoat; ,:. •~ _,>ii Wt; J\..-;'.. >,t 11r4o,:k.,~,,and. tNU-::; •n·~"._.~~I ·, u,,..,.1 L H. ,:_,be, OAci,._.r ""4 !)au.: .i4lister, . &RS.ttut 1 •nci~Mr,,;.~6-.',i •

,"on! .:•1...: :/·r

· - ~ •1

I b7 IA__

I.If.-··:~ Wo.rct_ .Ot .. ·dt.-.«.orw 1t 00~fof/

..,.-·e:o-,- ' 0..¥1d .L,BatU>.- A, '/I',· hir>a,;,ll'nUlolO i

!~~i~ _. ·Jv,l0nh~•'W0161'G_ l!onlth/\tltA Jll>or!.:,

:!11'<·~~:·, l.',Ch!J:-...;r<I~ 4er'i Abel 1el s2va

Pot at~':'· I · • (Jrovn:rs· . l>et-n .lt-o!nr,1et~d. I tMs *oniing. at tlH1 ! offk~s ol' the lJt~h j·[Stat·~ F~arm b rE.>au. · ·Art•dc• of 'ncorporation will/be fll(.·d. \'\; ind a. fewi '·era.th@ i.· _ d_ _mYi< i_AaG~-•; -·nd _ er t ,e Agr-ie:ultu:r;,, Co-o· ·e ,, last 'ellJ'iidattn"@.. the o :~anbaUot( · -.t 1·u , 1: i!'!rton. • . . J'., }J~ubf-,.Hl °Pii.?t (lpl --da,n !s\ U$rtn-ed · !lt.'lJ 1' McMillan. So@th,J A

dent.. IM~ Horten K

r.au_ r~l'l!,a'rH!_ ~1_·-~ - ~tn Myer ; Rl'!t@rton. ~ Bluff Dais.


an.~~kh~!~tJ H. d' . ···.i-r· .l,.,3,.,,r,J1 1§.f,H">lr~·'l!i;_t,>'- ...!,•.,;;.'-• ... @'"

.. .

5 · 1923 '




o Ito 1':! 1,u ,q n Ir-)'

(' ,\ fJtl l

,,u 1,,., iht" I II -.di »tort r;,nu,·

ik :,a,·k



tl: i.:.':" l >

:v·i' ih,,-1 U,,·d

/\'.,,.. .:

i•<'.l•' +· ilia

e:ia ti.cm dent the ·./.f(>._ &nt.I ,y.e.ariir

p0i!8tt.)l~ ··bi a..~ c! -wouf4: ,.ha·

me-amre•. the . ~tri

>.Thia.-is-the; aecti .

. _

f#i. the;·_pfp,e,_·un~ -~:mp~·ntY..l.f utilities. comnilt.J;Jon~ .:·o~I -- .

1919¢hs/board di@f6rived; 6

dsieief sets SF#&ere -x_o·"" · *fi C ·.,....,..... ,,......,1>"""'.·.'""·' ·J',1_'.f_ -::,•"""". n.iss:_,.-._..,r.,::::c·,;,_ J.






,$'~~y,t!,,)~·~.#-.-;·- ...

•• Replacement expenditures@?onid

be more'th an tqubled iri the.ne 'ftrW ~eoowdi!l$ · t.o :I thtr".~Jtl'."·

x~.~. -


_fln(1inp,.•,_:/~:: <ft:'-6:5'.ff;~'\:}\?·-

~· · -! ~ --- ··--·-·- - '


NH CITlZ£N5 :·

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,',r ·i-: a11

IA!-<,. " " ~1ntr ,'lrf' .,

1rH1!•,I, I~, lh•· klln11-11l ,.,.,,v,-p1l_,,., .. r 111 • , ·,. 11 1r t-·,inn lt111t-a11 I•• 1,\• tirl11

Tu.-,..,L, _,•.



!:tt ;J,

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.\l .. rul:n


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~- :<. \\' J 1,.!f'r. \\'111,l;,1· i-al.l :111,.,,.J.



1>r' ,·,


·' " ' ,



l,(11 •








i111iit•·<1 \1111

. "1. %2%


,·,H·,d ,,11,J ln-~1ri i11,l'rl! nl .,.1,.1:,. II ht' r1ir 11l&h .. ,I, .\t uu·nn 1.;:._ 1,.,,1n.J• of rlk ni,.n r will 1,.. l'ar)rh,.l~h,.,. :'\rn\ ,11,-tr-lU•


:;::~:t t:t'_• :\Ir.

\{In.J r,_ l!IHlfl l\lH'Pd

lh!\ l


1 :1.3

;-:,I /11 :1 " l11·c);1 I Ill~ ,. , 111).:' n( 1 hf' dlrr••f1•r., nt th,• L'. LI'\' ,,11,t ,,i( !.tl11.c .fuu. IL



t , .. .,,;11


•r\!(:;\\I, t:u,

''. ;'·•fl


y ·. ·.· •~~·•,· · ·

,1' ~:UI'S!~.J· , fUf.ll:r'n_

£5 s.

,t~.;):n f.,?'Ut'./tt~h-elootl ab.Q;tl~-. t'.hi& _,a;Jid ·.5~~;tt~d. hl~ dt)tn!~it; w-lth . . p.:tdte.t )tn!;'ff. i>~,ccpi-dlo,c, f'to -ii'l-e Dt"Y }-old ··v~i-non> Sn,yd~f.[\r tu:sh;-J nt coun~r .at.t,iorney. when ¥lche1..: ·

susgeted that Tay son aolg- { o for oomei reina.rka he: is -:at- l ged to made at>opt bts, i'ie_·.: :~ ·-: ...:.: ·:. \ r:~. :: .. ,:::~:.. i.. - -L:;z:;·.:.::·:::.:: -,


. wd 61.. d: , · v··.: ., . . 0

f ieyfie}.Pccident _'iciiam } . . la· Bu~e~··at ·R1vfrton I HIVERTO::--;~: Jiuul,- !l.. ~J)effa!l.! Fenera l SP,T:'TiCf::-5'. sJOr Faymnend { .ilis



- hay n :"l th

..-~~' JclJJJ<J


wh;~'r,. a ·'fi<lT~e ' a.t,,rac_lle-rl\

rake he,_.was operating{

aa- . pirt:


n. llf

.:_,.;_.· . h6Unt1_&,1.' t'!l.. l .. ·•. ··~.-·.t. h..'~._,_··1,~rnO-On .•Rl·V ·. e . T• V.-/f!fl, C"~'a r-•.• .:11~hnp-fi}~i;id..,Btl,J!1 fn, .hAJ;;&4.;

t'i?n':ii_.r_i:_t '._''fi.rs.:Jin.. th..f> 'Ftk""_~i:.t_,(]{1 _.·. cem- ::

-~·~_t,,_ l?t.Ith C.::1J- G~ff:.: '!_li~,raker.'." arg.h snug@s@es.st


Z-7 /f,--Y-i/ 1C12s;: tat

as pt.re roe«ooto ers..tr"er pot.teaa he

· i'.f"o,matlon. of a drainage district t.o iteda..im. between 700 and 800 ~cret'l of l~.nd west of. 'Riverton will be d lanHmed at a. m.~et1ng of t'arm• ers at Riverton Monday evenlng. The fo.rrer wlii rnect at 4: 30 nd go over tho project with Sts..tes


D.~;; , ,, ,~\ .,_._,




. , v,,...,., ·c,_ , l!. ~ ~.til

--"~ ., ,,., r~

~ -ii-

i_,,.;.;; ,,., ,- g •_ wichi! fr "f"J


,-: [~ "(

1t,::.;..•u.t;:: •


, ts. -- H h ·a. ' ..;:,. ~bJ" f.l.



['«rd ot the death Sundfl.y i1iiht.


or!II:\ art!n Hnrton Kirk, 35. ,r-a,ehfq,,r\

hank }lt ; ru:,n. was rPc~ived in. Salt I...ake' fr!!J 11 Panguitch Monday. l Iii . .Af .f I ttlr Kirk :-in.; w! ~ were touring th<:-




•ilii;:; south~rn


UU, b

1 1


a two- J

w' s' var.-ation, t:t.·hen he bie-<:'am~, ill j I ith appendicHf!'i at Panguitch.! He d ied of peritonitis foHowing: an J

0 rrat1on for ka ruptu.r(:>d . ,apper.dix. . I




fell0w wor ers report 1'1f) was •n, r1ntlx e rtect_hath when southern l.0tah nNuly tv,o i


left/(or ,,. tu·f~!5



i llr. Kirk iFl the son of the lat€__.. ,

\\1"llf'b.La m ke.KirkHIsand Marv Kirk of i salt mother. wife and 1

th, ~e chl1dren. rmrv!ve.

Tle body w

Jilt J...:.ake {f1r' but 1-Wi~!?; ;q,z.s- • neg2ge·.ezer9 msggs±9±232 .5?e . _.] HU . ·

V.,;,c>," VV<" ;'..>

aadd ress»iurijogs #gt.reyA g g




,,.....,. '°. ""'I"·,,., - f Ua:;;.h . ~5.\'l!t·_,,.,..

j I


•'f l.l~ U d -' I!;-l_! ~•t},t


.A·-- ~f.3~'.i.-~li't-~~-i-r1

eon neetfon 'W¥H.h 114 k-!h.ool ,! . . a srnJi

:d• contir........u


IIJ'n• _

•.·• &U$P,!C~8 o( th>'t f:'0•.(.Vff)~niiUw~ ,,

Jn~ 01odety ot trmt p.l~c~ ·_·ii - , - -_ ir:,e -Utmh .Fsum btn·100. u. _ c~~op- ~ o i'~ :r:J\ wU~ the 1-"'(H'&~rat@rl Fr:u.H ~

,~~e-•t ; ~Jif.d, .abl~

e_.~-o-.P-O ·•_ itia ·_.U_vf,_,. grow@n b~g, :or-~--. a. numbitr or st~i~ Jafrkt ~d@U~~. ~ nd th@.ff

wn1 . U!llfl ato.ndar(t g~dJl),r ·metho(is. Fll"eld :~Ut•"1i :~: eommor$l4! lf,'., ~ , •rt.,,?!,, fh~, bu- [ll l<' k lns

"M 1111

rea#, organiser, s!d hf? met#-l

bk!. ~~w h.eHg trl.a-d 1

ror u,~ flrN /.

Hn1 11 i1~·c,ii id 'Undoubt_.t,.dty r-NUU. mo,bester pr!co an? the nle of a. I. .-r..·•a. l,rr _,_ '!lUHt.Uty, n~pprta _-_·Hu, ,ta _ilhdlc.w.tt• , ttuu Uah, trnm•_ ti1-cy,.~~n••· 1 ·

pi,e crop wt!1 r-cu,k -nmon~


,,. I

,I , 1'1 , h lstory, ,I·




..,, ::ep} -;2-s;


. ;-

·Riverton·"; Bank

To beBuried .,. MJD\-ALF.. Sept.


unoral services of M

;r· : h r

trk. 3:i,. ('.>,Hlh I .the Y bark, at .. Rlvirton.



Rlv:ei:ton:i ward

-;Thu r_s 4_ay. S<el.·'>t.


·1_.,. a_t

.p!~hop· Da.vld B!I!lll pres .. · Vlhile touring- the sce ,on a t w wail l.11 tn!'n Hl'

folln.wl.ntr nn cf ti a. '1~h e


ne-a:day afternoon in ,wiud chapel w'lth Blish e(l.rtducUng.


.choir rurnhhed tho m ; Speak4Hn w@rff, Pafr "Bill.ti. a Hf~-lons- !rit>,_nd famll:r. i\tr11. Marr,Afq'uH

;au Is_..·' ,T~hi'Tu - H&n-!ton;

~Ia.ml !ton. ;1r:cl B!Fhop tlon1 was by Rulon H c,loelng prit.yer by Z_ Butt''.~rtl,eld.

!n the Rh·~rton_ceni,;, by Samuel } tute were ma

""@ P"Pe,Two,

Jou~. Jvl.t,; 131 t-r:r;S:, 1 ifif• . . . ., W . }H1 Ll TON






1vi 1fiun :!nrr•·Y\




! to utd rd 1ta:i1 ti1·(·n hr•-i-:<'~-a.nd,prc·fh

arlr for .11. !ine;, u~to-:da.t.o • very latest

d1i,Hn;r. In the

~.:;:';?~· '·"' :

Jhtf. ,1!'1.~•rn--' k,. 0::;'.: iid w ~ wtll ,;o;i( ap'! iri:\xitn•tfi:-.

i,j' nr.<l ,,,·Ill. b1:' C.u!UP.let~<t~f



I? 'J







IU:?-.JU' UY J«JN' HE<'U.HT Y.A.D ! f:..JH1tt';i :\'ote: Thi• IN the ttilr<l . -lllllry ln tht· 11.unQWI d11uacler (·ontc11t



1:21223 %

} tht' ,unte11t. J>rl r.eJil 1..r ,1 .,rr,.re<l. Jtog• i ull\r 1 p 11.fe rnle '1->n!d f<Jr u.11 LOOlrlbU•

{ u ons


01..1 111t1u1dl111'

In our community 111

:. 011(! 11urn who11e nc.·c0m1iU1hmt1nt11 a.nd




l>"lt'rhn,c dianu:lcr 11hould cert.a.J oly I\•·• ord hlrl) " pl.4,:-: In llln~111loda I\IMl rcror•l.11 of uu, llll!1 munlty' !Ul d In

f11,ct !iouth Hall J,.n.ke County. Ao be : l,!UI 1..-~11 h"elpful In ll4fll ■Uuc il.nd la valley ln whJ eb we ' lHtl /W W (•nJoylnf. . Henry Hy ru n Bec k atead, th e mrubJ('<'l •Jf thiil, Ill tbo gr11.nd lk>Jl of A X.&~ l\1ld1·r ilt.'<'k.at~Ml IUld 1'00 O! Henry !\ lld 1..111tit:n Hytxm fkr dUl~ ad who Im•

,~ i

] wutkdig up




ml,trnlml to OtlUl In '•HI, croo,1n• the pl11.hu In CIL(A..n.ln Aln "1 compa.ny. lfl!I Ulll lhl!l drlv1.!I&' ll .,nun of cow■ nd oxer bltt- rch11.f\l'UlK ,a.ch tor ru t of lhot1e Mlm■ J1, HUJ rather wu a hunter for ram" to .supply foo4 tor LM ■tru ggllllif lmmlJT A.Qla, ThJ.t


unl\J 181\:Z whfln th• drou.t b bees.m e Hv111u· thtiy wer• compelll'd to


Juve an(l llf"tt.le tn Wala and helped to

tablah that ne ttlerent

he re

, Ulolf\ now 11ta.n•'1'· H1f mot..b.-r W'M one of lhr two womCll IQ c.arop at lhlll \11:rH' HI• rat.her belped ln 'tak· In!( lht' l':r11t vnter out qt the Webe r t1v"!r. 1111:n-., n,,,J Jr.Aal Weber, DO'W' nur F',rh o, f11r !rr\g11.llng pu~. I' Mr. ne,;luL.-1'11

..,.It_. tben tlMi onty child

tn c•mp, h(' h.-lnig two r••n al ar 1'1• little l'IDlll•infrnl con!JJMted er! 1l rAro lll tt with about hat many 0tus oa and lhc ..\J, P. r,-Or •d nc,.,.. rv.n.1 ove.the plllc"I whl!'rt' th~~•· ~>(Ill '"600.. lf\lled. Th~ 'ru< J r,, r them SOlfll' Into thin pr t ot tie routry wa for prntf'•'Uo•, rr••III lhf! tudla.NI who W•N

fM.t fM /1 r,,11('Jflh"l'-,"i-diitl!iCiJ}' ihe-

rald11 made hy lh~ lndl&ns and lbe dcmn.nd" nrn di• by lhrm for food and ortcn t!n1('JI thl• Plon&er's ,:attle a.od hon,u wrro drh"Nl oa while they 11tc,od hy. /J('li1!r-•1t. Though I\ men 11\o , he wdl r.-,.ml•mber# ~~ g-riut■bop-pera and th e cricket da ys an d would lry to tlo 1\11 he coultl lo dt:llt ro y lha.m with n. 1tBc-k ~·!th n. Af faaten ed on lh@ ('nd ! hat hi• m ot.her tlxfHl to r blm. Lntn, th/'° fnrn Uy moved to Og. den, wh<Hl In 55 and ~7. ther& WM a ,r rt>1lt ~cnrr-l!y of fooJ. Ho. wltb otbe?'

00}'1' wou!(I ICOUt tho !'.elda and hilt. i n.nd tltg Sego root1, wl-14 ooion1 and wt,«.111 for rood, many tam.J.llu h.av• in,r oolhln,r hul w~d• tor food tor w,•ek111 l\t a llrn f'. M r. $('ckalt,e;(I rendl11 \•\vlrJly hl'fl rl ng Im.a.II chlldr,, n cry (or fo od ~ud there would be none

ln eamp lo ..-upply t.holr htmg-er. Jn 1RM )Jr. Hed<•tantJ·11 fll.mlly and nlhen Wl' te rlll!rxl tt> move to Wet Jordan on llrrotmt ot tM luv1U1lon of .Johruto11·11 nnny. Th!n 11.nny Cl'lrne through WHI Jord11.n Jw-t aoulh .,! lbt Wttt. Jo:rdt\n cemattry on .t,.belr mllrch to the mouth of Uln ata:rn -c&n· ron. 'fhl• tauUly lhtD. rnoii,- ed ·to Sprlng Bottom, lmmedla t•IY wut or Provo. -Th11lr b1,us H wcr~ covered



1878 u went

:''-'l!Ur&nlll'V 1ll{l a~ fJ.lmll vallq,


o.n, Ilia

f;.\Slrlay, he a11-0t;Un t11nd a croup ot ID-

ti ({WUf Qi) t~ WI> ;" pa.UJ,, "" __\)tf.q • ;f;~ m1.m~ i.t t...'.14 Umc ..-.-· ~ to ~ > ,:l ,':tl~ a fbcrt cut throu,tl U.. CQ\ID1ty r

;/.£tru6 ~ll~ ~ m:M~- He i :< 9, ~t.w rclQ.tQt; ~ o1rol.lJ1UrtAooo at OM !1-{t ~vm.w.u f?j)ODOS<" WM WM wama4 DOt. 1 gu c,-m, ak;ll(l oz·~ and al~ i.'

:t,.'?:i',,l."1f<Yt! '4 v.> -~. Of;rof\!!. 1M h, k>Oll DO .

;'-, ,;) \'YJ'i!®\.-t!OO


IU2d Willi shot, ~n CUJd ;

i/trip46 0$ hi_clothing and i.n ~-

ff'~"' b.11}.i, by Intf!~ ¥1', ~ !

'c<;r.\i 00\'ll~ wtui O&ar\!'- ~ i .,,~-, h i~~i!- twi> el.a~ ttn' U:dl man *·I :-},: ~ h$ tJtwcr •,I/in_ forrct ·tll.4 ~ "1.lt_ :'. . ;i !rntt g~MI Uloit ~. ~ UttlY '


.4±is f .% s ;lf {tours. 'on no4ntn, S;:f :Ffi l-!9~J wts

r{il '.1$'. ~r>lll'.CM imtl bla_ falhllr wwe J ~,i\i~i~ · I'f®ll tn IM.Wrt\ala e,Qv ·' ~ ~"'>t. ~;i f.!/itior4 .,._ !'!ti!.dow .na cm ,..,: u:~ aro1,1:&.1 ~ as Idign in the f;.Ct i . i~t: at' U1-r--o,,Y;~r :,. ,i,ty.:M et him. i:t. a,t,.. (:c,''., ~,ltQ,d. u~ L"ldhn -~ toDli him pti:;~ . ~


/-')~• ~- ~ lttra!Nm!isg ~... ,~

,Jf.'. :,'.h(,r ;i l?,€,!"i) l~ll,Nl,1' Of M.ty bl4w~ .•

Ji:~ '<\:;.\\~!In in C.M ~Q'"®. . Ur. B<;?dwte,4 1.

?"":f ,,~I} !rut ® tlm-• ta ptti2JK Ollt . i kiJl''tt _u.w ~.. - . . . J p·,1;: · l.!i 1.!'-1l. "' 11-t1YV~Y. ~1ss -~ ~ ~ ) ·,!'~

fJ_i_~(-ifo,1H1 J{l~ ---- ... .,,~,.* \¥ .«wk-~ - ht.,. $}#78- #Av--h e ?le bipedto a ika p!J!'.~ (il,l,~~t._ l(,j\,;., U,_l) !lnit ffllte.r ~ · b et4 res ¢vprite4st trove I }.;-J_k,,.~:r,: M-d 6 dlr".wr k.:r yun: .

i:t;) .ht I.Nit ~ 1i thct-a ~ hO ~1:r'IWt,. .,· Mflll . _

* ~ 1;

1');,'4 ~ Wf'l~ ~ t;t4,u; Wl.Wlh Wffll ffl7 · ·..

tt'sll1'l!lu:'1~!~:itory, Umbr ¥,ij i/;ffi, Ut;: ~ wdns . w-m,- ~l~ l t:,:::, (!l'h\eP) ll'A911 p:ov,:;4 0. 11uoe•li 8il\l!I A N! :l

f?J;,,tm :In_-~ Mr. ll<l!c!«#".-4 was a ! "Y:,1 {l?t£iliil7 1a~11-ft fer ti wi:a- ~~ ui· tM I µ~~ 'V'J\i. U;;i VIM t™! #im -~lit f

i!,:/ iath Jordan ftron 197 to 1%42, ? '.,,<i' • v.11,:,,1 tb!i fm:t &>.mM;v ~1 W1!sa · :i21/ ~;:Wl,IN $; !!;I SouU:I Jormo, hf Wll 'I : (it -~.r~,u · r;up,ermt,mli1nit llad blS!4 twit :


H" ' ba-- -I· gs2 to the frt quorum of ieroty, .

. ,_:)_J~ _ i'lll_txm ,"f>-r fif't•i-m ~l'l!I. 3

o;grid, und wRs prosldnt of the


;_,_;-t;;' ~11._~ 1 ti!ly qu.0:n _ un f~ qii."tJ!ltJ ;rt;1..n., lg; ie wa upertntendent and director t:-~ ~ tao fl.nit ~ !M'fe In lfouth Jar- . ! j] ~ iu;4 wae e,a.pt aln QJ a oo.w ot : t'V,1 bw.-t~n ~ tor f(l<Ut ~ 'ttilil

'A;~ took ~;t Ill U,.C ~i'~-fa',r

:i,t_.i:,~i~l ~I'll.® l.l'1 !!alt ~ Ctty tk\ll !J.i'M .U:. W~llil WM f;!lk G-2 trot."\ I!,,\


1a 5 5i


,;,:m:ialfi. l.A!l ltV~r kn'11'i'U.

s.ssca. -~~,:.

r,,WI trw llret wrul wblcll WM ~ c~~:, '

tu ·11,{;a. Ln 18-GS ~ ~ fub ne~-~ f; wr. Md hoW. tbM pooltloll to thlr )_, cta,y. 1n ta.ct, tor many :,care he v,ar1. ;'; ,mdfifl!l.kclt ,mtntewr and au tt ...<;t gG~ll t


~ Ul$ t,uryt11g of t.be d~, Th,:tro five btnidffl\ t:,v11Gd 1Jl tM ~ Ul&"Y an4 b# ..r1tneium'I ~n ex• ,111 ~pt ~, Mr, ueciwtaa4 ~ 1:1~11; ~ w 1:,i;.i11d thrso mteting boss, fl- -~ Cl.NI



m~_- •f_i'

(;.\tia ~ _to_~-~ - -- _ Wi'$3H> ~ Wat) ~€m4

llt · Cid t®.~, loo~ w~ u..e ~~ f4f Bitt4tl .,,

is." ii6pg,gjj;2 22%. } P.

tG wt«d

'' ~,...,; t~ ,lll.,,,..,

• peck- ]





c'r ~>f:S,trt ~µ,..lte,I'.:j.\,t~'!>tMills{Mar r 'Jcns\'o:1 Mhis• Editli Pree•


were..J;ield at ti,:•(' first ,,rnrd owr r h•~



:t,,qnpnll.g"\~~- and M.t:11:·,,~alt~iq,t;T;iti;-/mllr.Ma1reot H.alpbHamllton, came as a sbo,k to ,h,· ,a.ull, and J.e-sks\N1d:,ot:Souµi \l(!rdll.n.·•)li.ss,:, !!-QI.): o(,,Mt.• -11.lld ..Mrs.. Reubt-n. S, Ham- fnend&. it Alice Pagee . and i ilron, on·..o t Mr. ·a .. n · d Mrs• Reuben.. S... . ._.. - ----. --· ··Lelce . ~.·,.Mnt,rGeorge Hamilton,, and Mh;s. .C.ora Butterfield ..... Mr, and Mni. C. I. Goff ente.rtaJned

iergrs, s jj;ii ±jfjc l. pgee.ypr.z


l!Ul.t..Frlday, Mr'. and/Mrs, , Mr;: llnd, ).u:s; Rola,nd, Page lµ.d~a.a, Jtt1,Hhe .~Ge~ ini-Sllion. The. l.I\ ail4 Mr. tind Mrs, Henry(' tni.ii"ro guest Mondayand Tuesd&;; ·M'.1.aa, ~qt .tow-il· gi.lellt.l W:ffl ltyrlil'~ey·

sins sis4j?pp;zjezgpeg.urge:g..±

Ardith..re,ru.··m · . "'4 .· :,·. ;to tetr, ho ...111 . . ·..e... l-.:'/1'. hhe Parent-Teachers as8..~ . ·•~.•a.. t!Olh .. o!.· •·h.onor.. at. a lun.· ~ .eon.. · given. ;m . ·"'$41J.t..•· lfiht,. 8ti:rii,•ft.\',A{tef'.•H~Oding~aom~. t'gRye:;fl;:,pr,,ogrt\.mlftt •·t.hr, ,~f:"\Jdi"; 'Lakc,Wedn~y ·. ot hut week./ ),{ra;: ~-J.,~ ltin~:~-it,,n,re.\9:tlv::11:~?•'h:\; i/l<tpr;il:(~x'i/1-"hQfec hl.l"ll,,Hllrne:-gave;;1fl_119'1 ;Jilek', llen~lng:t.,,n;' "'WI the hostess, .' and: Mr. Jack Wiberg gnter- sure;op art in the home on ~~s-,: an~.:C:chpn:ifugly entertR.ln~ . ~ight l, >1t d1nlle.r Sul)d&)':-Jn·:horror- of· 1,d u.y. I•.-:<.\ , ./'; ·,: , . ·. \. ·. · ..., · · .. . . < guests. . ·. . ... , . -Gi,Jrg'.e,;\\'he~man. and,.chlldrend· A· ·,:,en:, illlr,res11iv~':. funHaJ · w~ ,.. Mr. a.od Mrs. C L. Spencer~ Yrs yr.. 3/%5 e- · ;:.,; .• ;:;:'. •~;<.,;·<:·• : !)1elrltF'riday over:thf' :reztuUnS'" of M.ni: . George,.. A, Clu:1 ur Ev,rnston · were o

\'Evel~in.'.?-l°IE'l1ie,1''.C:ntertillneif•af <,Niu:rcyJ'J;N,kho\s. ·wife' ot.. Thomaa 1'gue11te ··SRturday and 8nnd.a.y ·e.t thr. •.'y , Jasfi' !\;I {)r_-i<l_!\Y, :. ay: h_er. ~~~e:){;~_lc}}'~f.at:·•Jhe',/tl.rst;.::,w,aN:1 me-etlng home of their sister, Mrs. Geo, A. W(•J'~;pl!J~·~.d, a.n(IS)::~fre3bme~ts:JM.ti11:~k.£jl.e. (;}:)µrc;:llj ppuse . was .ti lfe<!.).}J;tjgll.t.; · - · · , - · · ·--:·'.; . <;/ ~,,-.·::.,:::?.;~;~·I/~~:·:?~~~- :::.:1,.~,·f•:.~J.$,\{~•;t:;.<·:-v~;\, ~ <: · , .... - •.:.__, ±j g :?±is;:$ TT"Ss --:. -• ·•;·

F&A? - ·\i·n('"-" 1 'I\C· $,A

id Of 611

,to.g for a tni months •~ -~tire_)"

JI bcintr" l,M · :yoar of .tbo

r tilt , An)~ 1••r (l®.1tng io ·uui

hlld_ bNn uaed to Cleric~ punlt101 found msnua) labor rather tryir nit, but- afttr a litUll wblle!, ti11 I _ti- •~_ustomed tQ working hi.I.

on _, rallrod and other emplo

l(IJI ,

1t of v&rlOUll lttndll. • . •· 1673 he marred E}mm Harm hM te#Y, Surry , eingtand, n d h o daur.hteu, by this union, mar otlkra and are M~. I~ a r - and M.n. Tboo:iM B. !il"'M lltlAke.Ctty, Durlng a"'portl 11 time hcC!

n-Ua~..,_,, ,-- ,,,._,.. .., .. , re_ at that uwe it the Bing n &nd Ca.nip Floy4'~lwa3 at mtny ot the Ena11ffl

r "" oot 110 ,;iµ~roUI! ·u

} Qd)l&ve a very grest deair .. • ., • . '

' .;.1



d.'l o!·


i;on. PUTpot!\l 0~ ie.,n1a; Phllllp;'._1 ot Chrlllt 's 'ri1

th and Half

. '.~r,ne.l when! ~ ot::fl«Al.1 i•

, Af ttairn U

of Germnn Rll . ~ - _-r-.<ot-~_,-_.· _'rcimpluil,!.,;, .m__ ~_;m

I men.p9%%. : 'About ·,l!70 ·o.Q( H.Qft

11a·e1(jffij· ·at·"bi'W

':the,l.r follower _, 1!e1 ltF1 Palfa1t1ni, ;

~lf!<, __' Ja111>a o.nd lonlee Jappa a


Ing Ill exl~WYl.09i'.TI

6. cll\l, r tbo Mutool L.•. its. At that time th ti,un.e. lV1W ri~rnnpg µio fflpj.~ !n.t~ ~h-Y L L.. I) ,

~ 1:1

1t., a-r,,,her lQOlal

o: ng n.n, most of

· rMrroan · i:lt.l:te Y

to Q(ll'VO L

3,9 £

p&Uculauy . rlbrud

C (1.!13

repOrtAB, manuflictui"" tent. Ore of th-ctr .repo ;Ve not forgot, was on& Of (J ns..prnacb cd a erzan nd _i ··wlth he. mtit till I ,\w ®aU.i" hy being hunr ·up vo' r>t.ber · tblMl!1;. "Advert! 111J'i- lf n,,')t tnu,rnkd Ui 11~ ·,,)Iii ~. 'li,!'14 H~ Bout.b C.At gardzat.ion wns !"Ihle to t ka snd mu t "' mv11 Ulm

11 U,111t \,A( ,tl\1~ for l{li/J il-tl!i> '




e C


6° t,,,Jay \ "' l,f ,~.-lcb.11q r, ttil is...1C.if w 1 ,g v,:-ry l!U.l<i hi.rt r.,1HJ of.


ws detetto cot

·rt !'yutltt, !:rf £:', T3. fut +£ +

Y\.i!mlly tag c

wild umt

td. w1tltr !t,l_ now ~tvi,~t .!mt u~ wM pe.rt or VaM, iu:id &n lt,hllil°l b:t,· !Jin;( Da ring tha year» 18 0 ws1,r irnd 011 t.h-i'l Ut11.ti a.UC ~ vai:1 [l) hrfog Wllt!lr to t lli!l ;i t.-.l tll.Mtiod Hru-:rlt

tLru!.lil ·"!.t.~4(t' '

. Bet:c!Nl, l-1\1,fl'Olk., )l;i . 'W'ld ll-t.,Y!\)'!11.~ .. , ·

tttr m--cupi\!Jiim,. t:r e ld, swaging a s aretot



res!±ncs #! $ cu)¢ hsrjrsis vf ti '';fu'rh:, "''



co ~ll :sljJbl 11tr.eru




nl o. tbi, gll-blad

, B. Qb .-ob tool- " ooc111'!4" a ·1m,,-0Jr.g m<i lel4'ty, A(tN.--wardll ·

~-~ ~f,j'$ ot


rpm belnt!

n shet.That,pep7"%

, u,'!~. Jkre Elden re ,,ti1ck11u·1fo"vm ' t, ~(f t:o61l"...ffi!p"fof"l



om tbere Intab, th11 Mlm!IOl.\.,t: _ . .

il,,turn BooUl lUld Pait)i bf;vm g bU1!I

er.Md fnm'I Uui m!Jll!lona on account . 11k kno>.s11. but not a.c~ttng-- ll&tM, ;id,fr D-1x,U1 Q. M'll,ngc.d to i'..tiy In Turo-j, hut Mr.. Patt,' tCXl"k u,p_p~ old

!eai1;1 111htn b~ trul'1'1Jted ru1oth~r 11.t.. • c of fevr And tarted home. u tile way home, the ~h\tyd on wl.l.l-r'.h e tnwc\,;d \t,'Oft th~nge-0 wtth pll•



Mt !mqllllb12&n.1f~tni ;to Mi:,;:-

, rwmt r t th¢ qregs" or1to4g wr<-h going !'>- _,fen1111.!ein !or -u•ll."~.l! -<t,;t1.!!"h•r (l.'l()t on ttw P~o ~.11ta · '

· - · ,an P,.thollc r,-:e.ut~r) and ..

.: (Atth-Oliu ,;;,urc:,. ;;;:;- ~

l)T thci l¼nl!Ul 'b:.ti:mllo -lit!tl:<1 Jero~2.lcm, ~~1


, pllt,\t.'11 1:.onl'..'!.r.f;ir,d' wltb 1_

'1n.'ll. U1<tte,


: i.hrtt Uiru3 r,111.Un_;r-ln UH

41 Asrunt, e }. }±\, 1 4

g:±, ¢L a strerzea .J, £N ga 3ebei




ig,fg {j 4pp4 jgaga±a13 k uggg l ji v jl % ii6l@tit&ts#±!


} Mondsy eventngr 1990, , , the H!wirton Junior Hl$"4 llcl1ool pro M:nt,,d the ,\peretta ".Wipd!u.U.l.11 of . Holland" to a IB.rgl& "ii.nd very appra- I! "l clatlve a.udk:ni;:a tind in a tnO!lf pil\.Uil • I; ! lt--b 'mann~l'-..... ,., . j] l rdemonstrations of youthtut ta- f l,mt nd ability was n very romultable t1.1attml, llif p~ct~ M.4. cllon u; \ rnemhors al.1Jro put •'l!li'lr tMtr fl'.1~«:, • !.lv~ paita in ll. t1lldlble marum. Tri.l), r.uccooaful ~lion of tht op<!!l'ctla waa conclullha evldlmoo of ~fAith!u! Md ,;fflclent· l~nhip· of , ; M~ Mam R1\ ;i!mr~ aad wm F.ll.1'1<-c \ Se..uJp.-!OU as uaicl nd dramatte directera ro~t\v1.,!y. _ Wt&·· Ill.!~~ ) chdit due Mni. Ru;;y BJw. (ibGt, pf..."!Jl . l.tt, 'Clif~ ~cy, v~t, J'oo'l6e I





ii ·•

lll, } w.R. dsl, Vargan bis, iv»th j

.,i _j .:. "'- ~•.· F .,,:.. .....,... ll i .- ..~."',_,;__"\.;,,:, H.«-l•_•"'-·... _:j'· inl ltl Salle"i ii- J

H Jo~ Kay H&miltml. n!l\'"t;.l:'Ut;lr..,~ ~a l

fZ N. K. TllomJ1$-9n e.t1 ~t;mle:rf• !~P>!ger j

1 Sp,eclal _nu=bol.'i.i iWdli~ wero·

j 8og. Melvin Wee.n:if; and Vernon~ . ~ .i.nscm; eoll!,.J'MW 'iv.it.ii BroodJ>,:-,at; l

~ ~'Dfl an~_ &uic.~, Eti,J4l Hua;.,, ~teU1,5 Ii. iJ Hardy, Mnry Hamilton, Mnrie Crurop.


j M:,11~1?:l }.IertogeuboI!.la, Ls,Vi\1 rn,lt ! \l y rona ~~~;ll; 11-;., Buttertl~ 11 ls1etanisa Horton9ssbi, M. 'l"ii.m~r f ~ Bll'-!n . 'ff:ertoJJ,~f;,r~. ..•• Ell::'3 He.ray I' l sotie:........-.....Hlsls Mir l ,..;_:__:;_: ,;; V6mGll

.~ ..:.....:.::. Bvvoy "»...... Estala ~\,•etb BrciMb0s,


.$.9r our cent

,.tu were·twin st ad Uie t.1 tbe .earl)' lle v»av?


ca "ccby •





)ll lH.ilJI.){ ti! /,(;-, il.Hd ~!r3., cyar


'liley were assisted J ~'"', 1llvrd J. ;.1yern, Mrs. Sidney J -u, 1:1rn1 Mrti. h;-ll 1.<'etgwt-0n. uimrna c prnycd 1111ct 1unc.t11:>011 serv~ct. to ! ;ue8, i r. n4 Mr. Hardentle { ulf.Urn thu1r nouw at Sa.11,r;i ·;-· · .I r, l~UCI .r.1w. l'..lllel 1::>loqkJ1i.ga, Mr. ! Mn1. l,wn0;1n 1:>utteflloio a.nu



gt.tel'; ·hli«n; ·Mi'."lffl6·Mff,~0ROid ", lld.l:J. .zrs l. .t.;Hill) and famJJy .lid.urn \ uoa Urnen attcnued ·ty i•·1·1t111y 111 LJ1.11wr ot Mr. a.ud Mr!!



u b l.l .tij "L 1--:1.,;,rrimu.n. · • · 'iltl !·'<tge l:\llUHilHl WM heh1' at Gon !"ttmu,i. on heune;,;da.y wllera the VWlttg OUNJ were helping on lhc crew. c,.imm!LL•JnH. Mm. C!eo Page, UN! ,\e\i Mtu.;ii.n,-M..ru. ~ .b'l·ce. 1..1.t,.·,1,!Hfl_ ;'a~t,, Mi.r,;11 !tie t,JJes.ter b,1 S!H:ptwrr.l, J\!lf"~. Alice Page, '!'. BUL,<:rlNlct, \<Vi.Ulo.m Q. P!l.JO, J'.!'.m! 1~a" c, Hall? NloLHen, Wi:.-iUl.ce

Ht>d:.utc~a. Vuko l-'nge, Uuynnc (), Mld t;la.rntill! k.$H.fr<l. 'l'klO day WW pic,m.mg. Uaruee, bai.!ll~S

wsirn l!~{tl~ll"f.!l), ~ l,li-;:, .l. n. C\l◊ltd,, ·~


l~~nst.tla ~-u<.:S. tl'eru, a.nd Ml:·s. ttu..· uud ch\l'.!nm o! Slle1jy, !d.i~.

laat wod; ew g-.,i{;ll'te

Ch.a.. i:.!&J PO:.r !lr·. .•-·-rs••i er. tmltH'tRlhOO r,;r

of Mr. Curter


_1wir.1:,;""~:., ,.,. Wi.w.::w,:;(ll:,,y,

ws spent in danging, and

to 25 g't!CZ.ti'); ·

Q.lrl1; ot t1'.>.zi ~d L=-rovl} .:::½\nvon twet, ad dughtes, '..l!lgS O J' ll-i.! U IJ l

J$ur-ey, 1r;u.

.Eyer'! EtntN' r 8uny in O~-


- 11,1 · Mrw :f Aber/ !!pt!ll. t


clhv.l lw!o v, tiar•


i " ta ll~-~ Riv-..

ut u.~1:1tua or:h·

!,-ct !i,,nt.t lOO +1$3' # -

r3. 3 » V iiJ;

78 M

.- · ru1t1.


t,ro or ¢

(.-,G ,;... ''I: II"' 00':'!'lDs:l ty n:

erahel Egbert entrinsd at

.llt 'I'tn.1r&0 ay 11'1 hOoor o! tbe tmrue'a Jt. Cot;tonv:ood hol'llo, MUlltl R. dinner

1' 1\f:O, MlRfl LolP ;«,bm..«on, &\!SW ll!rnm 0

l\,eecn a.nd Mru, Qllatm.in. . , · .M1·. 11.tlt! MJ-i:;,. John Hntwen entertained at CU!W.IJr Sun$y, l':b'a . (,,Toed •.;.organ ot l.>e?!Vor, !l!Cra . Kaw !..X>nn-e-y nd wti, .li.ldw.nrd mid G-eQrge, end

,w.q;;l:!_un·, t<,&,cllenn:e 'l.Ild w. tmd f4n1 wu;;,y tta,nE,,,n ot 13alt l..ili!.e. Mr. and· Mrll. Mtilv1n Peteraon

_tfil11!!y ~.id ;11,U'. an!J l!sl.fl!, b,.10.nl~ tiOU IJ i.Y 1ip1mt klvr.111,y i;,t .8rl $l':.tml. ··. · iur. ,1<1!J" ~- H.looloontwh tcit )'.{on• · li!ta.mey 1.U. yi, at

('-0 i:t

g oi &,!!;

,H1t~i-U\!Md at .ill1u·wr at; ti,e ¥1 1;!\', !;,_}.l.{!"

r·,JJ.1r:·-·-t. , -··a. -Uh.""tr4f:llil.o

r'r!asy . l',U ll.

S. !J. B.

ret2rn! home 1

tie pest raonth Wllll rel:dJvr,,.,.'

w e mi..'li!!l't g<,nfi ~ Joµrn:;o.! Marou.gb

ti:.le md!11 ~~,r!,i, you vr.Y fiim:wt.bUlg ot 'l'l.1'!00 lfor 11., wWumi p~;yi.n.tr ll lM~il P""'~l{t·e ret~· · Son14 tn you-:- 1.w11,;i,t,l'l.pt!m:r m "1:l(W,;' - ·l' OU m,-U~ J!l~ifO ot· tJMt !.allOl,1!1; ya;, 1.'A>llli--4.U3't t!mt i!l!l1, Ztil', t,nd •;;,.,, WilU&m N<1ft, :Ura.

,.Jari·ell ,N..,a,-1,t)ld e.nd !lilrvy


NJtUXll!J(\ 1l9HUl ijw,cluy o.tt0,· fl!W·U{\lllg W<N:-k vi(,lth:l¾)' i,,t Wyom.li,g, Nortbtiin:l, ·

r;~:-dvci,_Lro Jourwij, "~z-r, ('933 .




""'"',;. ~-

. !

+84 a4 pl :._r.....,., · .'/ ~.,':\






\ L,M t1;<IO

] with Ed:

; a-t.n.t'.i


coi.u;aoi(} itt1J.d w Jom.~ tenclgnc,' Bt1hop

cro.n.e "

::for, ,•



ave t..ta



.. .


'f 'f

.,,, -_ -/:



i, :->.

''-~1=,;:r,q;,1r.w:~.:u0.i ~ •.•1;;~;,;-;.:;,.~ ""·"' ·-•.,,


,.,. 1,:-l:;'.;i;,



•i %


ij ""


'Thuma;:i !?. l'~~. SJ, ! llOTUO In R.lv"'rton ;.1,t I VV@<.'l i;iedti.y o: ir,1,-rll'Jy1cin ems < 8 1 ot. Mfr. $ born ! c«mt r 22, JJ!5I'. iU


!! t'Il.l wa the on ot '1'110,Mil !' Pago vf ~dnonhlrn, ·

!I Jenott.e Scott oi! S<;-otfo.iid.


»eJolnlld tns chmeh in

}in 187? cams to Ut-.

l, In ±873 ho irrtd Hrna


Atlantic ocosn 19 times, d rvodf two trm3 In th, iltate leglr,li.>.t\n-iit, ruid a hll.d

00&11 !1,CUVO ln Wt11£G">'Nl

county and state.

of th\:


- 1

He te ,;urvlvt?r.\ by hill wife, H.icrr!!lt i

, F .mkland Page, and th" !oliow• ) Ing · sona - and .dwghtf:1'13: ~hoobf/ \ . Bloater and iuoo Bleater or · lltioit i La.kt} ; Gwynne Ptlie, hattle t~r,m:i,w.n, I

!4'.!!.Ud. Butterfield, M=cbell WJbar-g, ! Roland Pn.ge, M'.&redith P11$a, &ll of i B1vorto¥1;·,Paullno N!cluen of oath Jordan. Du!te Pa.go of Payson;. Leicl Whetma:l cf Dni.per; four blvthc-rs, Wll.li[llll A. P..:.g-o of Wellsville, John R.. Par-!l, Richard Page rm4 Harry Pagu

11,D1' .11. aillter, Eliubeth Pn.ge,. all o! · 1..o·n..1on, Engl.!md. 1r-- UlGNU !U'rtU.1:/li• IlU!ni3 wl! ba n nourced later.

Elli\ Brown, ancl neven chlidren wore J aj born to th.hi unlcu., ., l


I-J,e !11 lll.!fVlvei1 by the follo'k1ng: '1 } du widow, Ella Brown Peterson, Iay' J"1umy Ranlnull1lell, and I ~I El.la Sw·enr all of R.Jvcrtcm,. &.nd ·. w1r

! Peterwn,

,n, ~ AffDell tUtUJ, Eru- 1 Peterson an<! .I Winifred ·. aylor of Magrta, and 19 i

gn).,"ldchUctron and one grcat-gre.ud- i ds.ughter: two brothers, l/Juui P6t.er- : oonof Lal'l-t and Charle3 Potei-;c,,on ()"f I Elouth Jordan, Mid a ststor, So_pll.tl'l., ln' Der.unark. , Funer! orvi ces wtl be conducted &mcllly at : o'cloclt al. tho rn,;-erto;:i ' ,. Soeond wr.r·t. chapcil, under direction ' i or .Hl.W:cip wnc-elot Bili. Fr!ends ~ 1 1rn1y 8a.lurda y rutornoon and 811ndc.y 1 may call a.t the home In Rlv6rton Sat•


'urdy afternoon end Sunday ptor to

,[@w fanrad.

, », 7 222 wen ". :! ,., ·Y·~JC,_,1 --~ '%- 4 I,_.::, j Heavy Wind Damages il Riverton Vicinity Ur 2


Hu,;wy wind !l!tonn zd tburider showon. _Sund&y oaUGOO oonsl,:len,bi<:

d;,.m.age at _ruv_erton Md v-Jciu!.t:y, hlowlni, c!own chicken coop11 lXlloug• ,,. hi.:;· tp !..~land W.-ibb, Jc;;;ieph :Mousley, · lwn Blllli; ,Mra GeOrS'fl W. Bute , terfleld and Samuel Turner, and tbe _ ldtchen of Jack Withers, telephone


_~. · pole• _ IIJld treeu. Several peo . pie tr'~v-, ellng In their cam ha.d to get out and

untangle wire befor; thqy could pro. coed on the_lr Jourll2y:. Pioneer do.ya Wi!re remembereq Otl Sunday 8V8MD8


w hen. church service were held with

ld of ca.ndleG when tnioo were , blown over onto the wl.res, the put- J Ung the -light sys.tom out of coZlllllis- 1 slon. In the Ros<0 oony,:,n an-a, 1 , heavy flood cau~d.- considerable ..ta_m..nee to crops, one farmer report-I l.ug that he had slli: "-. ~re.a of ll.ny ready to .b.a.ul whlch WM all blown iiway. Vaughn B!ll1·WM lmoeked·mi--1 i,, [. OOilOOlO'Uil by llghtnln.j, the






The employoo of Page -Hanne n cot eix:xwt.~ · ap<1mt . _ the In Cottonw'i,11!. c..n~T:-~e.1···_ 1_ wo::ik-end pm-ty com,lste4 of I, .trd Mr. Mer!1 qJUt Page ancl f!iIDlly, Mr. And Mr. 1 Gerld Sons sid cl!ildr.in, Mwa I JeMle 1".11.y, GQll Pot~r1.:0n, Gl.mdon ~ 1 Nt$lrs,;w.. a.nu 1..y-uu Hrut. uen.17 -~ 1 pany o.nci tllelr

! $£,p:i;l1,t Rf WestJoro:1,r~



The Midvale State Bank and the Riverton· State Bank, formerly having a joint office at Midvale, moved to the Columbia Trust Co.,

nt Salt Lake City Wednesday. Ali the business· of the closed· bnnlrn of the southern part Utah wi ll · fror the new Salt Lake office by Herbert Tay1gr, foraer ci1.ciliier of the Midvak State Bank.


Assisting Mr. Tylor s b00kkeep-

:r.Ar9lg. Butter1el4, $or. t the Riverton inst!tu-

n d a,.-, stenographer,


Voycc _who has -been an employe at the Midvale bank· for some time. Chru·fos Schn'lidt been p pointed as' field rrfu.n the dis1:Mct CQVered by the ve..le and Riverton banks. Other (~Jstrkts of the ata.te will have field men to look after the busineB8 of


. ..f~t - ---------

Midvale To Have Ne.w

, Mer~b1e Establishment~



A nc~ buslness sponsored by thePage•Hanaen Company of Rlve'r' ton will open its doors to Midvale , ·, buyers about February 10, accord-_! ··h1g- · t.<t-~~e~t .. ot Gg;ra.ltl D.. "i Stone, marta,get ; Of 4',t( JJ:ew-'~doµ~ ·. cern. The uew store' w1ll ocqupy i It quarters. at 62 , North l4ai11 ~d j


B will be known as · "P&gC-$'\ · '!'be


tune .- of business ,vtll be~ -· mt.era! M merchandise. Improvement)coot- } ?i ing oy0r $lQ0 are iMmt'ing · ;;npl&- f ! tum Q.t the, new q\W'teNl, Mr. Stone !

11 announce_fj, ,me{· they ln<iltl\W · } stalling cans , table4,


ln- r;

and ? new Ilght futures; re-peperiag nd f

J painU.ng; ·.and completely re!lov~-ffi .~ ing Ulf:. in!eti-or of tile build.mg. · ·· ~ 1

. :r




>' 4.








Feviws haprorenets} :_. . ~ . _._ _·. ·-.-,.--I'

:1 · At • a meeting · of the Jordan f i district· school board held Thµr(fjdey st tbe ghooi oftie,_ the imnprovementf! . Of, tfle bullelugs &Jld ~) gt'Ollttds of• i~e _scllools- Sn tlie ~If· trlct m: ·w_h.it!h the C. W. A.· ill I)il.1·- ( ttctpr.;t~ wi.;re-; tli~W!Bed. Many Improvements to ginds and t% buildtnp bn.ve. boon ma.de ipclud• t.J_ 1 tng the: r~hitlgiing of th~ South ~ r Jordab · amd ·, iforrlmao · acl,ic.ot butidings; the grounde at - l:ite '





B!ngn.i.m. ·U¢\l,001 hiwe b~ien B"l_"~-de~ !"[,; and f.mprovod; tho Highland lk"ly ,1 school. bu11ding which v..w hal'µ~, ': h~ boait' ~~ tuict tlu, rnrlck (;

u~ed · m !m.'t:rovm.~nt... · m va,:t1ot:m ~ pl.aces tb.J'm.i1thout the <listrlct. · •·. . · J,.., ,c-cimbinn;uort ga.rage ·h a$ _h~tm ii 0



_bullt e.t · th:';- RiverV-m 11,"Chool for the acccmrncdtion of the c h.kl ti j buffl!f)l!).. · '1'1:ta mt+ta! was turni t.sh~ try too. .!iir-tin~i . .cchool dl.ntrl<--t·J fed the tbr furn!sad ty the c. #


[ AA


vie Ge##al

. -






Riverton First ward and· River-

I ton S~eond ward . wUI Jcitn togeth• · I er on February 22 at the Riverton~ ~ Sec~md _ward to honor



!ii folks ot both wards. Dinner will t;


/ be served,beginninget 12 sha rp , to all over 21 years, with all ov-m- ~

f t

$ 80 as honored guests.' Program , will begin at .2 p. m. and supper at 6 p. m. for all the honored ~ · guests. The following committees f ~ are 'in charge: M. · J. Tfflcb.ner f; ~ John H~sen, Jr., Mrs. Mahf.1'1 Free- il' ~--m.-!!.~1.J4fs• -, AJ.Lce - Page., ,M,elvtn· .-.J. ~ &"i Peterson, Joseph Morgan, .. Bertl .Battiscin, Mrs. Judi~·~orgah, Mrl,. -~


li El.'fte Banks and r.m.- Lydia Ott e- ,

~~ sen.

'!'hey s,re w·orkfng · hard tcd:

$'" make tt a m9rtruccesa! atatr. $ r..,_,, et:--~i.,.,~~,.• ;. I,..

#.k .kt.ht.as ±1fa.

v srrrssos«a.bi

g ",EE ± g»his@ ; . ; ••



RirertonPioneer bervs {


; ;s4th f!irthday ~ermy

I . Mrs. Emma Butterfield


Stock• }

$ ings, one or Riverton's original pt-}

I oneers ,celebr...ted .tb6 occasion of]

I her 84th birthday a.ruuversary on

I Tuesday of last week, 'at the home.~ ot her son Ether Stockings. Stockings was born February 13, i Mrs. j

it1 1

! 1950 at Crompton, Gloustershire, [

I! England. At the age of 16 she t


;r-sailrd on the good . ship .Tol:ui Bright. for America. Arriving· the states in the month of Jltn1~,







;.ishe . started immediately for Salt ~i L;ak.e City, crossing the plains by I:

Ii ox-team.



I · ·Mrs. Stockings is the only living ·


child of a family 9f twelve, iu1d Is '. •; the mother of four children-hvo · : o.· whom are living, Mrs. Annie : Crane of Herriman and F;tJ1.er ! / S(ockil!._~a of Rlverto~, with whom


;';s;he now resides. i

' ·. ,··

Members ot the Riverton camp[

, of U Li'.11 ~:--'mneer-s visited 1-,;i-. --


- -

- -

-. - . \



--~ .~v ·-d... _, ,;, -u44e

r! many napµy return_,,;

no !'!

ier ulj Tues-

.; ,


~J_ the day.

_ Fl,e,4s..





Today marks the . formal opeping of Page-Hansen & Company's · Midvale store, - located at 62 North · Main stl'oot; the city's newest com. , mercial acqulsittqp.., . . . . i Floral favors -W:m bd given the · , firut 150 ladies vis1Ung the M.idr, vale brimch .on S&A:urdny, Febru,


ffi nry 24

· ·

Page-Ha!ll!eU & Comp.any, dMl~ $] I general merc4rmdise for ~[~ most a hE;lf century 'in tRverton, f will stock n complet.~~Um o staple merchandise st their new 52 . North Mru.n street, Mtd1 stora, i.,1 \ . . f vale and wlll run thisi Etore uncler 3l the business poltcy Ptl\''IJUed




re '


kzesme been


they busineis 1%92. n.cuwe me.:n.-.g-erDe:a~ of'·~ ~[ kic.al---hr-UHJU ,-v;fll --· be inn ·the.. hil,:ng; (gl of G. D. Stone, who will rs.ke Midvale hi;;: future home. . _ . . g. 'l'lilil !ocal branch mi.ya Mr. $tone


1. he


f~ wan permtt Page-fliuuren ~ Com• ..



'· pany , to n:ore . adequately

'1! many frunrlies m th('.) section of the


focal prauCh WiU be In .the hnd

/ of ,me. ~{)m __ pan _ y rm _: .'a ~ricr.1 ot J Hy yours. .

#j ht

M i













ttegreater vertity 'Yer±anise


offered in the city the more complete itoclts ca:rt'lea,,the hotter tbe opporturuty to comm~:nd trade from the- -~.i1j,,.cent territm·y, given the new form hearty con:w,


· ';j !:11 ~ (!• -i:1i~•;JW (st ,\, IJ:,!i,~\.l.J

t''I».~ i1.u{1h·



'The Udie·s bemo~ratic Study : club con:,lsting ot B!uffdole. Riv•: erton Ii,irst. a.iH1 f:l~on_d, n.n_d H_er1 rlrn....'l.ll wards; met at tr.rn R.1venon


i scl1ool Wednesday with precinct •; chairman, Mrs. i R. R.awllngH in i charge. · · I !, A reorga.nlzution W;.a affected



M:ra.. • Tbor, a.a






tUJ 1


i_;vict?-pres!dent, l/... ts. Jet B_ms sec~

retary and tr!!asm·er. Also o, chair-

~ W(!man ~Q .repTeiJent the four ell!'! - !! ~ tnctst,'. Mrs.. Heber Crnmp, Bluff- l/ ~ date·; ),{ra,,.Ha.ttie J<'reen:um. ?,.!ver- /j ; ton ll"irl'lt wara;. Mrs. Joseph Park, JJ.lverl:011- Second war-~; Mra. ,l 'll g~enn F~an. Heroman. ., .


$__A trio cons!sting, of

4Morr1t._Mutts _Berth • rarer

# Mrs. Mry Mousley woo .A.' anti ll .. Jtuml:'..ers 3~ Blni. mestins wl1.b held April "fc•-•-

~ '$itll



1 g]

b' f:·

: ·- -t· ItUV,,,

'I -;

11),. !l r.-.•


• •/Yl,' 'i:. ·f




The :riirta.$1<

% R!vsrton fun ~ the dlr~dkm. crt

~ Mm. will J.).t•~:

~ 1ea1 oom~ey, "'1

j an JJ'rlday · ave.n

~ the !.lChooI audH:


'l"<w.renty _ mtwic;..a

l well prepared cast,

l or dlest."11. ·


~ li.g Un.g- r,.nd i'liC€,, iiC :1 ing the at:.n~phere

f i.'ll.Mce-an oo-n-,blrte to


trorus 8.Il evening of

drtll.nmuc !~tivtty. .· .Tbe_ cut 1001~,e:

Lady Conirtance, Ruth

'.Rob-,- ~ Seal; Za..r;;i. Ji

· Shil'o, Wa.~e- ~eynoU!l!!; Lytllta Gr-illell; Nh-m, V,t V,

ers; · M:eg. Motµi.· ,M.a('l.;%\!l.,

Eb-~ Lamon; Lor

!i(i dlltt~~;- S-1'1:"


da Steadman of Ben~

Vo· weeks a.a guest of

· Mr. and Mrs. M. J. ic;_ .'

;• '



•:"<; '



Pageof PaY- 1·

d vtsJting t

ssl and Mrs. '.


' ·: ;_ I

Ji ot % ~-_Gol• .




·, ;, ,;;,-,. ..:.:~, -~ •'-':"<A•~::;.::!,! . ;. •r;.·• •



the ·.r: \·,.,,, •c, 1 /~ ,.... ~ --, ··-·~ -· -~ ,,_.. .;,

.L•.,. .......: it~ : -r

be., Neu9s .:Juli,,·L· '2b i93t,t





.H IO\\'

3 Jl'.,1-: :!~

II .~.-.:w


l\'i:i-'.T U\'. J.uri4. =~--.· -"- !rc-t will. t~e h,·ld J ;:n., '.

