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n Irresistible

TheRevolution willbe IRRESISTIBLE

Afewwordsonwhatthiszine isabout:collectiveaction towardliberation.

ANote: CommunityOrganizationsthat ActonLove ifyoucanliveyourlifewithout anaudience...

DireHumanitarianCrises Usethepowerthatyouhaveon theinternettoinfluencechange beyondourborders

PlacesinSpringfieldILwhereregularpeopleare makingmovestowardlove-towardjustice. afightforliberationmusthappenin everyspaceweoccupytobe sustainable-especiallyouronlineones Or:Howtostartarevolutionin5 EasySteps-apieceaboutthe revolutionaryactofdoing communitytogether


“As a culture worker who belongs to an oppressed people my job is to make revolution irresistible.”
Toni Cade Bambara

I always hear people being cynical and pessimistic (as they are) and saying “how could youpossiblybringchildrenintoaworldlikethis?”AndforawhileIwonderediftheywere right. The guilt of even wanting to have children weighed heavily on me. I thought I was selfish for still wanting a family even though there’s so much in our world that exists to screwthemover.

Imaginehavingachild,watchingthemgrowupintoabeautiful,God-fearing,people-loving individual,andthenhavingthatchild’slifebewhiskedawayfromyourownlifebythehands ofasystemthatonlycaresto“serveandprotect”itsownpower.


WhenIspeakaboutSonya,IamalsospeakingaboutBreonnaTaylor,Iamspeakingabout TamirRice,MichealBrown,EmmettTill,SandraBland,AiyanaStanley-Jones(needIremind you,shewasonlysevenyears-old)andsoonandsoonandsoon.IamspeakingofMichael Westley, who was 15 years old when he was shot in the back by Chicago Police officers on June13th,2016(A).DoIneedtonamemorenames?InthewordsofWestley’smother-who isstillfightingforjusticeforherson’smurder-ifwekeepaddingnamestoalloftheflyers, posters,andt-shirtswe’remaking,we’rejustgoingtorunoutofroom.

So, where does that leave space to add all of the names of the over 30,000 lives that have been taken in Gaza- which is a number that is not even totally comprehensive(B).Butevenso-whatnumberdoesittake?ShouldIalsoaddthe liveslostinCongo?InSudan?InYemen?InHaiti?Howmanyhumanitariancrises needtohappenbeforewerealizethatthetakingofvulnerablelivesisafeatureof power-notabug.

Chantell Brooks, mother of Michael Westley at the Day of Mourning Event for Sonya MasseyatCoxParkinSpringfieldIL-July29, 2024-photobyreg

We ask ourselves “when will it stop? When will it end?” But I believe it ends when we- the people-takethepowerback.

My point here is not to make anyone feel hopeless. It is not to point out that bad things are happening all over the world. It is not to make the worldfeelmorebleak-butthe opposite. We have all heard the quote by now- “It’s easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism,” which can be true-butitshouldalsobesaid that it’s easier to be cynical about everything wrong in the world instead of doing what you can to make it a little bit better. And I don’t just mean helping in shelters, or serving the global south, or working in underprivilegedcommunitiesthose things are great, but I understand the average person isn’t equipped to do thiskindofwork.

But this to me is more reason than ever to spend every second you’re able doing something you love. Call your friends when you feel alone. Go outside after spending time indoors. The power structures that keep us in place want us to feel isolated and helpless becauseit’sinthatpositionwherewe’remoresusceptibletobelievingweneedthem.

Butanypersonwholoveswritingdoesn’tneedtopayforthepremiumversionofChatGPT towriteforthem.Anypersonwholovesgardeningdoesn’tneedtomakeasmanytripsto WalmartorTarget.Anyonewhocraftshasjustavoidedgivingintotheinhumanepractices of many online accessory stores. Revolution does not always have to look like a bloody battle.

