360 Magazine

Page 1




Do It Yourself


Safe Practices


Parkour Lingo

DIY Practice Course


For everyday practice

6 3 Easy Moves

40 48

Featured Group

To train your body


Difficult Moves




Parkour Style

Tommy Mullen

For the advanced


The newest gear

Inspirational God of Fire


14 36 26

Annual Parkour Conference, San Diego

The Parkuettes All-girl Parkour group

Artist Profile Jon Burns

About the Cover

The outer cover of the magazine is a stencil with 360 magazine’s logo. Photo by: KCFitnessLink

Yamakasi Movie Review



David Belle

Founder of Parkour

God of Fire

Continued on page 44...

Department Name

Photography by: Nicole Page


When practicing rural Parkour, improvising is the key. In this innovative Parkour session, fire was used as grounding for a cat’s jump.

42 April 2012360 pg


A good way to start is to place a board

“Fear is a street runner’s ultimate enemy. Fire is an ultimate source of fear.”

down on top of the fire for emergency

-Tommy Mullen

jump. When making large jumps, it is


important to know which foot to jump

Parkour with fire is an intriguing but dangerous task. Take the proper precautions and have a fire extinguisher or bucket of water ready just in case.

In the opening picture, we see the tracer vaulting over the fire. This gives you more lift to have a greater impact on your audience. The reason for using fire is not only for the cool effects, fire brings some urgency to your tricks and forces you to perform well in order to avoid burns. For this reason fire jumping should only be attempted by advanced Traceurs who are confident in their moves.

Photography by: Nicole Page

44 April 2012

Tommy Mullen, a seasoned Traceur, finds the experience of fire jumping to be exhilarating not only because of the adrenaline rush but because of the literal heat pushing all of the hair on your body in an upward motion. This is a physical exhilaration.

People who are most successful in the obstacle of fire jumping are those who have practiced track or long jumps. This gives them a better understanding of how to approach the

off of to create a smooth jump.

DIY Practice Course


rampolines are the best

Empty playgrounds are also good

way to start training. They allow you to

obstacles for Parkour. Monkey bars

experience flips and learn the ways in

are particularly effective for practic-

which your body can move and rotate.

ing swing moves and cat jumps, if the

The chance of injury is fairly small on

bars are low enough. They can also be

trampolines and even children can

used to improve balance by walking

practice Parkour moves with a net at-

along the top of the bars.

tached for security. Trampolines are made with dif-

Once you have mastered basic moves you may be ready to build an

ferent spring counts. The trampolines

obstacle course in your own backyard.

made specifically for gymnastics

Be critical of the obstacles include, as

are the best for practicing Parkour

building an obstacle course will take

because they allow higher jumps.

some time and money. Here are a

Cheaper trampolines become looser

couple options for quick and easy ob-

after a couple months of use, as the

stacles to build in your own backyard.

Do It Yourself

strings and rubber stretch.

12 April 2012

Things you’ll need: • wood • benches • metal bars • old tires • trampoline • tables


Rural Parkour is more difficult that urban Parkour because of the lack of obstacles. Here are some ideas for creating your own practice course.

Benches are easy to find and require no assembly. They are good

nails can be transformed into all sorts of mouting and jumping obstacles.

for upwards-precision jumps and can be used for vaulting. Make sure the bench is extremely study, or add sand bags or weights around the legs of your bench. Old car tires can be used for a

Almost as important as the equipment is the placement of obstacles. Sketch out a design, focusing on

“Tires can be stacked for climbing practice or spaced out for muscle training.�

the moves you will practice on each obstacle. You will need a minimum of three obstacles in order to create a flow in your moves. If all else fails, look around you! Parkour is the art of improvising, so if

make-shift practice course. Tires can You can also find obstacles in a

be stacked for climbing practice or

you can improvise in the most difficult

spaced out for muscle training. What

sports training store. Traditional vaults

of locations, then you have an advan-

is particularly useful about tires is that

used in gymnastics and pull-up bars

tage over most advanced Traceurs.

they have some bounce and can be

are fairly inexpensive and extremely

used similar to a trampoline.

useful in Parkour. In fact, when placed

You can find supplies by taking a

next to each other, practicing a pull

quick trip to Lowes or Home Depot. If

through onto a vault is a very useful

you are handy with tools, wood and






3 easy moves The place for all aspiring Parkour runners to start is with these three easy moves that will train your body in Parkour.


Precision Jump


From this point, bring the knees forward and push your feet towards the landing point.


Spot the landing and extend your legs to meet the line. Depending on how much force and how high you jump, you might bring your legs in front of your body to compensate the force.


As you make contact with the landing destination, land on the balls of your feet. If you happen to slip across the landing surface you can drop your heel and avoid further slippage and possible falls.

A precision jump involves jumping from one small area to another small. The jump is great for situations where you need, you guessed it, precise jumping! Start with feet together on the edge of your take-off point.


As you prepare to jump, bring your legs into a semi-crouch.


Your arms move behind you and your weight is shifted to the balls of your feet.


As you jump throw your arms forwards and upwards.

Photography by: Nicole Page



6 April 2012


Proper Rolls

A basic roll is one of the most fundamental moves in parkour (the art of displacement). It's often used in landings, absorbing the impact of the fall and making it essential for practicing proper safety precautions.


