Projectorphans galabooklet pages

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justice & restoration to those who need it most p r o j e c t

o r p h a n s ,

2 0 1 7

g a l a


Table of Contents



Project Orphans Gala

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A Note From The Founders

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A Letter from the Founders

It seems like every time we turn on the news, it’s bad news. Clearly there is so much bad and even sad news out there, but it truly lacks perspective and is an injustice to all the people (like you) who are doing their part to make this world a better place for everyone. Together, we are making huge strides in our commitment to improve life for the orphan, neglected children and the forgotten widow. We recently returned from a trip to visit our children, staff, students and people we serve in Uganda, Africa. What we saw completely blew us away! The dedication, faith, and commitment of the Ugandan people, in particular those on the Project Orphans Uganda team, towards the attainment of a better life for the forgotten Ugandan people was unparalleled. We were inspired by the excitement of shrieking kids as they ran into their

new school classrooms. We saw love, justice and compassion given to women who have been abandoned, abused, jobless and/or left widowed. Tears filled their eyes as they found a new strength within when learning of The Pearl Village and the opportunity to receive a home, life skills, job training and an education for their children! We have come a long way since our simple beginnings several years ago. Currently, Project Orphans has sponsored and built six family-style orphan homes around the world which are in operation and truly changing the children who are living in these homes with their “adopted” parents who love them as their own. We’ve also opened the doors to a primary school in Kiwenda, Uganda which is now serving over 45 children a quality education. Plus, this year alone, we set a lofty goal to break ground on a rescue village known as The Pearl Village and build a missions home as well as a safe-house, in Kissasi,

“We strive to carry the to of heart, and a burning l

Project Orphans Gala

Uganda. In addition, our ambitions to help enable education for a nation continues to grow and grow each day. But this is only made possible by the support of you, the Project Orphans community.

Thank you for your generosity. Thank you for your kindness. And thank you for taking action on behalf of the children around the world without access to a home, education, medical care or any glimpse of hope. We have made great progress together, and we’re just getting started.

Over the years, Project Orphans has grown in many ways. We would say that probably this past year has stretched us and given us more growing pains than we ever thought possible. What’s great about growing pains is it makes you stronger, wiser and takes you to the place where you are supposed to

be. Project Orphans is excited to focus its mission and vision as we dig deeper and make a larger impact in Uganda, also known as the “Pearl of Africa.” This is the news we want to share with you because the support you are giving is a piece of it. The work we are doing is part of a movement to bring justice and restoration to those who need it most. There is still much to be done. We strive to carry the torch with wisdom, humility of heart, and a burning love for the people we serve. We will continue work diligently to bring justice and restoration to as many orphans, widows and people in need as we can. Excitement In Our Bones, Love In Our Spirit and Faith In Our Hearts - We Passionately Serve. Brittany & Christina, Co-Founders of Project Orphans

orch with wisdom, humility love for the people we serve.” 5

Our Team

our team

Our team grew in many ways. Most notably, we added our first three full-time team members from Uganda, who are also our first paid staff. Project Orphans has expanded its roots and now has an official Non-Governmental Organization in Uganda, Africa - and we couldn’t be more thrilled. Our team is truly global collaborating from Atlanta, California, Uganda and (of course) our headquarters in Tulsa, OK.

Brittany Stokes Co-Founder & President

Brittany Stokes is a Marketing Director, for The Advancement Group, who saw forgotten, orphaned children and broken women who needed justice, grace and a life-line of hope. Since co-founding Project Orphans, she has given all her spare time, weekends, and maybe a little more to helping care for these people who she passionately loves. Brittany manages all marketing, fundraising, and day-to-day operations of Project Orphans. Her goal is to create an organization that can be an extension of those who have the same passion to serve these precious people. She is married to Kyron Stokes and is raising two beautiful world changers, Kynlee and Briley.


Christina Yarid Co-Founder & Vice-President

Christina grew up in Kingston, Jamaica, where she saw third-world poverty, lack of education and abandoned children first hand. She’s spent the last five years volunteering her time with Project Orphans while working a full-time job at American Express. Christina co-founded Project Orphans and helps run day-to-day operations, manage finances and the budget, as well as helps to maximize our efficiency and impact. Christina believes in being available; her prayer is that her life story and her ‘dash’ will always be about ‘others.’ She loves being a part of something so much bigger than herself and having the opportunity to help those in need by being His hands and His feet through the work of Project Orphans.

Project Orphans Gala

George Sanger Project Orphans Uganda Executive Director

George and his wife, Sarah Mugume, serve as the Executive Directors for Project Orphans in Uganda. Basically, they make everything happen and do so with the most loving and selfless hearts. George has his degree in business administration and a diploma in social work and uses it to help keep children in safe and loving environments, transform villages and oversee the relationships of those Project Orphans is helping. In addition, he helps manage any emergency situation that occurs in Uganda - when it comes to rescuing and caring for abandoned children.

