River Town Times - March 25, 2020

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Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Amherstburg declares State of Emergency By Ron Giofu

Mayor Aldo DiCarlo signs the official documentation declaring a State of Emergency in the Town of Amherstburg. The declaration was made Sunday afternoon, shortly after the County of Essex declared one. Other local municipalities have also declared a State of Emergency in their respective areas.

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The Town of Amherstburg has declared a State of Emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Mayor Aldo DiCarlo signed the declaration Sunday afternoon at town hall, shortly after he joined his fellow mayors in Essex where a similar declaration was declared by the County of Essex. The town states it is being proactive in order to prepare the town and the region for the pandemic and the consequences that could follow. All local municipalities within Windsor-Essex County have now declared States of Emergency as well to help combat the fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic. “We are committed to working collaboratively with all of our partnering municipalities, government officials, first responder agencies and healthcare organizations to ensure we are as best prepared as possible to respond to the needs of our residents,” said DiCarlo. DiCarlo is urging residents to take this situation very seriously and heed the advice of the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit and other health professionals as it relates to social distancing, proper hand washing and sanitizing as well as the 14-day selfisolation for returning travellers. He noted the town's Emergency Operations Centre opened in full Monday. “Now it puts us in a position to operate the town in ways we couldn't

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before,” DiCarlo said of the emergency declaration. “It opens the door to government funding we otherwise would not have had access to. It gives the town authority to address emergencies that come up, as needed.” One of those emergencies could be flooding, as high water levels still persist and the State of Emergency allows for the town to limit activities to essential services, ensuring it has the flexibility to mobilize appropriate resources as needs arise. Provincial legislation has resulted in many non-essential services and businesses to close, including bars and restaurants with the exception of take-out or delivery service. The town's declaration will have little to no impact in that regard, DiCarlo believed. “We're pretty much down to essential services,” he said. Noting the COVID-19 situation often changes hourly, DiCarlo said the town is monitoring direction from the federal and provincial governments. He said people are asked to keep their children away from parks, as equipment is not sanitized and staff is busy with essential services. He understands there is frustration with decisions like that, but it is in the interest of public health. “There's no getting around social distancing,” said DiCarlo. “We don't want to encourage bringing people together. They just shouldn't be doing it.”

Continued on Page 2

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2 – River Town Times – Wednesday, March 25, 2020


County of Essex declares State of Emergency due to COVID-19 By Ron Giofu

The County of Essex has announced it has declared a State of Emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Flanked by the other six mayors of the Essex County municipalities, Warden Gary McNamara declared the State of Emergency Sunday afternoon in the council chambers at the Essex County Civic Centre. McNamara, also the mayor of Tecumseh, noted this gives the County of Essex additional tools to respond to emergencies – including flooding – in the region. The warden stated the Coronavirus – a.k.a. COVID-19 – is “indiscriminate and knows no borders” and the declaration allows the county to “martial all of our resources in the fight against COVID19.” It also allows the county to have the tools to do what they can to combat any flooding issues. As society attempts to “flatten the curve” of COVID-19 cases, McNamara pressed those who just came home from international trips to stay home for 14 days in self-isolation. “I can't stress enough to those coming home to self-isolate,” said McNamara. “It's in our own self interest to do that.” Staying home, getting groceries delivered and self-assessing if a person believes they have symptoms was encouraged for everyone, he said. The warden thanked healthcare professionals including doctors and nurses, staff with Essex-Windsor EMS and those in the retail profession who

keep shelves stocked with necessary items. “I certainly classify the media as an essential service,” he added. McNamara also offered tips to help the public stay safe. “Stay at home as much as possible. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds. Use technology to check on each other,” he said. McNamara said the county will still offer essential services but noted the Essex County Civic Centre is closed to the public. He urged people to be kind, practice social distancing and be patient. County CAO Rob Maisonville said the “lion's share” of the work done by the county is essential services including EMS, roads, the Sun Parlour Home among others. He said they are doing their best to practice social distancing as well. McNamara said they can't offer a time limit on how long the emergency declaration will last. He emphasized how important self-isolation is, calling it “critical,” and noted there are people returning home from March Break vacations. “This is serious stuff for folks coming back,” said McNamara. Looking how COVID-19 has impacted other nations, McNamara said it underscores how important it is to address the matter quickly. “It makes you aware of how COVID-19 can progress extremely fast,” he said. “We have to do our part to make sure it doesn't happen here.”

Right, Essex County Warden Gary McNamara signs the State of Emergency declaration Sunday afternoon at the Essex Civic Centre. Other local tier municipalities have also made similar declarations, including Amherstburg. Below, Warden Gary McNamara, joined by the other Essex County mayors, declared a State of Emergency Sunday afternoon in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Emergency Declaration Continued from Page 1

Town council voted to close its buildings – town hall, the Libro Centre and the Gordon House being among them – to the public with essential services still being required. Bruce Montone, the town's fire chief and emergency management co-ordinator, said the situation isn't new to the town as DiCarlo, CAO John Miceli and himself have been keeping a close eye on the COVID-19 issue. “We've been monitoring the situation since January,” said Montone. “Our preparation has been ramping up as the need has presented itself.” Safety of residents and staff are of primary concern to the town, he said, and the emergency declaration allows full activation of the emergency operation centre and takes operations to the next level. He said the situation is rapidly changing and the town continues to monitor it closely. Staff, including firefighters, are screened regularly, he said, adding they are taking all precautions. Montone said the town has been in close contact with other municipalities around the region to work together and presented a collective response to the issue. “This is very much a co-ordinated effort in the region,” added DiCarlo. Miceli noted that council has passed its work-at-home policy and said there are still services being offered to residents at town hall. “We want to make sure we offer as much as possible,” he said. Miceli noted “our emergency response plan not only covers COVID19, but it's also a flood plan” that will give the town a better handle on what to do and how to do it if there is flooding. “We have been proactive and

precautionary at the same time,” the CAO stated. DiCarlo urged people to buy what they need at grocery stores, avoid panicking and listen to healthcare officials. “I wish people would stop with the hoarding,” he said. “There is enough for everyone. (Stores) just need time to restock the shelves so everyone gets what they need.” Garbage collection and recycling will still occur, DiCarlo added, though asked people to be aware that services like that could be delayed if staff are ill or self-isolating. “Patience will be required in this respect and we'll provide all the essential services that we can barring any changes from the province or the prime minister.” The town pledges to keep the public informed electronically and by more “traditional” means. Montone said there will be a Q&A posted on the town's website while DiCarlo said more traditional means will be used for those without internet access. “We will have a plan in place to keep everyone informed,” he said. The mayor added his and council's gratitude to staff for their work in keeping services going. He said administration has worked “endless hours” doing their jobs in a tough time. “Everyone is working around the clock right now,” he said. “Thanks to the team at the Town of Amherstburg and council for governing the whole thing.” DiCarlo emphasized that everyone is in this together. “It is important that the public remain calm. We know this is a time of heightened anxiety and fear but we will get through this together” said DiCarlo.


Emergency Officials call for medical supplies Special to the RTT

Health care and first responder partners throughout the City of Windsor and the County of Essex are appealing to businesses who may have supplies that are integral to keeping frontline workers safe in the fight against COVID-19. Businesses that have available stock of any of the following items, are encouraged to donate them to be used by those working on the frontline, as they assist residents and patients in the fight against the impact of COVID-19. These items would be put to immediate use in hospitals, paramedic, fire, police and corrections services as well as long-term care homes.

Required supplies include: • Respirators, Honeywell 5500 Series and NIOSG P100 filter cartridges • N95 masks (model number: 3M18710, 3M9210 or 3MVFlex). If you have another available model of N95, please let us know so that we may assess if it is something that can be utilized. • Nitrile gloves • Battery-operated infrared medical thermometers • Disposable impermeable gowns • General surgical masks • Hand sanitizer and/or disinfectant • Sanitizer wipes • Safety goggles If you have any of the above, please e-mail at 311@citywindsor.ca. City of Windsor and County of Essex staff will coordinate the pick-up of items, beginning on Monday, March 23 in any area of region. There will also be a drop-off location at the WFCU Centre starting Monday, March 23, 2020, between 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Monday, Wednesday

and Saturday for those able to assist by delivering. We still ask that you email first before visiting the main desk at the Community Rinks entrance at 8787 McHugh St. where staff will direct you after a short screening process. “In the last few days, based on the best advice of public health officials, many local services have temporarily stopped operating – from dentists to hair salons to large manufacturing,” said Drew Dilkens, Mayor of Windsor. “We are asking all those who might have any supplies in their possession to make them available for health care and other frontline workers.” Corby Spirit and Wine, the company that makes the J.P. Wiser brand and manages Windsor’s waterfront distillery, announced it was planning to shift production to produce hand sanitizer, as soon as was practicable. Late last week, both the Federal and Provincial Governments announced steps to make it easier for manufacturing facilities to shift production to produce medically necessary equipment and supplies. Until new sources of supply can be found, it will be vital for those facilities in Windsor-Essex who may have supplies to offer them up for public health and frontline use. “No quantity is too small,” said Gary McNamara, Warden of Essex County. “Our medical professionals are doing heroic work on the frontline of this crisis, under very challenging circumstances. I’m calling on all Essex County businesses to please assess your supplies and consider supporting our frontline workers.” This is another example of County of Essex and City of Windsor municipal governments taking action to coordinate the regional response to COVID-19. For more information on COVID-19 planning and preparations by the City of Windsor, please visit the COVID-19 page www.citywindsor.ca/covid-19. The Windsor Essex County Health Unit is an excellent resource for local updates on COVID-19.

Council requests report on road grading program By Ron Giofu Town council will be getting another report at budget time, this one relating to its road grading program. Deputy Mayor Leo Meloche outlined a recent trip he took home from an event in Amherstburg. Meloche, a McGregor resident, said he decided to take Texas Road home and was taken aback at the condition of the road. “It’s horrible,” said Meloche. “My body is still shaking.” Staff from the town’s public works department outlined the challenges they face, noting it is difficult to maintain gravel roads in the winter months due to the temperature fluctuations between cold and warm. It was explained that sometimes

more damage is done when crews try to make repairs in the winter months. Meloche questioned what the protocol is for maintaining such roadways and was told that a full treatment is given every seven years, though all gravel roads are at least given some stone yearly. Budgetary restrictions prevent a full grading every year, however. Public works noted that every road gets worked on annually, but only about one or two roads get a full maintenance treatment each year. Councillor Peter Courtney did offer praise to the public works for its response to a recent issue along Texas Road. He said he was out visiting a resident in relation to their concerns and staff from the public works department responded very quickly to try and resolve the concerns.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020 – River Town Times – 3

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To our valuable customers,

Like everyone, we have spent weeks learning about the impact of the COVID-19 virus. Our staff and customers have been at the heart of what we do here at Romano’s and we want all of you to know we have taken immediate steps to ensure everyone’s safety. We are working to provide greater space between you and others. Thanks to our employees for their dedication and hard work in serving the community during this stressful time to make sure our customers have a clean and safe environment, for working hard to keep our products full during this difficult time all the while providing the most convenient service possible. To avoid disappointment, we have suspended our specials for just a little while. Thank you for your patience and understanding during these times. We would like to offer our help. Please feel free to call ahead and we will prepare your orders for quicker pickups. We can give you a time or call you back when your order is ready. Our store hours have changed for now. Monday – Closed • Tuesday thru Saturday – 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Let’s all try to follow the safety guidelines provided by Health Canada in order to provide a safe environment at this stressful time. Wishing all the best to you and your families, — Anna, Claudio, family and our staff here at Romano’s Ethnic Market Making a World of Difference

