3 minute read
W For A"'-" ReotJ.s Stnea Wdh M11t,b/ess Draa
Gene Tierney Stars in Filmis•· t ion of Pulit:ser Prise Noni on Channel __
0nc of che JJl05C toucbing stO<ÌeS IO come out of Wotld War li, Joho H cr,ey·s Puliacr PrÌlc-winnitlg • A BeU For Adano." will be tdcasr --dar,"
O\'tt Swioo - - Joho Hodialt is sa.rrcd io this 20th Ctotuly-lu
-Nuico,1 Tddilm As,oclata film ptt·
-tWOO u the A_,icao, Major Joppolo, wbo comeo m a Sicilian IOWD and fincls me citi.- witbaut bopt.
As Civiliao Affsits Admioisua«x, Joppolo WUttS me pcopk ol Aclsno dm lood will be ptOYidecl a.od be will .....,. lor tbcm a r>!:fil iown beli. How· cvcr, bis coofidmoe is llw<eo when T ina, playcd by Gene T~, &Wtl a tior OD • breadlinc. Afiu rculiog tbe a,gwne,u. tbc Major, aided by S Boab ( W illiam Bendir:) , COWU~. miliwy order a.od opens a IOOd to tlut food may be btoo&b<IO Adano.
Gmitudc a.od admindoo ~Tioas fedio& for Joppolo, whcn shc r...tius lùs looelioess. ÒO fiooiog our dm be is married, shc ulcs il be k.oows wbeo ber "'tttbrtrt. a priso<>er ol war, will rfflllD. Sbonly af!UW&ld tbe ,...., of ber fianoe·• dcath is rq,omd.
Mcao~, Joppolo bu procurcd a ..,. bell for tbc ,own and io tbe micia ai tbe cdebmìoo, tbc ~ ;or is ttlitffd ol bis comma.ad f o, tlitoboJiog ocdm a.od opeoìng tbc road. H e pre~ IO lcave hbno and wbco Tioa bids him goodbfe, • lascio& cbanU oco.in.
Heory K;n direcud ,bis Natiooal Tddilm ~IU ttltut.
• • • ·REVIEWS • • • •
New Yorlt HeraW TrilluM :
Ti,, ""'1 o/ • A1ruri<n -;,,,, "1"'1
IO rlJIOff t/r,Mtr,llk tlif0#1 -,l M-, .. • ,.,,,,,,1. """""
IU(i,,it• dr.-k ,.,_,. Job. Hot/i,,j h,,s 11H _,,,,, rou o/ 16. b«lniktl
A.M.G. offi<ùl ..,1,0 t1tll thrtlfltb Anro1 r,,l U,t "'14 ùvilì,,., j,,,,, IO ,,,.., • IO- ,.i- il lNu bffff i• IWffll.7 ,-,.
MotiN Pichi,. Da ily: TI,, ,..,;riJ /ig,,,• i, ruuud b, /oh• Hol.iJt ..,;,1, ,,.,,,;,,,,. io1nsil1 • ,,. ,,,..,., •• .JH llwJ of tff'/ortrUJ«n il J,q_l,. Gnu T.,_,,, rot. ., lH pl f#bO hdlhlns IH ffUjo,'I mptt /or """ /.mi/1 -' ,_ '"""" rl<J,,s lH """· w;u;.,,, BndiJt olfws ,_ f»IM41 ., ""' -;o,,, ,_,,. ttiti, ••• ll.lllÌllg: ExuUnl. N e wYo<kTi,...o: lJ is "'- /or,•., o/ .U -' '""'"' 11Ht1 IN ,.,,,,. lii T-w1b Cn1,,,,.Po1t -· CO,U(UfflnD#I tr•fts- ;,, ,,..,. i.ti,,g IN ,.,,.,,, IO 11H /ibl, • . . lH fila ù • s,i,,,Jid ,~., of "" AMG -;o,', ,,.,,,;,•., ;,, "lib#i11,tl ' "'""" IOln, li i, j,rst Il t/,/ight/MJ tl,rolfidl Oj _;,,, '""'"""• of 1bl ,...•._""" '*""'" 1'/IU ..,.,., oJ mon 1>'- IIM/d folAI. b i, mo • '"'""' ilMeòlMw. oftr1<1tì•t ,,,... of ill ,.,ill. B,,J, "'°'' 161blll, il ù • 1;,,,, ,.,p,,;,,, ra•r• o/ • • 111111,r11,,,,J111g _., 1,,,,.., 1111- f' IO #1.1"1,-,.,., ,,,,. Ul!JOaMY ;,. • ''"" · ,,, 1"'1 '-"1 Nit# IH -,,I. ff,';,/, • '"'f'. ,.., .uri, ,.-.u.._1, '"' ""'' -' fnlh "''°'' ..J '"' 1"'1 /oolt """1, Dw«t« H..,, Ki•t I,., ...tt tH slor, o/ M.jor Joptolo • m~••t -' thrilli»f tlo-,.
• A B,U /or A"""'1" is ".__ blm.,,.,,,,;,,, fU. , 1H sori of f>ia•• tiHII sbo-.U do _, for ••fltitrJtntl•1• ,.,_ In ...mo. ,,,o,.uz;,,g """"'·
Short Takes
W illiom Bendix, ..., o! •A ~u For Adaoo'" tO be ttl«».a day atover Sttrioo atuibutes a good pocàoo ai his su=ss m Jobà Bui.,.,om. Tius is ai, wiusual admw.ìoo, aU ibc moce confusillg b<aUSé Bendix, io p<~ vate lift, is a lrtlOWer. By way ol o:pw,atioo. Beodix wi111«all that some of bis f inest tob h t f<:llUtcd drunk oct0es. A clnu,lc .....,. io "Tbc Glasl lauocbed bim oo 1ùs mcm,, catttt -1 lùs memonbk dnanlt ,cene in "Aclsno" ls 0M ai tbc - tOUdùng epioodn io me llOCJ·
An Americ:an m2jor come$ ro a bombed-ou1 Sidlian 1owo aod fiods che people i.o de1pair T ryiog 10 obtaio forche citittns boch dte food chey need, aod a rowo beli chey wanc. che soldier come, inro cooltic:r with che military auchorities Job• Hodi4A, Gnu Tunu,, wu1;,,,,. BnJix.
10 Seconds
The unforgetta ble characters of the Pulitzer Prize nove!, A BELL FOR ADANO, will be brought to your tv screen _ -· d a y at on on this cha nne l. Don't mis s one of the great films of our time.
10 Seconda
One of the most touching stories of our generation, A BELL FOR ADANO, will be telecast ··-·· day at • . - · on this channel. See the warmth and humor of this great novel on your scree n.
20 Seconds
The story of a man, a woman, and a people will be vividly portrayed day when this channel will telecast A BELL FOR ADANO at See John Hodiak as the American major who brings democracy to a downtrodden Sicilian town and courage to a lonely g i ri. Gene Tierney plays the memor able Tina of John Hersey's Pulitzer prize winning novel.
20 Seconds
Th e Pulit z er prize winning novel, A BELL FOR ADAN 'O will be vividly brought to life on your screen ....... . ·- day at .. .. on this channel. Beautiful Gene Tierney stars as the Sicilian giri who brings a sense of wa r mth and fulfillment to the Iife of an Amer ican Major . John Hodiak will be seen as the officer who brings democracy to the despairing citizens of a bombed out town. Don't miss John Hersey's powerful story.
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