Laughing with your friends, participating in community events, sharing ideas, reading books from the library, making, sharing, giving, loving-thisiswhatwe’realive for. To me, revolution is like a sunrise that is always on the horizon. Always on the verge. Enjoyable while in process. So enjoy the process- and enjoy itwithothers.Thepointofthis zine is to inspire more collective ways of living, because when it comes down to real action, it is the people beside us that will save us. Not governments, not politicians- but collective action. And it starts with how we interact with each other in our community spaces, whether that’s online, or in town,orabroad.


pMuralofSonyaMasseybyAustinWellslocatedonthe edestrianoverpassonClearLakebetween11thSt and 16thSt byMadisonParkPlaceinSpringfieldIL Cutout photo from the march following the day of mourningeventJuly,28th,2024. photosandeditsbyreg

Ifyoucanliveyourlife withoutanaudience...

Inthefallof2020,MegantheStallionandCardiB releasedthesingleWAP-whichhasbeenthe causeofmanyparodies,think-pieces,viraltrends, andonlinecontroversieseversince.Thesongwas popularwithaparticularlyyoungaudiencespecificallyyoungteenagegirls.Socialmedia platforms-namelyTikTok-werefloodedwith videosofyounggirlsdancingprovocativelytothe song,whiledefendingthemselvesbyblamingthe viewerforfindingtheiractionssexual,forthey werejustexercisingtheirrighttobesexually liberated,andanyadultviewershouldn’tbe “makingitsexual(1)”.Manyhavecommentedon theperceivedrecenttrendofyoungpeople growingup-oratleastwantingtofeelgrownupmuchsoonerthentheyoughtto.Partofgrowing upmeanstheabilitytowear,do,orsaywhatever youwant-freedomsthattheinternetdoes providetoeveryonewhousesit.Sonaturally, youngpeoplewouldstartusingsocialmedia platformstoprojectthelivesthewanttolive-to performidealversionsofthemselves.

Whatdothe“idealversions”ofyoungindividuals oftenlooklikeinasociety,thatfavorsphysical beauty,assigns,andreinforcesgenderfrombirth, andremainsuncriticalabouttherolefemininity playsinpatriarchy?Theylooklikeyoungpeopleyounggirls-buyinginto“thirsttrap”trends,and “naturallook”makeuptrends,facefilters,bodysculptingunderwear,andetc.Thesekidswilloften flaunttheirfreedomtoexistlikethisonline(and sometimesoffline)asliberation

But…liberationfromwhat,exactly?Arethesenot thesamesocietalcustomsandexpectationsthat wereplacedongirlsandwomeninthefirstplace? What’sthedifferencethistime?Thatweconform tothesephysicalbeautystandards“for ourselves?”Whatdoesthatmeaninasociety wheremostpeoplearesocializedtoview themselvesthroughapatriarchallens?Theseare thequestionsthatthefast-paced,“instainfluencer”cultureofsocialmediaisnotprepared toanswer.Because,asmuchasitcanbeusedas aproductivetooltowardliberation,socialmedia hasalwaysbeenmuchmoreconcernedwithhow weoperateandperformtoeachotherinour subjugation Societymustbeconsciousoftheway weinteractonandwithsocialmediaforanupand-cominggenerationwhosereal-worldactions arelargelyinformedbyonlinespaces.

Manyofusseetheinternet’spurposeasatoolfor communication Ameansofconnection,aplaceto meetpeople.Perhapsitwasachancetobuildthe socialcircleyoucouldneverhaveintherealworld. Thepowertheinternethastobringlike-minded individualstogetherisreal,andvaluable.Butwhat happenswhenthathumandesireforconnection istakenadvantageof,andincentivized?Only rewardingthosewhoplaythe“attentiongame” thebest?Inanattentioneconomywhere“clout”is currency,wemustconsiderthewaywethink aboutvirality,andthewaywepropitupinour society.To“goviral”meanstohave“madeit”to someextent-tohavemillionsofpeopleknowyou asthe“coolthingtheyexperiencedthatonetime”. Today’ssocialmediahasfoundawaytoconflate entertainmentandspectaclewithsocial interaction.Weallhavethepotentialtobethe “coolthing”someoneexperiencesnowmorethan ever