241 SANDWICH ST. S. 519-736-4721


4 – River Town Times – Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Numerous closures, cancellations and postponements around the area By Ron Giofu

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been a series of closures, postponements and cancellations. The River Town Times will update this list, as required. We apologize if anything has been missed and invite people to submit their notices of closure, postponement or cancellation to mail@rivertowntimes.com. • All town-owned and run are closed to the public (i.e. Libro Centre, Gordon House, town hall) with staff available to answer phones/e-mails as required. Programming is cancelled for the time being. • The River Town Times office is closed to the public but staff is available to answer phones and e-mails. The paper is still being published. • The Gibson Gallery is closed to the public and all programming is cancelled for the time being. E-mails and phone messages will be monitored and answered. •The Amherstburg Freedom Museum is closed for the time being. Their March 28 "Freedom Achievers" event has been postponed. • The Amherstburg Chamber of Commerce has postponed the March 27 Business Excellence Awards with the new date being May 14. • Publicly funded schools are closed through at lease April 5, though that could be extended. More information is available at www.publicboard.ca or www.catholicboard.ca. • The House Youth Centre is closed for the time being. • The Amherstburg Food & Fellowship Mission is operating with reduced hours. Take-out meals are offered from 12-1 p.m. only. The food bank at the mission is still operating regular hours and will be served at the door Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10-11:45 a.m. and from 1-3 p.m. until further notice. • All hockey related activities have been shut down for the season. • Essex MP Chris Lewis is closing his office to in-person interactions with staff available to answer mail, e-mail or phone calls. • Essex MPP Taras Natyshak has also closed his office to in-person visits, stating he "will continue to monitor the situation and seek the input of public health officials on the need to keep this protocol in place for the following weeks." • The Windsor Police Service - Amherstburg Detachment is closing its office to the public. People are encouraged to access the service online and officers are still responding to calls. • The Ontario government is recommending Ontarians to avoid large gatherings of over 50 people. In addition, the closure of the all recreational programs and libraries, all private schools, all daycares, all churches and other faith settings and all bars and restaurants, with the exception of restaurants that can shift to takeout/delivery mechanisms is required.

• Community Living Essex County has temporarily closed respite locations, its main office, all resource centers, and have suspended all community participation supports until further notice. They are also prohibiting all non-essentials visitors to support locations including family members. • Amherstburg Community Services is closed to the general public until further notice. They will continue to operate for essential services only such as Meals On Wheels, CareLink Transportation (medical appointments, essential shopping only), Keep The Heat (via phone calls). For information, call 519-736-5471 or monitor their Facebook and Twitter feeds. • The Park House Museum is closed through April 6. They invite people to join them for their Facebook events during that time. The March 27 public paranormal investigation and April 4 chicken dinner at the Legion have both been postponed. • The Essex Region Conservation Authority (ERCA) has cancelled all programming until April 5. This includes public and private school programming, festivals and events, and workshops. The Essex Region Conservation Foundation annual general meeting will be postponed until a later date. All essential services including their flood forecasting and warning remain active. ERCA offices at 360 Fairview Avenue West will continue modified operations. Inquiries can be made over the phone and by email. However, we will be closed to walk-in visits until further notice. Staff will continue to review applications and issue permits as efficiently as possible, under modified working conditions. Outdoor conservation areas and trails will continue to be open as usual, but indoor facilities such as the John R. Park Homestead will be closed. Cottage rentals at Holiday Beach Conservation Area will continue as usual, but with enhanced cleaning and sanitation protocols. Staff returning after March 13 from any travel outside Canada have been directed to self-isolate according to public health directions. • The County of Essex has closed the Essex County Civic Centre to the public effective the opening of business on Thursday, March 19, 2020. Staff will still be working and available by telephone or email. The main phone number is 519-776-6441. The public can access a municipal directory on our website for specific extensions. People can also access the county’s website for more information on municipal services. The Infrastructure Services Department will still respond to issues related to county roads. Issues can be reported by phoning 519-326-8691 or via an online form. The Sun Parlor Home in Leamington remains closed to outside visitors. Anyone with questions can contact

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The Libro Centre is one of the buildings in Amherstburg that is closed due to COVID-19. Sun Parlor Home at 519-326-5731, ext. 3202. Any updates will be communicated to the public on the county's website and on Facebook and Twitter. For the most up-to-date information on COVID-19, the County of Essex urges residents to visit the websites of the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit, Public Health Ontario and Public Health Canada. •The Essex County Federation of Agriculture has temporarily closed its office, located in the Essex Civic Centre. Anyone needing information can call 519-7765159 or e-mail ecfa@primus.ca. • The Miracle League of Amherstburg has announced that, based on the direction of the Miracle League head office, the upcoming spring season has been postponed until further notice.

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Non-essential businesses asked to close for now

Due to the evolving COVID-19 situation, the Ontario government has ordered at-risk workplaces to close-down, while encouraging businesses to explore opportunities to continue operations through work-from-home and innovative business models. At the same time, the government reminds businesses to put in place protocols for physical distancing and regular hand-washing in order to protect the health and safety of employees and the general public. Essential businesses include, but are not limited to grocery stores and pharmacies, telecommunications and IT infrastructure service providers, and businesses that support power generation, natural gas distribution and clean drinking water. Essential businesses are being asked to put into place any and all measures to safeguard the wellbeing of their employees on the front-lines. At-risk workplaces were ordered to close by 11:59 p.m. Tuesday and where possible, take the necessary measures so staff can work from home. Essential businesses, as classified by the province, are: 1. Businesses that supply other essential businesses or essential services with the support, supplies, systems or services, including processing, packaging, distribution, delivery and maintenance necessary to operate; 2. Businesses engaged in the retail and wholesale sale of food, pet food and supplies, and household consumer products necessary to maintain the safety, sanitation and essential operations of residences and businesses, including grocery stores, supermarkets, convenience stores, markets and other similar retailers; 3. Businesses that provide essential items for the health and welfare of animals, including feed, animal food, pet food and animal supplies including bedding; 4. Beer, wine and liquor stores and alcohol producers, and stores that sell beer and wine through arrangements with authorized providers; cannabis stores and cannabis producers; 5. Gas stations, diesel, propane and heating fuel providers; 6. Motor vehicle, auto-supply, auto and motor-vehicle-repair, including bicycle repair, aircraft repair, heavy equipment repair, watercraft/marine craft repairs, car and truck dealerships and related facilities;

7. Hardware stores and stores that provide hardware products necessary to the essential operations of residences and businesses; 8. Business providing pharmaceuticals and pharmaceutical services, including pharmacies and dispensaries; 9. Businesses that supply office products and services, including providing computer products and related repair and maintenance services, for individuals working from home and for essential businesses; 10. Safety supply stores (e.g. work clothes, Personal Protective Equipment); 11. Restaurants and other food facilities that prepare and serve food, but only for delivery or takeaway, together with food delivery services; 12. Hotels, motels, shared rental units and similar facilities, including student residences; 13. Businesses that provide support and maintenance services, including urgent repair, to maintain the safety, security, sanitation and essential operation of institutional, commercial industrial and residential properties and buildings, including, property management services, plumbers, electricians, custodial/janitorial workers, cleaning services, , security services, fire safety and sprinkler systems, building systems maintenance and repair technicians and engineers, mechanics, (e.g. HVAC, escalator and elevator technicians), and other service providers who provide similar services 14. Businesses engaged in providing or supporting Information Technology (IT) including online services, software products and related services, as well as the technical facilities such as data centres and other network facilities necessary for their operation and delivery; 15. Businesses providing telecommunications services (phone, internet, radio, cell phones etc.) as well as support facilities; 16. Taxis and other private transportation providers providing transportation services necessary; 17. Businesses and facilities that provide transportation services to businesses and individuals including by air, water, road, and rail;

ACS shuts down temporarily, still offering essential services By Ron Giofu


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Phil Kasurak Sales Representative




Continued on Page 6



2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

What you need to know to help you and your family stay healthy. • Only visit an assessment centre if you have been referred by a health care professional. • Avoid non-essential travel. • Monitor for symptoms after travel. • Avoid large gatherings. • Be prepared, but avoid panic stocking. • Caring for those who are ill? Take precautions. • Clean high-touch surfaces regularly. • Order your prescription medication. • Practice cough and sneeze etiquette in transit.

If you have symptoms, take the self-assessment at ontario.ca/coronavirus. Or call Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000 (TTY: 1-866-797-0007) or your public health unit.

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Amherstburg Community Services (ACS) is closing to the public for the time being but some services will still be offered. While many services are on hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic due to the temporary office closure, there will still be some vital services offered to the public. Meals on Wheels were continuing and those receiving meals and volunteers still go to the door. It is up to the clients whether they let the volunteers in or whether the meal can be left outside in a cooler or be taken through the doorway. “We encourage people to buy frozen meals,” said ACS executive director Kathy DiBartolomeo. DiBartolomeo said there are vulnerable people who have to have their meals brought into the homes. The volunteers are being prepared to adapt to the Coronavirus pandemic, she noted. “We have provided volunteers with gloves. We are screening them,” said DiBartolomeo. Volunteers are needed and people can e-mail p.thompson@amherstburg-cs.com. The Keep the Heat program, which assists low income people with their heating bills, is still being offered by ACS, but not in-person. “We will still be offering Keep the Heat but we’ll be offering the program over the phone,” said DiBartolomeo. The CareLink transportation is still functioning but its scope of operation has been narrowed. “Our CareLink transportation is available for medical appointments and essential shopping only,” said DiBartolomeo. According to ACS’ Facebook page, rides to Amherstburg retailers for the essential needs of seniors is being offered Tuesday-Friday from 7-10 a.m. Due to social distancing, limited spots are available on the CareLink vehicles with reduced rates being offered due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Retailers that will be visited, as listed by ACS, include Walmart, Shoppers Drug Mart, Rexall, No Frills, Sobeys, The Village Shoppe and Romano’s. Rides to medical appointments in Windsor will still be offered. For information and updates on ACS’ programs, call 519-736-5471, visit www. amherstburg-cs.com or monitor ACS’ social media sites.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020 – River Town Times – 5

6 – River Town Times – Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Non-esssential businesses closed by province

Continued on Page 5

18. Businesses that provide materials and services for the operation, maintenance and safety of transportation systems including delivery of maintenance services such as clearing snow, response to collisions, and completing needed repairs to the transportation systems 19. Businesses that extract, manufacture, process and distribute goods, products, equipment and materials, including businesses that manufacture inputs to other manufacturers; 20. Businesses, facilities and services that support and facilitate the two- way movement of essential goods within integrated North American and Global supply chains. 4150 Sandwich St. Windsor ON

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Continued on page 7

Two fires in two days for Amherstburg firefighters By Ron Giofu

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21. Businesses that farm, harvest, process, manufacture, produce or distribute food, including beverages, crops, animal products and by-products, aquaculture, hunting and fishing; 22. Businesses that support the food supply chain including assembly yards, livestock auctions, food distribution hubs, feed mills, farm equipment suppliers, feed suppliers, food terminals and warehouses, animal slaughter plants and grain elevators; 23. Business that support the safety of food including animal and plant health and animal welfare; 24. Businesses that provide veterinary services, and that supply veterinary and animal control medications and related supplies and testing kits; 25. Businesses that help to ensure safe and effective waste management including deadstock, rendering, nutrient management, bio-hazardous materials, green waste, packaging recycling; 26. Construction projects and services associated with the healthcare sector, including new facilities, expansions, renovations and conversion of spaces that could be repurposed for health care space; 27. Construction projects and services required to ensure safe and reliable operations of critical provincial infrastructure, including transit, transportation, energy and justice sectors beyond the day-to-day maintenance; 28. Construction work and services, including demolition services, in the industrial, commercial, institutional and residential sectors; 29. Construction work and services that supports health and safety environmental rehabilitation projects 30. Capital markets; 31. Banking & Activities related to Credit Intermediation; credit unions; 32. Insurance; 33. Businesses that provide pension services and employee benefits services; 34. Businesses that provide financial services including payment processing, the payroll division of any employer and any entity whose operation is administration of payroll, banks and credit unions;

