14 May Newsletter

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Rotorua Lakes High School “Mauria te pono - Keep steadfastly to the truth”


CHALKBOARD From the Principal – P. 1 information – P. 2 - 3 Student Successes – P. 3 - 4 Sport – P. 4 - 5 News from Teachers – P. 5 - 7 Careers / Gateway – P. 7 – 8 Notice Board – P. 8 Contacts – P. 8

Kia ora Koutou, We welcomed a new staff member this week, Shannon Napier. Shannon joins our Science Department with considerable teaching experience in the Rotorua area and we look forward to working with her.

Winter sports have kicked off and we are now in full swing. It’s great to see so many students getting involved across all codes and I look forward to seeing how the season progresses. Junior Boys Rugby had a great game last weekend. Although we did not have a win there were some fantastic plays and our boys showed enthusiasm and hard work. This is sure to pay off in the future and we appreciate the time and efforts of our coach. (pics on page 4 - 5). We had a very successful 2 days at this year’s Careers Expo. On Tuesday and Wednesday our Year 11, 12 and 13 students went to the expo at the Energy Events Centre and gained invaluable knowledge and insight into all career opportunities open to them. Our careers staff will be following up with our students regularly for any questions or guidance they need. A big thank you to our careers staff for their hard work in organizing and ensuring our students got the best out of the 2 days. (pics on page 5 - 6). A reminder that our school is closed on Tuesday 18 May 2021 for a Teacher Only Day to develop the current changes to NCEA teaching and assessment. These days are important for the development of our school and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation of keeping your child at home. Please note our charter bus will run as normal for those students attending Mokoia Intermediate. Have a lovely weekend and let’s hope for great weather. Ngā mihi

Jon Ward, Principal / Tumuaki, wardj@rotorualakes.school.nz 1

INFORMATION ___________________________________________________________________________ TRACKING REPORTS NCEA tracking reports were issued to senior students today. This will be issued approximately every 3 – 4 weeks, a “How to Read” information sheet is with them.

___________________________________________________________________________ ASSESSMENTS The following assessments have been set down. There may be times where, due to unforeseen circumstances, changes will need to occur. This will be done in consultation with the class(es) concerned. Level 1 1 2 3

Subject Maths (11MAT) Music Group Performance Music Group Performance Music Group Performance

Standard 91032

Please note change of dates


91091 91272 91418 first song

20, 21 & 24 May Wk 3 17 May Wk 3 17 May Wk 3 17 May

___________________________________________________________________________ 2021 Please note the following term dates for 2021:

17 May 18 May 27 May 2 June 4 June MONDAY 7 JUNE 17 June 25 June 25 June 29 & 30 June FRIDAY 9 JULY

BRIEF LOOK – TERM 2 2021 BOP/Mid Island Cross Country Teacher Only Day Te Arawa Regional Manu korero competitions Te Arawa Secondary schools kapa haka regionals Senior Tracking reports issued PUBLIC HOLIDAY (QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY) Senior Leadership Conference All Day (for senior prefects, House Captains) Junior Reports issued NCEA Tracking reports issued Report evenings END OF TERM 2

___________________________________________________________________________ MATHS HOMEWORK CENTRE Each WEDNESDAY from 3.30 – 4.15 in A11 All students are Welcome - Please bring a snack and remember this is a space where all students can come and complete homework, get some help if needed or simply have some time to do the mahi.

___________________________________________________________________________ SCHOOL NURSE Our school nurse has taken up another role and we wish to congratulate her in achieving her new position. Unfortunately, this means we have had to recruit for a new school nurse. We are very pleased to announce that Haley Fisher will be joining us as our school nurse shortly. She starts in the role on the 27 May 2021. This means there is a period of time where we are without a school nurse on site at RLHS. To ensure our students have medical support and provision, we wish you to note the information below. Thank you for your understanding. 2

STUDENT SUCCESSES ___________________________________________________________________________ SMOKEFREE ROCKQUEST Best of luck to Caitlin Newson who is representing our school in the Solo/Duo section of Smokefree Rockquest Bay of Plenty Heats on Sunday at Baycourt Theatre in Tauranga at 11.30am. Caitlin is a talented singer songwriter and this is a wonderful opportunity to perform her own composition.

___________________________________________________________________________ OUR STUDENTS WELL REPRESENTED AT SPORT BOP Yesterday our 4 student reps attended the Sport Bay of Plenty hui at JPC. Our students are: Samuel Trass Uenuku Malcolm Papworth Maraea Paul Kya Stuart


The Council is made up of secondary school student representatives who are considered sports leaders within their school. Students are nominated by their schools based on their leadership potential and enthusiasm to impact the quality of sport in their schools and our region. The aims are: Become a student voice on behalf of all secondary school students within BOP Gain tools, skills and knowledge in sport leadership to better impact your school’s sport Spread knowledge to schools' student sports councils and use tools to increase participation Network and peer share/learn from like-minded students from other schools

Well done. We are very proud you all😊

SPORT ___________________________________________________________________________ BOYS 1ST XI HOCKEY Start of the season has arrived, with some new additions to the team. First game of the season, starting in the A grade and against Boys High all meant it was never going to be easy. The first quarter saw us in defensive mode as the opposition settled much quicker into the game than we did. 2 goals down meant a focused team talk by coach Kieran King was needed at the break. From there, the boys settled into the game with good attacks and solid defensive play. Matthew Gray as goalie certainly earnt the POD award with some brilliant saves. Final score 02. It was a good start against a strong team and all the players can be proud of their contribution. Bring on next week!

