Rotorua Lakes High School “Mauria te pono - Keep steadfastly to the truth”
CONTENTS From the Principal – P. 1 - 5 News from Teachers – P. 6 - 8 Student Successes – P. 9 - 10 Sport – P. 10 Careers – P. 10 - 12 Notice Board – P. 12 - 13
Kia ora Koutou, Last week was a celebration of our non-teaching staff. I want to add a huge shout out to all of our non-teaching staff for the fantastic work that they do to keep our school running so smoothly. They form the backbone of our school and ensure that we can continue to do the best for our community. They are often unrecognized heroes. Thank you. I am delighted to share news with you regarding our recent RLHS 2022 University Graduates. So many achievements and so well deserved. Our whole school is very proud of these fantastic achievements. Full story on pages 4 – 6. A reminder that the 27 June is a staff only NCEA Accord Day and our school will be closed. As we approach our first official Matariki Public holiday next Friday, I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a safe and happy Matariki. Full story on pages 2 – 3.
Ngā mihi o Matariki, te tau hou Māori. Have a great weekend. Ngā mihi,
Jon Ward Principal/Tumaki
___________________________________________________________________________ SCHOOL BOARD ELECTIONS School Board elections are coming up. This year, we will be emailing nomination forms to all eligible caregivers. Please ensure we have an email address for each parent / caregiver. You can update your own details using Schoolbridge or by calling the school on 3456124 by 1 July 2022. Thank you.
___________________________________________________________________________ LET’S CELEBRATE MATARIKI Ka puta a Matariki ka rere a Whānui. Ko te tohu tēnā o te tau e! Matariki appears, Whānui starts its flight. This is the sign of the new year In the mid-winter solstice each year, a special cluster of stars known as the ‘Seven Sisters’ or to Māori, Matāriki ‘the eyes of God’ or Matāriki ‘little eyes’, rises, heralding a new beginning for many Māori. In each and every culture world-wide, pūrākau or stories about these stars are shared. In Japan, these stars are known as ‘Subaru’, in Greece they are known as Pleiades. Traditionally for many Māori, Matāriki was the time to prepare for the year ahead and for preparing the fishing and planting calendars. For some iwi, the rising of Puanga ‘Rigel’ which rises around 8-9 days ahead of Matāriki is the start of a new year. Matāriki is a perfect time to reflect on the past year, a time to make decisions, to celebrate with whanau and friends, a time to prepare for the year ahead, a time to celebrate Māori arts and culture and a time to remember those who have passed on. To the many friends of the school, students and staff of the Rotorua Lakes High School Community who have lost loved ones this year, we take this opportunity to remember you all and your loved ones at this time.
Ki a koutou kua ngaro ki te pō uriuri, ki te pō whakaoti atu ai te tangata, haere, haere, haere atu rā. Haere ki te putahitanga o rehua, ki Te Kahurangi, ki ngā toi o Rangi, hoki atu ki te tihi o Manono, ki te kaihanga o ngā mea katoa, ki a Io Matua Kore. E kore koutou e warewaretia e mātou nei kua mahue nei ki muri, Haere, haere, haere atu rā. ___________________________________________________________________________ OUR MATARIKI FUNDRAISER
Tēnā koutou ngā Mātua, Koro mā Kui mā. Tēnā tātou i runga i nga āhuatanga o te wā, ngā mate huhua kua riro ki te pō me ngā māuiuitanga o te Urutā hoki. Kia kaha tātou kātoa. Thank you to the few parents who braved the rain and cold to attend our Whānau Hui on Wednesday evening. Of importance was a discussion around a Fundraiser that we really need your support with. On Thursday 30th of June, from 4pm to 6.30pm, the ākonga Māori are having a Matariki Festival Fundraiser to help raise funds for new resources for the Wharenui and for our tauira to go on a trip. We are asking for parent helpers to help with the different activities and we are asking for koha of pre-loved kakahu, shoes, kai (for grocery hamper 2
and/or meat raffle). Could you please indicate below where you can help to make this event a successful one. Raffles will be available to purchase as of next week. Waiata Mai: - Aunty Di Karaoke – Anyone to participate, Aunty Di would love for whānau to partake - Māori Performing Arts – Item/s Kai: - Rewana Steak Burgers and drink combos - Curry in a Hurry and drink combo - Sausage and steak sizzle - Lollies, biscuits, cakes (You may like to run a food stall of your own or make contributions to food) Raffles: - Meat Raffle - Grocery Raffle Mahi Toi Auction: - Akōnga Māori Art Work (You may have some Art pieces to contribute to the Auction) Hokohoko Shop: - Pre loved items only: Clothes, shoes, toys etc… I can help with the...stall (eg Hokohoko) I can koha: (eg Meat Raffle) Best way to communicate with me is: (eg cell phone – provide number) For further inquiries please contact the Māori Department via School phone or email. Your ideas and help will be greatly appreciated! Mauri Ora! Na mātou kātoa o Te Wahanga Māori
This pride month and throughout the year, as a school we stand in support of our LGBTQIA+ community. Happy Pride month!
