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Create New lnterest In This Feature Film With Showmanship Devices for "A Bell For Adano"
Varied mcthods of mctthaoduing your fca rure film will pre- build a.od maiocaio a a audience Thoogh thesc su~ ma y oot be comp letc ly adapcab le fo r your scarioo, pcrbap, tbey may serve co rem iod )'OU of <><b er idea.s. Good exploication depeods more on iogcouicy tban on d o llars la the iole of Sgt. Bonh in • A Btll For Adano; W illiam Beodix is ofrm ar oddo wi<h ,. rypewrittJ: and fiocls the m:adùnc t coosum l0Urtt ol iuicuioo wbm be writff lctrns by the hunt and ptelc srw:m. A loca! business Khool or ryp,wriru sales •&fflCY migbt wdcome the pubJj(iry of I mJdcnt typÌDJ COOtat witb l fU>t prizc of a portahlc IJ~ritc:r. A 1pecd cnotrs< l or bunr-•nd·ptelc utisu migbt be C:OO· dame! ùmiluly. l....r '"l_.i
Small ditulff beUJ lfflt 10 MWSplptt t Y tditors would annouoce tbc telcast of • A BdJ For Ad:ano."
Jtalian coomy is ry popuJar and a loaJ yoccry or c:bain Aor< cowd pubbciu <htit ptod..m by bolclin& I C:OOtrs< IO ,eltct tbe best cool: or cccip< of a ttgiooal d,isb. Pt<SCOtatioo of tbe p,iu - ptrbapo • month'1 f«< groctries - could be p:tatntcd ro the winner oo tbe ait du.ring a loaJ oews or wOffllUl's sbow.
Tbe loal libwy or book 5bop (X)llld be pro,,ided witb Stills IO mù:e • display of • A a.u Por Adaoo" and John H mhey's lartt books.
Gcoe T'J<>.CMJ dyed ber htlr bionde for "A BtU For Adaoo" in or<kr to («l dist~ - cliff,rc:nt. A ktttt writiog cooten, tied ,n with tbe loal beouty saJoo rouJd gathft opi.nioos on "Wby I pttf er being bionde." Approptiatt priu coald beouty ircatmcocs .,'Otth a sptcifid atllOWIL
11,t Aatioa rould dm, 2ttrntion ro "A Bdl For Adano" by holding a ipoSbeni tating con>pctition. A loaJ «srau.roct cowd odvcnise itsclf by of!ering a numbcr of fr« dinn.m to tbe cbsmp.
Order your a'i.c I O' glossy photos fou r weeks pr ior to playdate f rom t he NTA Promot ion Department in New Yo rk . Add it iona f st ar heads and product ion shots are available on request for spec ial promot ions