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Forging Ahead… An Interview with TN.HJ AWANG HAMBALI B. AWANG HAMDAN DEPUTY DIRECTOR BMKPM What does being the Deputy Director of the Matriculation Division mean to you?

By Pamelyn TanTan-Corsi 7 QUICK QUESTIONS What sort of music do you listen to? Tradisional & Jawa 60’s (Keroncong, Jawa Asli) How do you relax? Reading & doing exercise (brisk walk) What are your favourite food and drink? Nasi lemak, Briyani, Nasi Ayam/ Nescafe To you what does it mean to be a Malaysian? Be patriotic & proud to be a Malaysian. Work for a better Malaysia Your favourites travel destination? Countryside, coastal areas (seaside) Do you ever see yourself retiring? I would like to retire when the time comes. I would like to have quality time with family & friends. If you could, is there anything you would like to change in your life? To be God conscious and to contribute or work for the betterment of the society.

Tn.Hj Awang Hambali started in the teaching profession in 1980 as a humble and dedicated teacher, and, between 1984 and 2006, rose up through the ranks to become the principal of 5 different schoo ls in Sarawak. Subsequently, in April 2006, he was asked to be the Director of Kolej Matrikulasi Negeri Sembilan (KMNS) where he displayed dynamic leadership in creating a motivating environment for the students and lecturers to raise the standards of education. Recently, Tn. Hj. Awang Hambali has been appointed the Deputy Director of the Matriculation Division. His position allows him to continue to make a mark in directing the matriculation colleges to greater heights in producing a more intellectual, creative and innovative generation. His credentials include the “Pingat Perkhidmatan Bakti (Perak) (2001), Pingat Perkhidmatan Setia (PPS) 2005 and Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang (1998)”. These awards clearly demonstrate his commitment as an administrator and educator to forge ahead and build a generation, which is knowledgeable and strives for excellence. Here is a written interview with Tn. Hj. Awang Hambali about his role as Deputy Director of the Matriculation Division and his aspirations for the students and lecturers in the matriculation colleges.

It’s a privilege to assist the Director to achieve the vision and mission of the organisation. What are your personal and career goals for 2010 as Deputy Director of the Matriculation Division? I would like to have job satisfaction and to forge ahead with new ideas to establish the matriculation programme by developing brand identity and standards of excellence; creating pathways to grow, develop, and sustain the programme; and disseminating program successes and knowledge. Can you tell us your favourite part of the job? To be able to represent the matriculation programme in a professional and collegial manner, at meetings and discussions, in order to raise the standards, relevance and sustainability of the matriculation programme. If you could design the ideal classroom for the matriculation programme, what would it look like? A classroom with the latest technology where high quality, interactive and innovative teaching -learning strategies are used to meet the needs of learners in both content and delivery. Most important, this classroom environment will generate active and productive discussion to produce critical, creative and innovative learners. What words of wisdom and insight would you like to share with the students and lecturers to inspire and motivate them? ”To be great: concentrate. Never yield to the pressure of work.”

Sebagai pendidik ….. “saya ingin menyampaikan ilmu duniawi dan ukhrawi, melahirkan pelajar yang serba boleh dan memberi sumbangan kepada diri, negara dan alam sejagat”

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