TABLE OF CONTENTS WHAT IS AN ALUMNI CHAPTER? .............................................................................................................................................. 3 THE IMPORTANCE OF ALUMNI ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 4 ALUMNI CHAPTERS AND THEIR MISSION ........................................................................................................................................................................... 4 MEMBERSHIP ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 REASONS TO ESTABLISH AN ALUMNI CHAPTER ................................................................................................................................................................ 4 CHAPTER REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 CHAPTER SUSPENSION AND DISSOLUTION........................................................................................................................................................................ 6 ESTABLISHING A CHAPTER ......................................................................................................................................................... 8 PROCESS OF ESTABLISHING AN ALUMNI CHAPTER ........................................................................................................................................................... 9 PRIVILEGES, SERVICES, AND BENEFITS................................................................................................................................................................................. 9 POSITION DESCRIPTIONS FOR CHAPTER OFFICERS ......................................................................................................................................................... 10 RECOMMENDED COMMITTEE CHAIRS .............................................................................................................................................................................. 11 CHAPTER EVENTS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 12 DETERMINING TYPES OF EVENTS ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 EVENT IDEAS ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 13 EVENT PLANNING ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 EVENT LOGISTICS AND FUNDING ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 EVENT MARKETING ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15 EVENT REGISTRATION ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 EVENT PRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 EVENT FOLLOW-UP ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15 CHAPTER COMMUNICATIONS ................................................................................................................................................. 16 ROSTERS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17 CHAPTER EMAIL ADDRESS ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 17 CHAPTER WEB PRESENCE................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 FACEBOOK FOR ODUAA CHAPTERS ................................................................................................................................................................................ 18 ODUAA'S RECOMMENDATION ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 19 GETTING STARTED............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19 BEST PRACTICES .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 19 E-UPDATE............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 20 ACTIVITY-SPECIFIC MARKETING ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 21 MISCELLANEOUS COMMUNICATIONS ITEMS ................................................................................................................................................................... 21 APPENDICES ................................................................................................................................................................................ 22 APPENDIX A ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23 MODEL CHAPTER BYLAWS ................................................................................................................................................................................... 23 APPENDIX B ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26 STATEMENT OF AFFIRMATION ........................................................................................................................................................................... 26 APPENDIX C ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28 ODU ALUMNI EVENT SUBMISSION FORM ..................................................................................................................................................... 28 APPENDIX D ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 29 CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT ......................................................................................................................................................................... 29
The Importance of Alumni Alumni of Old Dominion University (ODU) comprise one of the most valuable resources available to the university. Loyalty and commitment to ODU does not end at commencement, in fact, for many graduates it is just beginning. There are many opportunities for alumni involvement after graduation, and the Old Dominion University Alumni Association (ODUAA) provides a variety of options for interested alumni through its programming. Working with the Office of Alumni Relations staff, the ODUAA sponsors alumni events, such as pre-game socials for basketball and football games, annual holiday receptions, student and alumni dinner/discussions, a spring golf tournament, and wine and beer tastings. In addition to planning special events, the ODUAA and Office of Alumni Relations also help groups of alumni maintain their connections with the university through alumni chapters. The Office of Alumni Relations helps chapters communicate by providing access to e-mail lists, posting information on the ODUAA website, social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and regional e-updates. Alumni chapters are formal, structured organizations that receive limited funding from the Office of Alumni Relations to support chapter programming and events. For more information about whether your alumni group would be best served as an alumni chapter, contact the Director of Outreach at the Office of Alumni Relations. This handbook provides guidelines for volunteers working with existing chapters, as well as those interested in establishing a chapter.
Alumni Chapters and their Mission A chapter is defined as a group of alumni who are bound to the ODUAA by a chartering document granting it an ongoing relationship with the University via the Alumni Association. ODU Chapters offer Monarchs the opportunity to connect with alumni who share a common interest. Chapters can be formed by alumni who live or work in a certain geographic location, share common cultural characteristics like religion, ethnicity, or gender, share academic interest such as degree type or work in the same industry, or share similar student involvement while at ODU, such as Greek organizations, student government, monarch maniacs, etc. The mission of chapters and their members is to support Old Dominion University’s efforts both on campus and in their communities. To provide opportunities for alumni to gather and to share their common interest in the university. To ensure that the most capable students in the area are aware that Old Dominion University is an exceptional choice. And to actively support young alumni who move into their regions. Should your chapter be interested in fundraising for the University, please contact the Dominion Fund at 757-683-6330 for assistance.
Membership Participation in Old Dominion University’s alumni chapters is open to alumni, parents, and friends who are interested in supporting and promoting the university, but each chapter must have a registered membership of at least 50 ODU alumni. Registration is easy – interested alumni can register with the Lion’s Den online on the chapter’s webpage at www.odualumni.org. There are no chapter dues.
