Duong Hong Nguyen CV 2015

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DUONG HONG NG U YEN E-mail: duong.h.nguyen@gmail.com Phone: (+84) 919 517 058

OBJ E C TIVES: Enhance understanding about development projects with design experience. Enlarge personal perspective through activities in various fields. E DU C ATIONAL BAC KG ROUNDS: 2000 - 2003: Le Hong Phong Highschool For The Gifted. (Vietnam) Major in Mathematics, Literature and English. 2003 - 2008: Ho Chi Minh City University of Architecture (Vietnam) Bachelor of Urban planning 2012 - 2013: The University of New South Wales (Australia) Master of Urban Development and Design E X PE R IENC E OF WOR KING: 07/2007 - 09/2007: Internship by Urban Environmental Planning Programme in Vietnam (UEPP-VN) and HCMC Uni. of Architecture. Huy Khuong Corp. Architectural assistant in urban design projects. 08/2008 - 04/2011: National General Construction Consultancy Jsc. (Nagecco) Center of Urban Planning and Infrastructure design. Architect - Urban planner 05/2011 - 04/2014: Vietnam Institute of Architecture, Urban and Rural Planning Southern Sub-institute of Urban and Rural planning Division of Science Research and Technology Management. Urban planner - team member in international collaboration. 03/2014 - 10/2014 National General Construction Consultancy Jsc. (Nagecco) Architecture Center 01. Assistant project manager 05/2013 - 07/2013 Research assistant at UNSW Built Environment Dr. Scott Hawken, Built Environment, UNSW, Australia GIS mapping technician and local coordinator. 04/2011 - present: Rkudo Studio Image service and products. Director.

PROF ESSIONAL C ERTIC ATE 2014 Professional license in Urban Planning Issued by Department of Construction, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam. K E Y PROJ EC T S: 2008 Sonadezi New Urban Area masterplan - design contest. Location: Bien Hoa I Industrial zone, Dong Nai Province, Vietnam. Role: concept designer. 2009 - 2011 An Phu Thinh New Urban Area - design contest. Location: Quy Nhon city, Binh Dinh Province, Vietnam. Competition project scale 1:5000 Master plan project scale 1:500 & basic design project scale 1:200 Role: designer. 2011 - 2012 Ca Mau province’s New Administrative Center Master plan project scale 1:500 Role: concept designer, coordinator Bien Hoa city - General master plan 2030 - project scale 1:10000 Role: planner, urban designer, coordinator New rural residential area of Ly Hoa Hiep - scale 1:2000 Location: Ly Nhon, Can Gio, Ho Chi Minh city. Role: chief designer 2012 - 2013 Barcelona Port Redevelopment, MUDD International Studio Location: Barcelona port, Spain. Role: team leader. urban designer. Gore Hill new urban area & Gore Hill airport transfer centre Project scale 1:20000, 1:2000 & 1:500 Location: Artamon, New South Wales, Australia. Role: team leader, urban designer 2013 - 2014 Mekong Delta regionnal planning and National research project on planning solutions for floodings in Mekong delta, Vietnam. Role: researcher. Project in progress. Bac Lieu riverside urban design & New Adminitrative Center urban area - project scale: 1:500 Location: Bac Lieu, Vietnam. Role: chief designer. Project in progress. Vung Ro Bay New Urban Area - project scale: 1:2000 & 1:500 Role: coordinator for local consultant (NAGECCO) Project in progress.

C ON T EST, HONOU R & AWA RD: 2004 - 2008 HCMC Uni. of Architecture ’s scholarship for students with out standing academic results; Creative talent contest by UEPP-VN and Dept. of Urban planning; Consolation prize for creative writing. Vietnam Association of Architects’s Loa Thanh Award for excellent graduation projects - Consolation prize.; Akzo Nobel’s scholarship for graduation projects with top honors. 2009 British Council’s “Awaken Space” public-art contest. Finalist. 2012

Australian Development Scholarship - by Autralian Government


Program Director’s Award 2012/2013 - by the program director of Master of Urban Development and Design, Faculty of Built Environment, UNSW.

SKI L L S: Basic skills Urban design and landscape design, Report writing and presentation design, Urban mapping (with ArcGIS or Illustrator), Architectural rendering and graphic design, Academic research and report. Special skills

Branding in urban design (communication design)

Software skill

Adobe InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop AutoCAD, 3DSMAX, SketchUP, Vray, Lumion Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint

C O- C UR R IC U L AR AC TIVI TIE S: 2006 - 2008 2008 - 2011 2013 2015

Musical activities in the university. Musical activities at Nagecco and Arch-Plugged club. Art director of MUDD18 Exhibition, UNSW, Australia. Voluntary teacher of English at Vietnam Voluntary House.

HOBBIES: Photography, travelling and blogging

Up d ate: 2015 Ju ly 25

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