35. Businesses that ensure global continuity of supply of mining materials and products and that support supply chains in Northern Ontario. 36. Businesses that provide chemicals and gases to support the natural resource sector analytical labs and drinking water and wastewater sectors and other essential businesses; 37. Businesses that ensure global continuity of supply of forestry products 38. Businesses that ensure global continuity of supply of aggregates to support critical infrastructure repairs and emergency response requirements (e.g. sandbags, armour stone barriers, etc.); 39. Businesses that ensure global continuity of supply of petroleum and petroleum by-products; 40. Businesses that support environmental management/monitoring and spill clean-up and response; 41. Utilities, and businesses that support the provision of utilities and community services 42. Businesses engaged in or supporting the operation, maintenance and repair of critical infrastructure 43. Newspaper publishers; 44. Radio & Television Broadcasting; 45. Telecommunications providers; 46. Businesses and organizations that maintain research facilities and engage in research, including medical research and other research and development activities; 47. Businesses that provide products and services that support research activities; 48. Organizations and providers that deliver home care services; 49. Retirement homes; 50. Long-term Care Facilities; 51. Independent health facilities; 52. Laboratories and specimen collection centres; 53. Manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors and retailers of pharmaceutical products and medical supplies 54. Manufacturers, logistics and distributors of products and/or services that support the delivery of health care in all locations; 55. Businesses that provide products and/or services that support the health sector or that provide health services, including mental health and addictions and counselling supports. 56. Businesses that sell, rent or repair assistive/ mobility/medical devices, aids and/or supplies. 57. Businesses that provide personal support services (many seniors and persons with disabilities, who can afford to, hire individuals to assist with the activities of daily living).

The Amherstburg Fire Department was busy last week, extinguishing a pair of fires in the community. One of the fires came in the urban portion of the municipality while the second came in a rural portion of the town. Amherstburg firefighters were called to a home on Vermont Ave. last Monday night with assistant deputy fire chief Ron Meloche stating the call came in at approximately 10 p.m. “We were called for a possible structure fire,” said Meloche. “Upon arrival, crews found smoke in the front and fire in the back. Flames were visible from outside of the home.” Tenants of the home had gotten out safely, he added, with the residents being notified by neighbours. There were no injuries to the residents or any firefighters, Meloche said, noting the tenants have been displaced for the time being. Damage is estimated in the $200,000$250,000 range. It was a two-station response, Meloche added, with Essex-Windsor EMS and the

Windsor Police Service – Amherstburg Detachment also attending the scene. Fire crews were on scene for approximately two hours with another hour spent investigating the fire. The cause is undetermined. Amherstburg firefighters were busy the next morning, March 17, with a rubbish fire at a recycling facility on Howard Ave. Demolition material caught fire with Meloche adding there was no monetary loss. “We had crews on scene for a couple of hours,” he said. The cause of the Tuesday morning blaze was officially listed as undetermined as Meloche said the Amherstburg Fire Department was unable to confirm a report that spark from a torch ignited the fire. Due to the hydrant being on the other side of the road and to preserve firefighter safety during that time, a stretch of Howard Ave. was shut down. It re-opened after the fire was extinguished. The call came into the Amherstburg fire department around 8:30 a.m. Tuesday and Meloche added it was a two-station response as well.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020 – River Town Times – 7


Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario (EFTO) reaches tentative deal with provincial government By Ron Giofu Another major teachers union has reached a tentative new deal with the Province of Ontario. The Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) has reached tentative central agreements with the Government of Ontario, the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association and the Council of Trustees’ Associations. The deal was announced Friday evening. Separate tentative central agreements have been negotiated for ETFO’s teacher/occasional teacher and education worker members. “This has been a very prolonged and difficult bargaining process,” said ETFO President Sam Hammond in a press release. “We are very grateful for the support and unwavering solidarity of our members, and the public who have continued to stand up for public education and the supports that our students and educators need now and in the future.” Hammond added that “while ETFO’s provincial executive has endorsed the terms of these tentative central agreements, the decision to accept them ultimately rests with ETFO’s 83,000 members.” ETFO will review details of its tentative central agreements and ratification vote process with ETFO local leaders and members next week. The union states it is

suspending strike action immediately pending the results of its central ratification votes. ETFO said it will make no further comments to the media regarding tentative central agreements at this time. ETFO represents 83,000 elementary public school teachers, occasional teachers and education professionals across the province. The Ontario Public School Boards Association issued its own statement last Friday. “Despite the many challenges caused by the current pandemic situation, all of the parties continued to work towards reaching a deal that will help to bring some stability to our system during what is obviously an unprecedented and rapidly evolving situation,” said OPSBA President Cathy Abraham. “Teachers and education workers will be an important part of guiding our students through the challenging time ahead. This agreement is a recognition that we value the contribution they make to the educational experience of our students every day. We look forward to working together to ensure that we are able to provide an educational experience that that is focused on the success and well-being of our students.” Ontario Minister of Education Stephen Lecce issued the following statement regarding a tentative agreement with the Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario

List of essential services given by province

Continued from page 6

58. Health care professionals providing emergency care including dentists optometrists and physio-therapists; 59. Not-for-profit organizations that provide critical personal support services in home and also provide residential services for individuals with physical disabilities (such as the Centre for Independent Living and March of Dimes); 60. Businesses and all other organizations that support the provision of food, shelter, safety or protection, and/ or social services and other necessities of life to economically disadvantaged and other vulnerable individuals; 61. Professional and social services that support the legal and justice system; 62. Rental and leasing services, including automobile, commercial and light industrial machinery and equipment rental; 63. Businesses providing mailing, shipping, courier and delivery services, including post office boxes; 64. Laundromats, dry cleaners and laundry service providers; 65. Professional services including lawyers and

paralegals, engineers, accountants, translators; 66. Businesses providing funeral, mortician, cremation, transfer, and burial services, and any related goods and products; 67. Land registration services, and real estate agent services and moving services; 68. Businesses providing security services including private security guards; monitoring or surveillance equipment and services; 69. Businesses providing staffing services, including temporary help; 70. Businesses that support the safe operations of residences and essential businesses; 71. Businesses that provide for the health and welfare of animals, including veterinarians, farms, boarding kennels, stables, animal shelters, zoos, aquariums, research facilities and other service providers; 72. Childcare services for essential workers, and home childcare services of less than six children; 73. Businesses providing cheque cashing services; 74. Organizations, including administrative authorities, that regulate and inspect businesses.

Essex Powerlines, Hydro One announce measures to those impacted by COVID-19 pandemic By Ron Giofu Local hydro companies have announced measures to deal with customers and issues during the COVID-19 pandemic. Essex Powerlines announced it is joining other local distribution companies across Ontario in providing relief to electricity customers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Essex Powerlines posted on its website that, after participating in a conference call with the Ministry of Energy and Northern Development & Mines, the local power company along with other Ontario local distribution companies have committed to voluntarily suspend electricity disconnections in light of the recent provincial announcement

of declaring a State of Emergency. Essex Powerlines has committed to a three-month extension of the disconnection moratorium for its customers, effective as of March 17. Essex Powerlines states the change to the disconnection moratorium is meant to help customers who are working from home and who are in need of financial assistance. The company states it “recognizes the importance of continuing to serve its customers reliably, safely and efficiently, and as such, a temporary relief for customers who are in need will ensure just that.” “Essex Powerlines prides itself in supporting the community in any way that we can and are committed to working together during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is a very difficult time for everyone, and

we want the community to know that we are looking to alleviate the concerns of our customers so that they can focus on keeping themselves and their families safe,” said Essex Powerlines general manager Joe Barile. As the COVID-19 pandemic rapidly evolves, Essex Powerlines stated the government will continue to implore other rate relief measures and is committed to making changes that assist Ontarians during these unprecedented times. Essex Powerlines has committed to work jointly with the Ministry and Ontario local distribution companies to bring the best possible solution to Ontarians and to its customers as we transition through this difficult time together.

Continued on Page 8

(ETFO) and the Ontario Public School Boards' Association (OPSBA), and ETFO Education Workers and the Council of Trustees' Associations (CTA): "Our Government is pleased to announce a tentative agreement has been reached between the Crown, ETFO teachers and education workers, and the school boards trustees' associations. This tentative ETFO agreement builds further momentum for deals and progress that students deserve, following last week's tentative agreement signed with the Ontario English Catholic Teachers' Association (OECTA),” stated Lecce. “We remain focused on landing further deals, to provide stability and certainty to students, parents, and educators."

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8 – River Town Times – Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Driver’s Licenses, licence plate validations health cards to be extended due to COVID-19 By RTT Staff

Validation periods for such things as driver, vehicle and carrier products and services as well as health cards have been extended due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The Ministry of Transportation and Ministry of Health, in cooperation with the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services and ServiceOntario announced last Thursday it is extending the validity period of driving products, services and health cards. These changes reduce the need for in-person visits to ServiceOntario, International Registration Plan offices and DriveTest centres during the COVID-19 outbreak, which the province states will help to promote social distancing and contain the spread of the virus. The province states these new regulations include extensions for driver licences, licence plate validation, Ontario Photo Cards, and Commercial Vehicle Operator Registration certificates, among

others. Expiring and expired health cards will continue to provide access to health services, the Ontario government adds. The Ministry of Transportation is also automatically extending the due dates for medical or vision reports, which both reduces the need for in-person visits, but also ensures that patients do not need to visit their doctors, helping the health system to focus on containing COVID-19. "We have a responsibility to Ontarians to ensure that we take every possible step to enable social distancing and stop the spread of COVID-19," said Deputy Premier and Minister of Health Christine Elliott in a press release. "By implementing these additional measures, Ontarians can avoid putting themselves at risk and will continue to have access to the services that they need, when they need them." This extension will be in place until such time that, based on the advice of Ontario's Chief Medical Officer of Health and public health officials, the current situation improves. "We're working with all partners across the system

www.rivertowntimes.com to do everything we can to contain this virus and ensure that the system is prepared to respond to any scenario," said Caroline Mulroney, Minister of Transportation. "These changes will help relieve the burden already faced by Ontarians and businesses by providing more time to renew their licences and permits without being penalized, while also reducing the need for in-person visits." The Ministry of Transportation will continue to deliver time-critical services, including Motor Vehicle Inspection Station Stock orders and SingleTrip Oversize/Overweight permits. "We urge our customers not to visit a ServiceOntario centre unless absolutely necessary," said Lisa Thompson, Minister of Government and Consumer Services. "We encourage people to complete transactions online or use the extended validation period, and to follow the advice of our medical professions and stay at home." As per advice from the Chief Medical Officer, we are encouraging everyone to take appropriate measures to protect themselves from the novel coronavirus. This includes staying home if you are sick and avoiding contact with people who are sick. The public is encouraged to visit www. serviceontario.ca for a list of products and services that are affected by this change, as 40 services are already available online.

