Rotorua Lakes High School +++
+ “Mauria te pono – Keep steadfastly to the truth” NEWSLETTER ISSUE No. 9 – 31 March 2017
CHALKBOARD From the Principal P. 1 - 2 Important Information P. 2 - 4 News from Departments P. 4 - 6 Careers P. 7 - 8 Contact us P. 8 Community Notices P. 9 - 10 Sponsors P. 11 - 12
Dear Parents/Caregivers Kia ora tatou
FROM THE PRINCIPAL STUDENT SUCCESSES ___________________________________________________________________________________
INTERSCHOOL MOTOCROSS Congratulations to our students, Ella Goodman Yr 11 , Tayla Josephs Yr 11 and Travis Roe Yr 10 who represented the school at the Interschool Motocross / Senior List recently. Out of 300 entries Ella, Tayla and Travis raced remarkably well with the school now in 11th place. Great achievement – well done. ___________________________________________________________________________________
NATIONAL AGE GROUP SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIPS Skye Cox and Paddy Baylis competed for the Bay of Plenty at the National Age Group Swimming Championships as part of the Swim Rotorua Team in Wellington last week. Skye achieved 100% personal best times in her six events. Skye was in a tough age group (14yrs) but placed 11th in 800 Free (taking 9 seconds off her time) and 14th in 400 free. She was also part of the girls relay team which placed 8th and 10th in the Country in the 400m Medley and Freestyle relays. Paddy won a bronze medal in the boys 17-18 yrs age group in the 1500 freestyle. He was also a finalist in 4 other events, placing 5th in 400 freestyle. Kaira Cox also qualified for the competition in 3 events but did not race this time. Great results – well done. __________________________________________________________________________________
FROM THE BOT The following policy is new to RLHS. If you would like to view this policy, we invite you to come into the school where it is available at the Principal’s PA Office. Alternatively, if you would like a copy emailed, please send an email to Credit Card Policy __________________________________________________________________________________
ASSESSMENTS The following assessments have been set down to take place within the next few weeks. There may be times where, due to unforeseen circumstances, changes will need to occur. This will be done in consultation with the class(es) concerned.
Level 3 1 1 3 2 3 1 1
Subject Art Painting Science Science Health Maths “12MAT” & “12MSC” Statistics “13MAS” Maths “11MSC” Music Composition
Standard 91446 90939 90930 91461 91264 91581 91032 91092
Music Composition
Music Composition
2 3
Biology Biology
91155 91064
Yours sincerely,
Date Tuesday 4 April, 3 pm Week 10 Week 10 Week 9 & 10 Week 10 Week 10 & 11 Week 10 3 April (where work can be shown to be largely complete, an extension may be granted) 3 April (where work can be shown to be largely complete, an extension may be granted) 3 April (where work can be shown to be largely complete, an extension may be granted)
11 & 12 April Week 1 Term 2
TERM 1 KEY DATES Mon 3 April Thurs 6 April Wed 5 April Tues 11 April Tues 11 – 14 Apr Wed 19 Apr – Fri 5 May FRI 14 APR TO MON 1 MAY
Yr 11 Geo Trip to Waitomo Yr11 History Trip - Waiouru Loves Me Not course Road Safety Youth Expo 9.30 – 12noon Year 10 Camp Spain Trip EASTER BREAK
IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR PARENTS / CAREGIVERS / STUDENTS ___________________________________________________________________________________
SIGNING STUDENTS OUT OF SCHOOL EARLY The system is: The student brings a note written and signed by the parent / caregiver The House Group Tutor signs the note at House Group time in the morning The student presents the note to leave class The student presents the note to the Duty Dean in the Duty Dean’s office next to the Canteen to sign out of school The student signs back into school at the Duty Dean’s office when they return ___________________________________________________________________________________
All Year 12 students
will participate in the "Loves Me Not" course on Wednesday 5th April. This full day course is being run in conjunction with the New Zealand police. For further information please read the FAQ's below.
What is Loves-Me-Not?
Loves-Me-Not is a ‘whole-school approach’ to prevent abusive behaviour in relationships. It is based on a student inquiry learning process, where students take action (personal action, effective bystander action and community action) to prevent harm from relationship abuse. Loves-Me-Not is designed for Year 12 students as the appropriate age to discuss relationship abuse and to start to take action for change. What are the aims of Loves-Me-Not? Loves-Me-Not aims to: assist schools that are seeking to support student well-being through a whole-school approach encourage and empower young people to absolutely reject abuse in relationships encourage young people to be safe and active bystanders who take action against unhealthy relationships encourage young people to take a stand against myths in society that perpetuate relationship violence
help young people know who they can go to in their community to seek advice and support if they need it as either victims or perpetrators encourage young people to contribute to, or create a wider community response so as to encourage others to accept only healthy relationships. Below is a video for parents to introduce this to you. When we ran it last year the feedback from all students involved was really positive. We believe, in light of the issues currently being raised around the country on teenagers and relationships, that this is an important conversation to have with teenagers. __________________________________________________________________________________
FROM THE MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT All 11MSC classes have an internal Maths Assessment in Weeks 10 and 11. They will sit Part 1 on Friday Week 10 and Part 2 on Monday Week 11. All students must be at school on BOTH the days of the assessment. Level 1 Apply right-angled triangles in solving measurement problems
AS 91032
All 12MAT and 12MSC classes have an Internal Maths Assessment in Week 10 as outlined below. All students must be at school on all the days of the assessment. Level 2
Use statistical methods to make an inference
Week 10 Teacher Mr T Vautier MAT Mrs C Yukich MAT Mr S English MSC Mr T Vautier MSC Mrs C YukichMSC
Days Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon
Tues Tues Tues Tues Tues
Thurs Fri Thurs Fri Fri
AS 91264
All 13MAS classes have an Internal Maths Assessment in Weeks 10 and 11 as outlined below. All students must be at school on all the days of the assessment. Level 3
Investigate bivariate measurement data AS 91581 Weeks 10 and 11
Teacher Mr T Vautier, Mrs L Barnett, Mrs C Yukich
Data – given out on Monday Week 10
Assessment Thurs and Fri Week 10 and Mon Week 11
ROAD SAFETY YOUTH EXPO 2017 Rotorua Lakes Council is holding a Road Safety Youth Expo on Tuesday 11th April 2017, 9.30 to 12.00, at the Rotorua Energy Events Centre. All of the Year 11 Students will be attending this course and transport will be provided to and from the venue. We expect our students to be in correct uniform for this day and they will need to bring a snack, as the canteen will not be available at interval. __________________________________________________________________________________
TERM DATES FOR 2017 Term 1
NEWS FROM DEPARTMENTS __________________________________________________________________________________ YEAR 12 TOURISM FIELD TRIP Recently the Yr12 Tourism class experienced what it was like to be a tourist in their own city and to observe the behaviour of other tourists at local attractions. Students visited the Agrodome where Te Rawhiti milked a cow on stage and Agroventures where several students went on the Swoop. Students also had a great time at AmazeMe where they raced each other to the centre. Also on the trip students were taken to Kiwi Encounter
and Rainbow Springs. It was a fantastic day out with the students and certainly a busy one! It was also a great opportunity to visit businesses that the students will refer to in their studies later in the year.
__________________________________________________________________________________ YEAR 12 TOURISM FIELD TRIP Both Yr13 Tourism classes visited Hobbiton near Matamata as part of their studies recently. Students were amazed by the size of the business, which hosts between 2,500-3,000 tourists a day on average. Fans of the Lord of the Rings trilogies were very excited to be at the set and even those who had not seen the films were able to appreciate the impact they have had on New Zealand's tourism industry. A great day out for the students.
FREE DENTAL CARE!! FOR ADOLESCENTS FROM 13YRS UP TO THE AGE OF 18 YRS WHAT FREE DENTAL CARE WILL I GET? A yearly check-up x-rays if necessary Cleaning to remove plaque, staining and tartar Fillings for teeth that have tooth decay (holes) Extractions to remove teeth that have been badly affected by tooth decay FOR MORE DETAILS GO TO
GO FOR A CHECK-UP? Having a healthy mouth and an attractive smile can improve your confidence and self-esteem. Dentists give you good advice about your teeth, mouth and healthy gums. Preventing bad breath, dental decay and toothache. Also preventing gum disease (gingivitis).