Reasons to Establish an Alumni Chapter Alumni chapters serve a variety of audiences, and there are many reasons to take an active role in forming a new chapter. ODU CHAPTER HAND BOOK
For alumni: To plan activities that encourages fellowship among alumni families and friends of Old Dominion University. To network for career assistance. For current students: To support learning and aid student retention by developing mentor relationships between alumni and students. To aid in placing students and graduates in internships and jobs. To welcome new alumni and new students to the ODU community. For potential students: To recruit students through University Admissions programs and college fairs. To provide the university with a resource network over wide and specific geographic areas. To assist and support Old Dominion University in its general mission through activities, special events, and programs. For the university: To inform local alumni and friends about the challenges and opportunities facing the university. To keep alumni in contact with the growth and academic development of the university. To provide opportunities for social and educational exchange between the ODU community and the university. To provide opportunities for leadership and volunteer service for the advancement of ODU. To provide alumni with opportunities to offer ideas to the university. To bring alumni together, on and off campus, for the good of the alumni and the university. To sponsor community service projects that reflects positively on the university. To serve as the local public relations arm of the university in furthering the interests of ODU. To support the university’s fundraising efforts.
Chapter Requirements In order to maintain good standing as an active chapter with the ODUAA, all recognized chapters must adhere to the following requirements: 1. Purpose: The chapter must have a defined purpose or mission, which correlates with the purpose as defined in the model chapter bylaws (Appendix A). 2. Membership: The Office of Alumni Relations will evaluate whether there is a sufficient constituent population to support an ongoing chapter. There must be at least 250 alumni that meet your demographic. Chapters must maintain a minimum number of 50 registered members out of the target population of at least 250 or more. 3. Governance: Recruit alumni volunteers to serve on the Executive Board. The Executive Board consists of President, Vice-President/President-Elect, Secretary/Treasurer. A list of officers and committee chairs must be filed with the Office of Alumni Relations.
4. Bylaws: Draft and approve chapter bylaws, using the model chapter bylaws in appendix A. Each chapter must review its bylaws annually to ensure its operations are in compliance with the bylaws of the Old Dominion University Alumni Association. 5. Calendar and budget: Submit a proposed plan for chapter events/activities for up to 1 year ahead and cost estimates for each event/activity. 6. Meetings/Events: Hold conference calls on a regular basis to discuss chapter business. Organize twothree events/activities per year, and hold a minimum of one business meeting (with minutes) per year. Agendas and minutes of the meetings should be forwarded to the Office of Alumni Relations for the permanent chapter file within two weeks of each meeting. 7. Finances: Chapters do not collect membership dues. All event payments will be handled by the Office of Alumni Relations. The Office of Alumni Relations will be the primary source for fiscal operations for each chapter. Limited funding will be provided to help cover mailings and event-related expenses. 8. Office of Alumni Relations support: Chapters are designed to be self-sustaining entities. The Office of Alumni Relations will provide limited funding and staffing support as described in Chapter Events and Chapter Communications. 9. Fundraising: Fundraising campaigns proposed by the alumni chapter must be coordinated through the University via the Dominion Fund. 10. Annual renewal and review: Regardless of the original charter date, all chapters will come up for review at the beginning of each fiscal year. The Office of Alumni Relations will review each chapter annually to ensure requirements are being met. Chapters are encouraged to review these requirements periodically as well, to ensure ongoing compliance. Should a chapter be unable to adhere to the basic chapter guidelines, the Office of Alumni Relations may take steps to initiate the Chapter Suspension/Dissolution process.
Chapter Suspension and Dissolution The Office of Alumni Relations and the ODUAA are committed to assisting all recognized chapters to be viable and successful. Chapters unable to meet the minimum requirements may face suspension and/or dissolution. The following describes the circumstances and procedures that apply should this situation become necessary. 1. Suspension and Dissolution by the Chapter a. A chapter may be suspended if there is no longer an interest or ability by the chapter’s governing board or its members to maintain the chapter. The Office of Alumni Relations will acknowledge the chapter suspension when notification is received from the chapter’s governing body and/or the last known chapter leaders, and advise the ODUAA of suspension. b. Once the suspension of chapter operations has been recognized by the ODUAA Board of Directors, all funds budgeted for that chapter operation will be suspended. These funds are not to be expended for one year, except for the reactivation and maintenance of the chapter. ODU CHAPTER HAND BOOK
c. If, after one year from the date of suspension, the chapter has not been reactivated, then the chapter will be dissolved. 2. Suspension and Dissolution by the ODUAA Should the chapter requirements not be followed, the ODUAA Chapter Development committee may begin the process of dissolving or suspending the chapter. Due process will be followed as stated:
A written “notification of suspension” will be sent to the chapter’s governing body and/or last of the known chapter leaders. This notification shall include a request to participate in a meeting with Office of Alumni Relations staff members to discuss the chapter’s status. If an in-person meeting is not possible, an alternative communication method will be determined.