Local hydro companies impacted by COVID-19 Continued from Page 7 Essex Powerlines states will continue to update its customers as information becomes available. For updates, please visit www.essexpowerlines.ca or follow them on Facebook and Twitter @essexpowerlines. Essex Powerlines is also asking

customers to refrain from visiting the Essex Powerlines office until further notice. Those needing assistance can call 519-737-6640. Enhanced cleaning protocols have been enhanced at their offices On-site and in-person scheduled meetings with third parties have been suspended until further notice with

PLEASE REMEMBER-REMOVAL OF ITEMS Rose Hill, St. John the Bap st (Amherstburg); Heavenly Rest, Sacred Heart (LaSalle); St. Alphonsus, Assump on, Our Lady of the Lake (Windsor); St. William's (Emeryville) Please remember to remove all items from gravesites should you wish to retain them. This includes winter wreaths, blankets, solar lights, artificial flowers, as well as all other items by:

March 31, 2020 Any items not removed by this day, will be removed and disposed of in order to prepare for annual spring maintenance. Thank you for your co-operation.


meetings to conducted via webinar, conference call or other virtual communication tools. Essex Powerlines adds it has increased communications with employees on health and safety measures. Hydro One has announced implementation of a Pandemic Relief Fund to assist customers affected by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Hydro One states it will offer financial assistance as well as increased payment flexibility to customers experiencing hardship. The fund is designed to support customers impacted by these events and those that may experience further impacts. In addition to this, Hydro One states it has extended its winter relief program so no customer experiencing any hardship has to worry about potential disconnection. “We recognize that this is a difficult time for everyone and we want our customers to know that we’re here to support them. We hope this fund and the added measures provide our customers peace of mind so they can concentrate on what matters most — keeping their loved ones safe,” the

company states on its website. “If you are concerned about paying your bill, are experiencing hardship or have been impacted by the pandemic, we want to help you. Call us to discuss the fund and see what options are available for you.” The customer contact centre hours are Monday-Friday from 7:30 a.m.-8 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. The number is 1-888-664-9376. Since the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak began, Hydro One states its Pandemic Team along with its leadership, have been actively monitoring the issues to ensure they can continue to deliver the service Ontarians depend on while keeping employees, customers and the public safe. “As information continues to evolve, our leadership team along with the Pandemic Planning Team and our Emergency Operations Centre are committed to maintaining business continuity while minimizing risk to employees and communities,” the company states. “Over the days and weeks to come, we will work with the sector and government to enhance safety protocols and champion the needs of electricity customers in Ontario.”

Wednesday, March 25, 2020 – River Town Times – 9


Local major retailers experience surge in traffic, taking proactive measures due to COVID-19 pandemic By Ron Giofu While many stores and businesses have been shut down, forced to cut back on services or have limited access to the public, some of the essential big box stores are seeing a surge of business they’ve never seen before. Large crowds have been reported at Sobeys and No Frills with customers being asked to buy what they need and not to hoard, be courteous to one another, practice social distancing and not to come in if you have been travelling internationally recently, with all of this due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Sobeys president & CEO Michael Medline said the company has tested plexiglass cashier shields and they “stand out as a strong safety precaution” and that the company will “work around the clock to get them into our stores.” Medline said Sobeys staff are also washing their hands every 15 minutes, added extra resources to the frontline enabling cashiers to wipe down common areas more often, reducing store hours to allow for more time to sanitize and replenishment of shelves, cancelled product demonstrations, introduced senior shopping hours, and introduced closed self-serve areas that are not staffed by an employee. “We’ve never seen anything like this,” said Chris Meloche, who owns the local No Frills store with wife Tina. “We’re just reacting to everything right now.” While No Frills has been selling larger than usual volumes, Meloche said shoppers have still been patient and good to work with. “People have been very, very good,” he said. “They have been very respectful.” Meloche added they have been following all health guidelines and are keeping the store even cleaner than usual. He praised his staff, stating they are also going above and beyond and he is thankful for all of their efforts.

“Everyone is doing everything they possibly can,” he said. Rexall announced Friday further steps to support Canadians receiving pharmacy care, health services and essential health products during the COVID-19 pandemic. “Our pharmacies and pharmacists are proud to call hundreds of communities across Canada home. Together with our front-line store teams, we are partnering in our communities to support neighbours and loved ones in receiving care” said Nicolas Caprio, COO and general manager. “At Rexall, that means taking important steps to protect our customers, and our employees, while ensuring Canadians continue to have access to the health and wellness products they need.” Rexall also announced it has partnered with Tia Health to launch a virtual care service for patients to help relieve the current burden on the acute healthcare system, specifically emergency rooms and hospitals. Patients will be able to talk to a doctor from the comfort of their homes by video chat or phone call and receive safe and effective medical care. Tia Health was made available at rexall. ca beginning last Friday. Virtual care is covered by the provincial health plan in Ontario (OHIP) and British Columbia (MSP), but not the other provinces. Patients with a valid Ontario or British Columbia health card will not be charged. Rexall added it is making this service available free of charge for its employees. Rexall has launched a dedicated shopping hour for seniors, as has Shoppers Drug Mart. Dejana Beatovic, owner/pharmacist at the Amherstburg location, said seniors and those with disabilities are encouraged to come in between 8-9 a.m. All customers are encouraged to practice social distancing, she added. Shoppers Drug Mart also implemented measures where the number of people that can enter the store was limited to

Large crowds are pictured during a recent day at Walmart. Larger stores are seeing large volumes of business but people are being asked to buy what they need, avoid hoarding and stay away if you have been out of the country recently. 50, including staff. “Someone is going to be at the door letting people in and out,” Beatovic told the RTT Friday afternoon. Store hours will be shortened from 10 p.m. to 8 p.m. so staff can perform extra cleaning and sanitary efforts, she said, and they encourage people to have their prescriptions delivered. They are also encouraging people with symptoms of COVID-19 not to come in the store and to call the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit or Telehealth Ontario. Beatovic compared the shopping frenzy to the Christmas season, adding they are limiting items such as toilet paper, water and hand sanitizer so that others can have a chance to buy it. She also noted that some of her staff are off on leave while others are vacationing and she praises the members still working. “Other stores are helping us,” she said, though adding “I have a great

team. I am appreciative of that.” Beatovic added she encourages people to check the local Shoppers’ Facebook page for updates. Walmart Canada is also dedicating the first hour of operation to seniors. They are also hiring 10,000 more associates across the country to help with demand. “We’ve already announced steps to provide additional support for Associates affected by the crisis. In addition, we’re offering access to live online physician care for all 90,000+ Associates so that they can get the advice and care they need. And we’re accelerating our store Associate annual bonus payments to recognize their hard work. This is an extraordinarily difficult time, but Walmart Canada will do all we can for the well-being of our customers, our neighbours and our associates,” said Walmart Canada president and CEO Horacio Barbeito in a memo on their website.

“Friday Night Live” returns to St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church

Matthew Romain of the Bare Naked Laddies sings and strums out an Irish jig at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Amherstburg on Friday, March 13, 2020. St. Andrew’s held a St. Patrick’s Day-themed concert.

Photos by Jonathan Martin

Susan Tracy plays an upbeat tune on her fiddle at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Amherstburg on Friday, March 13, 2020.

10 – River Town Times – Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Wednesday, March 25, 2020 – River Town Times – 11

Amherstburg and Essex County’s #1 Real Estate Company*

Another Reason To Call Us First! 519.736.1766 *Based on 2019 WECAR MLS reported listings sold in Windsor and Essex County LAWRENCE COTE JOHN D’ALIMONTE RYAN D’ALIMONTE MITCHELL DESLIPPE Broker

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340 PATTEN $499,900


Everjonge Homes is now offering theirlast ranch model under $500,000. Brick to roof with stucco accents. 3 bedroom 2 bath home. 9 ft. ceilings, Engineered hardwood in Great room and hall. Gas fireplace. Designer kitchen with Island. Ensuite bath with Ceramic shower and glass doors. Covered rear deck. Located in Kingsbridge South on 54 x 131 ft. lot. Other lots and models available. Sales center at 193 Davis open Saturdays 12-4.


Really nice townhome with no rear neighbors. This 2 bedroom, 3 full bath home is completely finished. Master bedroom is found in the very private bonus room. This raised ranch is open concept, kitchen, dining and living area. It has a main floor laundry for your convenience. Lower has a very large family room with a gas fireplace in a beautiful stone setting. There is a tankless hot water heater. A nice private deck overlooks a completely fenced yard. There is a retractable awning that will fully cover your deck. Ppty is avail.

Call Theresa for more details 519-890-5955.

Call Carl for more information 519-919-2006







Sales Representative

JASON LAFRAMBOISE DEBBIE NEDIN Broker Sales Representative Sales Representative



Sales Representative


Jason Laframboise, Broker or Mitchell Deslippe, Broker 519-903-5817

Lovely raised ranch in great location! Open concept kitchen/living rm, hardwood & ceramic flrs. Island w/extended countertop, built-in cook top. Patio drs to lrg deck. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, fin fam rm (lower level), att garage, fenced yard. Don’t miss out on this gem!! Call Brady Thrasher, Debbie Nedin @ 519-736-1766

517 ALMA

1145 FRONT

3954 CONC 3 **NEW PRICE $839,900**


This incredible home will delight from it’s grand entrance w/ vaulted ceilings/porcelain flrs & spindled staircase to open concept liv rm w/tray ceilings/gas fp & gleaming hardwood flrs. Kitchen features crisp white cabinetry & large island w/granite counter tops & an abundance of light. 4 spacious bdrms, 4.5 baths (2 ens). Enjoy the ambiance from the balcony of master bdrm overlooking lush landscaped yard w/large pond. Unique sunroom w/hot tub overlooking spectacular backyard w/in ground pool, covered patio and manicured grounds. You will not be disappointed with approx 6000 sq ft (living space) brick 2 story home with top of the line finishings. It’s difficult to list all indoor and outdoor features. Call Brady Thrasher, Debbie Nedin @ 519-736-1766

Custom buildt brick to roof ranch, plaster construction approx 1600 sq ft on main floor, all ceramic & hardwood flooring, full lower level completely finished, grade entrance, detached 2.5 car garage. Extra large cement drive. Thi property is subject to severance of the rear lands. See listing salesperson for full details. Seller has the right to accept or decline any offers. Call John D’Alimonte, Kim Wheeler & Jayci Wigle Sales Representatives 519-736-1766

Penthouse living at it’s best in this 2 bdrm, 2 bath (mb ensuite) penthouse condo in charming Kingsville w/views of lake erie!! Enjoy panoramic views from balcony while enjoying that 1st cup of coffee of the day!! One year old bldg w/u/gr prkg, low condo fees, all appliances, private sundeck on main lvl equipped w/ bbqs made available to all residents along w/rooftop party rm & outdoor sitting area, pefect for parties & family events. This bldg is handicap accessible, well thought out & constructed by award winning builder Petretta Construction. Call if you are interested in leasing or purchasing!

This beautiful one year new 3100 sq ft custom design home, is located in most sought after pleasant valley across from cedar creek conservation naturereserve. Exquisite 2 storey with a 3rd floor “Zen room’. This custom design features 2 master bedrooms, one on main floor with private ensuite, & one on 2nd floor with private 5pc ensuite. Total, 4 bedrooms & 3.5 baths, all granite counter tops throughout, stunning maple kitchen with large centre island overlooking dining area & great room, with gorgeous fireplace. A butlers pantry enhances the kitchen design. High end stainless steel appliances, 9ft ceilings throughout, very spacious main floor laundry room, full lower level with family room area. All this & more situated on a approx 2.8 acre tranquil setting, with many mature trees, winding drive,detached 12x20 ft garage plus 16x31 ft sun room perfect for relaxing,overlooking pond as well as all the nature that surrounds you. This home is priced below replacement cost. A must see!