;;1soon· d,>!ll

34. ±


5#;• }-


#,%@$, ,g& ._"diear»er «as Gae \j ahey s Oadej[ Resident I I crl~keta and grasshopper~ out of • farm L•f,1? theoxen fields. · were the mn.ln mode of LeattSl -Al!Ctive I . I transportation vih ust Fe o 1·

----- -- --








. "

pl -

oc:nlTOH.'S NOTl<j:- Th\s is tl,e , nics helng u::ied a:, n,,-,_ • • , l.u take fird of a iwrlcr; oi' :trtlcleq on th1•, 1'11rm crops to market ir, Salt Le.ke pvc'I of t:•a.rly \,;0•1,,s•rn of ,Jordtn City. . . · .-aJfov.) • ' · : t1·.-:. flec!{F:te<J: :·~c~l)s the ti:-ne

Si1 to he the oldest living resi-'vhn there were less than twenty!Ive homes throughout the valley, :i.eckstcnd, who was born October and the many roving .rnd1an .bands ;Z, 18[;5, is st!ll active and farms th:it made semiannual trips bre 'he o'd bomeutead that was llie on their way back and forth to lte of his birth. Mr. Beckstead northrn and southrm1 · camping as »lweys led an active farm life, ;Sounds. .The squaws wol d visit nd 00 dQUbt if it came to a tetJt the homes nnd beg for white c ~ould still ~bow up lll84Y o( ~s I man's ..biscuit", while the .bucks ounger neighbors. Recently Jte / wauld sit ,t,n their wago~~ anj wait eti.lrned home from a motor tour . for their l?etter halves to return f Yeilowstone National park, and l with their meal. ' oi.nts of interest In Monta!)a a~d i "The worst scare I ever got in n tt..e return stopped over at O'j:- ·, my Ufe, and, no doubt, that scare n:d, Idttho, ,where he vt11tted witp ts the reason for me not being as !l'I Unclo, Lewis J. Petty, who Iii j large'~- other members _of• 01\r "youngster''. of 89 years. I:• fn•nil~. :~.w a~ from an Inrtlai1.'' pe I hi:-. Bec:kstead'a father, Alexazt-1 :m!d. "Two Indiana had died and Bcclrntead, came to.Utah {menbers of their tribe cll,me to our , from Dma, Cangda, as It I ru>{lle and askeq my father to dig ! to the t-'· D S. chur~h. HI~ a. .grave to bury them in. When I

fi3ant, in Jordan valley, Hyrum


, E:esiah A.lblne Betty &cki~ the t\vo departed members · had i

been Ir:.ld in their robes, along witb l

,Wl?,S the daughter of pioneer

!:mn<>0see stoclt and journeyed toHi· a.rtlcle.13 of food, weapons, etc., one li ·

il_1 ·J.850, and ma.rrioo _ M~j }ndla.n took hold of me and aid, } I'

;;·,.:,Uo!l.-d In _,1854. .

· .- · · j Hump,· put um in papoose,' and } 1:-t.J.\ Beckstead,:workeq, t.hou{{h --he was joldn.g it was any- l f~.rm ,.r,rlth hla father l thing bute joke to me, and the ! months, and durf minute he let me go it did not take j wnen there was no me long to run' to the house and ~ done, he was allowed tell my mother she wanted me," j of attending school, declared Mr. Beckstead. ] a small one-roomlog :M:r. Bec}:steil.d's father· wl'J,$ one !I tho flt school to be of the first sugar hbset growers in in _,.11:r<ian vallf:ly, Exhicar the valley, and constructed the ca- :l not free the early days nsl, now . knO'Wn "Millrace'' \l tuition was i;atd in farm comf which was the first canal to be 1j squfli!h and por run from the Jorda.n river to tr- ~ his :::hlef 'uties igate farm crops in the vRUcy. !/





"'"7"-f/.~.~r~·•:~.;~n., ~~~"•;;_ ~~u"'~..r.,,..: :.~~-~--l -..,,,.,.,.,,=....,..,. ~----·~-~---





~. Li ·~·. ''" ~

~l . • no.11a.s B. LL, 1yo ·~l

'1"" -

rnounrss that the •Riverton p\pe I

'lli.iH~ ccm ps.ny has received $2.~50 l , of the drouth relief fund. 'Thi '.ltnomi.t wm i~ used to replace qne .r.Jle

or old. wooden pipe withj a iron pipe. Bees.use ot' this . niuch_ water wlll


recelv-ed a report dmrUw xi;·cek from tlie Slate Boitrd ·~1f flea.I.th ~;v h.ich ,myg that the • ., ., toe ·' . R., ·I , ,,r,... . .,,,, ,'. ,e,., 1., ! ·,··cJL, ,. 1 plpe liu.e ~ ls,

f':r•· l

oe Bu n d e] per cn t Dur, r resi { ,l;\···i•·: r>ot. f'p,p .. ,. hrr,ho;d . ·" jl P..<'{'(; , , • .,:. . - "fo" -., •. • , •,


p... Riverton -H club members and i

' their inotherA

were - •'. entertained

Tuesday evning by , Mrs.. Mabel FrP.emari nt her home. · · A display of the work completed during tl}e summer by the: girl!! .exhibition.· The guests included: Mrs. Edna ,Myers, !,f'rs. · Dora Calllcott, Mrs: Martlda Rindl!sbach, Mrs. Annie Garside, Mrs. Sophia. Jnhlmon and ·, daughter Doria, Mra. Hau l Eut· tPrffold' nnd dn.uv,bter. Leone, Mrs . Mead Butterf ield, daughter


was on


..E\relyn, Mrs. Ji'oupes and dn,uirhter Eeth. Mr. Park ·and daur:-:hter MarPie. Jdrs. f{.hea Torkels,m and


claug-hter Millin, Mrs. Ceceil Bill ani.._-1 d.aw;bter fJor-_o..t.hy..J\,f.J1,ses Jean !'knl, M,irv Lloyd and. Nonrt and





A09.31, (9a¥ ·-, --

erton..........""'"·· Project NearsCompletion












], w,Nitart.,Cm» Meets , s32•' ra ii aaa re nari honrt Butterfield were hostessc2 to the memt1ers of the Riverton , Camp of tbe D. U. 'P.;-at the home w


) of Mrs. May Friday. November 0.


The early history- of Riverton

i was given by Annie Gar8lde, the

' lesson on Historic Forts.was given by cla.s.s leader F'Jorence Page. Refreshmenta were served.

,bsocia~; · .,,.~hers llrs.

·.I.;• ·

Ruby ·



elocted 'p residen tof 1 Paretn-Tea.cbera. a.iQ<:L·." on at a mec.U~ held Friday eveni

ng st the

'ii, Rt. tor!um. K. or ',rhompso~ prenrto . uN.J. wu. .•. -.higll·. .'.· ·.: •.•.o. Tice o l•·· .•audi . -. ~{ Ill 1ent; Pearl ~dell, ; ;~creta.ry

•.;;, e.nd tl'8&8Urer, and H


· &:;&l'\d•

[ti utrom and Meredith P . , courcil-

k~ nun. Retiring officere: . ere Mrs.

j tar Egbert ·an4. Mr,a'. , . eo ·Pllge. ~;i · · A · ipectal J>fogram 4pd da-ice

'.JJ were features ot the evening. 'J'\le

. rvgr ·. am. conl·111c¥<>l a..·i.tc. d.··. · otea ..f··.•1· .tnlt ·· ·.·..•tby i-:. t.1·N. 0·n ;111 v or. the new ..·,"·,·rod ers (•:);-!Ii':, Thompso1;n . voca l ; quartetf,e

l:.·I ·,:·.:.~ .;.:

i:i~1 m.nnbeMl, l'i. K. Thom . 'n, Hai-old

t1X Bt·adley,

Mae Ptas;m.~; · . and Miss

}t;,;: Or! filth; .vocal . <. tt1o ;selectwris, :,('i:l 'Z-1,



;, ....;

. '




#5is#; ±ss:.

,:,;_,:;lJ,;:;.o.rJ Boddell; ,:.Cel.t

'.i/4'! t"!: .m!tii 'Wm"i.! . ll!CN~. · ··••:




. : '

< ..


The Riverton Junior high school believes it has found a. soltttlon to regulate noon - time disciplinethat· of daiwing· duri.ng •he neon

period. • As most of the students come to school in buses ad hnve to remnir at nch<iol during th; Jancheon period. the cxperimr:r,t of sods.I d.anchas been tried; and thus

is very ,rucce,,sful. In adc.lition to 1:e;;;ulating· luncheon hour dir,cipli;w, of the experiment dents to develop social graces.


& el0


- &n as.s---s tr




g -~

, ~


~ nrvertoni rn·st ant• 1 oD Ir, ,1 ~ f1t:14l r!omecmmng ay j





[: 1~_ 1

The Riverton Fi.rat ward will.·:_ . hold thek annual pomecomlng day


t' Saturday, December 8. : ~ The days acUvitles-wiU com···: i_" mence. l\t 2 p. m. with ,.._-:h.il<fren's_. ~ dance sponsored by the, Ptirno.ry : f officers. · Music Will be. turnls_bed : l1_ by. junlor_ . genealogical . l:>and . _I under the dlreetion of qwynno

Ir,~ tu, fJ Page.




. : : ·. At '(:80 p. m. the gu.x-m&ry -Q~ •


I niuUonu wm fun:ii.:m a Vlil_,fiety pro- f i gre.m, to. be followed by a dance. I M .AU rcal(fflDUI a.rl!-1 for_m0-r ru1denttJ ! '"' ot the- M'U'd are .ll'lviwd to ~rt~nd. ~

~~J~;~..;.6;;~;~-~'-~ - k!;-.~~~:: -~'<ll",._.,.,r~{':-. :_,,.-i:. . ., :::..,.:,;~:;,,_"<;';.-.f:~~..iJ.:~,;~,=~=«..J

Riverton Second ward Rellef Society will present "The Mlll of the Godu" r,ronday evening, DPcemtl':'r 17, bl the ward runus,m1cnt hn.ll. Mrs. Edna Victor is In charge of the production, with the cat: Eetty. Duree, Iex Peterson,




Christian M. Lovenda.hl, 79, of..

·Riverton, died at the home of Yr. and Mrs. Wm. Mason of 1927 South Third East street in Sa.It Lak e City Saturday, December 1. Mr. Lovendahl was born in Denmark August 17, 1855, und ca.me to Utah In an emigration train s•cvei~~y yea.rs ago, accompanJcd by his parents. He walked the entire way across the plains, wearing wooden shoes. The family first settled in Lehi, .ater rnovlng to Lovendahl's -on State street near Midvale. When Mr: Lovendahl married, he movecl to Riverton, where he has since resided. " Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Rose Hansen Lcivendahl, three sons by former marriage, Richard, Leonard and Charles Lovendahl; daughter, Urn. Geraldine Dansie, ll of Riverton; a inter, Mr. Sen Cooper of Salt Lake; 16 grandchlldren nnd one g-rea:t.-gra,,n:achikl Funeral eervices were held Wednesdey et 1 o'clock int he Riverton



I 5(9; ·+., { JET£{ t tb h> ii.

'' , '




ent teeit«tree. Ga [ in those natters that have mo t affected and dq>ressed the t'nnnt,r::'. !



ranchers _and the other groups ·oi Utah's population who have no cont(OI over the perpetl1ity,"prod11ct ,or rem1,1neration, of the vocations, in , which they re engaged or have j made their inveHlment3. For th::? farmers, ranchers and I the other owpers of real estnte who I have by the natur,c and univenml status of tbei"r occupations and invefitment~ been forced lnto tax delinqu0ncy , , , Mr. Peterson has ' relief f0:· them throui:h blll!i aubmittcd or legislative enactment ., . _- providing for the n·lcase of the now ex.istin~ . ~lelin-



qient tax ins nnd clnims thronh the met«ns of secutiny; a pro.i gory note due ten equal yvn'' lnstnllmenb ·at U1,' rate of thn· per cent interr,,t. pnyablf' ea,•h :,:r11t HS th.' g•'. li>?nll t:t:XP~ rnll d lli'

p,,t a,, ?

.,,, 4,re ±itj35t #Q11 1%9i@%

July 19, 1935

The' hu,nc, ,_·;f .Mr. and Mrs. EIdred Humllton, located between Riverton und Herriman was entered dur.lng i.he week and everything

stolen except the stove. Mr. anct Mni. Hamilton and family moved a. few of their things to Mr. Hamilton'e fathers home, where they lived during the winter. When they to their ranch home this week, they found that the house had been ru.nsac ked and their fruit, fwniture and all their wedding had been sto.Len. WIberg, ot Mr. and Mrn. John I. Wiberg, reports that while he was rldmg home on his l>lcycle a ma.n, who was standing on the running bQard of· an auto-


thai was going very fast, his cap from his head.

He waa unable to recovelt..-.·a -.,,


, &b ...·

· •• ~,~ - .

nut,..an'!l . "

lrfi. "'I'! .,,.,Jt>

-TC48 Te7es

Wltfu their water supply pra,.ct\c 2h augt@], turner3 'y£ t:. -«ltd» » ; ii; k



i t ¥

South J~ordan Canal company wee 1

w..1cceiif1Iul Monday



of the North Jordan Ca:° tm· from Utall Joueph Hihbar-d, pr,;:;)!dt:i.tit Bouth Jordan Crrns! Ftt.rmll evr-va,d by tJHi 2/HUtll Jo' <lan Ca.nm from Blu:'.!df1.10 t•'J Gtt,, g1'r, whlch i.ucludoi'J uorxrn of U · bent Bugar beet fanm; ht th<1 co,L-; t.y, would hav11 btitm watcrl,:ac, ::sL Hibbard e.1~ld, hud t.bo cau.v.i (Wr.,:. pa.ny not been the e..dd!t!onru water clud-0 1'rorn 1500 to The North Jorrfau (\rnal co1q;>:i,i; Wit!?! e.ble to sell p1u t 6f It:; because of ack!itiox,al v.rater purch.ased la.mt yet,.r. An irulpection Of Ut1.sh i&ke Mon<ln.y mon11ng, Mr. H!bbn.:rd .;1·;;'. :showed the water bvel 'Nn;, 10. feet below which indicatf,ii thut. ions at tee prent i!1e aye The ater ·vi af he lake.

Riverton 1-FJ'. c).d:H

ru:J;;fovement Firlllt ward Augu.at Zl. w!U demonst:ratil 1ork being d reant will b( vision of B

The group, .nau-s.t!on v1 county Fr.r.P

eld + ,..,_ ver, ""'

l)1 s;tH-




jun!orust 1'5, er&erg




old a.rd V :fu..:.i.

i'tgont WR'J

F"li-e, blamed on to a _defective lae, destroyed the home of Mrs. ..,lbb!e Densley of Riverton on Sunh,x. Mrs. pen.sley's son, Claude, ad his family also were llvjng In

At the time the fire broke out. i rs. LAbbie Densley was attending' :lu.nda.y School and Mrs. Claude

)-ensley was home preparing diner. Noticing that the stove. . was mu.suaJly hot·, she investigated and ound the roof ablaze. She sent :an" alarm to the county fire ,de•


:;artment, then with the assistance ,f_ si;:vernl neigbborn, moirt. of the

urniture was removed from the

t-O pNlV'ellt & t'OOCCUI'~ of the Smulay fire whlcb if~the home at. Ml'!;. Uhbl~ M:r. Pc.1,rc ftf\l@ented tn.a.t · the c.art be utetloned nt th() rton Motor company,

employed during; t the day' time.

Ufe; Sz)'/1.+ittel : ',f°eb. Z'i1i93':>

Rivertonians· Honor





· · Thei~ :·Old, Folk(: I .· ..: ·. ~.·.. , .. ~ j


:.:t:i1•l: 1 f;;J·· a.r;d·

:~ b"I~ (lfth•:

e1gl_,i)· rnt-_1n··

H.in:rtun F'ir11\ ii.n,rl S<!C;



:< ·t•··.r.'t.:1.::•.l:.'.:·,.~l.~·.:.•.•··.•'t.~ .•.~.• y;.:~.~-4~.".:•.•~.t·..· • ..•_ii_: ~.-·. r, th••I( ~f>!11Jt)Ctiv1rWMd~·11.t..t~e~r'.,~Jl··.·) ·;·•·tu\ ·.·.; ·

nual i'f!lJnioo • hd<f !i~Jurctiiy;· ,,.,:: .Mrs?Clara 'Melt. 86. Wl!.M 't!it·. 1 oldf'st nwm~ef l)fesent the Ftif




~ c,rton. FlrHt. ~.'lltJ/andiricc..;'cd i.tie

bouquet or t1owera. Five $ cerved prze. Apple blossoms wer

} prize or ',, '<ithi>rs of the 31i ,fipnomd gue11ts rl'!·.

'• ~,vrted out 1n rii.vor!I and d~l·ur:a, : tl~)n;i,al the First;f,ard. . .. _ ..· . •· -.. At the Hecond ward llu; natlqnH•

i i:olora w~,:e c11~rled'Ju~ 1fjay'ors :,1 a:nd dccor11.'t!or111 .,wtierri'21> :iiorii,rJ>,Cf ::)· guea~• w,1re pre±seat, The Hverton

2't fJrst ward p1LrUdpf\,te<f 111 tM•llrJl~·

i-f d,p1clng, wltfi noveJt-f(nµn11r~r•: .::At:

} the Riverton Second

wnrd the foi-

$1owias rumg3.rcn4red/wry/

z,f tier the dlr~ctlon-qf. HUDY

j beat: wctome

ijroa.d~ l

address, Bishop]

·:, J.;ancJ!lot. Hills;,. rea,;llpg. : -. ~lt!lllllf s,,; Furl'lc, ot Weat J.ordan: girls, !

} Norma Nelsen, RuthFreman,'

i.i~ .~th Parl<: c,iant(nqn1-t>tir. ;O1 ..

}\• nay;: a. plnylet..undt;r (t{e dlret'Llon.' r_t _- ' • . ·- . .'- '_· ·, .. '. :•> ·. . .-.: '

·r -~-- J

r~ or JNtn Mn.diien. "The Fa.mHy .Al•

1ff1lurp··; whlrstUngci1<>,l o:·.phylJls But•

terfld, ccompnled by. Zeliqt\,. w~fJ Hf!tll•Tfll.'h1: ·..a .i:'on-il<½; by t~e' \ Nut Chestnut, cocoanut. !!l<i(



g walnut nd Doughnut,under are-{

1 ;.·~,..~-~.·, .

;;,,~ Song l.1. on.... '1.We (. . \'eloy.. J.,ove'.';;.Jlrl)1 ··•. H_.·.,_.1..tte_._r·._'.. l·Gardner ·.e l·__ ,·. I··· ·. . _• · 0 of '..·ti

J; \\'l'ill. Jor,~an.11,11,1 Gl:ii1di;'t>unyon•• _·· I•·

:i;\or ijouth Jordan;' iwmic ri'ews. Dor.a• . . .... '•:,-,-o- :·- .• . . ·,·, •'

'·''1;'! ..·· .

[t1 Gfl\Ce ·ca,lllcot; pla.~9>·110l1\


~ JtcdmaQ or MIdvale; piano and saw

~~ sbln, A> f J:{av/k:lna\a.n~ daµghfcj?: ot .Bluffdale; ,µ,lo, D<1tigl11i1 Garek, } ner or went Jordan, and piano iiolo;: ~, l~culah M~dlJ(!0. . . ; . ' . fftl .. A flf'r the hOnpred ·. · g111:-~t, a.~,l ~ the,tr pa.rtnet!I Wfl'" ~er:v~cl 1111pper. if} thy_wre then ten to the RIvr~~ ton Junlqr hlf;b •<:hOOI. (Qr the dra~ .'..f _._:, ~~ :.. in'~- "He a . ll(J.·· Rbi_;,:·uncli?r t ht: ,Hr!',,(;-

~l t!_<m of Mary Egbert. ·:··--·, .


Free On Mond1ty, M»rch . 80th: the JUvct'Wtl Molor company wlU entertJn the fnm{lien nd Individual ,J: ~outh Ba.ll Lal<e county with 1ree show II nd free peanut festivity lit the Riverton junior b.lgh school 1wdltorlum .

Tlllldh!! rnullnn picture~ •:u:lm1· , ·The Tre ± Ranger" nd "Ma l + Hn nd ", will he head)4ne ttrac! i{ )llij of the l'.l)Ultl-tent.u,c4,.,()CCM· • - ~--.. St wn. · -:· • All pcr!l-OOK I\Vlng ln the_ f:lOUlh pnrtl<m of the .county n d their frlendn are



i haeel...Sri

l·Work· _olJ Inter ·A~ o~n .forum on till, •ubje.ct of· "'l't.chnocr~~:y.'' wtU be .conducte(l

Thursday /evening, Aprt:l 10. at<i(



1i 1:;: ).i.; O! c):i.arge, In the. • ei-toti JUl\lor Hlgb »chool fµl .fl pro•.'

., jec~ ·o f the WPA. :f..•i; · ' · ·} I Ththterent shown th.la (Ol \.Hl.l I wl11 cteiirmlne whether or not: tbil n - !deli. lo'lo ~ continued., ' :. 'I'bi; Adult, Educatlona! program


han tw.eu under way since· th(' f!rul ' of. October and has barn well. i veloped. Tbe Womnl'u projed un· • der tho r.11recUori rif Mn1. Grtice Pelflf'l\011 ho i.•c c:omplet,,d if tlcloH of cJothlng a.r1d. nov(!lltlc~ In·







wctern, ht adflower.

Mr Ella.a C. Buttl'1il~ld's c!ri,ns~

ir·. c.·. tntent· B·t,xi ... ·. In problem 1Jt:lrn.tlt..l11. c... :ci1r. t eQ ··..·.·.•·-t:·. ··. .il.l.n.<I ~conomic · '4fltl}'


b(){IK14 hfl.VC b,.'.Hltl (il11cul.i~ t\11 -well .

n,.r tJrn :mh.1-et.ui of Hert!'mtY, Jtvot.µ: · · t!On. [Attin1furc, r~nd PolHlt-:;11, · ··:,.:P..lll

h#ld. In IUv~rton ._.,,,.,....,._ !l-$o.uh ::·,...

'':/)-0 I') M.,; In --·

keg)eh st!]

t.a111rhL: ,

Riverton Junior High Stages Annual Oueretta The operetta "Crocodlle !eland", Will! prr.serited Wedne11day, April 8 by thr f{lvtrton.Ji.inlnt H!gll 11c.bool under the ,;upcrvlslcin of Ml11r. Mat' Rt1.J1mU!l1ter1. Libretto by , F Vic• tor. tVwdng' '.,fn,

Jo~rph ·r:, Day. Ml!rn Carril! 811mt1al!!on: e<>tt lng, 'Mr. N!c hohwn:

co11!.IHll"'~ and ort.

an+.I'hr,ntcam;.wy fnci9t1~. Mug8$gr_9%" hdtl:t, F't>tl!•

Jay Bi)s, Margaret, Park. f:C9lltrn1rn. Vrrdc-ll J~cobtK<fl. f;.(lyd 111ornpi1,n, N1wmta Gnn1!di::. Dwothy mp,,_ Ht,W/Hd R!dlilld1J,

Lon (Christenen, Keith Bstteson. 'nnda Cran+, Florence Netison

Et±,±3289. EE591E2%8FA.32a3zrrrorn

. I



~ I \..I.,




Ute @$el

Riverton citizens living te . th'i'l mve-rW'.11 Ji.mior High' /illclmol ball ptu·k, rie·:. t:i.Uor,-cd l:h<l\ •,JqlJ'da.n ~Jcllool Boarcl for r.?li<I:!! irom the . duf!:t nutsw1c~

eranting.from the.bail park. Dul!) to the recent wind atormo

ln, l,lllUS-\UUc d~"'n::lif~ .~d

from flyiug. d'u~t 0.rt4 dirt. thorw f&mU!tm Naidin3 iiemthe Riverton i,.cboo.l bnll p&'k MV~

io an even gt'~!\l.ter·extent llvmg Jn · semi-p~•

thtm_ peraorui

,d--by that ~~ttion the ldimtg ha,,;-~ peUtionoo1 r d to take steps toward a!laying thtI¾ tnffl: fimu &tlllGtie. f!3ld.

Grads ~

wke S'we!


Tlw annual oanqu~t lh1no!'ing ~ the p-,aduates ot the Rivcrtotr Jun- ~ ior .ffigh School v.,-a,g held Wednes-. ~ day eveniug, May 20 h.1 t.'1a nchool _l~auditorlum. The following g,adu• . ates wtn•C"·pre4ent: l{elth Battlson, : Jesse· BiflrJ-, An.nu Bonecher Leone

Butterfield, Veni.a Cardweli, Leon- i aid Crane, Iona Codell, Loon Christenson, Donald D!l_.f!Sie,__

i Eastman, Dorothy Eastman, Keith. !


Foreman, Jay Ha.rdma.n, ·Violet ~ Howen, Edwartl Joue13 Verben f 1

Lovee!ffl&hl , Lot-in Miller, La Var l


Myers, Ruby 05bo~. Howard. ~ ~ , Richard.$,. Leona Silcox Thomasi ~- Silcox.,-. Gerald 'Tischner and Fil- f$



r' t Us Wlbl-~. ·

. .· . The faculty, Mr; N. K. Tbomson. t, Miss Ca.rrit& Samuelson. WU-~




(i1am R Edge!, Mlmr l,{ae Ramnus- ~ aen, Mr. Patti Nlchqlaon, Mr, Jos~lfa· -eph Day, Mr. V. F. Vletol', E.'rr. tl • if Isaacson, . Zd'r. Grlffith.g · -~,d their ~ pat"tnera, acwii aa hoeu and hoot.. 1~ . i





' E



ine was prepared } served by ninth grr.d@ glrhl. t~ 'l'i'oo gl"adUfltfon ·exerctsea were; held rida y vmtg , Mayr 1s, sup-hf 1 er"mt~'-' Dr. C. N•. .Jemten a<!-




[ _ c1resAd the ctasa. The pt"Otniml

t wu as t.Uovni:

·· ,



. •··li!l



r_·.·• Selection, ~ho . 0_1 band; : chonm, A and B immber, directed I 4 by Mae Fesm use n; invoca tion, .by g



J4r. Ort·. ffith; . ·.• l).ffffllN . .. . •._._~_.._.band ... ; .· ~te- tntroductfOD., N. IL Thom• 1as; remri, student president, Lo- •

I rtn

H~ller; vto_nu

, Crane, ~ya.

-~ J

solo, Leanard

CJan. members,.

HoW'lU'd J'..tchai:da, Pead Zeooe Buttrttl d end 1sos Ctriii- ·, . tensen; maxophoe solo, Lori Mil- t tor. · M/Ji" ~ /(,,'J/e t,



.I" t




' . ·: : .~--~-:,



•...•~ ~'---~-~:~ .. -·. ,._,._.,,...._..,.~,~~..,....,

H,nchel MortenMm, formerly (

Rlvorton, wao manled ih:fay 25. Reno Nevada to &iwnrd Mendc,~1 Ca

of MountIn View, Cl!for&

It hs been announced. Th while the couplg were enroute t, .ftlvertdn to Att crid the weddh'i Morten11en to Mias lrir., '.V,,rr o Granger. MliHJ Ji._fortnwen brtd beu llving !n, Co.llfornla for the p,,, two years. 'The couple w1ll mal.1 their: home at Mount1l..in Vkw. Mr. and Mrs, Mendoc[i t'Jl'en honored Friday fat 1J. party ln t!~,

· .Dr. Herbert. B. for Gubernatoda.l ·uornhlatfon, dressed the _ Dcmo,cre.tlc I.A"ltlJU~ .. c,-l 'Utal?, he at RIverton on Thur&Gay evcnr Dr. Ma.. discuss the need of an adequte cld egg

of last wook.

o.llowancc. · and &_ revl;,iirm of U·

present state soclal security la that It may provide Ul_e needs p.; gru-dlng thee mulnWnBJio~ ot apd.

S. J. Miclt~h,e.u ,

in charge ot - the


:fa.milb:m . Howard Progeny , +aua. Meet Thursday' 'l'he Samuel d.

1i.1, ct

Sarah Jane i

·fowiiid fan_1llv reunton~1,1ras held I

:t mv_ erton First ward chapel on fl.; rhursday. More than ninety per·


k,ns wert in a.ttendi..nce. j 1 i 'J'he- officers of the organization! t ,:, : Sa.mucl H. Howa.rd of Rlvor- I \:,n, president; Mrs. Heber Crump~l: I


Bluffd.t..!e, chairm!,.n or the pro- f:

ri100: M'.r. M,d :M:ra. ·Henry Par•j of American Fork, chairmen ;;; The program inof welcom.e, Sam-1


i;;'f'iff-:-'~HrHt,-..'i."li:--' 'lt~Ollf1~1~.~ f\

-. .H. lit't3.

,·tola !l

til,'iJ. l~ids,- Turpin. ruid fj EJ,.,,c1wteMI; rem~iW". t;


Ha~..w-~; piaoo~ 1r-mo, r:

vocal duet, !;

B-oooll; pian-o [ -m~..iical i»· ~ '"". "-"' ~i fo, r/ ~ ~ \J'£....

v~ 0010,&' - h'l.voi'~tlonf ~ .



The marriage .of.

Mia, Eliib~tb;

katead, daughter

or Mra. Eand

Beckstead otGranite, ilri:' Bowen: - &Qtl 1ot ;: 14'.r?: Airarn BQwen: · of 'R ive.


/ ~~:: 1

r~.- ~-~~~•· _h~ .':i~t::·_. ,. . ,,

reception v.>~ · J-llie'1_ by the

er'· o(, the> brtdet·Hrit. :aec~{' "l'he. bride,

;:: unattended,was


r in a ani~ttfirfu.4eJ; _: ot whlie: ~•.i~pe _ ·-v,ith ·match\ti«;,acceSJClti~t:

kc::%% if!J.~~ ~---~-~+vµ,p;jq·B .6

Sit%litifikis s#ilks±±.hSieEge9ht@emSi.Si@.p,ST, me.

grower-msc owr vars-oeo ns.sarea-ormans-saerossssossoeo ascessaesmors

· '


,n;J Mrs. Edgar Aylett, who will leave July_ 9 ,f,o r a Swiss-Gerµian mission. On Friday a. family party was held at the home of his parents,with guests from · surroundin"I towru presen t. j






Un Thur-sday a.ud Monde.y 3 to 7 p. m. 11 pla.y period will be ' held at the Riverton achoo! grou.nds ·1 for a.II thoae wishing to attend j with Claudia• Ounyon in charg-e. B


A <t-H Cooking club was organ-•~ .. f, tied during the week with Betty i

Jii'?PiµH~ fyT ·

- J,c:,;l

Bouac~r u




~0--preatdent; · Lucille Nokoo, 11<ecretary; Nila. Morpn.. ch~, lMder fWd (}m)ntth Allen u reporter. Tlu;ir f1nrt dem.Wl5tratlon. -W~-beW-~y, Jmic'SO at


the home or li.lM M.i.vu Page. :°, .



Oood.e V'tiU spen d July_atPocatello, -·~ -

Mfiil. mimer Y~tc-s o.nd children Lak,' Friday. on· Friday, Miss F:v<'lyn Buttertleld· entertained at dinner in her honor at the home

of Mr. ·and M:re. Zach T. Butterfield. , Mr. and Mm.


Webster and


L/4,ol;;i, Murray of f:l&lt La~e W¥.lre g11.oot.e flt tb.e Newm an home ch.trln.t; the tf<::-0!:t. On., hu.n<ired ch.lckel'l.8 wer-e stoithe t;oop of Gran M':ol't• the wr eok

on, Mrs.' Fred My and family, were relensed from quaranqnc r.carlct fever durin_\,I th<! week. Mrs. Ss.rnh Ann Crane of !)raper pent lam week r.J.1 the fifuerf.: of her d2-.ughter r.on-ln•law, Mr. find M!'.11. Joa,::pii N~1,tm.fUi.


of Bicli-

nell, lndlo.ua. On Sunday !.!rs. Oliver's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Nelson of Salt Lake, formed a party a.11<1 visited v.,ith Mr. and Mra. John B. Ramey at Spring-ville, the occasion being Mrs. Barpey's 87th birth ~-tmlversary.

''fho Gcneri.log!caJ Sodety of tile Mr. and Mrs. 8. F. Stephenson Vle!lt Jord&t'. titake w.111 form n.a rill.ended the wedding re<:eption of excur,gfon to the .Logan trmple on Zina Malouf and Ebb&n Ma douf, Juty 10. 'Those des#ring to go sro who were- married Monday. r0quested t see their ward chl!J.r,,., .coup!e wm le&ve to ma.n as thy will bo roqulrd to home in Tm,.h'~. get s recommend for the Logen epis. A fat+rel! party wr!! be tvn

taine:d itt dil.1Jl0r Sund.tiy ±q Ara Hunsaker or

'l_f~t}\ n-Of,\•


t i:iich~r. l!Ary{Sa.h4i\rom, . -~ form~.d )


a party l.n · &.ittiirtleld CllllYQD Tuesday, June for a weenie. S0ve11t~11 · were present._






av-0 dtlcktinil OJ'ii1•

to:011 of hay i,,nd

ed by Reuben S. etton on or

kn ,wn.

ti,· conflagrnt!on Wa.ll! discovered by '.\. ~!ghborzi 'th

Harnlltons were beidde thi? b~d of a daughter who wao crltkelly ill

ancl wer-e not aware of the f!rn. r ll,;-~ <'c y,,'j,.,P / V 1....., .. _,-<:-·1 .,,.it;/


10 c .,,,., Jo/v .. ,

~...:..;...,' ii.:_!c ~ •-.-!. !~,:; ..; ;. aM- . \;t ,;; .. -, :,. -~ •~ •·•·<''<',•>- ··-• -




Jftmend Services Held ~ ! For Riverton Postmaster ? ~-





-·- - -

f .Joseph Prtrk. 54, for three years

½ $

4 postmaster t Riverton and a pis- i

i p. i f nt his ,home after a brief illne1:1~. f: i F11n,:,ral services were conducted t neer. clied Monday at 6:30


; 1 I

4tor Mr. Parl< Thursday at the Riverton Second ward cha d, with Bishop Lancelott Billi1, officiating. · Born· in Dalton, Jt~~gland, pee: l ember 2, · 1881. a son of Mr. ann ~ MrR. J-.Icnry Bµrrow Park. he came t\ , to the· United-States 46 years ago.~ \f He first setlle,:l in Mlchlgan, com•n: log to Sa..lt Lake count~ 15 yearstl ' Ii Yi. lftt,,?;l, . •' "' --·--r ~,... J1 Surviving are bis widow, Liley Bill8 Park: four rons, Ar•~ chie. F:arl. John R., a.n<l Lavar f'r.1 k. ,.11 of Riverton; four da.ugh• r':rued cn page 4.1







r eus e. . »2;GU4g£egg. . st


... - -In ---·-----~





:, t1£ied for bOth _ rnl!gioi.1a

and school cla11se5.


ff<tlI7iices 'WM us~rl

The first resldenlR of Riverton for a sch ool houne for over twelve llvo<l In dougoutn l ong the rlver]years and as meet!ng house for :i bankn. One of the reons for several years more. their -10{'.fttlng h_ere WU for the J · All the town continued to grow ~ _e.atW n.nd .convenle.nce with which !!ind a. larger buUdlng wns,.,.noce.sshelters could be provided· and th~ : sary a new school WfW conntruct.;;-<l j other ,vas. (or the protection a- 1 on Red,,voo<l road. The r),t'l{,•ple b:vl 1 gain.tJt the Indln.n•. . · nettled we.st of the old buUdl,_,g l . The early s1•' 'P r!I nf Riverton ll.Hd the town extended th:,t way. __·.lnctude<:i Prter C' .rif yr-thy Gil- { The new school, wh!ch wrc:;1 a , bert, Lars Jenq,,?,. ·;_ T. dlcox, story structure, was buftt on t};9 Sam uel Green, 3chn Ha.sen, Jes-. s'e of the prese.n t achoo! bu!U!· ·









se Smith. Roh"rt Pl•.ton, William lngs. H'runlltl)n, ['In\•·., Mil er. and S!Ull· Thomas PhUllp Ps,go w·rui th{, uel Howard. _ 'rl,l' fh it Houe first merchant In Riverton. From :._-J }Muth_Peter_Gf_ {the time he opened his store the


me rrs i. uiargescted'sel ass«d#zing!g r8¥..,8lg ¢,tk. in RJ,;erton Wl!\8 lullt in 1879 and ! Redwood road, :-:entered tA-b-.:mf th.?.:, the early part of 1880. It w s s}scho ol houses. The re av+ue- { 1


oae-roor sdos nvctwr tat was+

1,9%3pg " 93292egg3E2%$ ,3 3£89$ %/%82%402%%.' fl «

edwod road 1h ay «ad w crn(e!' Qf <

oi'n rowt!i I)( h· necesstty t cL.t --.cl, This w:w ccm::.truct· J!6.l!t" th, school bou.ile. (; Riverton furrnerly balonied lo JordrLn wn rd. It wa.;; ot'g·ru1in 187!1 with bartJ Jensen ,rn presicl1ng Elder under the aupion of the Soulh Jordan b!shc. On Aug-w,t L, 1886,,,. when ward wet~ organized;-' Orrin er was nppointed the first p. In l!t00 when the Jordan

e was formed, he wa.s selectu Stak,' 1 'n•8ident and Gordon till his

Riverton Septr1 bcr,



dlJided into two wa.rd!'l. Vernal

bishop of the 1,!:.y0rs



- - --· .· . I

Entertains ThP malr instn11'tnr~ of the Riv·




larJ\eH o[ the school at a canyon

jp11!·ty In Little cottonwood can- 1 ; yory dt1r!ng the week. The men I

j ~rted R!! ho~t~. ('()Ok'ng ancl. ser.y~ J the meal. · . j .]in Those attending the party were:

, Ella Mousl!'Y, Blanche Larsen., . · • .. I H Celestial Dutson, Zelma Butter-, '.! field, Pearl Bodell, Bessie .Holt.; li

'.! Mr .. Balley,

Mr. ·



i Griff'!H1. La Mitr Isaacson, Mr. Nehalaon, Mr.. .Nlelsan, Miss


'. Me Samuelson, Mr.· and





Mrs. V. F.

and· Millll

a oh. 143L


service tor Mr. Seaburn N.;Hb.m!lton, 91, old pion-er resident of Riverton,· who died Friday M Ute home of her I son and

Hamilton, fol-

Mrs. Thomas

lo\1.rlng a lingering lllneili!l, w,j re conducted Tm.1iday lq the Riverton Irg? ard chepel. Bishop C. Webb officiated.' HamUton wa..'! born In Bristol. g.ngln.nd, on January 5, 1945, tue daughter o( Thomas · Henry and Marla Settrburn Nott. She joined the L. D. • church In 18M 11nd ca.me to the United States in l/.Hl4.


f;rnt~ sett led In


<:t'(:ek, moving t9 Riverton later. Mm. H&mllton wn.s n.ctlve · al! dur:: ing her il!'e in church and ci\<lc af:, falrn.



• la#du] 3c±_12 ' Vi Hilo. i--i d .

tve in the commerit, ri, [ litical and religious endeavors of this area, county and state since he hall attained the



Riverton Motor lead.

Will Be Candidate For ·-· S<!hool &ard-Mt1nber Gwynne Page, president of the

Riverton Motor company, of Riv~rton. Utah; v.111 be a c;andldate for the position of school bon.rd mew her, in' the Jordan school district, subject to the ction ofthe voters in precinct No. 8, at tne Dec@tuberee tions;= it vat learned today. He will seek the post held by the late Soren J. Mickelsen, of Draper, for tbe pai.t eight years. _Mr._Pege. s lite-long rentdent of

e of maturi.

Precinct No.8, comprispx the communities of Drper, Riverton. Blurtdale, and Herriman, supplies one member of the Jordan district school board. the other members of the board, numbering !our, are sent from precincts slx. seven nlne and ten. The Riverton Motor company, organized by Mr. Page several yea.rs a.go, with only three person actively engaged In the operation o( the company, now employs 22 people . . . sells more than 500 automobiles annually". . . and is probably the largest buslfiess lrutltutlon from the standpoint of aales volume'In this section of the county ... prJvately and locally owned. Inoofar,. as luu; · been reported to thls publication, there are no other ' candidates for position which! Mr. Page seeks ... yet anounced, or who has such lntentlons.


To John A. AyleUand Dr. Paul S. ---:-xrcnafflg. . ·Re-eittted----' Fi-om Precincts 8 and 10 To Sueceed 'Themselves --:-At - the scbQOl . board elections held in the Jordan ~ school district on . Wednesday' of - this week, Gwynne }?age, pre-siden Qf the Riv't .











The Riverton Motor Company of

suffered eloss or ap-

proxima.tely $50.00 when a fire broke out hi the shop at the rear of the buUding, Qn, Mo.nday, Jan.. uary 4, at about 5 p. m. Cause of the fire was a dei'ecUve The demage was done to th e

end walls ot the b!laing. County . fire department ·- . ponded !mrnediately to the alarm r·ned in, but the., bl.aze had before

1a'6elht Dansie Butterfield, 66,

wite ot fuiiarhili Sutte~ield, died

Tuesday st tier horhe foliowing a slroke. F·ciri~ra~ ~nrices wiil be held Smida.:, ~t i p. m. · at the Riverton ~tic6li& .W.:ki dba..~t. mtstio1> 20,

tiooor.t a.Kid receive& ~ltd l~teir tatU@ri.de-d

r.es!ded she

to rake her

children, Anna May Myen Butterfield of Rivertt~n; 14 t;Tti',,nd·· children and.6 .grBat .. gr~v.rckhlldren.; 3 sisters, Mrs. Char?ott11; VVheefor,

1\.1:oor~. Idaho; l~rs. Ada Webster, Crane,

G·wynne Page, automobile dealer tn. Riverton, was named member the Sandy City Ba.nit board of :Hrectors. it was· announce~. by He-

J. Burgon, bank heed. Mr·.· Pag·e succee<ls .-·the._· \atP.··s.

J. Mkkelsen of Draper. Other di:

oificera· cif'uie ---~~iili

They include Mr. A. Smith, August Despai~ V✓, 'f Hide, M:ickelsen. A. A. Gard.: ws re-appointed ceshier and


assistant cashier

Mrs. Emmep8tocking Butterfield of Riverton,, wa.11 honored on bet 87th birth 1umiv1.n,;a.ry Friday, by U1e Riverton co.mp ot the Daugh tenJ of Urn Utah f,>loneet·s, at the home of Mrn. Sadiil:l Stoektnt.




Am<>ng the mnny Rivt•rton real- . dents that nttcnded tlw annual Old lt olks Day celebration was Mrs. Clara R. Nell of' Riverton MnJ; Nell is 89 years of age, and . ts one of the oldest realdent~ in~ ~hat town. ~ho has the <-!isti.nction ~ 1

ot being the only woman in thatl vicinity that has seen p,rest<lent Abraham Llncoln. . . h e was married at the . age ot ~


15 and shortly following her mar~ • rie.ge, she and her husband 1ettd tor Chica.go. . She ls tho mother of· 14 children, of whom seven now. living. Her eldest daughter, ...




_Etta, is now 72 years of age. Mrs: Ne!! doe; her own workundlives j■ . . .... In her own home. ·. Most of. her children a.IBO live in the communi- ~ ty..· . . . . ' . ' 'pfiner was served at noon

u# .·


the to1towing program: reaai Judith. Morgani · cµrrent ·events, I, Reuben Wiberg; musical selec-f tlons, Margaret Webb, Mru. Nia-f man and Grace Peterson: talk, by

ward member; fig ceremony, as· ij

sembly; vocal trio, Mary Stocking, ' Geneal Peteruon and Mildred Ay• lett; reading, tola Newman; ~hor1 l us; rea.cling, Jenny Morgai1; · and 1 musical selections, Rivcrtonians. Both wards ga.U1ered at· the school and the dramn. "A Stran• get f'as&es,'' wa.s presented~ ! yegg. 9

Os Sehe(z&Eb %? es


,$ £32,g 7321

roe.r oar-see n.sa G .a%.#gg.3

C A Clean-up Campaign 1,mnclled at Rh'erto-n "" from. April 15 t the county boar


it. Th<>O~ wl

hauled away it in .front o

many years 1

wt«tnft, will be -·· - -~- .. .. .

' .•.


., ..• \.'.. ...




cording to a dedn!on committee Monday chapel was erected

WM &.msltiered quH-t1, hi its day. A r;~te for th~ new buildiftlr _h a." been will be· lcw.atR.:d on the no rHi per of tJrn R.eui>ffl S. Ha.m.Ufon 1 property, \\'her4e a new e~Ufi,ce will be erected in tho near frr· ,,·.:Tho commUtee in charge of . the affairs of the new chapel· i»:,


",13nhropr-eel--Wk'ebb»y..D...Ii 1<~'horruwn, . u a r r y StuidStrOfH •

I! Hwynnt, Pa.ge, Vem ~forgsit and •

l'Sli ·::+,.



)I .vJb.ool held

their com•

at May

ttHmcc.m1ent program . the school gymnasium Tuead&y, 18, at . 8 p. m. A. panornma. of progreu was _,v::t'ltt#n ~nd by . Ult 1


Riverton achool as follow,: · . ·


Opootng overtu. rt, i<!bool bind,.·1. .P ageant

of el~entary chlldren. ! of Early Daya, w'ith.~ rminrod · by art etudents. in ti. .'l)rpic~ Ploneen~ th4i: old. time dee.]




- -


--~=- +

! graduates fol-{ fow(C:Jd bu · es &enc' coned&d thel .e s'oa

et ar . a .,,,• .

~,.._~....,.__.-....__._c__ •••~~







euses ck.,CE5El.GE-EEG.G. Sae«a...S

on Pipe pna Com" helg at tJie · Riverton chapel oq •June 1 at

where they will conn!der


upon• the matter of the outata.ndlng· first bonds and authorization dlrector1, of the ·company to nxccute and deliver a sitpplemental mortffRge, refunding bonds, and to

oUier thinga neceooa.ey under the re,qulremonts of· the RecoMtn.icUon Fi'inance Corporation. Joun Ha.mien is pre$i,dent ei:nd Lc-,uettu. E. Madsen secretary of the company. . "2.& flAfJ, ,¼ (Cf3] j iiiisi sssesis.sass.a.sac. ...,-;-


Nile!et, end &es #tree Of _ tblt---~.c-_Cit,;L.. ~'-'": :a:ani.


11'1'fol_ma~ ,..~,_ fB"""'0' 1JJi ''U'lilJl" y ,-~ 1A. ,. ~ _,:.~~ •# I ~ .:,~· ,m:!.-11>.~ •ef .:.~•,:,._,......


Hullht* $.tld l4tAI !lllht l«et'riU Ju

outh Jordan; Mr. ad Mfrs,George nnd·t.afufly :(if Df't\~tt;



~ · · ~ - ~ - - Fetit\. l -~--~ - -- ~-- --- -_-,,.,.-::;:-...._·=,..._

~-t_::, · · /-1/

'trmy'.·_ l

l ·.

1aJt,~Ji'a7,_,_ ·_ elpty

11,loN '.~


! o( ~~l t.orenao . Howard . and

!i ~- . ,Jane . lia,milton ~r<l, ! t"'1Y ptonet2'- .of· ,U.verton. m.t:: at

~I •• f&imly reumon : Frl4ay evenbli

st the Riverto1fJ1,bot;•l auditorium versery 'i%sward.Mr. Howard wes torn In I

1! bonortnr the 6t• birthda y anpt- . of Sarah Jane Hemtlton ]

~- ~lfW4_µ} _ttu, :rt~~ lfWt_~-~-

~ W _.,ij~lt ~0 v~y -.. ~•. · tluJ Y6,.,,-r

1g6. Mrs, Howe4 we om tn


~sdti. -~;ftn· 1lii2. &t4d · :~$ t.iti $!\lt . ·. _ ..· _.. .. ·..... ·. ·_':'>'·(•:.:-\ , ·. :_.,/_

f Lato v@hey in 31es%.. .. 8 t~ ·




~Uhi, ~,. 1<'!'41.t', rnOW&n;, ij . '\'f~l\j . one. of, t~~ tit~·.. tJ'jJr$0 hou.- l tu!# t R!rt, fey to te__ r@std-] if"' ' . · ·,.., __ i~ -' ~: ',.1$"' tfj · l\ive"rtO-n f~m th-~t t#-~€i .~~· i . t, ·. , ' ' : ' ,. . . ··:. ,• - ,~ . --:. ;, .

~ . - ft~.u e~

#j ~



~;.. ·







... :• <.


•·· .. - •.




i ti~ tb.sif; ~~ · ·

seer crain ot 1edt»

I tn ohsrge of Uwi,_c,

~ " :.. f9,


' ·.,



ft?tl"ilf fl''li\,M ,,,.

± £48\i 00t84, 1ati3nM%


} mens followed the progreo,


lj 'l"he ofttcer1 of· tb~ ~ow~s·d f~mi.. -~ 01

ly _organist4on include, 9er4uc! H

·I Hrjw1.u-d, ftlveiio11/pii~~iti:tr Mrs. • JflfjJtb

a . Holt, 'Salt

~ ~~i


j v~~\e · pn,ildent: · 11.r~t ~iri.h L.' How· I I, aro· · Herriman, second vlce pr ef{

ji d~;it; · Mr~.


Crane · Salt

}Lake, third vice pres#dent;

q Leonora


Mrs. ~

Oliwn, · V,lest Jm"drui, ~c~ ~

I retary; )frs. Viola Offllt• W'eijt I

il Jottt treaimrer; !Mm, Dxttth ll , . ~n, . .• . . . .. . ~I

t,. hi~torian. Mr*~ . . M'.f&ry How-_ ; _ustutant i I. :t'{ol. Mr, and Mrs. Crump, J3l,itt• ~ ar'<t/ M'.«t{!.ns.



da!~I chr~frmeti:


P~l'l''Jl . Uit r

• &ports: Mr. t1n4 ·Mn. Haney Par.. !· dUb?l of Junericm Fork,, ~&t'mml I[ or rwnrtmet. [/hgfieel

tj..,,,,.,,......,.~,-,,;L~lii:et.,.C,~.....;.;:~ ~~;!ll:5.lle~~1"!"~~,


wm celebrate their 51st wedd-

an.ruvcniary Friday, July 23. ~.indlesbach was born Feb. 2, in SwitZffrland. Caroline Cmira.d, bl@ wife, was bOrn Jan. 15, " · St. Ju}ia, · ).T'ra..oce. They to· UtM in 1885 and have ~Salt f..,ake county for the yel!lrs, and are· the parents

., . -~. . ._, . -

children, 45 grand-e-hll•


1verton··. seRehdemt<o Rivertonand vlcl&ty · we"" unexpectedly ; 'vkii&t by a' severe last Sturdy, which descerd~ upon this P.~ at 11bout 4 , p•. m.,. Md wted for a~ h~~r/:: •,,! Hat!ts'tons as large in · eter ix.s & IUJM-~ollar . weni ~4 i )l



to have fallen in sigh qua- ]

tut tba growi.d mii®H : '•_. . • . . ' ·::--11 P.ovA11~

\.v!th tne ' icy'' · poU&t.8 . > ·· !111

11:hroo bom"'& . after · ti1e Mad ubaided.. psdorble damaege to





fields was reported ·by (l Noakes Wld WUUam i . . Ii !ti&uy ac!!'06 of ~ · l! ''o ut by • the > ]!


·-·-·- -·---~---

'' ·1

oo.cl:lon oouth of -:: .:

Herrlnaz road..

feveral •;,1~-fuo h&ppene<J to be. during the do·w npooi-, ll'G-


~vt'd fw.Blpt, thclr heads ,. 'Wilcti faltnrek by the ht\Usto~

A nw stomoblleo belonging W V. F. Vletor of Rh,·erton. pelh:Jted th&t the fup r'. .1 wad dasnagod beyond repair.·· ' I

~ .0


VOVNQ TO REOME RELIC HALL An hhit.on.-: t)id bnilding In West Jord.P.:.n, dedicated by Brigham Young 70 years a.go, is being re• mto1"ed to its original state by the

Daughters of Utah Pioneers of • that town. 1

:rhe build1n.g wiU serve as a community reHc hall tmd recreation center for tbe community. ~ The walls. of tne nuJ.lding are 'th~e feet thick, being constructed red sandstone and granite, The san,d~one waa brought six miles . tr<>m the mountains west ot West

tot ii

·1.. ·_.q·.r. dan by ox J .·

eam, fl.nd the graulte

: was hauled from the quarry in Lit• t.

; tle Cottonwood canyon. I > .Only iwo of the originat'pioneeu

(woo w~re there fpr . the dedication


I rem.run. They are SOphey Mary Sie•· l f pert Gardner, who arrived in Utah ] ~ m · November, 186.5, with the I


J~ome.2 Ts.y!or handcart compMy, t~ Joseph Hibbard, who was only months old in 1801, when his{ f ~r~ll.ts walked to West Jordar r {from Seit 1ake City to their}


... , I :_• or.a®. - .•• 1 al ..


. }'. •


f : ,During the eat1y days the build-f mg was a gathering place for the people throughout .


the south end¢

of. tll+;, county, an<t was .u.aed until I lS.18. It served as .a meeting place ~ for church, school and socials. It b•.~ still sturdy with the exception Qt· .


[ 1'e old wooden .doors. . . .


•~ mg--a.na-Ughttng- 1 ,. ~i.. wUl . be installed and will

m:u-k the on.ly changes from the


ort,gtnal. ;- . If was lighted with can- ,,,j

dles at firttt:7ult.i later with kert>• -~ sene lmr.


KalesChevrolet ear - - . - . . 1 • .' .-. ti!>~~ ., --·.•

1...,.V,., b-:!>iU", . __.,.,....., ~,;Jf""'"'D•..,.: H;;"' "'""t,i;~ u... ,,,. .u~~ ,. 11 tlmifii th~ Pfft.fif~ilt- ,

~111,,., •..,.

,mt, -._ 4cording to Gwynne #ega,

~ .O,f Utie ft&ve.rtoo -~ \of t~~v

4~f~ .' ··~~:nil A>bUc


-~t,-: .


•~ ,t1.,,. ~,,!f


'' M, !<l'~illl!ll!'\t~,: lL

EE? ±± month, E.a the

exceeding gi%4 %a . . . . •·. it.~. Uts - ~-0-t~)t.' .. , .\!'.❖ -~•01 < " 9 . ·.· ,;.... _.· :':-_<~-~,.·t'. L~ ,[Jf_~ I., .. ,_ ~,'..•i;;.,, a two.~.--~~,..~-

M,mads. bes.a

67, of Riv. . II

±id Sunday at the Riv ~1:1_4. wn1.1-d chapel with " ;v)~Ot Bills oft'ictattna:, , Mustc WM furnished

:nixed quamt(imder

,~ R,otm1ond Butterfield ?eteriiI(m. Invti.catlon


,n Sec p Lan



tio Neld -,...'"' ··--T •

_a,y. . Funeral servtcee were held B.t the 11der\ ruv~rton Second ward chapel j .tter- Wednttuday tor ~- :Minnie Sil• i llar. cock who died at-er home sunrd day' et U :20 f· ~- efter ~ Ulne~

Aylett; solo, ooe.kera we hley, Z

31., 1879 daughter



Lake. CJty,


BroW}l Md

Elizabeth Ann, Beck Brow, nd

0a. e

3 in Sait'


'ter a

a xnsrr ed · ta, N!cbols · · H. SH~ .

In the 8git Zale Temple

on [


l; ioos. _ · . 8he Ls survived y he husband, { !ver• N!cholil H. SUc(}ek; a son, 1-iiow."fJt CruUcoU:, Rfverloo;'-d!!u4t·~~ew, Stlf!i• la, Egbert, of Ba±t 2eke City, by a. torme1~ man-lage: fbt cb.HdNn, Eva Citl'ti;JI~-·tv.ftUTaY,·~-ro!d·-Silooo-k, .1 Keiµieth Sikook.· Dc~d ' 6Ucock, -·

? tbe


Margret Eilcck and



cock, Riverton: ~more· Jenkim

er. Ed· of Mtdvrtle; 16 &Tff.!.ld children and

n,ville; tbe foUo'Wi11g l.H'other"S and mten, ln tert.{>ll Mrs,. l«,ai;ud lVUki:ru,, J.)rf).per; Mrs. ,,


n, end Dora \Vebb. G~"'lield; ~ls. Butter; allO fieht; Ciera Gren, snd 1'homu H. Brown•..Rl.Y~rt.9:~; M'.FS. _ 1-.mh Day,

;; " ass w.sos«.] Kw~. ~Uoock!. 'Wtl.B noted for her

dlspoaltton ~ wm b-0 . m!esed,








tes departett, under the sup! vision of Miss Samuelson, entertained tht•ir mothers at ·~~ tNt- on .?-'ednt-sday from two to four. The "}.nsser. ~1r.q;::i.ret SUcock ·and Jflo.fence Nielsen poured.. Theln:ui



. ..-·- _· ... ,·- '. ·' . ·-


gan, Gwenetn' AUen,. Naonli Wei>\{; Helen Bowen and Thelda Freeman

~ did thr serving-. The table wa.s ~- beautifully ananged and decorated ~ with fa Ii flowers. 'I'wenty-eight . ,·,, hi mothers









~ te~cllern, :l\,:1:J,13s _ Zeima Butter·field

ij and Mis~ Hlanelw Larson, made an d ~ excursion Thursday, November 5

~ They visited the Utah Woolen I Mills, the American Bakery, West Jordan Milling company, and the ~ West Jordan sugar factory.


4~ The school enjoyed a picture t~ shmv F'r!day.

The pictur ·s \verf' "I<jducatio:n in China," ;:._w,· ' • 4"Work Doo-s of the North '' and . 'o, 3%

~l named,


!f "On the Far F,a.Htern Stat.ion'' '





A very exciting football game .-:ti ~j was held at Riverton Turcidny, be· t·::.:tt tween Draper and Rivi.•rton. Ttw ii score was n. tie. ~j The Rive1·tcin foothnll team and,

I. Midvale played an exciting game ..:q



Rivertm1 j leading ln Ehe end· with a· scorn

i11 Thun;dav





·-- •




·• 14 6

/. }




Everyone seemed to nave a g-ood time at the f-{allowe'en party. At the first of the evening each per~t son was given a ticket and twice j during 1he evening tickets were



I drawn and prizes awarded to the

ones who held the corresponding·

~-- number. Prizes were awarded to the best costumed pupils. The fol?flowing pupils wer-Fi nvtnrded prizes,: rfi,'t,,.- 'rn ·1 ,_.'n _ , ",, - _ - ;-,: 1La1 . outterfield, .,, i A . worker., Don ·?i{organ, · Little Pig: Jessie MIller, Spanish Girl; Rae Bastian, Gypsie; Margaret Silcock,



Jeanne ..


?1 F1or~nce




~ triplet8.


. . . . . . . NleJsf.)n, Mildred . .



Egbert, .

There w,·re: -many other

'.) : t- i ,, ...,.~,--.it ...........