A meeting will be conducted with representatives of the chapter’s governing body and the Office of Alumni Relations within 30 days of notification to discuss possible alternatives for the continued viability of the chapter.
Following the meeting, the Office of Alumni Relations staff will make a recommendation to the ODUAA Chapter Development Committee regarding the chapter’s ongoing status (continuance, suspension or dissolution).
Should suspension be the outcome of the proceedings, any funds budgeted for chapter operation will be handled in a similar manner as described in “Suspension and Dissolution by the Chapter”
If, after one year from the date of suspension, the chapter is not reactivated, then the chapter may be dissolved upon recommendation of the Chapter Development Committee and by a vote of the ODUAA Executive Committee.
Process of Establishing an Alumni Chapter Step One: Interested parties must contact the Office of Alumni Relations. The first step for the Office of Alumni Relations will be to determine if this constituent group is already being served, and to connect interested alumni with each other. At least one person must agree to serve as a contact for the purposes of collecting data. Step Two: The Office of Alumni Relations will determine the ongoing viability of the group, and the feasibility of supporting it as a full chapter. Chapters are expected to continue long after their founders become inactive. The Office of Alumni Relations will analyze alumni statistics to determine if the proposed chapter meets the minimum criteria for alumni population (250 alumni). If so, then a survey will be sent to all members of the population to determine alumni interest in forming and supporting the chapter. This survey must include a local alumnus as a contact point to show local interest in forming the chapter. Surveys will be sent electronically to all alumni with a valid email address and if there are not 250 valid e-mail addresses and the minimum alumni population has been met, postcards will be mailed directing them to the survey online. Alumni will have 30 days to complete the interest survey. If there is not a large enough population to meet the minimum criteria, chapter formation will not proceed. Step Three: The Office of Alumni Relations will review the results of the survey to determine if there is enough interest to support the formation of a chapter. At least 50 people must respond to the survey indicating a willingness to support activities. If this number is not met within 30 days of the survey, chapter formation may not progress any further. A survey may be conducted again no sooner than 1 year later to determine if there is sufficient interest at that point. This survey will also be used for alumni who wish to self-identify as volunteer leaders for the chapter. Step Four: The Office of Alumni Relations, key leaders, and alumni association volunteers will publicize an organizational meeting to all alumni who responded positively to the interest survey. At this meeting, alumni office staff will explain the purpose of the chapter, the chartering process, and recruit for volunteers to serve in leadership positions. This should result in the 3 officer positions being filled (the Executive Committee). This meeting should also generate ideas for the first six months of chapter activities. Step Five: The Office of Alumni Relations will send an announcement to all alumni in the chapter demographic notifying them that the chapter is beginning its chartering process and announcing the 6 month calendar of events. An email listserv for the proposed chapter will be created as well as a chapter specific online community. Alumni will be encouraged to register as members of the chapter via this community. Step Six: Within a reasonable time frame from the date of the organizational meeting, the executive committee must submit the chapter bylaws, six month calendar of events with cost estimates to the Office of Alumni Relations for approval from the Chapter Development Committee.
Privileges, Services, and Benefits The Office of Alumni Relations is committed to the success of every chapter. The most successful chapters are the result of a partnership between the staff, ODUAA, and chapter leaders, with all partners holding distinct responsibilities. Ultimately, the collaboration of planning, knowledge, skills and creativity provides for
satisfying and memorable experiences and strong relationships. Services provided by the Office of Alumni Relations may include:
Offering advice, direction and resources for the chapter. Working with the chapter leadership and the approved chapter calendar for the year to help coordinate chapter events and activities and operate within approved budgets. Providing ODU promotional items and other supplies needed for chapter activities as available. Providing volunteer training programs, including leadership training for chapter officers as well as the chapter handbook with operational guidelines. Marketing chapter events and activities. Assisting with arrangements for special faculty or staff speakers. Providing chapter promotion in the Chapter’s quarterly e-updates, chapter social networking sites like Facebook/Twitter, and on the ODUAA website. Providing rosters. Provide limited funding for events and activities approved by the Office of Alumni Relations.
Position Descriptions for Chapter Officers Each chapter shall elect officers in accordance with the chapter bylaws. The ODUAA recommends electing officers for terms of two years. It is recommended that officers should be elected in the spring, taking office at the beginning of the fiscal year on July 1. During the late spring and early summer months, the newly elected officers should work along side the current officers during the remainder of their term to learn their new roles and implement plans for the next year. The following is a very general definition of respective responsibilities of each office. The position descriptions listed below are the minimum positions required for recognized chapters. President Conduct Official Chapter meetings and Executive Committee conference calls. Serve as ODU’s representative in the area served by the chapter. Serve as the liaison between the chapter and ODUAA. Chair the chapter’s Executive Committee and oversee membership, communications, and events chairs. Be knowledgeable about all policies and procedures established by ODUAA and the chapter. Check frequently to ascertain that officers and committee chairs are carrying out their responsibilities and to provide support and encouragement. Assist in the training of the next President. Vice President/President Elect Perform all duties of the President in his/her absence. Assume office of the President if he/she is unable to serve. File chapter’s yearly goals, calendar of events and plans for the year with the Office of Alumni Relations by May 1 each year. Conduct an annual review of the chapter bylaws. Work directly with events chair on programming and event planning. Other duties as assigned by the President.