Loads of character throughout this 3+1 bedroom, 1 full 2 half bath home. Hardwood and ceramic flooring, formal dining room, eat in kitchen with updated maple cabinets, cozy living room with gas fireplace. Private sitting room off master bedroom, main floor bath with granite counter top, large family room in basement. Detached 2 car garage with heat and hydro, vacation at home with beautiful in ground salt water pool, concrete patio and more situated on a large fully fenced private lot in great family area. This ppty is avail for registration of offers however no offers will be viewed until January 29th, 2020 @ 5pm as per the request of the seller. The sellers reserve the right to accept or decline any offer.



Call John D’Alimonte, Kim Wheeler & Jayci Wigle Sales Representatives 519-736-1766



Call John D’Alimonte, Kim Wheeler & Jayci Wigle Sales Representatives 519-736-1766

Call Brady Thrasher, or Debbie Nedin @ 519-736-1766

An absolute treasure for this classic 4-5 bdrm Victorian home between Lasalle and Amherstburg. Numerous updates and meticulous detail is shown and is appreciated as you tour this beauty. Boasting Approx. 4000 sq ft of living space this fully restored home is a treasure and will be enjoyed by the fortunate family who wants peace and quiet and will appreciate this beauty for years to come. Sitting on approx. 1.85 acres. Simply amazing. Need 24 hours notice for all showings. Please attach Schedule “B” to all offers in documents tab, deposit check made payable to LBO (586)Seller can accept or decline any offers.

Truly one or a kind property ideal for the hobbyist, family or perfect investment opportunity. Built in 2017, the full brick to roof two storey dwelling must be seen to be appreciated. Main floor offers massive workshop/garage area with overhead gas furnace, 2pc bath, fully finished and 12’ high ceilings while the 2nd floor offers impressive move in ready approx. 1800 square foot living area. Upper residential area currently sits as a 3 bedrooms, 2 bath dwelling but has been fully roughed in and designed for the potential of two units (one 2 bedroom/1 bath 1000 sq ft unit with balcony and additional bed/bachelor, 1 bath 800 sq ft unit with balcony). 2 furnaces/2 central air units, 2 separate hydro panels, rough in for 2nd kitchen ready to go. Phenomenal air BNB potential or place to call home. Steps from the water, tremendous opportunity.

Call Ryan D’Alimonte, Sales Representative 736-1766

Call Brad Bondy @ 519-736-1766




Call John D’Alimonte, Kim Wheeler & Jayci Wigle Sales Representatives 519-736-1766



0 ,00

Fabulous building lot that is 100 ft x over 390 ft deep. There is a nice water lot with this also. Build your dream home and sit by the water’s edge to watch the ships or beautiful sunsets. Call Carl for more information 519-919-2006


Looking to build your dream home? This amazing building lot is situated in a park like setting with winding roads, mature trees, waterfront views, walking distance to beaches, marina & restaurant. Look no further than beautiful Boblo Island. This incredible lot has no rear neighbours and waterfront views just across the street. A must see! Won’t last in this market. Ferry fees of $4746/yr apply to this lot as well as association fees of $225/yr. Welcome home, the one you’ve been waiting for.

Enjoy island living w/this 2 bdrm, 2 bath condo situated on prestigious Boblo Island. This newer condo bldg is in a prime location on the island just steps away from the ferry & beautiful waterfront. Complete w/granite counter tops, spacious rooms, stunning hrwd flrs, mbdrm w/ensuite. Beautiful terrace balcony w/water views.

Jason Laframboise, Broker or Mitchell Deslippe, Broker 519-903-5817

Call John D’Alimonte, Kim Wheeler & Jayci Wigle Sales Representatives 519-736-1766

Huge building lot located in historic Amherstburg. Build your dream home in this well established neighbourhood surrounded by beautiful well kept homes. Within walking distance to all conveniences & the fantastic Amherstburg waterfront, this ppty is a rare find indeed! Buyer/buyers agent to complete due diligence regarding services. Hst is applicable on vacant land, hydro, telephone, cable & water is in the process of being brought to lot line. Legal description to follow. Call John Hall @ 519-736-1766 or direct 226.347.8956



1114 UNION




Simply gorgeous inside and out. Approx. 1700 sq ft brick ranch with fully finished basement all set on a 60’ x 215’ picturesque lot. Open concept with glass railings to the basement, hardwood, laminate and ceramic tile flooring throughout, granite counter top in kitchen, 3 full baths, 2 sets of patio doors, 2 walk in closets, furnace & c/air 2016, roof shingles 2012. Beautifully finished basement with family room & corner gas f/place, bar & games area, 4th bedroom. Outside 2 deck areas, aggregate stone patio & walk ways, gazebo, pond, storage shed & bbq shelter. Truly a backyard paradise. Seller reserves the right to reject any and all offers. John Bondy, Sales Representative @ 519-890-1165 view photos @ www.homesbyjohnbondy.com

3 bdrm, 2 bath home fully finished w/an above groundpool,beautiful sundeck & hot tub, detached 24x26 garage w/ breezeway backing onto farmers field. Formal din rm, huge live rm & den, 2 bdrms on main. Huge loft master bdrm 22x11.9 on 2nd flor, finished bsmt with large rec rm and family rm, forced air C/Air, shingles replaced in 2019. This home is in move in ready and sits on a 135’ x 230’ private country lot. A must to see. This home is available for the registration of offers,however,no offers wil be viewed until March 2/20 at 6pm as per the request of the seller. The seller has the right to accept or decline any or all offers. Call John Pento for your private tour 519-736-1766

Wow! Move right in to this neat and tidy 2 bedroom home situated on a huge double lot very close to purposed new high school! Lots of updates, including custom kitchen cabinets, granite counter tops, flooring and vinyl windows. Perfect for first time home buyers, retirees, or investors. Close to all major conveniences. Buyer to verify allowable uses including any potential severance of lot. Book your showing today! Please allow 24 hour irrevocable on all offers. Call John Hall @ 519-736-1766 or direct 226.347.8956

Sprawling brick to roof ranch home in the heart of Essex county with no neighbours. Features include large eat in kit, sunken family rm w/fireplace, 4 bedrooms, full basement, large 2.5 car attached garage, inground pool, sitting on 1 acre, tons of potential, did I mention no neighbours, Open for registration of offers, all offers to be presented 12pm March 20th, 2020, (EMAIL ONLY) no preemptive offers as per request of the seller. Please attach schedule “B” to all offers in documents tab, Please use form 100 found in documents tab, deposit check made payable to LBO (586).Call Today! Call Brad Bondy @ 519-736-1766

Neat and tidy one owner home in a sought after location minutes to Amherstburg, LaSalle and Windsor. This home features eat in kitchen, large family room, 3 bedrooms, full basement, detached double garage, Fabulous deep treed lot backing on to the river canard, quiet location, take your canoe for a leisurely stroll down the river. Please attach schedule B to all offers in documents tab, deposit check to be made payable to LBO(586). Seller can accept or decline any or all offers. Call Brad Bondy @ 519-736-1766

VACANT LAND Terrific opportunity for this large lot w/117 ft frontage located in an awesome established area minutes to Amherstburg, Lasalle, Windsor and the U.S. border, access to the Detroit river for canoeing, fishing, or just enjoy the view, fully fenced, build your home today, opportunity to sever the property, Please attach schedule “B” to all offers in documents tab, deposit check made payable to LBO (586). Call Brad Bondy @ 519-736-1766

D L O S Jason Laframboise, Broker or Mitchell Deslippe, Broker 519-903-5817




Contact Brady Today @ 519-736-1766


Quality built home by Duri Construction Ltd. Very attractive 3 bedroom 2 full bath, 1900 sq ft (approx) ranch style home in beautiful Meadowview Estates, features brick & stone exterior with stylish architectural metal siding accents & open concept design. Inviting great room with custom entertainment wall, modern electric fireplace & flush tv opening along with 9’ ceilings and 10’ tray to give an open comfortable feel. Hardwood & ceramic flooring throughout. Master bedroom features walk in closet, ensuite bath and architectural ceiling. Quality built kitchen with quartz counter tops, wide patio door leading to covered raised rear concrete porch. Main floor laundry and 2 car attached garage. Full unfinished basement with 3 pc rough-in bath and the list goes on! Everything you want & more in this custom quality-built home. (note: pictures from a previously built model

Welcome to 143 Meadowview, 2 year old spacious ranch townhouse with 1 car attached garage in Amherstburg. Situated on quiet court, on a large pie shaped lot. Featuring 2+1 bedrooms and 3 full baths, including master w/ walk-in closet & 3 pc ensuite, bright eat-in kitchen w/granite counter tops and all appliances included, living room with dining area, main for laundry. Fully finished lower level with family room with gas fireplace, games area, 3rd bdrm, 3rd full bath and loads of storage! Call John Pento for your private tour 519-736-1766

Jason Laframboise, Broker or Mitchell Deslippe, Broker 519-903-5817

1031 PRADO



Nicely renovated and maintained 1.5 storey brick 3 bedroom home on a great street backing onto Princess Elizabeth Public School. Features refinished hardwood floors, vinyl clad windows, ever last finished restoration system by advanced basement (Jan 2018), new roof shingles (2016), new eaves troughs (2017), 2 updated steel doors, 2 tiered deck, nicely landscaped and privacy fenced back yard. Home inspection report from August 2016 is available. John Bondy, Sales Representative @ 519-890-1165 view photos @ www.homesbyjohnbondy.com



Sales Representative


Sales Representative


Residential ‘Waterfront’ building lots starting at $149,000-$189,000



If you’re looking for a waterfront home with an incredible view then 1145 Front road is the home for you. This beautiful home sits on a large lot across from their boat dock that accompanies this property. This home features many updates including flooring, patio doors, furnace and a/c over the last 5 years. You will enjoy beautiful days outside whether its watching the freighters go by or your out back enjoying the peaceful sound of the pond. Don’t miss out on this incredible property as it won’t last long. Over sized heated garage perfect for anyone looking to use as a workshop or man cave. Give l/s a call today to set up your personal tour Please attach Schedule “B” to all offers in documents tab, deposit check made payable to LBO (586) Call Brad Bondy @ 519-736-1766

Sales Representative


$3 Newly built 1.5 yr new brick to roof ranch style home sitting on a large lot (76 ft x 200 ft). 1850 sq ft. Nicely finished main floor with vaulted ceilings, open concept living room, kitchen with breakfast bar, granite counter-tops, master bedroom with walk-in closet & 4 piece ensuite, main floor laundry, 2 additional main floor bedrooms. Quality finishing in hardwood and ceramic tile. Patio door off dining area leading to covered patio area. Attached 2.5 car garage with extra wide finished drive. Full basement.