,...,·, .. ~

f Riverton uils Business T he · Page-Hansen Company knownthroughout south 8alt. I.al Ml county for the past 47 years, wil close its doors as the renult of ac tlon ta.lcen by the. stockholders n a meeting held Monday. A de clsion was made that the corpor ation be dissolved and a p,eUtlm has been filed asking for dissolu

tton. The Page-Hansen Company VlS., started in 1890 by 'Thomas P.

in a one-room store building Riverton.

Since that time it

names and manage»met of times. Before the pressio:n the store had grow· a to 0

lsrge establishment, hut the . . years of the immediate pas .. ,

considerable curtalimaen

new 1:.''-0rd V -8 i 1988 wt!l be dhtplayod for Tht,

i ttme ln south Sa.it I i today at the Butt@i"fieki Tuloto c.;mw_any in Rhreirt<H11 tWcoz-ding ~ i wo· J recelvtd here fron1Jo~'l!' 'Bi.!ttert'leld, manager.


The Ford model® » r in.laded tte standard an?

Student!J of the Rlverton junior h!f[;lt sd1ool will prueut tho 1 1 "The Belle of Bag-dad," f ~t the i$C. ¼.·wol au. dltorium this, ( Fri~ · . even!ng at 8 o'clock. The <lift t


is LiVar Isacson, nd the } !'

includes the following; utu• i



An1t~Ha Thorkelson, La.Ree Tur-



Jones, La.Mar SwenSilcox, Orel Hyatt, , Felph Crane, . 8~t h ~


Nielson, D&l<l'; But•



Crurnp, and Elton i


Tribune Bro:H1cast Reveals Battle To Conquer Desert I

Seventy years ago only a few settlers inhab[ted the Jordan River bottom near the present town o[ Riverton. The area, which was covered w;ith sagebrush, supported coyotes and wild horses, but because of its aridity was: hostile Jo human inhabitants. The story of Riverton's struggle to conquer the desert· by irrigatlo:ri was drama't,i7,ed Thursday night over radio station- KDYL by The Salt Lake· Tribune-Telegram in onc of a series ofl,empire building broadcasts. to 1825 '



Bi n.'i, J\,f.

to increase -in size ·and ~:,;-osperity.

'hey began the slow a nd te @i s oo of anstrusting the Salt Lake a na l, or s it is no•.,:,r. en!:t;d. "th~ ;Jig. c'c.na}.," 1.Difficu.i.tics since the pioneers

1nodei-n c&uipment. et was dug with pick ard n.nd the <!i.rt r11oved in ,.•. •hce-lhn1To\\':;. Since then the canal hos )),,en c:1Verged by modern methods nrd is now the }atgest" of .st:veral 'cans.!s

:from Utah lake and irrigates a large number of farms. Mr. Billa said that (mly by ma,(!ng fre·qUent enlargements has lhe canal been kept adequate for th,, city's irrigation supply. \\Tater for .:;ulinary purposes is piprd from :sear canyon in the. Wasatch tains, 13 miles 8.Way. er Creel Project He predicted t .,at the Deer Creek project will do' ble the agricuJtlintl Jncome of Rive:·ton by placing unccr cultive.ti?n many additional acres of farm land. Mr. Stringham described the !'1 0\.Hr,es 1Riverton and the location. "Pola suga r beets a he said. "Dair producing i.n by Rivcrb 1



Mi. Page de

;,\ and po1itical iu unity. ll:['he f:t·s t ed in 1889," he declared. "The initis school room was only i•J l:y 10 fe.,::

: __ -=--

'Cl,.,..., ......

ft...:,. h,,~ l~.1,'J.


{ -·


. __

•i· .,. •-:;;j:-ri-•-•n~, ••"c~•-


i_{~~i:f: ti)\ ·;' . n i~_-. i_~_-.,r._' ' ··_-_ ._..~_·_--,' 1


tormer Ri',vert .• ' ' ··1 on ,, ' . Man.. . Succurhb.s. ··,· . J ·t . :··_·-;---.;··.r ::·.:·

\\f B111rJ.\•J;•~~·_t,,I Idaho< . ~

'jt ·;.




Anders P, Anderson, dledin . _·Idaho, . . ,, hosp.i~~l; . + T?\<{arch,:}' ' ··'" . .

1_. 13\frley,


e was 1lJ about llil\weel-i' Wltli'

'_.· ,· ·. rn·i '.


.· A native of Uls,focl ·. :enn1afk~ _be 1

1'. ' ... ,:

. , ·.

';: •_,

.· ·



,:· >




·, .._:._•:1fr•··-1;.,,•. :_ ·,- .·• ,,-,,,L'.. :·

o the United statesIn/1902, after

;otning the L D. s. church in his

taUv'-'' la.zid. He livt'd in Salt Lake . . ~ ••_;- - . . · •- ..1:· ._--·r. .- · ity for n. short. tlJ?e]f(rpov)rigjo

~1qffdale/ After ·,Uyii1J1-!fff- B_ll:fff".':

!ale . one ,yea;· he mov:ecl It~ Rive·r-

s.. He's@ resi@ea4,ii stey. daho, for the past10-years. Mr devoted Latter

nderson was a

)a,y Saint nnd ln 1926''.i,he returned

his native 1and and filled a,



- ,,me.• · He w.as a;•· v.~ry\j-t,µc~~s,~fµl ;:1mer an<t stock'·grower!:Hts wife.

s. Matilda Larsen, Anderson, !: •ecedeq hi~ ill .

death, passing

Burley. 1:,ray. lMt · Janu!\,ry . 81:.:1 Bil ... r'• ··, ~. - ·WtlS. 73 year,s . old the time ,,,.' . . thi- er d eath . · :w-.•i.

ae *.. •·








Mrs. ., .. I.

Surviving Mr. nd Ander-} ~n -· are the foUowtng !, ch\ldre:~: ndrevt. Anderson, Denmark; Mrs. . ' •,, · · · · ', -•1·,•-1 . ·._ ,, '' .-,_· ,' mile Keaton, Burley; C. Ander~ ,iA. ChJcago, Ill.; Mrs.I 1Jhomas B. I. · . - . 'I' ' f1oyd, Riverton; Mrs. Jr. 'R. Lloyd, alt Lake City; J; c.[: Anderson, ·ernal; · Mrs. Clifford :Johnston, (ayward, Calif.; . Ot iAnderson, 'an Diego, Calif.-; Mrs.jlp, D. Bow': rs; Burley; · Martina.a!' JA,nderso#, ~ula. Vista,, Calif; ~o;ry.ral J..:J?:· erson, Burley; Mrs. ]J.: C. Ash-



r•aft; Burley: Mrs. W~tb~r Vance,

Lars E. Andern, Hayward Callt. Mr. Andertome Dale, Idaho;

}U is also $urvlved by

three broth-

rs: · N. P. Anderson, Salt Lake . !



:tty: James _and Cbrl.sijan of Den~ wk. He also leaves islxty-seven ranrichildn:n ::i.nd 18


great grand! :

·: I

-···· --····-·--··-··---·

~ --


Jg;q iii±ssl

g {1 5 JAG3 I } ·si



FOR STATE SEI'lATOR. . \ Uf€ ~ilel-S-Ac;q. ('#31 , \ The dtlzen.s of the 1:lln,\t:hem ; part· of Salt Lake county wtll be pleased to learn that John Hansen Riverton, one of their neigh- i bors, who for many yeara bas been · 1 ' r~cogn1~ed for Jun publl¢ . spirit .1 "at1<.T····servtce-;··----ts-··r,ubmU..t ing ... hi:,. name for consideratlon-l>y ·Demo- . era.Uc voters at the primary elec· tlon to be held Tuesday, Sept. 13. ns a State Seila.tor. Th\s d~cls1on on hls part was in response to the request of a <;amm.ittee, from the Eighth precinct, composed of Draper, ~iverton, Bluffdale and Herrima.n. Because of pls · great Interest ln farming and agriculture he wM appointed neven yelU1! ago as a memp-er of the State Board Qf, .Agriculture and has served conUn.u oWliy ·stm;~. t>e!ng the president of the. Board at thle--tim·e: Ha. like.:. served eight years as presldent of the Salt Lake countyfarm

1 of


bureiu. ,

': .

l _ : While devoting a great deal of time to agricultural matters as 6 . •



leader , ' In






various organizations, ..... . .. ' '. . ' lie alOO. ,baa ,eng~ged µf rectly tn farming and sugar beet raising. But he haa not confined his actl_. .·



vities to farming alone, as he' one of the organizers the Jor-


dan Valley Bank; · ?{a.'if . a - large stockholder tot years in the P&Je·

Hansen company, a general mer.c4.andlsing company,_ ~!listed; 1n 6~anlzing a .canning factory, .and served as president, Of ,the .River.. ton Pi~ Line Co, ,and while imch instrumental in securing _ a $20,000,00 R.F.C, loan, to struct the pipeline 11<> that it could. adequately supply domestic water tor Rlverton and Bluf.fd.sh•. At the present tlme he . is the rru:mager or the Salt Lake Costume Co. Inc.·



94an4point in addition to hls widespread exr>43rlence8, he was gi::n.dual te¢. l , the Brigham Yotmg Acndemf ' a young man, and afterw,:trd for a I period of 24 yearH taugat school I


tn,.the Jordan district.

l I

ln polltlrn . Mr. I-Ia.nser) Is ~ H!e long Democrat. He was ope of the orga.nizero of the 8agebfulih De-_ mocratic club, a.nd la no, serving as preHldcnt thereof. He nerved as treasurer of the same or· ga.nlzation. Allio In many district, precinct and county politic- ,. al organizations. Durin~ 1918 to~• 1920 be wna a. representapve trom Salt Lake county in We _ Lower Ji











In speaking of: Mr. fJ-Iaruien'B ( lqng yea.rs of pub}lc ae(vke one o.t: : • his neighbors said, "1I.f 'native •. . , I Intelligence and ability, education, ! experience and service quail- i




!Jed:· a- . man , to ,erve ti.,.~ ·lJ)e~l " e j: and represent them # Senator. tben aurely the p~~oi't /. }: Mr. Hansen presents much 8 co, ? ·He should receive the s±iolehear-?

as' a

ed support from every farmer {n , the ~ounty, and especially the di!J- : ti;cts 1n tl}e !fOU.Uie_rn po1t~n. And_


even the _ dty vot~nr ilh(j>uld imp-:;port him in, the spirit of balancing Uie tickets so that ft vii] represent all 8ecUona of , the

county ad

all r1a.3se1 _ot businf}'SS ~-- voter®," By C. H, ·Carlquh1t





-• _, .,_,~.~~~

ts:.5z..oieSewiiel Mr.

John Hansen

of the


Lake Costume Company, Inc., performs a real service for the people of this dl;itrict and his many eon!ll

tribut!ons to civic betterment are too well know11 to require further

I repetition in these columns. His I pcrnonal success has been turned to the advantage of his fellow

n~ citizens, and he is always ready .

? and \Villlng to assist 1n anv en-


terprise which promises to. advance the welfare of the com-

~- munity.


I . Mr, Hansen is deserving of our

iJ hig-hcst compliments and this small tribute is but a just recog-nition ~ of the many services which he has ~ performed.· His repµtat,lon for the M ~ successful rond~_ct. qt' hi_s bu,qlness

r.ffwirs, is no greater than hls re-

... putntlon for the honest practices

I which char~cterize his 'every

transaction. We congratulate Mr. -John I-Jan} sen on his splendid record and ;f trust that he shnn-·cofttttrue---for--


1 n~~_ny years to serve the people of




'riG 'peat Nus anti: as here rer.an ..tn,ctr d rir lnil11 of tJ,r lmin-l111.r rra6h II liir l, k1llr d :!.1 Jor dan lliy/1 School .<rf11dr11ls__!!_i_i.c 11111rn111y_ Part

of the

r twas throm'to»the·left, Th» drier' s seat and motor v rrr ar nil the full length of the hug [ r r ight tr am.

Jl.'.'\'J-; \\')'.\'.\' ••• \Vitururtl Jr11,1rcl!J

. Girl Standin~ At Home Door ~

Sees Accident


fP'.dJlOr'l S,,:r. ni. ,. :m ... ,rrjt~ •ft•r•u::,.t o! "" " c ,l 1:1.a1:·, wnnt -,:NJ'\! hn.1 ;.T7r,,:::r<'II"'- ;. f "' "


:.: / : %% 11...- J. \\'ynn. i-<h .. ,...... •t•n<lmi= In UMc ,1oorwav ~ h,.,.. hon,... nrlP.I"' th• ~Inc. whrn 1n,- Orf\l""f N Rio c;.-,,,..i,,. h•t !rM.:::hl OT~,,-,. ~ IIIV' ,. Jtor<1•n 111::h S-:-tK•Of hi.u. ,1111r1i:- 1 ..r ,otll' •nrl 1r1JUdn;;:


mY I' E WI' R I.A• tr,kt In 1h11' ,,......,.,..-1 :,."r..·•l l WU .. c.,:,nn,r Ill (h• "" nor tlf•TI .. . 1,io(•Ul :-..."¥• ··••h

''°"'" ,.,.

, ~~:\: '.,';: 1~:•,~t~..lt:'\,::;.:;• t:.,:;~. ,1 • as &I"' " " " • " nul, ,,,._.It,.,..,.

lk,th •!•• '•u• '"-'"' 1h.- 1,.,11, ._ .,.,.,. ,-.,u,111,: arwl ! ,,.. •nd,.,"'1 .. hrOwr th,. l,1,.i. •~• ,c..-.ln,:: •o ~ ,,or,. It ,ur1 •wr """' h•rt ,,,.1

-~·" , ,,.,.,.,~. . ·· 1

'lfT'llll nf th.- "•In •1.,. I h....,...-t 1,.,.

rr••h chrn ,.~ \\'h,-n ,h,. lff ,n1 '!'{ ;tw tt•ln iUf ''i' ,oe•otr m, ! ,..-.ul~ U,.. (fill:\• t,{ lh.,. 1rnrt •1\ll '9fllhf►nl(II'" ,

' ,, ...,.

15 "1±5: 11,..,,.,._ n.. u, ' " ""'- Jron'I ii.bo-d 1n1e 1~• ..,,..., 1,·a11on>rn 1nld " " tn fo 1... _-11: onrt .-.II .,,-,1-..c_u,..-.-.


ol<,('u •r•

,,. n ..,..,. tr.._cy "'"' .-nu.rln11: .:..'.qu:M117 ., tllP llrnc-. I .,..l'J'll on·t pavebw ale toe Anj t~ ~h badll'l h.a,(j the-Ir 11,:~u nc,,t hur tb" lr:aln

_prt. ·1 ,t;d


» i + + n-,a1rl7 llOlll St:.u th arwt p;;:: h ~ 1 ir- ; r-alhd

'. .... ,.., .

Bula Cron« z.

DJSA..STD YMJN'D AIDED BY ~~l'2 ii lf:tJr.,C,'lllUPTS

,A,• ~ q~ Fll" •t;/) /p9 .$gzkjs g. -.· } ,f7$6 @g?cs 4ifs9 te

Special pictm'® i,hows w e r 0 held 'l'tmrsd&y evening at the Burke theab-e 1n Sandy and tbe River-ton theatria for the


of aidlg the fund drive for the bu8 diMster 'IJ'i ctbns.

r-rocoe-da of


hows were

turned over to the fund by Manger Eurkinshew of the_tbostres.


Cit.ii~ of Salt Lake couu,ty a.re now being asked to - contrltrut4.\_ to ' a fund wh!cl1 will be used to defray fu.neral ~Kpenseo of ilie tragic Jordt~Jl scbocil ~ disaster, .and to aid 1.n . ;t'eha'bUita.Uon of . the auryiyors ot.tho acctdent. , Al:reaiiy mru:ay douations nave come tn for this worthy ca.use, but it ia expecte(l . that a great deal more w!7i be realized within the next wee1:. ' ···' Contn.tmt~ lll£tY be left a.t thfJ M


SPEAK AT RIVERTON vte Se»hel Dec.#3? David O. McKay, of the first presidency of the L. D. S. church, will deliver a Chtiatma.s a,ddress at a special service of the West Jordan stake, on Sunday, December 25, it ls announced by Vernal C. Webb, stake president. The service will be held a.t the Riverton

junior high school at 2 p. m. Mr. McKay wn.a unable to at~ tend any of. the funerals of the bus cll.sa.ster victims, and wishes

to contribute some g,;ifMrJ.ce to the take, and for this i·e.ason offered


to address the pels of the stale

their Christmas program. A new . public address system will ts f#stalled in the school ·e.nd · ~~ . public.., hi cordit'l!ly invited to atten@ th e service.

$i!%2EE%;±±#Se±#..34£45,42752%$$.£3.3.flt, %EE. i9tee7. re7as4reneweaoaesc s TI-0:: ===============-======e~= ==~ -~~ DESERJ:-:T NEWS SAf.T Llµ(B






Mae 1tan a b!c x Iron the ;x:,1 :-:~ nf lr.'. :>- ><I I ~•w tr. ~ l"l'.o-u>r <:I. :h" Kt">..col h ;, c1. lotTi compkit-lJ •.,.-~ .. frr,rn 1r,. t"-11. FHtr ff"oe"f. l1 rl h f" r.

ln n r 1n

th 4'


p ft

ZEE El wh e h rot t r« pf tr«her, ! 1"'•"1'<1 '"' " ;:,-ro-.,v• nJ ten tit

,.an,,-< rr:.:. n i:-IM l.i: ..- 11.r-..- in

111;: 1 , p t>! -1 rik rt1. .

1 rrH!'l--1 ,i-,, l"C"r.tnnin·r. flnl' fut op « rer i n f «pr hr« ,qll •!::'\J:lr'.l" 1n 1! ~ !nm:,-,.( lh 4' k,c, ..- r. (.o( I\ r. Cn :...:J 1 .r-< I lHH!rrr,e .:. !~ II'.~ l.".\L>. rrl ,,l 1h , rn 1:.) n l" ,. ,. , u -... ot h e r ia rre --- p u t t.'.l

JWI,• :--1,.,...,.,.:: Ill.:.c-k~ Al a round a« w«rr» h«trial p.& rt·n U. ,nnl!f I u/{lccn.· p ,:, lk -e , ,1«tor1 ~r.d rr.1Blni ~p«- i..Hor·•· IJ.odW w .. re •lr<"..·n I<>< 1...-0 hloc-k.J llonJ(. .th♦ raltr......-1.and:.t. ~ f" fl

Wf' r!'

!.:a.d l~ ,r:

lh f" m

lll tlli

tfll<"k-., ambuUnc-~ ln_nhH'I-"". 7toe lnr on the rroutad .,..f-f'I" cn:dt!Y C"O \"l"rr-d ,,..,!h "I' hAl•

pee tt th e ehlele, T op wt l':o l["l -..11

r~n t,( 1: r...Mt t..-.:n n:,ni:t -i,:p :ti.,. ,·rr,- :<:of' r,l 'h" rn '{ l!H'

wh,.r.t !l ()..an:;::i.;-<I o:,n 1h.t ho.0lirht, Th part the as under 1ta i;var,t .,.;1., 1<1,ntUl'"<I -""" Ila· 1100!" of :t-.,. ,·,hid"- lrcm:a n..,._ ~ r-i ih .. •.-.iit • n< th.,. t>v.• ,nn •t«::d ,:pnµlt., <1n,1J.m..u;c-<l ';\A !> n e t}«d uraer the front of the lc-s:,;,m<,ltYl'. !';;tH-rtff S... G1.--..ot Yo-.:.nc- c,rd-t:, rd roen to }tr up tne rmz nid nuu \J.00-er Ul4 ~r•t ri,f it.~ ,."!1-' }t"l n<t In :<-N- + i m r bo des wr e • <!tt OU.lJl. Thff"!: "'"f' !'t" n<>n,t.

A.1wthrr pho:n of 1111· rcn r u ctiot: of thr· uhool 1111..t sAorrs the portto u :h ich ax la dcwag ed in the

c:ab uf tltt ill-Jnted gJwol lJus u'lls drayaf<t 0t1rr lw o blocksunder the (lltord of tlit· frei9ht cn9 in -t. Tht ,cur-~ ino ·p oJt, with its spoJ,:o snappecl off nnd tile shaft hod /fl bent, is plainlv, ui!TI in the nbotit photo. TJ1c i1utr11- ~ mcnl p,rne/ nf the d rii·er' .t comr,<1rtnzrnt mid tilt bncJ; of the Jlcel cab _tcrrr /orcr--d togcthu bv the trtTific impac: ? Hl1ffl uhly n_frw inch r.r srp<rrntrd tlir /1rn. Tl,r gas !JOU 1)1 ironicallv rtod "half full" whil~ the s-p,a -do mtln tt'OJ /!_ Jlucl. at lh a JO mife p er h o i:.r uw r}:.. .V o Jrii:cr ccnd d ha ve li!J td within the cru mJ)ltd cab of th.11· ,c h aol bui.

1·rutt1till!I l·rn .1 h .


Thr- rrnr door .nnwg f'] >t'1 l 11

in th at potion fo llo n g th e crfUh ..-H th u 11_r,h of th r dir;..ui..t r,j Orr !ms, it 1$ th e on(q pu rtion .tchM>l"lin.t irliicli rrrnincd rrn_v .~emblance nf it ., i shopr . .'ic1tl.1 ,nr .rtil! in lru-t do119 hoU1 !1-icfn. Ir tta-i lflir s((/ion t!1at the tr\ Jlfftd tn·rC' ridin11,

--~--- ·. -··--~


Here's List Of Students

Believed Riding On Bus pd,wirr ire »tu!ens to , I\Of'rr.11:r n.~.. 11\t :II fair•! t"l.11: ii.-....,.:.., t:~, .... r.. ltlvrrton. I· \h r-n-- fl<> < l.. <l f l ,I. IU•,.rl<.n tu ta t»mar. !rut! J a in tier tern«nn, Harrrar. Net "er!w, lus rrton 11.., .,,1 1..-nrn_ llu..,..1•·•n. Hrs Jtrwn, lrrro .J::• _, ;_,,,.:,. llluflctJok'. 11 .. 1 .. 11 IJ(n"tl. ~,ln J o,-,hr.. \fH.fr.,-,1 ('.kh">f"nr. :,,OU1h J crrtHaw tiler liwrtun \",·c•···" :,.;.. 1..-,r-. 111,·rr1r,n. \ht•,. '-n-:1:h. ll1,r1""ll,n.


. _. ,,.,,n-,,n_


(\..-,·., 1::.- r. ;.:,.:--r. 1:unl',c, ; ... , r. -~ ,!':" z rr:. Ill\ ti I" n.. \\",.:....-1 ',\ ,t :, . !:,.,-rl(ln

•:aoml \\"rt.~. lll\'trton. lltirn \"ouni-. ~ulh J r-<n.111\. IY1ur J',M"r. Rhrrt ~. >sr-nra !h l"rt,n:-n, 1:1,r;lc.-n. (1:'! r'rvnon. :--.:>ulh J o11'\ln. thane part±na n, tr«r ent J..1'1~ Sa ,·rnwm.. Il l\ n u 1 11 l" .1 Smit!\.. J lhrrll.n. ll t '4' l,,t "' r-' lUr->< n . l:hfl:r-n.. \",,.,t:a ~1.>n""1u1,1. 1L Mori 1a wn !tattdale M»rre tiror, th Mor an n.. .-ri.-Y1 1:rrt-n, HHnl"l'l. J:M_,rt JJ(twrl. 111,·.-,inc, 1 ......... ,n. rr...,.. ,•ln. 1u.- .- ,1on.


,;...,..~ ,:,n.-,1. ni..-,,,•..

W1i11Hf\ r;JJJl"t. flr,,-r,1)/1 I.nu,.,. ll•11h:-::..11 111:.rt,ui,. llunl. \\"••t Jr:,l.,n, \\', t-h . 111\.-ff"'n



:,· .. ,.,. ' ·-· ,• .,,, .,, 1,: .. ,"... ,.,. ....,,,. ,.,,: ,,.,,: -,. ·•·1••n.,,.11.,,. t-,u •• .. , If•~ 11,,- .-fr:.::•.,:,.-., ••I , ,. r-1 :' l' •I' • "' •••,.. ,nal,., .•

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.,,:.. :- ,. .,.. ,... ,.c,..1t,•.,. ••'I-•

1,,r ;,,ri,,1 ... 1 •·r:•l" t •►,- ••rr ur.',· •llr.~,, ,. ,....! .. ,,-1 1:1rr.u•: \. lhP 1 .Ah ·rla na mnam mt» r, ,.r. ,1r I., 1: .. , •::•,-.t• \'."••t••" Ha,rnat ere tt« trturn trrr II,• ,,,.,.,. •·f •r., :.r,1,1rrit !•"CU•. · T.M 'ru"• fr,!:.,.,.-,.,1 hv l"I~ l•u• f'tr1,·rr :1 .. l-.:u :• 1.nn...-n •• •h•



nan at he a the bus step al"l'f l!•.-n ,urr cp Our U>-11' urnrlr: 11. aM IM rr,1111 .,,.., l•t• rtM r. flr..t'tM rot hf :,,.. h u J Witt • •1k.-" ,.,., •11• loc-nn'l•.Cl..-f' •rA •hit

:3 .%

n·,. 11nr••t rr " ••:r •t ,, :,. ; , • f ·t:.. ..,. ••I·.... ,, •t--:,•I •-:,: , , ,, r: ... -,.-1; ••· •• .- •rJ1 ' !,• ~ .J,.1. ,~ : ta r de+! "'.1 ,,.,,, •;,-. -, , 1, .:,, i,:: rr.: :·J, '.r,•n ·-: .,-1.- ·•f ·r... ,.ut+rat ·.-. ,.: .. ,. , ·• .. rn:r:.i: ,,-ir.•I ,:,..," •r,.:, , :r-,-,u.c. 1·,,. • ( :1, ..,,. , rtn,1rv ••1,ci.,!,! 1 ... :--rrt,:r.. , ... , ur.111 "·" ' 1,rr

%.. . %3

f satrts t •hr 11:nrhnl{ 1,ioto:,.-. : mp r»in vn e of our tat hrr.ct.1, 1n-l " " ' ,ir,f ·r,,·.-;,,.~ 1\rn H i:t IUU~ J ' rv-<'< 1 whl"n 11 ,,t ,1.a,~ ,..-n:r,...1 \\•,. ,-r.!,· ,. , 1,. u1.,,.

±: .: 1 mat "


•m;e llt.!tr~ yrl!td >1:-• 1:-....:0:1 j .\lfrrrt t:w-n.. nut ,·n·, 11r.;.ln,:- 1t.rft;11.h 1t.c : iab '-' 111.- •·r:..-.nll' l.':,- ," U:n·ou· ,. 11.-t 1:,uv!• hu 1hrov;.h · 1r,11:t:t ,,..,... .,:n;{ •I ;.1 ine\,, ~n Mnur tow»rt «alt tar titr, t!d t:n::11..-.-, t: I. fl,-t>m•r u.. , ~mrlt:ltac .. •• ••n 1t;, ·••rl. lm,r.,-,11-1uh• 'l.r rfli;:ln,-.-r <llt\l"T""'I 1t., .. t: .. 11, ,n1'1 .,n,1 --r•1•HHt •11 l,a l~. .\ •n•h 11\11 h11rr:J 11 ~,.r,.,n,, wrr,- t.;,rrlv i>udlhl.. llA•• It. .- ' • oul'll'I .,, , i-._. t- l'l,tlnr .1r,I ,crrHh• 1n« ••f •r: ~ t,rJ kr•. P1r<-r-• I.,. , rr...:orinr :.n,I :rurll: wrrc- Jh•1nc 1n : o·n.,. •llrN:tlon. 11:ae Ir.tin L"T"n11n•I ,,. • ,. :-.. ~llrncr.' .M'"l":n«J :a " ltn tor 1.-.·,. hrltf. l'--"Wnbl• M"COrv!. Thu1 tlMu


,1.77 · rr",

• Tlnt 11 lh-1- •Jv,,c-Uc,~ hl,. I ,can •l• ama h•unt111t i t: , r"1Jrlnt : 1rrw ,,I lht ltatn .. l'llth lhh . fflAtr.111,: u:,,.1h.-tt 1nr,. a J ttr:bn ll1J'lo !Wh.-"'I t..u. L.11111,.: ...,,..,. •'11<lrn1t • r.r l 1n111rln1t •,,thrro. T l.tr eat troutrn# it." huisen « train. near lo beth »rd t•nunh \\"1 ,i ~lrtrll. The rat along wth the ta a« ...... 1ra,rhr.1:. roaull,h •~, tu,lr: ' " " •<..-rr•J h u t><11 r<1 , ,. ,. , ;u v l ' ' ' "" -lurr.- ir .i 1lrht ,nrlt t.nt" 11,,. rain. Te Ir.ta lr1,rl--d l'lfM'lh so n thh +tnp, turned r t, •lOJlfl,C'd. J."'1 tlvn •lrOH" r..nto l h • ~ d1rtt1l"t lr.t4 1ht ro-th n( lhe rnq,-ln,: r,·r..1ht. 1:uon ~ild ~ Jrll ...t ~ru,: !Join-:-' a nllroad ltrrn mc-al\ln,:

S COTT 11'/I/J:iu; llr 1<11ur,{ tJ,r '"" .. ,

7 Miss Bus; :Live,; Spared Irr,,., 11t,::t; .;,t-,,•1 ut..,:, ,,,,.,,.., ·•., :' ! 'I

f' , u l

•11,,!rr·, l<'r•


l, 111

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. ,, , !\

\\ ' ,l v rl'.

• : 1,·m~11, l:•l1•h f'.•11:r 1 ~· ....,. ~ .. ' " " " ,;•.,., .. ,. ';1:, ... , '· ,;, .. ,i- , ,:,:: ..,,, 1 ...~, ..:,al 1,., I ~••l'::rr.,rn "'"'! ,.,·,, ,,. ·, , ,.( :t:... I,,,,,,,; ll,,:1 ..,,t,,,,: •.&H 1t,c., 1 ,.,, :1,, .. ~1 ·1•,,. •• nnn! t,,u 1.,-.. , :., ... ,. ,,,. 1:,,.,,,,n 1,:,1 "'" ' ht• ,,., ,·n~,,,: ,,,,,n,.,1,·.n• .... :h rta


,1 ,-:, 1 1 , •i r. I{ .- :, , t;1:,~ ••:,- ,,..,r,,..,'ilC,n ••-'• I nu p en th«t i n t rrt r«t tl,t , r •1 h U•f"•1 1\ tlfl •r>t 1 .. .. ... u , .. ,,f

n:, ,:,.r,,·.

I~•"' rnrv .. ,rr ;:1.1<1

. ...15... ' ,,v,m.. 1hr !,,,. m'" ' 10, : i •• t, tut it wa« hen r. t ! ,

1 1•1

, ,. .. .

ra k e

t;tj \t,n latr. Th<' ,:,,I thin": h<' •~W

½4, -..1, :!., !o:•1 ,1,,111,\t-'1 •r<•:on•\ •h"





EE±EE.±±ti m.,,, •t.•

fo r tt e 1111rk 10 --n ·o rff\!' •ll i.( ,.., . •ti n <1•Jm •·fl •h i! wt o w« . t a u ¥ rd «tr«rt


'i!·t '•U'\ ,o.,n J:111r~~1t •~ :,:,11 1_;.,,. >:n;:,r,,.rr ;:,i~r.,•r :,., • .J! , tr, ±i t st+we fern»n l'.l' <•f' .

,. 1

I I•,

1 :, !:•!'1


,·n., r:

Ht.s rman Nil, ti %mrer»on .\, r,,.,,. , ,.,1 • ·on•l11,·1t.~ J. I' 1

l!I•"· :, . ; )' ,r , 1 ,\ Hr. 1 1 r. )1 ,. p :, r., .I. %, rt e t «o f "t e

S a lt

Lal tints sq!fs 11!f1•r •n• 'fr\'J"'"" I 'I:,. •r•,n "" " :o, 1.:.,1 ••I • ,t.,..r<>u;::h 1r. , ~ , 1 , r:111,:, n of U\ ..

lf;, .( H11.



1~~ i; -~o N · · 1· R 1e · u~.T1 f _ . "'~ /j4,3 C E 6 %? ] Ueo 2wlinel23cc,43 si #





The campaign to rai8e fund» for the families of tl1c tn"gic Jor~ da.n school bus ~dis.-uiter victim~ gained new Impetus this weelt,. l a111~ is now ·approxlmat.t'ly $fl,5()0, it'. a, ording to B. A. Rnst:nUSS\ilil, ~'l C\.•\':Gct_nJ_ttee member.



Two -large- ·contrihut!ona w~rn j largely responsible for the great l

increase in the fund amce lt1.fft

I weelt. A check fqr $1,0-00 wa~


~ ceive-d a few ~~ya ago by the com.'.

~ mittee from thµ 1,. D. S. d1urc:h, nd t, .1othcr check for a 1:1imtl,1r =i amount was conhibuted by


~ La.k~ COtUlty. , '


· ·


ij _ 1'hos~ who have not yet

~•4-fatiuted are Mked not to deJ;,).·y, r ,y • ' [\} longer; and t;; make Urnlr ,.. . b ~t as soon as pmmt le to any .,:;om , ;11 in.ittc!/J i~mbeir or .direct ;{4 J orde/1 ~ n ,·!,.i,,,_ } ,.;'l t....t t r·" · 'ii-,,,_ #20 Oi GB3'PI¢' oi. , 'i @


Rai:n-n usson aa.ld.

$" ors.ore«scr ag.reg_Ee@±n C. @"@SSE?EE@Z..

G-e)~r~ Bio.OJ.. {%%]

7 ~

:~.. ._.



.. •


:Uon\rhl.lc· four


l lor..l CJ{ \b e ('.!.a lUI!' !".

On l ru truc-

investigates zpzgzz.zzc.z: t,


;A,:-eni':EE:EE3.EEEE; D'aCCl.

', :& lJB






!hr~ f"nlplortt ol rn1rr-l1:d 10 th t

.A..,~-; ~ l-O.'Ulll 1 Uk>tl.

tr'. - -. ,, ,•: IV) Expre3scs ::;t,a.tc s

i,ac~;L • ·~ Jf,rold 1

~ '




u 1t-.... ==na...

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•.otr. }:.r~•l R.lmnMlm~-cr. I~

ij·~- Fan1iH.eH

"2±%: 1,2,," '+us «ks«« t· «

4;Spady Fer






vnu H.,Ht" Xa 1.-4'.>111<,y

••~:.a-~\/~:i:~~~:- ,~

GoT . HtnrJ'. !I. Dk.,oc- l,(1u1t"k· of ,..ulj' ql·!l.C.t: ~-:r

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~ l' Df

,1" !h(' tni;ck


tf .

8-H oc-P !N:tit:'f !t>r \.t;.._,




app,:oJHni; d!~,ilc-r

r-n .:-,,;,er.~ tb r-xf'("('"IUI- .,-rnp;.ithJ". hut Ins t~!. I on on!y in-:i.11 my,• ll nl. th-t pr-c,<;6 10 rNtn::y !f'f'l::::-.,::i.


j'' :Z. f~!~d;t\n°: ;t~

ZS: 2.

! dr" « o,I th-e bu.._

tht ~-o n •1' D01" l~u.-d :.h.c- !o!.O:.v• : !n,i- .u.1'" mt-n e \ :

:u, ...i.r-~,. rt'poru !r..d_\e.it~ nuns tJ:. co.r').;C.t,:)l;,U,l".ot!!.s. H ...- u.ilJ Le rnr d-N-.i?t' \O o.ll al n;ch s::rick•


!Ml I~ ~Ul<r ·..-~Jd·but r>O Ii1 1

.x-c Omt to r."-'- kt' a fo("rs.-or~I ;n,-

3: «av . t,t ~1 ~

/uod c-..Jrr!..ui


4errs. au ri



. -··



According to Supt. Jensen, a three-point prognun which may help to prevent the repetition of terrible tr!lgedy, was outlined by the district board of education a..r1d malled to the state road commlssion, and to Charles H. ' Skidmo1"'0, state superintendent of public in-

struction. Following a careful deliberation the board has I the following sug. , . gestions to make in order that

safety in tbe transportation / o,f school childrentoand fromsehdol, n:ia y, be enhanced: Routing ot an school tvses over specific ros.ds wher:e these roads cross railroad tracks, might very well be made by the state road commission. 'The number ( of crorimnga) should be reduced ai1 far as it is conveniently poimible. Where the road@ are designated, it is sugge~ted that the



railroada pr-ovlde both visual and auditory aignals.

J That a general movement be · started throughout the natlon u,r,png that ra.Uroa.d engines and

trains be required to'be painted a conspicuous., contrasting color, the same a.e is required of the school

i buses.

rarr1 t.J11tli11ed

Ute S enta}9Dee,1@38

····-:Arma · F. -smith - delivis-r.od the. memorial addreas at special services held Tuesday at the Jordan high school, under direction of Priucipa.l L. vV. Nielson, honm:ing the memory of 24 school mates, who were killed in the Jragic bu.s- I

train crash December 1. More than 800 students joined in tbe solemn service which was conducted by student body president, Warren 'Thompson. The service opened with the singing · of, •·sometime We'll Understand", by the mixed chorus of the Jordan high Bchool, under direction of J. C .. Crapo. The lnvoca.tion Wt\.fi by D. Stanley Adams, instructor o the Jordan seminary; MIss Lug{Ile Tµttle of the high school .f aculty, gave a reading from the twentieth chapter of John. Dr. C. N. Jensen spoke br~efly, · comm®di:ng the students and asked them to

have a determination to cany on. Principal I.. W. Nielson gave a talk on, . "Our School

Mates", He

also-- called a.ttentton to the· many sympathetic ,communications received from various places thruout the , nation. The ser.vtces concluded with the chorus singing, "Go<l Be With YOli, ''fill We Meet Again". The benedkUon was by Lee Olson, instructor, ~f the Jor-

The .W eather \ 'UTAJ-t-T'11rtly~ '1:,-; IJ biWt" nurn .... In ,,,.,..Hi.




~.L:::E::l>li :::··-~~ VOL. xx..,,v11, NO, 262.

' ~~- ;

. ·-.. •



• •


• nc nll~--~ln,J.1.t wbk

tr1\n co!..lla!on took: "Placif' 'nlursd wHb A w:.mlnt .tl&'oAl. inv ~ la-11. OW.c.l1L, o( _thl!I Denver'& Rio

a croa-bar sig nl,bearing the wordt for th~ Cars,"' 'fi'.hk h h•.d been·. p.1ace crou int. ·h_ad beien ' lcnocl: W dO"w'1:{.~ •:\ lnv~llft.ton. nld th11·11et oc. U-,,enti sltru or bu ild ing,obit.ruct v !.slo~ nN..rly l!!\·cl wllh th e with o.iily.J





~ •~ •, A••:

fontt uod freon Rae h e )


hr,1!\,-,! ,._.. t, when ,tr11,k

'ut>lh .._1>-1,.,o,.,d thf'. bu• h•d \. k.-.t u11 •! Rlv.-rlon. South J '\., \\ro.t J ordan, (.·,.,....,....nl ,trda.lr, Hhool ortlrlal• _J,L


Diver & lo

tbs railrosd r oils, the {.,,.{ (rrlr ht. 1.he ..,F1yin,:.Ut1!,"• tare tut 1 R~\l,·,o"d olfk l•..111 at flu f M-tlinated ..tb ■. :dft nit It lo :l. Cotlllt of whole or:p a.rtlallT. :Wh ole, :!:i., !lo/ lllcm ldcntuted. ~ !... ·,.·· >:.:,-·1 Th.:. Sr..ll ~k;3_ c·oeM n l hosplUl.reported'?CCCI th~ bu:r' -x:c:tr?-111iz, two ·o c w-bom.....d.led. Ul~thi.:hcql: o! wh om wu-t: critically Inju red . '.";bo ,h ath list fluctuated M> rapidly _kW .1b io!u t.e count could be obta lned., · -, ,·.. ·;.~' .:: '~·,1J: Hsuers work ed th rougb.out th e· 711,ornbf pick rents ! bd les long th e trace.Th ey had gathered of fr rmn en ts at \.ut rep ort 1. • ,;. • .,.;, /: .; Shodly afttr lhe catu trc9 b e rc,at:ucni' wCN (rs. cmcnls In blan.ketA, batk.eb, boxes, ::P<lr..Jws6ta Mola roken flesh and S1.lt Lake county sherlfh ' o!Oce).dd,;R'it,leut o( \h e ,,Omated O p u p il pu M n C CN iir e de'a d ,..-~,..:: ._ ,. The frdi;bt tn ln wu du e ln Salt Lak• at'' wslate, ind s transient, Dwvid Wltter,_Denj er,·Colo H• ,p~l:'d 11,l "\,('l{Wf'<'n 50 :rn d 60 inllM...an .'b o uf ',wb 't !he hrs t 8:5% • m.- . • __.. J , • 1 •• -:••-~ •• :s;,1 1r!i:h t(u 1 w._. th e carn11J;o, Mr. Witter uld; th t1 tr•ln hul T'lo·w ed ln to ,a hcr<l o[ caltl,e. ... .. '~_),~ T\,o lr11.tody occurrrd when th e northb o un d frel i:;lo tl10 ns 1bound bus broadJ!d~. The ·bu, 'had ~ m,r:h, but l'ne ro11:d makes e df ht an,Ie turn elid


>. :·.'. .

boozy?i_·.., cffi•


n~-.,,.....,_ ,.,.. ndrth

a!"• ;.,








! ... J...lf (117 A.1'11 l'U\111• ty trlr<l !o br!nr o«!,., o,it <>tr),-,,." •• n,-•r\y • .,..,,.., ol a.,11hulan...-• ru•h.-<l ,tra,I a.nd Gy\nc: to he1~1•i1Ah ""'t ,.,orfu•tl,. ... idle tlp»hone ope rator« sum» n,nnr<I all •••llahJ., tlnrior• 11rul

,-,.,.,._ frtt ll \

,",a )\

ty ,.,u1 .\llu J,,.u.-11• .\lahan .. ,-, s u• print+mdnt of nura wt Malt { l s tGneral hnaplfal rdr d nll rouny -.,-honl nur•r• 1., ,...JW>rl • t th" ho•• 11;11 .. t tnr ln•l.u,t duly, ' :-1,,oll !Akr Cn11ntt :-(hrrltf fjr•nl \'n111,c, I_ I':. J\u!lrr, a .. aht•nl &\I•

:-,.:1 l orn, prinrlpal of th» J rdsn ... h.,ol, h .. •lnr lhrlr 11,.-..nunh, !h ,Oy ,..,,1. on 11, ,\,.•rrlptton 11,rn \h,-n, hy .-\lrrNl r:111111, r1,.-111,.n n( lhr freight +nrln aald th hua toppr«d •t th~ rro .. !nc. th~n olar-1 .. <1 arro•• th" lr•<"k• an,I .. •t•1..-«r.-d In h .. ~. t... !~ lu 1hr ml,1,!l« or th .. lr•C'k•.~


1lon, lnv,..tJcn1oNI -1J. Dr. J . H. ,\llcy, :',!ldvi-.1,~, on" ">f \}i,3 pl'<pkhua 1>.t Ih,:,, 11~ .N-, i,.,,'-,ld: ",'Th1:1 frl'ltht 1rl:\lr.., whtc-h W!ll 11,h-out om·•hl'.lt oil mHo lnht. ol to fas t th c hor e w nio&t on Uw, l'M dh1::- h-dor.;,

n! ne


T h hurn nrln + tuck; ths Mu !-.ro ... ,t.h1.-. hurl ~ 1/'l~ rn.i,op!~! h<; dy I nf. 1111' hu11 ~ yr,.l'-d• t., thl'l wN.t ol j th« trac t, T e ha«lw ot ths bge i1.1<1" lh" front 1>( lhto ~rttlnt-, lwlctNl untl,-r th., rr,ml whP.-;t t.n,1 fh:r.l!;· ilrr-it.!i.-d lh• Ir on\ whr.-1• th~ lor<'l1>otl.-r. · Tll, ,n1in1 .,..,.,, ""'Otkf'<l h-1.d< on!c t ht trr,r~ • Rnd ;,o:,nt Into alt Lake City at l 1:1~ 1.. m. T ht C"n ..-..h ixcurrr~ 11.bout <)fJf mt1• WNll 11.r.d on, .-.. nd (H\t •h .. li' m!\r• ..outh ol th, _lcrdir.n h!zh ...:-hoo!. Alth0111h tht hl1:hw.1.y on wh!C"h :la bu• tr,wtlcd to d" ,trudlon !1 ki,r>wn u Ont llundrtd l·H,nh Sou'.i1 •tr.. rl. b•r•uae of !ht -:,.;-• l\un tli. bu• 1t.rtur,!ly rrhLOt.l •l wh•t would '" ' On• l[u,1tl1td :--i.rmitl Kou\h


.. I """'" ri<llnr ::. rrtf•r «fr uit r•rl "'htt1 lh• ltatn hit th<' bu,. f w,u tll1rkd !1> \Ill rloor. \\.)Hf\ J ]ookf'lf la t I thourht the trntr hu! hlt 11 ?i~r,1 (>( .. .. u!r. 1hao ..... ~ ~o much fin,h u1d bont -"f".>l.\l~rtd A.rr>un<1 .. T h•n l .u.w II t:lrl ilttlnr .. !or,r• ,r,dt tht !r1\CkJ. Sh& WIU tnrlbly 1!'111.n[lrd, but live. She wnu srenm1nr horr!h!y ... nG h._nrlr1g ontn hn runi, with botb h&nd•. I Jumped otr th, ('A.f ~nd rWlh• d O\' Cr, but 1 h 1 dlt-'1 hdort, I ,oulcl rri.rh hj!r• .. Cod, that wu 11wtu!'." ·'

'\\'111IUn1! !nr RuG


O • ._

J un ynn, Crent w«rd, WIU w,dtlnM l\l htr hom: for th, bu, ln pkk hor llfl. fl ht ll,•,, c-l n• ~ Ir> lh&< !>('PIH o! tll• ("r111h. :--h, hr11.rd he imp«rt, tan arund the hns ,.,...,.,, th, rli.•<1~1rr. !ll'r fr.thn. \\"II· 11.0.rn Wynn. r,1.n \o 1·ht tr~.-k~ 11n,! w:o. fi mrt hy mf'mbrn or 1h .. ltll!n r, .. ,,.,., ,..ho told him to -11mmon i.10<"·

'. 'J 8 t.




~ •.

,:•c;·;,~. ,\-t"" • •-~:..;]

A h owstorm, sped ctnd lost, ti.mt- '.di».rj m'edc· Thuruday to oond an e,,limcrlr.,<l 24 la:d«n high l!Cbool-f; pupils to their d8<'.tlM.with 18 inl•~-~<) sir<#oly;JS ±ea eD.GR G.w.tent


schlx>l bus near M1dVdle'. . ·, - , \'_ ·: ,. " '".\"'"''-'~•lt-Alfg Frogmenta of tor }dies stron alo:dg•llui,_~road right ol way, dcmqlinc;t fmm,lho)<>C0%!l>O~'cm, !Wcw t..d into th<> torn tannn<t>:ih< ol tnc, h - · ~-, ·' · msdi crt• coi:!finnaluni ·of thh c\<ic;-!.h ·, ,olf Dr. R. J, Alexan der,"iiuperi:c t•nd"n(oi Gv>erul hoapital. announced: o-(:3 •



4%%."E.sos«rs '."_:=:-.•.7'. , ·. .


X?'U~&",~i-4 ~""~~


·... -

: ...


: ~


· .... ·





),(::Jor bu.r c1uhu

ftw }'Ttrit !1tclu,l1: Xln.-\HTI klllrd, Zj hurt whttn hu1 r• n otf rt:'> ..,,<! 11ml burn1<i nt;;r u.... !r.lnt, N. \'., J,i!y n. liH St:<: }dlltJ, 1~ l11JurHI In a tiu11•· lfurk ('r:-ah nn,r ► :!yrh., Ohl,;, AJ'rL: Ill. 1e.:; t~our\t- .- n ~illi,! In 11 •rhoo! lr•lll rollL • !on •! Ho,dc,•\)11, April 11. 19J.'\. ►' 1n 1,c1:lr1 l. 111 hurl In bu••~ulo

, Sl.o.rt ry' clCH ti~w..-. ba.<: -n.,.,da d th11 Jordr.ll hh:;h .al.co! 11.?x,ut Un J c.rt! ::. 'fl V- he:.:-1 bw• Drn vH k. r..i~ -Gf' -1.n~ \Yo.J lUll rr<>i,i~t tr• l1: er-t ·-'~• .e-:hOo1.,! -,f!}dr.J.s d!Jimkud



t>tr ttvtd p•Htr: I.A throcgh ,. pubflcl St'..),;! -t nl.1:, ;cr. H af whom w- -n·o l~-llt• mttit J.nd thrn wtnt to Un clt.Mmcl~ o! {ha d1cu.ud, WtM i:.iu!<lu:t«! .J.nd duply ahock~C: ''il"ht11 lht novn Wi..t t- r,,·o.d RD<:l ut


l.1..rnW Lhf

!ollowlni at.Att•,


Cl/'~~c;:•nd7i:n!:.,;~d ,.bi)ut i:~w

mnt; ,c r11. fi llrh ~pr,11il!nt: d!. u,,.ttr u ,.,,rly rte lntllc,:., \t., rturu tl11 crrn ,dous - i1,1ly t,·ra!I

".:±:... :l%

n,. OO!l DOrl'

w. !{IRUY_

lbto\r, 1.ut..

rel+ram_k:perter.' · ,T11tn an dounr. or stUnned u,.d i:itl• atrl ck~n• p11r1nl.JI -.r1d ritL:..l! n:, pu .. d!nr U1,1 ltntth ol ths tr lr, ting blank»ts and o i$ nd pperfrom U14 'r>od lU n! th,,~ du.rl ,tr• ~·n 11,b,:iut. hop· t11:i .t11d tur1n1 Lo fl nd lhtlr chlldren, &,t,• 1114 ,hr!tldnt 11nd cryir:,ll' ot J ll lhN< 1 ~oplt CM \ be hnni 1~


, .• ,;.,,.-..

In;. tb,ldr Jled,' • Yolun t thlt v\cl1 t-h, luct

I v111-. " ' " ' " 1h-"11 h1'Jf',i mlll'

: .EE:%

:. "73:::

( t:•1·t1.,., !~,. • .._...., ,.i·tr...l ,..,. r••" /•.•·••.i,11,: ., I /tr ,.. ,.,.,.

j.,..;,,:,. whu ,.,; 1,r :.-,•


t.!f H

ot a.altt.. nee

f1didi;, .Ma.ror Wa.lu.C<! clly ,mu·x,mey ho.1pl nuru-.-i )::.~ l).e.,11 ro!.u.

my,;: ,·.U ol -l ht -p r~,,.. lo rei.ule.r. duth!!

.%%.%:l» «


,1r•1ue,•r L'J;l a nr,·'D' sit,\.,{•




1· AIL • r g r. -IM

'DENTP,:"j:J. ::"D ± t? ik


~-· ("> ;


~~;;;-_;:G;n,, tlau,h~~;-_;,,·1.


Oltid.a! lb !. ol.-id ,ni in ~ ~ad ,~ d :-.1r~.. Jl a;rr s~~d ,trom, '·· Only.. ~·ht1 ,_..<"•ptd ,u,·l!h• ln Th on.day mornin '.1 Jorh n · r arl"y JI. \'oun ,c of Snuth JorH,vrrlnn. tllJl lnJury w-., 1..-,h 1n~ Jo'r-nm•n, ~hool district fn in • s tn x\dy dar,. Naomi J.ew!Ji, ,b u rh !rr nf -.on o! )1t•. M•h_rl Yrum.,.n, lbllo w,: (Stn r,I thr "dba , Uta n WlnWucl, ium Mn,. My rl IA-wi,, Jllu ff cb !.... "•-- -~- - - - W'!re r!1II ' un tdcnl fitd lt1e Winward of S,1u1h Jord;m.. R obttl ,:,b at. Thurady) . \ Kc-nnf'th C. rrtn son. ,on f'lf : r Anol"d H. Sllr.ox, drh-rr, ct Mric. I ... W, Prlf"n•un nf Jl1\'rr1on. .Rlv u ton. ·· •. :· Wllllarn JI, (;l:nln, Carol Step henso n, d au ghter! B y rd Larsen, "'111 of ~1. 5. Mr. in d- MrJ. S~ ] trph,.1atn 1.arvn n( Hh ·Nlnn. of JH,.•trltm. . · · · llrh·n t.lnyfl, ,l:111 i;: l,trr ,,t \\'II, : t,_,.,i Du lne }'arltln,.on, ,,,n M S. ltam_ll. J,l,.yd ·111 South J1o1,b11 .. 1h, h %. P,rklruon Pl -~' "''."Ill. Loi• Johm,on. ,1;111,:ht,.r i,( (h~ j v. .., , : Vlola 8undq.u~lt rl 11i;:·1:•r oC . C:tr J_c,hn:,,.,11.1 ,,f ltl\·1·rl11n. ,.,! N,.1,..J\rr\c•l,ul.. I' •h11rh1,r ,,,


nf. l,rJ(,,y





M n . Rnl1n d · Pai:t of ll1n-rtori. Wflb-trl Wthb. · · N•oml Web h.

____ ,_


\'irtl11h ~rl,nn. · : An" w,-t-,h, ,111,1,:h!,r "' \\• •f·., (jrorit: Jlu n l. . \\'rhh t>( H1\'tr\r>n rn11111I• lhrnld Sand,lrnm, 1,,11 ,;f ~fr. <11"'1"• n..rk•ll'••l. ,\f,or,f.-rd f'"'hn,·n,, "" II 1,( \\ ' ,: 1



' "\'fr •. ) S . . . I '~•::,:;:· , ·;:,;;;:~::···•·• D eccm)cr l (.).jHHS w1l1,lm111,, ,,,.,11,...,,._,,_ .....,,.. .,,.h _ 1. .. . F ] , . \Ti'• k n~:~:.~ ~!;};!::rtr>n ,,.,11,,.,.1,, Dcat.1, lljll Y O 1 ow Ill IYd C .\lu)o ,I , ...... , .... ,.

, _ --•

l lon P













Fipu. c




j trr M \\', I. lltdc• to,1 nl Hh·u•















Brighten/1931 Vater Prospects r>cr.,mb-cr, f(lll•;:-,tnr' "" ..t . ·ttn•I •ti4 l•ul. >·,11r'.• fitoro.


".""" a..a.., •, I. A

~111,1'1_ H1\·rr 111n Th•. ll"111I•• n,,,v.n....,, ,.,.- T If eOld••t N ♦Ytfflbtr,o on re t>r•I " ' !-, , ,lr,,-11lhc,J nAIIU,. nt lb• ,1,,,,n J,-fl · J!'"""'"· flo•••flot\ ' " '.' 1,,-,.1,. ; hi,-,.,.,,.,,,.,,,,._r1, .... 1, I J..Ak♦ C.lt)'. o~n• d up w th• ,t.tt\\'•1'1t•t• lr•ttlr. un/111,mpur,I. 1 '•t«m Thur•d•y lh"I u t,I.,,.,, n.._!n that l,ri•n f,.Jli, r ln ' ih tr r oly inputed .,.hn u a far.tor In •· train arho~,I · l1 <:Hy aht,ul 4 ,. ,,, lttr""it 111 ~·,r, !10.,1.,it ao•l rd,110,f .1"::, Wr..ck Uut.)tlttuf •I -1• _• 1 • • • ·• " ."- ·1nc,w ft>.ylrkl 11\ nl an inrh 11f 111.f• l rl u• l,.<f. :·· ,t.r i{f1tl_tnOP-a nol ln·1_otf r .frrl •lt-i:-.' :,1r, 1111, lll) n·hy t •• rn·. m•kln,; a ,,,,... \1,.,-k-n..i,,.,.. n, ... .,,."" •".~r,1,,.,\ •"In.R ah J,.11ke ·("\1,.)'·an~,I unty l_h.o. t,u1,-_1fon 1n1,ol ~lr>•'• 1·,,,,,t.• r I ,,(. lo M r• }.Jurnl• Jl .. ,i,.,,,.,,I ~•f It,.-.



EEEEEE "#EE,"EE ....... ~~ra~t~-~ltt"t<iJ ,~ud o{ nor•

cc..i .. ,... 1,..1


no:her exterior photograph of the sheltered Jordan school bus which scoro lo death.


Theae pupil.A mi raculoualy e11cap.,d doath in traqic bua-train era ,h.


Ida Smith. lol~•Mack Batoman, Dou<,;l~~ Brown, taRaino Frooman. Onova Gre.an. Manuel Bec:.1u,:ead. Mabel Smith


ll;-;,ix\t\<rci1cics !hi:,.,;;;:.. t, . . .:

~'\'''.Lninch Prohc 131ood • Investigating Crash Personally 1'ti d1tf,,rnt •1•nf'lu w,r • •busy Th.111111•>' matunr ln•t•l11a'tu m• 1ntn lhf' tutn•-•·hnol hua C'fHh nth«et nf M idvale. Governor



,taYa, "•hu•h 'M:111 1trifil an 'lft "Pf'C'lM i

,., lhf'. lllUtM11lf' C'ftfflh'IUC'f 'romml•·1,

,,hn .hnm Wuh1nrton,.> n. C; and· ""u l• la n, lhf' J>.nyjr \ ' JUo .Jorandr.. \\'ulnn. ,:rattro..4 rram :h ..a,l'J ulUl'tn hi IJ•nv.n. -. . · , r§i . .. lr-•JH'C'l"n H kpot _ : : T hr rubhr 1nv1r1 f"flffl m l ..inn, •h1rh hu bttn con1~urt) n1·• ..-am•j

I l

:·r!'IJtn tn f'hmittalr

s radr•rrc¥•••nt

.. arrldtnt, •M r•••ntly or "'lffltnd• ,,t Ill mnn or lu, d. •trou• r_,-,.una• for arhMted Ir.a.Ii. 1nab In lh• .,.,•• had n. ff. ftl, .Mar, rllbt ,..u,oad lnapcrlor. &'Mi Jo,,, I, Ytah,:,, renml ln.,-t'iot..... u..



.... Site of Crossing Disaster


Th, .tat• ht,h w•7 ~tr·oJ ..,., au n•Uahlt Mtft •• lhf rh'•


...1 Whuiu,-

tc•n• ,.

, u•• ot r., c;f~. a119•rlnitMttnt of


4iJ £:2

utcpC. 1fi-at Su1Mrlntcn4Hl ""'"-' .m akhtc an lnvu.UJall<Ml.








l}. r11.llro,.d offldda vndtt l111 4lrtr• , tio of 8. H. l>c<tu, auptrl"ltnd-i :·~ ."nl •t lht & It Litt.t dMaloa, D. ,\. ;.·1 n C. W., aul1hd by_ hmu }l I 'tJ J,.ofth_. &.111stant" •ur•rintt.ndcr,t,:1' :i] c•. R.- 1.'th.J rtald, C'laim · a,:cnt, eM ,": f\ . C. Cvnntn1h..n1, mt•:


~. chuilc, lnalfn.-llN· la l-'....-t~f . .-· :'; ,-. · ln tut the drU' ff ·nt th,._d,mot~l

%22..2% •1/hry'..-cnt

;,, '. .antt fvnd, th11


~j).'. H. ?'{•r•. r,ncr,;I 1n..r,'r 111f" •1u:-}t ~ ~·,t ,\\!;.M C-. llii,,, d.\lm\.~•t.ttt'r, to

~·- t!i"' 11<'t1u• If 1h41 dowr ,6 a Mn:


:. 32:7

""'· (NIStd.