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Secretary/Treasurer Maintain an accurate written record of all minutes of chapter and Executive Committee meetings and provide a copy to ODUAA. Conduct all chapter correspondence. Maintain chapter roster of registered members (with help from the Office of Alumni Relations). Work closely with ODUAA staff regarding chapter expenses. Other duties as assigned by the President.
Recommended Committee Chairs
Communications Chair Works with alumni office to form a communication strategy for the chapter as well as helps to maintain communications outlets (Facebook, Chapter website, etc.). Also assist the alumni office with finding ways to promote chapter events.
Events/Programming Chair Works with alumni office in planning and executing chapter events and programming.
Membership Chair Responsible for attracting new members and keeping up-to-date information on each chapter member. The membership chair agrees to share all current alumni data with the alumni office.
Community Service Chair Works with the alumni office to identify and oversee community service opportunities for the chapter.
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The Old Dominion University Alumni Association and Office of Alumni Relations are here to serve as a resource for planning events for ODU Chapters. We can work with you to create events that help increase membership and promote the mission of reconnecting to ODU.
Determining types of events The key to successful event planning involves answering 5 basic questions. 1. Who is your target audience? 2. What type of event do you want to have? 3. Why do we need to do this type of event? 4. When should the event take place? 5. How does this event meet our goals as a chapter? Use these questions to help determine the type of events you want to do. Make sure that you have carefully thought about what you want to accomplish with the event as it relates to the Chapter and it is recommended that you strive to diversify the types of events. Some events have a wide mass appeal and would potentially draw a sizeable crowd. Others may be smaller in scope and have a very specific target market within the chapter.
Event Ideas Educational, Enrichment or Networking Focus Invite an Old Dominion professor or faculty member as a guest speaker at a chapter meeting. Contact the Office of Alumni Relations for details. Showcase alumni business leaders who will address issues such as investments, political awareness, art and culture, or other topics of interest to chapter members. Organize career networking events featuring guest speakers on career development issues. Develop a program for welcoming new ODU graduates to the community. Promoting or Supporting Old Dominion University Volunteer to assist with referring and contacting prospective students in the chapter area. Sponsor area receptions for prospective students or enrolling first year students. Host receptions for students beginning the career networking process. Host a reception prior to an ODU sporting event or performance in the chapter area. Plan a group tour of campus with a social event at the Barry M. Kornblau Alumni Center. Take group bus trips to ODU basketball, football games or other sporting events. Host "Hail and Farewell" parties for new and recently graduating students. Attend college fairs to represent ODU. Participate in the Career Management Center’s Monarch Connection Mentor Program. Engage in admissions recruitment and retention activities. Community Service Perform volunteer work for a local organization such as Habitat for Humanity or a homeless shelter. Work with a community literacy program.
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Family or Social Focus Plan a picnic at a local park with events and games for families. Host a tailgate or picnic at a local athletic event (ODU or professional teams). Take group tours of museums, historical sites, zoos, art galleries or other areas of interest. Purchase group tickets for plays or concerts in the chapter’s community. Many places offer discount tickets for groups of 20 or more. Host a holiday theme party. Plan TGIF parties/Happy Hours. Host creative meal events like a seafood feast, Sunday brunch or a pig roast at a member’s home. Hold a wine tasting at a local winery, restaurant or a member’s home. Coordinate networking events featuring business card exchanges.
Event Planning Complete the Alumni Event Submission Form (Appendix C) and submit it to the Alumni Office for review a minimum of 8 weeks prior to the event. Things to consider as you begin planning your event: What would be the cost to produce the event? Does the date of the event conflict with any holidays or other local events? Is the venue easily accessible with parking and/or public transportation? Will the venue accommodate the size group you are expecting? Have you allowed enough time to appropriately advertise the event?
Event Logistics and Funding It is the responsibility of the chapter to research venues, catering, other logistics and costs for the event. All estimates, contracts, and terms of agreement must be submitted, reviewed, and signed by the Alumni Relations office. Events should be produced on a “break even” basis. Event cost should be estimated as accurately as possible. Due to unforeseen incidentals and costs it is recommended to charge alumni $2-$3 above the base price per person. This allows chapter events to be as self-sustaining as possible. The Office of Alumni Relations and the Alumni Association may provide minimal financial support for chapter programming and events, dependent on event cost and purpose. Event cost estimates are to be submitted in a timely manner for approval by the Office of Alumni Relations. In addition, there are alumni and friends of the university whose businesses are willing to help defray costs of an event, totally underwrite the costs, or provide a meeting facility at no cost to the chapter. These resources should be explored and utilized whenever possible. Sponsors or contributors should be obtained in time to permit recognition in the event marketing.
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Event Marketing Before an event can be marketed, certain pieces of information must be established: Date of event Location of event Target audience Time of event Purpose of event Price for the attendee The most appropriate event marketing methods will be determined by the Office of Alumni Relations and marketing efforts will be scheduled accordingly with all other alumni communications.
Event Registration The Alumni Relations office will handle all registrations for your event. Interested alumni may contact the alumni office via phone, email or through the ODUAA website. If the event requires an entry fee we will collect all payment. Our policy is that a reservation is not “confirmed” until payment has been received. Paid registrants will receive a reminder email prior to the event with details about the event (date, time, location, parking info, and other details as needed.) The Alumni Relations office will provide a registration list and nametags (if applicable) to you before the event. If the event does not require registration, a sign-in sheet will be provided to ensure that attendee names are captured.
Event Production Two weeks prior: Provide final guest count (for catering purposes). Submit final invoice for event costs. One week prior: Reconfirm all the details with the event vendors. Two days prior: The Alumni Relations office will send a reminder e-mail to all registered alumni. Day of event Arrive to the event site approximately 1-2 hours before the event start time to set-up. It is recommended you have a minimum of (2) two chapter members to manage setup, check-in, and cleanup. Check-in all alumni and their guests. If possible, capture current email information. You will be provided with a registration list and nametags. If the event did not require registration you will be provided a sign-in sheet to capture attendee information. Mingle, make friends and recruit volunteers for the chapter.
Event Follow-up Once the event is complete, submit the registration sheet or sign-in sheet indicating who attended the event to the Alumni Relations office. A thank you email will be sent to those who attended. This information will also be used to determine the feasibility of the event and for future event marketing efforts. ODU CHAPTER HAND BOOK
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An essential component of a chapter's success lies in its communication efforts. The Office of Alumni Relations works directly with the Chapter leadership and the communications chair to establish a communications plan for your chapter. The Office of Alumni Relations has the following tools and guidelines to help your chapter communicate efficiently and effectively with your members. These benefits and services are available only to chapters who have officially been recognized by the Old Dominion University Alumni Association and are in good standing.
Rosters The Office of Alumni Relations will provide the chapter leadership with an official roster. This hard copy print contains the names and contact information on file for alumni who meet your chapter demographics. This roster will help shape the chapter's programming and communications by providing demographics including class years, schools and home addresses on record. The roster will indicate “active� members as well as those who simply meet your chapter demographics. ODUAA defines "active" members as alumni who have indicated interest on the Lion's Den, attended any ODU event and /or made a financial gift to the university within the last calendar year. The roster will indicate the percent of members who have given monetarily, but will not denote which individuals have or haven't given. The roster allows Chapter Leadership to communicate with active members through the shared Chapter Email account to invite them to chapter events, ask them to volunteer or participate, etc. Members by demographic only can only be contacted after indicating interest. It is the chapter's responsibility to help the Office of Alumni Relations maintain accurate and complete information on their constituencies. Updates will be provided by the Office of Alumni Relations to the chapter on a regular basis. Updates obtained by the chapter must be shared with the Assistant Director or Director for Outreach so that the Office of Alumni Relations may update our records accordingly. Terms of Use: This information is to be used solely for the purposes of promoting the chapter. Use of the list must comply with the Association's Chapter Records Release Policy. A confidentiality agreement must be signed by each person who is issued the roster. (SEE APPENDIX) It must not be reproduced. It must be destroyed by shredding after used for its intended purpose. If the Office of Alumni Relations has not received notification of it being destroyed within 7 days of the intended purpose, the Office of Alumni Relations will contact the appropriate party and ask that it be destroyed. New lists can be supplied upon request. Failure to comply with the Terms of Use will cause the chapter to lose its membership list privileges.
Chapter Email Address The Office of Alumni Relations will set up a shared email account for the chapter leadership to communicate with members. This will allow for a consistent means to communicate with the group throughout different leadership tenures. It will also allow for leadership to keep their personal email addresses personal. It is the responsibility of the chapter leadership to determine the protocol for responding to emails in the ODU CHAPTER HAND BOOK
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shared account. The Office of Alumni Relations is happy to review "canned" responses for typical email questions / comments so that chapter messaging is consistent despite who responds to the email. When using the shared email account, always use the BCC option so that contact information remains private. It is best to send personal emails on a one-to-one basis.