Sarah Sanger Project Orphans Uganda Executive Director

It’s a joke among our team that Sarah is the brains of our entire operation. Sarah has a diploma in business administration and accounting. She helps manage the bookkeeping, oversee Project Orphans Uganda’s NGO status/paperwork, coordinate all student sponsorship activities and provide support to all our ongoing programs. Sarah and George provide weekly updated financial, program and operational reports to our offices, in the USA! Sarah and George Sanger are proud parents of Conrad, who we like to call our “Little CEO.”

Joshua Abdul Project Orphans Uganda Discipleship Coordinator

Joshua Abdul is one of the most humble, lively and joyful guys living in Uganda. When we met Joshua, he was making less than $30 per month and was having a rough time finding work as a driver in Kampala. However, despite his circumstances - you would never be able to tell of his hardships by his attitude and joy for life. Joshua now serves as our Discipleship Coordinator meeting with all the children in the Project Orphans Education For A Nation sponsorship program along with their parents/ caregivers on a monthly basis. He is solely responsible for using his contagious passion to pour into the lives of the children we serve and encourage them in their physical, mental and spiritual growth! Joshua and his wife are proud parents who also have two boys in our Education For A Nation program, Mark and Martin.


Our Work

our work

We’re passionate about making an impact within the orphan crisis in our world. We are committed to using 100% of all public donations to fund orphan care homes and projects; as well as serve the widow and forgotten children living in Uganda. Here’s the progress we’ve made since we started working in 2012.

NOV 2012

NOV 7, 2012

Project Orphans was founded


Held Our First Homes of Hope Gala

SEP 13, 2014 Opened The Doors To Our First Children’s Home In Zacapa, Guatemala

NOV 20, 2014 Broke Ground On A Rescue Home For Trafficked And Abused Teenage Boys In Fortaleza, Brazil

Broke Ground On A Children’s Home In Kiwenda, Uganda

Broke Ground On A Children’s Home In Zacapa, Guatemala

Opened the Doors to A Children’s home in kiwenda, Uganda

JUNE 20, 2013

feb 14, 2014

DEC 20, 2014

Project Orphans Gala

OCT 31, 2016

MARCH 2016 Funded a Water Well For Boy’s Home in Fortaleza, Brazil which hit a water table and now has become a source of sustainable income for the boy’s home

Launched our Education For A Nation Sponsorship Program

MARCH 19,2015

JUNE 24, 2015

JUNE 2016

Broke Ground On Our Second Children’s Home In Zacapa, Guatemala

Broke Ground On Our Third Children’s Home in Zacapa, Guatemala

Opened The Doors Of A Children’s Home in Haiti

Hosted Our Second Homes of Hope Gala

Opened the Doors to two children’s homes in zacapa, Guatemala

Project Orphans Broke Ground And funded A Primary School in Kiwenda, Uganda

FEB 26, 2015

FEB 2016

may 2016

Broke Ground on our Children’s Home in Haiti

APRIL 1, 2015

DEC 15, 2016 Partnered With CURA For The World to Build A Medical Clinic In The Pearl Village

FEB 2017 Purchased Land and Broke Ground on The Pearl Village

FEB 6, 2017 Opened the Doors to A Primary School for 45 Students in Kiwenda, Uganda

Opened the doors to the Rescue Home For Trafficked And Abused Teenage Boys In Fortaleza, Brazil

Held The Hidden Jewel Gala To raise funds to open the gates of the pearl village

JAN 2017

Hired Project Orphans Uganda Executive Directors George and Sarah Mugume Who led Our Efforts To Open A Non-Governmental Organization In Uganda

OCT 15,2016

Broke Ground On Suubi Home, meaning Home of Hope, Which Will Serve As A Missions & Rescue Home In Kissassi, Uganda

MARCH 9, 2017 Through Our Education for a Nation Sponsorship Program We Provided 21 Scholarships To Students In Kissassi, Uganda

FEB 2, 2017

NOV 2016 9

A Note from the Executive Directors

My heart is very thankful for those who sup Project Orphans is a dream for my family. E we are on the frontline, seeing how our effo programs are truly changing lives. The peo work with and the children we serve would have no chance without the services we pr them. The stories of those in our program a hard to hear and they often break our heart we have seen God’s faithfulness and the jo hope that is restored when a family or a ch that Project Orphans is there to help them. 10

pport us. Everyday orts and ople we d really rovide are very ts. Yet, oy and hild learn .

Project Orphans Gala

A NOTE FROM PROJECT ORPHANS UGANDA EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS Wow! What incredible year it has been and it is just starting. Each day comes with extra joy and happiness, it’s overwhelming to see how God is using Project Orphans. George and I have been very busy working with the children we sponsor and care for at Project Orphans. We’ve also been working hard to manage all the construction projects our organization has started My heart is very thankful for those who support us. Project Orphans is a dream for my family. Everyday we are on the frontline, seeing how our efforts and programs are truly changing lives. The people we work with and the children we serve would really have no chance without the services we provide them. The stories of those in our program are very hard to hear and they often break our hearts. Yet, we have seen God’s faithfulness and the joy and hope that is restored when a family or a child learn that Project Orphans is there to help them.