# .:#5::.£3:i ~, 1 ... Jo, Hai-old

t:. Y.'allar1". HA1t,·1.- 1c,:


l-.11lt lake General hospital and ta


tho death T here they y,,n,d I.A h t< uuiry. ln,•,t.. t•r•t1tr '•" '. lh• c-ou- n.11 a!l nrnry's a,ul d1.11t,:1.-t

,:•orn•r·• o:t1ru · . 1 •n., A.It J,...k, r• 11uty ,h,ufrs . &Hirt h•" .,, ,,unu du1,All htd In lh• .

.,,,.,n• .11hnrtly llft,r 'th, atrtd• nt

wat repor t and tnts department ..u mak1nr a thnrnurh 1n,·r,1i1••' t,r,n. · • . \\'. K. C r• nJ • f'. ,11.IAt t ' r11blic- ,.,. " • • " commu.li 1fH)tt, to:lo,.inr an ·1n-; ,·ut;,rat101i matt, by b;a dtr,art- · 1'\f'lll.•aid ·· "' 'fhe ru4s "" C whtr t _lh• M ri1irnl


..l>u~ ·le .tht_ taf't lht ro•rl •nit lh, tr·ouJ ;.t .,.;:.,, •o ln(r~qlJ,tnlly Inv•. ,:,d a. f'N'Wl&lnf afrna.l ha4 not bt'tn ! htt'iudt-1 tn r,ur 11rorram. but ..,,nd~ ,. rr, t'01U1•hrtd tor d,1ni- • ro11., apt ~fr 1;,.,.,rr rcunltd out !hat 1l!. UOMinr• UI. ll1t .,. u ha\'f hnn ,,.-onwn,n,tr• I l'1t • rh11!,,I 1t11u1 tr nal and that thta program wl ),., olon, " ' ' ' y,ar Hr! IAl•I 1>!.. 11,, ,.,, 1hr Jlfl'IIIII hl'Vt·l,1 t,.- :-r"r•""'' ,i11,I s ut,mHa -1 to lhe h•o1t1111 ,.! 1•uh• I,,. r-~•1'1 f: ur• n• 11 '-1nri ll. ,h1rf .- ncinr,r

of lht r-ubh,: • rn·lre c,,rr,,r,:u- 1nn,' »ld 1tr+day there wau more than, l ll)t} ,r, I) nt ft'1f"111.I m 4nry s n.1<Ablt • !rir raluo~-1 ,,~. s 1nr u't,iy 11ri rl th-. t I• dtd· no1 t.a~•, lo bt m11trhr,f w11h

":"". . a ·r•


rra,u.,r, f h"\'"' w• 1111nr. 11,:na.h ra.thrr 1hu\ lltnv;-t ttt h111l,J t r wno 1,111!rr .,, c,,q,,u,s In•! ""'' .,.

•·•l...t •t rra•U"·,,._,,.,11

r,.,,,.h !o l-·J1J.I.'· 11..nni,1 Y.r . ),f.-,. ·1


Jh rt<:a.ir.f th•t .,V,ol mlnl>r T J1hr.... ., ,,..,,,, <r't-. il'llt• IA tilt •t.•l<

had been «td+r d lazed. P.. A. Jl 11t! . uxi,111nt ,,Jallnna d.11t:ll.t fr.r tht J,i.,nv,r Ir ll10 , ;,1.11,h n .iirr,a,I •. ma•I• !ht lol!t,••·· I >;_ .. , . , ,

,~.11,\rtlVf\l •1J1 hu trt•Hfl

$M'a are t twe rent


so.t 1n•1 JORDAN ~16H

fr 11rn I !



.:±:2::1 .~'X/Tf/ • \\ • t ·,•r·• •··~ ..···!· \',' .. •/•,•r• ,., ,.,. ' _meta' » wtn !i wens in te { ' · trr u! at+y t i i4 tmrr« • ' " 111 lh,• ' " " ' th" .. ,,,s. 1 .. ,,, r,,.,J.1 l,iH·• '•''"" ,..,,1,t.-,J 11 11,..,J ,.~·rr fl,1& tar,rs,lwr irn»»ln tad h••II. fl,,• t• ! '(·•.a 1,rr 1• ,l• rra.• h t,•p·.


, ,. .

.,,,..... •"•·•r • .. 1 ' '.'!•,



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'fl ,fe,HOOL





fly l\'ALT TH-:E:S!.Y-Y Trlr-rr-.m R-c-_p.:,rkr A J ctnt o1 broktn hu.rt1 and dluy, ru.\bul unbtHoable tut• dy, ro<!1 with •Du.lb Th urad11.y In on• or tl'H" molt apJ>41,-ll!nc lra1ed!e1 In Uta.h'1 hl.otory , Cr1.uhtd b<>dlu, one• ~livt u1d warm. lay 1 : rt wr, •Joni lhr tra:cx,.. J to!.!nd l:tto n1.:l~o•d liu llnd toued Into plU 11.lo.n, tht track. Th e ro11.rln,: train h• d bl"--Hrd throu,!1 younr Ute 'lll"llh onG me;cllcu 1m11..1h, T o K tru!t lcu rucut c,1,m1 hundr-t<h ot otf le!&.ll. ta lrhlx,rhoo<! (arm • r• and 1yicp.ilh,:li:: dlla ni. -, 1 Th ty found ln,rt tornu. ,Ucnc.-.d. T hty tound acru,mln; youth1 ...- racl•a d In . ai- onl1inr pain, ant'. otbcrr uncon1ciou.a. ob!ll"iou1 or' th,!r h.tt. l' ld.: l"p B<> dk-~ -i \Yi~h lrtmbllnl h1i."nd•. mor e. th.-.n J:undnd choktd wil1H1Hs p1d,;cd





r,lddnz: up piccu o( arm1. )c,:s Andi othtr ac ,,lltrcd remn,:;. nt.., -..·h<'ll 1 • f(".:t' rn lnutu before h1o.d bun hli:h 1 ,cho-ol 1tudtnl.s on their "'""1 to cls s . T h• Lo<.ly of th, bu•. •h-H..ad o!f 6..1 if by li,:h\n11>t, ,,._.,u ,. O??td torn hulk or r.n\.r.l. M or, thAn lOO y,.n!1 up::- Ack wu th, m-oior Ti re•. .... -tac!..~ 1,nJ r>•rt.o of the fr~mt wrrc




.«so«gs. «. ?$"±?±±;;3±±3 • O.f 1\'I dJOr • l•orn ,_ L1st l • ta I 1 D 1 sa st ers 5:d 'r9. +e 1 l

f'r·.,.. p..r rn :1 r.i.mr lo l~lt crou1n:.l l~::..c,':.:,,._~--~r: da rclt"<-1 to :ne. coun:." :J


d.s :r .:uec;


J 9rd h:z1 11.ltr . ne·.,·• n,


see#l #=Es F"r~:- ,a :y z.; li'~I - :,.:,,.: 5,.·: LAiH C1:y. 1.::;:=c cru:: , .• ::: k1::eJ [le,:rrr.~•: :.' ;;.~ - S.... :: LA < t


,,:1·:ct •:•::c::

!.:,. :-..o


Oc:.:i~·~ ; :~.l!.Ir. G:t&: .c:;... :: :-";.;,, A::;,:a::c c:u!".. :~:-u ;..:::....!. Oc:o::>r: ;_ :n;> -:-:,a:


r ~-:i t \\"ro . a..:::r.e: c:&..'~ f ~ , :,. rou:t :o N:: L,.;c, C::y_ ::: ;,;;;.,.::. Deer:,:~,::~. ;?l,:, -Xrt.: A:;-.::•, a::!i::,: c:..... :-i .. o·r:i. k:::.-c. 0~:o~r : lll :~!7--~rA: Co,._:,·:'..:t, A.J:!1r.r: er..... .-: l ~ k:::td r><,_-.,....,~u : !,.J..;..-s .:a:- ).LJ\'11;1. 16 1u.:;rr.1'.rC1 k:::tJ 1:i. 1chc,.J ! btu-'.:titti: t:a..::; ,:-o

Sl: eu. 'toro.r.rn

h.ar.<!_ !n,:rumr:-.:.1)

EE#EE.e; ±EE±e.el



2. 2¥ #EE±SE ~ -~ ,




l ...-r1,-.d

Ee4 ;~ ,.__~ 5:-,,-,,.•;.;,r.,:- la :}:o ~o·~:-.:, J-,.:u r, .:11. :. r. t,r,!:11m !''. ,nr :-.,,-,, l mo:::,:-i . ll.:!";,rJ . brott:,~1 -'\:-. ..-! , , ;!', ~

:r:, A: :?-.r J-.r--i;,,:.a'. i: "'·,.• ,:.: :c~n:-., or. 1.d t ~ : .: ~ , , ::Jr. ::, r-':.~.,: J~ u;,.rat1 NlOrr~ 'IHte i:::-:t.t::ir..:


:2 i.u _ !ht;:- c-ond1t1fl n.

·,,a:~ .. i:a:i1tw1nr., oxy.-,:, :.u •.;i,

':.r:2 .:::,·, ::- """'e

O! 'dt•::i.

•·ho • ·eo or. t~t c:1i:. ll . tNlrn rarer.:, ar:-!

~.:: !?:t •:•:t:r.,:


A., w;4able ruses nd d •·,:, fra:i:1c•!:r •rr.ly:na: 1ht.: ......~: , ... . •t 1.1,r.~"": Tr.a, b pa: mt>r,:ut ,.. , : .,;: '""It !: -

t(I tl H m or.s !t :'IU\


r,r: '"'=" u,t-:

fies a:t tr.es Mi ta: » ,._•. ,!; o! "~" ..<;r ,,,, rral- o!· u-: .. •> l"llt!':!-.,


,.r: r:-:.r ,-,.ntl•··••·r. ,,r :1. ~, ;:

to .... ,i:-:~.. , .. ~:---! ( ..... -:-.- . ~ .. : "-·••.-· ~ ,; . !· ...... ~,

3."33: :32

.:-:c .•fi• 1ln:::.~ "f t,, , .• -·: -.r t.., • • ·: "' · e:f,~• .. • ~·: : ,; ,. -· ,:,:,. ~ ·,v,!,~:,•r. "!-t•,;I',:~ ;.,. !

t:,t .. ,f.!


f'•=- r!: :-

3 Uifs P«iii Tragedy ~


De se re t

Ne ws

_ _ -·F ri..

De c .



·,T b lm~lblc Jor word.11 .to r.i:prl'M lh!> dtt p ,iorrow which )>('r\'111Ju r,·rry homeIn lh\.J ro mmuri !l y ovtr lht J J•p;, lllhl{ n u:• t"rl y whlr-h w.u ,n11rt t(\ yut,r 1h,1· inM ning al !ht' 100th. uth Street tll rr««inr, one .milt ;.nd ·on<' and ~ h.a\f mll,.~ .'-'1 11 !h ,, ( . JOf"d.:u:1, lrl«h l{,liool. T hu.:.hoy, :ir..-t ~mh, hoond for tht J r,r dzn llf,;:h &hool. lo'fl 11\tlr


,-j ~


anri c:ha1Un:,, u younz -~Pl• will, f111! 11( lht Joy o( Uft and -111!in111td liy !hf' 11:Jowrnr,; drrare and mmhttlons charttrrlwtir of yo111h• hr! ,ptnu.. T ....-u \hln an ILovr ~fltr gr!tf Jl!r1cktn pan·nt.a, h.,·,,tulcnl 11nd t.!ind"'·I l,v tor1.. wtrt ,~ .archln,i 11lon;: tht tJOd y-1trtwn 1"1<\!rOQ.d 1rt1ck,. hop!r:;:; i;,:;.lnn hor.<"J that 'IJH·r n-J 1<ht nnd·1h:- !r L:tved onr-11 J.mon,c 1ht'

~ ~ 1 Ii i±.

j 1

JJ.:11111.n a: ,chf...,l \t~t(Nlr In l1l• h hl.o!orr. T Sl ·rnlJ' •lh!N" ymm;: lirr,i w,·rr .o.nul/NI •~rt 1r1 ~ m om ,nl 1n<l 1fn or mor, wrrr- lrrnLI,; m~1m-

Ti ic, hu.~ 1·nrry1n;( 11\('"'4!: ~chvol I hl\,lrr·n

w,_. OO'rl:'l. 1-:."\Jnd s !on;; T hlrJ \\',-,1 :O:trrrt whizh ·ztpJs prlli te the rilr6ad turks ,

Th~ hljthW:i.:,- m.:il.:l'.1 ll ~hlrp rl:;til·•ntl'" 11!(11 a.c ross th~ r, dlro.:.id. al J (;(Jt)1 ~11I, Sttrrt, On :appr c.1rhlni,; th\,1 c-r o~11ln;r H 1, t ...,tJ,- ·.- d thH lh'" 1lrln·;-' d thC" l:ru!! ,c!Oppt-<1 :.r11: Jns p,.--c trd th" lr:ick.:; but ~·l1t!t )lll1r \, i . 1...-..-,r nd a)though the rllroad trek t rt ,.u 1 .... 1h north 2.JlG Y->tlth. no lrnln w11~ In .-lxht T h, fast frelrht, however, ru n n !nz tome ft rnnrc tn!k-:1 an }iour, bore tl'1wn u~ n 1hr :tnd )lt("f:t:!!.T lO/'~ It to p!N'N , ,rr !ndln,r !ht' hoc!IH ot lh<' h,dpkM d1!M rrn 1101\,r lhc wht- 1'" 1.: ll.nd tlN' ,-, ·l~r: thnn 11.Joni;; tht ir:1d.:.~ ll ll c:-o;r,r1:.:,r1 lo -"lj" th1.t 111 .1N" ldtn:• .o( IM .1 charter r e the 1·t-111.1lt or llftll,?rr'I('~ And C-:. U' lff rn U~. And ll It ,i. {,t- tn .~ JI.I" thit thb hmrnu.ble trn i{(';: ly )nl,:hl h::rn• Z,trn J>rt· \"-tnttd by ~,-N!ti t'il.re tmd wntchfu!n('u on th<' p& rt o{ 11 nun\L f'i of •~n.cl" • 1100 or,c;inlu1loas. . }:vtry. ang!<'.• of !hls Ji.,thctlc

trart-dr wlll · no doubt L~ cartfu!ty lnwllllfilW:1 rnd lh._, rt:.'lporu. lblll ty fc,f' ll fl.u<l IIO f.tr u JX),!'albie. lt fr\ u~ ulood thH nilu • ud l'f"C'.l,l.b tlon:. xovern!ns: thto 1r1tr,.1!t:- o! ch!l dr!'n 1n lht tr hool l)',JII('' art pn'flC'r! brd hy . tt\~,$\.ate u\6 \! lldtr the i.!lrec t! on of th, Sut, J>i'.trol ay.tun.


••···- •·••'-"'•... ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ?:~ti'ut~,E: .: -c:: _;;,:t-~\n::~-:.--::~~ _.:,._-£~ ..;:;r...'<it :~.':lliil1ri..'"'.itt.::,C:;si.:1'It;~;. 0


•., ll









f: 1:,_




nc, r""''"

01# r91..,._,,_ :!J. ,..-.:, ,,,/ fby , and artha Hrith pet ern, ol }lJ1'".-,lon. tU""1 ...ny r .-.t ""'11 T In ,i,,., ~It I..-k .. (; ..,,'""' I H,.._ f>lbJ ,-.( ln)w1.,. ~v.-d tn 11\-e t.at.-.t J--r<tan Hip :kr,o, ,t bou n-:,,,.. nur-bir '"""'Inc. f» a a h o a t ltornon Ma :;:::\_ !Pl':', ,ol s ... ..-. 1·1•n ,n U:••1• Co, /Ir aU,r r, d ,..\ tt-., Rh ·"Tf, ,,, ,. ,_ m..,,ur:r and Jur1_,..- h•t:h o,c t,.,""'



c,,- 1 ~ 1 ~



Jn:•U~ .Hi.ti

1n 1"3.'\. lfp t<>Ot Jl?" I ,:rad...- 1 " ......,1"4 .rt J.m:t.,, o • Jlt,:,, /;-:;r,,""4 ln J1r'....aR , and ...-_.• ~ l i£'l" .d WI U.•t lh • wnooi H\J~


•~ Ultd n lf




Ol• .--M"!h.-. In f'h11n-t'I 1uxll•


!hid- hi• J'»l...,,tll.. >,.,i.., ...,.. .,.h_...., ,.,,. t--ur 1.trnt t, ,.. ._ rt.or

I;::;:;;;::.,,- :-,:;,.;_,,_,_..., .,

:1.2.: iE ■ :x i not~ "T'l c.-t: r,,... •a;ff'll.

r-.-.~ "'

.Vr,. At:... ot Salt take ard Neda ~ ~of JttvcTv,n.



J.i. ,1;.,.i:h•~ i

:-i--rn l l...rwh. Ii, <1au«hfr-r nr


l~r-on . lit. •l11uarhtM""



11.f-,J d ..., h --r p:.,....n\-'. ~ !:; t,c ., , r,- \'I'...., In · "n'" .,~,...-. Ju,·r... 11. ,;n,ridp~,-. n>t-. l'r. an,r J;,m~ John• ..-'" "' !-,;, u ,I ,

er ~ u, J,...._r ..

anti ,w .-...









0-:' ~

:ivictims I{illed . r:::w:-.s·




.5 52 r.,...1<1nit %.22 2.5± 3±. <17 h••I i-w-.-n r,I fll111!. ; r 11.,.. Jnra

~ t, ,..

:-ii, ..

•1at .. fnr 1/'I..- /""l~C .. ,.-hf Y""fr•. ,; t, ..


w;. .-


l!li,:h S,·t,,.,,J.

B~•f•I,.~ h,•r

EE±tu±EE-:± EE%EE.EE

• m,..,.,1w,,. o( !tu, l!n111 r Monon.

.2° ·o.



!'--1,!..,. h ...r p,ar..n11. "h .. 11 111,.. Y\v.-.1 hJ" !WO ol•l,.rt1. Kann,- !. • w• I• aoul \",.nn\a J,wll 0( nluf(. an.-1


rM f'T"

i"'r-o,. 1


of Dlur' ,l;,1.-

ar{ grandfathers,



a"E: .I7 " 1/rr




I.J nf>f1. thir

1., "''IU al.-o i.11\n.l Jn


:' ±±

,1 .. ntJ '!\·ho 1,.~t tnrlr i!,·.-•. :-.in.


,:-rHh, m~lc!n~ .t lltf;,I o!. four J!_r-.111,r,·h1l,1i-.. n n ( t"hrl~ l~r-,vn tt {al whr were tie n.


-.. ~-.~. ,., . ., ,

~ • :=:1 ·. .


n- ~111""1'", lrt. ,1.ui::!11.-.- ,.r G-,i:e and Juli.• ("~ p,-.- }.I.LIi,.,. n/ DJuthtaJ ... " ~ b<>m OCT.::~. ;!J:!:! at Rturrrt.-1 ... ~ ,..,.. •.-11,•., ln r·hur.-h aux. l~ •nd >11 th• llm• of rt""1'" d;..al.tt. wa• ,1 _.,u,J.-nt ,,f 1hf' J <>nl~

,r -,; ..

,1 :t

... r .u • Co,, "o; )l ,,,. \

.J''.::~ ;,. tt, .. h • ., ,ot;. c

!'l,,,,m :tut...,. _

~ 11.. a r\ .. T't\"'1


Rluttd•ifl ,.1,-m.-n1arT .,-t,....,l and JU.-.i•n•nn Junlfff' J/l~h ~ t,,.,,I. .'In,. "'"••" }unklr a,t tho, Junl•n llii::h S,:-hnnL n,.,; 1-,,..... hrr ~n·nu. ~i,,. !if ,11r,1,.......a t, ..- ,.,..,. ,.101.-rr.. l,o!■ •n•I ).l ar, h-"n :Ulll.-r. s, wl ""'" IHn (!1 rr. :,lu,nl'")' ~111""1'", .-II n( lllutf"l•lr. rt a r nwtithr, }, t,, taper ,.(

lll \1 /1 ,iat.-.

.,.., ,., ,.<'11


H ti:» Jt>rrt• :-: .. i--rr, the tee !-c'hr>nl. H,. , -'l!1 Hk!• ~ "p,-,rtJo.l\,."IC

r u t.re

,p.....1, ~ h ·rh,...-ii,.,.1-..

C, ar ue!


Renie r

Of"_ __:"-":,u11' J


lCnTn..-th C. ~ '""°"- 11. ,wm ttf tauts w. Pfl l"nOn and era.-,. 'lt1cdl"'7 P?<1'1"!11P1 n Rf {?!,..~ on. w .. bOr.'1 T ffl. :it. lP?t. at JU ,-,.r,

I \

H,,., In ·.1,.- n:,·,-,•,.,, ~- •,.,.,:_ !•••r l!\P.H1\1t( ~ t,,.,,t .,• •:, .. 111:,- . jl, a .,




:. 1 c •••1<1•-1

• r,••

!! • · ••• ""

.!<i r,

wr )/,.--,._.


:z:it:. 7.2...» • coot

.■JJJ .. .... .. ,r.- c., '., , .. , .. . . , ·:, .. J .. r,t-j. .■J1 Jl,&:J• -;..J•<XJJ.. !I•• -..o _.,..., _. f,:, r.-.-, ,-, ~11>d•nt ,.i ·:,,. J,,f"Y'uon

.,.. ...:"", ..n·!,·in'( (t.r

; 0 ,-, 1 ;,.a


)., t;. ,i ,.. ., ,

t.:.,, ..·rrn•·e. •~ Tl.,._,..,.,,_ hynor, i e n t h lrn,


:',Carr ..,,n.

f",: r

:'J lrox_ ~ n •i J•<"'C :l 1 lco 1 . "IJ!1 , ..,.,-.. tt.n; n pa! trow!r f,nmna« t.a l tru!t nl !"i.1 ,--,-,,,,.; four ,,nC"T .-: g-. Etur»al t fu rra v !llr,.. li+nor 1 i n n t ,t r» l e Mio« i;., ;;-,,,, ~ ,:,..,.,, ,.f n 1 Y...,.-, n n_ •M

! a u raj



t' ,n th » huh he hat ,.,<1~1n ... 1 " T""' "hl'r in tt, ,-

+ u p + tr


·,·.-n 1 , -..

!i.v! ' "" ' " ,!r-,,,.:n:r: b u. l•,r • .,.,,,u,,,-r .,/

:,,r" h,. .... :,1, ...... :K:~~ ~ ri. l ,., ..,.


or ;.,.-1, ;,n.J 1,1., \I. :-i,.,,,,.," ' •I nr ·. t,,.,.,,

.-n!nari. JI"'

,; i;, I, ,- ,- ,, /

"I•··•\;•.·••" •·

-:1, .. 1.,_...1,


►-..,,-.-~] _,, ;, ,, , .!I. h.- I.rid S <Jrl< lM .- H l ;, :, , . ~ \ w 1...... \l." •rrl •I ~ ~ ••~

"!1 • <: r.1r, ,1 -.. , ., ,, ~, • •· •,

~~•l Str·-•. S:a•t !_.Hr,·,,,. f\,,1\11.-. .. -,,..~ ~ ,:1 ·,._ Ill • •••• ~ r. In•,-..--.,,..,, ,. •'l •~~ • :•l.u • In


Ull11 J ohn-on. li, d-au«htollt'" o(


HI.- "'r1Y ~Uf'1ltlon wa11 1t JtJy.. "1-on .-1rm.-ntary •nit TI!vf'T"1"nn J1.1nlor Htrti ~hc,ol. H.r wa.1 1 nlor tutent at th Jerrtan "HIJtt} Sctlrool. K1"11ncth ,..~ actlnthe Churh auxlllar,- ~n/:cJ- • ln L"?'Ulrrlt nT"K11nlPlWlT\II.. llon&. !ill• atlc>nd.-d-1he Soulll J orai!ldf"ll.hls pa.~u. b<f! !J: wtJr•tan Junior High &boo!. and T fr cd by h••o hn>lh~. c;.. ylt w.u 11,junlor.at ttw J ordan Hth ~tfTX'n or S.ll L-alu-. xnd Bn.iC11"1rtenon of nt~ on: ,u;i:rn. lfr-,. ·)l ,u-y Rfflnrt: 1. Mn, .Utlt lit fh• lim• al h~i- de.aLb.. :1 ~: Mll1 ?.IN. CladyJi ).lc,rrn-or. 'io1• Ii■ .11UTV h'o,ct bT 11tt tat11 ..,., 1 au ,,r·c.v1 1dd; Jit.r.. Vri m• Orr nfl.- hr,,(l't,:r, .J. i.r.,.;.,.., JGhnaofl ] used Mr le prd of II.all LUa.. o(,!South JUf'tlan; \WoJ ala(""-):lni_ l~ Kmtu1 nl P1-a r. ._;rcn-o,. nt Mrs V\o&rt P'rto. al -~ JIM"f1A.a.. ,

I: :. i Jo$~';:'"..,.,. an a~l\'"e mf"!nbo-r oi

,.,.,. -• ·?,,,,,1 n [ ru n J unior ll!,:I\ <::,-hr,,,\ 11,- ...-~w ,o )1\nlor H ,:,,, .lo1 •!;, r, llli,:11 :-,, li.~•t. 111,<1 • •n.-,ni,.. ,- ,,r ,i,,. .l" nlan llit;lt _-l,.,.,,,.,1 f'lllnd Re«ft« hs pwrmt, he [e eur ,.1,- ... 1 t, ..- !t1rr,. ~,.,,.,.. _ l ,olft .\lao,·, n in a n t Fern lats«on, all ., ,

fl l u U-1~1 ... . ,,. 1

l( f llTl <'ltM rrn t~.

:-,,...,,,,,.1 !I. l!" " "-fr1 ,,f flt,·..-:-,nn ;,nd 1·1i1·1• 1.,,,-..,,1 .. r !-!•ti 1..-1c ... H1• nl<1,-,- ~l•!,-r rt,-.,._., •l"l WlH kt in th e fa ta l rah, Hin ldr hr,O,.-r. r.:m .. .-. '1t'"'1 •- f,- .,,.. Jt":1n. 11!1"Dol?Jr-""->"1<'nl•.

Hrlrrt Uoyrl . r;-. o.bUS:hlt'r Wllllnn H . .l!!"ld )bry .,\. Xc-..·l>old Uoyri n! So uth J orrl.u1• ...- u born D...- . I:! . l~ll. u ~1th J onhrn . :ihl' ,,;,..,. 11.!1 ll.f"tl1·e ,,.-o~krr ln !h .. l.""h11rr h tuxllliiry nrr,ant:ail!nn~ anrf at !h#.1l,nt1 of hM' c'l!'alh """ " ~<"i':?tl'lry or the South Jord. ~n w~m Y. W. )(_ I. A. 5ht1 rrl"<'l \"--d hl'r t"a-r-ty r-rluctnlon "' ~•1th JorrtaPI --i~ml!"nu,ry l"f'hn,,],


Junior st Jrtnn phrnl r! we ,r trnher et th 7rd. ,:n J unlnr i!l7.h !tc-hunl Uilrtd. n,-~,.1,-,, h..,· ;-, .. n-no, "hie- It ,urYtv ..d t,y four hnrthl'T"(. ~!r-1h,,,urn" l.!(f)'"rf, (."rr-,o, "l'" n t; lfr,-:r;r :C-. l.hry•I. Rtv,-rrnn; L•wT~N \\", 11n(I lh1:-nl<1 Utryt\.nf S<>uth Jnnl• !' :an; 1 w,. ~ i. 11 P.1""11 . :0,::--;_ Ruth Cu-- 11


%3.z.2- vu



203 In Siate

oJing 1938 Ctah Road lncn:asing;' S. L lb s Black Mark 1r.- n11:nc»:uon1£ 1 ·:•n · 1,:,0.,, y H.awl• h n l><l <e'J •nth 1:-,,. '"'«st tn.fhc ,-.-cord i i:i th .- l\1UDa.. Th lo , u. t..e 1' "2 • the tM rTf' OlNt ~ h .- . _,, lru;~y la t~.e Ms1ory o,t lbe Cnll-ffl suin ""l; f' O ;::l , ~ _,• w...-o, ~ llkd JS m,1.., .....,:1. (X S;,,lt ~kc C117 Y"•l., n !.aJi JQC>f"n ln ,t U a pa n t lrt'tlfllt :nti, pto..-Nf Into .a J,x. ,\.an l>:~lr>Ct lllgll ScDOOI Ltu_ lea»a the a d and seatu- n , I .NI(-. m Ut> L'P :h <1 r,all •

nae o


n,,,.1 1u:1n« -w•:r.

l°!a h h.Jo •c.n -, ul thc t b Ttt ~ bM I tu /fie no(X" Uil ty n t. u 1n th <'! r.a 1 ~ ,11. I~ ...,. h 100.000 pc-r1 on.1 1:'I rr..- ,uv. H wtn i,..,,ye d J.ed

,:urlrl1[ JX:S t>:-r IM tintte UiJ.. r.wn tn l'..u rnd"'1. Tti tf1c , _ , _

i. ... "' -

Rc ( a ,e l.,b,(' t t11 1 r:1,2, rll: .a~ lrut


run h L!l.2,1 lnlU<: Jc:..U\& J.l"t inc-rf'u,ng .,.,,,.11, yr•r In Lh• ,u1e. ::0 r>r u,Lc y.-.,r, :a:i Pff"

~ •=• "'"''"'- "'"'·"'"· ,,., !J :•;D(CCWB[R:.C.

fps,peg5 ,.

;•.' -~ .


a 4. :$ 6 7 Bi. ~a, JQi •1 t / +


. -




;~ ,ffii,'ji -:!!fr,~-;r,!.'h !!! '!' •. 1~11'"' ;h"" · s~ ,~'1r.;,,7'fi,!f,,nw;_!.'fi!:.!lW,11ai1fal


in tribu.Je to t"i.cti11u of J1trl-uda'J(1 trrdii~lm.s dt.sa.Jtcr;


:. 12 E.%%.2%%e%2:.

$25242/28l !.;

. 1

.:,.' · .

{o: ]

T,,. '""" /,lock '""1'

%%32.27 52.:°


~ew Crash Death Boosts I ... j

~.:f...."."· ;,,,. "'" ,,,,,. ,.: Bus-Tram Fataht1es To 23Eij lJrcc1,1brr. I /r. h hru tlir •1c·


"!, t: ')O HU! :l,r .trc.:r r trrn ,la!JJ.


;1.; t

{_,,() [)1,f) t-ete .

Deat!1 Lni;t



(.' fiu;r /1 f!r•ru/J /1,11111• . . ~~u/rm,•11( On <.rwli



0on+,E9094,9 12±M ...4.#..$ ,,":,,: Gs non» r»r.

2#es2 ±.1

\\'111..-11 I. ,\·rt,h. J:l, .,,n \\' , ll..- 1 1


~ n< l

\' lr, ,.


!.-1 1 ...,,. 11


\\' ,- t,b ,


#EGE n .. 1.uuJ llh,u~.- I ~i: ... 1,, ..,,n of

,a!ll l )In,. fl.ir Pt- tr-rMn, Ji lvtn,'" : 1

~ Doctor", Nur-.<:" Prai~td For Aiding lnjur,'.d In B\b ( :r:i;li Ambulancrs And Medial a Huh E, Sn . Accident_To Give Efficient Sf'rvicr.


State Ioa 'fr, J>rol,e .,

Bus Crossi.

$10,000 Will Funeral Rites P fanned]_;""'0r·

Be Raised To Mos: OR Jorda Bas Viet±is Bury

r· .,_


The Weather ..,.,. ~H -C,r an.!ly (air; llttl• rhanJ I r \rm~,r 11, turr.

T!:M PERATUn!::s T,. ,, :1.1 10 38 ! I ..... I :w !!. 39/2, ••. , , ..... 32 12 m .• JO'/J. YOL:. XXXVI r,

:1!1 Jg


-:-.·o. 26 3


Suffering lh,..






T hun• d.i_v':o



As: order came !ram tratlc confus ion, four stood ou t f'rid ay as a rc5u lt o( Th u rsd ay 'i tragic Khool b u s-; lrain co\li:lion thal took 23 l!v ci in so u thern Salt La k e co u.n t.y: Th• •t&h public urvlc, oomr-'·.~

city 01 nd count_\' :1j.:1•11n,·~ 1-'1 idR_~~wun.t.: in:o l:n,. in " ...,.ho!r!1!';irt <"tl

dfo r! !<) .ilkvi:ilr lh'."


« f ern of utvmnr relatvrs' of the 2l etis of 'tah's wurst

List of Dead over railroad crouinza, moved to ucurnncu lh• n.a.llon·• And Injured 2 ThiNC<Jr-d•d lnt.r.11la.l• comm1rc1 com:. In Disaster .:.±.72± • ion. &cllnc uc.dc:r JU juri..d lcUoi:1 ·



±EE+5EE le t thrr wol i n u t t ri n g wnd in] '"""' 1 ~..-. 11•·!11.,II;- j;T ,;: ....... ,,.


1 1111, -.. .


Snow, Moisture on Truck-Panes Seen as Possible Reason 1 for Fatal i Crash


pravent worat

Th e ofrl r.l al 11• 1 f,1f iw.r-.on• kltl• d and \n)url"d In Uu, J ordan sch ool ,ht1• • f• • l ln! lrht cnuh_'!1!. 1:1.~1. follow»:

A I: hto•,ch rt,,. i:0~1-,,, i, kl'll 1••1 ·: ,r:•, 111:,1 rdaln•.-.• of 1/,,. •·hd,lrrn; ;:1'l1rr11l:_1· ,.1,!l ,.,.,1 1! ,n d,ur,I ln1 ,,11111.r full rmr-"rl 1,( thr tr.. 1er•I.' th! »trek them «hnn«el t e.

t-:. I>. l'ollrr, ldl: (;w)·nnr J'a,:I', J. C' , Hiu\,c-n, Hu b in !-!, WyhNJ:, Vl':-n•I C. WC'hh, Ll'lwrrnc-t' T. lh h l, Dr. P:t.ul S. Rld 1u ch , JI. A, H11\1Hlh,('II, i\lli'l.11"

Jlilh, Jolin /\. ,\,·lrl!, J. l,Jensen, J, leonsrd Larson, htanley ,\. Hll'l.111111:t•~,'llr_hcr J, 3ur~nn

Yatr old lfr nry ~llcox. :a, the J rh·r-r, of lth·t- rtnn. :-.· .... , Wll• on 0..n• ~Y, 16. -on of J n.,.,.ph A11ron and Aurel\,.. \.\'11-.orl lk11 ... 1r-r of HIVl"rl<>l'I, Unt""r1.. t:tt.,.,t, 11, •on cf Jlor-"" l" ·I K, and ,'luy (.'. .t':.c:l>.,r\ 11( kl+rton.• .

o( Khoo! bw; &ccldent.

T -.. •o N' :'lrta• D< aUvu weN en Crom Wu- hlnrtofl , D. ·c.


3 1:hc_ poulbUll1 a.ro.,_e th11.t_1. ~ -

mon pL£;1lt o{ motor!all ....&novr · on-•·th• out.do+, of-wln&rtrt,ld.r DJ0

windows 1.nd conden.aatJoQ 'on· th• Inalda...may have been a,major

r11._('_t1r....l.!1lht1 truedy.

'4 Dr.· P~ul,B- R,l.ch&Td s ."• »~d~rl t'

.±:±.4 7 %

o.d lta own ~ pUOA ·1 0 ( ;Tbun-,,,.~ d&y'J , ach.Ool• bu.s-t.tain-::cruh.· :&t,..C;b,; momMr- ot·~~b,oud-~-tAklzL;-ptt,rt: a.nd tb.clr(ftnd1npi,rln_ta :·rt~ tt4 ... t-.tb.,-~ \lli \Q(IUd;rp.ndlt.,U: 0


c•;~:!i~:~=t•~~ .r:z "u,-lnc

with h_b ~no.ndpan,Ylta. p»4

?",,,2" »no GC"c,.rp


15 trdtlo ta.l.&.Uty•totf ~r.tht-,

Hant. 17,' ~• \. o(

;1-' P".,e-cn t:'m or- ~

to 0. n


±?et %ta#%.. · ~u ·•ire.cult;;

R..o--a L..r-.on., 1A. d&QEhtcr- cf ;llartl n S. and 'r'l,...lnl6 l:low.rd t-r-.on o( Brurrw c. Hrud 1..A. rHn., 1~ b~olher <1C Ro..a.. :,;-..o m[ Lr,,,·h., 17, d•ui;ht.u of Myrl and Leota Froat Lewis of uiurfd,.lc. Jlrl.-n LJord, 16, daU1:hl.cr or \\"!ll L._,., Ji . ._nd :'11._ry A. Ntndx,ld Ll nyd ar SnuU\ J orUAn. R .. , .' llller, Iii.. d..ui-ht...r of \lrori:r ""<l J u:1.-. C-,,.p('t )t!l lf'r o( ?llutfcl.Jr. :1. \"lrrlnl11 :,/t1l•<>n, It. r1:fui,:ht,c,r ot ,,1,. ,.,.d :,t, • . L ro Nnh,on o( Ju.,.,,_


Utah'• !'.f &Wlty.:toU. 11U>Od at 20-' • !o.r lh• ·-·,- 11Lr·to d~t.a..• or 1J ~r ccnt· mo,, tha.n tb•' l!:J klH- 1d up• t.o 06ea mber 1 193'7, 'nle XH !i rur• wa. clo.u to. th• ~7

Kl! hd In lh• Cull year llU'T , ' : Art er conlerrlnir with Ill r&i lro!i l! ln•poctor, Ro bert N. Slauchter, v,·ho Jnv,ut!t&led th• 11.ccld1nt, th• rublie _.,rv !c• cnmml.ss !on a.nnounct~! It would .a.sk: -.ll >ehool dl,,t:-ict.J ln Ur.Ah to ~ubmlt deU.!l•d lnformstlon on lChooi bw: r-outu llnd :-Li l crculntll Lra.v11r1-o<.!. 'ii-< • T h• commLulon -1ti'} not Y•t ro.ch•d · a ,conclua\6n and th inv"111tl1-. t!on \.I cont.!nuln1.-· 1t wu £.ll nounced.


Rol .. nd !tlalnn l'•,:r, I!, .. 011 ef





sr» »»Tu


.:. .: :±.47.:1.5. "i.a. a.fr%.1.. j>,.r\dnaon .,,{ •ltnll•r

and .\In,. ~ 1'.:.



tr.. c■d!u. ""Th~ opor...:.fon or 1chool bu~' I• u,-mpt from jur! 1dlctlon of ~l-i.U commlu.lon,N a. 1t.a.l11rntnt ..._1d. -::Jut th• corn m!...slon la requutlr:. J •IL

Krnn.-th ('. I' rkro,on. 11 .~ori of J..,.wi. \\"l!H .. m ,nrl Grace' Y. I' etrr"'n nt Kh·.-rlun.

±:. z: /

H,h '.,.,1,m:

\1-ol-. Sundqui .. t, 11, dau;::htc-r of :\Ii. and ~Ir•..1,.,.- k Sundqulat oC (._"r,-.,,-,,.nt. 1·,.rol \"ln<"<"lll .,:.-1,h,.nao,,._ 15. "' "' ., f !'-ltq,hrn ;,-_ ... ' 11 ... ..,.1 Gllr• ~1.-phrn-on of Hh·rn,,n.. 0 -.;,.,,.,.1 \\'rhh, lli. claucht.-r ol ,\ il1>.-r1 and \"!n,. 1..,.,...-11 \\'rbb o{ llh,ff<!alr. H"lll,.-rt \\'rhh.l I~. hrnthrr or

:,.-~~•;~~ Inn:-

\\'l11w11"1 , ll. ,nn nl .\Ir. 1111<l LrHO.)' \\'lnwird nf Hhrrtu~1. llrlrn }nun~. 1.,. •hH1t:hlrr or r.. r1.-,- A ... n,l lrl• ll,.rk \'ounr ot Sou1h ,Jonl .. 11. 1.-,.-.rl.Ht< :ll


.±±.±: ·


pt th» Her n Frst ward ,.,.,,.. Thr :;:,.,,q, ...,., 1o11.:.01 ,,,..\ 111 :••~I :,.,., ar• ,rhr,1<11,.,1 ,,.r I m ~1 .. 11, , .. ::,,,,..u,; ,. ;, .. ·,., ,.,:• 11•111 ,;.~ , ,.,, ,i...r . ..,.,, 1,11,,,,1,.,1 :ut ,11111,r,lu,•=,· ,., ,,.,,. ~••,,,h .1 .. r,l.,11 ,..n....,.,. ··,II "" 1,,. ,\,., , ..,. IUII., 1' .unl,,,r •II••• ,.,.,1'\1w,,.,t "1 l I' m S1J11,l .. :,,.111 ' h• t,,.,,,.,. h"••1•1l,.h1•' •" " "" 'I hr•• s ..ulh J ,..r,lan Jun,,., h•zn ,.,.,,.,,.1 •••I ,.ll'l,1ttr,.11n !Irr,.-,.-, llr11r,I ,., II


±%EE" ,,, ..,..,.,, ,,. .

," ?"" n.-,·M~lr11rl n!


1n,.,.,., , .,,.,,i.,r 1,,,._,, ,.1, .on,1 .,.,.

h f' f' II 11r1 11r, •f' ••111r)' .

1•,,:i.r l11•1,.. ,,.,, 11,I•• JI 1:,,,,,1



• "'11•1~.


\ \ <1 rk , r• l' f•l.... ,1 le•""lt, J,., ... r f' •••ltt' \' )-4hrriH ,;,,..,• \'1111ht .,.,,I t:r h'l•I 1, r\•t•f ""' II 11" !1·

,._,,.,,.,:,,1,, r l!iflij

% ,,.,"'I. .,.,,,1 ,,•11•1• 11,,,.

1 •·1 ,.,,:.j

" ' ,1;.,,t ,., u-111ir•!


. 3E L.'

-T he

!lh·rrlon, fr-.cturo-d



1 f\,. ,- 1 «» t wt ,


MUl,:'.)l;M llon- -..r■-• trrllnf i;-!

lie• o( So\!t Le.k• C!!y 1-nd con~ currtd ln hy Sh,-•U Gr-nl Your-l. T h~ cnmm1.,don announced it _.,rnul~_j•~i1LJ!nll:rl!.[l\ oU.,::. ?l!C~--


£. 2231

LP a o....,1n5:• lor Lr11ln-1u;111>1tcd a\;:.



« pg #":2 ·;;z ±,en«« so


1, dwurhtr f ,1,_,.nd ,\\, ... H" )" l \'. 11.-,,.: .. ,.-.,I ,,f :-,,,1t1h J,.,,\,.11, Cr .. r\.,r,-,1 \,-/l lhli;:i,, '"" '" L" " ' '" ! (r,.rtur.- ,,f rl1ht Ir,:. ,,,.Ip " " " " ' I ,..,,, srnr•~I 1,,.,1 .. .-~. ,..,,,.\1 thu, \''''"' • al l; l_ ,1,,,;.·, h n , 1 d 1 .. 1 1,,..,1 .. ,. llar,!,uan, 1.,. d•ui:htrr "' ,1,. ,.,,,I ' Ir•. c·. t'. u .. ,,1111&11 111 l\l1111d11!r. !tad11rr,\ 1 .. r1 lri; -.nd .t,,,.•k. prn),,.1,1 .. lnlrr,.,,I !njurlr.. ,

~ .. , •.•11,.ltlu•)' h,.,J n,.• ,,.,.,,,,.,,,!:,,! 1•1 T J lf .,-.., ,.1;, .,,., 1., .. 11 , .. 1n1i11,.,u,11•r - •l•I ,., h ••I 11,,, I ,......,,, ,., 11,, ,1, , ..... ,_ . .-,• •ii• hu! 111·1': 111:111.:11 ,., h,.,,,l!••I ,,. ,.,,,,.• h!l" ll"I\ AllV" .' \'. ,I • .,,,J,I l,,1,.- _

;1~~ ;~:\~~',._~~~~~-~-.w;:ll:." !-1'1

on• oUu"d by Mayor J ohn M- \V.,l-


-~:~ (: \ 1 1 Hrl•


locallon Lnd condition oC cro1s.l~.:11 und by hu1ou. "It 11 ukln; L.!10 thi.t lb.• con:i. mlu!on he ln!ormt- d o! 11.:i.y char..:•• !n •<hool bUJI rnulu "nd ths. t ,di.Itr\<:l1 {urnl•ll copl~ of j:utru<:L:Otu luu .. l.l lo bu1 drh·ctl.~ SuautJori ;',lado Th, commlulon 1ua:.s:utod thAt " 'h,r ruvrr L • choo! bu• a.ppro1u:hu • cr-,u\nE'. Lhat 100\1 oc<UD.._nt fct d



r:r::~::~A!rl~:/~t Lhc lr.'.n-


t L .... ~c,~crs&.•.S.oJ~ ...,..~

Crash Death ToH Officially Set at 23; State Opens Probe e.un "; """};,

\UTAH RAiL ~AUTO~~)~ IE('y SOA· D[)

whaf'-!t AT 111 ·1-1 ii .,.

JM" \linr.,, Bn if•!Ud. ••_IJ thtttjtht 1nahJt of th, 'l''!n1L1hlr_ld .1nt1;11n,h~ th, whula," h »ld . "It waa'atat." h au1d. "I 1ft " " "' '"' "' "" ' nt> t l( nri wn hrr t au c!u,;1''11.1 .,.,,,,.. or. :hi ..·tn,Uhl.tld • :h,n tht ,lld• "'"indow, In th• .trfr tt"• !hi tltll rruh talallly. j• Hhu thw railroad or the school]{ }1 n lt La ke City wometum fatu.l rut tu1 tlh !'t1u. but the pr on'compartment Au to s now on 11itl Or. C. N. J,r,,a,"- «r« }zE· •la't, . _ \ot1.~1 ..~~;,.,;.;-,1,:;•11~1;~_.': 4-. oL_:h.•~:. tants. lu u-1d, ··:-.o :_~11:;nJ,n~. ~~IJ ~h~t ~::;·,md~nl \\'\lh Th~rtdt.y'• ,chool-buJ iv.cl. Thtlr tJul)', II wu r•j'l,dn,d, b lof&JI a<u111t1I u;• •nJ 1hat._ • ('OUhfn"I! Th• "'U11hl11t1J luu.l • • dutb loll. which nuclu•·lfd l.!eut,, raJ !w11f• 1.utoru o011• coUbluru' ,•h,t th• ••·en• e>I ll" tr- ,a••17. h,\u,♦ct ovt." he u,i,1. h• •alJ 1\ ,.,., on lh• Jrh·t-, , ln Ll"h cl.1,lmed nearly mAny mciuurtrntnfa. ,·1rw rh1111-nl o-1•) Mr :-idmtl ••td lh •I lh1 trosiin oi««0· i « ri , """·, puhchd r.p\dly for rna.nJ ho~u d\n Uu \\vu In l1n& u !ol' lh, uvtn \lftl• dr,u•,. quulinn wllntUf'.I anJ h0Jd;.1hltlj.t h, ,·r ·t,1nr!J,lt1tif pU(h'IIY" lupl" lllf',I . · hv·.4n, rs.a •l 2J altf l' J o,~ vlou.1 yu.,... Th lrty.nln, l'11ilro1,;. ..~ 1c....11....,.1 ''""' ru, 0..,.1

+.i· th, ~\•ttrl(ll:~,\~:u/ 3% %/ • ·")"··%9,"" ·",,P9 +"%Mo· ,





«. 2)%23:2./:.2%.:;

"i s.o z• a. "

Jur tletion Cited ] He ad t+at u .ar u h• C'ould:J • n ~th >Ill•·• l!'H. when a atu-. •:Jlt ot tht • .:chhnt. JurU_,lirt1011 onr ,lttumlnln1\~...!.~ ~~'...:=~r! _• ·u ,ho ,tu m on dt1II l_rinJ 10_J'. •~~"'-~ &hJ ftU: b,11,u lht rou1u rau,. nf lh• a('cid,nl rut• wllh thuj <'Omm1u.1on, •ln1·• 1h, r,,.n.,•r and.,




- - · · · · · · · · ·



::¢ l n-:1.nrh ('111111111,d



,..,.,, ·f'nUtJ•illll& '.

rf'rM tll 1111 th• trt ,Jtr•I)' fur Jlft11> th11: un Mfon the .I C C fl'l•tHl"nta• 1 lh'l'I.





At'!/:# v I

cc1uenA ~ !C.li:u:t\S

Yeslerdoy'1 Appolling T;ogcdy




jJ'f ~--~--------~---------·· I\ I 'l$ir' I ., l, ,g, ,jg:,.43, · ~ I~

rommh&lofl tln• lly annnunre, tindinra. ("n1111ty -'tlnrn ry lhrnM t--:. \\'.\I-!


~ ~

u,, ... ,

'""1 ,tar••


!viilhd homu •lonr th, bu• rout• l. lH.11. u and arcqtmtf-4• to,•" atudtnt.a. t~~J_ yu..:.:_

Rio Grandt Wu1un htlroad. who.. tall trt l(ht, th• ·T l)'ln1 ('ruh,'1 Into th1· bu.t . l,t tn " ]

··~·: .'.:;• ••,11,nd lh,t ..btlnr• mu,hlh .., two month 1


EVER brfot,;. in_ thiJ 1t~t, t, ;11 thtrr (,ccurrtd 5\J("/1 ,n llpp~:l1n,1; lrai:c-dy fill Lhat c,f yr~1H· d;iy -which rnuHrd nut tM 11-ai of 23 you11i:


1< hool chi! drrn'--i loll wi.lrh

yt'l nuy be



Jo:.· ~- Ginl an•I (11arh't ~~. lhirk• nf the rcnu1ty ' " " '' )'tlr'a nf(I<"• m•li!l • •Ur\ ' f')' "' thr ,. .....1,11111.H•I•:

1,,"",%2;pv«or« o re wt

!{h,ntl Ynunic an,I ht. rhltf lirr-' 11!y, c:ore l .., k,-,,..,.,, ,,.11un,,I tc1 1 he



Frl•l11y In


1,.rvirw """'lw,ra arul J:Alh,r mnr" 1n!nrm11ti,,n. All rr1•••1U ~ •nit In bt turnr d or

tn Mr. ,,·,.a,., ..

"M r. Hr• :Call 1tol amt J. t:. :-l•·ti,U1. hi+f traffire dpu' y, wall try to i1·arn ,.,...,,. l""'~,,,1.. •••Jt' " .,, th• ,.... ,,, .. n, 1111,1 ,., .. 1,11loly ,ull hll\'f' a rr1,url In 11u1k• 1111,r.'" Xh.,rlf l

r: \'nunl( '"'''-

T ribute to tkk ho»pr»l a!{ And zlty 11.nd ruunt)' nur.ir.,, 11.• wrll U Dtrl\'H & H1 r:1_ lint1ide \\·~.,tun R•ilrNld rump1t.ny ,,1:_.Kt.1C-.-'.,--"''~

:-:h .. llfl Ym1111c " "'" "-" 1): 11f'•I ,, \\'r•IIIU, ',11t•IU'III•·· r. IIM•"'"'"'t durl rtwtte deputy, to «on/wt pnul wf M1 ywehwl« u thw vwut,ty nnvt eek r ....,,,,.n '" ." 1,:,.n .., fl-' 'IIClllr•IC " Junir«drpuy s hrift tw «rn irhool 1•1111. • • \



ltrfully the '>.-CH.•l rn:;ut101,he Jt b~-• tVtr hcrn r1tllr•I 111" ' " tu fA<'t '" ",U .,.,.,,.,n ,.. wnr,\ nl th11 .st rlou.,· tlt·-' -<I o-( the I\C(;r!tnl HI\Chtd u.•. our or;,: 11r.il11tl" fl w ..., llndrr WI\>', .a.nd 1 .. m ('fr\ lt l/1 th.. ~1:111\llOn Wll 3 \11.ktn r.H., of "·' wrll "·' "" Y ho.,p!tr.l M1il•I h"n rn l\ n l\ i; ••I

•n,,. Jo.nn•r ,lr1•1111.-~· ,tu1tr1',wnul,I

t,.- IU . lll •UI l'\'tty h 11:1 . 1111 ,J M.fl 1'11hl•


"''-l'''""'"'"'Y l,,r r:otj! J:11,1: lh• ,.,..

l I

hp]a wsrr tlrwal irons. "' I bd1• \,. 1h11 .I l,111 IA lllh!. An•I, ,t "'" t:•? 11, .. j,.f,11rr 1111r,n ·-fr"'n s«lua l ow!fral« nnl pun!a wr i:~w• h~• l_m 1hr J••·u,t. I torltl\'" lht !<)'~lrt11·\l.1II ,.:•• i,hlu t-lf•<'l r, h,.rtly," J~t... rir! ,·1,1111i: ,-: ,,.1 _ .; Another inst»tin was bring l'af'i1r• ! 1,n hy tlil' l•rh\'rt ,'-, Hin




' ariou« wards wet turned in!o tmrr;:tn•·:,· rr. 1> :i u ;mu..r•!•"i:r:y Hl' i ,u1,:ron.1 1..,-.11hl1,.l1r-l 11 ;, r r n t In): t~IUr\l !h1tt W(•rk,-,1 /111\l' "' ·!ou.•lr. •·>.ll r" 111;ty 1tn,! I i:y ,.,-h ',\·rre ,-,..::rd 1tnd tbr lw/\r,! coope rate«d tat.y wth tu tm n iratetu! rx + t o fu1. !o :tic J,ri, :. ·, _ 1, t,,. aiurh • r:,r.•::d ,,r,!•·r ,1111:~r lntrnr,,l,:, .. n.,.r,,,.11 ~n,I nur ...·.1 wh•,

1 ;,1111•1,. \•;,.~,,.n1 rsultm••I. I.. t·. was «t ts«.er r ' toyer, Arts »d

J,;11lt I Ake l,"il)'

+'relay morn;nx nn+d met with H. ll,


llr •·k,.,. Mlj••r1111r11•l,.11! th, hnf'·a (-l11lt J.11kr ,1;,·,,.,...,, JI., i,..11r.n~•I. ·,r•,

,.,.,1,1 11I :h,. ,,.,i,:,-,lt. ,.:,:' Th• lr,un· w,1)1 r1o1npn.,,.,1 nt ti>

cc3 :,

+wt mt

trr wy

we1:; j3 @?

Jr" E 3"£4 : 512% :± 2t

fz ;2f:iv-iv&iri @%

,J , ·n;,. 1••.,.!t:h1lity 11,.. 1 1tnn- .v and !g,J,:,J item m ay hwe ohs+urr·4 vu+ on of



11-1•n_lll lhl' ,- t,,fl ,._. 1,f UU\ ' l\'Of ;ll, t·,.,,i 1owrver, t" J. Nrl un, uperin-

uo,1,-11• .. 1ot ""'""••••••~•,.,11 rur the

•l11r,t;1n ... 11...,1 ,11 ...ftl•I. 1uu'I thll h.11•. "" ·" ' • -· ,.,,. .. ,., •• ! 1hr. ,ti.irlf·I. · w:u ;,11111•1•••1 • • th ,-11,·d•Ll 1n :1he •IU\'rr',i r1,rnJ "'lfllll.,UI llti•I 1tl ,th• :f'11r. wl11•·l1 ,..o:,,·r. ,., k,.,1,-., ft 11•,:111n ll• 1u,,,,._,1




There is no signal ins talled at the r ude cres s lng to wJ.rn ot ,ppro:iching lr~1:is. The TOild ovrr which x-hool bu...,..~ tr.iv('\ a!US~ the rai!ro•d tr.i1d:1 ;,!:nost 1r;1m("{IL.1.'.d:,&[:rr mnitine ;i.n "S" turn from II Joni: nor"th• Mouth rod close to Md pr»llelin; the tracks. M:i.r~i<!' M. Crovu of Ffr:._-non, -~ J!Udtnt in >he· bus who lUr-.-i·ud !he ;a.cc1denl, 1,11d \hcJ nver, Turold H. 8dcox:, Jtopp..-<l t.he bus bc!o:-: •.,:-n!urini o cros Le lncl.:.~ Alma.•! ~! t:-ir :n• ;;!J.nt '.h: bl..l..oi wu on thein. ,s.he uw hlur, JOmr• nne yd!c:d -r ain~ .!Ind the N11,!1ne hnrr dou.• ;1 \ll\ thl' H·.rriminl( childrrn. S:lc(;,: w.as ki:kd. }~!.,•m.:,.n Allrr<l. E}ton saws he saw the bu« ~lop, '.hen J l.H\ 1cro:,.] the- ira<'L'-. ,r('r.:;r,i:-. :-ic Ja./lid, to ht::\.iUte in \he middle n! :hr :rack,c [:,!:. L Rehrr:er ~;wi he iOundf!'d whu!lt .ind ;i



from the tr,ck s and h;i.d to bi:: ,:ul by \orchn in Qrdcr :o cltli.r z,,ny the wreckii:e. Six !.nvt:.1rti11.tions ,n re iminrd1.l',tl)' ~! unctrr -r~·a-y by publk bodies 1nd lhe Dcnn-1· & Rio Grand-n Weiitern uilro.!d. l!1 11Jd1t1on. Gcvt"r• nor Ht'nry H. Blood visited \he ,-ctnr ;,nd be:;.,n .'I p.erson1.l invu:1s;lt1on. No inqur,t wH nr-

·our j,,!, rehabttitatun. tht mr,nrr !11 r,ur promi~I' ,,t [urthtr dona' hen«quarter 'Xt ;,.re n.,...,. tryini; to 1.ny o/ lh~ fo.miho nrl'd or ohr d



Furlhr.r· ;,!.,,!J:r., ,.r 11.,.:.,111111·,. wt ivrn hy Myor J ohn M Mn! l.\rr. r·:!}' (' omm1..-inr,rr• \\':lli,111: :O{ur•lr,rh 111111 Jr,!:n !I ,\f,.•l:r ... ,n 1111•'


Mrjute Gwr 1 duh'rr t .\I r "' " '' ~1, ... \';1U11t111 f; 1;,,,,.,.,-Lof

!>•,•1•h J,.,,J.,11. ''"''I 11,..,,.-...,.,.,,. 1 1 :r.•11

bl:.;, 'i-'H in;;>t••:lr-<l ;ir.d :i;,prn\'C d by \hi.' hi,.'.'. h...,. .ly p.ltro : on Sf'p!c1:-.brr l-1. · Std . K Graner,s tate pubic s rrv c o;n,\.uioncr: ''The c:-n,..1rq, ••.:!-. .- rt' the 1rr1drn: h;;.d oltrn b<-t'n co:•,_1:dn~! !11r a :r1:nai1n.al. Due lo the fH·t that L'H' .n•;,d 11>:'!ti lhl.l cro.01nt ....-,·rr s{l in!rt'<pt:1:ly tr.,n·!rd a UO-!Alll' lt !'.IQ:md h:&d not ~-rn indudr·d in Nff prn• ;;nun... T ht" lo-ilo dt'd bu1 norm,.:ly c:irr1<•; ~() j> 1.1 plh t".rk-e di;iJ:, o¥c-r lhe crou1ni::. Whut- doej th~ blunt" fer lhl" !r?. i;:('( l_\' Lr" !n ~u !• lrnc-si.. jud~men: 0 11;;- :1 : :, , be " 1'.):held until :all ~..i<.· crta1nl'lb!e iacts on ix ;1H(':1:illcd-("Yt- n th~n any te,timony rrc>m t!1c b::1 rl riv;:r mus t be lacing. On the s urhrc. tir\·rrthel~.,. the h.ct lh1t the croHmi;: wis wholl\' un• :protecttd 11nd without warnmii: drVL rc, s :.inrt .< out,.. .l contri buting caus e. We tu] to s how thi-' can be dis puted. I! the r ab.,rnre is dr-!rnded on the ground tlut he road was l:t:htly tr•vl.'le-<l ;i.nd \hat the rro..<,,.sm_i:- wa,1 l/1 opr:1 country, the tra,:t..: !y n\T ::hrr:,•,\·, rn rh cldrn.'" 11nd 1ravt:-ly imphes an error {I ! JUdJ::nC" nt 11nd h b e ortk !al e-concmy. }low m>ny othrr ,:rarfr rrn~ ~ ;::,:< in t)•(' .<t;i'.(' thte•len llimilar di,•.ult'r~ Thr 1nvl',it1Jl:lllH'ln! must o deeper than a probe of lh1.'L s ln;::i1• .iC'C':• dent. They ~hould la)· 1hr groundwork for ma 1urr, lo rive cr~11trst pci!,.jibic- a,~ur:incc that r.o auch h.irveit of dc;i.th n n C"l<"'C ur ;q;:.1:n. Pr11iU! i.s due to state, c ounty and city pole liKl.'ncieJt, to phy.s1cia~.5., nurs n :tnd ho.sp1L•! t•!f :cal, to neighbors others whn !rn: ;,.:d at :::('

••II 01,. Wlll'ldnrl-l . turf lh•t t);r Jl'll•f-r WIIJ, %•,rk,i.r "Tf:• •l•lllrlt-·J Up .,,,, ... t.11•lly.H ,.,.,. ,.,,Pl · .,1.,, k U11:r11,·u1, It; "' '" ,,r M r11 A ft. Jt,.rk1,!r.- • I. l-t1,11!1 i'J • •r• !,u1,·11111•I !h" t.,.., w111•t" " '•. """' • ''11II at+ml up Arn,11111.J f!,.,.k..,,.a,1-, 1•, ,,,n C\f

"'•••••••w., . ,. .,,.