Sales Representative


An absolute beautiful waterfront property with an amazing 80 ft of frontage providing more than enough room to have all the amenities of the waterfront views, your own private boat ramp and still have yard for kids or pets. The home itself is impressive with 4 bedrooms providing their own waterviews upstairs along w/a 4 pc bath. Main has kitchen, dining, living rm w/natural fireplace, another full bath and of course the sun porch to enjoy the water caressing the reinforced breakwall. Bonus bunkie provides more storage or alternate quarters for guests. Beautifully landscaped and large deck complete this gorgeous property. Lots of parking on site and garage across the street. This home is part of Lake Erie Country Club Assoc with yearly fees of approx $588 and land across the street is leased for $40/yr. Local improvement charge of $698.86/yr in addition to the taxes for sewers until 2022. 48 hour irrevocable on all offers at the direction of the seller. Call Brad Bondy @ 519-736-1766

Cute 2-3 bedroom, walking distance to all amenities. Foced air gas, central air, patio cement walk out from living room, fenced yard. Tenant vacating July 1, 2020 - 24 hours notice required. Seller has the right to accept or decline any offers however no offer shall be viewed until March 25, 2020. No Pre-emptive offers.

Sales Representative




Meadowview Estates, what you’ve been waiting for! Quality built by nor-built construction. Approximate 1470 sq ft full brick/ stone semi detached 2 bedroom, 2 bath home with open floor plan. Featuring hardwood and ceramic flooring, granite countertops in kitchen, master suite with walk-in closet and ensuite bath with custom ceramic shower. Main floor laundry room, attached 2 car garage, patio doors leading to covered porch. Full unfinished basement. Plus architectural ceilings in master bedroom and living room, gas fireplace. Concrete drive and more!(pictures from a previously built model)



Stunning 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom ranch style townhome built by reputable builder BK Cornerstone (2014). Approx. 1200 Sq ft of finished living space including beautiful kitchen with quartz counter tops, master bedroom with walk-in closet and 3 piece ensuite. Main floor laundry, covered patio and fenced yard perfect for families & entertaining. Minutes away from the desirable Town of Tecumseh and City of Windsor. This property is available for the registration of offers however at the seller’s request no offers will be viewed until Monday, March 23, 2020 at 6:00 pm. Seller reserves the right to accept or decline any offers. Call John D’Alimonte, Kim Wheeler & Jayci Wigle Sales Representatives 519-736-1766

Once in a lifetime opportunity, overlooking the Detroit River and the west coast of historic Amherstburg, pure elegance, custom built 12 year new 7500 sq ft of luxurious finished living area. Prime waterfront living on Amherstburg’s private Boblo Island, 24 hour ferry access, Wisconsin ledge rock exterior, with cedar exterior, specialized property with direct water access and private 100 ft x 80 ft dock, plus 50 ft x 12 ft jet ski dock. Approx one half acre sized property, epoxy floored 1400 sq ft garage parking for seven cars inside, outdoor balconies grace the exterior, all aggregate large drive. The interior boasts 18 ft ceilings, in-floor heating on all levels, 4-5 bedrooms, 4.5 Baths, all limestone, marble, hardwood flooring, theatre room, heated in ground pool, hot tub, cigar room, all granite counter tops, great room, workout room, wine room. Realtors, see extensive addt’l details in supplements tab. Call John D’Alimonte, Kim Wheeler & Jayci Wigle Sales Representatives 519-736-1766



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12 – River Town Times – Wednesday, March 25, 2020






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FIND YOURS TODAY AT GMCOFFERS.CA Limited time offer which may not be combined with certain other offers. General Motors of Canada Company (GM Canada) may modify, extend or terminate offers for any reason, in whole or in part, at any time, without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. Void where prohibited. See Dealer for full program details. Credits vary by model. Dealer may sell for less. Factory order may be required. Chargeable paint costs may vary depending on the vehicle/colour. These offers may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Credits vary by model. Dealer may sell for less. ^ Offer available to qualified retail customers in Canada for vehicles purchased and delivered between March 3, 2020 to March 31, 2020. Lease based on suggested retail price of $46,404, towards the lease of an eligible 2020 Sierra 1500 Crew Cab Black Edition. Bi-weekly payment is $158 for 24 months at 1.9% lease rate (1.9% APR) on approved credit to qualified retail customers by GM Financial. The $79 weekly payment is calculated by dividing the bi-weekly payments. Payments cannot be made on a weekly basis. Equivalent weekly payments are for informational purposes only. Annual kilometer limit of 20,000 km, $0.16 per excess kilometer. $2,900 down payment required. Payment may vary depending on down payment trade. Total obligation is $11,102. Taxes, license, insurance, registration and applicable fees, levies, duties and, except in Quebec, dealer fees (all of which may vary by dealer and region) are extra. Option to purchase at lease end is $36,939. ◊Offer available to qualified retail customers in Canada for vehicles purchased and delivered between March 3, 2020 to March 31, 2020. Total value includes $10,000 (tax exclusive; includes $2,000 cash delivery allowance, $6,500 non-stackable cash credits, $500 option package discount and $1,000 RST bonus); applies to cash purchases of new 2020 Sierra Elevation models at participating dealers in Canada. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing this $10,000 credit which will result in higher effective interest rates. ≤ Offer available to qualified retail customers in Canada for vehicles purchased and delivered between March 3, 2020 to March 31, 2020. Lease based on suggested retail price of $34,288, towards the lease of an eligible 2020 Terrain SLE FWD Elevation. Bi-weekly payment is $192 for 48 months at 1% lease rate (1% APR) on approved credit to qualified retail customers by GM Financial. The $96 weekly payment is calculated by dividing the bi-weekly payments. Payments cannot be made on a weekly basis. Equivalent weekly payments are for informational purposes only. Annual kilometer limit of 20,000 km, $0.16 per excess kilometer. $0 down payment required. Payment may vary depending on down payment trade. Total obligation is $19,847. Taxes, license, insurance, registration and applicable fees, levies, duties and, except in Quebec, dealer fees (all of which may vary by dealer and region) are extra. Option to purchase at lease end is $15,430. € Safety or driver assistance features are no substitute for the driver’s responsibilities to operate the vehicle in a safe manner. The drive should remain attentive to traffic, surrounds and road conditions at all times. Visibility, weather, and road conditions may affect feature performance. Read the vehicle Owner’s Manual for more important feature limitations and information. * To qualify for the Costco Member Pricing, you must be a Canadian resident holding a valid driver’s license, have been a Costco member since January 2, 2020, or earlier and must: (1) Register with Costco to receive your non-transferable Authorization Number; (2) Present the Authorization Number to a participating dealer; (3) Retail purchase, finance or lease an eligible new or demonstrator in-stock 2020 GMC: Terrain, Acadia delivered from January 3, 2020, to March 31, 2020. In addition, to receive a $500 Costco Shop Card by email, submit a redemption form to Costco within thirty (30) days of vehicle delivery and complete a Costco member satisfaction survey. Please allow three weeks for Costco Shop Card delivery, pending completion of all eligibility requirements; including redemption form submission, purchase verification and survey completion. Costco Shop Cards will be emailed to the email address provided to Costco at the time of registration. The purchase or lease of a vehicle does not qualify for the calculation of the Costco Executive Membership 2% Reward. Offer may not be redeemed for cash. Conditions and limitations apply to this limited time offer. For full program details and for any applicable exclusions see a participating dealer or costcoauto.ca/GM. For Costco Shop Card terms and conditions, visit Costco.ca and search “Shop Card”. Tax, title, registration and license fees, personal property registration fees, and additional products and services are not included in the Costco Member Pricing. Offer is valid at participating authorized GM Canada dealers. Offer not available in the U.S. or Mexico. Offer is subject to change without notice. Void where prohibited. Costco and its affiliates do not sell automobiles nor negotiate individual transactions. ®: Registered trademark of Price Costco International, Inc. used under license. × Whichever comes first. Limit of four complimentary Lube-Oil-Filter services in total. Fluid top-offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc., are not covered. See the Warranty Booklet or your dealer for details. ∞ Whichever comes first. See your dealer. Δ Visit onstar.ca for vehicle availability, coverage maps, details and system limitations. Services and connectivity vary by model and conditions as well as geographical and technical restrictions. 4G LTE service available in select markets. Requires active connected vehicle services and a data plan to access the vehicle’s built-in Wi-Fi hotspot. Accessory Power must be active to use the Wi-Fi hotspot. Data plans provided by AT&T or its local service provider. Credit card is required for purchase.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020 – River Town Times – 13


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Local swimmer heading to U.S. university on a scholarship


“It’s a big relief,” he said. “Now I don’t have to worry about it and just get ready for next year.” Chiandussi said the swim season is eleven-monthslong in some years and ten-months in other years. He currently trains out of the Windsor International Aquatic Centre with nine practices per week. He said he has morning practices Monday, Wednesday and Friday and afternoon practices Monday through Saturday. The independence of being in the pool and working hard to achieve success on his own are what appeals to him. Among his accomplishments include being a three-time nominee for Male Swimmer at the WESPY (Windsor Essex Sports Person of the Year) awards, a five-time club record holder on WEST, a three-time Olympic trials qualifier, OFSAA Gold medalist for 100 Breaststroke, three-time provincial gold medalist. “It’s fun,” Chiandussi said of the sport of swimming. “I like racing. It gives me excitement when I get to the meets.” Future goals include competing at the NCAA Division 2 national championship and winning medals at that level. “That would be pretty great,” he said. The Olympics are in his sights as well, as he hopes to compete at the 2024 Games in Paris. Chiandussi officially signed with Findlay March 16 and will major in graphic design. He thanks his parents for getting him to and from practices and paying for swim meets as well as his coaches “for getting me to the level I needed to be at.”

Submitted photo

Local swimmer Luca Chiandussi signed with the University of Findlay recently. He currently swims with the Windsor-Essex Swim Team and also competed for four years at St. Thomas of Villanova Secondary School. By Ron Giofu

Now that he has made his decision on where to spend his post-secondary education, Chiandussi said it is a load off of his mind.

A local swimmer will be heading south of the border on a scholarship. Luca Chiandussi has earned a scholarship to the University of Findlay in Ohio after choosing that school over offers from about six schools in the United States and a few in Canada as well. He has been a competitive swimmer with the Windsor-Essex Swim Team for six years and also competed as part of the swim team at St. Thomas of Villanova Secondary School for four years as well. “I’m pretty excited to get to school there,” said Chiandussi. Chiandussi said the University of Findlay stood out to him after F SPORT Series 1 shown visiting all of the schools. “I like that it is a 2020 NX 300 smaller school,” he said. LEASE APR BI-WEEKLY LEASE PAYMENT FROM DELIVERY CREDITS OF UP TO “They have smaller ^ * %* 0.9 $198 $1 ,500 classes. The team was DOWN PAYMENT $6,261* 36 MONTHS very welcoming when I was on my visit.” LEXUS OF WINDSOR I lexusofwindsor.com The fact the school is two hours away from home was another drawing card, he said.