Notonlydowehavethepotential,formanypeople itfeelsliketheonlyoption.Icanonlyimaginethe kindofpressurethatputsonouryouth-especially insocialmediaspaces.Theyhavebeenputina worldthatisconstantlytellingthemtheymustbe themostinteresting,themostdifferent,themost funny,themostgorgeous,themosttalented,the mostweirdest,themostsociallyconscious-I’m callingmyselfouttoo-becausethatistheway you’regonnamattertopeople.

Welovetellingpeopletoexpressandbewhothey are-andgenerallythisisgoodadvice-butinthe worldofinfluencingandmarketing,selfexpressioncomeswithasetofparameters How doesonesocializeinaworldwhererecognizable, profitable,andrelatable=best?Isthereanyother wayofdoingsootherthanjustgivingintoit?Ina veryrealandharrowingmomentofoneofmy favoritecomedyspecials,MakeHappy,Bo Burnhamsays:

“I was born in 1990 and I was sort of raised in Americawhenitwasacultofself-expression,andI wasjusttaught,youknow:expressmyselfandhave things to say and everyone will care about them And I think everyone was taught that, and most of us found out that no one gives a shit what we think...They say it’s the ‘me’ generation. It’s not. The arrogance is taught or it was cultivated. It’s selfconscious That’s what it is, it’s conscious of self Social media is just the market’s answer to a generation that demanded to perform, so the market said “Here, perform everything, to each other, all the time for no other reason.” It’s prison, it’s horrific It’s performer and audience melded together.Whatdowewantmorethantolieinbedat the end of the day and just watch our lives as a satisfiedaudiencemember?Iknowverylittleabout anything, but I do know this: that if you can live your life without an audience, you should do it. (2)”

Wehaveseensocialmediagofroma supplementalplacewhereonecouldshare fragmentsoftheirreallife,toitbeingtheplace wheretheselfiscurated Thishasreal-world consequencesonagenerationstillfindingtheir senseofself,andbeingraisedmostlyonline.In mypublic-schoolexperience,Ihavewitness timeandtimeagaindramabetweenstudents startonsocialmedia,andendwithfistfightsin thehallways.Thishappenssooftenthatit becomesajoketomanyoftheteachers.They wonderwhythesestudentsarethewaythey are,theywonderwhyithasneverbeen“this bad”before,theysayitmustbe“something wrong”with“thisgeneration”buttheyignore thefactthatmorethananyothergenerationof peoplethisonehashadtoclawtoothandnail ofoutofthebowelsofinsecuritytogetan ounceofattentionbecausethat’swhatthey havebeentaughttheyneedtoseek.Theyneed towinthefightbecausethenthey’llbethe baddest,theyneedtogetthehighestscoreona testbecausethenthey’llbethesmartest From anearlyagewelearntopickabrand-an image-andsticktoit.Inacapitalistsociety, productsarerewardedforhowwelltheyliveup toanimage.Figmentsandideasthathaveno concretebasis.“Victoria’sSecret”isthatshe neverexisted.Yet,sheisstillseenasthe pinnacleoffemminity.Butrealpeoplecannot bebrands.Iwonderwhatwouldhappenifthe environmentsthatyoungpeoplefound themselvesin-schools,clubs,homes,and socialmedia-encouragedtheideathatwho youareinthispresentmomentisenough.

Whatwouldtheinternetlooklikeifitwasless concernedwithnumbersandmoreconcerned withpeople?Whatwouldbetheconsequencesof platformsrewardingmeaningfulonline interactions,ratherthanshortattention-grabbing content?Perhapscreatorsgettheoptionof requiringtheirviewerstowatch30%ofaYouTube videobeforethey’reabletocomment.