Chapter Web Presence The Office of Alumni Relations will administer the Chapter's web page on the ODUAA website. This page will include upcoming events, links to the current and past e-Updates as well as provide contact information for the leadership and an overview of the group's mission. The page will also explain how to become an active member.
Facebook for ODUAA Chapters Facebook allows chapter leadership to have a direct line of communication with their constituents. One reason for Facebook's breakout success is its ease of use. Creating a Page takes only a few minutes, even for those who wouldn’t normally describe themselves as computer savvy. We encourage chapter leaders to use Facebook to build community among members, to reach out to alumni from the area, and to promote chapter events. And, of course, we also encourage you to have fun while you’re at it. Another reason for Facebook’s success is that it doesn’t have many rules, and we certainly don’t intend to institute new ones of our own. Rather, we want to offer a few best practices. The Office of Alumni Relations will help with the following: Setting up the initial Facebook presence and providing graphics Setting up administrators from the chapter to help maintain the group's Facebook presence Keeping Event postings current and accurate Chapter will assist by helping maintain the group's presence on Facebook by: Making a minimum of two posts per week Monitoring content on the page and alerting the Office of Alumni Relations in any instance of questionable content. Facebook allows chapter leadership to have a direct line of communication with their constituents. The Office of Alumni Relations will provide chapter leadership with "best practices" in order to insure that it remains an effective tool for the chapter. Please work with the Office of Alumni Relations when you decide to create a Page so that we can assist in the process as well as promote it from the ODUAA Facebook page and from the main ODUAA website. The Office of Alumni Relations will also share graphics and appropriate images to assist you in setting up and maintaining your Facebook presence.
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ODUAA's Recommendation In our experience, pages allow for a more structured (and monitored) outlet for communication, organized photo album sharing, insights into fan interaction and fan demographics. They also allow for ODUAA to link to the page directly within Facebook and from the official ODUAA Facebook page whereas groups can only be linked to from the web. For these reasons, ODUAA recommends that chapters create PAGES with the original account tied to the shared chapter Gmail account. Admin privileges can then be given to current chapter leadership OR all chapter leadership can access the page through the shared account, allowing leadership to choose to post as a person or as the group based on messaging and intent.
Getting Started Facebook offers useful and succinct how-to information, and given the frequency with which they update their tools, it's best to simply follow their advice. Press CTRL and Click Here for Facebook "How To" Information
Best Practices Online communities don't just happen. If you decide to create a Page for your chapter, don't assume it will spontaneously and organically grow into a useful resource. Check frequently. Respond promptly to comments and questions. Welcome new members. Post engaging content. Your Chapter Page should be a source for engaging content for all members. Be sure to post content that reflects the diversity of news and events for your fans. Sources of content can come from the ODU home page, the ODUAA website or Facebook page, or odusports.com. Be careful not to post only academic or sports related information. You should also try to highlight ODU news in your community -- i.e.: Did a student from your area win a scholarship? Did alum in your geographic region make the local news or win local recognition? This type of content is most relevant to your fans, but takes some time to discover and share. It is well worth the effort as engaging and relevant content will create more fans, and ultimately, a more active chapter base. Avoid message fatigue. Facebook users will voluntarily join your Page, and presumably they will do so because they want to hear from you. But don't overwhelm them with Page updates. Generally, we post three to five status updates each week from the ODUAA Page and only use personal messaging to get out particularly important information (i.e. event updates, reminders, etc). Practice wise discretion when moderating comments. We've all seen online discussions get out of hand. Although it's unlikely to happen, as the administrator, you might be called upon to remove or edit a member's comments. Please keep in mind that your Page does reflect on – even if unofficially – the university and the ODUAA. If you have questions or concerns about moderating comments, please contact the Office of Alumni Relations. ODU CHAPTER HAND BOOK
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Graphics & Photography The Office of Alumni Relations will provide all "official" graphics for the page. This includes any icon or image for the profile picture and any graphics advertising events and chapter activities. Photography from official chapter events may be posted by page administrators -- however, photos with questionable content including images where alcohol is prominently featured should not be posted without the permission of the individuals in the photograph. Fans, may, and are encouraged to post their own images, please use discretion and, if necessary, remove inappropriate images.