POLICE EMPHASIZE NEED FOR CAUTION .A:•flllll,-,1 '!,y t!,.. !111t• t• ,"· hi.-,! • rc·1<l • n• Iha! h:,,I ,.,.·,!!, •I ,.,,,

....~ ,.,,.

Jlv•, .., ,, l•"IV•n• ,., -:,,, ,,,.. :,:iol! JAk" ,


,,.. !,, ~

,:~1,.,,rm,-,,1 warned tourist« n tn , n u » ' v i» tr 11111•1 pa pert»t th rwmnwl r f the

'Wlnltt mt,nlh.• tr.11t11.- hnrr,.r•

1•1 ·



(;1u,.f ,,r I'""""" \\'lll• • ·rn l', \\•• tifr wu··J,, 1n ...1 hy N•r1t•11111 Jl11n•,.'f t•. Petre, hwtut tho phew twlf

bulltH't'1 ,\3 !hr \rlit'~Y s'.rl:l'k t~ry \\r rr q11;1.< to dn their pM! .~dOe.s~ly and hum;i:1rl_\'. The Teleam (';i; lrnd.1 cc,ndo:rnn• tn t' ·r bcrl:fl r.tmd1rs, rrla11,·r, and lov:n.: !r1rn1I.~ in

UH· hnur or lhl"if i[rca\ :-orrow. 1:.1 the li!tlc vic.-timll rntfrr11;~ 111 hed.1

Marjor1e Beckstead, Chloe Beckstead, l,,ouise Hardman, and Ann Webb, students still in the hos~ pit.al M a result of t11e bus wreck of December l, are all reported to doin "very nicely." Ann, who wrui recently removed to the Bingham hospital, and Marjorie, who is- still in the Gen€ra1 hospital, are reported to b-e sut-

a considerable amount but they are both "as wen a.a can.,~ Green if the dent in.ju.r ed in the bus not- !n the hospital yet been able to school. oweneva. JtJ mending, but is ilOt well enough to attflld cJm1seB.

Junior Rtndlesbach i;J recov~ririg ?~pidly from t:i,ea.d inj1.p ies received in a freak actdent 'whkh hsp-

near his home a few day Christmas. It seems. Junior sailed through~ the wii;tdqhleld of r his car and tried to break up the ' highway with· his head, .•,, , Mildred Sisall\ .ts recovering at the Gen~r&l hospital :foJlowtng an

operatlon for appendicitis.

Her { co1\di~1on has been critic~ for the i l)as.t_ wee~~· because the e.ppendlXI had ruptured.. l


John Marcl1tµ·it, a.

e.nd a resident of to . observe his Bo;( 1

sa,fet,y..,f.im.. _ ru.la January \2, accldently cut oft three of ws fin~

,dndOWJ It Jm;)l'IU! nucl Ht:d111r inr. lt R • ck1t,.,1. -'l h• took JH/,n ha cllmb1<i lr•lO tt:laru1: -' fht:rt: .,. ._, lnd,hltld whtr 1 l ~'>l p« r flll 1)1\, •l<I, .....

ddened by the wor·! school bum tra,erd;r In th• h1..•lt•r'." c,{ th, na• t,no , members of the r« w an th• PenYH .I: RW Gra~dr \Vutrrn ,- !). ,,,.,r~ !a.at rrd.1ht .... hkh •truck t!'.~ J ,v,\fl n hlch +hoot.u' Tur+ts $' .


,!t,1n'l reel Iii.. talkln\n:w h nt_><.•ut h T r1,1-;,. i::n,1r,.. ,.r JC_ L /';r!11r1 •r :.: . o! 2209 F:tth t:.&.H •tr,.rl. ..,.hn,,. /,ar.,! -wu en th1 ttln:>!t\, of the i ta m t lo omtw felt deeply moved or r.h~ ,,en• ~rnt 1-' :1&.y. " immediately ppl.d the brakes ;,...!Hn tirr man ·Alfrt,I Y.l:nn y,11,.,1 ·!Jir hak'rr.' .. ..,.Jd ).fr H,hmtr,,


'' I 11011,·~.i ""' ' Wt'IO •!! J{P u r,ed ·o C'nuldn'\ Jfc OU!.' stew! r!ters td B nt ±hw! h didn't see : r,o o.~r

pow«Ihle Internal ln}urn, mu! !le ,·nl~ an,I hrul-oe.. rnn<t!tlQn /,,J r, n,.,.,.,.11 \\'..,bl,. 111, 10n er :-.1,. an,! .,, r~. \Yll!nr,I I_ \\'rhh nf Mlerton and brother ! Ann \\'d,li, un<lrlrnuln,.,I !nlrrnal In• Jurl,.•, ,.,,nd!lln11 hlrly ;:;io<I,



2... ./


rnad lrr.n Jn ra.,,. ,.• ·" ' ,.,,,,.11:•·n, y' •' "P "J ........ 1,1,q,,,11,.c 1:.• .,.,,.,,1,. r .. , th trosaln a l ! h,. t '"" l t,.,d I,, St11l1 11t•t11tr11 ,!o n<'l m,.k, It m>ln~ 6atory {or !hr. Jurl,dktion,d Attorrlf y to call the lnquol. M r. Cht:i: rxpla.!ncd, but the II t:orn<"y m11,y rxerdu h!, ._,wn dbcnlton In d<"• term!ning whether nn 1quest i n<"<-<1uary or 11nt. \V, Q. Van Cott, pr<"J l1.hnt of Lho Ul:i..b .St1t\■ Ilnr, ><nd Ul11.nd :,..1. •c<:rd" ry. .'>II<! thf'y kn•w o! no movu11cnt to Jirl Iha lw changed mo wt to mke man«dntory Ha calllni; of lnrpJHta 11!\er acdd1n\11 Uwi, \'. T r1i.'ll11n o! 02<irn. iV<"bf'r ('<t1J11\,v 1,t:1.,r11ey 1111d lit'11d o! th<'! rim/al lw section of the atte b<1.r, which would ln1lhute 1.11y HiC'h !. ~'lion lo c-h11.nr• th• lllw on !nquoaU:, ...id that his e ction contemplted no Much movement s nd char ter-


,l.7"%27pr-as• «+

1wan ff ,s

;I A:,<1 t)1t1

mclhtt ...-ho i-'rl.!.1y ··und,r our prn,nt l.lw 1rt•up, tern' the lea «t ta rhter wxi cr\rnlnal k<'tlon can tie l1utltuteJ \tr, J.o.<'lc J.untJ,pr\tl,. 1110\h~r of nny llmr, wlthnut rt'~-..iuru lo In• •. 1 oh Sandquiut, 1 st (Crea«nt, ques t," he ,,.I,!. I Mrs ,dqult ten in hr tiny "ht .,..., Jo nt.-d \J ~tlrru ~talo

:±%.11 1 %5%. "192:





rs. «rs

·#:,z: ::

tr-ml/who would inves tigate wcidents and


STATE WILL PAY BUSMAN WIDOW '?. 'lth tbtlr lnvutltallon completed, adminis trators ! the 1\ 11.l• !:i.o 1.1ru1cr fund were prepn 1n, Yrld-oy t.o .. rr ,nc• .,.,,-m,nla for !>{r1 . r--. rrold H. 3Ucox o! R !,- ,rt or.. w1,low ol tht 6.1-\v,r of the !l l-h,tod btu t:a: coll! <l tJ with a. .fr t!i:bl tra!.:'l r,e....r ).l1dv1.lr T hu.o.~a;r , .·.\Ir_ Sl~cox_ who i! lrd !rom !njurlt.s


fr•.>n t o f "' "• h,-,·a u.,., I " ~, "" \ h• ' top+pout« plda from,the h a , 2,en J hC'ar<.l th• rry o/ my flrrm,an l ,\idn'L ,top lo <la 11nytt111:ic tn,: ,q,ply thoae brake" he rs rte d Lr: bUI ~p<,rt th., .,111,pnrH Afl hl " llcbt rnc-· wu· r....11:0i,c and 1>(ra 1 M vLatbtltty.aw !et


...2.7 .22.:..2,

th~ hn.o,! n l l h r i·"r t,r\ 111 • Jt'• n n t II nlrr frdin~ , , I kno,... h,a w :hr p•rrn1• (>( th" "' rhlldren mus t feel, becaus e I hav A Jon and 11. d•u,:hlrr and 1wa rn, dona. I c111n'I ttll you how badly I tel I's the wort thine tha.l h1<1 h•prrnnl !o m1 ln ,1', Y••n. of fll llro11.dlnt, :s:i wnh t!-.~ n. h R k l .,. _. <'n t \n 4 .

•t.I•3>•••..,,._,. _,.,,,.,.,...

Hebe rt Jlunl,

ldt: ,'llr-

. ,\ll1i-rt



« .most ·« «to.non « « ««o · 7 · A]moat +toe l thr rt Mr •11•1 ,\Ir• A)hrrt J li1r,t. 1,,.,,.,.i. ro/ 17, ruly torn fnun,! !l yu..r!y )ny saddrrt r<\ hy 11,,. d.,•lh o! lh .. 1r •" n. Rebera lfunt, the!r «lds t duh\or,"'~ to ha.,., crlrhr1<:,.,\ hrr 1 , 11t!, hlrth<1t,.:;,' Yrtdi.y Ill a anudl

'ore Hunt,


Freman E lton's «yewitnes s story

"2;:,, .««co

o on,

cr'ou!nc al mll•p,o•l :,.in, 1J ! l uw tho ,chMl h111 on my aid• of th, tr11.ln. Al 1h11 tlm• th• train wai an ,ni,::ln• anti 1 .... 0 ....,,,r : .. nic'-1'1• fr om th• buJ , The bus had s topped \Vhrn the drivc-r 1t1trtrd th, hus a.c-.!n I y .. lled 'B l,c hok',r,' "'nd E nrlnHr Jl,.hmrr 1rt th~ rm,rrrnry braker Th e wht»tl wax blowing A llht mnow wx thing, but Ieo4 ■ r• the bwi d!•tlnrtly, The Jnco• In otl1~ 1\ruC'k lb• b1.a ln. lh1 c1nlrr. 1t wu l1rrlbl1. \I.'• d!tl rv-r ything wr could to pr•YrrH !t," u.Jd Mr. E lton, wha 11 .. u al Jill P:dlth av,nur. Brakrman G. M . Kol!r,- ,., ::?:H l!'.".A.t F!rlh South •lr rrt w,.. • bit Jlrrvou> Yr!day. He J I\W th• bus moYinr nort.li oc the road.n,• r tbt ra.J l:-oad tr11.du.

'u r le«or {Sn «

in d ows

Foered sy Seam <,J-.;,rnrvt\ <:rnn. t~. or H1,·nlnn w•• r.l.·uv,r1nt "l h .. r hnm,. P"rl<!•y tnnrnlnt frum II br.,kr!I •nK!e. Hrr , ... nnts , Jl.r. :r.nr! M r11. J ohn A. Green, thankful tor her nxrrow ... r .. p11. 1<11<l a!mo•l \,.a,ful In r>11!r Jny, f>Ut h.r on i. •;:i•f'lnl , ..11rh In lllf' frnnl nx,m, prOl) f!rd t, .. r up with three pliowr and u rrt f th many neirhbor an<1 trlrrllh who C'" Jluj to }oln lh•m ln Lhtlr lhi.nk.a• ,tivinJ . Owrntvt. on• or the 11ld~.11l atll· dent• on th• bui:, a ld tht the ddr wln<l ow• of th• hu,11 '"wnl: 1t•1<m• !nl( trrr1hly whrn 1he buardrd it. " •·1 t·•n·t ri- m,mh,r hurl nt 11ny• r>n• yrl!l ng \hilt lh• train wµ ,·r,m• Int," ,h,i <.l,cl11.rt<!.

T h<' J ordan Khoo! btu·D .• I< R. G \\'. frr! 1:hl !rt.In crA~h !n wh!ch ::..l pers ons died T hurs day wau the wors t bus .train «c ident in worl d or Unit HI ~hlri hhtory, ru..-... rch :-,',\'ith r;1:cq1lion th ·hen


(}rrn, .

nt,:, r, &nd hrr

0 011 '-'' '" "' " " •




~r rent for ••ch dc-·j,,md~nt mlo.or.

,,n. In t/\l• , ..... Mr. ).lcShi..n• _l,'.

of k

\rl! Ck• lr:1.!n

crash in Cannd11. !n Augus t, Hilt, 1.:) ~Hs or..1 Wt rl" idllrd lnll.s•.nt•


l\.llC'D ~1:1.er• vn





• ·

i, ·



\11 the world,



a/%" %/ ors





r -no«r s .u. ar c s «l

«c w·«t o


\lhln! 11hout the J_r•ln hlUJr:r U11 lln• nJ!'.!~d ~ectora \11 thr ell)'. who In te!f'Arch ,mJ ,.t11tl,!l r, for th1 ,!11lo to prt vtnt 1lmll11.r !r11.a:~dle.1t ln tht tH I woke up In lucern pch." turn notl!\td flr•t 11,ltl workrr• .r.nd r1<"pnr!m,nt or puhllc J1utrucllon, fulur11. c- .. m11. fr om the a!J1.ta drr" rl•



•. .« • -...l7. ". {2./

11t home nt the time 11m! w1u not ,orrow. :iol! fl t'1.1. Dr. Henry Jt,.lle. city M r. f'11r nn,

2 nori o ( :h• rur'i•L0 y Mhne, s tate )ndutrial ,omrntui<>nrt, orJ ,1,<l 1nvut\,:>atlnfl into ).!r Silcox· ~:.,nJ inr and ..._1,I ~-rid•)· 1~H fund ....,,_,umr.a lla01\i1r In lht caH M r~ . .S:lcox 11 tntltl,d to r, ,-,hr l',O r,,r :rnt or h,r \Ate hu~bunL~ w,rl.r.ly ·a b.ry, rrovldrd ll dor.1 not



MA ck BattmAn, 16-yur-old ■on P•rtment, J1'i•! lhe proceL1 of notlrl · of M r1. A. R. Btdutud, South Y ou htcha, we couldn' t see out c:-.tlon provl,!r,J that the police dt• J ordan when !ntoni,...,td Fri day of lhcrn." • p±rtment telephone operator or dank cocudin, •vent, p,oo,dlnr th, Ynun, ll,L,ms n, who etc pedi±sergeant wna to notify Sup,rl ntrn<l • wr,ck .a.Id that "th• window■ or with " c•ll ovH h\J !,rt ey,, ):11.!d ent De,. who In turn w"~ to 11otlfy th• bu• wrr• i:.11 s t11\med up'' ;,,nd tha.t no nn11. 0 11 ,Iha bu= =cru.m•d th• commlulonfr or puhllc ,udrty,







ors «no fol! owfiii l}he lra,rlc colp1!on oC " D. 1choolr;;'111 and !Ml.In ln .SAil UI. I< ~

#%. .

the depc;rlmf'nt'., rf'rliflr,atlon div!• ln the ab11tnco or ha r ti . s lon, wrnt lo t!u, !rni,crdy 1crn11 Skidmore, .t11!11 ■uperl nlendenl of Turdy to mnke nn Inveatltlon public ln,tructlon, who w11a In r11.11t•


. t2.


.i!lUdy, no\M! 11.ll the f11ct~ :1v11.l1&b!e luutd th!.-. 1t11t,ment: _, a.nd prtp~r,t! lo m11k• their re"T hl1 of{!c, 11 dee ply ±hocked 4.' port. . !h'° tcrr lble trA[tdy, 1t le Imper~· T hen ;\Ir. l'11rr11tt loun,I th11.t one tlve th" l evtrythlng po1111lbl• be done of_ tbi •lud11nt1 who nut horr lbl• to 11uur, th, ufety o ( chlldrcn Jr rlt'nth wns his n!C't·t. buiu. · Hho w..., Naomi Lcwl~ •. 11, d11.urh• ''I 11;-n ■ure ~hi, ortl ce wl!I do 11!1 lit or Myrl And Lt-otil 1-'.i'wt Ltw!J In 111 r,o wu to prev,nt cat&..1troph~l nt Dluffdak s uch ._, thi..t of T hurlid11.y."


- .•

iv\ir/s Humanity to >--Acrn

th<" r,lo..,,,, ,,.,rv:1·,.l1n;: t!,,e ),,,,,,,., fr.,,,; whkh Thurschy's lr11;:1r ![ra!k cruullll(' 11rri• . dl',1( ~n11tr: hrd 2:J l1n:-~ and cn,dly hurt 1i ·:; e,!ha chih.!nn, J ,h~ft o( l1):l1t 1><·11l"lrlllrd F"ri• as undatandin; sympathy and compassion orgonizd efforts to aid the stricken lztll~ vktinu Wt're x-hookhlldrC'r. Ir wi.y to J ri rd;in hla:h s r: hf){) l in ! t:--,dr v:-hool bm. l.JHie rc;,]ir.lni II, for thos ,r ound under train v h erl, their Jdur-.! th~t 1 r:,orn!n ,q •.;•;re l:1-st c-0<)6,bp Many nf ti,, in ?Ju red mu st su tler fo r lon g » wy h g t fnr rr• j Conry In ho1pilJl b-e-ds. f'.\·rn thm.1• 1p11rrd by !i~~ from .n•rk,us COIUNJtienn~ wn r nnl ~ll'l•

, .3"%.,", , i i


hr.:ighb:1 r~ Wt'ft' so quick lu ~ pp.- :,r in thl.' hririw.~ -,.,here trier iind de~1Jlwllo11 ....-~rr u,htrf"d In w1lh· oul premonition or Wlim ini:- . Thry ha,1·" u,rn fo rted and .1u1ta!n.&d th.- b,·rl' ft ind pt>rfri 1rr1rd

,. th't' mJny kindly J-t"rvku ,o Jon':ly nr<·d,.d In ~ r.uch limo ot ovcrwhelrn!nt .d11tr~c-11,,n. ~ But lhe tujedy brought olhrr pr0Jd.-m1 oll-


§ 'rhNt- wii] be hos p ital c os ts , dotor bulls ~ many another Jncld-:nta.1, -'-II unfr,rr,~n In /.•m-


a. o.

n o. too so been u11ded ;,.·lu n tll IIJ.u mb lc fund,. T hi." ro commb..alon hu: come forward lo help Thr Lale& coun ty c:h£plu of th e Amcric•n H.-d Cr ...-u promp tly oUered ld, The J ordan 1chonl dl1trlct, wllh G n r,ret1cn tal1ve cornrnlltec (roin L D. S. ch:..irch or(1nh:11!lon1. vr1..r 1r..1· ~nn1p1. Jordan tcachetJ' au oc!a\lon, Red Crou and \tie chambci· o! commerc~, 1«•k.c- S J0,000 /or p,pnr.nt

I l

#$$:: , ±1.7 •"


etr t@to

t » +« « r «soar«

Allht'hMittmlt. 'h i!our tat zit-

,M lu nt. h\e11~J. ,rhc {JI) •. 'i !,H,,:.~, r.1u, cO ~ the noblut human ~ otion• to ,1ana tJy 111c o { lhOl'e bowed down, ThJJ i, m.in"J hurnanlly to nun l!mt-rglng end Jt.r.ndinz apart from Jc!f, r t trom l\ll pr-coccu palion1. It U • pr!nrnl virtue enduring In hvman hort1, 1 JpHk ol di-vine ,race t!ta.t h not quenched by rnat,riJl!.rn1. Wh atev er part any ot tH II ra.l!td up<,n to phy In lhl, wtnn!nt ,:n•.rrs lri :\ll o! let u1 1il rupond ln lh•l ,;-lr.\ t~.a! :~ whoi,h,t.r\.t:<lly/ .1nd ('Crlt?rOlU)y_.

--,,-~,=~...=.,.. ,~_~ ._.,. q,--:

Solace in Bus Tragedy As a tragC'Oy sl1:1n n c-d commu n ity

1',lo n d ay

co n tin u ed

into the second day its funeral serYices for th e 24 persons killed_ in Thursday's school: bus-train collision, its members sought to !ind solace in the thought that 1,ome good-! in the fonn of safety for fuJ ture groups of school children -would come out of the depths of their suffering. JI


"' "tr t

Rivert on

junior hii.h ..::: hool:


hdd Sur.d.~y-the. 1;pc11.l< crs



young ptoplt Wl~ lht> Lh oui-ht tha: \ ;x>l-'1h!y the.a• 5tud~nu did no\ dH i' 1n v~in If &0 <"1t:r !s thu.i; ~purr td :o tlimin.\te- !utvn • uch ttll gtd:t.• _1 • ~ cro..•~nn,;:.s. } D.- r.lh &ri !~r-,; Bv'. t\"tn 1u _lht M re.a,·ed µl.u1ncd t

I f

€5$,%1 ~o,/ x:;,:~~ ~~;~~~:/ii:i r:

lh~:r::tt.i d1rnt1:,~ o: ),,!~. And )i.frs . Roy&l \'.; Becks tead did Sunday nirht, th{


I±. ±.±1

A: H:.·1,e.1 !n tht P.innon Ju!l iorJ r. it'I !-<hoo! M ond.Ay fo r the three~

I.- -M:~



Ri,·crton school scc-n e o{ mourni n.g d~c in.au scrric~ 1....-.,;1•,-•:'-:'~''-....."'·-~~~ ~~~jl,,,.,,,........... . 1


J':.>Y .c...:;,.,.,._._>c.'1/'2" • Y ce 'l·,r . :'l- -_, ,-.\

Mass Funeral Services Held;

Toll in Bus Tragedy Hits 24

IU.-,rtnn S,- r, j ,..... , .<::.,r,·:,·u for th, v:!'irr J,'<

1:!·,, :.•.·, _:::c,"J'.h J ,,r,!.,r: .<:uJrn'.J :1a r:.r.1: d," :~.. J: thr r.·,,_,h


#±EE%EE rri n,·;;-..1 n: :ta tv Ar,<! b:,hop o: !!it


Hela ~tarie ll<"ck '.\tcad '. Scn ·icc-~ A.rran c-cd E d" :',.!,n:t n.,.,;.;...,:,... d

ll. of :'-<>u:h J orc! ... n. l/H \"'rn:y-!ourth prt.•on ;o d,r :r: :hi Llf'nmbu l



=:..--«±±SE EE±EE#± ; ;




w±:2'.i.%%. " ., ». «

P.. n!.tnd B:11:n, P!llf. 1:. J on o' on 'P:n:And 11.nd C.1ro 8Altm.r1 p.,,~t 1_,,. 0

l darter o ! M E 11nJ '.\Ir. ·~1 ... rch ZJ )!1 :3. d.o.ucnttt ot Hora! Sd•on 11nd Ht' tn \ lo,d. 16 \'. 11nd Corad,r;t Sm1:h Ikck.•1ta,d.


«.3: 52.":

$.. .

I O,i:r :"' a o( th, l,n_ :--1 ....., J ohn· ·~chool A:l d ... ,._. A mrmbtr ot ll'lf L°M ol \"lnnnl S:tphcn.•on, 1~. ~on·..,.rn •nd .\l1M L kiYd wrrr buri td 1n h1rh J rhoo\ bAnJ And 1. mrmbtr o [ 1




so »

DrAn UP. or \\'inwi,.rd, 1.,. 10n otj,r,i;:ton. ;,.1,. Hunt At Mldv1tlr And-fvlvrd by Ol\r brothrr . Krilh: flvt Mr. A/'111 ).{r.a. l~R oy \\'1nw•rd. :-,,'r\.aon &l Sandr !J 1~ttr., LaP.oycr ).{n\, !!me. VtLo )' Harold Sands trom, 1$, on ot M r.] s ,s ees tor two others vlet/ms 'and Los, all e! South J ordan. and •n..1 ;\, {r■. H.1,try S..nd.atrom. lrom South J ordAn. Viol,. Sundquu,t !hrr 1:r... ndp,arrn!.1. Mr. And M n . B. .:i pu.Xrr s lnri UCtO \ trn ~) C 17, dAUfh{H of M r. And .\!rs J ack 'H. Ht(k..lUAil. 1.:10 o: :,.Ou[h J ordan.


2±. {:±%2±r±

%: %\.5 22%2.

kln,on. bo:h of Cro ,.-rn:.

.,.,.tr, htld;Jord1.n L D. S . .-.11td rlu.ptl.

in Cr«s ent l D. S. ward

quls l. :-;urlr 100 &\lcndtd Hr>'iru !11 mrn iory o ( Willh,m H. Glulrr , 1:, ~on o! /10)' ,.n,1 :,.1,.. B. Gl,.~orr, .S•lt L alu City, htld In th• Gran'1v1n,· l... D.S. ,..,.rd All p. m. :i.111.ri ·•·htlf. ,tudtnlS who ts rap,r d wl:h ~/'air !Ive.a ln th• bu.1 trspdy \r,juri,,


M N1.nwhilr. orl-", nii;1ti

rollrct .11.J1.:;,:-mtri,:t'nr)· fund lo lr.1,rn lhc ,utrr rowin1t · i.un1h~., c:on:lnu

_p,r.' &uriJY. t.:ni11n. C.:rt .• .c tt1'on,, UI\JttJ•lt', Wut Jor Jord1ul."'Hrrnm1rn. J..,.r

.2.27% 'l

{1111, b from h 11, :, , ,. ~ \"r,Junlt\n· l·ontr 1"h l 1

<' (' 1 1 ·,

,·mrniy rl!'.•J-~tnt, 11.ncl o ta 1 to contribute w;'t be t hti\Jc;u11.r:tu r.! lh~ Am Cro.(;'11 in ,JJJift :o B .. Ar,·C'."r<l:ni: 1/l c .. !,,:11 H



Salt Lake T~legram, Wed. Dec 7,






en.ts ·r·, .

. -~~it'rt'·,tr~fJJ@dy ~u-tlclr ~wifily, and horribly

Jordan vall!$y at 8:40 Thursday morning when estimated 21 Jordan high school studE!!nis, en to 'th.eh' atuc.Uem; and their driver, were killed in wonfaccident in Utah'$ history* when a fut D~nver & BJ@ Grande· V\1e$tem ·x:reighi. train crashed into - a bus at the Lamptgn crossing. west of Crescent. S<iVel41'efrr wer~, xniurea.. , ., . · · ._ · · · Thewreck. described as unparalleled in Utah. occured iQ the bus~ occupied by -an e11ttmated ·.40 students# . from the Herriman:.Jlu.ffdale-Rhrerton dt. · _driven by Farro!d It SUcox o#Riverton. wu ilie railroad tr~cb when the height trabt and carrying 84 cars, • dealing destruction .never


et.t.:....... £l@ ?74€3


T,iWT#Frasesoan«a ye iffe mt arty4» T


: "•I



. ,-


. : .• f.

a. fe , of the bus cons¢iom1, and only two were ahlt' to walk. Bodles and parts of bodies littered hoth sidea of the rails. The body of tbe bus driver rolled to the south of the tracks approximately 40 yarda from the intersection. The motor was on the north side of the trackB, and. was carried 225 yards. Th:e frame the bus literally



wrapped tbelf around the loco" motive und wa..~ so tlrra:ily wedged

onto the engine tru1t


torebea were used to free lt.

o.h •·. #;~


nll availabtf: .\o and nurses In southern Salt c.punty and Miss Louell Mahane,

superintendent of nurnel'J at , La.i<.e-Oeoora,l .h0ttpial _o_rdtX~--county -school nuro-s:;5 to ;;·cport the hoapital for instant duty. Salt Lake County Sheriff Young, L. E._ Buthn·. uatstaiit porinte.nrfont of trnrniportatlotl Jorclnn school ditiltrlct, and


!~lelscn, principal of tha .To t1chool, brutlng their account!J,. said, on a description given by Alfred Elton, fireman of freight ent:,rlne, gald the bus rat ped at the crmudng, then st

across the tracks f1.l'ld "appear@d hesitate 1n the middle of.

School boo~, battered btllld tn.. sTrumennr.~ and·elothlng-Un--. E. ed both sides of the right of 'W&'Y·


Dootors, nurpes •net other ~ ~ era located th1) I Hvi.ng and put them in a.mbulancesjto 9er be taken to hos.: 9E..A.GA , "Ag"T SU& E:g s

· T'nef tratn engineer, H. y7 mer, 2200 F'Ith East istreet, aaid, sounded bbcl\,;a,nd wb!s

--+or «ow-o rue s see r. aeece er.


pHals. The de~d were cover..:,d with blankets and later taken awe.y in trucks or ambulanceu niter all the living had gtven attentic:n. I: Moat of Uu) injur(.-d and dood ware taken to 'the Salt LL'ke Coun+/ ty Hom:>ital, where tranUc rrala.. t . . ttves called to find whether thelr children kad been kill4d in tho

be• i


. ' -



Elremnn Alred Elton snd Head pr±teman G. Kelly 1t9~es of :mryivorn that the» truck to a stop azd then mov-





d on to thetrack. The engineer aald he whlat,ed . ~ the trat.a ap-

proached the crouing"""an'd ap

an brakes atthe fireman's

lng cry. -- Dazed and grief-stricken

hysterical, wa nlong the tn,Ji_n trying to l the fragmen~ ot what ba ents, some

their boys and girls. ,I,

Scores ot law enforcement t . cers from· Salt Lak e ity e county tried



to bring order out

nea\_riy a.

liCQ J:'0

of . ~"!';

bulances nrnhed dead and dying t hoepitallil and


a frantic attempt to warn the drlv~r. Silcox apparently did J.10~r 'bre.,,,warnlng until too . . A bllndtng snow f.'ftorm, , 1Jtruck oorthern Utah Tllu apparently obscur ed the dri vision, investtgaton. said.

The . freight u.,,un Wbl--3 salt LsJ<e City at 7 a. m., but le.ta, and a transient, David tor, ~nver, Colo., Qtime.ted sp~ at ''between GO aind 00 mi

hour" when lt s,t,ruck the So fl1ghtful W&Q the ca :Mr. Witter fJald, 111 thougbt


train had plowed dnto as hep% cattle.'•



&hool ~


arcana. +, 5.%e821i

As newa .ot the terrible cs trophe spread throughout the dab. valley, - thehigh acbcol 41srnl•Bt:ld tmmec:llately, . and __ students were sent to th.air horJe• to calm _ the ir · p&ref,ltli and 1

tives and to assure them

:wer_~ _sa!e,__--'-'---- - ---"·----The .J orda.n high achoo! w ma.ln clostd for th- rut of 'week, Principal L. W. Niefflen · llOWlCed.· 14" .7335.9376,3328962E .7'79.2.5 6313/252278 a.-


er",. _,,,.,.,


Naomi l.0\\-~, d.auirhter of Mn Myrl Lewis, Bluff<: Robert 'Egbert, so

2.0tt. (q!f----~-------

Egbert, Riverton. Fc!lowing is the. o.U-1<.:tJ}l-UIJ'\~ identified dead in Thursday morning's Jordan school diatrict ,bUl!f tragedy, as- furninhed The Ute Sentinel last night, ciired from the district school offices: f'ermld H. Sllcol!4 driver, ot Riv·

erton. Caro! St.evens-on, daughter Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Stevenson

Riverton. · "'Dtan!lO Psrldm,on.. aon ot S. Parkinson of Crescent. Viola Sundquist, daughter Jack Sundquist of Crescent. - B1'aine Page, son of Mr, and . ;Mrs. Roland Page of River-tor),

i-118len1 Young, daughter of_ Pa.r-

ley H. Young of South_ Jorda,n. lkmn Wln~, son of !4Roy Winward of South Jordan. Kenneth O. Pete rson, son Mrs. L. W. Paterso:q of Riverton. WlUiam Gl~W3li''t aon

Glaziiar,, Riverton. N1el Dens?ey, oa

of - Roy

A.L S...I/ 72.2L.H E.gt.9.... 9.Re.Roa .aones. a to«rare. .es,%4. s.

Naomi Webb, daughter of Wll-

bert Webb, Riverton.

Wilbert W'ebb, on of Wilbert · Webb, Riverton.,. ._-:.: Jtosg Lanon, daughter of Mar..

.' Un Larson, B1u1't'da1e. Virginia N1'!oon., daughter : Leo Nelson, !Uv6rton. Of



m oo

r eno

Seriou~ry tnjured and atul iJ hospl tal Thursday afternoon wen , , / I e ls Beckstead, 15, daughter o I R. V. Beckstead of Soutb. Jordn, (critical} .

A11m Webb, daugb'ter · of- W. ! Webb of R.tverton (friticaJ). Manford Osbonoo, oon of W. J{ Osborne_ of South J Loulib9 }wd.mm. !W... Oivene'Wtt Or00n. Mar~ Bookfl~

ter of w. L. .Beck~~. ton. Rust] Wet. ld:a. §mi~ daug-n.~~~· .Smitb, Riverton. Mab0i Sm!th, de

$Dth, Riverton. ··--'-Dm1wlt:.-:---~~ ·(,


Bron, Rlvorton (eri 0fa Pete rson (cr!ti

The less seriously


DensJay; Riverton. Iayard Larsen , son of Larsen of Riverton. .:HieltrLJ.Joyd, daughter ot William. H. Lio.yd. of . South Jordan. . -·-· Lola .Jotirwon., daughter of Oscar Johnson ot Riverton. Ray Miller, aon of George Miller, R1ve:rton. .

George Runt, $Olll Jordan.·


e m' f er"


were treated and t:'• d:


'""~t.,;.:~'' :


Maks. Sa&mm MT3.


rt.on. Amanse>

·~ I


s. ,..__.



fllt!.)fS ·] ·.


n. Mi MarJom 'l1 Groves o llen_ Hrum

ter of n.. I .

' . 1












,_. ti:1U:1·

: ~ F-*•··'








/Ji£) Y2'k1fivt0( , -

., ,


- ' '

• Perhaps t,Jle busiest in Midvale Thursday ... operators of. the Mldvai" w~"." phone exchange, who recelved

} tirst wordortho. school




tra~y. _After· the news hod

i gotten out, the exchange w t.4. calls --:

_"7 _


afomiato and otherpeople n concern. y.}~.-- ;


' ·: '

ll'Pllit, - -.


and all c _


--= - ~-r~:.., ".' - -- .: _:,

one from

-MJ~~-.lrom-L rell.Uve of one ,

,pt t.\1


- ---,- -..-,


~.---- '

r. ..... ~.. . .

,r ..


A. reportcJrcui.~ · tmmedl~:, ; f~~~ly ·art~r the scllo,ol bus crash, - ;, stating that the ¥.ldv..ie l>YI -w.i4 :· been hit, caused, 11. near - panic

in the city for a few minutes, until the reJ>ort WU fountl. W.. b@

false. '

,-. .,2.log .c--- Ut£.,,,. ...:.':> ~ :. e,_.,-,

Drive A·jop· roaches, g4 000. . '. . - . t... . . Y: ' I Jli..


Ieec. Ks f to~·Jhe fbr

vle ew#Mt'

-- - _Donat.iQ!M!.'. ..·_;·__ .

fund .. ...


al-.. -aiM;

----··- --- ··-- -


leviating the·:- distress of f arniliea ~.. -· .



stricken by 'the .






school bus diuster of Dec mber I


has nearly ·reached th. e 000 i·.· . mark,. B. A. '{ Ben.r)-~·Rasiril :•sen, , committee member, said today. 1 ' All persons and. orga.nizhtions E.;.• [ k which have not._as ye_t contrlfuted. ~ 1,




are asked to do.. so v.1thin the next l1 few days, Mr. Rasmussen said. • I •.., Picture __ shows were giv, t1'.is i{i week to: aid the fund, a sho.vr, be.- t~; !rig held at the· Pearl Thea.~re tn ~

Draper on: - Wednesciay night, and ?-1

oneat the Iris Theatre iri +vale ~ last night. Showe.· \Vere given la~t_ (; week.· fJ.t . the . Rlverton. TheatJ.e a,nd- tt;\ . ' . f . the · Burke - Theatre, and t!l~ pro- t ceeds donated to the fund. · - · -

. · t'\i

... ¥emoor& Ot the centr~ co _· ~tt·


tee._. in._ ;:~~~:rg.e· o( ~4! disut~J·. c.a ,ca.-: lf.:I pa.ign · mcJude JJ:r. Paul S. · Richards, Dr. A. C. Jensen, B. A. Ras-.kt~:;


mussen,-c'Vemal. _c. _Webb•.. · '., . ~




,\ ·

,, ·

• •• "


.j. ~•


. 1\.. ~~

Dewey, MIs Van Fe and . Miss %} -





_Storey.:: Contribution@·· m &y .. 'bet]~ .;

:- _

• _:__



banded · to · ®.nYt-member : of: · .


' . ; •.



.i,. -:



committee-. or . left-· at the ·

f; ".

.· school office.





WJ,g .f[i ~:-:_.

strict t$£:~




In the meantime it· ts re: rted ; E . from the Salt··· Lake countyt hem- t~ pital that the condit!OJl o~ the [i\ : three:. remaining disaster · ytctitns

is as follows: .. li£arjorle-: BecJl.stea.d, 16; ot South ·-Jordan, poor,;, Chloe

Beckstead, 17, . - -·


of Riverton., and -



. - J/t

- t.: ~



A special :,acrnment service was held at 2 p. m. Sunday at the Rlverton junior hlgh n.urlitorium for the Weat Jordan sto.ke under the dfrecUo~ of Vernal C. Webb, preslderit · of the stake. A oow broadcasting . flyrdem was 1n~talled in tho bull#ing to accommodate the peoplCI)~ •';1 ::The muslca.l -progratn cousiflte.cl of carol -1lqlng I by the audi~nce, under the dJrection of Joseph J,

Schmidt. The invocation was offered by Heber J. Iurgon, presid♦~t of thEi . Eut Jord$.U mtte. S~a.l . ~usical numbers weri rendered by a mixed quartett from the Rlverton . ·ir1~st ·. ward. and a t11ale quartet trcffll the W~

Jordruf ward.. ~



·_ .·

Pre!dent Burgon gave s Chrlt-

mas greeting and esresd@$ sy70° pt;lthY f{?t the_ b~ree.ved ii\ tl\e_.bµa

tragedy. Elder Samuel O. Beanica,

ot the First -OouncU of. -..iy•. anotherspeaker, asked " "

ents not to worry or be....,.., ..

on thts Christmas, tut to pt¢ their tatth···~~·trust in ·God. He G®l• maented on and read thopoem,

"Fa#th's Ang#ts", co#posed by

Naomi Lowis the nlghtb@fore her death. 'The gtri 0#• · of Uie

bus vtctims. . .



President David O. McKay of

the general -preis\dency, the spe~ker for the meeting, gave a very comforting talk to Urn par-

ents and i"rlend.s ot· those who had 4


chilqren anq friends in the recent

bua disaster. President McKay ex-

plained very n.icely ot the plan of life ·and ~vat1on. He also· extended · Christmas graetin.gs to everyone, especially to the .irurvivors of the. mu, tragedy. I~ne<Uejson was offered by Lawr~ce-'T. Pahl,. member of the West Jordanstake premtdency. At thf) <tlose ot the eemcoo Presi®nt

McKay was presented withe bouquet of American Biiatity ro~,

contnbuteti · by the mothers of the Wet Jordan


The msijority ot tho parents of tho bus crash victims were fiat-

tendance, among the ot ··



l:t'4ou rt cen la V>/suits :seeking aggre ~ gate darnag-ei; of 365,500 from the I)envcr & R.io Grande Western . rail road COnlpU.tly. anct ~mu f-teh.... rncr, engineer, and A'lfl'ifHl Elton/;' fircrnan► of the train whicll struck· a school bus f>eceniber l with. los::1 of 2·1 Ii ves, were filed Saturciny in 1'

. 'rhird district c_o~rt.. Wilson bt1cCartby f

and·· Henry th,, raUroad



tru.stees . of


con·ipn.ny, also arc named defend- . a.nts. The Jordan district school· bu.s.;. · .. train crash occurred at a grade crossing riear . · Crescent, . C}t.her , sttits, one in fedorai court, alread~ · have been filed .·a· result of tht-1 . tr~gedy.· · :·_._'.: / _: ~- · -< · · . ':·:. Specifi~ally, the . detel1d~nts . in Satiirday'a suJ.ts are cllargecf wiUi . operating the train_ ·'n.egUga:ntly, . fJtUh1g, to : aoun<f the wtifiile of. the engine, failing toring ·t;ne·_beJl. of·. the engine. and approach!ng a grade crossing at as speed in ex.












ce,s pf. 50 mUes per .h our.'.' .




·-. /,:

Those who flied the complaints,

JtUJed.'.. : a Il (:l° .· ·-:~pootfie<l.. amounts each. $ee_}(s . to recover ._j~:•:-:_·i/: : ·.. -.- __:.: ·-.':::.-\:·<-~::, '~-:: l

. ch!ldre.n

·l_ ,

are: ·, '·. ,:, :., :':_ . -

Stephen F. Stephensen, whos daughter, Carol, 17, was killed, $25,00o;·. Georg~'. .-lklliler;·. dau.ghter, Rae, 16, $25,000; Roy Glazler, s , Win!am B., 17, $25,000; WIIber M.

WeJ>p, -~o~· Wllh~rt. L.,~19} ,·,·oo,000: Lee·· Roy. Winward, son, Dean Leo i








• •; .


·•_. ,_


·_ ,



Roy, 15, $25,000; Roland Page, son,

Foland Blaine, 17/ -,,5,9(}q; ~a,.rttri -S."::-·L .raen.. eon, Byard L, 15, $25,t,:.'...~. \~~ _·. ~ 1/ _; .... _; . u : ,




: ...



'. •..


. ·

: .\


QQO;_ ~yrl .· UWis,-.-/.daughtei·, Na-· 6:riil, ·-11. $25,000; Leuoa W. Peterson, rwn,: 1, $25,000; ,. ~-~-)".,.~ •



J{enneth "c~~-- 'i

Harry .SandS.t:rom, son,· Harold_,· 1t,, $, at>·,ooo; Jack . Sundquist, daughter, A.lf:i} 'l • • . ·U k ,\f\l'V• IWWI. -.. _ · ,..· - •.;, · •,-h;- , ,.-; .,./{,Jf. ff,.~_h·, ..• Vtu


. -· ·n . . . . . - . \/~':.)_._ .- . .




«'-, . ')'


a; •


-~ -· ..-~~~~ ,r,:~M~,,.<; ~ ,_. -.· - ~ .· . - Bs_.. ~- . ·- · ±5±2.3933ft-3 23£&~ kt±fez

·.•( M~rttri·-- S.. : ~r1en,· - ~~t~;r; · ·';,Vlf•-.

ginis A. Larsen, mother, Lola Mae, '

!O; · Donn1t- . Jeaq· ~' aq~ Fern. l~l;;

· ·ffiters~·- .·a11,·are-~1tamfd-·p1a~:tt·rt1 :~1 · another:·~'c..Qmpla4,\t •ee~inf . ,~,ooq -~


· tor. th.e deathof Rosa Larsen, 18. · ·- Le llain.t Breeman, repreeented · by his fsther, 1sass ·J!l.

1 .

Freeman..: - . seeking $10,000 ·tor ·. bruitel ·a.nd _· severe. shock, and ,











. ,



, • .,

• , , . • ..·




Loulse Hardman, represented by' n.t· father~-- Cla"'1ce C, Hardman, leffn.UJ..I' ·• •ao·. ~- ~or •n~ JHr1e8 . to.~.. , ~.,. lega, general bruises and severe · 1.4-_: __


ahock, re . sillt





, .


compls$ats in other , . . . . ·. . _., . ./ , .


'·.·· .. -









•' ·

! ~ 1~ . . .

,.,.,. ·· ·tt:_, __ ~:~·-•~...:L_-.. :. ~-~-- · ,·~ts:;..~_.:...



·., .-.·~~- ·•·1··•

•.. '

07G EGGGE- I2G. Fm]


. . - - . •. . i verlon Raes Ancient B.......

- h historical landmark, the °'4· Commercial building in Ftverton, 1

la belJlf to~ d.Qwn . ~ -- ~k-.lJr

[a wrecking concern, while



al4-tine {

f l'Nt~,·took on· wtt.b-~ r---:-:;~ ··i

l i , The ·•truoture WM built ·oo yean i ago by Madaen. and that



Ume bu boUMd iqany pd w.rl,ctd bual!Je~ utabl!abment,, ~Ui4ta, the

Rlvert(?,n. 9&11UQeri,1a,t


Parry Im _Save st<>..._,_~ __ ., ,,.,

._., ... ,.

,..,._ ..,.._., "

• al used rt


buUding_. was in,gi ope.r~ house, -where


for IUl Ji lng gtap J

. _ Jays wt~!

the best actors ', fesses then ? on the road. It· b . '~n - used to,r a_ dance hall, skating rink, a.pd -~ amusement hall. Tlle' ·lUvirton

I i


po.-tofflce used:-~ -O!.J.h~ ~~ inJ in. two different epochs. _ • -~ .,. The ground on whJch tho. buttd- t

_ff: _ bia.J.Jy· · _ ti . - e-- _I' steaded by the?rasfateort..Charles E._ Ptn i,µJ .. ; ier:- ft·-111· uruteratood· Ui;t ttJe·otd · edittoo w&e nold tor-1491.20.

lq. a~ -~ -

v. .

b R


th!? 24 · ,,jc(il@'·~V~:"rat11 · of $2400

lul' 1.:ach f.

T'\ ..-

-!learn, '$ZOP. \\'.ll~ di-.-luc<J rsicians-:

.: .......-.... na•.;~,, ... ,··.'11,i: ""',. ,. ,:



______ ..,. .. . ,11.cy ·and Pr. John: A.' Hosmer of M,,!vak,

and Dr. Paul" S. Ruel:«rds of P.tngh:ii-n. who app,,rli••'.< j ,,1,.i\• ey to rjured studert.

verton- ~p__p_g __Ward

Ch.apel.Dedkatton To


-Be' Held--November. 12

. With tbe .war4jww completely 01,1~ qt, g.,bt. the dedication of the RivertonSecond ward chapel . bu be$n Jot tot Sunda_y, November 12, it has boen announced by Bishop f"ranldiJ:t;_-{G,-S.t1,l__::. _The exercises r wII! begin at 2 and Heber J. j Grant, president_ of the L. D. 'S, ~



church, ·and other general ·authori•

Uea wtll be present. Riy4'rton, ~econd ward-. was .

zed September 18, 1927, with f

ord J. Myers as bi,$op,, and • ter -~.:. Crane'lµd <I'h<H!l&~ Gall!·


c<A.t:_,~ooun __ i_o_rs _ ,·__A c~pel ~.!! _,rec~~ ·__ a neopst · of $63,000, ,md · wa _ _•


:. ! tn f1 short time trees tm4- la'Wll $ e .ante4, the church ] '.; propertye pla¢e - of ~ ty."·-- ----,-~ i



ff; ±ez.:]

t the same time carrying on ij gram.of beautificationoft the f

.: ~,arty, witJi··- the aawtance;


c;""".i-----fl,~. •"'.-....·

- -

~ : ~ ~ <_._




. .

· --------i--i.t--'-~

-,, .:_.Pid r, _,




. --



ij,!1t'~ ....,.. -u "





+es , •·.,,1VF1\:)':i;:,

:>~ . -..,,,4 ' (, .:1,

·f;ll ,


\~ .J.


" ,; ;.~~---" ,.~,\'\'rrinui-sdt · 1 -•,_ :__,_,i.


Ci'. ;:

. :;t..~

@rows" J1.li1ove

taken from The Salt Lake Tele gram of

Nov. 23, 1939.

kdele >J' .,.

• • • • . • , . , . ..

,Razing of.. Riverton ~

.............. :-.....


'First Ward _Ch,a.pel Begun Last Friday 4





tbe Jii~~ was underway last Friday, and f Work of . tea;~g down • ,,, . . RivertonFirat ward. chapel·_



# toric

members of the


their P

Sunday m~tmg,~·t-~·tb_-_e. Rtvert.o n·_;·:. school auditorium.,· · · , ,. old chope! has served the { wa.r<l tor the psst 32 y.o.ro. (?On;.. .

, The

ward held








oo--tbe-build- J II. ·structtQ11-commen~ an, 1ng


1899 and tt was complet,ed t,\ 1007. 1and build-f


tor the

I lng wa.~ a.onated a.t · that time, l>Y ~


t the late Thomu B. Pa~. Th&

que conatructlon_,o(the old chapel : ,. has . nmae · l t a well-known land· ,

' . ,.





. . .

' .~


A new chapel w1U be constru~t-j g ed a nearby site, and it 1&.J.Ul:-i Uclpated that a modern, up-to-date j l>Qllding will be tho result; The! 1 project is being carried on by the f



war'<! priesthood, under the direc-

1 Uon of Reubetl Wloorg. Much of the labor ts betq donated by ward



, · -- ----- ·

· ,

Bi±hope of the Rivet.ion Flrlt

ward rnnce- lt)01' have been R. P,

' Wiler, Gordon 8. ·· Bttli, -- Davtd.· 1I Bills, Vernal C. Webb . IAd ·:·•·,.·. M. Klm. · tall 'Thompson.

s -


lj .:•<~•-~~~"~~-~•·· %_-_.


·e •

C<rnnlv to Draft

J ' .. , }"' l • f 'ter 'runchise g:· ;• :•.: ,- ••







:~ ·-•i l1·.: ..~:1l l, xke c.ounty r.tto.rrH•yr. ~ . nffi,·:'! _hn., b<'t•n dirt ctrd hy lhr lt ro1111ly commhaion to rlT"ilW \IP II. l


I frnnrhl<e •mbocl)'ln,: n.n 11ppllcn• ,, tlon for extrn,lon or wnltr linrs t\l for v.-hlc-h nn Appllrstlo~, fll,d hy th• ltlnrton Plp,_llne rompttn)'. · The frftnr-hl, e will b• con•ldrrtd at n lsln mttllng.' Thr rumpf\n.)' hllk<'<t pfrmlii. ;don to.· rxtrncl It., mnln• from I IA()() Rot1th



to 111\00 Houlh •lrf"fl 011 2200 \\'ul . nlrrn!; from 1700 \Vr,t lo 1700 \\'rst ~ i:{rrt l n11 tuoo Hnuth fttr,.. rt: fr-nm ; l:.'1\0 0 ,'in u tll lo 11 11,,()c'l Mo 11lli rin 1700 ij \\"r,it 11lrrrl: from :!7(X1 \\'f',il lo

& ~'.'\!Kl


11lr r ,t



An u lh

1111trrrl, l\tHI fnr A ,ihn:-1 (lL~.tn11r1• on 't 'l urch atreet in Iivrrio,

· .51,/flahn,-;t,., d.Pr.11• 2..7;7f7ff

ki pas±so..s±ses3 sees.«'sis


·w...,o..:."i!::;i;-~"""'f=-,:-:=.:.. •.J:,~•.=~...~~~~~~r..;,.z~!t','.fft:1.

·alt lake tr-tor i ,· ------.-· . ,,

•·• ·\ •·'

J. •. . '·

. ., · .,t·. :~•II •• I'• '.11 •

!_'..,.)..~~-; -~- · i


Rivert@iGets.31 @Sighs,4 HjVE TIT ON !-.. R·l.1,(c::m ofr,lcial-r,complcted 1Jn th-!€' 1;oul.h~rn)llper,tj.\' ly \ecclvcd 11 units of r. rn,.w liv,ht. I cf t!1c to•Nn. • : · :, • Ing sy5iem In th.e h,~!ne;s d.ls-1 W. TT. Cs:.I;Jqulst, S2lt Lak.e o'l.•jiun-r..~' ' •. • trict '\1/c..dneada' n!ht when'ty electric!ar, said th new lhizj


7231£21±±1 2±%1 ~e[,z,t.:·

~vlth the \!ghls Ht H pu,;1ic, f',ra!".'.:\-J to nr.trn.b~tt- o.\ the.. Pn[cnl.•.. ·~. tnfi. . r • : • •• · • , ,•.J.,a1H,n~·, ns~e-c!&t!on, who pantkl~ ~ · E~ch o{ :UH: 11 -unH~~ ,vii:r, n•• fP.t~ed Jh. thh rr.t-ct!ng, tv coc,pirat,~-~ ~lnll-cd at a, {'Of t o~.~d0 ~1~d p1o-• vdth th,:: l:Ounly 1n ·ellmhiJUn.. <luces 601) •Ciindi•; pOwtr, · ri\.vo \;Jir:du.1b.rr:..whlch ha·;. c.~~u., edl.jcon-•-~-; more un!ta w!ll b~ inn!!iicd wl;~n ii!cfcrab!e 'dama;lc, to 1 l i!l ht r, '! the new L DS wer d t:hepfl It trfrc,·.:;:h;ut lhe c.c'.idy. 'I , . :~-rr.,.. · -~ -~ w, -~ ·.. ;·.• ::·--- --.:.:..:.=:._-:,)(l I



~r 0.7 · ... ..

Riverton Receives I New Sfreet Lig~ts. RIVERTON-S..Yon new street

!1zht.a m twtnidlng on·· Church rdet, School street n d SLxteenth l I

The lnat,ulilon1 wero complctod . th!& Wttk 'by e But I..oJta county a~t U,rhti · departmont at & cost to the co nty of approx.\mat;,..' ly $25 per lg L Annual energy CC>l! . t (or all th~ - n.. l~bl! will . r:.pproxlm.e. t.., $~ . W. R. · Car utzt. county elso0

trk ls.n. who a i~a«I ~ work, h.Jd th<i ln.stal .e.Uoru; WCN! the r:,:.-· suit o( pcllU n.. filed Nu-iy l.ut )"M.r c..nd t.ha.t l<lmilA.r lruW!AUoru. fn 19{2 pn:,b4 hly -.,;"QU.!d b<l few duG to the !Ack or stn.t,-glc m~tor1aJ_A.

.5.:;;,(/--li),i,-,:1'7b- Ja.o'. 10, V'f'i2...

st .ha.ao

1peg,,seep ,g

RIVE RT ON -- F"lr,:: of undete1-m!ned origin wrought Gamage £1500 t the l'll verton M otor company l& t~

















0. Co,mt:; Cor rwynne: P.n.gc, coo wne

but eig:i;,: olhcrn we e fe!y by company e ploye,,. The lt Lc,Jco county llie de· partm~nt cxUngulshecJ t.J,c blau. which wu reported at 11:30 p. by realdentn In the vicinity the garage.

---·-·r·=:7. tMen-~ci- Biverio!it~··_ . · FormZions.... i



7el 2#.TV# .,

"· ~ '


· -~

Or1anization of a Liom club at

Rivlltnon was a~ iaai Frif. day, P7· the · Sandy\ Lions club, 1punaon. o1 the now -1te>UQ.' ·

follow in, an· orpni&a~ ·-~ lq last week, Leonerd C.· Beek• stead was el~ted, president of tho , new club; S, · R. ·Andem<>i'!, f!nt

vice~pnmlder,t~ .Mal"i.ou Sb-ingham, second yioo-presldent; N. K.. Thomson, tklrd.zvce-pres!dgt;

· Josetph C. Frost, secretary-trees- { urer; Arthur J. Ort, Uon ~

! J. Rex KamUton, tail twwter, "·· · I Joseph P. Butterfield. Elmo Ham-

· ilton, Charle 'Turner and Dr.. a

c. It Soropson, du-ectoi'1J. +



Charter night is belng arranged

for April 10, wben T.· Ray K.Jns... ston, ot Muiny,·dhrtrict _g ovei~, Ylill prettent tbe charterL The Riverton ··=c1ub wi11 .hold!

meetings_on the firs end_ third Mondays 1of ech month at th Riverton Jun.wr h!ih. &chooll> blf• atnnln.g next bond, it was ennounced, . · · . ·

Pipe Line Campy Reclects-Prcxident-'---

Slockholdora of tho Hl\'rrlon LIno ompny rerol l ed l"r~nklln IC. Sr•! ••-1irr0Tifrrit of: the board ot dlrectors for n two. , ycnr t~rrn at 6nnusl meeting Mon•




. Z&charlah Butlerflold · w • • i ·, elected lo lhe board for • trrm ~ o( t WO -Y0 l1.rll. _ Thd.1..ollowl!w:..,_J,U,,..:


:\1 r-t--etota

wer-e clr.cled for one-yer

tcrm1: Vice pre•ldeol, John !Ian•, sen, William A. Turn er P.nd lfd ,.r 1 S. Crnnf. ·

::,.t.,Tr{b., Jun.ell, l<i'i~

i. Plaque Dedie.e l Those who survive !',e .+4gers

ot battle and these wh

. main

at home In .safely ,s houii, feel iiternally grateful lo UHJse whose greater sacrifice.! have helped perpetuate standards of decency, Alty. Gen. Grover A. Giles told members cif Riverton · L D S ward Sunday at dedication of a memorial plaque r· honoring ward members who have." served or arc serving in the armed


·...si t OLD FPOO FETED ]

RuvERn-Peroni over 60

~ ,"nl...n or t.tc-· ..-m ~ han o rc-d a.t

.s - .103%..% -- --



~) J~



~ 1~ $,' ,

~- ., c1~y U, \he w:o..r-tl .-.:1\u ,H rncn t dt . \ !... ;,i!! c:1'"o n \\·itl b,e ter v«i !r o m •Y)O

u:~tiJ 2 p. _m., !olloWed Py &

fi !"Qf,".n..rr:.. SU?pe! r •·ill b e ■cn ocd .t1. t ~ p , m .. ..Jt,fr "'·hkh- Rh·:crton 6<-cond .and F'i_n t L O S wu·d•

y Pre nt fothei" proJrt.m.