WHAT TO DO? To find the dentists providing FREE CARE in your area, call 0800 TALK TEETH (0800 825 583) to check for the free providers. Phone or visit your chosen dentist to make an appointment for a check-up. TURN UP for your appointment. Let the receptionist know you are there and who you are. You’ll need to fill out an enrolment form when you get there.
REMEMBER TO DO THIS BEFORE YOU TURN 18 YRS OF AGE – DENTISTRY CAN BE EXPENSIVE AND YOU HAVE TO PAY AFTER YOU TURN 18!! If you need any assistance please contact our nurse Mrs Pauline Murray on 345 9502 _________________________________________________________________________________ ARTPACKS Art packs for Year 9 and 10: If your son/daughter has not done so, can they please take their payment slip to student reception and process payment for these as soon as possible. AP's are welcome. For seniors, can you please ensure your son/daughter have purchased their equipment in the next week, as it will begin to affect their ability to succeed in the course if they do not have the gear they need to succeed. Please contact the HOD Visual Arts if you have any concerns or issues, on ________________________________________________________________________________ MATHS HOMEWORK CENTRE
Each Thursday from 3.15 – 4.15 in A11
All Welcome Please bring a snack and a smile
daily notices
(It is important that students check the each day during House Group time for important careers events and deadlines.)
TERM 1 Unless otherwise stated all Tertiary Liaison Presentations are held in the Careers Classroom, usually at lunchtime. 3 April Auckland Uni Whakapiki Ake Yr12 & 13 Presentations 1.30pm 4 April WINTEC Liaison Visit – 11.05 am - Note Morning Tea Time 6 April Auckland University Liaison Visit – 1.30 pm 7 April Victoria University Liaison Visit – 1.30pm School Holidays: 14 – 30 April 2017 TERM 2 Rotorua Careers Expo – 16-17 May 2017 University of Otago & Otago Polytechnic Open Day- Monday 8 May 2017 WINTEC Open Day – Friday 12 May 2017 Waikato University Open Day – Friday 19 May __________________________________________________________________________________
CANTERBURY UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIP UPDATE Excellence Deserves Reward UC Undergraduate Entrance Scholarships are available for those who get merit and excellence endorsements at NCEA Levels 2 & 3 and enroll at UC in 2018. This Scholarship is open to both domestic and international students at New Zealand schools.
Want to know more??? __________________________________________________________________________________
YOUR CAREER IN CHIROPRACTIC Chiropractic offers a rewarding and flexible career and is one of the fastest growing health professions worldwide. People are looking for a more natural and proactive approach to managing their health and chiropractic is a perfect fit.
Check out the Auckland Open Day - Saturday 20 May 2017 Bookings essential – Email
16-17 May
Start here. Get there! 7 reasons why you & your child should be here:
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
1. Worthwhile discussion with different exhibitors will help ensure your child makes appropriate choices later in the year. 2. Only opportunity this year for face to face access to this range of tertiary trainers and educators 33 education & training providers and 24 Rotorua businesses and employers are confirmed as of 22 March. Free access to many community services Rotorua’s major businesses promoting employment opportunities in Rotorua Expo planning booklet for students to help plan the visit Seminar programme (Tuesday and Wednesday)
Contact your School’s careers advisor for details, email or message us on facebook.
ROTORUA LAKES HIGH SCHOOL Mr P B Walker, Principal BA (Hons), Dip Ed, Post Grad Dip Second Language Tchg, Dip Tchg P O Box 7002, Te Ngae, Rotorua Phone: 345 6124 Fax: 345 5964
The Rotorua Citizens Advice Bureau is looking for new Volunteers and will be running a training course starting on 17 May. If you are interested in joining this dynamic community organisation and giving back to the community then please email Jane on for more information.
ART INSTALLATION TO LIGHT UP ROTORUA Students are encouraged to make time to visit Rotorua’s city centre area over April to experience a large installation called Affinity. The dramatic and emotive installation is best viewed at dusk as it takes the form of a light sculpture activated by human touch. It is of both artistic and social interest as it explores the effects of dementia. It features interconnected globes that set up a striking display of sound and light. The more people touching the globes, the more alive the ‘brain’ becomes. Sounds and personal stories of Rotorua people impacted by dementia emanate from the globes. (Did you know … an estimated 60,000 New Zealanders live with dementia today. Indications are that given New Zealand’s aging population, that number is expected to triple by 2050).