e-Update The Office of Alumni Relations will work with the chapter leadership to provide a quarterly e-Update to all chapter members. The e-Update allows the chapter to communicate in an "official" format with its members. By consolidating information about chapter-specific events and news in this quarterly email, we are able to keep members informed without over-saturating them with too-frequent emails. This is your opportunity to connect with alumni on a regular basis, provide information about upcoming events, to solicit volunteerism and to establish and promote your chapter. Research shows that recipients will unsubscribe if they think emails are too frequent or the information included is irrelevant. For these reasons, ODU Chapters issue no more than one e-Update per quarter and event. (3-4x per year for e-Updates + 2-3 per year for "flagship activities") Benefits of e-Updates: The ODUAA database is a clearinghouse for all updated contact information insuring that chapter members are receiving communications at the email address most recently updated with the university. E-blasts are designed to pass through spam filters. Returned emails are automatically flagged to be corrected on your future rosters and the university's database. The e-mailing service produces statistics on open rates, link clicks, unsubscribes, etc. These demographics will be shared with the chapter leadership after each mass email to the chapter. Timing of e-Updates: ODUAA aims to send a comprehensive e-News to all alumni at least nine times a year. Accordingly, the chapter updates are scheduled to occur two weeks before or after to prevent our constituents from feeling overwhelmed by their frequency. The content outline is due to the Assistant Director and Director for Outreach on the first Tuesday of the month it is to be sent. The Office of Alumni Relations will work with the Chapter liaison to fine-tune the content and design upon receiving the content. The email will be sent in according to the schedule of the alumni e-News. Because emails sent on Monday's and Friday's have lower open rates, it is best to send between Tuesdays and Thursdays.
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Activity-Specific Marketing All Chapter activities will be marketed through the following outlets: ODUAA Website ODUAA Facebook Page ODUAA Alumni e-News (sent 8-9 times / year) Chapter Facebook Page Chapter Page on ODUAA Website Chapter e-Update (send 3-4 times / year) The Office of Alumni Relations will work with the chapter leadership to provide event-specific marketing for 2-3 activities per year and no more than 1 per quarter. These events will be marketed with all of the above outlets as well as: Activity Specific e-Blasts and/or Targeted Postcard Mailing Chapter Leadership is encouraged to market activities through Facebook, email using the shared chapter Gmail account and, if appropriate, by phone using the roster provided. Again, only those who have indicated interest either through the Lion's Den and / or opening chapter-specific emails may be contacted.
Miscellaneous Communications Items The Office of Alumni Relations is here to support each chapter's efforts. If you have a particular communications need, please share it with us and we'll be happy to work with you to help you meet your goals!
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APPENDIX A MODEL CHAPTER BYLAWS Old Dominion University Alumni Association Article I NAME The name of our organization shall be the alumni chapter of the Old Dominion University Alumni Association. Article II PURPOSE Section 1. Purpose. The purpose of the chapter is to increase alumni and other constituent interaction and communication with the University and each other; enhance the value of an Old Dominion University degree in each chapter’s community; promote commitment to Old Dominion University’s mission by involving alumni in admissions, legislative relations, career management services, public relations and fundraising efforts; and extend the University’s system of service and recognition programs. Article III MEMBERS Section 1. Membership. Membership shall be open to all alumni, parents of current students and friends who are interested in supporting and promoting Old Dominion University, as defined in the Bylaws of the Old Dominion University Alumni Association, Inc. (ODUAA). Each chapter must have a minimum of 50 registered members annually in order to qualify for financial support from the Office of Alumni Relations budget. Section 2. Chapter Boundaries. Alumni regional chapters are defined geographically using zip codes within a 50-mile radius from the center of the chapter area. Article IV CHAPTER MANAGEMENT Section 1. Chapter Executive Committee A. The management of the chapter is vested in its executive committee, which members. 1. President 2. Vice President/President Elect 3. Secretary/Treasurer
consists of the following
B. The chapter executive committee reports to the Old Dominion University Director of Outreach in the Office of Alumni Relations and the ODUAA Chapter Development Committee. The chapter executive committee is empowered to develop such programs as necessary to maintain the chapter. The committee is responsible for evaluating each program/activity, and for reporting results to the Office of Alumni Relations. ODU CHAPTER HAND BOOK
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C. The chapter executive committee is responsible for assuring that chapter activities and meetings coincide with the mission, goals, core values and policies of Old Dominion University and the ODUAA. D. In the event that an officer position becomes vacant, the chapter shall fill the vacancy within 60 days. Section 2. Officers. These shall be the officers of the chapter, with the following duties and terms of office: President 1. Serves as the primary liaison to the ODUAA and Office of Alumni Relations, and is the official representative of the chapter. 2. Presides at all chapter meetings and has general supervision of the day-to-day business of the chapter. 3. Represents the chapter at ODUAA Alumni Organizations Committee meetings or designates a representative in the event of schedule conflicts. 4. Oversees, provides leadership, and delegates responsibilities for all chapter activities to ensure that they support the missions of the chapter, the university and the ODUAA. 5. The term of office shall be for two years. Vice President/President Elect 1. Presides at meetings in the President’s absence. 2. Notifies area alumni of upcoming events. 3. Coordinates the chapter’s calendar of events for the year. 4. Assists with identifying and recruiting area alumni to be involved with the chapter and the chapter leadership. 5. Advances to the role of President after term as Vice President/President Elect. 6. The term of office shall be for two years, with an additional two years as Chapter President. Secretary/Treasurer 1. Attends meetings, records and files minutes, and provides copies to the Office of Alumni Relations. 2. Submits required forms, evaluations and attendance rosters to the Office of Alumni Relations. 3. Maintains an accurate chapter file that contains important correspondence. 4. The term of office shall be for 2 years. Section 3. Committees. Each chapter of the Old Dominion University Alumni Association shall have the power to maintain a variety of committees to carry out the organization’s mission and goal, including, but not limited to: communications chair, membership chair and event/programming chair. Section 4. Official year. Chapter guidelines specify that the official year for conducting chapter business correspond with Old Dominion University’s fiscal year, July 1 – June 30.