;+p,: 2:7, HV,t n t Petition PdiUon.:s 11lg-ned by -.. majority

o! the ele-clon ot Rtverton µking lhal U1e to wn b e 1n co rpor-r.t·e<l , were prented -Frldcty to the Salt l.....si. }t<t cr u n ty co mrn\11.slo n o.n d re!!'·rre <l to the county nlt orn -ey 't o ((Jcc. L.cg! escriptln of the Riverto n ~1"t:"r.. r-11d E. m&.p , e.cco mp R!l led 'PcpulRtlon ot he

than 10 and lecs lhr..n 70 0 0, UH _p-c-tltio n il' !il&ted .

Battle Incorpornllon ot the town .." ;n <.lt,veloped_Jnlo-a .c r.fter n public hearing on .a to lnco.porate Wednesd-ay In1!9i0 .

S&lt Lake county commlssloners granted the petition to Incorporate In re..p6nse lo a petition containing 424 veld , /gn!Ure.{r9mi_Amg 5 1 registered voters. A pel!Uon In. oppooltlon lo the !ncorpnratlon was also presented at tho hearing, but wa• withdrawn a.Cler J. Pl\llon Neeley, chief deputy In tho county nllornr.y'• ot{lee, ald it dld not comply with legal requirements slnce names !1ad not been certltlcd a, rcglotetcd voters by the county clerk'• o(tlcc. .A total o! 137 person• who ol,:ncd th-, orlglnnl petition aoked to have their nameo withdrawn. Immedll\lely A.ftrr the hearing- a tcmporicry order re:i1rnlnlng furth·er procecdlni,• Jn lncorpornllon of the town was Iu cd by d!strict Judge Jeooph G. Jeppaon. Action ,followed tiling or a ault by Morr!~ u ttrtIld ot Riverton Inst County Commissioners Goergo W. Morgan, Roscoe Boden a n d Gwynne Pngc. The !ult seked lhRl the comml•slon be cited to •how cause why It shouldn't hr perrnnncntly enjoined fromn allowing Incorporation o( the town.

tsp9. ] . ->•II{ 211 /q'f~,

F or S tatus


Test on Tax


.• Rlve:rlon't1 "lo be or not to be ln-i co rp o rated " q u estio n mo v ed n earer ju d icial P..irin g Satu rd ay wh en Dlatn ct Ju d g 6 Alb e-rt H. Ellett Big n ed th e ord er for th e Salt La k e co .u n ty co mmlsnio n to sh o w cau at wh y it snould not lev y a two mill tax, t....-t;. req u ested by th e R iv erto n tru .s:tees. R!v erl_on 'a ln co rpora.t!o n , g ran t-


ed by the county commission on Ju n e 5, h as be-en

p ro l!!'n lcd by

group headed by Moi·rl.s Butttr!ield. which through h!.1 coun,cl, Ed w.t1.rd B . Ca n n o n an d Hex J. Haruon , ch arg e,:, th at a.t least. l~O ""1 penon.<: sig n ed th e ln cor_p Oratlo n pct.lt!o n z, thin k in g it ,Ye.a !or 6. ; n e..:•t 11-~ \Ver project. Su bseq u en tly the co mmissio n '± -~n app◊ble-<l Rlverton l.ruAt-eet- A~ orr, Meredith Jae, Eldred i:} Hamilto n , S. R. An d erso n Rn d Ai~ mon B u ttc r! leld - a.p p !itd to U~e ~

! !



.« ..]

,~ county commission to levy a two l

mill lev y u pon R ln.~rto_n p ro p crty l

" %£% I$A county commls.!l)On I9 %%±4 f;f

an d t.h e town ~

,;train ed fro m tlrn co llectio n o r} ~ l.ax -~1!1 an d alw cn jo ln c<l rro m wlth -J

j d r aw1 n llen iccs g ran ted Ulc townt


~ p rio r to iUS in co rporatio n , l!!.U ch B.!'l we loc ! t!re dep artmen t, g arb ag e 'A ij co llecUo n , do g c:.s tch !n g , str~<'l .5 ~ iig-h l.!I an d p art ms.ln ten an ce ot the ij to wn 'a cemetery an d ip rb1k !ers. ~ j co u n ty , un d er th e ln co rpor- ;~ rl atlo n. ,.,.:tll be req u ir ed can cel '11



to ue atn1cen, &nd the town mu!lt -~ j } tInan ce tho &e f&cllitki.t ilAtll or clo v.itho u t, M o rris B u tter!leld an d ~

": %



th at h is t.A..XC.!I a..1;1' well a!I olh d res\denlll: "'ill in cru 1..,e th ro 1q;-h th c in co rporatio n , rx p l!l!n ln ,i:; lh at he · no w will p,o,y th e co u n ty 'x even m!ll le,·y , an d th e co u n ty co ll.Id 11d ' an 11.ddiUonal four mill levy !{ the to wn bo ard ~o in d icated . Thl.'1 would brin g" ln on lv between {2000 nnd $2600, it was " claimed . An a.mo u n t far .sh o rt ol g iv in g th o lo wn th ,, oervJc,,. it ho, . bee n rec eivi n g from S•lt LAk , co u n ty .




,iRiel»tie fa-,v7 let·. W·'eig . hs l R.liverton fight h ourt v - •·


} - 0 n An d th e sieg e ! th e fall lr rm nf c·n u rt. ~it :,·,·v of R · \o•;,·n Th ". ('Ourt on lrrf'd th at th ,. town ~ - .. ,._'\· . .. $, w1id ntr dy be!or iixtr!g t tru stees- A, .I. Orr, M r rf'd llh ~; .!11d~r !Li)' \'an C-ntl .lr .. Th,• rourt Pnhr, E!d rtd H/\mflton. ·.c:.. n. An- I Qtr lh r n .lo o k u n d r nd v lsr mren t derso n in d ]myon Ilultf"rflrlr1--bl"I !n 1o tin n - for ~n _ fnj11n cUo n lo re- mn<l<• p artfl-:1 to th r _11.ctlo n , wh /r h _ :o1trnln lh r ho 11rd from aMc.s.,,!n g a alr<'ad y n 11.111r-d th ~ Salt Lak t tax th l., VrR r. · co u n tv •co rnmi!l.,ln n .


Tht fight to dia l

the Incor.

Morrls Butterfield, who ln11ll--~




co rp o ratlo :1, c-h l\rl{l'.'d th e c-o mml.!'1~In n w11..11 Wilh o u t J11r b1d lc tlo n In rl"• /i fu .11ln ,I'.!' .lQ nllo w 1-t l fiiv f'rto n r!'11,I- ~ clt-nt.!'I to wllhrlrRw thC"ir l'i~nl'!.turel'I j fr,l,n, lnrnrpornlion · p r-_tltlo n .11, H11ll(•rflt-!d l'nld lh ttl h,• and othr rlf lhm1J,rht lll!'y Wt"r(' l'lls;::n ln g P<'ti• tlnn:t fu r Ht\'rrton·l'I pnrtkip11tlo/J.,, in th e county 's news sewer p ro -'




Mr. Rullrrflr-!tl lir-<'IRrrd Ir thr' .ln wt,·., ln ,·o rp o rnlln n I., su ,ln ln ,d ., ,· 1 lh al r,'.'l!ck n l.'I will h<' d rp r,lv r-d o f tilt' rnunl y'" lt f' \\' l"r hr ndfl,11, ll.'1 t WPJ! ru 1··0 1f11ty flrr p1_· 0\r C'llon, l'lrrrt li.L:hlln.i::. l'lhr riH'11 ltf'r\'l<-r.'1, . rr111r tr- n · nrnlt1lf'n 1tn <'r nnd ttrnt i r,·rn w'itV-.thr ndditionnl tn~,·n f ln x r.~. lh r rr\'f'll\l(' wo u ld h..- (l\t · 1 ,o1lior-t o tinnni uh bnr tita.


9tilt isii8 #rife±±Re.st ±st . rses- rem



INCORPORATION EEMAlNS Citir.cn.'I of Riverton muSl wr.it until the nrxt municipal t-lrcllon or 1947\ lo pl Ree the qur~tion Uia[nt(Jf'j)(Jrr,tion the town on U"$c bnllot, accordinK lo Rn opinion rec('!\'ed Tuesrl•Y by Cot1nly Attorney lfacold E. W, l!acc fro::, Stn(o Allorncy Cencrnl G ru>'er A . Gll-c:~. J,fr. \Va:JR.c c said he hr1.d sought the Ir-gal opinion froi-n the 11:Horncy Rtnernl t the' requeat of Riverton citizens oppc--::ird to the recent !ncorporstlon by the Salt Lr.kc county commissloa well M i fr-om mcml::--.-r·.'.) of the nc+, tow n hcA.rd. Mr. \Vnlh;,,cc .sAid he 1rnked the n.llorr.ey t"cnr.rnl to de• lrnnin~ whether or not 11. LJl}ccla.1 election could be cOlkd for the purpoae of submitting to the elcctorr.. of the·.towr1 the ciucRtlon or dl1dncorporation or whether the tlcctorn c-f thti town rnu~t awnlt lhc munlclpRl -1:'l cdion. A ccard!n,r.Jy Attorney General Giko cnlle<l nttcntlon to provl,i\on of the itR lc itn.tute which prov!dt·s: "\Vhcm~·ver ·one. fourth the legnl voter!! ol any c!ty or town t1h;,,,ll pct!tlon th~ dlatrlct court of the -c ou-nty whc':··eIn wuch corport lon l ±lt nted for the- dlidticorpornllon or rmch clly or town, It hndl c ue to be publ!.'5hed for E'.t len~t 30 dny-B n. nol\ce ntnllng that tho quc!3Uon o! di~;_!ncorpornllon IJUth corpo:·a{lon w!l! be tmbmlttc<l to the legn\ voterr. of the ssmc at the next municipal ele<:Uon, nn<l lhe fcrm of the bl\llot 11!11tll be '{or d!o!ncorpornllon'- nnd 'ngnlnffl dif,. incorporation.' Such quc,:;Uoo t:h-n.ll not be ubm!tted oftener than once in ny two Y<'ttn." The t torney e nernl l o r{erred n t rtute which ' rend»: "Specin! clectlon re much ns re held t other times fnr nll.\' p111pottr rrqulrrd by lnw , rxc(•pt nrnnlcl pnl nnrl c!rctlon:'\.'' Unfortunte as it mny be the elcctorn ~r Riverton, In fll_\' opinion, mu t w it the municipal election of 1947, to preent the queslion of dLslncorporatio-n, Mr. Gile! concluded.





:/4:J,,,(f-Lp}.o Thlx)IJ/3, Auaus f 7, IC/Cfh "'




1 (i,

ares±S EAR3GAMBEE5RS2SM,K .IRE2EE3 R201339 9362 88285ma.»l

geese=wea ser3E dlao , , .Court Is,snrs Order~



Dllitr-lct JudJ::'"C Ray VRn

Cott Jr. l~Bucd n.n order F riday to the Be.It Lake county comm\"~lon nnd the newly appointed to\\'n b oa.rd or RlYr.rto n to dr.'11.'l"t frn 1n lc v .v/ng laxcJJ for tho town for 1948._. ,, 19, r4

j t..Trte

pa, ,,,.,/ le,,


VE!TON- While the. occup:!.r1t.'i were ab sen t, th e FDOO bo m.e et·M r. an d Mrs. S. J-h .mllto tr; 1-l< 00 S. Hn .lwood rd .. wai r...-d u a:1 to s hes by fi re which bro k ~ out


S.itturd.ay at

,4 :4.5



To tn ! co at of th e bla.z,e. ln clu d • ln r:- (u rn l~filn .:-a. clo lhin g ,( uid p,crr,o n al !terns, w:...n eullma.t~ s:t. n e;c.rly Sl0 ,000 by M r. FlunHtorr.. A dc-(cctlv e oil ,sto v e _,-,,·-1-.TI ;:.1. .n.cned fo r th e blo ze . _ 1· Th e ho u ~e wn .<i owntd •b y Elmo \.Y, an d Eld red Hamllto r{ 6-0n n of M r . 11.n <l M rs . lfam!lt o n . wh o v:acre

/.±5 : %%7.%

fire occn rn ·d . · . I. E.Stock ing,a nip±or, t s th e Hirt to no ltce th e {Ire, He c-d F.lmo f!r.milton o.n-0 lh-c rd temp ted to f\g-h t ill-~ fin: ~if:(. Hn.mllln n tr!M to call /'l\l'lllnn :-:a. J, fl.h·crt,Jn. Fill.Hto t th e n u mb-e r. ,,h e c:,.llt-d . 1 No. 1 In Murrny. but, h<-trick erriv d the blze, by -ti. ·1:trong: _,.,,.tnct, b id destro y ed Lhe ho ure.

.J. tow


r:; Mey.

.~ t.:-r, Mr. :.!.lC C.Ul CCMl!.r)'.


th e

.... \ 0 Hearmg • opens . ,


I l

011 R:rverton, ,;; . _·



The town '@hale In&orporation ot n!verton emerged Into a Jer l b«!tu- ;rit ay with



, ault !licJ ~ ac e k in g



,,.,·-_,,; '"

h 11.~'"C


ti-·~t!o n . ()'( _

. e_

]county commlaston Incorporating 1 · • th-e town declared n.ull and void ' Folloi.•dng a full day .ot te t1· mony regarding detall• or h_e · I county co m_mlu io n ·a ·tra.n aaC o.n In Incorporating the town, he hearing was adjourned until .M· n•


day morning.

·Cltluna ot Rlverton _opp6ud ·to' , the lncorporallon h&\'e a dou le• i ·b11.rr.eh•d court attack pending. I! they !all lo g a.ln a court ruUn'g that the county commiulon'a act Wl\a ..unconaUlullonal, they hope to bring a pdltlon _ before the court tor dLsi,oluUon o! the town. S:, f,, -rr."b. /"el,, IS, l '?l/ 7

I 'i


Sa.It Ls. k t county cow.rn!r.,;;!onc r.1 Monday refused to pay 285 t -

torney !e--!£ requ.:cr:-ted by two Rlv('!rton', fo n n e;:• f!ve-m:,;.n ot tntdee~ v..-ff ,. r-c.11u-U. o{

ql" deg9 9..23630£8£9.5M8.d.gt.ts7w ses»seem

HE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, Tuesday, September 23_, :fg,17i

RIVERTON MOVES TO SETILE TOWN CHARTER ARGUMENT. RIV ERTO N -In an effort to settle once and for all the year-old squabble of the proposed reincorporation of Riverton, the special survet committee hopes lo have all petitions signed Tuesday enabling further action, committee membera reported Monday I The town was disincorporated last fall a:.s a re~ult o! di5agreement between· re.sidenl3, and those in favor o{ the incorporaUon immediately took steps to regain the town's charter. Attempling to learn the exact wants of the people, 12 committeemen were appointed la-,t Ju!y-six in favor of the incotporntion and six opposed-who have been peUtioning every home in the town to get either a positive or ncgaliv-e answer from residents In order to avoid further contention, petitioners traveled In pairs.-one for and one against the incorporation and each re..i dent was cequc.slcd to sign\ one of lhc two pet ition, pree l ed h im. No n e o f th e p etitio n ers were allo wed to g iv e residents "sales talk" or use any other means of persuasion. I{ the survey is completed Tuesday as is hoped, the committee will mt"d Tuesday cv C n in g to tabulate result..s and then turn the petitions over lo Elmo W. Hnrnilton, ch;i.irman of a. roup of fo u r ch o sen to tak e nctio n toward th e rincorporal1on. I

-~ ~ .,.,,._,,. •

, I.. .CS.Zr -E

;AnOOND S. J,. COUNTY TL. re, 197

Judge U:tgei Riverton Vote. Onlssuc 1:>f Incorporation RlVICRTON_:An ett>cllon·tn dt• ltotndne ""hf'lhrr ftiverlon Ahould dtwin'orprnte wnx Nugented Mond•Y by Third· Di.trlcl Judge A. H. .fClltl l... whcn he look Undt!r. ad,•l,it".' mmnt facta presented In a two-day ht>Ar1nt o( • •ult brought -by ctll~ en oppow ed to Incorporation. Th.<. J•d"c uld he had been aci\-l••d that •hi• rourl'a· d•cl •IOCI wottl_d _be. appt:al't'd, · and that Anoth4'r ca.ae asking dlaaoh1lloi1- or the tow n, Incorporated by th• Sall Lake tounly conur1IHion, wu.• ptn_ding•. · · ' . _Bi11~. AOlullon of. lh_e loc&l

CALL MASS PARLEY !U'/Efl.TON - A rn"-Ba meet• In for R iverton res!dents will be held s,turday e.t 8 p.m. !n

R!verton junior h!gh school s.ud!Lorlum to dll.lCUS/l !ea.slblllty of lf)_.:::urporatin;:; R iverlon , Elmo

W. HamlllDn, temporary mnn, '±aid Tuesd ay. 'r b c S atu rd ay rn cctln g 1!5 an outgrowth or another sponn0rcc1

RIVERTON' - An election wh!ch teidents of Fierton wi! vote on fn coq :>oration of th e communlty






coJnrnittee authorized Rt a masy meeUng here Saturday night, Elmo W. Hamilton .. tcm1 chrUrm an,

said Friday. Six

ter; 'of the comirittee will appqinted this week by the 1 porary · board of four which lnitie.tcd U1s incorporation proposal, accordlng to Mr. Hs.rniilon.

rh Sal/· ale .

Ti. oer ?lg@z l i .. _., t, i i,,..e[a,'yl

Conaty Board Srls Disite,Jj '•c - \ "tarter ii1.""· , · ·ran'. . ts Ri. Iver _:I_~ l:·


.,- " i,.. -~. .•






1 ,.p-,r-oval


RIVERTON_:.A year-old argu-1 lated the sigm turea on the pet!- tow lment . concerning reincorpora tion tions I tvo r of ,the incorpora tion day o( Riverton ·.came to an .bnd and tound lt lo ~ algned by 62.5% Wednesday when the Salt Lketo t the regiatered voters atlli re- elet col.inly commlasion voted to grant stdlng ln the co'mmunlty. be ' . 0 a charter to the town. . :; Olmh ~ rpo ration ... w The first char ter was granted Upon the p'reu nt&tlon · or th la th ,, lut fall. ContenUon and dln.gi;ee• petition to Utt; ootnmlsalon Wednu~ ment mounted and those oppoalng 1l·tho Incorporation !lied ault In ihc Third district court. Judge A:! H. Ellett ruled the original petltlon Invalid and declared the town Incorporated la.st May. i lmmedlatcly the committee Snii stlgatlng the Incorporation plan, "1 11 bcllcvln~ the resh'.!ents to be\ In l! favor of auch a proi,'Ts.m, b•ga n.~ {! prpceedlnga to retrain the chsrter. ,,j wor k OtP'· u .ttn . Ii·.







Represents.tlv.es both for qnd :/1J .ar,arnst Incorporation met to wqrk out a ·program to learn tho exact ]desires the people. A progrm 1ii v:aa formulated wh~ra two. *· of

: soll3,. one reprewnttni ea.ch ali:le, jcrnvesed th<: c0m.muni 1.y ; ~o5} gether. Each rel?ent as isled jto slgn one ot !vs petition inti11 CcS.llng definlt<;ly whethe·r or ,.o t ! he wanted lncorpors.tion. : 1 · Th!a plan w rui followed but pn ll the d:ate named · to return t)ie ;j ,;!gne<l p~tlt!ons for tn.bula.tlcln, li tne opposition !alJ.<,i:: to do go, i!c~ ,,ordlng to Elmo W. HamlllJn, '.il chalntlan. ~ J'Iowevcr. the com_mlttee. t') u-


,s o



sa me.at»

ii » seeomoos-au

.! d


$3•Gt. Del., V::, /9</7


, I




n.•. « •• T7:. l;l_J)l·]/~"-n,,.,e_;·::, "'IW x(IJ il'.1 f




,( i_

·,;-~~.,t,-,1· ?~ R·,.,1,.· MR A LUA

;r@WM? Off" :






RI'VERTON - Pollllc,, make i,trar,g-.e Mdlello"·• •- :,ut th,> newly e.ppolnted Riverto:, town i :J 'board Ls In a clss by {tself ln

;ll 11ud1 m.sttcro.



Thongh «ucc-etteful In 1" lnC"otpo- t: ration r..ttemp t11, & grou p resr,on•Ible tor the c tion has but one ?


rrpro rntallve on the board, wh te

1 c_ommlMlon f~

thr "oppo, lll on" ha.a the president and thru board mcmbc:,. iJ,

1~ 1

\\'hen the county approve-d a p~tlt!on Oct. 8 for In• c-orporatlon, Ute group was naked ~

for a 11, t o( 15 name• fnr"''trie , ,i board. But, ,u CommlaBion'•ef·nob- I'. .-rt L. Cra.nmtr put It. the llBt f ·


Wl\11 not acknowledi;:ed becaUlle i;. '"Republican• controlled comm!s,ion could hardly be expected to { appoint a.n .,JJ-Democrntlc bonrd." ,ri l-fomer W. Jaynea , couney com-I' ml1<.Sloner o( road• and bridg·es, a . resid.-nt of Crescent who Is :famllia.r with the R!vei-ton n!tua- · tlon, wu B.ppolnted to !Ind other pe NK>ru: !or the board. One o! th<> 15 men .-w,:-gcated. for the board lil.ter v.·u ·approved by tne commiulon whlle !our otherH who had opposed inc.orporatl<;H) were named. F'inallv named · lp the board


,..-ere E ... L. Buttc-rr\cld. prra:ldent, and _F. E. &s.J, Harry E. page, Jo-,

seph Morg-a.n and Meh·in Peternen, tnurtees .. Mr. Petersen t,, the mb. •1 nority rnemb<,r.

:sicssiiriit r±izeeessetiii geiriii.iii± = -+

r $,

#,., ·· AAitak-. fl ·u nder

1 %





RIVERTON -·That U,a; Sd t.,~ La.kc county co;.,rn-il~•lon lrn3 ij "u nwisely" and "tiled in its pur-?] pose" was complaint the com- ii ,mission he·ard during !ti! meeUng> Wedne2da.y with Irate Riverton ren!denll!. F·o rty' repre•entatlveB of i.h<1 town, with hopeo ot i)av!ng .tho recently-appointed town bo,;.rd l'fl•,'. organized becau•e four of the tive. members were opposed tno lncorporatlon o! the town OcL 8, rot!, with the o(!lclaln. Commissioner Homer W. Jaynes, lo. whom the Job of recomn,6ndln&: members or the board ·was li\t;•.':· algned, wao accuoed ot Ignoring _the. majority group·• lint ot re commended namu and acting ln favor or the minority. In anawer, Commissioner' Jayn<)ll' said he hd selected men on t11elr quall!lcatlons as repreaente.Uven of farming; labor and Industry In the area. In disputing that tho'lle recommended by residents were-- · e.llDemocrat, as the commission con• tended, Glady• Y:>ensloy, district Republican vice chairman in the towo, _ said th&t according- to information ohe has obtained In ourveylng the town as e. Republican leader, 10 o! the 21 person• recom, mended are otrong Republlca.na and · another three hnve boon "strongly n tl-new deal." The commission has requested Edwnrd M. Horrlssey. c.o unty at-,., torney. lo study slate lawH antl see if there is a po.ssibility-:(or the town· to hold a special elcqtion. lo. choose Its own leaders with in th 1 next t ! {cw monnas. - • .. , . - -•·r ·QI _,,1_.1 r1t•. ,"-"' , 0:'..!, , .lf7


t. ..




est.Jorda,kdverton $et

Reunions;Old Folk Fetes .


Salt Luk e coun ty' s elderly restd en U will Le honor ed with reu n io n . ho mcco mini &..nd .:eneral :·.11Uv 1Ue5 du rin g ~ th ..: n ex t V.·_eek en d . accor d in g , to plan s sch c-d u lrd

Monday by county ward.I o·t the C h u rch or Juw C h rta:t of La tterqgd day S!nta. :w In Wrst Jordan, First &.nd Second !... 0 S we..rda v.111 !etc, e..11 p(r• so n 70 yea.rs o( age E.Dd old er With & llmcheori S&turds.Y noon and a program at 2 p.m. In lhit ev en in g fr ee mo v ies Yi1U be sh o wn at the \l,'c1.t Tor.dr...n L D S ward


I <pt.


All perMi n.! m ore th a.n BO ..ar s o f g e will be gueats of h o n o r et

a dinner and program Mond.a.y at

%. %

Well. general chalrm3.n.

. ark., , 1 Raise'Ba.nd Fund. i/i


<r , tr [6 .



RIVERTON, March 3-A thrce-, 1j ncl ply will/be presented Mondy l1 ~ at 7 :30 p.m\_ . in Rivcrlofl school! j a.udltorlu:n tfbuy 6Chool 9and unl-1 "1 forms t.nd ·· to pay Rllverton'.e share or th! expene<> o!I put.Uri,;;-·!· a. Salt Lake !county exhlb)t in uje, st.ate capita~ according to a joint l , a.nnouncerne~t by A. L. Buttet· ]' ij rlelcl, chalrr;1r-n o{ tii~ tol'(n board,_ ·l ~ and Arthur -\· Orr, RiverUon Ll OJts j club vlc~i!'I."ldent, cosponsoring- l




41"72EA, ""ENT}TE, · $180-0 _for Unlform,. . jJ f


Campnlgnlng- by two 81c.:l f,11ke-ll county schoola to rr.lae tu,1ds ro,· ~ new band unlfonns Wf'Ji completed~' Tuesday. O!nclal& of Riverton s.nd Union . ju11lor high sehool• 11a.Jd they col• I 1 ll'<'l~ I\ pp r ox Im ate l y $1800: through community proJl,cla In! both n.retui. Remaining cosui of about $3700 will be provided by the Joroan dl.-trlct board of educn tlon. they added. '

Jon PS.. v.:lrn

tie scene la t Wednesday, origin of the blaze wi ll nc Le detrrrninrd un!il fl. more compl-e!,e c:xa.rninatlon c.an. he n1Rdf'; i!J,nded by 'S,:lyl Pa;; Riverton station No. 3, (ir.Pmf'n hrgnn fighting the bl?.ze

minutes fter it started. Only OnE Tn:ck The ,tstlon', one piece of fir·e· fightlng equipment was unable to slop the flarnes however, nd by the time trucks frurn cou111v· sta· tion No, 1 arrived, it ws almost impnssihle to npproach the yarct brcausc or heat. Twenty firemen, most of them l'Oiunleers, control!c'ct the fire slightly more thnn one hour. Mr. Park estimated 40 tons of hay were destroyed and more than 1000 bushels o( grain in r, small adjoining bu!lctlng. ' Hay Flanders nd Mart Neilsen, fnmily





some farm Implement's. In one unusual Instance, a .c.rLppled cow escaped death by wnlk_-. Ing through the f1nmes while Mr. Flanders held open the barn door.




%e ht;I{lKeS F'r yg ai 5A ~j HI\'ERTO'i. Oct. 13-A raging

hi ).


~' fire ln·eled !he J. A. Park dairy !eirm here \\'ednesday ln ~5 min•



utes.. .C1es\ roying livestock and re-

rlucin~ lo


,kelelun the largest


~ \ bnrn in Ri,Prlon. Dninnl-!C wr1,s sr.l nt

more than

~ ~11.:,()0 by Sall Lake Counly Fire

I\ ~~\ The CA pt

F. P. Jones. b\1ne apparenlly ,1arted . ; \1,·ith an explosion ln 1he northec\st 'f.': cnrnf'r o( the barn, firemen said, nnd in a ma.lter o! seconcis en·

gulfed the farm yard.



H omt- Spnr C'rl

.... 'fl.t!' Liinl'1ly.hnme WRS un1nuchccl . '" Thre.;;• hnries. three pigs, two ~. l purrhrf'rl ri stered calves and ' I ieYerri\ chick'en~ perlshrd in the

~--· f!l!1-:·1r<: whrn yolunteers \1.·erf' unr,b!c







thr ough



intens ~


hy Dea HIYERTON-. Oct. 14-Thr drzth Thursday morning- of Christopher Allen




Lake county fire chief, halted tempontrily the investigation of a fire

which destroyed most or the J. A. Park dairy farm here Wednesdy. i Fire Capt. !". I'. Jones se.id In· vesligalora will continue Friday in an attempt lo establish origin or the $11,500 blaze. -~ M(•nnwhile, mPmberl'I or the fnn, .

ily still were uncertain R-'I to plans for replaument1 or-· ....ctes!,:royctl Buildings And livestock.

For RIVERTON U::;p.t:c\111) - Hig h . rrct produc t\011 oi lh t vPlr:..;ty typ,,:: l!;:h tin g co rnmu n lly Ch d .e-ln u;,r l<-11.- 11h o w. Th cs! WI)I tex tu re r rit!vitte, s how entitled "It's 4»tn Rival.on, Hur!m,'\rt And. D11.t!'. fe-atu rin i~ lo<:al lhlr-nt t.nd~ , t.Udl~ncie p i:.rlld p tt.tlo n w111 hi! pn·- nlurfda1,! M·ntt'd Thur1\dny and V'r ld11y 11.l; Cor:,r:,!llt:<'lnr-r e.re G·,:,••,-nn~ H:t:, p m. In thr N.1H•rlo n junior I'fl.j;r, Mned!LI-: P!.gc, ~i. R. ,\nclf'r -



A tu n · to t po p tllt..r !ly C'ont1• fjt for Th o nu .F. E. Bu tterrie!d , Q1.>,•c11 H1i.:nyo 1rng :--t·,-r:-1 llrHk r 6 y en r11 or "-J:r !lto n Th o :r,·o,!! R. Bu lled i~lrJ, El.

Ill twlfl.l:' hl'!rJ in co n n ectio n w\lh rlrrd, IL111,1lto n , Geoq:{ 'rh;i..xton. ":j the r.l11,L:'r- pro~rlirn, and ,._ klni,::. qu n an d ro y x i '- mily o t "wy . :'-,fr. 11.nd \{r!. John Rt.-·-:lma..n. ~ 111.nd .. v.:111 t;:: rrri --:a-rd st the Pr. 1tnd .1-{n, :-..'!r hoi;. flnrl }-.f~. ,,_nd ~ rl11.y ni~ht ['f"rfnrrn-l'.n(('. Mn Fr ied a Nik o ln t hn s been in .


s.i..~ T~.

.o.i:::. 7°:?_, ;'Cf.so

Riveri.ou. Leaders

Call Park Meet R lVE..R TON (Sp -od .1.:il) - mlttee o f rep rezer tatlv es o ! th Yn r'lo u ~ ch u rcll r.:i.d \:! v!c org :tn iza. • tJo n .s o! th e PJv c,-to·u itroa w-Jil

me-et ?i'edn-'!adlly to nKme: ll au!}co mm!tlcc to stt;..j y Helt.,c tto n an d p u rcha..,e o( t o tor th a Jag~o u g h l co mmunit y pr . i 'I11e me~lin g Wtli t-c h ~ld Ill 8 p .m. at th e N. K. Th o mw n re.'11· ,§ ./:i-d en cc, 1U1n o u n crd R:lmrr S1•Al. L!on.a c.lub p rea !d en t. Rnd •11,cl!ng ; chaJrmAn o{ l.h t r,tneni.l commit· , tee on UH' p ro p o -,c<l park p :-o Jcct. ~ 3.223.22£.3.3Mg2keen






:i.L:'t·rft:,, o-1.:tn. 2., M'S/

R:iv.eirt:on Chooses




111YY.RTON (BJ;»OlAl) - F'lut, -cui and third prirea In R iver::.on·~ annoo holidr.y home Hghl\rit «>ntm .....J!t to lllllu C. Buttarrlel<l; 'lil!Yoy Dan.i @ s.nd WIiford ~ ~tJv•ly, It w u an- ;I 1'.o\UIC<ld Mo.">day by El-mor llM.!, ! JW,, a!dant -l)f PJv,,rton Lion, club. : T e eward e of $1, 410 and 1, 4 v,,>re ~rod by th• town bo•Nl l 1>.nd U-ri! eontert tv,u ponduct ed by · l.h• Li on• club.

,~ ,


O»2a, 79sI


Haifo·ween R!VERTON (Spulal) - Prlxen

I'll !or lh-~ ·· tlvc· ln,1t co,tumcc w!U

be 11.wa·rded at th~ letn•n.;en ·• Hallpwccn dance ~nd p~·rty In Riv- ·t,o,tcd with 1.,r,01 •nd " movie ~ erton &hoot W;,rln•sd~y. Th,i · 'JI: dencti will Ht2r. •t 6:JO i,.m. ,t.r1lng •I ff p.m. Both tnn_u~! Pr~•ll(hoo! ch!ldr~n ~nd tho •~ event, are •ron,orrd t,y Jllvtr, 1~; up to lhe a!xth gr~~~ will b;; Ion civic cluh,.



ggrco te refs..99.. 9.0hit. de.. a%

..cir roe.es..he re s


• 1-; ,s·.1.,:-r;:.;b, l>ec. 22, l'i.$1 .>j, -




~t ~verton Drainage District RFC Bid on Bonds


RIV ERTQ N (Sp, c!, l) - E,ut Rlverton , D raln, ze . D lsfrl•t •upervlsors Frd y acct-pted r. b!d of Reconstructlon Fp sce Corp. to buy S&,000 In dl,trlct bond, . Proc-r- ~ds wtll ·b-e us-ed· to -(1. hance an extenslve dralge program on 522 acres near Hlverton. RF C ~·a, the only bidder. ·Th~ offer "'" lo buy the bonds at par :nd accruc-d Interest a«t 4%,



dl,lr!ct't l<1tor-

ney, , Glrnn C. H a,inl an~ R. A.

Mc Broom. ConlraotJ




c-!oH·d t!ie dr,:iln11. 11.re expected to be warded I January nd

Yebru, ry.

. 22 ~. L, Tnl,; '.Kl.II, 3, 1qs1

kea for Park I , Bought by s:p•



.. rfT


fiverton Unit ]



·.• :.I o rra-n isa~

Tu t-ltd ay

an n o u n C t-d

purchase of a. 15 .t--acrt silt !Or • long.-.sooght community park: l"'.. R. 1-f.a.mIJton, projK l .-r n m-. rnlll« ch airm an . desc ribed th e ite a, .. N-ntn.Jly 1ocatM and 11.cct-•.,bl•·ft'om M-\"·t'ral roarui...

Th ,,..

ch11.ln m1n

M:ld ·

th at


throuch ~\fie term.11 or lh t purhare re bing negotiated, a d o wn paym ~n t o r S.-,00 h u b f"tn m-ade on u ,~ prop<"rty, ow~ffi by Dr. J. Irvln,: HanMn. SAit LA.kt ii O ty . The site is east o f ·th t S·o 11th Jo rdan ca..n& I 11n d J11.0u th o{ th f' l-l trrimA.n road . Th ~ co mmllltf' h u n o t red u pon dt_tail.,; (o r ; It.a de- YeJo p m->n l. lhf" c-hA!rman .-ld. TIN p.&rk mo v tmr-nt wu .!n ltialN:2 by the U o n -r clu b . Th <! pro Je-ct w11.a u.k' ~n ov.·r rt"('" l'"n t!y b y th t_ ttriere-~h on an d d t\'t-Jo p mr n t or"-

fan!ztlon, comprising represent•ll~ of 11.11 d v )c '"rou p a. and fn~n«f by the town hoz. rd


Comnmltteemen are Mr. Hamilton. Mn. Wilford C rn.n t". M ,,._ · , Lt R t.M, J er.·ti..-n. M n . ~ r h o l,, 1· 'JOd ln (. P-'t'to!r~G.'.-n . ~~1rd . r.. '

BKk.at-e.nd. Hor•-r•-~u



Wtlltu . n R ~y r:-o k... -!l°-8r l l-i'llr h . Jr;1d N-d Be tk d e.ad an d X. ·K:"· fmn on. ·- - ....-.><•-,--·,


·s'rl-,-,-ri'b, 1-.::;b, 1:.:,RS2..[

Riverton Awards i

-Drainage Pact

RIVERTON (S~d1!.l) - Con• -'1 ·· tr.cl tor the Inllal onatructlon ;--:•c,u: oC the l'Unrton Dr.a.lnJ.Jt ~ &

±.% % %%%i'

S;;.H L.tke Cll.:7. Tbelr bid wu for P~.67.1..81. ,c s.ald R..alph Suti,&n. prutdt~1l oi the Rln rton Dra1n.sge B ou tl. Work on the dr.aln.t f-:,- district h txp~ud l.o_ ,u.rt. ab-oul. M-1,rch l.

iy 20, rqs z...

Destroys ., Barns ltn '.ER TOX (Sf>!-d il) ·- }'Ire [wu t: 1bl,r to UYt! lhls buo-b dtrtrcrr«i two ·h!rn~. -P. ,;l,1,:k or I r.n,,;- t!,OC"I) ~ tru ch.ir,:--{!. !E\ til-~ n·e.! lv-.r A£•1 thfl corn.I St..!..un.1,:.y j chk}.!n c~~P; afi.r.r-uc,-,:r.: :.t_ ti-1-<) tr.n11. of B.:rt I... That Wl?P 1' loot cl .b ~l~d Brr, 13± « et, ;h ; In th s st ack --t he f rmr '± l.t.:t.:i G.:1°'i.'t.'T'.:? ·utb-,.:t-: d .i:t more 1 wholc n,?w <·rop h,1,.r~·•!J L · U:-,u _ n1,e.::X1. 1 ortu n,~ttly -lh ~ tcu ~ ,i·er<> ou t h<:tld~ "Ji-•~;-,., ~ 0--.\ rl Jl.:! -t.l ll ·tlJ<O to p M t UH trh-n1, lbC bHnA c,H.;ghl unsrys ths an d lee,lits, sld. F iremen • , _ _ ~ . 1~,;.ld the bi1u· ippirntl)" 'J.·u s~·l y.-..,,n S.ill L~l:t;, 0JUOl] 1 by ch!ldra-n pinyin~ with m,lch<'.t frin.~ ·U .!J R.i':'tr\ Oti ind, They wore two hours putlin! i: 1.taUvn,, &:'TIY-&d. Th~r: o_u 'L ~••


Jg :








M r







. l

· lnesday, December 17, 1952 ·




Eldred ailtor., left, makes th;r ;ix:a!pyicnt 'esday ?or the i5 acre si!c of proposed Riveron ark is'Dr. iring #unsn.


. .,__


PROJECT ! ·-- - ~ .. , /-

er+T e &3 #i Uf

t, '


#i ,,/

},, I


inal Pay#rent on Park Site] i

Spurs Recreation Plans. '



RIVERTON (Special) - First Tbe com m ittee is com posed of l major step in obtaining l! park representatives of all civic ct«bs,{} for Riverton was taken Tuesday and church organizations in the when the final paym ent on 11 15- commµnity. Special projects -11 ;icre .site was made. have been spon·sored, including In less ll'lan three years the the Riverton-Bluffdale rpheasant Ri1::,frton Recreation Committee, hunting area which raised a good heatJed by Eldred Hamilton, has portion of the funds.required. ),Ftlised_.approxim alely $_5,000 for Mr.. Ham ilton said. the comi! the pur:cha\e of the~.s-i_tc- east,. of mittee ,will go-i' fori't'drd with the school. The land was pur- landscaping, plantin~JI lof trees : chased from Dr. Irving Hansen. and shrubs to give Riverton one T o· celebrate the occasion, the of the finest pa committee wil1 hold a mortgage for the · ·I burning ceremon/ next Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the park. This will be followed hy a dance in the school auditorium. Fldrcd Beck- l stead, chairrnan of the affair, said.

Special to The Trlbune

-RIVERTON Firemen Sun• day we're continuing investigation for the cause of a fire that caused $3,800 damage here Friday evening to a garage, shed and contents. • Fire struck property occup·icct by ·Frank Roberts, 12550

S. 17th \Vest. The land is owned by.Ailord=Dansie;12545Se#7th \Vest.

.Ca!gd,to.,'he..sgene.:at.3.56¢ 11.1n:,

Salt L0.kc Countv fire-t~ ..,


rnen struggled ·ror three hours.~ to que 11 the blaze.

. r, Two 0op8 In Riverton· · .

see!zt to



RIVERTON- A aweepfng fire

late Wednenday. night destroyed'. two 80-ft.-fonir chicken coops, a number of fowl and rabbits caused $2,000 tfa.mage and at tracted hundreds et curlou, people to the hrrn of Hugh Cannon, 13552 S.1300 West, RIcrton, before firemen brought [lames u n d e r co n tro l. Snit Lake County Fire Chief F'. P, Jo n e s s~id the fire ls believed to have str.rted u a result or spsrks from r. nearby burning rubbish pile. Firemen under the chief's dli'ectlon baltlcrl _ for more than an hour lo surcrs.sfully kept the blaze from .•rrcad,ng to ~nolher l•rRe coop Rnd the Cannoii home. Flames w h ich w ere


•II points in south S,.lt County ,ltracted more 1,000 persons t- the are car., vihich lined road for mere thr,n a In each direction, The alarm had been turned In at 10:20 p. rn. by M r. C.annon who said the c0Gs con tainrd a rew'' duck£ chickens rabbits.


the, fellow }f::aneG •.v;i.y !n and tossed a money sr.ck r.t rue and l b{'gan to \vhi~p-1.~r." Mr. \~.'orsJey·t told Jn, ·Pstigators. f "\\'hen I asked h irn Io repeat. / he pullt--d a revoJv('r from his 1 coat Rnd spoke louder."


Mr. \\'orslcy said the gunman f rocked the hammer ot the pis to! and said, "J Wallt the bank's !i



Shah~ Gunnian Gets Away

Manager ol the bnnk Stanley-~ Burgon, and Mrs. Young wcrr l'i curiou.'I R bou t th P Run.man hut wrre urrnware o! what \1,·a .s: taking p]acr. i

:With Comp-~nion in Auto By Har_old Schindler and George A. Soreruen Trlbunf Sta!! Wrlten !UVERTON-A shabblly dressed bandlt robbed the Riverton Bn.nch, Walker Bank and Tru.H Co., 1750 W. 12600 South, Tuesday afternoon and escaped with $4.,710 In a stolen car drlven by t:. w8.itlng &C'C'Oinplic,e. __The. car wu located aom~ two hours later by a Fish and Came Department airplane about a hal1-mJle wesl ol Utah Hlzh• way 111 on 1800 South. · Althoul!'h the pilot. Don Demnlng, saw two men run from the car Into another auto. by the time Federal Bureau o! Investigation agent! and Salt Uke County 1herilfs deputies arrived the pair had eluded them. · · &n d H D-eM.- rip tlo n Sl(t>lchy

I we »ml I

·nescrlption ol the bandit who entered the bank wu sketchy and there were no wltne.sses who could describe the fet-away



am«a mwto we sreo »us t ut«s or at 1 :26 p.m. tut the su5pe<:ts sllpp,e,d p,ut beiore roadbloclu

co uld he formt"d.

Far agents made a door-to-door rh(.'('k in the neighborhood tor Information, but apparently wer:e Un3ucces.s1ul. At the bank, Merrill \\'orsley; 30, Herriman, said he wu tlllklng tr;, Mrs. Ruby Young,



fw:db-hleiii Ll(:<"n.'1-f:

\Ve.st Jordan, 11. bank Jo,,. ~tterfiel<!, fn truck, tens. Sherif! Ge-orre Bee~-~- hf~;~ when the gunmP.n ~nter-e-d. he i;.n\\' g-et.awa.y -car iw. n and we d l ong Pole Llns Md. "I walk -c-d to my C-ll.Y.e an <l ·:.-~-;,,,,......,,.,..,....~.......- .._,_,.,_........,;~.,._,, -·--. _:__ -·-·

The hanrlil walkf•d from !hf"' '?I bank and ,\ fr. \\'o:-.'i]ry shouted, ··Jt v.·a.,; a stirkup:··;'· Hf' ran lo thr windnw an,1 \: ..-,c ribbif'd thr liccn:-r- nurnhf'r or_-• a 1wn-1or.e blur ar:d white se- ·, dan the gunman entered. Out.,;idr thr b,1nk. T. t~. Butter- ,:,





!ielrl. 13()(, ; r(,,dwoorl drii past when th f',d. bandit kg ran out with the money bag ir [ his hand. :~, Des«crlptions Check 'I didn't know then what wa«"" £Oin,g on. bu! I stopped my rar ·• and ran into the bank' he said. v!/; Mr. But!erfielrl's description, .;:.' of the car and banrlii. coincided i' with that given by the bank fj l

Cil.'-h ir·r .

.-.• ,_

He did

not, however, get



• Pe mi, cotumn " fig

Gr7--=.2%PeI7PP-- zra.

Hiverton Studies People's Party Vote Candicb!.cs ,- Sr,rclnl to Th~ Trlbun,

H !V r:f\TO !': -- The F'cop!c·s Party has tiled its list or can didn.tC.'- for town board president and members or the town bo;1rd ln the No\' f' rn b r. r elect ions. it w ;,s announced Satur by Mrs Taylor,

to\vn recorder. Hardy M. Me.



S. 1800 \\'est. an rrnpl oyrr o! Mr. Jensen li'.en n l'<'OII Cop1\er Corl).. Ann ca(e owner, has been selected

the party·_. choice tor . town rd president. Running with him for m m. hrrs ol the tow n boarcl ore Colclcn f.:. l),•nslcy, 16117 W. ;g's±th, a trucking business ow:rt Ar! }ienr: Jen:so±, 127s7 i e!w! Ft a s.'on!

In Rive~on _



Bank Bandit l

Nabs $4,710]

Con~~~-b'om rap lH . good it dtvtn} the car.· . Another motorbt, · Joe But- j


1 ook





ter!ield, Riverton, wa., driving . east on. '12600 South when the bandit Cal' passed him .. n d 1' turned north on Pole Linc Road! (2700 West), . . i With. the combined Mscrlp- j tlons o! ·all witnesses. federal 1 agents and deputies theorized,. the bandit was about 5 teet 10, t, 20 to 25 years -old, 140 pounds,! wearing a brown hunting cap: and a khaki Jacket. . Meanwhile, Pilot Demnlng, who had been asked to aid In the search, radioed tie had lo, call'<! a car matching the wanted vehicle. · i As cars raced to the _acene, f. several autos, thought to con-i ,ialn the bandits, were· halted I searched ported tw,o men had run lroril i the abandoned ,·chicle"71>- an , o.thrr auto. 1◄ ; Federal agents were !!rs to the scene but-the suspects had. vanisheel. · , Four beer cans were fdund near the car and take as vi a
















Tf;t ·1:i:rr.Se num'ttt'r




f+rd "set to






Fc<lcral Bu reau o! In yestlga-


li on agents an d deputies of· the S alt La ke County S her!U 'g of/11 lice w ere checking hundreds . o! \\l teads Wednesday Into the robbery o! the Riverton Branch, Walker -Bank •und Trust OJ., 1150 W. 12600 S outh, w ithout ap-

parent success. A /l ood of Information poured

91 1n to bolh o!liccs du rin g th e day

as Interest In the robbery In,·estlgati on gained momentum In Salt Lake County. F ederal agents w ere checking i ihe neighborhood o! the .robbery from door-to-door looking for a .soli d ·clue w hich w ould Identity the tw o robbera w ho es-






,-ca ped T11esday -a"lternoon .w it h $-r.na, •-·- -- · m· r. . Vj. M ar_k F elt , w eci al agent~

·1 ·

.; Jn charge ol _the S alt La ke CIy #g .r "TB! o _ff_l_ce, ·• nct_, S_herit! . G eorg_"_


1 .. _Beck~.ead urged pe-rsons w ill] 1,.'-iriforma.tl on to conic forth. - -i; ~- M r. '1-"'tll said, ''The car w as~ [a 1956 Buick S uper Riviera j rh-,ar<ltop_ convertible . . It ha _d r.j w hite sldew all tlres, n ew blue j


ff quilted seat covers, white top.#


(/; dark blue body, w h_lte bottom. ~ "Th is car w a:s stole n Mo-n d r.y >',i night from F reed's M otorville, ~ ~;· 1100 S. M ain. D uring rommls- ~ ~< slon of.t he robb-o ry. the CRr bore ;,;lj·sto!en _ U tah li cense p I at e s~ g 8 /D 5 950. ht j "A ny Information pertaining ly the car during the time It Ii)' fj, ·w a~ stolen un til th e time It w as~




jg recovered Tuesday afternoon, or ft.'. r_lij ,my Information concerning the :t:~

:~ lic ense




!ur• {t

~J nishPd to the F BI, EL 5-7521 .o r '

[:}the S heriff's Clffic e. ELS-2911.' ,

[f':·:~~ . ri.l.t.~ ~ t~ .,;..).....,;:.U::,:..;~~ -.-~ · ~---,.-.,,.,.~ - ·7•~ ~!

{BankRobbery Chiesjlsiye]l

~•.-o:,•,·.••,··-.-:.',• · ..• 1. .. S,l,Tr1P. Oc;(',/8,1%7 i,/Inv,,..sUgation; weit Into the ormntlon uncovered In the case. f1 llilrd · ooy. ThUI11d;cy 'v.1it'1out :, ·_Despite the mountain of work sH,re1\k tows1-d , t10l:.it!ori of the connected with the i:aoc, dtizerui ed. robbery at Rlverton wen .urged to report wy.p!eea Branch, Walker Bank and Truat of ln!onnat!Qn even: poambly .;Co., 1750 W; 12600 South. .. ·. conne€ted to the·crJme. · Bureau o! TUesday · atternoorr-) a l ,1i~on agent,, and Salt Coun- gunman entered .. t ll j; bank irnd fy:~aheri1fa. dfputles continued esai.petl wl.th :i. confederate and ,








ct annexed two areas. AT ITS M EETl;"','G In the Town Hall, the board brought an area sevrre-d trom the towrt ~ a. year ao back in to th e community and added a section cut from S outh Jordan by a order Tuesday morning. Th e area separated a year ago and anncxC'd back into Ri . rrton Tuesday Is between 1300 ] \\'est and 2'200 -\\'est. startiuj? I , at .11800 S outh anrl continuing' south one-halt milr.. ·


THE. A:'\;"'iEXf:D arra. lo,·. merly part o! South- Jordan is l><'tw e,,n 1300 Wc, t and 2200 West, a quarter-mile strip with its south boundary at 11800 So uth on thc north ~gc of Riv1 erton. \\'Ith tJ"}.e 'annexation·, Riverton gained about a 30th ot the ! assessed· v.l luatl cin of S outh·' jordari. Wendell G row r. president ot th&Riverton row ll;oard. cstlma,:l.'d .

th e Riveron /unlor Chzmnber RfVER1'0 N-ThrR organi- o! c;om.mefyc with In Page zations have combined to pro- and C..-...'Org6 .Sh_ov/ill _&1J co-

mote Ch ristms..s actJVltics and dec<Jtat!o-1\."l··in R iverton. ' · PR;ES Wjl b carded't. Th e Riverton Rocree. t!on Comrnlttct, with RaJph Bast[an 'the three best decorate! home¢. as chal:-n1an, has ,,made s.t·· Judgbg': will 't..k& olacc. !,e..

wt4$324.33• 3.


rnngementa for Santa Claui'to twc-en Ch'stmnas nd ' arrlv~ Dec. 19 at 3 p.m. ·· · Year'• Eve. · All.RIVING Inn slelgh, Santa RIveton Rough Rlderc will w ill drive through town r.nd Install the sireet lJghts and remain at town hnl! until 6 p.m. lllumlnat;, a la.rge Christin.:., to rneet the children. tr.,. near. the center ol the The annual home-lighting town .under tho d!rection o!! contest will be sponsored by Bruce Peterson, chlrmn,

2SC±gEES.gU,E a.SE!SL.we±a0seas,

feli. He married Amy Itere Feb'. 9, 191".i, in the Salt 5'.'emple of the Chu;rcb, Survivor8.: widow; two sons ti.nd · hvo daughtern; Leslie M., Riverton; Franklin H., Orel'n ; tvirs. Dean :E. (Vil&te) 'I',o .rry, I Provo; Mi--s. }red . J. (Chloe) Adams, Bountli'ttl; ?.-3 g:randchiland two great-grandchil-

dren · - men.

Funeral services will be held g S aturday at 11 a.m. in the River-

m ton First Ward 'chapel, 12888 S. ' Redwood Rd. Friends may at SOSO S. State Friday, 6 8 p.m. and Saturday at chapel one hour prior to serv• lees. BmieJ will be in the taan Cemetery.

New Peavilien H.ighting ""'--d RIVERTON - New paviiion

lighting willoe installed a8 s00n



weij.ther pennits._in -the ton Town Park, local Lians Club members announced tiseRR, Better lighting'· will be in- 1 stalled In other parts ·of· .the park and completering of lights· will go over; the horseshoe comi~. Cha~c Douglas· K. Pelsley. .The· Riertoi



Lions wfll 'llii.ance- flie improve- '' ments/11.e reJX)rted. -•. . ·

s·, L,, Tr,l-1 Ai.hJ . 12, Health in the

st ,}

Most tutu! Uuh cl/ ens discharged thelr rcsponslbllltles .:.t the polb Tues•

~j:: My.. B u l qu~H!Jed La x pay in g voten ol

~~ Rlverton, Dr-:i.ptt, BluJ!dale ~nd South ~:t.! Jordan In J OLilh Salt Lake C otin ty have ~.•,_J .\ i~nd ren~e:cvow wllh the democratic

$$ p rocess Wednesday , Au g u st 12.

Il f.,

~J . For tM third tlm~ In th ree y eani, • l belni rut-. ~ mltt<d In u,;· district. Votlni !rom 7 o.m. f;:.: to. 8 p.m. today wt;I be at the t.ame pollln-g

);~ ~ n !tary s-..-w er boad !su e is


i~a· istc-red voters ln the cvmmuitl.tJes an Ii' .

•p li.ce-s AS ~~ I.he Tu e-i.day prlm..,rles. Reg -

~ cllglbli! to ballot on the prop..,--sal It they i,\1 1;J! ha••e pa.Id !t lax on rerJ or personal pf'Cp-- Fi ~ en y (In clu d in g nu to mo b !les) In

th e dl..z,..

~) trict dur:!ng the lot year. · The- !i-"'lt elt<tlC1n in 1961 J.,,,J!ed." {± 1, 1962-the ttwcr bnnds ¥r-cre 11p prov::-d,


a ;


~u t th e Ut~h Su p re;ne Co u n held h e clect






sca u















r~ of th e- :ne!..½rnJ· U8«l to t1etecm!th! qua!Ul· ~1-~ ct.Hem o! vo tcN.. Vo ll":~'°" •:.-ho se c1lg lb !ll ty may t.--e que.1~ t.! on c-d !-.h oul,j prc:;en t ?ro<>!, ~uch as a lax


1 h e nt-e d for th e rewer proJc-ct J.:1 t'-~ ;t.if"d, q1,,.1:~tlo n. The Sutt:_!:{cr.llh ~pan-


i; .

f!i ~~


# .7157o» rrs·r+ # ~


~4-m.e ntj .h a..! c;,,llcd ."ttte;,1tlo n to numerous ~ ~-o?'i;-1.t.~ _hau :rd3 In th e dts trlct. ~ven bP.!ore ;;;{ .the f961 • t:le<:.Uon ~m~ ar.:4 is .1-.id becone , £} s o saturated vlth hurmn vasts trom [{ ~Ii over.O~wing ~ptk tan k.$ that t.~tement \'!:' ~ ~~rden: were ls:1n.i.ed a.g a.Jn st 38 oUen dln g · ~



rt .'w.~1e:s··.ln the D_:-:.j:,er-·~rca alone. This 3dL-trk t , Ill one or thr~ In th e Gt:Nt ~: -B~:sff'I which do r.ot-ha.ve modern sanitary ±,nues or pints under constrvclo. The }t- v-1.~ I- p ropr,t,y- ~ Nt.h--!.--rr.rd }iy inset&d Sy tintrs i eet rush ii i

, ~



. [i ~:


: gs:sat. l g ~j

c t«.·

Wr.·u rs:-t-·11,o u th Salt LAk e Coun1y c-iti-

f>; >:Pn~ ta. vole !or htR...lt h 11.nd progrcs..~.




f _.reiiii.rile. AAA. here.arc s

·n 1e majo r! tv o! th e voters or ;,1p \dly sou th Salt La k e C ou n ty hav e at' •d n little tim(' :X:fore assu mr,~5ponsib illt!c:s In disp osin g ol



Th e !allurt:" o! 11. S2,S26 ,700 bo nd Issu e ' for a sewage collec tio n , disposal and treat-, mcn t :sv stem tor th e cornmu n ltle:,; o! Riv -! erton, Drper, Crescent, Blu!!da!c and'

h,";",,";sos«· «ors «ts

THIS IS TIIE THIRD Orne th at prog ram h as !ailed , twice at th e polls an d once In th e co u rts. · ;; Th o m.-..Jo rlty Yok rs In th o :-.ou th f( n d of the county hsve joined th ose of Log an i\nd 'r ap o n Jn rt"j«-tln g mo<lrrn ».anlt.ntlon prolt"reft~ · A dl!!cren ce l:s th at Lng an an d Pay so n du mp raw xewage wholesale into streams wh!!c the south Salt L,kC' unlncofporatC'd lawns have no se,.,,, .age rolll"'<.:tlo n 1-ystcm bu t use sep tic tan k s an d cesspoo ls. Alth o us.:h th e main pollu tio n I., th coretlcally rcmo w d frorn the water before lt rN ches the Jordan R!ver, actu ally overflow1ng wi!.:-.!e c-on tr!b u t~ to su rface watt'r con tamln;it!on an d poses ll ~cr!o us health problem. ANOTHER DISADVAN TAGE to th e sou th Salt tao u n ty reslder ts I .th at tvcntu.11/y they w!l! pay for two ewage l'i ystem.,, the!r prh ·ate M-p tlc tanks, costing abou t S.100 each . an d later a mod ern :syst~m. Sep tic tan b are a complete los.s wh en replaC'c:'d. Hralth 11u th o rltl~ an d lend ing •_ ag.encles hav e legal \•• f'apon!!I to force san lta• tion. Th e mo:;;t e!! ec t:v e lo n g -term ertec t, l ho wev er, is th e ad v cr:<-<" r,rop('rty valu e~ e.n d lack o! gen eral develo p me~t. The bontl Jssu e will hav :-> 10 k sub mitted ag ain In so me for;e, e on ly hope that a sc-Mo m ep ide-r n !c of !:,U·ctb :u . htpa• t!tis or oth er I!lth-related disese le not force emergency 11ct!o n 1n t.he m£:anllme. In this the wh o le area b con r:-erncd bccau..~e d.J.sc-11.Si? cenns. observe no poUtJ•

cal boundartes.