PerhapsthehomepageonplatformslikeTikTok andInstagramgiveyouachoiceofwhatkindof contentyouwanttointeractwithbeforeputting stuffinyourface.Iamsuggestingachange becausethecurrentmeldingtogetherofstage andaudienceisanightmare-wemustshiftthe focus.Ithastobeaboutcommunity.Especially sincethisistheplacewheremanypeopleespeciallyyoungpeople-mayspendalarge portionoftheirlife!Letitbeaplacewherepeople cancontainmultitudes,whereechochambers canbebrokenupwith“yes,ands,”wherethings like“liberation”-sexualorotherwise-actually meansomethingotherthanjustconformingto alreadyestablishedsocietalstandards Social mediacanbemoremindful.Wedeservean internetlandscapethatismindfulofeachother andourworld.▪

...then do it


How to

start a revolution in 5 Easy Steps

Inthispiece,Iadvocateforfindingcommunity intangiblespacesthatarenotonline.I advocateforyoungpeopletojoincommunity clubsandorganization,gotolivemusicshows, andmakingartthattheymightseepublished, displayedorpreformed.

1.)Beawareofwhat’shappeningin theworldandaroundyou

Therearevaryingdegreestowhichwecanbe informedonthegreaterissueshappeninginthe worldaroundus.Somewouldarguethatchoosingto stayuninformedandignorantisasignofprivilege. Andforthosewhohavethemeans,time,andenergy tosoIwouldwholeheartedlyagree.ButIalso understandthatthemajorityofpeopledonot physically,emotionally,ormentallyhavethecapacity toworryaboutwhat’shappeningontheothersideof theworld,whentherearesomuchmoreimmediate thingsinfrontofthemthatdirectlyaffecttheirlives. Somepeoplearejusttryingtosurvivethroughthe day.

ThisiswhyIbelievesoheavilyinthepowerof community,andsurroundingyourselfwithastrong supportgroupinanythingyoudo-butespecially whenitcomestoinvestingyourselfwiththegreater issuesoftheworld.Surroundyourselfwithpeople whowillkeepyouaccountableforstayinguptodate, andalsounderstandwhenyouneedtimeforyou.

Iadvocateforthesespacestobecentersfor learningandexperience,notcompetition. Thisishowtopromotesafetyincommunity spaces.Itisthroughpassion;itisthrougha genuinethirstforknowledgeandexperience

HannahandLaylaplayedapartinorganizingthe protestthattookplaceonCapitalPlazainSpringfield onApril6thforAlShifaHospital,ahospitalthatwas tragicallyattackedandobliteratedbyIsraelimilitary forcesasofApril1st,2024.Organizedbyhealthcare workersandconcernedcitizensalike,thegoalwasto bringawarenessandshowcollectiveinterestinour governmentdivestingintheongoingslaughterof Palestinianpeople.Whenaskedabouthowtheystayed mobilizedtowardactiondespitetheseglobalevents happeningonsuchalargescale,Hannahsimplysaid thatitwasa“constantstruggle.”Theycontinue,“but hopeisanecessityinthis Evenifwedon'tsee liberationinourlifetime,it'sstillourdutytocarrythe torch.”

Similarly,Laylarefusestobecomplicitinthe destructionofanentiresociety.Shewantsreadersto know,“Our(Healthcareprofessional)medical colleaguesoverseasdiedhonorablywhileservingtheir patients,andourtaxdollarswereusedtomurder them.Andthatiswhyweshowedupheretoday,wewill notbesilent,wewillnotbecomplicitwhileourmoney isbeingusedtokillhumanitarianaidworkerstokill medicalpersonneltodotoviolateeveryknown semblanceofinternationallaw.”

