Rotorua Lakes High School “Mauria te pono - Keep steadfastly to the truth”
NEWSLETTER ISSUE No. 24 – 17 September 2021
CHALKBOARD From the Principal – P. 1 - 2 Information – P. 2 - 6 Student Successes – P. 6 From our Staff – P. 7 Careers / Gateway – P. 7 - 8 Notice Board – P. 9 - 11 Contacts – P. 11
Tena koutou raurangatira ma Kaumatua ma, mātua ma Ngā mihi ngā mate Tena tatou katoa Our te wiki o te reo celebration is coming to a close. It has been great to see all of us developing our reo and acknowledging the importance of language in understanding our culture. As a school, a staff and a community we will continue to work together to ensure we reflect the bicultural standing of our nation. Unfortunately, I have some disheartening news that our school has been vandalized. On Saturday evening 13 windows were smashed in our Administration Block and our Universal Design for Learning classroom. As you can imagine this was a major clean-up with the glass being projected quite a distance in our staff room and class rooms. Our maintenance team have been fantastic in boarding up windows and cleaning up the glass. We have also called in our cleaning team to ensure no rogue pieces of glass remain on any surfaces or floor. The Police have been informed and we are currently investigating. If anyone has any information about who our unwelcome guests were, we would love to hear from you. Moving on, we are pleased to be re-focusing on our school calendar. The most important is our Pre-Lim exams. At present, our staff are developing evidence for derived grades should this be necessary. The Prelim Exams for our NCEA students will form a significant part of this evidence, so it is vital that students treat assessments with respect. The exams are starting next week 20 – 24 September 2021. We have changed the process this year, due to the time away from school imposed during covid lockdown. All senior students will be engaged in either exams or practical non-exam subject time. (further details and timetables on page 3 and 4). Our Election for Student Representative to the Board of Trustees will take place on 27 October. All the best to our students. We have re-scheduled our Open Night which will be on Thursday 21st October 4.30 – 8pm (term 4). School will close on Thursday at 2.30 pm and start on Friday at 9.15 am. This will ensure our teachers get a good preparation time. Buses will run as normal and students who arrive will be supervised. 1
We are also going to re-focus on students wearing the correct uniform over the next few weeks. We understand that students need to be warm, but hoodies are not part of the school uniform. The uniform rules, set by our board of trustees, are very clear guidelines that every enrolling student agrees to. Wearing our uniform appropriately signifies respect for our school and it’s environment. Long sleeve thermals are fine to wear providing they are under a school jumper or jacket. Thank you for supporting us in this approach. I wish you all a pleasant weekend. Ngā mihi
Jon Ward, Principal , Tumuaki,
INFORMATION __________________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________ ROTORUA LAKES HIGH SCHOOL BOARD CASUAL VACANCY FOR A PARENT REPRESENTATIVE A casual vacancy has occurred on the school board for an elected parent representative. The Board has decided to fill the vacancy by selection. If 10% or more of eligible voters on the school roll ask the board, within 28 days of this notice being published, to hold a by-election to fill the vacancy, then a by-election will be held. Request for a by-election should be sent to: Todd Cheesman, Board Chair, or Lakes High School, Porikapa Road, Owhata, Rotorua 3010, by 15/10/21.
___________________________________________________________________________ FEE STATEMENTS Fee statements have been emailed out this week. If you have a credit balance and would like a refund, please contact Debbie McLeod at student reception 3456124 x 220 or email with your account details.
___________________________________________________________________________ MCAT Most students in the 3 11MSC classes will be sitting an External Achievement Standard called the MCAT on Thursday 30 September (Week 10) in Period 1 in the Auditorium. If your child is NOT sitting the MCAT then they go to their normal timetabled class for period 1. Students need to go straight to the Auditorium at the beginning of House Group and line up in their class. They need their blue/black pens, pencils, ruler and rubber in a clear bag. Watches, calculators and phones are NOT allowed in the Auditorium. If your child is absent on 30 September please ring Mr Shaun English as soon as possible on 345 6124 ext 241.
___________________________________________________________________________ OPEN EVENING THURSDAY 21st OCTOBER 2021 An invitation is extended to parents and students interested in enrolling in 2022. Meet our teachers, enjoy a tour of our school and obtain info about the school and the programmes / courses we offer. Our Open Night will be on Thursday 21st October 4.30 – 8pm. School will close on Thursday at 2.30 pm and start on Friday at 9.15 am. Buses will run as normal and students who arrive will be supervised.