RTVERTQN ·- A 17-year-0ld, brov.11-hafred girl with blue eyes

captured the judges' eyes Monday n!ht And wi t!

; = ·« Mi sc [

P.\verton at Lhis community's I Fourth o(

July cclebrstion.



SITE IS VICKY Kyriopoulos , daughter o( Mr. and Mrs. Ted 1

Kyriopoulo,, 12705 S. Redwood i Rd. (1700 West). J He attendants selected in the contest sponso ro:I bv the River-: ton Junior Chamber o( Commerce will be Caron Annette Pickett, 17, daughter o( M r. and Mrs. V. Owen Pickett, 12670 S.

1800 West, '11d Th,anne Bill3, lo, daughter ot Mr. and M rs. Ray C. Bills, 1219 W.13200 South.


51$ If, 7-_ 1 lCfl!f; n, .1 5;rT 1 ~.:1 · ? . ·.fi'f:e.t):!:iroJ e.et 1 ·fil·• -,- 1r -·. -~ . : •~· ·' -eJt·y.·· ·""p~"' ~•. u...:. j ' $

1.._ 'f'






see z de, }

1 ~ ' RIVERTON -,.'Cclistructk,n o1,

ia ,lrt-ct oa. prfvti.t.:? property by~ { county ·crew,,, Ullcly ,;ill ·be· dJ.. f j~ durt.,1'" ~ rne-eting e! th·~~

1/2y »s ts vi i

j _Work on the stre t wag ordered i/bY C. W. Dndy, Salt Lue CoU\,._ ~ty ccmznl~ion&·, biJt a KIvt on r-..!den~ R. L. Butt<rl1cld, h.u :, p?'Cttczted _::h.:1t bh1cltoPf.!ng ol .• - •t:rttt u- r-vlnr Joor or th-u- home-, should no! b• pa.Id lo · · ty twid!. . . i '




Spc:c::ial to The Trf~ti:-~ ti RIV~R?ON - FUvm-i-cn •.: ~n:! Bord w! eek de; Ii!



.rlton:eYJ And .n~ with 1!i 2 _Sel tJt

Lalw County Cc r!.!.!AL1t.,_k :i.· C-.::Iw! 1'

ftu"lnl,t; OY't:t' :-.-n,t \r.; ;.i..r.l..~i-:!~ ~ j~ ~~lp -pay fat :t 11,~ )-!.r.t t-04,r ,.. con pi'vats pap5ad IE7,

~:co Sou'J.1.. G.s.:,;;..-;:,:1 U*..:.;·,l;

1.s.± X'..'r..A:,· u!ght.

:. ,.;,.t•;•Q' lS· Wt.-:.:s~ .~ ~, i'

:ha- ~etlng o! tl-.·,{ • most (;{ ti11;m to r::o&<.!, j:_ ·e town ':: _y ar+.k1~frti.o n 1:i ~-~


rtor the roo,i, . Ike« Jost. f Ct<xnty Ccrnrru..-.s!on,-..r c... w. !~: ndy Jr. t.dmtt ~ 11.t a int~tfli:s st week that M wa..~ r'O!-t:nW..,l.ff,


~lt~?' • f:~

tor tha eorntructbi, fotlt' err tiV<& hoco l!.1" tJi

. .


1~ .\!.

. 1(

\o k

'sher OJ<Ceytl oo nt attr ib<1t.d to Mr."En-1/. D~-spapen r,,fuch v.J d th-!_~


'V(e ha.Vt never. turn«i OV":!·:"rn tales tax to th@ county, d·ii: 1ugb w-e gtve them oar Oct/j road lun<la and ID tun, the/ /. a!n tahi our atreeta,'' Mr. U&h--1~


Klei. 0:,opei. -a!!¼l , Elm o Hamlltoo, • town r..i . f,-



"° E

tho p,:<>porty1t , county coounlmo n and ;the town board get together In :wori,. out payment tor the road. l-,

r: jg



sh ould





I," Mr. Hamilton we!. '1low,v-/ler, the road also benetlt! River-

i -~

·ton ud Ole t'Ollnty, so Ul03e (W,Jl'


·filio." l'OUPO ahoold be . wllll!!i In help ' '

'Swnal JI Ou( ' ' MAny ~ le ;did not. a.gn-e ,; .



tight and let \Brady 1 out'•




The bwn boa.rtl v,otoo; to i':'t;;..;

the olrona ot Its xttuey atd


theo.._f!Y ll.Dd IUTIUlie .,, wfth tbt ccmmb:siooer-11 be!rz-n ~ . Wdug tu:itber l!J:tlon. to Jet lh• pw ff,o,!,il

..nr Tn lh<>.,,J •~ I"'°" wh.,;, tt-Js me,tJn« rir bel)i: theld.


±ti±kt@i&st.ft$is€is±±#is. i:as.Ci;S.is U±is& sis ±;I t#en.ma.

# uLo i-be, vu S,ss

- - ·------ -'---'-·

Action-FilledFourth -----2 Counties Revel in n-Sun


While thousands al Salt La ke and Davis county resident,, retreated to the canyons or lakes tor their Independence Day cele-bratJon.s Monday, still more thous a:nds enjoyed the holiday at

COµlqiunlty celebrations throughout the two counties. Sunny skies and so aring temperatures combined to provide lun-s~1-,i with the beet -pa,;s!. ble, -weathr.r as dozens of" commi n!ty perks and baseball dlal'M"f:U~-ftf-.gW!Ut,augli leriiio 1::'tlL3'ie,

Vs;,-tc,d E-.·enta Evenls r:rnged trom sk ydlvlnga hlblt!on., to boxing demon.strat ons, !r om tugs-of-war to greo.s-ed !x,:e· climbing contesl5.

A "fu:orama" crlebraUon, :, f<,,riS'1nod by iwo--·stakes o! ·the Ctgrch o! Jess Chr. st t Latter.dsy Sf4ts, wees 'ld In Rose 2ark during.the dv , fetaring a

tag-of-w:r, >ls cc-~teITT :;nd A hand concert. In Ma .z., blue--c-yi-d Dls:ne: :ckwoh, IT, dz:z hter ot Mr. M, Dold Duc)<,:,,orth,






gre as ei



Copper" ·~;,er ~ day al ,,iagtla C.1 ty Park. !-Jso lll<:!;-;de<! ¼'a.•{i i:rarade and audev!±:s show hd tirzw.ks at dl!rk. \" Snliare Patio [ls,,



Other t.-0mmunity celebr:1tiori.s

were ·hef<l in East MIU Cl-eek, ;);ere a 1!'a g'.ra1.!ng and bffikl«s t opened the day's event,,, and

, miniature ;iarade close-d the ,.ctJvltle,i lp the forenoon; Rlyei:-

ton, where activltles were h!ghlighted b°y:'ii ieeo-&go '!isttle o! the bahs «hlch followed a per,, · fln v~r-,ifo' -

pari>de opene and fire works ·coocl and M urray, wh ere , al· bttal\ fost-and-pa ed races and games

Jump, a nrlety ah, worb. ,: ·

-In Oavfn County;

~ 1

percent of

town's.. regis- .

tered . voters

turned . out to •choose .. from . . ~the, biggest Mm. Nichols :_ n u ni b e r of


in the . communi-

ty's history.:' Maurbe Nlchols; . with · 387 votes, le1. tile field, follcwei by f'. •;bert (>wdell, 327; Rich-

Mrs. Nichols, a· mother of th rze and a bank assistant ti:; cashier, told the voters i11 her election campaign that "in • this d"ay and age a woman's viewpoint is needed." Riverton citizens obviously agreed. w~ Cowdell, a truck repair Wj electrical foreman at Kennecott Capper Corp, were he has been employed for 27 years, was the youngest of the winners at age 43. Schouten, also an employe at

Mr. Schouten

Mr. Cowdell


with Cmvdell being re-elr,t;i(-' cl

to the council after- beir pcested a year and a h~ g to fill an unexpired tP.!'ln of ard Schou, 264; Selyf Page, anotlH-~~- counci!h1an. 188; .Owt·•.1 D. · Silcox;;;J48; Dansie, who finished l ast, Wayne ._, . "llsen, -134';: G. · · was an incumbent councilman Eldon Is i s, 128; Gail;- ..who was elected_ four yeats Mrs. Nichols Cowdelli and ago and was seeking another Sc!l.outen were' the winners . term on the City Council.

KCC, has been with the firm for 3{years and is a lineman. No major issues confronted the voters and the campaigns were run on conmwui y improvement questic,!,,. Mrs. Nichols apparent1.y strnck the right chord when sfr?. said she would "just try to make Riverton a clean, pleasant place to live."

'\\ 7

ould Withdraw Fron1 District

Riverton.to Mull Own Sewer Set11p APR 1 6 '7t

f j_ 6 . . 1 /

. . ,., ,



By George A. Sorensen · more than $2·m1lhon m grants charge; eight to 10 mill tax • and a loan from the U.S. De- levy, and a connect10n fee of Tribune Suburban Editor partrnent of Housing and $350; RNERTOJi,. - A proposal. Urban Development and the Speaking at the request of tii:if"Ttiverton withdraw from federal Water Quality Control 'Mt. Dansie for the Riverton J Salt Lake County Sewerage Agency. · . collection.. system, Alton fJ District· No. 1 and C?nstruct T Proirity · Sorensen, a Salt Lake engiJ its own sewer collect10n sysop . ,. neer, · suggested• that .Riverton tern was made Thursday Orrin Beckstead, South Jora . and-· South .. Jordan .consh·uct $ night at a mass meeting of dan mayor, said the project{ii in 'sewer collection g 300 persons.. . has been given top state puor- · systems, t_hen join the rest of : The proposal was made ity. . , . the district in operation of a ~ Councilman George Dansie, Costs to the individuals single treatment plant. ~- who said petitions asking to would be $6 monthly service Mr. Dansie and Elden Rcowithdraw from the county diserts, another engineer, ~ trict were available after the • the Riverton. coliection §. meeting. He said 51 percent of cost at $739,000. Outfall Riverton's citizens would have the ri-city Trett. to sign the pet1tLns _to make i#fi ns$ Midvale, would b3 j the withdrawal effective'. ~.· W. S. Mickelsen, chairman the district trustees, and Lary Alsop, district engineer, i reported total cost of the county sewer system would be said the dis•• ~ls5,g40,000. ,,,v > • They A ~ ti trict has been assured or








J l,

.C ounty sewer spokesmen said that one-haif of the r:.rea in he Riverton vicinity wou>' b2 included in the withdaz!

proposal compared to what is in the district new. TlK: arP.a '.::1 withdrawn would be c00.iiaed ) within Riverton's boundarie:;. ,. Mr. Alsop esttrrnrted the cost o{ the sewer for ev.ch of th,;

.five communities in the diz. trict, South Jordan, $829,0JiJ; Riverton (including the area which would be left out if thr: withdrawal proposal succeeds), $786,500; Bluffdale, $162,000; Crescent, $160,000 and Drnper, $862,000. . Mr. Mickelsen. wttd the dis, trict is ready to call fo: a liond eiectiqg . lo_ provide for tlte additiona1 funds n.ieded /': for construction of the sewe ia j all five. communities. ~

Salt lake Tribune .



[Riverton to Improve ate System - S

ial to The Tribune pee


nection fees : for new home owners and builders who will connect on to-the system.

RIVERTON - General fund money will not be used for improvements in the Riverton water -These fees start at $865 system as too city coun-- for a three-quarter inch cil is looking at ways to . conne<.'.tion and go up raise the needed ftmds, depending upon the size Mayor. Paul Mortensen · of the connection, Mayor announced Monday: Mortensen said. 'i'he money will come . Because some of the froin preassessed con- water received by the

city from the Salk Lake from its wells. County Water · ~opservancy District will be cut Water from the wells off this summer there is- entets the system at a definite need for resi- 13400-South and the water dents to curtail the use of from the conservancy much posst. district at 12600 South. ble, he said: ,,'--·<'•t: . , . With water entermg from _, both connections, the Th e main, reason, 'or lized eris does not have the capaci- i th niosf of the water ty to carry all the-' water_ . coming . from the well the city cart· produce source, it is difficult for . ·- the•lines to carry all the· water needed, he said. At the present t:me the city is prodicin g 0,0%% gallons owater froa its weITs,_ but. cot.Jd. pz·c<luc,i • three'. p:1Wfon gaHoru,: daily if th.a W?.t,?r mah.lo. were mp;le'




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The.irarovemast; plai--is. call.for the co structior.ofa li: VOil'.

. · l"





33±. 53288± sse e«t±

:[f -l} The Salt Lake Tribune, Ftiday, ,!une 2.5_, 1976

'Gro,¥ing Pain.s' Starting To Trouble fiverton By George.Sorensen Tribune.Suburban Editor l.UYERTON - Located in the souther end of Salt Lake County, Riverton is beginning to experience growth probletswhich have plagued the suburbs to the«north smce the end ofWorld War II. ;«• Growt h of this city, located approximalely 20 miles s.outh of Salt Lake City, been slow -- untU the past two Qr tl1)1.ee years. And, from the requests to d~lop land, the population gr.owth is like a filled. balloon ready to e, as more pressure is applied. e had a request last week from a loper to annex 180 acres so he could · · 700 new homes," Mayor Paul ensenss.id: · Me population of the city has dop led to about, 6,%00 since the 1970 c%heus and we expect it to double again i""the next three years,'' Mayor Mg±tensen said. )t;j'<Je are rece_iviilg one or two in.. · es a week from ht . some land dering it and wit»to. can do with it," the mayor

"Professional planners tell us we should keep the land agricultural. But bow cart you' when land values have inflated so much that° a farmer can sell his land off·contract and make more off the interest. than by, farming it?" the mayor,asked. · . • · . ·• _ · "It isn't practical to farm on a small scale anymore. You. need $10-0,000 in machinery to farm- 40 acres, or 240 acres, so part of the answer has. to be to· keep the land in large parcels and only allow it to be developed logically, one parcel following another," he said. Riverton has just finalized land use, flood control and culinary water mas.ter plans. Builders developing away frnrri the next logical area. must bear all the extra costs of getting the service to the.ii' area, Mayor Mcri:ensen said. Sewer lines have been hooked up in Riverton for only a year and a half, and about 25 percent of the homes, including the mayor's, still don't have access to the sewer lines. lines 1.Hopcwnt to the present the city one means of controlling efficient patterns. he of the growt h, the mys, percent interest in the rage Treatment Plant as ofis firstfor-er term, sid, th@@old-timers- those who have a mern.l:Jer of the SaJ.t Lake Comity her..o\ 15 years or more - wek:ome tI::e Se•.,ver Improvement District No. 1 will St comers. ¢ + g The newcomers are the heh, to assure that the sev:er En.es will who are opposed to any· be adequate to handle the growth of the city. , h. mayor, a life-long resident and a Because nearly two-thirds of the fctifi.,er businessrnan in the city, Eves wastewater being- treated. is now aMut 150 yards north of the ho.me in ground water infiltrating the systen:1;. ~fch he was raised, and has noted the . Mayor Mortensea favors the two-plt',nt regionalization of the sewer system. ei5)l and flow of the growth.





Contacted by the Desere1: )';ew~. sheriff's office verified those figure,,. Bee kstead also insists that county enf0rce- , ment would be much better because of its already-established resourceg. "lt's just a simple matter of economics," Beckstead said. 'The county service is better and cheaper."


''I'm not bead-hunting and I'm oot out to get anybody. I decided to get involved because I didn't want others who are not qualified to sneak into office," he said.


But White i~ not convinced that Bnck:stesd is so well-intentioned. "I very strongly dhagree with Mr. Bockstead on that point. The word has come back to me that he has said that, if elected, he wUI force me to reinstate Smock as pol.ice chief. That's something that is never going to happen," White said. Contacte<l by the Deseret News. Smock said he'd rather not talk about hill demotion or the el&tion. He said he got hia old }ob back .and that "was the best thing that ever happened.' White admits that the county did estimete law enforcement at the figures li)lcts. But, "uniortur~tely, we've we just can't trust the county,' Whlt.t "Wllenever the county gjves us a bid·, it's always an estimatl' and it's alvrny11 w ridiculously !ow that I defy them to provid;; the service at that cost. Ten h en ths bill ccrres we find out the truth." White dte<l the county's estimated cost for law enforcement on a per capita basis. Ifo snid the fig-ure was derived by dividing the tou.,J cost by' the nurnber of residents M:,"Ve<l. county, he said. includes more than ltJO,◊M pe-0ple who live in cities and receive no c(f.c.;-ny protection, and that significantly decnu.,


I c:· I f

the cost per clta.

The cost per capita ts actually !:root double the figure llted by the couriy, he "Thi; is the kind of stuff we have to with. We try to grin and bear it, but I the ethics of some county ofilda!J, said. Calvin Smith, an accou.ntAnt in the shHiff.'~ office, i.ald he believes the estimate ls a reponl ble figure." I cot s go up, however, they would be passed through, he added. ''But thst shooldn 't take this out of pe·rsp,betlve, Every lo,:;al police would experi~oce similar cost incrnases. ''. Beckstead said he's not afraid of lli0 county. "Sure too county can· rip you off - but 110 ca.n Riv.s rton. ''It to th at the mayors are fighting the county ia w they don't lose the!r empires. I'm more scared of as little city than of the county," he aaid. e stops short ot advocating dirtinco;poration; he aald there was talk of that li t he . shunned Ht. ""The blg odvantage to incorportion II control over planning and zoning," a A


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Two other City Council cand!dat;.:~ -·· Cm·!:'r; P. Collard and Sueve L. Brooks -- have them:rnlves with , Beckstead. Othara aN runnin.£' on tJ,dr o•nn.


White said hea n 't decided hohe'll vote. ' He beiiaves any of the candidates, exc(;pt Beckstead, could make good councilmen.


Q,'l 0



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ss George A. Sorensen Triburie Suburban Editor RIVERTON - Efforts to pass an ordinance restricting political · activities by city employees died in the Riverton City· Council Tuesday night when only two votes could be mustered in favor of its adoption. Voting for the ordinance were Don L. Beckstead and Steve Brooks. Abstentfons- were- voiced by Curtis, Collard and Ove Christensen while Noel Page voted no.

R_un City Mr. Collard abstained .after learning lhaJ. the; ordina11ce woul,? _apply , to employees after 1"Bgular working-hours.


S.1/t lnke Tribune In pushing for the ordinance Mr. Beckstead said •·we don't want 26 volunteer firemen and 16 police officers coming in to tell ti_s how to run the city." Aftf'r the .meeting The Tribune·was informed· that certified petitions which; will give;. the city a recall law were'; ready for circulation: Riverton Citizens", For Constitutional - Government willi circulate the petitions calling for initia - ] tive, referendum election on this artm other matters, Paul R. Petersen said;3 Tho 'p etitionii-rnust' have :214 sign'£~ tures of qualified voters to have th61 issue placed the ballot, Mr. Petersen] said. : · -· · .. _ · · ""The councilcan call for ar electiop on-, q\o petitfons,,-as. qui~kly',,aidt w_ants butin any case it will have fo he pl~~~iJ


2 councilmen ] in Riverton4, air charaes .--- _: FEB2:) ~


By Corey Peterson News Deseret News staff writer .·::· ·-_, ., RIVERTON - Two Riverton City Council members say they have discovered irregularities in the city's itcrministratlon. . - . , .

Steven Brooks and Curtis Collard, who were elected in November, said they made the discoveries · after being in'officeaboutone month.

/>'. The two councilmen outlined their charges: : .






- ..Two - a;..ttomobiles,_\vere purchased__ wmiout

council@proval.2 °


$ ~••, . _,::_ A ~ey._ water,, tank· was · not s!ltisfacforil.v comP.leted.,. put no, penalty was levied.. ag;;Jnst:ith(:l contract£qs called for im the contract. l. :g -+ Supplies, fuel and nateriais sold have hen purchase} at large savings with prer bids. i; ··+ An attorney, in addition to the already retaired. city-,ati;orney; WJts hL"'ed without co1.inciJ. m;:,pqv;:;.J J -a Capital improvement projects have net been: letouttor.Wd. · .· ,;:;.: .- . • - :I ·: ; ·.··' . . .• . . . I . , · _';'.'We have taken steps to correct ·t'-l~se prob!e,rns._ and bting them under the control of. t.t.-e council as a ;whole/and :we will contim).e to in;sestigafo any other .irregulariUes which come to Ol!I" attentioi1," I foe cotmcilmen said, · ' · :. The· charges were the latest in a continuing· controversy that has divided the city. ' · i .

L .• · Friday, Mayor Lowell



,Vhlte filed a suit in District-. Co1,1rt chargbig. that the council ineg~Uy stripped him of several duties required by sfateJaw . for mayors of thira--class· cities. The suit also said/the · council is considering changing the city to a ity :. -. _m·anager forin · of government. Such a change 7can 'only be made by the voters in ap election, according · tothe suit. · I · 1






. The City Council has als& voted to n~gotiate W;ith. j the Salt .Lake ·County Sheriff's O5ice for poiici} :i services. _A contract would result in disbandinig tho } ,: city's police department.·';: .. , t'· r . . ;. •- . i. >/ A contract ·-is· op~ ed- by Whit~ and . a newly.. : organized citizens' group, Riverton' '.Cit_iieiis fo1· . · J , . Const1tutioiutl- Government. The group is circulating i j


petitions calling for citywide elections on the police departi:nent and city. manager issues. . ·!-. • •. ·,• ., '·•.. '' . • •' I


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1 %Council · · 1,,1. 'iL!JaJlt


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in Riverton Demo,es·%

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·.···-- ~a\t Lak~ Tribune ·. •



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Mayor,Votes fegimeChargeJ· - · .· •.-· ... ·. ··· ..•. carter ,h

: By Mike Tribune Staff Writer· _ \'

13· ·



. .





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el~cfoo o~lcW ,/;,.; ·~ppo . ~t·ed ·:-~-~._-· . c~t.e~_·: ~~.a~;-.~~~ . -\-,~~-ot.~er-_s.· ~~.·;~_:.'

y ;considering doing away with Rive.r6 . . . . . . . • . ,. , · ."·,· . ·, - : · . • ..· • • : ... , s-·.,_., ton!s police departtnent and con-RIVERTON -- The Riverton City The_city manager ordiance, ap tracting servieefi with the county Coun~U.; Tu~day , nightr, ·v_oted proved: by all councilm~ except -sheriff's department, change the. city's form of .govern-::, Blame•.:, Page, who abstained, is: . mcnt;- · stripping M.ayor •Lowell o,: .;_ modere{}" after an ordinanc.~. passed · .:Tiiis- _set off.. ~··· l?ng ~~· of White of many executlve:functioriii' '·. last summer by the :West Jordan accusation8 and .politka:!m-fights and apparently widening an already"/ C_ity Council after problems in that between Mayor White and the coundeep rift between the mayor and the·'.,; city. _ .eil. The passage of the: m~ager~ .. council · j . ·· " · . · •· . • ·. council form of govemment 1s the · _ ( :,, ::-,... F,trivately Gives Approval . . latest demonstration of the gap Also. at the meeting, Dale F.. \:. Councilman Curt CoUard said- a formed between the m.ayor and city Gardiner, Riverton. city .attorney., • special citizens comrrUttee . ap- council · .. · · · and. Rich Woodworth, tire city's •· pointed .· .to investigate the Police; •· . C'tiz . · -t ting ., ., manager, submitted their resigia::' de ar privately gtven vere · ti • · --.· · ·· - , · · · · ·· · --- --· ·' - ..,., · · · - reit · · · -· • has . · . · -- - -· . ,. s. V1 e e ween ac ng uue mayor .. ons. ..,, ; . · , ··. : , . . . .. · approval ,,of ,.the _ rnanager-co~Jl wh;> they claim is being usurped .. y1te-,<:ouncll, ,witil._ one absten.tl.o.th :;. fo~... ' ·, . ·• . . . . ·. :· . · . tie council, and those who support voted_in favor. <if: the CityManager Rich Woodworth the coundl, ,;calltng the mayor .council form ,of government, turrung,:: s aid he"more or less''· favors th <e • 'power hungry.'! .; · over most of the execut i ve functions new approach to =vernment but . · ' """· _::. f ..,. ... 1 •. . " . s° a 'fedo! Sieke r#sg of the • mayor 1>.nd. many of the _ privately . foels that "personality. · •. •· · , c3uneil's administrative functions to - conflicts?;. between the mayor and But, ·it was apparent at Tuesday's a city manager: . _ . : : · ·. · council will preclude any progress ,.. meeting, :nost are simply tired of Mnyor White not present:E,;, being made toward the solution of the council and mayor bickermg so dtJ:ring .the vote, having excused/ / problem.s in..~t: cit~. ,.; .·· much. himself earlier in the meeting so lle;/:t ''Th.is-city.has h-een operating with . "T'm almo st sad to say I'm .a •.ccttki attend a city-related q-,~g;:. no direction. I would call it chaotic c1tlzen of Riverton anymore," said in. At·I:rona. However, last week he,,: at best." he told the council afterhis _ Mrs. Bonnie Mousley. "We elected fil;,d a lawsuit i11 3rd distri-ct ~:i:t · resign~tion. .. announcement. "I've ·· you all_ to make this city a better· clll,a_mir..g the cmmcil. -was, u~iug •. ~ndeij up\with all the responsibility:, pl.ace,. mstead of throwing mud so h.ts po:~(ers. ,. --·· -·· · .. : _,.· ._· . · and nore"of the authority. Eveymuch." . . _ . ';).!;,-. Gardiner, whose resi.gnation where I tm'-n,'-: I'm being circum- . . .A.Jl of the coW).cilmembers expres• dos1s not becom<~ ·'i!ffoctive until · vented by the. c-ouncll or the mayor." . sed the opinion that Mayor White March 31, said he has some '.' serious . He said tlie council has refused would not be willing to sit 00\ffl .and. <J'.lesti.oos". as to the legality of the. .cooperate with· him because they out b.-'lie prob . 1etn5 anyn\Ol'e. ,. "W '11 l t ~t. - ~··.. . . . . .. work . 04n8nee. /e'l 1et ·the _CO_ consider him "the mayor's man.' Mr. Woodworth, addressing the 50 decide if you can do away with an ph 4 -' Hi rt+ or more persons i the small tog 1, +±ed ff; ial' iti +th ••• · , e . con roversy 1n . 1ve on .. . • _. ........ e..e""~, 0 l~l s pos11on _Wl o..., a· . began with the electio of Do hall, said "personalities here are he said..: . · · • • '· . Beckstead, Curt Colla:r:d ltridSteveR·· involved tao much to do anything ffiie <Xllmeil effectively has L. Brooks to the cify -caooeil last eoa&ruetiw ~~&.·At·~ Mt wr traesier tM µu.w,er of a:11 · Novembel'. · Mr, · Beelwaad -iHdi,;. witk t».£ ~ ~... .

offic~al/' he said.

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to .


'k,,,"2Ee .e . .

by :

B Th.e Bait Lake Tribune, Thursday, March 13, 1980

!:Police Officers Union.. Files Suit M'k C rt was made in secret and not open to the . The councilmen want . to abandon 1 e ater public, in violation: of the Sunshine,: Riverton's police department in favor •i Tnbune Staff Writer . Law ... also referred to as the "Open·, of a contract with the Salt Lake County ,1 RIVERTON The Riverton police and Public Meetings law." Sheriff's Department. However, a union Wednesday filed a suit in 3rd Seeks to Void Action , group. of citizens - headed by the b' t ict Court against the City council · . ·. ·, , , · : councilmen who Jost the elect10n ,·· 1\! rin . the overning body violated 'ry1e suit asks that the court_or'der the wants the city to maintain an autonoma g gh Shg. L . . . , act10n taken by the ,council . at the ous police department. ·theUta uns me aw. ·; , . ,.. , meetingbemadevoid,'andthat1torder · · . . ·' Plaintiffs in the suit are Mark fratt; the council to "properly. place the ... Judge Denies Motion :steve Cook, Dave Davis, Barton Nutt, matter on the agenda for its next. . The<Professional Police Offices of Bill Poulsen, Nick Roberts and Leonard regularly scheduled' Riverton City Riverton filed . another :suit earlier :Whipple, all Riverton police officers,., Council meeting for open discuss10n ,. attempting, to obtain a court injune4ion .~nd other me1:1bers of_ the r_ecently and decision . . ; .. " . . to stop the city from negotiating the fo rmed Professional Police Officers of It also asks that council be made : · contract with.the sheriff's department. ,f.ivertmt. The group is represented by to pay court costs and attorney fees. _. . •· The moti on was denied by 3rd District :Salt Lake attorney Joseph£. Tesch. · ·, . . let· Court Judge G;Hal Taylor on Feb. 4. .· ,. · , . . · . · . Wednesdays suit is the latest action, , · ,·;_ , ,;; . , , .. ; The suit alleges that on Jan. 25, _the resulting from a bitter political battle ' : Smee, that' tune, _th? city h~s oeen eitycouncil 'refused to enter into which has been raging in Riverton since fovolved with negotiating full-time law ~ollective bargammg wit,~ . the pla,m- . three ne'w councilmen were sworn into .. enforcement services from the county. . tiffs .. .'_' and that such !mal action, office in January. · , · However; at a .meeung March 4, che B






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Beckstead.,' fi 'suit



council voted to set a one month. and Councilman Donald L. filed Wednesday st! deadline for the county's proposal, considered th(leade¼ of the iopc'i,/}cfoted door? mMlliig was lie!d after a majority of .the cotincil claimed . posing groups - ld Wednesday that'· 25. Mayor White, said the, it had given the sheriff's department , the city attorney has advised therii that., getuallj deburred Jen: 15, but more t,11an enough time to come up with . the actions takgn by the coure!i /sn. 25 .. .letterwas.nht written until Jan. ?.5. figures. Also, officials said, the cun- were proper..They claim the leetig Mayor hlte said the ty's figures have escalated from was actually an executive session, decided by the co1 $120,20 to more than $150,000 for police do not agree as keeting was tha' services. whether that session was open.to the.the matter'' of contract ' .. M . 11 D 'Wh't. .l)llblic . . . . . •·oc·· . '·· . ' ,., Both Riverton iayor Lowe . ute . ±,, ·. ,: , • • +3 4%' . No date h ' · ·i~fayot, W!uto sfild the s&sat@h s. : ... a . , ·· · closed, while Mr. Beckstead se.id the "door was open." Fquest for Leier '

hewer hey



Eci'ikstend also saicfriliat'. council's request basically #as tor the

city attorney .to write a letter to Mr. Tesch, explaining the cciuncilhiftrnes to recognize or negotiate . with the police union. · '

/t ·... . .





S11·tt J~~~ T~~ -~ay, Apn1 2: 1sso: iJ :J ,, .

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erton Council es Resolution '

• ·



: I


To· Contract forPolice Services ·, ··. - Riverton· CHo1C--- · · · , - • -. . . .•· -~ the


By Mike Carter deciding rt to consider? Mayor White, backed help of city attorney . ,. .. entenng mto negotiation by. the three ousted court-.: Tuesday mght. · . Trib_une Stalf Wnter . with thes union behincL cilnien, and the police' . Mr. Teich told RIVERTON The closed doors.., force, disagree. Tribune that even though Riverton City ;Council . However, councilman : The' political in the council has accepted' Tuesday ni ght approved Steven Brooks_made a fighting in Riverton has: t he contract, he "doubts a resolution to contract motion at the beginning.1d. tea new form of seriously it will ever go law enforcement serof the meeting_to move. government the coun- into effect." ·' vices with S_alt Lake the sheriffs office prop- eil-manager form ..:.. "You've got'...two ReCounty deeperung a wideosal to the first agenda which .was passed by the publican commissioners. rung rift between . the item. He was seconded· councif 4-1 a month ago. one Democratic commismayor and the council'. by councilman Don. L. Since that time, Mayor. sioner :; and a Democra-' The contract was ap- , Beckstead. That motion . White has.. fil~_.· a sui(i. tic sherU.f. They (the Reproved by a 4-1 vote, with passed unanimously. claiming that ol'Qinance · publicans)-· don't . want. councilman J. · Blaine _ After more than an . is illegal. : .' - . ' '.: . them (the Democrats) to'. Page ·voting negatively. . hour .of discussion, the The ordinance, pat- get any more powerful..''. Mayor Lowell D. White, proposal was passed terned after a similar one: he said. · · who· has disapproved of s-. .heriff Hayward passed .last year in West, ·. Addressing the council, such -a contract smce it answered dozens of ques- Jordan, effectively strips Mr. Tesch said 'you ain't was brought up, could not · ticms from the audience. .. the mayor of many ofhis giving in, and we · ain't vote. , The question of police ' executive functions and giving in. Let's sit down Sa.It: Lake County services in Riverton has· gives them to· a city and talk about this to S!t iffPete Hayward apbeen controversial since manager.. -' gether.' s pcareJ at Riverton 'City ·councilmen Beckstead, . But, at_this 't ime, -~e-. · "With all the publiei~/ 112.ll t,,_-, e-zplain the cnn- · · Brooks and Curtis Col." Riverton government IS•,. this thing has turned up, tract wl-tichwillprovi<le lard-took office: in functioningwithoutac~ty:it's tantsmoub.Lto. thti Riverton with January. Brooks manager. rest the having depaty on petrol 2A repeatedly said he favors, , worth, the_ former, man- fun looking into a barrel a .day, plus various doing away with the local ager, resigned at the.of monkeys. It's really supp0t services inpolice force, claiming the meeting a month ago,· as, : nothing more than a ciuding detectives, seecity woul<l. do better n-· did city attorney Dale· domestic :argument. :>. retaries · The 12-month . nancially If it contracted Gardiner. The council_. which .has spilled into the· contract is sc_heduled to with the county. · functioned without the street. · go into €£feet April 15. · · For-ecP..6ts Trouble However, before th first sheriff's deputy serves· a p.atrol in River: ton, there's likely to be trouble. Attorney Joseph Tesch, a former deputy county attorney, representing Riverton's current eight-man police forc.e, explained to the crowd that what he termed a ·'domestic quarrel" between the council and the mayor regarding police protection· "likely will cost the city more in attorney's fees than it would have for two more· police officers." · Mr. Tesch had been · scheduled to appear· ber








fore the council as the first item.. on the eighthour agenda- moved up from item number 43 to discuss the settlement of a lawsuit the police

ctd artment filed against the council, and be given

M r








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u Salt Lake Tr/hunt s



;,:t,~:R\:-R eo y George A. Sorensen' ' by;ifayor Lowen D. White durig the 1bune Suburban.Editor l . - , meeting. _ , , -, · RIVERTON - The Riverton cay ayor who been npposed Council Monday night fired its nine- to the contract, said he_was slgning the man police department and approved a. ,contract on advice of his-attorney and· contract effective April 15 for the Salt:· wrote across the --.face.. of the Lake County Sheriff's Office to pro,iicle - coi1fract, "The mayor dlsdpp'roves of the service forthc city. this c"oritract." Tii;/ action ~-as · taken be.catise the The action was taken in n 4 to 1 vote during a special meeti.ng i.n the River- _first item on the agenda was to appoint ton City Hall;' which had spectators a mayor pro-tern to sign the. c::mtract ii. -· peering throt,gh winctows to participb:Ce Mayor White did not. in the action. Counc'lman Blaine Pag;; Clouds Issue voted no-:-~tl!l . , , d w.hen ,., _ ', . •_ , , -The issue was· ( u rther c louae \Jndefll'1. the contract, the _shenH s Gaylord Johnson, spokesman· for the ofhce will provide 4½ offlcers w Riverton Citizens for..,.Q,,nstitutional operate a patrol unit 24 hours a day, 2-65 .. Government, Raid he wiil?iile a petition days_ a year, for a total cost of$154,SO!l. caD,iug for an initiative reforendum Provide-Interim Sei·vice d0ction on the issue. He expects to have . . 1 gt r " · 'ii' ns ,_bY Councilmnn Don L. Beckstead ,;nki '1;~-·" 51-=- - a u es on .• ne. pet... 10 the sheriff's office has agreed· ·to -- .-Jrsday. } provide police services during tho ::fob Morris; another ci:tize1;,. Cited a i period until thecontract Sur eme Cour in 3i affect. of i,a±jr?) Ad essa which de\ However, the situation iriving!e finas the spit:ration of powers e tween IX)lice, v,hich has split -;his eiiy wide the eity coucllaid mayor. The c,_m!!cil l c;;ien, seems to be far frvit, :1.ettlect. .r«ikcs the a s and the mayor sr;iforces % Council members admailed .thaw the them, hoe smt'l. -.. . _ ~ Salt Lake Couni.y Commif's.i,m has .,,:,t . .M,. 'Johnson said he will il'Y arid tx\.eet ~ n.tified the C(HJlrn,-::t which as sizl with Cit y Commissioner Willia.n. E,















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,\n·an eHort to prevent th,;

·c,::,,tt.ractJ(,:l:lls g,-cu the-H ing, _7 _ p.m ., R!verton,Schoill and invitd · .111embers to attend to ex,:J;"in .. .. - .• , .. 2 3ks 3!2±5Mn poi. anotie member of tie citiieri$ g;:-mip; asked tl-rn,' coundl to. ·,


consider · a apeda! el1,ctkrn to let the

Riverton vot:?:,11 declda the issue. th "Tl:>Js is orie way youem1 sa:ve -face," ., As 1 . e, -.:,_ ·"< t . 'd · ... ,.,. uev-e opea ou ""' .•.wee,sis. : : .:'.',' OV1lr by tlm Exc_luded !froin- foe acli_on 'of tl'le;:.,, airived i,.11 fr 1.mcil were the two crossing guards·I control c,ffice<'. These Riverton City . y,,ill · remain on th•?. FE-ggy .. GreP-il, a lawsuit filed hy .. Distrfot. Court. 3. Councilman• said th e tion is taken to prcvkh: tax savings The defondants are coun-eUma,! the residents of the cir!unity. stead, Ove L. Christensen, !even Brooks, Curtis Collard acd Jt,h~1 Does One - rind Two, indb,idualiy councBmembers of Rivertoo ( The las:it iists si:counts in which




,If Efflerg ;,.•. t . . ency'

S. L. Tribune Wed. Apr.



/2G Po]jee flerton &d M t? P f4>? #-.

#.& f · aee, 75..7is secaarc eneaa.sebrr-gs.A.z5SHEA32£928£. 3.3 .83G89-2%

son. a.«7us...

p.m. after a-closed meeting with Mayor Lowell D. Wkite in the department offices. Sgt. '"· H. B1trb1dge, Salt Lake County Sheriff's Department, immediately shifted assignments so deputies patrol city.' '



firing the :officers :.k::es noOake until April 15 - the uate chosen by· · · A:nd George A. S.orensen council begin purchasing ·law t Tribune Staff Writers forcement services from the Salt L, County Sheriff's Department.. iBIIVERTON - Four members of the "Legal counsel advised me that' iertonCity Council met in emergen·ctijsess1on Tuesday and appomted a . ·.' ·:-·-~· Mayor Wasn't There resolution passed. by. the council d mayor pro tempore, who immediately Mayor White saidthe move was not become effective.until the 15th, " .,·d to disb.and the city's nine-inan ''illegal." Neither he nor Councilman said. "They advised me to keep ·. ce.force.. . Noel Blaine Page ~ who voted against police force on despite Brooks' (Co · i · '' ouncilm'an Don Beckste·ad signed similar. action Monday'' night - was cilma·n Steven Brooks) insistence th present at the meeting. . . . . ·. ,. . . serve the blue slips today." nine "blue slips"- one for each of Councilman Beckstead said Mayor .. . ' eight officers and the secretary _:_ But the copy of that resolut after council-members Ove L. Christen- White . precipitated . actions . when 'sen, Steven L. Brooks. and Curtis B. failed t.o give the blue slips to the police · obtained by The Tnbune has thed Collard voted him temporary mayor in officers they came to work Tuesday.· "April 15, 1980" scratched out The council had ordered the police fired. . · April 7, 1980 penned m tts place. .the 4 p.m. meeting in Riverton City Monday night. Beckstead said that's the way, Hall. ' . e mayor. ·:be .· 1·1eves · •th·.e reso uti·on.:· council adoptedtbe.document. ·. . · . . . ,. · ·,,,,. :;.. 1 at .8:25 · Th · It also says. that •''all police offk1 employed by Riverton. City will. terminated at. the earliesfpossible da volatil,i controveny over law enforcebut in no eve.· nt shall any P?lice o. its memben and a majority votes in the ment ltJ. this small but growing comemployed· by Riverton City be e · munity. The Issue is C'louded by a deep a!firmatlve to b_o ld the meeting.•· ployed' after the effective date o(\ :, personality conflict between Mayor Myor 'White m ain tain s that the contractfor police protection with S { cunell me.de no effort to contact him. White and the majority of the council . Lake County."..: • ·· · t Mr. Bec-k:.t~ad in particular. Councilman Page, who voted against .Another elause reads that " } The conflict has resulted in the loss of disbandlng the pnlice departrnent. also Mayor, if he refuses.to act, } • said that to the best o( his knowledge, a city sttorney .and city manager .. Mayor.· pro tempore, te and hereby { seve,·el l.a~•st1its and a change in the no effo:rt w.as made noti!y him. authorized' and . directed to forth j Riverton city government over the "I was a touch tone away." _Mayor mayor's objection. Mayor White has notify all police officers ernploye<I J 1 1 White s,:,Jrl. "Thev couJd have called me . Riverton City of the action takenhi1 f challenged the change. calling it illegal in .the city 6!fic,t:';, at work or at home. City Council." . we· } and improper. My wife w:s hams all day and said [ Emergency Meetisg } , received no such caU." · So when Riverton officers showed ] I · !'v1r. Page said he contacted both his But the council members - pilrticuon patrol Tuesday, CouncilmenBe j / w.ile and secretary at work. and was larly Mr. Beckstead and Mr. Brooks stead and Brooks arranged for th · ! feel that the basic issue is saving the \.,,·unaware of the emergency meeting. p.m. "emergency. meeting.'' 1 .1 city money. With a total of $.:!i 1.000 ?} g t+ ,,72 Lei! it to Peggy: Riverton patrolmen - Barton Nutt j budgeted tor law enforcem£•nt thi~ Steve Cook - were dispatched to A Mr . Beckstead said he le!t th~ fisea! yer, the majority ot the councll hall and were handed their blue s ! notification of Mayor White and Coun- preferred to contract 14·1th the sherilf'i there by Mr. Brooks. Detective YI I 4 cilman Page "up to PeggyGreen," the departlent for round-the-clock protecPratt was. given his notice _by Riverton City re<:order. · tion for· '$154,()98. They fee! that the Beckstead. The; remaining six noti sheriff's 4 man force is enough· Mrs-. Gre..'11 s-a\d Tuesday night she were locked in the city safo and wil. received no such instructions and was protect.ion, and that the large.· welldelivered Wednesday. } unaware the mee ting was to be held equipi)OO sheriff's department can pro-, Sheriff Pete Hayy;ard said that. si1 vide better backup services. · until it conv-ene-d at 4 p.m. midnight Monday, an extra sheri: The council also claims that tht Rlv~rton Police Offic1>r Mark Pratt patrol car has been covering River department was wasteful and shoddily said that, aiter receiving his blue> slip, City. Although the contract adopted he told Mr. Brooks, Mr. Beckstead and run. the city :council. dpes. not take eff Mr. Christens.-en that he felt the council until April 15 - providing it is adop· Local Control may have violated the Sunshine Law. by the coi:mty comrhission -· the she' But l\(•fi.y&r White fN!ls the city hu an assured Riverton jresidents that tl He said Mr. Brooks replied, ·'What obligation to provide the ~st ~ervlcea "\voi1 't be without protection." the hell are they going to do? The law possible to Its resident~. and that the doesn't have any teeth to it." Mr. Pratt lack of local control over law enforceThe sheriff, Mayor White and Dep said the comment was overhead by ment (under the new contract) is not Sal.t Lake County Attorney Donald Barton !'<utt and Steve Cook, two other worth the money the city will save. Sawaya conferred i Tuesday morni1 police officers. and Mr. :Sawaya \ndicated afterwc Th<3 cbuncU ha, scheduled another , that the county would bill the city Attorney's View ·•marathon: tnfleting" - scheduled to services rendered 1before the contr, Mr. Brooks said that the council's last untiU:80 a.m. -for April 16. If past took effect. :.. attorney& informed them that all was meeting, are any.lndicaUon, m1,1ch dty 1 When the council's actions w1 busineit,wUl ~pused over· and the ''good.and proper" with the way the revealed Tuesday afternoon, seve. ',tmergency';!'11eeting was set up and police cl()J)l.rtment will aga.ui-he the questioned the legality of the emerg, executed. He said proper notification numb4Jr one topic:' The aaeoda includes ey meeting. several ~lice-relate<i items. ' \ilaHilven and '.that, since Mayor White Utah Code Sectton 52-4-6.4, The lit did not immediately exped1ti: the firini A groµp calling itsel! 'Riverton Public and Open MeetingsAet. stat of the .officers, the council was correct Citizens';qfor Constitutional Governthat the governing public body can c ln appointina a mayor pro ternpore to ment" - which supports the Riverton an emergency meeting "to c_onsid carry out its legislation. Police Dopartment - will meet Thursmatters of urgent nature; the (24-hc Tuesday'& actions were the latest day at7p.m. In the Riverton Elem.en• publici notice requirements of secti development in the cornpllcat~d and tary School · 52-46.2 may e disregarded and,t ,,J'.1 est notice practicable given. '











By George A. Sorens:n Tribune Suburban Editor RIVERTON -- A call for resignation of the Riverton City Coundl and Mayor and. holding new elec:tions drew strong support Thursday .night. , Councilman Noel Bluin Puge made the r<;>commendatio during a tneeting c·onsillt-rlng a r.ontract with Sn!t L11ke . County to prnvide police sNvice ior the city. The meeting was cailetl by th<:: Riverton Citizens for Con-;titulional Governrne-nt and was attern.led by alx;ut 100 persons. l\fr. Page was the oi1ty coundlman to vote ,1gainst a co11tra<:t wlrkll was ,presented to the county commission by tl1.ecity· co11ncil.


Both denied they were informed of

ti_1e enwrgen,:;y ,c,,s~ion, The issues r. asking recall c-r city officials and interlocal agreats with other agencies will vpear n the >bvcmber halkts. The polict! Quesfi<,,l c-nuld ·-femain trnresolved for .n~;1tll:-. ! fowl';er. the city cuurH·il cGuid caii for elections earlier Mr Page r</'c l'ivcd a. standing ovation when he called Tuesduy's action. clever and iWrhnps wise. but immoral. unfair, shady and unjust." Both Councilmen Don L. Beck>::lte:d :md Steven Brooks sa:id they will 111;t resign and suggested Councilmttn Page spend as much time looking into the ·mattl'r as lh<:,y have. Mr. Brooks explained the Tuesdoy action was taken beeatuse ''the decision

Apter'eon.sulting.wit#r tti

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'about\ the . sq~~bhle<:\:g<>fuii:\~~>fi_ri::~.:~a,v'ing, .· . "; • ",1"Gk. 0'/eI' who->~_nd'/ hoWi\.the · •. ··w;:1ethel' this will.;be if'-l'goQd d~al'F G ~omm:u nity is to be polieoo,:JY/.'>S}f', ,·_ for the citiZ<eflS of ought to be° ~ ; A majority of the city. collri.cffh'ii¥e.:: decided. on a single factor .alone: wm j abandon 1eyel.cf1aw entoreerient p olice foTce and contract wi,tlt'tne-:.$~~~- be. at lcaatth.G same vnth:-the jue County Sheri±ts ej4it#ij if±rnce doing tho 'i6 ss.-

;i .f.iverton



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,~ tot11ls $271,000,- wlule--·•-1h~-·eoot:ract seen\s to have been su-.nk benea -~ with the sheriffs -iffi~i wW.mr'.iosf'"isc.a 6f acrirr:'.ony, r,tl:.sive rhetoric anuw.~

lea! uncertainties. Consideringthie'.± · neg;:1tivei1ic':ss and cor:troversy '-' t:,.Ui





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l:liioiling the proposed law enfo.rc·~--1, ment contract, the reluctance ·to· signing it displayed by CotjntY, Com-·_ missioners William L. H\.ti:chinsorK and.,Robert G. Salter, withou._tJ:he': bei1efit of a detailed analysis', -if not::; only understandable, ,bijt,-;h1ghly, n·1 en1a· abl,c. . t'h.U\:.,-:,. ",nti ' ,.,,.,; :. ..,...~\v;;.!11 i.o;na~, C 0 -n· t · - "A k;i!EA?% b~e,.and prudent men, The contract migh' but the bitterness irrationality generat l.



its fashionirig•defiti.tt

finaliza'tion _ ·o t:·- th-e· ,._.... _,,,--,•.---,,-w ,,




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I s Si nin

tSY Ann McCreary Deseret News staff writer Salt Lake County commissioners delayed signing a contract Monday to provide law enforcement services to Riverton City, allowing the troubled city 30 days to put its. affairs in order. Joseph E. Tesch, an attorney representing the city's eight police officers who were fired last week by the.City Council, advised commissioners to delay signing the contract with Riverton until questions concerning the Riverton City Council's actions are settled. · Tesch said the Salt Lake County attorney's office has. begun an investigation into· the turmoil in Riverton City government. . "1 think that perhaps a grand jury would be in order" to resolve questions about

'Tesch argued that county commis\oner& should look beyond' the formal .!dion tal<:/:ln by the Riverton City Council in seeki ng the law enforcement contract.· J, .. ~ "When you say we· have to listen to the speaking governing bsdy, you have to look at th.is goveming- hody and ask lg:..'Are they acting legally?:"" Tesch said citizens of Riverton are " petitioning for a public vote to decide {l _the qµestion of police service. ·· ·This is a case where you need to sit k? oack a bit and let the people have their voice, because. I think if you sign this contract, you will be forcing yourself on this community." Tesch told county com missioners, Commission Chairman William E.


River on government, 'Tesch said.

He said the council: s action in firing the city police force may have been in violation of the State Open· Meetings Law and against the will of the majority,of Riverton citizens. ' Riverton citizens filled the County Commission chambers Monday morning, · carrying signs saying "We· want our local police department backl' and_ "We want to keep local control." In delaying the contract with the county sheriff's office, commissioners warned Riverton citizens that they would receive a lower level of police 'service than the contract would provide. Donald Sawaya, chief deputy county attorney, said the sheriff will.be respon- .· sible for preserving the peace and uphold-

Dunn said the county: s policy is not to force services on ci.ties. He stressed that in considering the Riverton contract, commissicners should only concern themselves with the oifieial action of the City Council in drawing up the proposed contract, and avoid becoming involved with internal city conflicts. Dunn noted the contract was signed Mayor Lowell White. However,\ White wrote above his signature, ·The mayor disapproves of this agreement." by

The City Council's four-person majority argued for a contract with the. sheriff on the basis of economics. The sheriff agreed to provide.a patrol ear for $154,908 per year, while the city's, eight-man police force cost $271,000: The council had hoped to initiate sheriffs services on April 15.



ing state law in Riverton Specific city ordinances, however. will not be enforced, Sawaya said. Five· different petitions and referendums are circulating in Riverton regarding the police question, said Gaylord Johnson, ~ chairman ofRiverton Citizens for Constitu-f tional Government, a group fighting to ~ restore the local police force. fil .


Johnson Said he filed a petition Monday if morning seeking to stop the transfer of city funds to the county to pay for the sheriff's~ contract. . ·i; "We think the county sheriff's department is excellent, but we are. very I: concerned about local control,"' Johnson f said. , ..





lgi#irens wuanf meetin .e&' ±_





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witffRiviii10n c:aur'lc,IV

By &,.g Palmer Deseret News staff writer


RIVERTON - The chairman a group fighting to restore the Riverton police force

said Tuesday that a meeting \\'.ill be sought with the mayor and Rive_rton City Council to resolve differen...--es · fa the• .troubled·,.•: community. Gaylord . Johnson, who heads Riverton Citizens for Constitutional Government, told, the Deser.et ·. News he · believes . disputes . be,. tv,een th~ City Cotmcil,' arid other citizens can be settled. "; 'g.'. . . • '!'he disputes. arose last week when four of .the five council members: voted to fire the -police forc.e ar.:d to contract for aervicea..with · the Salt Lake County Sheriff's Johnson's statements. ade?after: a Salt Lake County Commission decision Mori. day to de!y signing a contract to provide lav. enforceasxt services to Riverton City. .. . · J0Set1h-E. Tesch,· an.attorney representing. the city's -eight former· polke offkers, ad vised · the <:011j_~ni..:ision to delay sigrJng · the contract •;;lit~J RiY {!!'i:(Hl until questions concerning the council's acii-ons are settl?,d. . 'The lorg-standing dispute whether Riv€1ic:.• . City or the county sheriWs office· ·slilluld r,'tnJ,rM<; police protection has· resulted in m2.,'llel'.'G:iJS. ;_~wsuits anrl petitions being filed or drculatetl. .






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Jo!:m.son said his organization's plans lir nebulous. But he said he has called a Thursda: e:vening board meeting in-a private home t, discuss plans for requesting a meeting wi{l the 1ayor and City Council. . The council is scheduled to ·meet Tuesda: night at"lin the city hall, but Johnson said tlili would lo too soon for the city officials represenl.litives ·of· his organization to meet Mayor Lowell . White was out-of-state oi busines~ Tuesday but is. expected to return fo· Wednes,;u-;.y's meeting . :... · . ''Bes!des, we would rather meet in a executive session; where discussions could b more prod_uctive, ,.·Johnson said. · . , · :1 "\Ve {the group headed by Johnson andcit.l officials) need to get together to come· to sot kind of understanding," Johnson said. · , ;-;,_, Johnson was asked about the prospectr''ci: solving differences between his organizatio r and city officials; · .. · ·' "I have optimistic feelings. Otherwise; ) wouldn't hvecalled the meeting for Thurs day," he said·. , ,.,,.; ..-\. ,. ·- · · Don L. Beckstead, one of tbe four councilmen,. voting to. fire t he police force, said 'I'ue;Sday hef a,s 'qu'%tions whether the. law enforcement ssuc' can be settled unW overalJ fiscal issues acing the city are faced. . · He said roblems include_"Una@y. co gs !


See POLICE 011 B-

and budget requests for not on l y poli ce ' protection but for the fire and other departments. . ·' · · :· ·. • ·./ .}: . ,, . Beckstead. who was critical of Johnson and others in the organization, said if the city . cannot get a contract negotiated with the : county, then Riverton citizens should . '.'lookto a substantial tax increase" so law enforce- ,, ment and other services can be provided, , . The councilman said he doesn't· consider the commission's decision a defeat. . .; •·t think the commission would have signed . the contract· t,_!ld not the .'attorney (Tesclj) · · realcy .~one a-job on us .. ;," Beckstead sai<i.. referring to· · statements made by- Tesch . --~,- 1;egarding criminal investigations.. · :, , •• Beckstead said he had been assured by ,' Chief Deputy Charles. Shepherd of the·Salt Lake County Sharlff's ·office that the county would provipe'tli~-cit:fwith police protediOIJ';;•, as required Ny law ...' Eg" . . Tire councilman said. many_ of the dcy/$· problems stem from unrelentirg campaignlng by those who failed'to win courcil posts·u-in't})e_', · 'election. · · · ·· Y :'. · • ··We (councilmen Steven Brooks, Curds .·Collard and Beckstead) ran the . ·.. platform to sav.e rrioney for the city if we could i contract for services· af_ a savings and still maintain a high level of services/' Beckstead said. · · i .,,,,.



"Our city budget for law enforcement services is $271,000 for this year: You can - safely figure that it will nm way over .$300;000 _(for the next fisi!at'year)." Beckstead said.. i; . .Beckstead said that if Johnson 'had spent · as much time lnvestlgatin.g what's available · . through tl_le sheriff's office and less time . undei-min.ing the council, then he would have had to c.o me up with the same cenclusion as · ·the council.'' · · johnson said Beckstead accused the .citizens' group on television .o f causing Riverton• lo be without adequate police protection because of· petitions filed and other.. action taken. · ·"If is our feeling that i(the ~ouru:il was , really acting in the best interests of Riverton . City, it would 'have made arrangements a. continuation or protection untJL·a · transition. could have been made the police (oree. The. firing was very premature." Johnson said. "The. council's who.le thrust was to put us CitizenstorConstitutional position of having to back. off·:mdrwithi:lraw,,r . our petitions. It is the council that has'left Riverton .without adequate protection:> We certainly did not .fire the police ..force before .,,_ · adequate protection was available to Rlv,er- ton," ,Johnson sllid. '}.'r ·




Prompts ew Riverton Rift ~ait Lske Tritiun~



._ ._.