Photos taken at the Al Shifa Protest on Old State Capital Block, April 6th, 2024 taken and edited by reg

2.) Find what you love and work for justice in it

Havingfuniskey.AsEmmaGoldman(mayhave)[3] oncesaid-it’snotarevolutionifyoucannotdancesodance!Inanywaythatyouseefit Whatareyou interests? Your hobbies? Even something as niche as building life-size dioramas of medieval castles canbedonewithabendtowardjustice.Auctionoff your designs, donate some- if not all of the money to a cause you believe in Host free community model-makingsessions,startaninitiativetodonate such DnD related materials to campaigns in need (because it can be an expensive hobby). Know that whatever gift you choose to give a community is worthit

ShatriyaSmithisanactivistandwriteractiveinthe Springfield community She is currently the Executive Director of the Garvey Tubman Cultural Arts and Research Center. She works with low incomefamiliestoprovideservicessuchascultural education, art, music and community organizer in and around the Springfield area When asked what inspires her to do the work that she does she said, “Artisapartofmylife.Iamapoet,Iwasintroduced to poetry by my Grandmother Teena and she recitedtometheworksofPaulLawrenceDunbar.I didn'tknowhowherintroductionwouldchangemy trajectory but by her behest she requested I do a one man show at the COGIC church in my late teens.MyacumengrewfromthereandIthasbeen aconstantmeansforcouncilandselflearning.”

BackgroundphotosfromCUsmallpressfest event.DIYzinesmadebystudents atUniHigh photosbyreg

“Havingaccesstothisenvironment(inreferenceto her position as Executive Director at the Garvey Tubman Center) means that I have a duty to myself and others. I want to share my poetry and hear poetry from others, give safe spaces to learn and grow. Giving light to those who can use words to enlighten their emotions, share their trauma artistically, bring hope in sorrowful situations and showcase past poets that have been obscured by history. By being available to assist in activism through art is a way to address community needs, Here in Springfield many of the African American population is obscured and underfunded by the nuance of historic and systemic racism beneath the surface. We at the GTCARC find ways to fund support and resources to the community so that they can be seen in and around the community wheretheylive,workandplay”

Photo provided by Shatriya Smith

3.) Participate with people you love

Nothing is created or formed in a vacuum, and revolutionsespeciallyrelyonthemany.Buttheystart with the few. Make sure that whatever you’re participatinginisbeingdoneinthecompanyofpeople you trust- and radicalize your relationship with these people.Intimacy-physicalorotherwise-doesnotonly need to be reserved for romantic relationships. Tell these people you love them, show up for what’s important to them, spend quality time outside of organizingtojustbe. Andthenkeeppracticingthose relational skills beyond those individuals. Social commentatorandvideoessayist,SallyEmm(orAnRel on YouTube) emphasizes the role that interpersonal relationships play when it comes to liberation- in the similar sense that I mean it today. They say in their video, UNHINGED: A Guide to Revolution for Nerds & Skeptics, “If to be in a committed relationship is to commit oneself to emotional availability, mutual growth, interdependence, and flexibility in the face of changing circumstances - then [any person] is committedtoeveryperson[they]crosspathswith,no matterwhatcontextandnomatterhowbriefly[4].”

This framework of thinking can make collaborative worksomucheasier,becauseyoulearnhowtothink withinasetofjointminds-nottobeconfusedwitha hivemindwhereallwhoareconnectedthinkthesame thing,butacollectionofdifferentindividualmindsand visionsworkingtowardthesamegoal.

“It’s making sure that you have the right team in place so that you’re a complete glue being,” says Reggie Guyton in reference to working collaborativelyonprojects.Reggiehasbeenworking oninSpringfieldcommunitytheatreforalongtimeevenproducinghisownshowjusttwoyearsagoas UIS Preforming Arts Center’s Artist in Residence [5] Reggie is currently working on a full production of Fences to be put on at the Hoogland Center for the Arts. In talking about his collaborative theatre experiences, he recalls his time working on Sister Act Jr, which called for the talent of many Black youth in the area, and the leadership of community educators,“asateamofallPOC'sand[mostly]black women…we led Sister Act Jr. and that experience of having [a] balance [between] teachers that were… nuanced and experienced in the classroom, but not necessarilyexperiencedonstage…workedsowell...It was a balance that made everything so cohesive, andyouseethingsfromadifferentperspective.”