___________________________________________________________________________ PRELIMINARY EXAMS WEEK 9 - 20 to 24 SEPTEMBER 2021 Information for Students: •
The below Exam Timetable shows 2 colours – Blue + Red sessions
Prelim Exam Subjects are shown in Blue – i.e. if you do that subject you must attend.
Red subjects are practical assessment slots for students doing those subjects
If you are doing 4 or more ‘Blue’ exams you do not need to attend any ‘Red’ sessions. Your priority is your prelim exams.
If you are doing less than 4 prelim exams you need to go to 5 ‘sessions’ (or 6 if possible). Deans will be issuing you with a personalized timetable over the next couple of days.
Attendance is expected and will be tracked. Students must stay for the whole session time slot (Blue or Red).
If attending school outside of Blue or Red session times you must sign in at Duty Dean and be in school uniform. You can study in the library.
Blue sessions – go to auditorium for exam.
Red Sessions – go to the room arranged with your subject teacher.
Locations will also be on a board at the front of the school each day.
Unless otherwise stated morning slots start at 9am and afternoon at 1.15. For Blue Sessions - be at school 20 mins prior. Some sessions will run till 4.15pm.
___________________________________________________________________________ VISUAL ART EXTERNAL PORTFOLIO DATES Portfolios for all Senior Visual Art subjects are due in term 4 Please see the following dates below. These dates are final, with no resubmissions available, as Portfolios are external assessments. All Portfolios are due by 8.45 am, or the afternoon before, and should be handed in to the subject teacher.
LEVEL Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
SUBJECT Paint & Print, Mixed Media & Photography Photography, Painting, Sculpture & Design Photography, Painting, Sculpture & Design
DUE DATE 19 October 8.45 am 3 November 8.45 am 12 November 8.45 am
___________________________________________________________________________ SCHOOL LAPTOPS LOANED DURING LOCKDOWN These laptops are required back at school to allow learning to occur. Their return is now overdue. Please return the laptops to student reception. If you have any difficulties please contact Ms L Gilbert. Thank you for your support.
___________________________________________________________________________ NZQA SUPPORT ANNOUNCEMENT NZQA announced additional NCEA support for secondary students during alert Level 2. More information:
___________________________________________________________________________ ASSESSMENTS The following assessments have been set down. There may be times where, due to unforeseen circumstances, changes will need to occur. This will be done in consultation with the class(es) concerned. Level 1
Subject Digital Technology
Standard 91886
Date 22 September (Pd. 3-5)
___________________________________________________________________________ NCEA EXAMS DATE RANGE 2022 The 2022 Examination Timetable for current NCEA standards and New Zealand Scholarship will run from Monday 22 November to Tuesday 14 December 2021.
__________________________________________________________________________ 20 – 24 September 30 September FRIDAY 1 October
STUDENT SUCCESSES ___________________________________________________________________________ NATIONAL TOURISM WIN Huge congratulations to our Year 13 student, Zack Kelly who came first in the national tourism competition run by Go With Tourism. He had to create a presentation of 'his story and the story of his place', interwoven with Te Reo Maori. Zack won a $500 prezzy card for his efforts. Very well done Zack!
FROM OUR STAFF ___________________________________________________________________________ FROM OUR COUNSELLORS
Exams? Stressed? Concerned? Here are a few tips. “Ka pai a muri, ka pai hoki a mua” If we plan now, all will be well in the future” Kia ora Whanau It is wonderful to be back at school. We are aware of the busyness that is in front of our students with exams and assessments and the extra pressure of being in lockdown. For some students this can heighten anxiety/stress and everything can seem overwhelming. When this happens some of our basic routines might get a bit lost. It is important when studying to remember to eat well, exercise, drink lots of water, get a good night’s sleep, and don’t forget some family time too. Having a clear study plan can help to lessen stress, try planning your time. Include in your plan time for breaks and healthy snacks. Planning your work each day can help to breakdown what can seem like huge tasks into smaller ‘bite sized’ chunks. Being able to tick things off is a great way to see what you have accomplished. For families a couple of easy to read books that might help when tackling anxiety are: Living with IT (A survivor’s guide to overcoming panic and anxiety) by Bev Aisbett Aroha’s way by Rebekah Lipp and Craig Phillips and Aroha te whai ora, Na Karena Kelly I whakamaori. These are all available on line.
