DIFFERENT TYPES TO MAKE METAL PROTOTYPE INTRODUCTION Metal prototypes are really important for various industries and the reason is very simple, a better prototype leads to a better-finished product. There are various methods of creating prototypes, CNC machining, 3D printing, sheet metal forming, casting and extrusion. Also, multiple processes are sometimes combined for the best solution for a particular metal prototype's needs. A prototype in the manufacturing world is a basic rough draft of a part. They are built well before the production starts and only after the prototype is tested by the designers and only after satisfaction is a go-ahead given until then work is done on prototypes. Metal prototypes are manufactured using various techniques; they are made from aluminium, steel or any other material which is chosen by the engineering team. Prototypes are made of plastic as well, where the final product will be made of metal only but some prototypes need to be made of metals only. BENEFITS OF METAL PROTOTYPES: Metal prototypes have certain advantages over plastic prototypes like they are more accurate in testing, and have better functional performance. Also, they have better aesthetics and the chances of investors' interest are higher in metal prototypes. Metal prototypes are easier to move to production. DIFFERENT TYPES OF METHODS TO MAKE METAL PROTOTYPES Metal part prototyping can be done in various ways; there are different types of techniques for making a metal prototype. Also because of geometry, tolerance or quantity, some metal prototypes might suit only anyone process. Let us see various ways of doing metal part prototyping. METAL MACHINING PROTOTYPES CNC is very much the most affordable way of creating metal prototypes. In this technology, sections of material are removed from a metal block and it is done by the metal cutting tool which is guided by a computer. It is quite compatible with many metals and one benefit of using this technique is CAD designs can be easily altered in between prototypes. As far as benefits are concerned it is low cost, there is freedom in design as well as in selecting metal. Although there is wastage of material in this technique. Metal parts in LOS ANGELES are frequently made from prototypes made through this process. METAL 3D PRINTING PROTOTYPES These prototypes are made using AM technologies such as selective laser melting ( SLM ) and direct metal laser sintering (DMLS). Digital designs are used as input, which like CNC allow quick alterations. But talking of the advantage is its geometric flexibility. It is also a low-cost way of creating a metal prototype. But it has certain weaknesses as well like prototypes have lesser
strength and it is not compatible with all materials. It is another technique which is extensively used in LOS ANGELES for making metal prototypes and most metal parts in LOS ANGELES are made from prototypes made from this technique. SHEET METAL PROTOTYPES IT is a group of processes involving cutting, deformation and assembly of sheets of metals. Mainly used in making functional items like brackets, enclosures and industrial parts. It includes cutting, punching bending, spinning and welding. These prototypes are strong and high quality as well. But they are more expensive than various other types. Although the quality of the prototype is great it takes a lot of time and there is not much design freedom in it. so complicated metal types are hard to manufacture through this process. METAL CASTING PROTOTYPES In this liquid metal is cast into a mould to make a part. It is not considered a prototyping process, it is quite expensive and laborious and not economically feasible as well. Although extremely strong parts are manufactured through this method it requires expensive tools and specialist equipment are required. Source Link - >> https://ext-6103473.livejournal.com/2806.html Website - >> https://hexcorp.com/