Designing Life's Celebrations

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Š 2016 Rizzoli International Publications. All Rights Reserved

Š 2016 Rizzoli International Publications. All Rights Reserved

Š 2016 Rizzoli International Publications. All Rights Reserved

Š 2016 Rizzoli International Publications. All Rights Reserved

Just Desserts Now, I can certainly do it up with all the best china, but like so many other holidays, the start of the Jewish New Year becomes much more meaningful when cherished personal items are incorporated into the table. Longtime clients of mine were still settling into their new grand, pre-war apartment, when Rosh Hashanah was upon them. This is their holiday -- they always entertain the whole family, and were determined not to let the fact that everything was not yet in place keep them from welcoming the new year together. They asked me to put together a table that felt warm and inviting, and I was instantly on board with the spirit of it. When we began talking I saw their fabulous collection of earthenware, and I really connected with the idea of using containers that hands have shaped and were colored by natural materials to anchor the look, along with a slate blue burlap tablecloth and simple French cross-back chairs. How very homey. The hostess particularly likes a palette of aubergine and burgundy, which is perfect for its autumnal vibe (she has great style!). Since it was September, I turned to locally grown dahlias, scabiosa and calla lilies that were all at the top of the season, along with pomegranates (to symbolize fruitfulness and wisdom) whose deep color nicely accented the flowers. Another sweet request: The family traditionally serves apples and honey in keeping with the Rosh Hashanah custom, so that had to be part of the table. Because we were focused on natural-looking decor, we created two large lorem ipsum dummy text.

o p p o s i t e : tquis esse quis te cullup i t, o c cull e n da e c tota m et a c es t, u t p a r um qui nati il ips a nt u t a u t quas e ium ip i c ti d e b is n us a n dunt exe r um , nim in re p e rch i c a b o re vo lupta sunt o m nis exe r i tatia n ulp a r i osse c tatiunt a nti o b e atis t, o dia m d e r sp i e n da m illa b o re r um et quiasi t vo luptur re c tes vo ll essus vo lupta e cuptas ali t, i dusciissum re m n o nse n dus n e cuptas ve r um e vo l o r rovi ti d o luptib us a u te m p o r r unto d o lupta tese rovi d quia vo luptu Fu gia as so luptassi o m niatur, so luptatur a u t e li tib us m o di .


Š 2016 Rizzoli International Publications. All Rights Reserved

Š 2016 Rizzoli International Publications. All Rights Reserved


Š 2016 Rizzoli International Publications. All Rights Reserved

o p p o s i t e : tquis esse quis te cullup i t, o c cull e n da e c tota m et a c es t, u t p a r um qui nati il ips a nt u t a u t quas e ium ip i c ti d e b is n us a n dunt exe r um , nim in re p e rch i c a b o re vo lupta sunt o m nis exe r i tatia n ulp a r i osse c tatiunt a nti o b e atis t, o dia m d e r sp i e n da m illa b o re r um et quiasi t vo luptur re c tes vo ll essus vo lupta e cuptas ali t, i dusciissum re m n o nse n dus n e cuptas ve r um e vo l o r rovi ti d o luptib us a u te m p o r r unto d o lupta tese rovi d quia vo luptu Fu gia as so luptassi o m niatur, so luptatur


Š 2016 Rizzoli International Publications. All Rights Reserved

Š 2016 Rizzoli International Publications. All Rights Reserved

Š 2016 Rizzoli International Publications. All Rights Reserved

Š 2016 Rizzoli International Publications. All Rights Reserved

Š 2016 Rizzoli International Publications. All Rights Reserved

Thanksgiving with Heirlooms Now, I can certainly do it up with all the best china, but like so many other holidays, the start of the Jewish New Year becomes much more meaningful when cherished personal items are incorporated into the table. Longtime clients of mine were still settling into their new grand, pre-war apartment, when Rosh Hashanah was upon them. This is their holiday -- they always entertain the whole family, and were determined not to let the fact that everything was not yet in place keep them from welcoming the new year together. They asked me to put together a table that felt warm and inviting, and I was instantly on board with the spirit of it. When we began talking I saw their fabulous collection of earthenware, and I really connected with the idea of using containers that hands have shaped and were colored by natural materials to anchor the look, along with a slate blue burlap tablecloth and simple French cross-back chairs. How very homey. The hostess particularly likes a palette of aubergine and burgundy, which is perfect for its autumnal vibe (she has great style!). Since it was September, I turned to locally grown dahlias, scabiosa and calla lilies that were all at the top of the season, along with pomegranates (to symbolize fruitfulness and wisdom) whose deep color nicely accented the flowers. Another sweet request: The family traditionally serves apples and honey in keeping with the Rosh Hashanah custom, so that had

o p p o s i t e : tquis esse quis te cullup i t, o c cull e n da e c tota m et a c es t, u t p a r um qui nati il ips a nt u t a u t quas e ium ip i c ti d e b is n us a n dunt exe r um , nim in re p e rch i c a b o re vo lupta sunt o m nis exe r i tatia n ulp a r i osse c tatiunt a nti o b e atis t, o dia m d e r sp i e n da m illa b o re r um et quiasi t vo luptur re c tes vo ll essus vo lupta e cuptas ali t, i dusciissum re m n o nse n dus n e cuptas ve r um e vo l o r rovi ti d o luptib us a u te m p o r r unto d o lupta tese rovi d quia vo luptu Fu gia as so luptassi o m niatur, so luptatur a u t e li tib us m o di .


Š 2016 Rizzoli International Publications. All Rights Reserved


Š 2016 Rizzoli International Publications. All Rights Reserved

Lunch takes the best traditions and make them relevant for today— soulful, sophisticated and, above all, comfortable.

o p p o s i t e : tq u is e ss e q u is te cull u p i t , o c cu ll e n d a e c tot a m et a c e s t , u t p a r u m q u i n a ti il ips a nt u t a u t q u as e i u m ip i c ti d e b is n us a n d u nt exe r u m , n im in re p e rch i c a b o re vo l u pt a su nt o m n is exe r i t a ti a n ulp a r i oss e c t a ti u nt a nti o b e a tis t , o d i a m d e r sp i e n d a m ill a b o re r u m et q u i asi t vo l u ptu r re c te s vo ll e ssus vo l u pt a e cu pt as a li t , i d us ciissu m re m n o n s e n d us n e cu pt as ve r u m e vo l o r rov i ti d o l u ptib us a u te m p o r r u nto d o l u pt a te s e rov i d q u i a vo l u ptu Fu g i a as s o l upt assi o m n i a tu r, s o l u pt a tu r


Š 2016 Rizzoli International Publications. All Rights Reserved

Š 2016 Rizzoli International Publications. All Rights Reserved

Š 2016 Rizzoli International Publications. All Rights Reserved

Š 2016 Rizzoli International Publications. All Rights Reserved

Ti e e a ch in divi dual b o u qu et wi th ra f f ia , a p lia b l e a n d s tro n g natural m ate r ial . Fill th e la rg e b owl t wo -thirds wi th wate r, so e a ch s te m is sub m e rg e d . To cre ate th e la rg e r a r ra n g e m e nt s , cr isscross th e s te ms so th ey inte r se c t a n d s tay in p la c e . H ave wa xe d tissu e p a p e r a n d p ret t y r ib b o n o n ha n d to c o m p l ete th e p rese ntati o n .

Š 2016 Rizzoli International Publications. All Rights Reserved

Š 2016 Rizzoli International Publications. All Rights Reserved

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