Good luck and go well Rachel Schuster and Paula Short School Counsellors
___________________________________________________________________________ HAYES INTERNATIONAL IN ROTORUA ARE LOOKING FOR SCHOOL LEAVERS INTERESTED IN AN ENGINEERING CAREER. IN FABRICATION / WELDING AND MACHINING / MECHANICAL FITTING Ideal attributes/experience: precision work, literacy/numeracy, work habits, time management, making or fixing things, working with machinery/computers. They develop and manufacture metal building products i.e the machines that shape out longrun roofing 7
If you would be interested in a tour of Hayes International please see Mrs E Hingston in the gateway office asap.
1 day Interactive fun Work Place Skills course
which is held here at school. Helping you with communication, interviewing skills and preparation for the work place. This will be held on Wednesday 29th September (after Prelims). Yr 12 and 13 students if you are wanting to do this course you must come and see me, Mrs Eva Hingston, either during HG, Interval or Lunch to confirm. There are limited spots of only 20 students. This is worth 10 Level 3 credits.
___________________________________________________________________________ •
23rd September – Otago Uni Course Planning Visit – 1.30pm in L1
Contact the Careers Department for further info: Barbara Walker 3456124 x 235
NOTICE BOARD __________________________________________________________________________
Any questions or if you are interested in entering, please see Ms Kairaoi (Year 10 Dean) or email via
Placement Testing for 2022 courses will be held from Oct - Dec 2021 for places on 2022 courses (16 places in AKL, 16 places in CHC) Placement test registrations are now open via our website
___________________________________________________________________________ Level 3, Harrington House 32 Harington Street PO Box 13-055, Tauranga Central Tauranga 3141 New Zealand T 64 7 927 6009 F 64 7 578 2909 Connect Rotorua Eastern Corridor Stage Two / State Highway 30/Te Ngae Road – safety improvements to start on three local roads You are receiving this letter as a resident or property owner potentially impacted by improvements as part of the Eastern Corridor State Highway 30 – Stage Two project. In 2020, we engaged on a proposal to improve safety and make it easier for people to get around eastern Rotorua whether in a vehicle, walking or cycling. We heard strong local community support for these improvements and Government funding has been approved to implement the first phase as outlined in the project update included. We are now at the stage where early works on three local roads can begin. Downer, on behalf of Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, will construct raised safety platforms to improve safety and the experience of cyclists and pedestrians at the following intersections off SH30/Te Ngae Road: Tennyson Drive, Brent Road and Tumene Drive. These raised sections of the road, with ramps on each side, aim to slow vehicles to a safe speed, making the three intersections safer to navigate for all users. Safety is particularly important in these areas due to the number of older and younger people who regularly use these intersections to access schools and retirement villages. Works will only take place on one road at a time and are scheduled to get underway on Tennyson Drive in September. This will be followed by Brent Road and Tumene Drive, with all raised safety platforms expected to be completed before the end of November. To minimise the disruption to schools, most of the work at the Brent Road intersection is planned to take place during the school holidays, between 4 and 15 October 2021. The improvements are carefully timed with works already underway on SH30/Te Ngae Road to manage impact on road users. Traffic management will be in place and access to these roads will always be maintained but may be restricted during the works. The construction team will work to keep these disruptions to a minimum. Construction under COVID-19 Alert Level restrictions The start date for this project may be affected by the Alert Level 4 shutdown and other effects of COVID-19 Alert Level restrictions. These works and the timeline are currently on schedule to commence in September but may be impacted by further COVID-19 Alert Level changes. We will communicate those changes as soon as they become available. Working across Alert Levels requires different ways of working on our construction sites and all construction activities will adhere to strict updated health and safety protocols provided by Construction Health and Safety NZ (CHASNZ) to ensure the safety of workers and road users.
These standards and guidelines include measures for pre-planning work, documenting the health and safety of staff, ensuring safe physical distancing is maintained, cleaning of all plant, tools and vehicles, and being able to quickly and accurately trace people should they come in contact with someone who contracts COVID-19. More information on these standards can be found on the CHASNZ COVID-19 website: More detailed project information is available at where you can also sign up for our newsletter. If you have any further questions, please contact us. Kind regards, Campbell Power Senior Project Manager, Transport Services – Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency Phone: 07 9812340 Email:
___________________________________________________________________________ Phone: 07- 345 6124 Email: