Balanced Literacy: Writing

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Balanced Literacy: Writing

Modeled Writing The teacher demonstrates To allow studnets to hear

the act of writing by the tihinking that thinking aloud while accompanies the porcess of composing text infront of writing, such as tipic choice, students how to start the piece, looking for a better word, WHEN TO USE: revising and editing When teaching students to apply a particularly unfamiliar writing strategy. When the goal is to focus on a particular aspect of spelling

Shared Writing An activity, either wholeTo help students learn class or small-group, in which about the writing process the teacher and students through structured share the composing process. the conversatins during the teacher acts as the sharing session. The focus recorder. By recording what is on the content of the he/she and the class want to message. The content can say, the teacher reinforces be a daily message, concepts of print. response to literature, list WHEN TO USE: and so forth. When the goal is ot develop common strategies for developing content or style. When the goal is to

Guided Writing The teacher works with the whole class or a small group of students who have SIMILAR needs and coaches them as each on writes a composition. WHEN TO USE: When a writing strategy presents a manageable degree of challenge with teacher guidance and support. When a small

To provide focused writing instruction to a small group of students in order to lead them to independent writing.

Independent Writing Students have time each day to write, revise and publish stories and other text of THEIR CHOOSING. During this time, students become authors with purpose, and consider who their AUDIENCE might be. They have the opportunity to write usin many different styles and in several

To encourage student to experiment with and explore the uses fo written language. WHEN TO USE: When the goal is for students to practice writing strategies they can implement actively and independently.

Interactive Writing Teacher write enlarged text that all the the whole class or small gourp can see clearly. Teachers generate the ideas and most of the words. The teacher writes mosto of the text, but students occasionally come to write words or parts of words or th punctuate the text. WHEN TO USE: When the goal is to develop new spelling strategies,

To demonstrate and engage children in the writing process, composition and construction. To create readable text that can be used again. To help construct words using letter-sound relationships and other strategies. To help children become aware of written language

Language Experience To create text that documents children's own language. Children compose the text and teacher acts as scribe. After composition the text is used for reading. WHEN TO USE: To devlop conventions, letter formation and spacing.

To engage children in the composition process. To Model the writing process and conventions.

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