Do not bend your knees past a 90 degree angle. This keeps the momentum forward and allows for a proper roll.


Allow the forearm to lower to the ground. This should stop a common mistake people make, where they fall onto and hurt their shoulder. Keep the left leg on the outside of the left arm. If you let it track inwards you run the risk of kneeling on your forearm.


From here push with the left leg for forward momentum. You will roll over the left arm and onto your shoulder. As the back of your shoulder makes contact with the ground, tuck your right heel to your backside. Roll diagonally across the back, from left shoulder to right hip and then onto your feet.


Be Aware. When you start to progress with this roll off heights and with speed the technique will need to change, you will need to land

with feet closer together and be more adaptable and dynamic with the arms.

Keep your legs at a 90 degree angle.




Photography by: Nicole Page


Proper Landings

Landing properly can save you from serious injury. Learning the proper ways to land after various chains and techniques is one of the most important areas for practitioners to focus on.


Like rolls, if the knees are bent a lot, there is no forward momentum.


It is important to focus on the placement of the feet on the ground. Aim to land with the ball of the foot down (between the toes and the arch of the foot). Do not land on the toes, the heels, or on flat feet.


Because the ball of the foot is placed down, the heels can roll down towards the ground. De-

pending on the impact absorbed through the feet, this may or may not be necessary (a drop, for example, would be a good time to roll the heel down, as opposed to landing from a vault without a significant drop afterwards, where it may not be quite as important).


Some Tracers will use their hands when landing a jump to absorb some of the shock.

When using hands in a landing be careful not to use them to absorb large amounts of shock, they are mostly for guidance. 360



36 April 2012

Photography by: Nicole Page

Jonathan Burns




“Our aim is to take our art to the world and make people understand what it is to move.� -Jon Burns

38 April 2012

Jon Burns has been involved in track and soccer since his youth. The

winning meets around the world. Jon believes that although most

Born: November 15, 1990 Height: 6’ 2”

son of a high-ranking military pilot, Jon

Traceurs are built like wrestlers, his

Weight: 140 pounds

grew up in rural Maryland and attended

small build allows him to move more

Hometown: Calvert County, Maryland

Huntingtown High School, where his

smoothly and jump higher. The only

Career: 2008 - Present

track records still holds.

disadvantage it that he is not able to

Photography by: Nicole Page

Jon’s passion for Parkour comes

do tricks that require more muscle.

group. The group of ten young boys

from his older brother David, who has

His graceful movements allowed by

and girls formed after they saw

been teaching Jon the ways of Parkour

his slender body have inspired rural

him win the Annual Parkour Confer-

since he was 15. David was in a car

Parkourists around the world.

ence. They were so inspired by his

accident that damaged his legs and

Currently, Jon is part of the Calvert

moves, that they found him through

prevented him from continuing with the

County Parkour group, which has come

Facebook and asked him to give a

sport. He has passed on to Jon a love

a long way since it started in 2004.

workshop. This turned into a weekly

of graceful movement and strength.

There are five members of the group,

afterschool activity, sponsored by the

and all have performed in competitions

football coach. The group practices

nary Tracuer because of his youth and

such as the Annual Parkour Confer-

in Dunkirk Park which offers a vari-

creativity. He is known for inventing

ence. In 2010, the Calvert County

ety of dynamic obstacles. Jon plans

moves such as the cat jump (dem-

Parkour group received top prize in the

to coach them again next year, and

onstrated below). These moves have


already has a waiting list of young

Jon stands out as an extraordi-

been incorporated into the runs of Traceurs such as David Belle in award

Jon is now mentoring to Windy

Junior High School enthusiasts.

Hill’s Junior High School’s Parkour

“Obstacles are found everywhere, and in overcoming them we nourish ourselves.” -Jon Burns




18 April 2012

Photo by: Luc Besson

Yamakasi Les Samurai Des Temps modernais




20 April 2012

The Yamakasi are a real-life

When the Yamakasi hear about

group of French daredevils who can

Jamel's plight, they swing into action,

scramble up the side of tall buildings

planning a daring raid in which they'll

and other urban structures as easily

raise the money for the surgery by

as most people can climb a flight of

staging split-second robberies of the

stairs; filmmaker Luc Besson saw a

homes of seven of the wealthiest men

television report on the Yamakasi and

in Paris -- all of whom happen to work

was so impressed that he wrote and

for the Heart Transplant Corporation.

Photo by: Luc Besson

produced this project as a vehicle for putting their unusual talents onscreen. A nine-year-old boy named Jamel

Shortly before Yamakasi was to premiere, director Julien Seri and screenwriter Philippe Lyon filed suit

(Nassim Faid) has a weak heart, and

against Luc Besson and his produc-

after he tries to climb a tree with his

tion company, claiming their work had

friends, he has an attack and his

been unfairly tampered with; the suit

parents are told he'll need a heart

didn't prevent the film from becoming

transplant within a few days or else

an immediate box-office success in

the boy will die. The operation will


cost over 400,000 francs, money the boy's parents don't have, but the Heart

Written by: Mark Deming, Rovi

Transplant Corporation, the company who can provide the boy with a fresh heart, are not willing to negotiate on

Above: Front cover of the movie Below: Still from the movie Left: Jamel, mid jump

the price.




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