___________________________________________________________________________ 2ND XI BOYS HOCKEY The Boys 2nd XI opened up their season with an away victory against Tauhara Development in Taupo, coming back to win 3-2 in the last quarter. The boys started the game well and dominated territory in the first quarter. Some good passing in the circle set up Krynu Sassenberg and he calmly swept the ball past the keeper for the first goal. In the 2nd quarter the boys went off the boil and let Tauhara back in the game with a couple of errors in our circle seeing Tauhara go into the half with a 2-1 lead. A half time pep talk from Mr Upston got the boys back on track and Kaden Wood scored from a PC to tie it up in the third quarter and then Luke Sparks clinched the victory, again scoring from a PC in the 4th quarter. Man of the Match was Shai Dyson, who worked tirelessly on attack to create some great opportunities.

___________________________________________________________________________ JUNIOR BOYS RUGBY Junior Boys Rugby had a great game last weekend. Although we did not have a win there were some fantastic plays and our boys showed enthusiasm and hard work. This is sure to pay off in the future and we appreciate the time and efforts of our coach. Junior Boys Coach Mr Justin Timoti


NEWS FROM OUR TEACHERS ___________________________________________________________________________ STAFF DRESS UP DAY Seeing that the Careers Expo was this week, our staff decided to dress up today as the career they would have been in if not education! We had; nurse, surgeon, DOC ranger, air force pilot, accountant, race car driver, builder, nuclear scientist, biologist, farmer, chef, checkout operator, police officer, crime scene investigator, stop go operator, ninja, wrestler, All Black, musician and electrician. Fun day and our students enjoyed it as well! Great effort by all😊

___________________________________________________________________________ CAREERS EXPO A few pics from the careers expo this week. A very insightful day for our Year 12 and 13 students.


___________________________________________________________________________ DON’T FORGET OUR PINK RIBBON MORNING😊 Thank you to all the people who have donated to our Pink Ribbon fundraiser - We are close to reaching our new goal of $2000😊 😊 . If you would like to donate please go to the link below - every little bit helps. We also have a raffle to win plants donated by Treeline Native nursery and Palmers - $2 from student reception. We look forward to donating to the Pink Ribbon Foundation as the money raised helps fund breast cancer education; innovative projects by some of our country’s top researchers; and supports patients and their families as they navigate through their breast cancer journeys. Thank you again to all our wonderful sponsors who are: Zorb Central Pharmacy Okere Falls Store Motion Entertainment Nom. Goodness Grazing Artisan Cafe Capers Café and Store Sequoia Cafe Mountain Bike Rotorua Goodrick Contracting Good Eastern Taphouse Giovannis Ahhh… Liz Robinson Therapeutic Massage Secret Spot Polynesian Spa Pak n Save Rotorua Dynasti Cafe Pure Cruise NZ Pig and Whistle Scope Café Bidfood Rotorua Beautiful You Mamma Rose Palmers Rotorua Treeline Line Nursery If you would like to donate please contact goodrickk@rotorualakes.school.nz or donate directly to our page https://pinkribbonbreakfast.co.nz/page/rotorualakeshighschool

___________________________________________________________________________ SANA TERRA A fabulous day weeding the school garden bed in preparation for a winter plot. Now to fill them with vegetable plants! If anyone knows of a good place to source some let us know?


___________________________________________________________________________ ROTORUA ACCELERANDO PROGRAMME - CONCERT The super talented Lake High students are performing again as part of the Rotorua Accelerando Programme. This is their fundraiser concert which is taking place at Level 13 this weekend.

Level 13 on the Saturday the 15th May at 6.30pm $20

CAREERS / GATEWAY We have a wonderful opportunity If you are interested in a Joinery apprenticeship. Please come and see Mrs Hingston in the Gateway office. Mrs Eva Hingston Tel: 07- 345 6124 Ext 258 hingstonev@rotorualakes.school.nz

___________________________________________________________________________ Holmac Rotorua are a Specialist Waterproofing Company, providing quality waterproofing protection for buildings or structures either at construction level or renovation, restoration or repair stage. They are providing an opportunity for a student/s to experience the Exterior Plastering industry through work experience via Gateway. If you are motivated and willing to learn, with preferably a minimum of a restricted licence then please make contact with the Managing Director, Scott Chamberlain-Brown directly on: 027 450 1058, or alternatively via email scott@holmacnzltd.co.nz This opportunity could lead to future employment going forward and an apprenticeship.

www.holmac.co.nz https://bcito.org.nz/apprentices/careers/exterior-plastering/


Thursday 20th May –

Online Info Evening– 6-9pm

Friday 21st May – Saturday 22nd May - RNZAF Recruitment Day – Rotorua Airport Sun 23rd & Mon 24th May –

On Campus Open Days

Wednesday 26th May –


Thursday 27th May –


Tuesday 29th June – Friday 23rd July – 29th July –

– 10.00am – 4pm Virtual Open Day

Fri 30th and Sat 31st July –

Virtual Open Day

1st August – University Hall’s of Residence applications Open 7

Saturday 28th August – Contact the Careers Department for further info: Barbara Walker 3456124 x 235 walkerb2@rotorualakes.school.nz


___________________________________________________________________________ Phone: 07- 345 6124 Email: office@rotorualakes.school.nz wwww.rotorualakes.school.nz


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