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Article V MEETINGS AND PROCEDURES Section 1. Meetings. Old Dominion University’s Chapter Handbook specifies a minimum of one annual meeting of the general membership, regular executive committee conference calls and a minimum of two to three programs/events per year. Section 2. Quorum. The ODUAA bylaws specify that a majority of voting members constitutes a quorum for transaction of all business meetings. Article VI ELECTIONS AND APPOINTMENTS Section 1. Elections. Chapter board member elections take place at the chapter’s annual membership meeting. The nominating committee shall present nominations to fill impending board vacancies as a result of resignation or removal with unexpired terms, and all officers of the chapter. The election will take place following a call for nominations from the floor. Voting privileges shall be granted to all members in good standing who are in attendance. Officer terms are for two years and are defined in conjunction with the ODUAA’s fiscal year, from July 1 – June 30. Article VII REMOVAL FROM OFFICE Officers and directors may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of the chapter’s Executive Committee. Article VIII ADOPTION/AMENDMENT OF BYLAWS These bylaws shall be adopted officially upon approval of a two-thirds vote of the members of the chapter executive board. They supersede any and all former constitutions, bylaws and amendments thereto of this alumni chapter, and shall become effective upon adoption by the alumni chapter’s executive board. They may be amended by a two-thirds voting majority at any duly called meeting of the chapter executive board, subject to approval by the Old Dominion University Alumni Association. Article IX CHAPTER SUSPENSION/DISSOLUTION Section 1. Procedure. In the event that a chapter fails to maintain the standards set by the Old Dominion University Alumni Association, the ODUAA reserves the right to dissolve the alumni chapter and revoke its charter. Section 2. Chapter Assets and Files. In the event of dissolution, all chapter assets and files become the property of the Old Dominion University Office of Alumni Relations. These bylaws adopted on
by the Alumni Chapter Board of Directors.
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APPENDIX B STATEMENT OF AFFIRMATION We, the founding members of the Alumni Chapter agree to conduct chapter business in a manner consistent with the mission, goals, core values and policies of Old Dominion University and the Old Dominion University Alumni Association.
Signatures of founding members Grad Yr
Email address
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Grad Yr
Email address
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APPENDIX C ODU ALUMNI EVENT SUBMISSION FORM Complete this form and send to ODU Alumni Relations – 757-683-6293 (FAX)
BASIC INFORMATION Chapter: Proposed Event Date:
Expected Attendance:
Event Title: Detailed Event Description:
Objective/Purpose: Event Costs & Contracts: Please submit written estimates for all event related costs (venue rental, catering, alcohol, etc). Estimates must be submitted and approved before event may be marketed. ALL contracts must be signed by the Alumni Office.
EVENT LOGISTICS VENUE: Address: Website: Venue Contact: Phone/Email: Event Start Time: FOOD/BEVERAGE
Event End Time:
Setup Time:
Describe: Vendor Providing:
Describe: Vendor Providing:
Describe: Vendor Providing:
Chapter Contact for this event: Phone: ODU CHAPTER HAND BOOK
Date Submitted: Email: 28 | P a g e
APPENDIX D CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT Between The Old Dominion University Alumni Association and:
The Old Dominion Alumni Association grants access to the chapter roster for the following purpose:
In performing the Volunteer Activity for the Alumni Association, Volunteer agrees: 1. The Roster is proprietary information and the exclusive property of the Alumni Association. 2. Volunteer will use the roster solely for Chapter development activity. 3. Volunteer will exercise all reasonable precautions to assure that the roster is held in strict confidence. 4. Volunteer will not disclose the roster to any third party (including other alumni volunteers) without prior written consent of the Alumni Association. 5. Volunteer will exercise all reasonable precautions to prevent loss, theft, compromise or misuse of the roster. 6. Immediately upon completion of performance of the Volunteer Activity, Volunteer will destroy the roster by shredding. 7. Volunteer will not retain any copy or copies of the roster once the Volunteer Activity has been performed or completed. All requests for the Alumni Association's authorization, consent or permission pursuant to this agreement should be addressed to Assistant Vice President for Alumni Relations, 888.ODU.3435. No such authorization, consent or permission is valid unless signed by the Alumni Association Representative of Choice. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION REPRESENTATIVE By: Title:
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