The opportunity to bring Fences to the Springfield community speaks to the role that togetherness, and love plays in making change happen within a community. Reggie continues, “for me it was importanttohighlightthattheatercouldshow.What black Americans feel, what we go through every day We don't have the space to have nuanced discussion about these things, so that…is honestly what this was born out of. The need to have the space to be able to talk about Black life and talk aboutBlackartandtotaketheopportunity[togive] people something that they didn't realize that they were missing. A lot of people are familiar with AugustWilsonspecificallyforthisplay.”Guytonsaw a lack of a space in our community where people can come together, and eye-opening conversations can be started and had “We have so much to talk about and we don't have the space to, so why not create?”Hesays.



Cashiers are expected to check out, and make sure every item is paid for, nurses are expected to monitor patients and carry out a doctor’s plan for treatment, librarians are expected to shush people who are talking in the library (kidding ;)), and etc. Some jobs have more freedoms than others, those whositonthehigherendofajobhierarchytendtohavemoreofthosefreedoms.Therestofushaveto work within the system so that way the higher ups can get what they want. Our business and organizationmodelsarebuilttofunnelup,butonlytricklebackdown,andit’ssetuplikethisbydesign This is why it’s so important to take advantage of whatever role you have wherever you have it. Stop waitinguntilyouhave“moreofasay,”becauseit’squitepossiblethatthoseinpowerhavenointention oflettinganyoneundertheminonanyofthatpower.Ifyouseethingsyoucouldbedoingatyourjobto maketheexperiencemoreenjoyableandmeaningfulforyouandthepeopleyouservice,thenjustdoit. Thisishowwechangetheexpectationsofwhatourjobis Thisishowwemakepeoplewanttodothat jobinthefuture.

Kristi Barnwell is a professor of History at the UniversityofIllinoisSpringfield.Duringthespring semester of 2024, Barnwell has taken it upon herself to lecture through a series of miniclasses on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The lectures center around primary documents that can be analyzed and broken down to help understand and contextualize the war on Gaza. “I've been wanting to find and empower work with my students and my colleagues to make them feel more empowered and safe when they want to push those boundaries.” Says Dr. Barnwell. UIS is very proud of the work that it does to build engaged citizens that go out into the world, but the boundaries could still be pushed more in ensuring that happens in the classroom. This is something Dr. Barnwell has always been concerned with. So, when the October7thattackshappened,sheandcolleague Dr. Richard Gilman Opalsky put together a short teach in where people could ask questions, and learn more about the context of the attack. But even after this, there is more to be addressed anddiscussed.

“Istartedsortofhavingconversationsandtaking raising questions and concerns in the various bodies within the university. Then I raised issues with the committees on campus regarding the university’s response to student response to October 7th and the lack proactive care and availability to the broader UIS campus community, those got me nowhere. So, then I had to push to faculty members to see if we coulddosomething.Iwaslike…howdoIpushthe institution itself to follow those paths and bring some of these problems to light for bigger discussion?”

Unfortunately, institutions tend to push back on these things, forcing Barnwell to operate independently- but not alone “I realized I, as the lone Middle East expert on campus, could not spontaneously organize all of this stuff myself. I wasgoingtohurtmyself…AndsoIthought,how do I make this a more sustainable project? How do I set up a schedule by which I do this thing that serves my purpose, educates the community?”

Barnwellcontinues,“IthinkthatI'maprettygood teacher. My students tell me I'm a good teacher, so why not [host more teach-ins] in the classroom? And so here I am…I took that and worked with student groups that were already organizing their own, like our new Students for Justice in Palestine chapter on campus, [as well as]otherstudentsandcolleagues.”

