2 minute read
Subject Choice evening on 4 August is an opportunity for students and whanau to talk about their pathways, where our Teachers in Charge will be available to discuss and clarify what their department offers. This is a really important event to ensure that students have all the information needed to make the best choice for their future. (further details of these events
from 30 July 2021:-)
Regularly attending school really matters, right from the first days at primary school to the end of secondary school.
Ensuring that students are at school at 8.45am ready to learn, means that children have every opportunity to learn and participate in school. Attending school is key to setting our young people up for life, as well as being required by law. If your child is under 16 years old, they must go to school every day, unless they are sick. Getting a qualification is one of the main building blocks for success, and regular attendance at school makes all the difference. If a child or young person stops attending school regularly, it becomes harder for them to stay connected to school friends and teachers, and harder to catch up with work they have missed.
Students in years 10-12 are currently considering their subject choices for next year. They have received a booklet to help them in this process. Staff have been discussing this with them over the last week. Subject information is available through SCHOOLPOINT.
Next Wednesday 4th August we are holding a subject information evening for whanau and students. This is being held in the Auditorium from 4-6pm. Staff from all the departments will be present to discuss what their department offers and answer any questions you might have.
To access our Subject Choice Advice booklet please click on this link https://www.rotorualakes.school.nz/wpcontent/uploads/2020/06/Subject-Choice-Advice-2020.pdf
We will be using schoolpoint (the same one we used for parent interviews) for students to select their subjects. This will not be turned on until the day of the open evening Wednesday 4 August to encourage the students to have conversations about their choice. Students will be able to make their selections after planning their course and talking with their teachers and whanau. We ask that parents "OK" their child's choices through their login to school point (instructions below). HOD's will then confirm the student has made the prerequisites or is likely to make the prerequisites of the course they have chosen.
At the option evening we will have some devices available for families to use. If you need any help logging into or using schoolpoint please contact Ms McLeod or Mrs Walker mcleodd@rotorualakes.school.nz walkerb2@rotorualakes.school.nz or 07 345 6124.
How to approve your child’s courses:
1. Log into SchoolPoint 2. Navigate to "My Courses" in the left hand navigation 3. You will see the subjects your child has chosen. The information button gives you more details about the subject 4. This is where you approve each subject choice your child has made
An invitation is extended to parents and students interested in enrolling in 2022. Meet our teachers, enjoy a tour of our school and obtain info about the school and the programmes / courses we offer.