___________________________________________________________________________ RLHS UNIVERSITY GRADUATES 2022 It is our pleasure to announce our ex-students who have recently graduated. We are so proud of you and huge congratulations to all. So deserved 😊😊
Victoria University
Emma Jenkin - Bachelor of Commerce
Maria Trass - Bachelor of Science
Glen George - Bachelor of Commerce
Paloma Gea - Bachelor of Biomedical Science
Leroy Nurkka - Bachelor of Arts
Antonia van Sitter - Bachelor of Architecture
Maggie Donovan Cotter - Masters in Political Science
Canterbury University
Caitlin Dalziel - Bachelor of Science
Quinn McCarthy - Bachelor of Science
Massey University
Caitlynn Rust - Bachelor of Agricultural Science
Otago University
Lana Moree - Bachelor of Science
Waikato University
Ngahuia MacFarlane - Bachelor of Business
Auckland University
Adrian Forbes – Bachelor of Engineering
If anyone in the community has information about other graduates from this year please send the info to Jayne Windell at We would be delighted to post these on our website.
NEWS FROM OUR TEACHERS ___________________________________________________________________________ PARENT / TEACHER INTERVIEWS Parent/Teacher Interviews will be held on Tuesday 21st June 4.00-6.00pm and Wednesday 22nd June 3.30-6.00pm. Our booking system is through Schoolbridge and will be open from Friday 17th June. Reports will also be issued on this day. Bookings can be made up until midday, 12.00pm, on the day of the conference. 6
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To book a Parent/Teacher interview log into the Schoolbridge app or from the link on our website The link is below the school photo banner. The login information for access will be emailed to you prior to the bookings being opened. On the Home page is Conferences: My Conferences Select the day you want your interview Click ‘Book your Time’ and make your selections. If you have any problems booking then please phone the school office: 07 345 6124.
Note: You can edit your time by clicking 'View Summary’ then ‘Cancel’ button and selecting your new time. We look forward to meeting with you to discuss your students’ academic progress.
___________________________________________________________________________ TEACHER ACCORD DAY Just a reminder that the school will be closed on Monday 27 June 2022 for a teacher accord day. There is also a holiday the Friday before, 24 June, for Matariki, should you be lucky enough to book a long weekend holiday😊.
___________________________________________________________________________ TUTORING AVAILABLE The Academic Committee is offering tutoring in A12 at Lunchtime every Thursday. Bring along your lunch and work you need help with; we have a great team to provide support.
___________________________________________________________________________ REPORTS Tracking reports for Seniors have been issued for your child today Friday 17 June. Please see the diagram below for reference should you need it. Any questions, please contact the school.
Tracking reports have also been issued for Juniors. 7
___________________________________________________________________________ EXCITING NEWS!!
The 2022 Lakes High School Ball tickets are now on sale!!
Available at reception. Permission slips are also available at reception. The tickets are $130 per person and the venue is the Distinction Hotel on 9 July 2022. Doors open 7 pm. The theme – TBC. Get in quick and be sure to complete your paperwork to purchase tickets. 😍🥰🤩🤩🤩
___________________________________________________________________________ ASSESSMENTS The following assessments have been set down. There may be times where, due to unforeseen circumstances, changes will need to occur. This will be done in consultation with the class(es) concerned. Level 2
Standard 91910 20 – 23 June
___________________________________________________________________________ ROAD SAFETY YOUTH EXPO On 28th June all Y11 students will have the opportunity to attend the Road Safety Youth Expo at the Energy Events Centre. This year they are also holding Parent’s evening on Tuesday 28th June from 6-8 pm. This is where parents who have students starting to get their licenses or learning to drive can come along and see and experience what the expo has to offer about Road Safety etc. In addition to providing an opportunity for parents to participate in the learning, the evening would also allow for those students who may be unable to make it during the daytime to attend.
___________________________________________________________________________ BRIEF LOOK – TERM 2 2022 17 June
Junior & Senior NCEA Reports issued
21 June
Report Evening – 4 – 6 pm
22 June
Report Evening – 3.30 – 6 pm **NB school closes early at 3 pm
24 June
27 June
Teacher Accord Day – school closed
28 June
Road Safety Youth Expo for all Yr 11 Pd. 3 to Pd. 5
29 June
Sat 9 July
School Ball 😊
STUDENT SUCCESSES ___________________________________________________________________________ LAKES HIGH TECHNIE GUYS SMASH THE EPro8 INTER-SCHOOL EVENT Congratulations to our team “Lakes High Technie Guys” who represented our school at the EPro8 Inter-School event today at JPC. The team consists of Alana Bennett, Dane Napier, Liam Heighway, and Siwan Lloyd-Jones who worked well together to problem-solve their way through a variety of challenges in building an alarm system, a magic show, and a vending machine. Lakes High Technie Guys once again came first place and will compete for the semi-final in two weeks at Waikato University. Fantastic results. Well done. 😊😊
___________________________________________________________________________ HUGE CONGRATS TO KYA STEWART The Arts staff would like to congratulate our talented year 12 Painting student Kya Stewart who has sold her painting that she entered in the Rotorua Matariki exhibition. This beautiful artwork will be on display in Rotorua Arts Village until June 25th. After this date, a lucky person gets to take this masterpiece home and Kya will be a lot richer! Thank you to the staff at the Arts Village for making this opportunity possible for our tamariki.
___________________________________________________________________________ MATARIKI EXHIBITION Saturday June 4th the exhibition celebrating Matariki opened at the Arts Village. Huge congratulations to Kahurangi Dewes Green, Kingi Aupouri and Kya Stewart who have worked for sale in this exhibition. Watch out on Maori TV in the next few weeks, Kahurangi was interviewed talking about Matariki and it’s importance to her.
You have all made Lakes High very proud!
___________________________________________________________________________ BOP SECONDARY SCHOOLS GIRLS INDIVIDUAL SQUASH Our 2 students Jessica Martin and Kaia Hayes competed last week in the BOP Secondary Schools Girls Individual Squash Div 3 champs. Unfortunately, they had to play each other in the first round with Jessica winning in 4 games. She went on to win the Special Plate her only loss was to the eventual winner. Kaia went into the plate round and won all her games to take the plate section. Excellent job and well done to you both!
SPORTS ___________________________________________________________________________ 2ND XI HOCKEY Girls 2nd XI Hockey played in the torrential rain against Tokoroa last week. Although we lost 1-0 it was a great game in difficult conditions for sure. Player of the day was Grace Haack.
Well done to all our fabulous girls.
CAREERS Tēnā koutou Applications for Ngā Karahipi Uru Rākau – (Forestry Scholarships) are now open for study beginning 2023. This is an amazing opportunity for anyone considering studying forestry science, forest engineering or forest management next year.
Scholarships available Nine forestry scholarships are offered for 2023: · Bachelor of Forestry Science at University of Canterbury (open to those who are Māori or identify as female, or both) 10
· Diploma in Forest Management at Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology (open to those who are Māori or identify as female, or both) · Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) in Forest Engineering at University of Canterbury (open to ALL applicants entering their first year) Successful recipients will receive: · $8,000 a year for 4 years (the length of the degree) to help with tuition fees and living costs, or · $7,000 a year for 2 years (the length of the diploma) · Paid summer internship(s) with Te Uru Rākau – New Zealand Forest Service or another forestry employer.
Applications Applications open 1 June and close: · 15 August for Degree Scholarships · 16 December for Diploma Scholarship. For more information about the scholarships, go to: Or you can email or phone 0800 00 83 83
Why study forestry? By studying and choosing a career in forestry you can:
· · · · · ·
Help New Zealand reach its climate change goals Enhance and protect our country’s biodiversity Partner with Māori and iwi to optimise land use potential and outcomes Create a sustainable environment for the future Help create new industries and technologies Be part of the move to building a bioeconomy.
Videos about the scholarships and forestry careers He ataata o ngā karahipi me ngā mahi ngahere See what other students have to say about the scholarships – YouTube (2:14) Learn about the benefits of higher-level forestry study and career opportunities – YouTube (2:09) Ngā mihi nui MPI Forestry Scholarships team
Waikato University, The School of Engineering welcomes secondary students to our annual on-campus experience engineering event! In our Experience Engineering (E²) workshops, students will be exposed to various challenges run by our own lecturers and undergraduates. From civil to software (and so much more), our activities will allow students to have a taste of the many different engineering streams offered at Waikato. This is a great opportunity for students to see the real-world problems our staff and undergraduates are helping to solve. Not only will our attendees learn more about what a career in engineering means, they’ll also get a glimpse of what student life is like with a guided tour of the campus followed by a free lunch. Students aren't the only ones who will benefit from the experience. While we design our workshops for Year 10s to Year 13s, both teachers and parents are invited (and encouraged) to participate during the day. When: July 14 & 15 *
Time: 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM Where: University of Waikato Campus, LSL (Large Scale Labs) Cost: Free Lunch and a light Morning Tea provided. *Please note: the workshops and challenges will be identical on both days so students will be able to attend whichever day they prefer. Each individual student will need to register their attendance. A QR code has been linked below to make this easier to share.
Register for E²
NOTICE BOARD Learn to Row is a foursession course for high school students who may be interested in rowing. Two weekends in June. Register now: http://www.rotor
Phone: 07- 345 6124 Email: