9 September 2022:-)

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Many of you may be aware, Maori Language Week starts on Monday. We are looking forward to supporting this initiative across the school and developing student awareness of Te Ao and Tikanga Maori. In some ways every week should be Maori Language week as it represents a part of who we are as a nation.

I am very proud to say huge congratulations to our 1st XI Boys Hockey team, for coming first and receiving gold at the Secondary School’s Hockey Tournament in Whakatane. What an achievement, we are all very proud of you.

Our Hockey teams played phenomenally well and certainly did us proud. Our students had a great time and most of all made some great memories. Well done to all our students for your commitment, hard work, and achievements and to Ms Heidi Blackmore for organizing Also, congratulations to our Girls Hockey team who had a fantastic tournament and were placed 8th. Outstanding work. (more details on page 7.).

This year is extra special as 14 September marks the 50th anniversary of the Māori Language Petition, an event that led to many of the kaupapa we have today, including Te Wiki o te Reo Māori.

At present, our staff is developing evidence for derived grades The Prelim Exams for our NCEA students will form a significant part of this evidence, so it is vital that students treat assessments with respect. The exams are 19 23 September 2022. All senior students will be engaged in either exams or practical non exam subject time. (further details and timetables on pages 2 3).

CONTENTS NEWSLETTER ISSUE No. 15 - 9 SEPTEMBER 2022 Rotorua Lakes High School “Mauria te pono Keep steadfastly to the truth” From the Principal P. 1 4 News from our Teachers P. 4 Sport5News P. 6 Student Successes P. 7 8 Careers P. 8 9 Public Notices P. 9 10

Ka timata te Wiki o te Reo a te Mane nei. Ka tautoko matou i tenei kaupapa rangatira i te kura whanui nei, kia marama pai tatou nga Kaiako me nga tauira ki etahi ahuatanga o te Ao Maori me ona Tikanga hoki. Ko te tino wawata ka whakamahia te reo i te tau katoa. He iwi kotahi tatou!

1 Kia ora Koutou, Kia ora tatou katoa.

• If attending school outside of Blue or Red session times you must sign in at Duty Dean and be in school uniform. You can study in the library.

2 Congratulations and thanks for the support of the school to Todd Cheesman (re elected Presiding Member), Bruce Davidson, Aaron Randell and Angela Cronin, who were nominated and elected as Parent representatives on our Board. We welcome back Matt Heke who is our Iwi representative on our Board. Thank you to departing board members, Megan Wheeler and Henry Weston for your time and commitment to our school. Have a lovely weekend. Ngā mihi Jon Ward


• The below Exam Timetable shows 2 colours Blue + Red sessions

• If you are doing 4 or more ‘Blue’ exams you do not need to attend any ‘Red’ sessions. Your priority is your prelim exams.

• Attendance is expected and will be tracked. Students must stay for the whole session time slot (Blue or Red).

• Prelim Exam Subjects are shown in Blue i.e. if you do that subject you must attend.

• Locations will also be on a board at the front of the school each day.

Information for Students:

• All senior students will receive an individual timetable for the prelim exams.


• If you are doing less than 4 prelim exams you need to go to 5 ‘sessions’ (or 6 if possible). Deans will be issuing you with a personalized timetable over the next couple of days.

• Blue sessions go to the auditorium for exam.

• Red Sessions go to the room arranged with your subject teacher.

NAU MAI HAERE MAI TE WIKI O TE REO MĀORI WELCOME TO MAORI LANGUAGE WEEK Ia tau mai i te tau 1975 kua tohua e Aotearoa te Wiki o te Reo Maori. He wa tenei mo nga tangata katoa o Aotearoa ki te whakanui i te reo Maori me te whakamahi i nga kianga reo Maori i roto i te oranga o ia ra. Every year since 1975 New Zealand has marked Māori Language Week. This is a time for all New Zealanders to celebrate te reo Māori and to use more Māori phrases in everyday life.

• Unless otherwise stated morning slots start at 9am and afternoon at 1.15 For Blue Sessions be at school 20 mins prior. Some sessions will run till 4.15pm.

• Red subjects are practical assessment slots for students doing those subjects


For any queries or issues please see/email Ms J Sturme, sturmej@rotorualakes.school.nz or Ms E Butterworth butterworthe@rotorualakes.school.nz

BRIEF LOOK TERM 3 2022 14 September Student Board Rep Election 19 23 September Senior Exam Week 27 September Arts and Cultural Prizegiving 28 September Interhouse day 30 September LAST DAY OF TERM 3 Level Subject Standard Date 1 Music Group Performance 91091 Monday 12 September 2 Music Group Performance 91272 Monday 12 September 2 Music 2nd Solo Instrument Performance 91274 Monday 12 September 3 Music Group Performance 91418 Monday 12 September 3 Music 2nd Solo Instrument Performance 91417 Monday 12 September 2 PE 91329 Monday 12 September NGA KORERO MAI I A TATOU KAIAKO NEWS FROM OUR TEACHERS

Physical Address : Porikapa Road, Owhata, Rotorua 3010

Postal Address: PO Box 7002, Te Ngae, Rotorua 3042

2 casual vacancies have occurred on the school board for elected parent representatives. The board has decided to fill the vacancies by selection. If 10% or more of eligible voters on the school roll ask the board, within 28 days of this notice being published, to hold a by election to fill the vacancy, then a by election will be held.

Most students in the 3 11MSC classes will be sitting an External Achievement Standard called the MCAT on 13 September 2022 in the Auditorium. If your child is NOT sitting the MCAT then they go to their normal timetabled class for period 1. Students need to go straight to the Auditorium at the beginning of House Group and line up in their class. They need their blue/black pens, in a clear bag. Watches, calculators and phones are NOT allowed in the Auditorium. If your child is absent on 13 September please ring Mr Shaun English as soon as possible on 345 6124 ext 241. This is their only opportunity to sit the exam.

4 ___________________________________________________________________________ TE POARI KURA TUARUA O ROTORUA MOANA

Request for a by election should be sent to: Presiding member (chair) Rotorua Lakes High School Board



Casual vacancies for 2 parent representatives


The following assessments have been set down. There may be times when, due to unforeseen circumstances, changes will need to occur. This will be done in consultation with the class(es) concerned.

by: 28 September 2022

The 2022 Examination Timetable for current NCEA standards and New Zealand Scholarship will run from: Monday 14 November to Tuesday 6 December 2022. Students can access their personalised timetable through their login are on the NZQA www.nzqa.govt.nzsite. 1 Maths 91027 Tuesday 13 September 3 Economics 91402 Wednesday 14 September 1 Legal Studies 27838 Friday 15 September 2 Legal Studies 27848 Friday 30 September

Portfolios for all Senior Visual Art subjects are due early in Term 4 Please see the following dates below. These dates are final, with no resubmissions available, as Portfolios are external assessments. All Portfolios are due by 8.45 am, or the afternoon before, and should be handed in to the subject teacher. Level 1 AS Paint90916and Print, Mixed Media and Photography

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Due date: 26th October 8.30 am ( week 2 term 4) Level 3 Photography AS 91457 , Painting AS 91456, Design AS 91455

Due date: 19th October 8.30 am ( week 1 term 4) Level 2 Photography AS 91322, Painting AS 91321, Design AS 91320

Due date: approximately end of week 2 term 4. (class teachers will advise closer to the time via email as exact due dates depend on printing accessibility.)





All years, all welcome! (Even current year 8 students going to Lakes in 2023)

Leonard Rankin and Samuel Trass at NZ Short Course Swimming Champs 2022

Last week we had two of our students Leonard Rankin Yr 9 and Samuel Trass Yr 12 competing at the NZ Short Course Champs at the Millenium Institute in Auckland. Stella Weston Yr 12 also qualified to attend but unfortunately, covid intervened at the last minute and she was unable to attend. This is a major NZ event attracting swimmers from across NZ and in some cases overseas. To qualify for this event is difficult and the competition includes adults as well as students. Both boys swam extremely well with Leonard competing for the first time at a National Short Course in the 50 Fly, 50 Back, 100 Back, 200 Back and the 4x100 Free Relay. He achieved above top 20 Age group placings in all events and gained several new personal bests moving up 13 places in the National Rankings for his 50 Fly. Samuel, competing at his 4th National Short Course, qualified in the 50 Fly, 100 Fly, 200 Fly, 50 Back, 100 Back, 200 Back and the 50 Free. He also swam in 4 relays; 4x100 Free, 40x100 Medley, 4x 50 Free and 4x50 medley. Samuel consistently achieved above top 20 Age Group placings, finishing 9th in the 50 Back and gaining a number of new personal bests. To gain an understanding of the pace of these events these boys are swimming 100m freestyle in under a minute and 50 Fly in between 26 and 29 seconds. We are extremely proud of the effort and achievement of our Lakes High swimmers. Impressive Well done to you all. The Rowing Club is inviting all people interested to show up at a Saturday morning training session over the next 4 weeks (17 Sept would be the last open training session too far into the season after that). Come at 9.30 am as the first training comes in and they will show you the ropes.

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All of us at Lakes High just wanted to say how proud we are of the boys. They all so deserved gold for their commitment, dedication, and talent. Simply brilliant!

William Davies and Sam Reid with their band Milhaus from Lakes Performing Arts Centre, made it through to the recent Regional Finals of the Smokefree Rockquest competition, competing against some very talented bands from Taupo, Whakatane and Rotorua with two of their original songs. William won the APRA Lyric Writers award with the song “Poverty”, and Sam, playing bass guitar, was awarded the overall Musicianship award for the region. A great achievement, and reward and recognition for many hours of practice and hard work! YouTube It's Alright Milhaus SUCCESSES





Our Girls Hockey team were outstanding at this year’s Secondary Schools Hockey Tournament. They had a fantastic experience and placed 8th. Well done to all our girls����


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Congratulations to our ex student Elijah Walker Roberts, who has recently graduated from Waikato University with a Bachelor of Business Management majoring in Strategic Management and minoring in Maori and Indigenous studies. Elijah will now study for his Masters in Maori and Indigenous Leadership. Congratulations Elijah.

OUR EX STUDENT MARAEA GOURLAY Maraea has recently had her illustration work featured in a nationwide recruitment marketing campaign. Maraea now works for Ocean in her first post University job, working across a variety of campaigns doing illustration and graphic design. Her illustrations can be seen throughout New Zealand on digital ads, in papers, on billboards, and buses as part of Te Herenga Waka’s undergraduate recruitment marketing campaign Congratulations Maraea.


MoneyHub, a consumer finance website, has published a guide to hundreds of scholarships for any student planning to start university in 2023. The comprehensive list includes scholarships offered by every university as well as those specifically available to local students. A list of privately funded, Maori, Pacific and International university scholarships completes the list. Applications close throughout the year, with tens of millions of dollars available. MoneyHub has also published a list of tips for scholarship success. For more details and to find suitable scholarships, visit the MoneyHub Scholarship page NOTICES



Jobted aggregates job vacancies from all major New Zealand's career sites, job boards and recruitment agencies, and organises that information to make it accessible with easy job search features. There are over 40.000 job offers on Jobted and the number keeps on growing. We have also a new salary section updated to 2022 with the most comprehensive and up to date salary data, trends and statistics for the most popular jobs in New Zealand.

Career choice decision making is an important process and Jobted can help students to recognise the range of options available to them in New Zealand. Check it out at https://www.jobted.co.nz/

University Scholarships for Year 13 Students

10 ___________________________________________________________________________ Phone: 07- 345 6124 Email: office@rotorualakes.school.nzwww.rotorualakes.school.nz

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