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Delivery Credits are available on retail purchase/lease of select new 2020 Lexus vehicles from a Canadian Lexus Dealer and will be applied after taxes have been charged on the full amount of the negotiated price. Vehicle must be purchased/leased, registered and delivered by March 31st, 2020.*Lease offers provided through Lexus Financial Services, on approved credit. *Representative lease example based on a 2020 IS 300 AWD sfx ‘A’ on a 36 month term at an annual rate of 0.9% and Complete Lexus Price of $46,575. Bi-weekly lease payment is $188 with $5,683 down payment or equivalent trade in, $0 security deposit and first bi-weekly lease payment due at lease inception. Total of 78 bi-weekly lease payments required during the lease term. Total lease obligation is $20,347. *Representative lease example based on a 2020 NX 300 sfx ‘T’ on a 36 month term at an annual rate of 0.9% and Complete Lexus Price of $47,175. Bi-weekly lease payment is $188 with $6,261 down payment or equivalent trade in, $0 security deposit and first bi-weekly lease payment due at lease inception. Total of 78 bi-weekly lease payments required during the lease term. Total lease obligation is $21,705. *Representative lease example based on a 2020 RX 350 sfx ‘P’ on a 36 month term at an annual rate of 1.9% and Complete Lexus Price of $58,875. Bi-weekly lease payment is $258 with $7,657 down payment or equivalent trade in, $0 security deposit and first bi-weekly lease payment due at lease inception. Total of 78 bi-weekly lease payments required during the lease term. Total lease obligation is $27,781. *Representative lease example based on a 2020 UX 250h sfx ‘P’ on a 36 month term at an annual rate of 3.9% and Complete Lexus Price of $42,825. Bi-weekly lease payment is $218 with $5,770 down payment or equivalent trade in, $0 security deposit and first bi-weekly lease payment due at lease inception. Total of 78 bi-weekly lease payments required during the lease term. Total lease obligation is $22,774. 48,000 kilometre allowance; charge of $0.20/km for excess kilometres. Complete Lexus Price includes freight/PDI ($2,095), Dealer Fee ($599), EHF Tires ($20.70), EHF Filters ($1), A/C charge ($100), and OMVIC Fee ($10). Taxes, license, registration (if applicable), dealer fees (if applicable) and insurance are extra. Lexus Dealers are free to set their own prices. Limited time offers only apply to retail customers at participating Lexus Dealers. Dealer order/trade may be required (but may not be available in certain circumstances). Offers are subject to change or cancellation without notice. Offers are effective beginning March 3rd, 2020 and expire on March 31st, 2020 unless extended or revised. See your Lexus Dealer for complete details.

14 – River Town Times – Wednesday, March 25, 2020


“Chase the Ace” raises big bucks for local boxing club and contest winner By Ron Giofu

A local bar and a local athletic organization teamed up for a contest that had positive impacts for multiple people. “Chase the Ace” was a contest held at Shooters Roadhouse with the winner of the contest and Amherstburg’s Fighting Island Boxing Club each splitting the pot. When the cheque was presented March 16, winner Dean McGowan received $7,242 while the boxing club received an equal amount. McGowan said his winnings will be shared with his family but he said that it was not yet determined what they will use the money for. Joe LeBlanc, owner and coach at the Fighting Island Boxing Club, said the club will be eventually moving out of its current location within the Scout Hall at

the corner of Victoria St. S. and Simcoe St. They are currently looking at a space within the community hub nearby at 320 Richmond St. “That money is going to build a new ring,” said LeBlanc. LeBlanc said a new ring costs about $10,000 and money they raise will cover the costs of that and anything they raise through subsequent “Chase the Ace” contests and other fundraising will help pay for the ring and other equipment. The most recent “Chase the Ace” contest was won in its 51st week, with only few cards remaining. “(McGowan’s) card got pulled on the second last one,” said LeBlanc. LeBlanc added the “Chase the Ace” contest “was good for us. We’ll start it again in about a month or so. Hopefully it’ll get just as big again.”

“Chase the Ace” winner Dean McGowan (centre) receives his winning cheque of $7,242 at Shooters Roadhouse March 16. Amherstburg’s Fighting Island Boxing Club owner Joe LeBlanc (right) presents the cheque. The boxing club will get an equal amount. Dylan Kuzmanov from Shooter’s is at left.

Warden urges resiliency, kindness amid COVID-19 pandemic By Ron Giofu The warden of the County of Essex is urging residents to be calm, courteous and resilient during the COVID-19 pandemic. Essex County council went ahead with its March 18 meeting, though council members, administration and media were spread out across the council chambers in an effort to demonstrate social distancing from each other. Members of administration were even situated in the gallery, normally where the public sits. Warden Gary McNamara opened the meeting noting that these are “extraordinary times” and that governments at all levels are taking steps to try and address the pandemic and to avoid the spread of COVID-19, also known as the Coronavirus. “We need to be patient. We need to be prudent. We need to be proactive,” said McNamara. “We will get

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Essex County council held its March 18 meeting with council, administration and media attempting to try social distancing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Politicians were spaced further apart at the council table with some members of administration having to sit in the gallery, spread apart. through this.” McNamara stated that Canadians are resilient and resourceful, emphasizing “we will get through this together.” The warden praised county administration for its efforts and also offered gratitude and best wishes for the health care professionals that are treating patients and working to combat the spread of COVID-19. McNamara also thanked the staff at Essex-Windsor EMS for their work. “Our best defense against the virus is to control the things we can control,” he said. McNamara urged the public to show kindness and courtesy, to treat each other with respect and to check in on one another. He also pressed people to stay safe, wash their hands regularly, avoid crowds and to work from home if possible. The warden also asked that people be respectful to one another when grocery shopping, noting that Canada has a strong food chain. “There is no need for anyone to hoard,” he said. Working together and being mindful of what health professionals are advising is key. “We all have a role to play and I have no doubt residents and businesses in Windsor-Essex will do their part and we’ll all get through this together,” said McNamara.

The County of Essex has also advised it has closed the Essex County Civic Centre to business, with that coming into effect last Thursday. Much like what has happened in the Town of Amherstburg, staff is still working and is available by telephone or e-mail. The county’s main phone number is 519-776-6441 with specific extensions found online at www.countyofessex.ca. “We are dealing with extraordinary circumstances requiring extraordinary measures and we need to do everything we can to protect staff and residents and slow the spread of COVID-19,” said McNamara. “We appreciate this may be an inconvenience but we know residents understand this is a reasonable and necessary precaution to take.” The County of Essex’s infrastructure services department will still respond to issues related to county roads. Issues can be reported by phoning 519-3268691 or via an online form. The Sun Parlor Home in Leamington remains closed to outside visitors. Anyone with questions can contact Sun Parlor Home at 519-326-5731, ext. 3202. Any updates will be communicated to the public on Essex County’s website and on Facebook and Twitter. For the most up-to-date information on COVID-19, residents should visit the websites of the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit, Public Health Ontario and Public Health Canada.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020 – River Town Times – 15









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APT FOR RENT CASA BLANCA & BELLA Vista 365-369 Dalhousie. Large, clean, quiet with security entrance. Laundry, patio or balcony, stainless steel appliances, parking. Centrally located to all amenities. Starting at $1100 utilities included. Call to view (519) 995-1565

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News Tips are always welcome!



Email Ron Giofu at the River Town Times at

80 Richmond St., Unit 9, Amherstburg




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16 – River Town Times – Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Kicks & Giggles

Amherstburg Food Bank on the move, going to ACS’ new home

ARIES – Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, having friends in high places can open doors to some unique places. But you can only keep those doors open through hard work. TAURUS – Apr 21/May 21 Widen your social network to have the best opportunities for success this week, Taurus. New people can provide useful information and approaches you never imagined.


GEMINI – May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, surround yourself with people who can help advance your career. The changing landscape of your job means you need to be open to all possibilities. CANCER – Jun 22/Jul 22 There is no need to keep a calm facade if you are experiencing some anxiety, Cancer. Be honest with those closest to you and you’ll benefit from their feedback. LEO – Jul 23/Aug 23 The strong force of your sensitivity may surprise you over the course of the next few days, Leo. Just try not to let emotions cloud your judgment on the professional front. VIRGO – Aug 24/Sept 22 Single Virgos will have plenty of opportunity to be flirty and fun this week. But even those in relationships can get in on the action, putting romance to the forefront. LIBRA – Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, others may see you as the advice guru this week. That is a role you excel in, but you must balance the extra counseling work with your existing responsibilities. SCORPIO – Oct 24/Nov 22 Someone who lays on the flattery can win you over in an instant, Scorpio. But once you delve deeper, you may grow suspicious. Accept praise but don’t let it cloud your vision. SAGITTARIUS – Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, you tend to give freely without worrying about the bottom line. But today’s stars flash warnings that you may need to keep a tight hold on your cash. CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan 20 It is never a good idea to enhance the facts, Capricorn. However, you can be enthusiastic about your efforts and what those efforts may lead to. Stand behind your work and opinions. AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, no matter how busy your schedule may be, carve out some time to take care of some financial issues that have cropped up in the last few weeks. PISCES – Feb 19/Mar 20 Take a new approach to a similar task and you may come away with something surprising, Pisces. Take that leap of faith. FAMOUS BIRTHDAYS MARCH 22 - Nick Robinson, Actor (25) MARCH 23 - Keri Russell, Actress (44) MARCH 24 - Peyton Manning, Athlete (44) MARCH 25 - Ryan Lewis, Music Producer (32) MARCH 26 - Jonathan Groff, Actor (35) MARCH 27 - Mariah Carey, Singer (50) MARCH 28 - Lady Gaga, Singer (34)

WORD SCRAMBLE Rearrange the letters to spell something pertaining to basketball. ANSWERS ON 2ND BUSINESS DIRECTORY PAGE

Amherstburg Food Bank volunteer Elinor West (left) and Amherstburg Community Services (ACS) executive director Kathy DiBartolomeo stand in the new space that will occupy the food bank. The two organizations are teaming up with the food bank to be offered within the new ACS office. That office will be located in the former St. Bernard School at 320 Richmond St. and is still under construction. By Ron Giofu Whenever Amherstburg Community Services (ACS) opens at its new location within the community hub at 320 Richmond St., they will have a new community partner with them. The Amherstburg Food Bank will move into one of ACS’ rooms at the new location, which will be located within the former St. Bernard School. It will open when ACS is able to re-open and operate out of its new location. The 12-foot by 14-foot room will face out on a portion of the former school playground with a view of Victoria St. S. It will be adjacent to the community room that is being created. Elinor West, a volunteer with the Amherstburg Food Bank, said their lease is expiring at their current Richmond St. location and they wanted to find a new location that better fit within the food bank’s budget. “We’re on the move again,” she said. West said they were pleased to find space within the new ACS office, noting it is relatively close to the location they are moving from. “(ACS executive director) Kathy (DiBartolomeo) called and was most interested,” said West. “Kathy came to our rescue.” West noted the Amherstburg Food Bank depends on donations and said that the partnership is a good fit for them. “It was brought to our attention through various sources that they were struggling and possibly having to shut down,” said DiBartolomeo. With the additional space that ACS will have when it moves across the street into its new location, “we realized it just made sense” to partner with the Amherstburg Food Bank, DiBartolomeo noted.

In the past, ACS would often have to refer people to the food bank but now volunteers from the food bank will be working in the same location as ACS. However, food bank hours at the new location will still have to be finalized. “We just felt it’s a natural fit,” said DiBartolomeo. The Amherstburg Food Bank serves about 30-35 people per week, West estimated. DiBartolomeo added the partnership with the Amherstburg Food Bank could lead to other things, such as cooking classes and nutrition lessons, once ACS is able to launch at its new home. Amherstburg Community Services is currently located at 179 Victoria St. S., however the office is closed to the public with only a few services available due to the COVID-19 pandemic, such as Meals on Wheels, Keep the Heat (via phone) and CareLink Transportation (local travel to necessary stores and medical appointments). Meanwhile, work has been continuing on the renovations at the former St. Bernard School. They hope to move in there in the coming weeks. “Renovations are moving along quickly. We are anticipating a spring move-in date,” said DiBartolomeo. Director of parks, facilities, recreation and culture Phil Roberts agreed that renovations to the townowned building are progressing well. “The nice thing about this is ACS has a spot close by,” said Roberts. The community hub in the former St. Bernard School also houses the Amherstburg branch of the Essex County Nurse Practitioner-led Clinic, which is now open. Other announcements are expected in the coming weeks and months about future tenants.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020 – River Town Times – 17



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Ed Delisle

18 – River Town Times – Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Volunteers scouted from the north end of Fighting Island to the mouth of the Detroit River, counting birds as they went. The birdwatchers believe they saw “at least 5,000” canvasback ducks, though they hadn’t finished processing their findings by time of writing. Amanda Bichel, Important Bird Biodiversity Area coordinator for Birds Canada, brought bird spotting scopes and bird guide books down to King’s Navy Yard Park to engage the public while the volunteers processed their research. “We just want people to see what’s in their backyards,” she said. “In 2018, we found that over three per cent of the global canvasback population was in this little, tiny area of the Detroit River.” Regions with more than one per cent of one breed of bird’s total population are considered Important Bird Biodiversity Areas (IBSs). The Detroit River is an IBA for the canvasback duck. In size, canvasback ducks float somewhere between a crow and a goose. Their long bills slope up to meet their big, brown heads seamlessly. They like to dive for their food; the largest breed of duck to do so. “We got to see some fantastic birds circling around and floating in the water,” said Samantha Dundas. “It’s nice to do in the winter when there aren’t too many other living things out here.” Dundas is a self-proclaimed bird enthusiast and Photo by Jonathan Martin an executive member of the Essex County Field Naturalists’ Club, a non-profit organization “that Amanda Bichel, Important Bird Biodiversity Area coordinator for Birds Canada, holds her binoculars at focuses on promoting the conservation and restoration King’s Navy Yard Park in Amherstburg recently. Birds Canada held an outreach program at the park a couple of the diverse natural heritage of Essex County and the of weeks ago while volunteers counted the local canvasback duck population. surrounding region.” She, along with other members of the public, heeded Birds Canada’s call to congregate By Jonathan Martin Navy Yard Park recently to catch a glimpse of the local with Essex County’s feathered friends. waterfowl with Birds Canada, an avian conservationist If the recent event was any indication, there are a lot Bird-lovers brought binoculars down to King’s organization. more (bird) calls yet to come.


Essex MP, MPP try to update mayors, local residents By Ron Giofu



Essex MP Chris Lewis stated last week he held a video conference last Tuesday with local mayors to update them on the latest COVID-19 protocols and to assess local needs. According to a press release issued by Lewis’ office, the Essex MP and the local mayors discussed government support programs to mitigate the potential hardships faced by workers and small businesses in local communities. He stated the mayors stressed the need for clarity and consistency in communications from the senior levels of government so as to best serve our residents. Lewis stated updates will be ongoing as new measures are announced with the goal being to ensure that the people of Essex have the most up-todate, timely, and in-depth information as possible. Among the COVID-19 protocols announced at that meeting March 17 included: • Canada closing the borders to non-citizens and non-permanent residents as of March 18 at 12 p.m. It was further announced by the federal government last Friday that non-essential travel between Canada and the U.S. would be restricted. •Airlines will receive a formal order to not allow anyone exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 to board planes. •Canadians who are unable to secure flights to Canada, or who are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 and were not able to return to Canada at this time, are urged to contact the closest Consulate. They will be eligible for a loan of up to $5,000 to cover costs that may arise while abroad. •Canadians abroad were told by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to come home and voluntarily selfisolate for 14 days upon their return. •All other Canadians are asked to stay home as much as possible. •Commerce will continue for goods coming into

Canada. • $10 billion will be available to help small and medium sized businesses through the Business Development Bank of Canada. •$1 billion has been set aside to enhance health care in the provinces and territories and indigenous communities, specific to their COVID-19 response. “The health and safety of all Canadians must be the government’s top priority,” stated Lewis. Lewis added: I also want to once again express my heartfelt thanks to all public health officials and frontline health care staff working around the clock to keep us all healthy and safe. The situation is evolving quickly and we know it can be stressful, especially for the elderly. Please continue to reach out and check on your neighbours. Together we will pull through this, stronger than ever.” Lewis, as well as Essex MPP Taras Natyshak, have put a hold on in-person visits to their respective constituency offices but are trying to deal with residents’ concerns electronically, by phone and by mail. Natyshak has posted on his website – www. tarasnatyshak.com – a list of information and answers to questions he has been receiving over the COVID-19 pandemic. “We know our community is strong, and my team remains focused on getting you the support to make it through these difficult and unprecedented times together,” Natyshak wrote on his website. “We have heard a number of reoccurring issues in the community, and would like to ensure that anyone in need of support has access to the resources available. As the situation unfolds, my team will not only strive to keep you informed, but advocate for adequate and timely support from the provincial government. We encourage you to share this information with someone you may know in need of support, or contact our office at 519-776-6420 or e-mail tnatyshak-co@ndp.on.ca.”

Wednesday, March 25, 2020 – River Town Times – 19


Amherstburg Food and Fellowship Mission raises $750 at second chili fundraiser Amherstburg Food and Fellowship Mission president Tim McAllister and vice president Zaina Brockett show the varieties of chili that were available for the mission’s recent chili fundraiser. The event raised approximately $750.

Event held late last month, mission now operating with modified service due to COVID-19 By Ron Giofu The Amherstburg Food and Fellowship Mission offered up a taste of some great local chili, made in-house by its president late last month. Tim McAllister, whose chili has won awards in the past, had the reward of having his chili make some money for the non-profit organization he has headed for over two decades. The chili fundraiser held late last month raised $750 for the mission with McAllister having made four different varieties of chili, ranging from hot to mild and an option in between. He also made a vegetarian chili for those who didn’t want meat. “People asked me (to do it again),” said McAllister. “People enjoyed it, so why not put on another (fundraiser) in February when it is a cold time of year. Because of requests from the people, I put it on in February.” The first chili fundraiser was last October and he indicated the next one could be this October. “I want to thank all of those who came out and made it a joyful evening,” he said. “I was so happy people stayed and talked to one another.”

Guests included Mayor Aldo DiCarlo and Councillor Don McArthur, the latter attending with his daughter Violet. The fact people kept coming back for seconds was another thrill for McAllister. “That made me feel happy,” he said. “The chili was done right. That brought a smile to my face. We were happy with the turnout we had.” The volunteer-led mission also saw the creation of the chili done with the help of volunteers. McAllister said “it was a team effort” as volunteers helped him fry the meat, cut the vegetables and get everything ready. “The only thing I had to do was put it together,” he said. McAllister thanked his fellow volunteers for helping present the actual event itself, as board members and other helpers assisted in clearing tables, serving the chili and desserts and doing whatever was needed. “Everybody played a part in a great night,” he said. The Amherstburg Food and Fellowship Mission is now only serving people take-out at the door from 12-1 p.m. on days the mission operates due to the COVID-19 pandemic.



Purchasing Coordinator

is currently recruiting for a Supervisor of Accounting Reporting to the Treasurer, the Supervisor of Accounting provides assistance in carrying out all statutory functions as set out in the Municipal Act, 2001 (as amended) and related legislation, to ensure that appropriate financial reporting systems are in place with the necessary controls to provide information on the Municipality’s financial position and to meet legal requirements and professional accounting standards. The Supervisor of Accounting oversees the organization and completion of daily work activities of direct reports, confirms the quality of work and maintains accurate employee records. The successful candidate will possess a University Degree in Business Administration or Accounting, with a professional accounting designation in good standing (CPA). A minimum of 5 years’ experience in progressively responsible accounting positions requiring transaction analysis, preparation of reports and financial statements is required. 3-5 years’ Municipal accounting experience is preferred. Visit www.amherstburg.ca for a detailed job description. Applicants are to submit a detailed resume no later than Friday April 10, 2020 at 4:30 p.m. to the Human Resources division at: resumes@amherstburg.ca Personal information is collected under the authority of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O 2001, and will be used only for the purpose of determining eligibility for employment. The Corporation of the Town of Amherstburg is dedicated to maintaining a fair and equitable work environment, and in accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, and the Human Rights Code, the Town of Amherstburg will provide accommodations throughout the recruit ment and selection process to applicants with disabilities. If selected to participate in the recruitment process, please inform the Town of Amherstburg Human Resources staff of the nature of any accommodations you may require to ensure your equal participation.

Reporting to the Financial Planning Administrator, the Purchasing Coordinator provides support functions to all departments in the Corporation through coordination and facilitation of the procurement process in accordance with applicable regulations, legislation, industry best practices and the Municipality’s procurement policy. This position will ensure an open, transparent and competitive process to procure goods and services in a timely and cost-effective manner, while establishing and maintaining relationships with stakeholders including vendors, suppliers and staff. The successful candidate will possess a Post-Secondary Diploma in Business or related field, with a minimum of 2 years’ experience in a computerized accounting environment including purchasing experience, preferably in a public sector environment. Purchasing Certification (Certified Professional Public Buyer or Certified Public Purchasing Officer) or enrollment in a program to obtain the required designation within 2 years is a requirement. Visit www.amherstburg.ca for a detailed job description. Applicants are invited to submit a resume no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday April 10, 2020 to the Human Resources division at resumes@amherstburg.ca HU


Personal information is collected under the authority of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O 2001, and will be used only for the purpose of determining eligibility for employment. The Corporation of the Town of Amherstburg is dedicated to maintaining a fair and equitable work environment, and in accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, and the Human Rights Code, the Town of Amherstburg will provide accommodations throughout the recruitment and selection process to applicants with disabilities. If selected to participate in the recruitment process, please inform the Town of Amherstburg Human Resources staff of the nature of any accommodations you may require to ensure your equal participation.

20 – River Town Times – Wednesday, March 25, 2020



Working For You


IMPORTANT DATES TO NOTE: REGULAR COUNCIL MEETINGS ONLINE STREAMING www.amherstburg.ca 6:00PM • April 14 • April 27 • May 11 • May 25 Recycle • Friday, March 27 • Saturday, April 11(Due to Good Friday) • Friday, April 24

White Goods Pick Up • March 26 (Last day to call for pick up is March 20th) • April 23 (Last day to call for pick up is April 17th)

Yard Waste pick up • April 6, 20 (South Zone) • April 13, 27 (North Zone)

Garbage Collec on • Friday Garbage Collec on scheduled for April 10th will be picked Saturday, April 11th due to Good Friday

Reporting to the Manager of Licensing and Enforcement, the Licensing Officer is responsible for licensing functions including reviewing applications and issuing licenses for business and lottery. The Licensing Officer provides customer service and administrative support for the By-law Enforcement Division. The successful candidate will have a degree in Public Administration or a recognized 2 year college diploma in Law or related discipline, or relative certificate. AMCTO Municipal program is an asset. This position requires 2-3 years of relevant experience, preferably in a public sector environment, knowledge of Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario – Lottery Licensing Policy Manual and thorough knowledge of administrative, customer service, and public environments. Must have the ability to interpret, understand and apply various legislation, by-laws, policies and procedures. Visit www.amherstburg.ca for a detailed job description. Applicants are invited to submit a resume no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, April 3, 2020. Qualified applicants will be notified of the pre-employment testing date. H

Town of Amherstburg Human Resources Department 271 Sandwich St. S. Amherstburg, ON N9V 2A5

Email: resumes@amherstburg.ca

Personal information is collected under the authority of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O 2001, and will be used only for the purpose of determining eligibility for employment. The Corporation of the Town of Amherstburg is dedicated to maintaining a fair and equitable work environment, and in accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, and the Human Rights Code, the Town of Amherstburg will provide accommodations throughout the recruitment and selection process to applicants with disabilities. If selected to participate in the recruitment process, please inform the Town of Amherstburg Human Resources staff of the nature of any accommodations you may require to ensure your equal participation.




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