Youdonothavetobetheonecallingshotstodo meaningful work You don’t even have to know everythingabouttheworkyouaretryingtodoas an activist. “I'm an expert in Middle East politics and history, so I can pull on Middle East politics andhistoryasabasisforputtingtogethersortof the broader narrative But I'm not Palestinian I can't speak on like Palestinian experiences on thegroundorwhatthismeansforthem.”

Part of subverting your role in a system is just keeping yourself open and listening to what thosearoundyouneed,Dr Barnwellcontinues “I don't have to be an expert in all things to be engaged- so learning a little bit more about community connections that other people are workinginallowsmetofindnewopportunitiesin small spaces or in small amounts of time to go support a protest or put together a media release for another group or find small things that help sustain efforts in other directions than the ones where I'm the main expert on.” Sometimes, to do radical work is to pick up whateveryourcommunityhasdropped.

PhotosfromtheApril6thAlShifa Protest-whichBarnwellattended. Takenandeditiedbyreg

5.) As much as you can, choose love.

I know that I have been talking a lot of “hippiedippie”crap,butstickwithmehere- loveisthe way out. Community is the way out, collective action,mutualaid,togetherness.

I, like many people in this community, have grown up in church. And a central question that I am always told to ask myself as a person of faith is “what would love require of me?” (shoutout to Pastor Blake Thomas, I think about this message everyday). And for different situations the answer will be different things, but once you start approaching every situation this way you start to realize how much love actually is action. So I challenge you to turn your love for your community, for the people around you, for your hobbies, your art- into action.

And no, you will not be able to always choose love all the time. I know this. We’re human, we have short fuses, we’reimpulsive,andweallhaveourowninsecurities.But wealsocannotbeatourselvesupwhenwe’renotableto do every single good thing in the universe. You are doing enough You are doing what you can in whatever momentyou’rein.Tochooseloveinasustainablewayis toloveyourself.▪

Photos from Old Pillsbury Mill taken and edited by reg

Community Organizationswho ActonLove

“Resistanceisthedeepestformof love”-AreejKaoud(pleaseforgivemeasI won’tgetallofthem!!)

-Springfield Families for Ceasefire

An organization made of Springfield community educators, healthcare workers, students, and citizens alike all centered around the goal of ending apartheid, genocide and Israeli occupation in Palestine. Find them on Facebook and on Instagram @families4ceasefire.spi

-Faith Coalition for the Common Good

Organization dedicated to fighting for racial equity, civic engagement, and economic freedom/decisionmaking in Black communities in Central Illinois. Find them on Facebook and on Instagram @faithcoalition

-BLM Springfield

Organization dedicated to representing, nurturing, protecting, and empowering Black people, and Black CommunityinSpringfield.FindthemonFacebookandonInstagram@blmspi

-Intricate Minds

A community resource center with a variety of resources including mental health, sex health/education, and resources for dug use- all serving the Black community and others in need in Springfield. Find them on Facebook.

-The Phoenix Center

A community resource center focused on the wellbeing of Springfield’s LGBTQIA+ community, with special services for youth. Find them on Facebook and see their website for a complete list of resources:

Community Organizationswho ActonLove

-Coalition of Rainbow Alliances

(From their Facebook Page): “Founded in 2000, CORAL is a non-profit volunteer group that facilitates networkingfortheCentralIllinoislesbian,gay,bisexual,&transgendercommunities,theirfamilies,friends,& the organizations that support them.” Find them on Facebook and on Instagram @coral.springfieldil, and

-Resistor Sisterhood

Resistor Sisterhood (or as my tongue-tied self usually says, “Resistorhood”) is a Grassroots efforts activist group dedicated to the equality, safety, and empowerment of women, and other marginalized folk in Springfield IL. Find them on Facebook.