3.:! By Mike carter






. .


advised not to sign, claimih~ that Mr. purchase, claiming that he got- the'. McLemore may be made• hable_ and gasoline "at three cents. cheaper a; . "ti·'i{~'.,.. , · .. ·2' .\ • · .•· . possibly an af__ter~th~-fact-accomphce in gallon." _ ~p!•,n;'-tQN ""7 Not 20, IJllllutes after a any wrongdomg. Without his signature • • - .: ·· · '. pa.ssi'oriate pleafo bury the hatchet and th d bt t be . d .. • City ordinances.state that any; work-out. tbelr differences, the Riverton . . e. e canno pa_r . . ·'.:: . . . purchase -~y th e city of _more than $2,000:, City-i:(;:ow.reilicaild·• ¥~yor Lowell ..D.. Mr. 1.icLemore pointed out an ordi- must be bid upon, an_c;tPo_l~ss-than_ three: White;.. :,W-~te involved;. in a heated,< ~~ce. passed_ Feb. 19, stating that the . bids . accept~ and:: QPerted- ~.u n1Jil · a, ar'gum~7-'fuesd.ayfnight ·over con- ;"Riverton City purchasing; agent is regUU).r council mee~ng;.<~ ... , ·- ; traversial of gasoline:<last purchase_ goods and - · Mr;· Woodworth. ,in. a. letter <lated! molitli{/;~=·· :· ··t · :.' · . " Riverton t ty o an · March 24.,,said, '!-'rb& Gity is presently-i -Again@j clashed.a' em0es%Pg¥ basis and notin excess of$. t of gasoline. In the1pasf council! was forced to pound die city : council apr@v"_.meetings the pavibl e have not; ~~'Vel repeatedlj' to-bnng•·order to the • ,· . .; . · .. ·'. ·· ..,. _b een aproyed. Sire accounts council chambers. Theargument began But, McLemore pointed out, the payable not been'a pproved the,' immediately foloving:a plea by r esi _ 'purchasing referred,to in the· willj t deliver,jgre gas to the:} dent Betty Dante fo.the and • statute is 'thecity_ manager; Riverto n- _CS!yi 1$ si j 5%. . • _maJ'.or to;J<:>rget ~ast· dispute!f.; and . C!ty ~8:na~ Rich Woodworth te~9~~}"!.:3~~~: ;"·1. ·, . 'dfair "'~~ ;.-·' .• . .:..r. ;; ••_coraprorruse_, n,egotia.t e 11n~ talk to one his resignation March 5. · ·• . _.,_:~:, ::;-" _:.1_ .~ f~ ,, _:'<'·2:4 .,;.-ing -~ _-._ ..,, __ !·-.,.,.9._ · ~. , '_· "··er " ·· · · · · · li · R" · • · __ ,, ·· · H ""ent for the eity I.. , · anot _ • .u . . . _ :t ...., . . . .· In · . the past, gaso ne In 1vertofj'·w,1¥;:~;- ';,, · '.' · · ,. , .na . "' '::biiJ ~..., • ' _: Following Mrs. Dansie's speech, the'. _ purcl1asi1 gipsyj j j j5s pg%,<gs${pi,j#pg;;] council turned to the first-item on the v!ce-Stalt> ~- ft99.9 S. 1700 West: How- .u a~ - ... ,. "!1'·" · e et. • ..........~ ag_entla- "Accdunts Payable" - and it ever, th.at 1ccount was in lirreats·and· .· (for · w. : ever ~•0-. P~r~a: was brought out that the city owes more · . the owners would no longer, sell built.:,,.. vendot,J 1ow · can .. I m: g&ja• collsc.i_eitce, j than $3,6C-O to the Be~kstead Oil. Co.,r:· shipmen,ts. to the city .. Police cars ~:-;},~ue~ ·gas from another vendor when: i 12500 • Redwood Rd., resulting from other emergency equipment we: Past payables have been overlooked. _an. al!egedly unau~nzed i;•urchase•of. forced. to purchase gasoline at th@gsg& notice'to you that I refuse tof , gaolino by Coei!man Dona L. Beck- pumps atone point. • "! be:put inthe middle of this situation and}? sf99d rel3ion)_March 24 when the Councilman Beckstead, who deeth&q "@k that Council take immediate -c,.-;1ty ra:•• out to commen t pnva . t e 1y ·to Th e T n..,u;1e •.1.. . , . .-_. action~. ••·. . :· . . . · !-· . · , _,I . of - ga..,dme. . · . . . .i. • · • .-···:, . .• /~:,. .· ,.. 'Eme;·,5,,;:.ey' Action when asked about the purchase; ini~o.r-'·~,-, . "I feel this a political move on the:! '"'.' '· . · _. · · , . . < i,zed the purchase of more than ,$3;6q().:',. part of a_ councilman and I do not want• r -1::Mr. Beckstead_ told. the council and worth of gasoline. without· council ai>' :·.to be party~- these actions. Especially·;, crowd of about 50 people that his action.:_ proval when then.:eity manager Rich when we have gone after bids and have i : wasdoireinan'_'emergency''-•thecity. Woo·dworth ·refused .fo.:;make a':•not teceived 011e bid in over a month.'~ was out of. gasoline for. emergency . purchase.····' · · .. ,. ;~:, Especially when council persons are~ · '(~hlcles--,;- and that there'was no-other _: - . . not · concerned with maintaining a ~ thst ' J.>ers.':)11 availahie _t o .authorize . the ... : He went to Beckstead OU Co., for constant allocation in light· o( the gas-~ pur:chase_. r+ Etha;us%'3SgS- _, • ·-~·, •,; ·•.)!.. • • • •• _, ,_. ·= -~- , and fuel situation. · . · . • : · .,,. [i .. ·_. However, City Treasurer PaulcLe. . .... ''Public safety vehicles are out n:iore told the council that he will not__ , . E as : well as other departments: this ~ sign the cheek. claiming that there 1s an .,.. 1 needs your immediate attentJ.o n, this is ::J "i mpropriety'; in the way the purchase·. , · , · · - the council's emergency, they. created ~ w,as mad_e: _H e said:hiit att<;>rneys hav..,-· . . · , it;" the letter said. ._ ' · · ·· :: -~

· Ttibune Staff Writer





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Mar hite

?PPP 2ithut Mr.







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By Daye Jonsson Gaylord'JohnSQn, a Rivertqp r.esiaenLil who is head oi the Riverton quzens for Tribune Staff Writer Constitutional Government; said cm: 1 Salt _ Lake,· County.: commissioners zens against disbanding the- city police Monday postponed signing a law en- agency' have filed two initiative pet!forcement contract with Riverton City tions · and three referenc!um petitions ta ; to give · that community what one reverse the action of _three city council· commissioner called time to "solve.:its · men. The inifratives woul d recall the! family problem." · councilmen and set down the kinds of About 35 Riverton residents filled the services that citizens would maintain commission chamber as commission- power to control. The referendums aim ers decided to put off signing a contract to stop the :county, contract, stop payment of"dtY'functs· on the contract, for 30 days. and stop implenieritatlon of a manager-Delay ' Wise' council form of government:' [~ Cofumissioi1: Chainnall . Will.Ul.rlfY E. -. Joseph E. Tesch, attorney repre'.:Durin said a delay "is wise; because. the, enting the dismissed policemen, .,Q contract.·carries· a _minimum: 180-day county_ commissioners shodd ;e;Scapectause,'.'_- . • .-. a delay b-s,cause "the qu,2stion l} Riverton city sgoiroyer- whether this· contract is I sial spilt vote,,- Apm · l, decided to Riverton dtizens really want." Cillm.eil' bf disband. eight-mag·police depart- ;--·''R,:maway ". . ment and c01ifract\'.:,V:)'1fr:hie county to" '/ "I've- neve·r$. -soon governrn,:mt ~ provide-protetjfon,1fm,,n: th_e., Sheriff's liki'.l this (Riverton ~om,ciD," he Qtce st$14,00g'ye&rte gity'sow Ha termed the panel #j department had 'a. bud&tot $271,000 council':' not' dents'. v1ishes. . The eight said, L')-~ corr:,munltYJ'•i,11 get st_a~:ciard, together on thi to be reinstat ~1 level prqtect10n from the sheriff .lower- level of -s~rvice than would mar sort«actLlovd· · Bright a Rivertorr ,.,-,,drl;;-ef~l $. EgeCam told commissioners ''many /{ ·. i-The .one-year contract proposed pro-- citizens are responsible for this co· vides for a 180-day escape clause, trnct... " t1 rrieaiiing the citymust give six montl')s' The council's rnte to seek county if it wishes the county services. was in line with "cmnpaign service. · . · • . .. promises to get a handle on the budget of Riverton City,''. he said. commissioner Dunn said in light of Deputy .County Attorney D;:rndd threatened lawsuits, eltizen petitions and possible c_itizen court action, it Sawaya said deputies will respea&&&v would he. wise- to. delay approving the See Page B-2, contract.







I. ts I i

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erton but will provide a

., e not;as intense as that


prbvid~.: '·v.nfucorporated m.'.eM sur, rounc!cfog the city. Only sta.i:•J laws will be enforced.. (Tiley, cover folonie£ an.<l misdemeanor situations.


' City and county ordinr,nees will not

be enforced. Commissioner 'William L.

{tutchlho' proposed the "c00llg off per½Q41' ·and· Commissioner R-ob,,rt G.

Salter warned that i-esidents "have 00 days fo solve your family oroblem Commfssionc,·. Dunn had y srreasra re cont9 0?

faiHng to pro.vitl:~~

would have to be sheriff's oiiice under

commHml.orn'3rS had to re@vast by a majority coun,~il, headed up by Mayor ',Vhite's formal a)'.)pikatfon to p,·ovidepoUce pr(1te-ctl'on


T ble 4-.h . ·. - ,--~. ·. 'esi the }rawmg al 7yo Riverton Ital, . n, P, '

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lord Johnson, head of a RiverFirst, are the eight officers::Wl.').o ton citizens committee supporting the ..-• .are !eft to draw unemployment com community's police force,thinks the;_ pensation ap.dfo if,' ~, '. . . . wonder where; .. : city council's action dismissing the:::_:they_ :wiU firid other law ·enforcem.eiit: entire 8-member department was . jobs.•·'1/·, . ·-. . · · ·· . :· · : . . .--.·.. ·' ;-~ /k! .fH.gt i' .-.i.-.' . . " . ''. childish and very premature.:' The'. .. ·• 'l'µ1;ri:,; and' probably mostimpor. first part conjectural, but the latter. the citizens of assessment' has a solid basis in fact. . must!•: enchir'e\ · thei uncertainties: ''and;. The . dismissal . of the Riverton apprehensions of the dubious status police department, · masse, was , . law enforcement in theirtown. mistakenly done on the- hasty as-. , A telephone· caller the other day · sum.ption thf!,t~~prov_alof'a_proposed· told he feels "double crossed" _by law with Salt .the council:he Lake Couityas pre-ordained.: Just the opposite. has happened: without a certam ,vaI?,<!fN.,; ,,.,. ,_; '. : · · ·· · · ' ·. · · · . · . . &.-<' -'wav-<··out'·of.,-this •.a1e.ca•'0Lc1v1c:~ The Salt . Lake County· Commrns1orn • :~~ ~-:"?.'f'rcc':~. · ·,. · ..• · -;.._~· · · ·, · -,, ~-:·.5 ; · ;,, - •. . . "~·-, '··~- · , · . l.Ef• o e · River.. , postponed· signing •". ,., !/.-h,.r i .,~ ,r. r';•:.~ .~ : !, .·.· .v · i.ij_ _..t;..;.·~.•,".J.bt; ·~_'1;"•.:s •· ..•L°'c"·,,;· .;l.• .o.ays.. o·. . i 1 the contract d . fo.h'r 3. o.·..I.;-~~:?~ ·-1,<..,,im nlJ" '-'VW1cu:.c.•.. 1.ts,,,,, o,•e .,._.._;.,,, r1gmru_ plans, an on which; ." ;""8£4 -~--:..ja·'·..,,~--SW. llo:' iii' of' th:e· Riverton City council apparently all_>4t, WI~~'.~\:'ff_A~l_..,.)t-1 f\ :gJ· · ba.sed its impetuous actions, was tht- pride, rescind.tdffiig the police would become efiectlve department; rein&fa't.riig? ·the } contract. ld sF .l #Zrthe « eight ·•t on Aprl.l 1 _-,,· .. · ·. · ·· ,-. · · ofifo~:..·s im:n.?ct1ate.cy;.\ AU?-i.:~@Pt'P~~, 5 ' .·

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city helpedeleet.His .anger; is._understand@bf@, and. not

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Instead, the cunty governing dvanitges..and boara wok,mto· eowtkle::'.'f'thon a rash?Atty ope Bu±/%: d ebat4 ·. oL " · .,+-.. -~.'· . . l its: ki rte es+ •.;' .... -:1 '. ·• ", _ , ~! Ge o1 ft threatened iawsurt s, nwveIona cit+;}·enforcement contract with te zen petitions" and possible other pate County Sheri 's Office.' court actions and- wisely agreed Wh ile that ratteris being consia month s 'cooling off penod m dered ·Riverton residents :would at. order, as_ Comm1ss1one~ Hob~rt.. least know what the status of-;local Salter said, to allow Riverton Crcy law. enforcement, is . and· eight- extime to ':solve its family problem." p-erienced_ police 'officets_,'wo,uW :not Meanwhile, the community must· have to worry excessively where the get along with what minimal police · next house paynient was · coming protection the·;, Salt · -Lake County · ·· Sheriff's office'ca:rr provide and eight• polic-e officers- are without work. · Our und-erstanding is that the eight_ form.er Riverton officers were expecting to be rJred as deputy sheriffs soon after the law enforcement contract became effective. That eventuality is now at least a month off. We won't ,pretend to understand what prompted this less than exemplary exa·mple of public administration, however, .. we wiU. offer the observation thattwo groups o-f people· arecaught in the midd_le of some bad decision making by the Riverton City

o ?·

Council.· : ·



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· Grolip 'in 'Riverton FJ;!~s SuilJ ·Acts ".),X Seeks. to~Nullif;''t(luncil ur'o R1verton


h_. ·

By .\like Carter \ attorney and city manager; a change in suit. the judgments asked for by, the Tribune Staff Writer the form of government which stripped plaintiffs: · · . ' Mayor White of several of his executive A • . .. . • RIVERTON- The Rr,·erton ('itizens wers; and • an investigation into . Judgment decl~rmg the pro_pfor Constitutional ·Go\ ._rnme: c and poll ·"' . . ti . · -~.. osed .contract for police protection ·"· . ll D Wh. . a eg :u trnpropne es m ci., govern- b t R' rto c·t d Sal M Lo we : rte filed asuit in 3rd ment b the count - attorne 's office.- · e ween _1ve n I y an_ . t Lake District.. CourtJate Wednesday, hoping Y Y Y County void and unconstitutional for nullify several actions taken by the The Riverton citizenry is· split over violation of the plainLJtfs' equal protec- j c1ty·council m recent weeks. the controversy; and the council meet- · tion and due process nghts mthat ... · 1 Named.as defendants in the suit are ings every other Tuesday - once qu,iet (the) contract comtemplates the pay- .J Rivert.on City councilmen Don L. Beck- and businesslike - have recently been ment of double taxes by the plaintiffs_ , stead· Curtis Collard Steven Brooks packed· with angry, frustrated and . and other taxpayers of Riverton City and Ov Christensen. Councilman Noei vocal residents. The mayor has stated " Blaine Page is not named. The suit asks that work in the city ·. has virtually The suit contends that Riverton for a total of 10 judgments against the ground to a halt.··' . citizens already pay taxes for sherifi's cou_ncil, and contains· eight causes of Represents Citizens Group protection into the Salt Lake Coi.mty act10n. The suit, . filed by - Kenneth M. general fund, and _to contract' for I . Mayor White said the suit could result Hisatake, an attorney who. represents protection already paid for constitutes I i,n the Riverton City Police Department the citizens group -f6rmed of former double taxation. bel.g back the job by the end of this _ city ~ouncilman and one-time mayoral · . , sheriff's department is , wee.t. . . . _. . , candidate. Gaylord Johnson, an_d Je~i- patrolln&.~i'IE!rton as reqwrea by law- , . u.test Devie.l,r;,m.ent dents Chri.stine Savage and Joe Mas--.. : since. the police department has bee:n . , . Th•' e suit is the latest d ±lo t, caro - Th includes itas-aapproved. .. , ., s eve opment mn · _,_plaintift.:Mayor.-•.· f •=.l fired:,,.T iie.n~-..ed · r1:--..- . contract · . . . . ' . the Riverton controversy which be 8.ll °:' Hl e. · ,e Slll ru;...,..,._ · on-;'•ll-'ll''h~~';}:J> .;.~ ~ity }:Ouncil remams In limbo, . with the election la.st No,;ember of t r.. Judg~ents by the.court, but perha~; ::·a~er ~ cpqpty conimm!asion re~,U.S-$d ~ Bee ks teatl . Mr. C0 H d d M . most are the reinstatemegt:"zto approved it- atleast temporaril y-- { Brool'S .. ' ar an r. of the city's police force and request for.last #eek.{j in3 . :: •.· ~ ' · . _. . a· court order restraining the coimeifc·.""'- - ; ,.c', :C ;·:, tfI · · .·: ... · -t ~ These councilmen .spaarheaded a from implementing any proposed col - . ..suit tie courtto th drive to cqntract. law enf . orcem_ ent in :- trac_ t wi~ the ~unty _sher_ifi... s: d.epart- :;_ un _ con~tit~r.~ fi ·. a thrtion,,o_ f _ e.Utalt . _ ·~ Riverton from Salt Lake County me t until the 1ssue--can·oe decided b-y. Code whichjs . , , at a eterenduma j ,. Sheriff's Department, claimin g the vote-;· A, re(erentl1.lm petition for this 'vote , d,.,es ·'. pply __ tQ,. lnte_rlocsi_ i }?cal force W~S inefficient and shoddily '.' action ha&~ filed wit~cifyr~oro~~-;,~:~~l"_e~~:nent~_. • · ,7":' . _~· ·• .• -· ~ n ) managed. • . Peggy Green, as has ne regarding tlie• Asks Cotto Issa Order _This has resulted in he controversial adoption of the city manager_ form of. • court to_ isgge_an ords fi ring of entire Riverton police government, which addressed _directligthe cunft2t"?'case f u;i an emergency meeting'y held two the suit. . . ,, ,des~t any,l 1mp!ementation. of ~eeks ~go; ~ resignation of the city _ Here are. in the order listed i.!Uhe · ~- . : ·, e. _,._\!!.,,..._,,,,..,..,.;;."f.-,,-.~cl"""·---- ·------ ·:_-::::,:,.:-:-__:...__...:,:_->l ~--,-..... _..:: ..,ee, "'~Co . \l .






Presently, the






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But, two of lhe city councUmen who had

, voted to fire the omccrs appeared at city ·om~cs Thursday morning and said lhey disagree with the mayor·s statement. _



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..ii..Rci) Councilman Steve Brooks questioned whether the officer• were legally sworn In. "We could be lrued for $1 million il something hapl)(:'ns - If someone gets In a car wreck or an officer pulls .a gun and i;hoots. somi:'One." he. said. EarliE'r Brooks Jtppeared during the middle o{ Whit~:s meeting with police and ask<"d the omce-rs to sign a waiver of any daim thE'Y might bave against the city that would a_rls-e out ol their working as a police offk'e1·. Thc omcers refused to sign· and said they \\-ottld go. about their normal duties as requested by the mayor. · Brooks and Councilman Don Be<:kstead said the attorney for. the four COWlcilmen is o;.,i of tO"l'lll . and they will take no artion un(il they talk to,hlm Friday . . "l don't b\ow what will h111:i,pen. We're. trying to 1,a,-·~ money and g.lvt the people a jJ()(',d l<>vel tJ aervice and keep taxes down. All we'N teylnt: to do ls to cut waste out of govern#ei ," ecistead sala.

..,.353£2¥ .~U~~1ffl;Offlef for-; him .\'l.nd the ruv0r."1r,1.i·citk ~ ti-•0JnstttutlonBl Govpr, ah&h llgd the suit Wednesday. . pl.cl U.i., ufi1'rt;ts w~re nQt legally. [ired and. a re still emr,19y-e,~g of the clty. •.

. .· Resprd g o a comment reportedly n-.-etle by Beckstead that the officers would 'l .·· · lrnve to be p.r,kl by the mayor. White said it . hi his fl\~,.n,i-,n the referendum· petition : h!ockM tl~ rouncU's actions.

·. ·. .

·... , :j,!:_,>j •. ,

pass&d a



"The referendain restores the The council ordinancetaking budget and the funds to the police depart-: those powers away. claiming ment u.~til the dtl~en~ vote,(on tlie, matter • had mismanaged city. • Nov. 4, he said. · -· • The suit also asks that the council bi'' The signatures .of 1,132 people. or 84 enjoined from violating the Open percent of the registered voters inRiverton Meetings La. ifs.,,· in the 1.astelectlon~ were on the refort'ndum , Named as.defendants in the suit are petition filed Monday. White said. Beckstead. Brooks,'Curtis Collard and Ove White called Brooks' statement that he Christensen. voted agalnsrthe handed to the officers "sheer baloney" and contract and notat the meeting. In said the issue of pay will be determined by which; the of£icer,;~r,r~rt fired. ls the only the courts. While advl$ed the officers not to councilman not named. sign the waiver. · · Police Chet Baliantyflc &aid the White said no meetings with the councii· off!cer-s feel a loyalty to the clty and are planned. before the regularly scheduled the citizens o{ are behlnd them. ·

the mayor







May 6 mc-etmg.




Ii .


·, .

..This is· obvious by the fact that they The lawsult. filed by Whit,e and the (the officers) show/up here on such short uottl'<'; • BallantSlt)e. said. Two or the citizens CQrrimlttee Wednesday asks for a judgment nearly all of the.controversies. 'officers were working on other jobs and a third had a job lined up, but all tlm,:-e, th8t have divided Rive'rton officials for the • .\ past four months. It charges that the n.•µor1cd forduty.,fie:Said. · !~·:"....j--. --_ • _-i;: mectlng in which the police department was f~ was held in vi-0lation .of the 'Ctah · '.' l!J J6 ye4ts· of police work. I've Open 11,f~ tnga Law In that ;White and , ne~er seeir camart~erle like it is here ... hi! said · · ·. · i1 ·.. · · · Co.u~:an .l'ioel, Blai.ue_ Page were. not Beckstead and Brooks dd is that clty government courtto reinstate the m Riverton is virtually at a standstill. police department. prohibit the. propos<>d . • White th~lfc(ty admit{isJrutor. ,,'ho county contrael from being put into eHc<:t resigned 17 days was blocked by the until the November vote and to restore the council In almost everything he tried to do. mayor:s . ndminlstratlvc powers taken away Crom him by the rouncll. · • Brooks said the city must llltvl' a budget prepared In 15 hut the dispute has Those duties lndude the power to hire madl• drafting difficult. and fire employees and control spending;



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.the ~}tieagreeon itftmgUWiute, saM ago days,



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Oeseret News

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. :i

Both antagonists agree . (.;;ontlnued from B-l) · 1

sheriff's office because he believes it will save 1support breaking Salt Lake City into four or money. White, however,' .sees it as a move five ·smaller entities, each, he asserts, with_ toward functional' (dty,co'unty) consolidatio.·n better local control. •' and a loss of local corttroL ', Th'at penchant fdr. small government ln-' . The strong feellrig each has for his O\ll!l cltides a dislike for the' large Salt Lake County belief is indicative of the strong personality Sheriff's Office or anything that even sounds, each has. That strong lias exacerbated the similar to city-county consolidation. ' problem-,- the harder one pushes one wny, lhe impact fees charged to developers and rewrite Dig government, he says. violates 'the harder the other pushes back. Thal has given city ordinances governing developments to ee~omy of scales. A gov·ernment, he says, rise _to ugl:,, rumors, rancor ant.I stramed allow developers to provide less expensive has to be large enough to get good prices and relations. handle its problems. But when it gets too The controversy moved further to the fore building lots. large, it becomes unmanageable. Then you've with a great deal of cltlzen involvement. But He says he will cut the city's expenses by lost that economy of j;Cales, he says. ernn though it is an extremely volatile "Oriol'! a police department (or sheriff's situation, it may not. have drawn such better management. . ofliro) gets larger than 60 to 70 men, you begin _attention if Becks,tead's bloc had been a httl,3 .. · more tactful. White is a stu d en t o· f th e Freemab's.{'o • 'r' . . lose control over it , " he says. . . . . . t't• 1 t' I Seminars and ad.ocfo"You don't get the action with big Beckstead mildly sys that if the pecple Institute Cons '. • wna h l . f , b ,or g(J\•erninent and there is moro chance for -understood the situation :better,. they woct,cl rate in industrial hygiene w osp cg!29,,$ l · it1fluet1ee by well-flnancetl sn<>cld i•1terests fa. like what he is doing. · f' ht' th Envlronme•1ca r · · · . . r ASARCO Inc. 18 ig mg • e , · h :, small city, the mayor and council a.rn ycu:.· White says Paeksted has relized that rs Protection Agency. He says he IS very muc,. nei!lhoors." approach has hurt him. . . · ' 11 ·t· H would even · . . . .. . . . an advocate of srna cIt1es. 1e . _l, .•. ,lie .~uld like to sec 30 ?t fio w&ll:to--wnlf ·. councilman Noel Blaine Pnge - ~H!\a Se BOTZ? on Pgcities ih the valley. And he_' would ratner see· called the man In the middle ~cawe _h,e rte< " }three or {our small cites going U-.rough what not altgn€d MrriGelf_with Becksfos,d but dces?/\.· ----·'TR!verton 1s gomg through than have one large· always side with the mayor - simply snys ,t city being polluted from ·hitltln." was a ca Si? of bad public re!ations o:~ In simple terms, Beckstead favors con- Beckstead's part. lrlict.ing for law enforcement with the eo1mty ·','The people were more ups3t at the L,ct .



• .





on istiamel.. .


.. .

. .·




.,t .

_ki ks%%irk't'aowed to o he@ta than'antto verv e n sommittee. ft'i @at Gig. tej{wkit ontractlg with the., sheriff's that the republic J.s In action." 6ti&e,"hesys. "

.' ; ·- 'White also says that he has had to keep

$..'1helr(th& Beckstead M1)it1bud as ,. tit they had done the study, they knew what 1:· ffi~y'wahtoo: and that thls (Ii public.hearing) was • waste ot time " Ire adds.'. • ·. , . ; .,,, ... ,--.;•, .. '•. ·.,'· •" · .'._·.·;°' ·..., . •.·• -?4'd1Y enough, amidst au this, Beckstead, Vl'1ute and Page agree on ,one thing. The dispute hlls been good fot the city. . ·But, havllig not yet arrived in Camelot, they see it being beneficial in ditterent , ._ ways. ·. . :. ';. "If this is ....:oat it takes to bring down the cost of government, tlien it's Just not bad," Beckstead says. ·



himself better prepared, and thst 'he has learned mote because of the dispute. · . . . Page agrees that the dispute hag forced._the counciltobewell-versedlnthelaw."Noone!-s going to · bluff anyone else. It ls Ii very educated group and they are using every tool very effectively," he says. . . . The dispute, he says, has not polarized th'l city but has forced people to use legal means to be heard. "We sho~d be proud the people a_r e involved and usmg their constitutional rights." ·. .· . , . .



the council didn't argue, the budget

Both factions say they saw 1n<lie~tions ot' reconciliation In last Tuesday's City Council years. We taking hard way. Anybody meeting. For the first time, the two iJ'OUps ralse but it 1_sn t easy to trim costs. . ruive agreed_ to ..openly discuss some of t,ie that (fz butteriess wi! problems. •• kg • probably persist, but h's 'thrilled aboutthe },-_.s ' hi fa{ that the'people a so,,. concerned about A] rick resolution, however, I doubtful. ccs:/:!0.al.govern,art. Po :{a;rs the; thoughts of each group are best ,,, _ , ,, ,' sere] up by Beckstead: ""There a lot of Hncii'(betore the cur;-e_nt c.ontroversy).ro 1why.! s.hould quit, but I can't because get_people to.serve on committees, but got no of t:o, µeople who voted for me, If we give in, response," WHite says. "But now there is an then It would be just as if the .other group h'.ad eagern.css to get involved, and many people won the election." . · j jumped from about $464,000 to $1,064,000 in two

{ can

re taxes,



l'""'°'fi',ns I



JOf!ef)h E. Tesch, attori ey for the police officers, was skeptical about an out-of-court settlement, but aloo would not rule out the

. a•

po8ffi hl lity.

Riverton Council .

'{l". ;l)eSir~'.~Yt ... ~-2'4'81\ . · · ·. ·.. J) ·:·, · , _, . ltecorder Peggy· Gt~en ·not to. put ··oii the

ByMichffi White Deseret News staft writer November ballot five issues raised by lnitia• RIVERTON' Only hours after bin "Ve and referendum petitions. The council . named in an $800,000 lawsuit, Riverton'.s City said it wants the cour.ts to decide whether the Council members voted to hire · former 3rd petitions are legal. . . . . . . .Distrlet Judge Stewart M. Hanson Jr. to __ Mayor Lowell D. White was out oftown and . defend the co:uncil agalnst accumulation of._ · did not attend the meeting. Councilman Noel ; lawsuits. . Blame Page conducted· a:l}d abstained from Th; newest suit was filed Wednesday on voting. _ . .• _ •. _ · · _ . . .. . .. -behah of the city's police offieers, fired.May 8 The court will begin deciding the issues . in what they say was an illegal council raised by the petitions on May 1 when lt hears ' n-1eetlng. ~CB\J..<Je the councli's a-ction den.ied a suit fi1¢-"d by Riverton C}%izens for Const±ti- i Jhe officers due -process of law, the st;tlt says, • · tlon.at Govemment and Wtte. . they are seeking $800,000 in total damages. Hanson, who as.a district judge The council hired Hanson during special 'o years go, saidhe the Riverton! meeting Wednesday to attend to business not bcatise he feels he can help solve Riverton's. completed in the. last . regular meeting. problems. · . · .· · . · · ·· another vote, the councilmen directed City'I take a great del of

I ' .·

· . · ._





case ;



·There hasn't been a sui_t brought in the. ;coo,ntry that cooldR 't have been settled. I don't now if that's going to happen.'' he said. The police .officers' latest suit. filed by . Tetteh in U.S. District Court Wednesdar afte rnoon, claims that when the council fired too police department April 8 in an allegedly illegal meeting, it violated the officers' right to due process of law guarante'ed by the Coostitutioo. It also challenges a section of the Utah Code that requires a hearing and show of cause in the firing of any city employee except police officers and firefighters. "We think the exclusions of police officers and firefighters are without rational b-asis and therefore unconstitutional," Tesch said. The suit names as defendants Councilmen Don Beekstead, Steve Brooks, Curtis Collard and Ove Christensen. Noel Blaine Page, the filth councilman, was not name<l. Page was. not at the meeting in which the police officers were fired. The flu it asks $25.000 in damages from each , defendant he awarded to e ch plice officer and to the police depa.rtrnent's secretary. The pofo::e have filed two other suits' against. the council in 3rd District Court. One charges the council with vio-latlng the state opea meetings law. AntJther which asked for a . preliaia ry injunction to prevent the council fror,.1 n•egotiat.ing for p(lliC€__ s.·ervices. from foe Salt Lake County Sheriff's CEfice, was overl$j turned. It ts con app<:; a1 to tte Ut.<lh ·


\~ Suprerr,.e Court.


I.· ··

Tesch said the third lawsuit was filed in % fed,,ral court tecause it involve,,coi1stitution,. el issues. lj "It's ~ civil rights violation. and the be3t m fonm1 violation of that l'.ind is federal wi ,, court. al;J,m'.~h it could have been brought in state courts, he said. .; The council also instructed City Clerk ~ it Peggy Green not to put five issues on the November ballot. · profession and the ability of the legal could have talked out their disagreements. The Citizens for Constitutional Government pr.ofes-sion to solve disputes," he said. ·"There with theconncil. Although he h$S n~truled bu:'t;; 1 has in recent weeks filed the initiative and are some tremendous difficulties here. The an out-of-court solution, he said it will have tQ · , referendum ;>etitions calling for a public vote " on several CQntroversial council actions. fundemental issue is has the authority to be worked 'out among attorneys. night he advised the. fo~r couticil members The council had the option Tuesday night to · run the city government -o f Riverton." · accept or reject the petitions. Normally, by '.fhe council members have author1zed na_med· as defendants ln the suits not to attend' rejecting them, the issues repre,;ented by the planned reconciliatory meeting with the . Hanson to defend them against. the :;p res·ent !)t"titions would automatically go on the Citizens for Constitutional Government. .. ,·,.! '·· . -lawsuits and any future lawsuits. It . also November ballot. But attorney David Church · authorizes him to prosecute any legal actions atjvise<l the council that all but one of the Gaylord _Johnson, the the c-0mwll may deem neces-c;ary. He wlll not· · zens group p<:;titions are illegal. J>lannerottherneeting,.said•he . act,as the regular city attorney. · no longer thinks an oui.:.of-court s-91uiioit 1;is::i The petitions call for a vote on the council's to create the position of city manager .. · Hanson said he plans no suits· OJ) behalf of possible. '3+'f· decision creation ofa n ordinance establishing rocall the council, hut said it may be necessary to file elections of city officials. any contracts for. "There's much at stake here. for a writ of mandamus to pay some city bills. services with other governments, the removal · think they could get to all this. There are : Payment of some of the city bills .h as been '. of the budget for local · police and on the · constitutional questions that will have. to halte'1. because_ of the disputes the . settf@dincourt," he said in an inter?le.} prooposed contract for polic!!' service from the · county, .,_, mayor and the coun.Qil, he said..gs: ..: · . : ..· . . . : . .... .,. .. . s - : ·. . . following the. council meeting. -·· · · · ·_ /:' ?:\ Church,'who has been attorney for the. Hanson :said if lawsuits ha'El riot·beeh ·med, ::mw::mon oom em -attets, said the petition fe r a the mayor. police and citizens group probably \"""' on the city rnanage,r--petition was prope'r under state law because it was a leglslative -act by the council. Each f the other issues; he said, involved an administrative act, and · therefore were not subject by J'aw .a.ti; J, initiative or ,1e£erendum petition. . · · ,ai,. The coundl voted . not to act on the city r,,anager petitimafter Church said it would be :i1 settled in court nway. · ·. ;:, :,! $3










spokesman for









,, R,. . . . . i:11.t'l{Cn,



..· ,. . .



:; Judge St.ew ~rt :\-1. Han}j $OQ Jr. as sf,Pdttl coun-


F.~~ .ti, ;,.P. · i·

ttorney <,o" j


ma}Or, asf )layor Whu_e A third refe:'l!1ldum w~~ out O town .on bus;,- pt?tltion. askina for a \'Ole ness. .on a contriwersia! city Another item cm ~-he manager ordinJ1.nce

J $41. David, R. Olsen. who

~ -works with Mr. Hanson I 1n the.lo" lirm o!Suitter, _A ,:,land I::. Arm slTOn l, ¥ta&

A. .

£? T: Se Vribun» 3lt4erit fib» · ·'····•·-····~ uon - Council man .s. ere:da -- regarding an which str3,s the mnayor of Blaine Page--terse :;ative petition for an sever! eecvive fune-'

By M.1..-;e-Cartcr Tribune Stai Writer


. c.,'Ofl.-G '..

tiverton Appoints .. .





._; -<·l!'>'.:•


r: 11p.:,inted deputy

tounool. ~ : In related action. the ~ Riverton Police Officen• ';l Unlon HJ.ed a lawsuit In . federal court clalmina 4 the emp1oyeea of the de3 partm et, e1cluding the '.(t ~hlel. hrtd their chiJ ,;t tlpts violated by the c_i ty_ eouneil. The au.it asks for ~.000 drtmAQ$ for ea-ch ; ernployee from each of ·J lh-.? (ou.r councilmen aamed in the acil



'j f

Call s,«!al Meelhlt The special meeting



i~ Be:cksl'lt.<l, OveCbrfsten,. ,; sen. cur.ts Ccllard and

: $oven Broks -- to 'Ak e

1 acti;m oo severet or I:!',~ <!enlrova.r!lhi


whkh hav e ~;p!lt OpWc,lU,


bl 'tbJa COr."!·.:nunJcy end virtually brought dty jm·ernme.nt to. a &tu~ '·

,UU .



~- ,;· A.7d u..· <:ouncll dld take action. Basically, ll ir£Slructed city reco:-der Peggy G:-&en to ignore three Ni-nr'lndum pet\~ tivns antl a.n 1.nit1,gtJve

l .:


,.. w::dl thc..:a lssue& cen be



C Atta::vs





suit in1 Der;et Co rt •~i!lst toe.f0t_u· c'\Jur;-cll;,, $ men last weak. TMs t rt 1 addresses most of th& Homs ou ~'o,.ineaday.f« ,, .,: i-z tin d 3 . Th e c.01.md! wH advised by attorrey " Davi Church -- who has been ;king in as city storey since Dalo Gr; dlne: resigned hast post ~~ la•~ monH, - lo 1et the ~l cou:rl .dtt~lda the issues. .~ 'i'hfl! suit will be heo rd i Hsy 1, l s.mn. ... ,J 1'hc ba,a!c trouble ln 3

Fi R.J ve,t"('ln Cl.ty surroUnda

~i la•:.• enfcrcernenl:

We tier the eity should ploy if..s own police . ,: force or cont!'act that I service from Salt Lake Cou nty. · ...... ::.,.ba.tl'l 11..... . • ;r..,...__.....







Th e deb ate has heco frie so intense that thv eounl::il lwo weclu a~o ,·3Jl ed l

I Ti


:-5. :

~ eight man lorC'e . How: l ever. a week lnler. the [ort·e returned to work at . lhe req u c1t of Mayor White. who alleges in the 11ull - among other 1 thlnus :... that the firing 91 88 do ne imp ro perly an d


that th• council had usurped the admlnlllr• Uvo powers ol the omce Of may o r.

Three of ·the ltem,i oo the agenda W.Mlleaday

addr~ued lt-d police lssue. 'Thoe lt..m., mostly pertained to lnterloeal ,

agreem-.n) acu, .>tr.;,

Churth told '.tt.ij,,couricll :· lhat it wu -hb: opinion_ :.. ,:u1aUhe,.matw,· ls110t fiL for nth.t r frran!um or

initiative peUUous be-

use these petutions, ac-

!fllillK t.o :stite :itatute.f an uni}' ap p ly to le.ijiala~ve i:H'tlOIU. Mr. Church Id th e tbr= item• in lle::stioil were 1td min isatin• itemA an d thu s nfH h:1· t-remg pla<:c<l on aUut.


'l1h• l'•Jl!ncil \·ot1"<i four f.t,·1,~ .ii.rad Gl,c




ct Ill 18,


b l:


Judge Vows Timely Ruling on


r11,1'r ft l,


::~~l:~~~f:~~l; ~~~z~r!: ~1~a:~:zt~~~~ ~~~~;t: arhni~;,';;l:~11~(: 1

?.v \f1k(• ('nrtr 1

1'n h n n r ~,t;i ff Wt iter , Th ird Distr ict Ju dg e Ju E. R an ks Thursday took un d er ad v isemen t mo 110 11s- h y Riv erto n citizen s group to {ssu e restraining ord ers nainst four r emh <'TS Uw city ro un c1), 1 ~t1rlRt' R rmk .s _u lso is co n sid C'r in g tein stn tin g the Riverton Po lle force. wh 1rh was (tr('d-- hy th e co u n cil 111 an


7<'tni>ri;i:ency" ml'f.lin.u: hc>ld April R ; Krnr\rth M . l-Ji Sflt~k ~. nn ntto rncy p~ ,:;cnUn,t th e Riv erto n Cili7.C': n !I. for n5tltu tln n al Go vernmmtl an d May o r w~ll \\itlitf'. - co-p lo in tif fi-- in a su it fl.ted th ree weeks i:l.g o - req u ested I.he 4-ou rt to issu e the in ju n ct io n s amt allo w Riverton citizens to vote on wh eth er they wan t local _law <'n fo rccmcn t m a te reren d u m ballot. Ju d g e RRn kR, nftt>r hC'"n rin l! mo re ¢lan fr,o r:hours o{ nrg u mPn ts fr o m both iid cs. sa1c_l he wo uld tn k c th e mn tfcr ,n d er ad v isement. 1 hbtttt Urgt"-n-t : "But there is nn urg en cy abou t .-iAtter," he said, nrld ln g _th at he wo u ld V\ake .a rul!nv, !IOlnetime early nex t -fl.•eek . An rl, lui prc~id lI;g j.ud g e-, he :mid ie mo st \lk cly' will 0p poin t aA early ''-'n-rin~ date ror a trln 1 on lhe Jaw11-uit.


thu s

, Thursday's hearing sked the tet4.

(jn n li. in th e cnse - C'O\md lmen Don L. 8 ec:Cstcad , · Cu rtis P. Collard. Ov e C hr !sten~c-n tmcl Stev en B rno k s - to ~:: ih o w cau .~e wh y a totr.·1 of (I v e T'Cstraln} ing orders should no t be Issuei . qt step s from s ! Wsu lt Miled by the fWU:m1 group and the may or whk-h. tm(.,ung o.lh er- tterc>s,_ cl~i~~ th at th.e. ~o n n cll ?n •ld an UJcg aJ meeting to fire . !he of!kcr~ fmd th at -th e council i'i ..· tttemr,ting to "usurp" the may or'g ..-x&u tive !u r.cU0 11.8. : Mr. JU~ata-ke ;:i_,!;i;ed that the cot ~ is~u e tnjm1ction s \-.1h ich wo u l_d : (t) /-e slrn-111 th-c rou nd l from en terin g in to




fl~lnct10n~ of

r)n t~, first rt'Jtl<'"' f<•T nn tTIJtml'tlOn, , Hun son said he feels th at Salt Lake C'<t1.mly sho u ld t~ r<'p rf's<'n lNI. i.in('(' ii would be affected by rnch a restrainin g Patrolllg C ity ord er. Th e cou n ty commissio n refu sed f'.u rren llv , th e Riverton Police De- le)' enter in to the interlocal ag reemen t partment is patrollin g th e crty u-t lh e with Riv erton for 30 dn y .'i. statin g th ey req u est of May or Wh ite. LC'g al con- •,1,an tcd I.he n ty to wo rk oul Ill! lrnvN sy looms on whether th e-y actu al- prnh lcm~ ly Rre P.Tnployt<i a11 police omcers or Also, Mr. llAnsrn1 snid. tilt' re• Pmp lo y ce s of R iv erto n C ity . The cou n ty fere ndum rw tll!o n "flo atin g arou nd out !!.hrriff' i; rlep artm. en t Is h an d lin g major lhtrc .~ o mcwh c>. re" has yet to bl' ff'lon y in v esUM:allnn!I an<l ~tat.e law vcr!flC'il H!!. h<-ln Q ~aHl<'IC'nl. vio latio n ~ in cAse It Is ruled. R-t n lnter dn lt' th at the police , were, In d eed. l<'g ally rlreri Ap ril S. Wedn esd ay ws pay d ay in Fiverton for th ~ nrflccn, howe..-er none rec eiv ed ch c-ck a. M Rv or Wh He said t"Oumi;e-f has ad v isCd hirT\ no t lo pay the officer!! untll th e qu estio n 111 setllc>d in cc u rt. Mr. Hlsalnk e said th e Ap ril 9 "emerg en cy " mc-eUn g in whiCh C-0uncllmnn n cc k stcad wai. np p o l!\ted myor pro tempore to fire the of!i~tirs - since thecouncil claim a M $ y ot Wh ite rcfu sc>d LO do so ev en af!t'!r the coun cll had voted lo do away with the depnrtt ent was illegal because M o-yo r Wh rle an d Councilman Noel Bli!-ine Pnge were not notified, , N4>t d M w Uu e: Nol on ly ?h at, lre- said, but he ln tn xh iccd ~i~n -'!d aHld a.,.·its · staUrt$t th o t n ;u Pc-tlman Collard - reported in : th e minutes th e meet8n s to be preten t - etily did not attend the meet'. Rl'~u irc-mcnts for s C-Olirt to l,~ .:,- a rC'strn~n in g. .order are.,th at pcrme:~.nt loss will be sustain ed ii the order 18 no t ist=u c<l : that the ~ertie6 ln v oh-·00 ha-v e no further leg al recourse; an d lh at lh <i_rc is o possib ility of fav orab le results when the issue comes to triPl. St('w.art M . IIF ·a&on Jr., fonnrr $rd District C ou rt Judge and sp<!d al eotlll-; · fu 1 thC'r thn•nt<.>nmg or hara8Jiln g " R iv erto n city emp loy ees. It also nsks lh :it th e co u11 reinstate the police force.


::.:2:3: #.212. $


ff± sue onthe« council referendum petlt.!on-; (2) Mr. Hanson said that the f«damentrom tu»l vestio which eds to le d!res-

i, j br£; " EE±#

,· I

extrin further vols[io n s ef {he state Oe MeetingsAct

sed is "h has le;slatie uJriy




services er Riv erto n City wit! u t ~rope'. ·a-u_th c,rh;!'IUon ; {.f.} i::es~ro lo 1h e }-o u n c1l Crom-!n t('rl<:rb f. wltn Ul-0 1n :..,~.1r

f$} $ the admli strtlve ssls:ant dveri g

Fe s b»r ited to Judge B anks reversl leg al crHH!8 wh ich , 1-,a. uld, sh ew t.~ at tho co~Jn d ! do el'l, h•d ee<l,· h aYe the 1x,.wc.r -to Ure and frre. an d , lnde«i,

t'.nse !h e city co u n r1J - ·has th e nut.hority to rntcr in.to · an in.tl'r\OC'al

l'1in!ractlnc witho ut au thority , M r : Hnn 1-nn rt•fC'rterl to a slateme11t mnJe by


ag ree men t ct. A rc-ferr n d u m eh::' •.:lio n ,

lie argund, Js by stntute only ht,1<1 on IC'g !slative hrnlfr ·rs. Th e in !C'r\o C'&l ng rc-ehlent ls nn ad min istrative matter so th e referend u m does nn-t np p ly ,

Richnrd Woodworth. fon\"'ll'!t !li"l"rfam adminislrnUve a-ssist.nnt who ]'.'eRig ncd six w«h ago, called W the st.in d

c>.irl!C'r in th e hearin g . M r; Wood Wol'th stn /~d lh flt coUncllmt.'n Bed:stead nn ct R rook s h d ref used to pun •h asc a co mp u lPr :.y stcm the co un d l hod nu thn:-·h:ricl "h ecau se they had W<'rc lry in Q 1t1 sn v e>th e laxp ay en i 50:ne mo n ey ." itleg al. Md , he added, "y o u will merely "Woukl you Issu e nn ordr.-r restrn!n he sayin,obey the l w.'' i11~ lh<-m (th(' rn uneU) from sav ing mrmey ?" Mr. Hn n son ·ask rd·. Th at, an d Judge B ank i1 staf<'d, "I'll ~ra nt thal thf' rcsti-ain in g ord er· wo uld pret-u me injunction, then .·· th :tl su mclh inf;! \\'ron~ had heen c-o mReg a.r<Un g th e pu rch o.sin j! of )(oo<ls or . mirtr•d . hC' sn iri

,,eferring to thr · Sunshine L:.-,11, Mr. Henson dnimcd Mr. Hlsntak e "fa.!le-d to- car ry \h e-b u rden of proof" lhal the l""f1-eetl ng nclu nlly wai-On the in h mcllo n

Rt'gP.n:Hng fhe in terfoi·ence with t':e mayo r 'and administrt ive asl sts Mr. Hunoon snlrl thr.t I'll': ev ick:lkepn>:1'ented th at 1mch. a :..1t.·;,!f.i o n Rlv-erto n- City .. 'Inf! por:lOo n. "mu ,;t be created an rl fon d r-.d.

have presented no e-vldenc~ In vein ."

RC'gnrding the alleffed harassment by c-o u ncil lfan !-o n Rald no su ch « Earlier, Mr. Hisatak e had !-o me counc.il member~ tolrl th at. "(or hi~ own goo<l," he should ;,-~ lo n er pro vid e scrvlcP.s to R lv ert,:n . Also, some city emp loy ees hn<l ·oec..-;s Jh rcntcn l'd with lh elr job s.


Banks ruled there was no irrepirra- . ble harm because if the trial Is decided in their favor the police offkers will ti<? reinstated with full back pay. "(~1r position is. whrn your mortgage ·Is being foreclosed and you ran 'tbuy 1 groceries. you're Irreparably harr™!d," Tesch said. Planks also said state la~ requires third class cities to create the job of polke chief or city marshal. But it Is up to 1:be council to determine hoy large a dc,p,artment he hs. . r-

.''You need a chlet or marshal, even if he has no soldiers," the ju<lge said. ' Polle Chio! Ron Ballantyne is still

w-ith lhe city -· but now hr is an administrative assistant, succeeded former f'ity A<lminlstrafo1,, Hlch:lnl 'Woodworth. who resigned March 28 / Thi' Cily Council c-oulrl rlimina1<' 1h<' job cf administrative assistant. Whito kaid.


~ -. u1ut:=r .•.,_-.. _-, Rwertoh;utot. __ ·_:-!

.&l:/ ·e ,;·. ~lt~ r · cti>•'-\,;t,· 1111 ~ -


. "RIVERTON-- A stop paymentorder on a ch~~)::;

#.as"jg:? jis vs 7 [ for&51$.25was te lSSUed

•to .ffl.~~«.@!.._-!~olice,Chief:Ron Ballantyne ili !.

s Te eieck is#xd Ballantyne fox j his.':services:- as' sjlirativ assistant-to' White ' see@iiis»iii$.2l,{@.•' l e

·Stev~, Ii


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$5$&Ci »e i i .ti4 Ied:HJ{; are r,.,q:.tked by stat0 law~:i ,L:\\ iK,llt:,} d1k.!':;: ,mn-sha.L , · . · ·.: _· · -' - · ·. · · >:-; 1€ Ci

"'n .. ., v£ t1.,.u'(.; a ~..,._,...,.\:,, lig dep"t fg' 1.. ' .«: .....- s1· u..,, -cl .. tuie;{ hL a <1.~.1.u. .u .:.~. \..,..rs;4 1 0 ,,;1 up tc, the Cixy Com,d.J, Banks s/\i<l. . it,, ' ' W, . Tlle City ·eoilllcil tired the police offi-:a:c;; M1.1 :"._ terrifnated funcHng for the d.epartm,;:..t i-n Ap.:r'..J.. _ •j i . The councilmen criticiz.:--d V..rhH.e's ~v:t:l)'.,1 i.r-. ordering the cher.k issued fo Ballantyne M ll.il ·i example of the yo's poor management, tool- ] keeping al'.id acco~1.,:Jbg. - _ _ ' .. _.J <·;• \Vhi.te war. o;:;t of town on business 'l'b.'.~::Z>faY._:)

:I "




I. ---- -~-=------ ··-·gI otiose. w6iii i have taken action on the cis<j then, he said. · · · . . · • · f · ~ _.:Meanwhile, Riv~rtcin · police offfoers who bad · bee_n working t;nPaid since April 8 on the of fil

~·~- - --..•~- -•--•,:;:::;:r;::.;:





White are hoping to collect retI"?l'iCti.Vf.:, urepos-

ment compensation, the mayor said. ·.• _ • . -~ _ A trial on the l~iverton ~ituation is expected to 0 to 40·days. 'lithe trial ends m favcr of Wb1te ,md !he -~ ' polke officers, the· inen · c·ould return· t:o· _wed.: and.•-~ could claim entitlement-to back pay. ·· · The: City· Council wants to- cont;aet with the Shlf: Lake County sheriff's department for police servkt'S. County Commissioner William L. Hutchinson . called Friday t'o r · immediate ratification. of the ] contract. _ . The 'contract would be in. - the-. interest of· preserving SOWld and adequate police irr'&ection,-he. said. · Riverton-'has not shown concrete eviderice. cf' progress _ leadmg to a re:xilution I of .tf.e, city's ·; problems, he said.; · · Commissioners- delayed ac!.ion on the contrnct i when it first 'came before the commission several 'l ,, weeks ago to c>Jlow the city tirne ta settle 'what ,, commissioners tennecl a fam.ii.y feud.



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·_. - 1;p_ gha% s, , i!

Riverton, Utah-

The Salt Lake County Sh2riff's Office will provide r-0lice protection for Riverton city,· althougi.'"1 the ongoing controv,e,n;y surrounding Kiveton's police is still fr from over .. .Salt J,ake apprnved a cumni. .:t . tion to . tha city,

n attorney representing. force _ fired by the the coremissionhe Supr•.;me Ccmi to

But Hanson stressed that any contract approved by the commission is provisional and can be subject to change through the court. · "We've got to get on with the government of this county and the government of Riverton," Hanson said. In a unanimous vote, comm_issioners approved the contract, which will provide a: patrol unit of approximately four men to Riverton at a cost of $154,()l)O for the year. Commissioners delayed voting on the contract approximately a month ago to allow the city time to settle its internal disputes over police protection. However, commissioners said they can see no immediate resolution and believe they must begin providing police protection by contract. Riverton citizens, who filled the commission chambers, asked commissioners to reject the contract to allow them a chance to put the question of police protection on a ballot. ·Gaylord Johnson, bead o! R!vertn Constitutional. Government, s,ai:d a petition requesting 4 vote has hslf th6 registered voters Li But Co1rtmlsslon stressed the county has th•; with the city's ele<:tc-d

"Tt8 Ctty Cunell has the rake the leg!slat!ve decislcns

said.: "ls have to alteratlve iut to

contfo.ct with tb;J City O}\u,ciL" "We need. to start the

VJ illiam · h Hutd:tl.'1so"1 we will abide by court decisions." Tecca said a tr13l o probably beg:in ·mt.h111BOsffort by Tosch to

firing o£ the police

r aeorieA:Sprensen. /\

and I"Jatr.; .fon&ll()n


RIVERTON - The controversy surroundinl last month's firing of this city's eight man police force·,, swirled from ·the· Salt Lake Cowity Commission/ Chambers to. the Utah Supreme. Court and back , city hall Monday. _ . .· '. _ . -_ . · _ ~ Tile action· started di:ring the morning when ·the . county commission voted to' approve a . contract to 1aw enforcement sovereseto



4 E,2",","leivsiere


}, 4pe g es delayed far atleast a week. t.






. ,-,.

- -•.


Finally it ended - for the 'day-- in a special j meeting<>f the Riverton City Council. • $ :, During the short meeting the council appoinb!d a'.; j djuty cify treasure r, passed resolutione impounding, h- all police-gqulpme~t and prohib!tt.ng the taking c:>f city 1 '-':11 checbi out of ci.ty hall unless. &12.;ned.b;i,· all authorl.zoo ·

'ii '"

~;l Pi)rS1'.ls1!!, .













$$. LArcored_ty _the county comtsetna was $ t provide aervice ; ct±actfor













ti' · the dt.,v; Action:~'~\.niarn.l:tUCU!!<PY the -com-missi:en'•

\!!_~1 buU:i:d;.&. r-elucuintly; ·

· • · ' ..··

· • -

- ·

, - - .-,

• ., cots»nlgChiraan WIIamE. Dunn said, "ye

/~ .c.sd ni'.lt seak tas cotract, but we have nakt raetive } tit tatg the co.ntr..1ct oec..:ase tlw. city, i ] cell's.zequst." s. . o.. ..' .• f,%.; . · ,Ye siravs igd April8by ths Riverton



$$j City Coriss&grand lsbel the $271,0%3 oodgeted ~if t.ili s y.,.ts:fitii· pr;_;ilt-e· p_i:!;.te-ctiop. _ · .. < · _ , ._..

jg, zo fetlgt»gd heel;couzet! tires thepolice.

far, bx! th e forewas late:r r,ehired. by Mayor·

f] iuwj;sis..



' Te geurty commission pestpogied signtig the ,\I'. C-C.-".'l';;~~c!:- necr.wse of l-awsu1ro· .. filed. A decision %$3

S· .

ut\il-r:lduig fo.-e city .cmm-cWs firing of the police was


Ja,. t,,Li,....,rn.

i] z?gddowa Friday by srd District Pre'ding Judge .


. _. __ ·/·


,:·, ,._

JJ-j1 .· Meamv!_ille, the eiglr:. mlm and dispatcoor 'lvorked

"g for nearly a month, app.ar-ently with-O_u_ t P:"'. ' . . :: .-: '~'k{i . . . . "' . ~'f.?"~ , Ge.yk,rd Johnson, spokesman for the Riverton p ·

Citiz()r,s for Constitutional G-0-vemmeut . \\Sked the }·_.- -.;.,_.· c,ounty ~oinmissionel'S to de. lay signing the contract .1% w1til citizens get a chance to vote on the refeN-..ndUIP called for in a petition which has .been· ffled in ;!-i Riverton. ·• · . . . · . , _: He said the group hasgathered signatures of over f"' • two-fifths of the city's-registered. voters in support of ~~ a city police agency. · . . ·· . · . '.: '' : Following . the county C()mmisslpn's decision lawyers for Mr. Johnson and the Riverton Police rriet with Justice Crockett who set' a. hearing for Monday at 9 a.m. to hear oral arguments. - · ·· Raymond Maynarq, 18541. S, 1700;· West,. ·a spokesman supporting the Riverton City. Council d:uring Uie debate before the,counfy_cosnmission, was named deputy treasurer by the city council ln the special session. _ He was sworn in by Riverton City Judge E: ta.Mar Johnson after Stewart M.,. Haqson Jr., 'former 3rd D~strict Court Judge-and;spe~illleounselfor the city ... council, said the . resolution can become effective ·upon publication.

Ii i:"_


rl ~



· 1--···• ·t.'

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ioersy iwris

+.a .#Hes».

-:m tMiaj,l)(}i.ntmei1t in Tuesday morning's editi.011 of. The (SaltLake)Trib1r.rH,, M.r. Hansen t1.aid. .. That paper can b-e C• ;,,,s[dered .a newspaper' of general~ireulation in Ri"'·el.i.on, he added. · i<·


The appointment drew sharp protests from Mayor Lowell D, White who said it was in vi-OJ.ation ofstatt,·

· laws;·,· _·. · 0: • ,,•••,

. ·_..

· .

. .




. He said this. will be added to his list of legal aetiori

· he istaking_against the council. ·· · · ,..,:,· Dori L, Beckstead, spokesman for the council, liaid . the actfon had to be taken to get some duly authorized

, bills p.aict He said the cummt city treasurer, Piul'·

, · McLemore, has refused to sign them.. :


·- •· ·x.·,

MeLemorehas indicated in the past-be refuses to sign the checks upon legal.advice from his and t;>thtr attorneys. . ' _· .: .._..

The resolution impounding the police


ctills for the vehicles tio be locked up 'in a fenced-in y.s1-d ncilr the fire statio~ and aD.irive¢...o.ry of all other.·J 'equip ment to be complete? by- Friday. ·-· · · · :~C.'j

11/VCT/Uf-lj - , -, Lake County Comrais ti.am I:;, Hutchinson said Th will press for commission ajj once-·postponed contoet fo to provide' law enforcer Riverton.City. "In view of the· (denying a req ordered t fired poll inability evi:dence tion of th

missioner calling · for. tion." Last month, . commL!l,sio discussed a possible contra city to provide municipal protection at a price tag It was decided- April' 14. that contract would be held off 30 days so, as Commissioner Robert·· G.·· Salter·. d'escribed It, Riverton citizens could solve their "family problem .. '. ", · Riverton's, own police:force...was costing $271,000 .a year, .-·.... ·.. and on that . basis a bare majorit:/of 'city councilmen decided to go. with . a county contract instead,... · -, ...' .--. . . .. -, , '. r ·• ~ Commissioner · Hutchinsorr: said he will ask full commission reconsitlera-

of ,

Mr. Butterfield unanimously inA for gasoline and posted in Riverton employees to fill o Ray and Toby's Stati "I never received

,----.,--., -

lion fJ

to ilhretteu.

,4/;(1;; '2.t, /f(f/s;-

B8hi Hardy pd Aeel«tut4County

~ua~ntfSJ' H iii n I ottt C.t~ o ,11'o n t t 1 Hi ..- ct tt on


h.1 tt t. o ; t. 1.ik 0: t'.·u f. l n t ho h "r • lg e &Ae cso tenor fut!ce c ( l ht-' ~i{;t,) -0,t u1 ni>.v.n:teth1;~ 11 t n '11' ht e .h H.!il.tett, I



lisdeton and t o other wyoung ns . b F"' ,itH hU't'i!'fJ y. A I

t~ eb@r t: imd wit b I,


·1 ·

La tter of .,p.•etty theftshe · .. "·J ,... . I I ., . • . ,. of . rm. tci ~ t .Hilts d hi v.~ ft im ' e'ltHJ ·


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