Lincoln Library of Springfield IL

It makes me sad when I hear people have never been to the library- and I hear it a lot. Libraries can give you access to the world for free! Take advantage of library resources such as the Library of Things, or free community classes, and access to free computers, wifi, and printing- this zine is brought to you by the Library!

Aid for Countries Undergoing Dire Humanitarian Crises

Automatically send daily emails to your representatives using Apple Shortcuts, urging them to do everything in their power to stop this onslaughtagainstthePalestinianpeople:

Get in your daily clicks to send advertiser money to UNRWA (a UN AgencyforPalestinianrefugees):

CareforGaza is an organization that sends aid out to Palestine, you can findmoreintheirTwitter/Xaccount: @CareForGaza

Consider sending an eSim to people in Palestine to help them connect and reach out. This is the realest way you can help imo- because it allows for Donate to FocusCongo and FriendsoftheCongo:,

Consider donating to Doctor’s Without Borders, which is currently doing worktoprovideaidinPalestine,Congo,Sudan,Yemen,Haiti,andsomany morecountriesundergoingcrisis:

Scan the QR Code for links to masterlistsofresources:

afewmorethings beforeIgo...


Iknowthatourcommunityisfrustrated.Iknowthatwe’rehurting.Iknowthatthebest thingforsomeofustodorightnowisjusttakewhatevertimeweneedtoprocess,and protectourownmentalhealths.ButIbeg,andIurgethatwhateveryoudo-donotlet yourfeelingsturnyoutowardinaction.Donotletthembecomecomplacency.Thatis exactlywhatthoseinpowerwant,andweshouldrefusetogiveittothem.

Donate to the Massey Family

TheMasseyfamilyonlyhasONEGoFundMepagerunning,anditistheoneonmylinktreelinkedundertheQRcodeonthepreviouspage.Donatetothisfamily,notonlydoesthishelp themduringtheunthinkable-butitsendsamessagetoourlocalandstateleaderssaying wherewewantourmoneytogoto.

Donate your time, if not your money

Spendyourtimevolunteeringatoneoftheaforementionedorganizations,orstartone!Dothe worktofightagainstpoliceviolenceandgunviolence-resourcesonmylinktree.

Become informed on your local, state, and national candidates and VOTE

Ultimately,we-thepeople-aretheforcethatwillsaveus.Butwhileweareorganizinghereon theground,wemustkeepoureyesonwhat’shappeningaboveus.Weneedtovoteinofficials whowillsupportourefforts,andvoteoutoneswhoaredoinglittletonothingabouttheharm doneintheirowncommunities.ThisisacalltovoteSangamonCountySheriffJackCampbell OUTofofficeandcontinuetolearnaboutwhogetsputonourballots-ESPECIALLYforthis upcomingNovember-Resourcesonmylinktree.#JusticeForSonya


“A Quote from Conversations with Toni Cade Bambara.”,

(4) AnRel. “UNHINGED: A Guide to Revolution for Nerds & Skeptics.” YouTube, 10 Nov. 2022,

(A) AP. “Family Asks for FBI Investigation of 2013 CPD Shooting.” Chicago Sun-Times, 24 May 2016, Batrawy,Aya,andOmarElQattaa.“Here’sWhatWeFoundafterIsrael’sRaidonAl-Shifa,Gaza’s Biggest Hospital.” NPR, 6 Apr. 2024,

(5) “Black Futurez: Mixtape, Side 1 - Our Stage / Our Voices | University of Illinois Springfield.”, 18 Nov. 2022,


(3) mondaymonkeylives. “On the Commonly Misattributed Emma Goldman Quote “If I Can’t Dance, I Don’t Want to Be Part of Your Revolution.”” Tumblr, 21 Feb. 2014,

(B) Reuters. “Gaza Death Toll: How Many Palestinians Has Israel’s Campaign Killed.”, Reuters, 10 July 2024,

(1) Thuncher, Jennifer . “Why “Thirst Traps” of Teen Girls Are All over TikTok.” The Peak, 18 Feb. 2022,

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