Here in Uganda there are many needs for what Project Orphans is doing. We are thankful to be able to provide hope and love to our country. It is because people like you who attend the gala, come visit us on a trip, or sponsor a child that we have been able to reach and restore so many lives. We’ve been able to provide homes for children who were abandoned or living in very terrible conditions. Our team has also been able to give life saving surgeries to children and teenagers who were in so much pain that they wanted to die. Most recently, we are excited to help widowed and abused women receive a home where they will learn to start a business and a skill that will provide for their children. It’s very exciting and we are honored to serve as an extension of our family in Tulsa, OK. Love, George and Sarah Sanger Project Orphans Uganda Executive Directors

Even recently, we’ve seen the many children who have received scholarships to attend school realize there is someone who cares for them and it really changes their heart and mind. George and I work hard to stay connected to each child’s life and their progress. We want their journey to be something they are proud of. Although there are always setbacks it teaches the children faith and to trust that they can overcome.







Education for a Nation

In partnership with local Ugandan private schools, we will continue to provide children who have been unable to receive and education with access to safe, quality schools. Our scholarship program provides children the resources they need to attend school - as long as they are working their hardest to have academic excellence and take advantage of all we have to offer them! Project Orphans uses a lifecycle approach in our educational programs that focuses on the needs of our children at all stages of development. Our on the ground team, in Uganda, locate children in highpoverty and high-risk areas where children are unable to attend school and afford an education. Once a person enrolls to sponsor a child’s education Project Orphans provides tuition, school materials, school uniforms, meals and school other fees to a pre-selected child waiting for a sponsor. After enrollment, our scholarship recipients must maintain at least a 80% attendance rate to continue receiving a scholarship with Project Orphans.

We believe where you start in life shouldn’t ever indicate where you will finish! Right now, we are partnering with schools in Uganda, creating programs and efforts around the common goal of education for all.


We are committed to seeing each child through the beginning of their education until the day they receive their diploma. It’s our vision to be able to reach many more children for whom education would be impossible!

Project Orphans Gala

3.1M Pupils enrolled in 2013

8.4M 62% Enrollment rate 1996



86% Enrollment rate 2013


Pupils enrolled in 1996

In 1997, Uganda launched Universal Primary Education and enrollment leaped from 3.1 million in 1996 to 8.4 million in 2013. Net enrollment raised from 62.3% to 86.5%. Now, there is an observed chance that although access is improved quality has reduced.


secondary schools Evidence suggests completion of secondary school is necessary to provide an individual with a proper chance to escape poverty, as employment and income levels for those who completed primary schools are similar to those who did not attend at all.


school lunch Some schools ask parents to pay between $2 and $5 per pupil for every three-month term so that they can prepare lunch for them. However, most parents still cannot afford to pay, and their children end up dropping out.


educating girls

68% of children in Uganda who enroll in primary school are likely to drop out before finishing the prescribed seven years.

An estimated 30% of girls leave school when they start their periods, often because of a lack of sanitary pads.



Tonight we gather at The Hidden Jewel Gala to reveal the most precious jewel of the evening. The Pearl Village.


Pearl Village

The Pearl’s Village is a community that will be built in a remote village, about two-hours from Project Orphans base in Kampala, Uganda. The project is designed to come alongside widows and orphans in need of a helping hand. Project Orphans has seen firsthand the devastation and quality of life, orphans and vulnerable women experience after being abandoned. These living conditions are unbearable, and often times they do not have any resources for food, know how to obtain a job or have any money for education. We have witnessed a huge need for temporary housing that offers vulnerable women, orphans and/or broken families an opportunity to receive help in order to better their lives. This also

provides a safe environment, off the streets, where they are consistently sexually exploited, prone to abuse, and often starved. Over 50% of widows in Uganda are illiterate and 61% make less than 5,000 Ugandan Shillings a week (approximately $2 dollars) to survive. The vast majority of widowed or abandoned women have no way of sending their children to school. They have no property and are living to survive. The Pearl Village will provide those living on the property with the chance to learn life skills and receive an education that will allow them to go back into their village, find work, and make a new life for themselves. In addition, the community will provide education to the children who have been left orphaned and are in need of an education through Project Orphans Education for a Nation sponsorship program.

“These living conditions are unbearable, and often times they do not have any resources for food, know how to obtain a job or have any money for education.” 18

Project Orphans Gala

What Does a Pearl’s Transitional Home Look Like and How Can I Help?

Each Pearl will receive a fully-furnished transitional home that will be approximately 250 square feet. The home will provide a room for the children and one for the mother. While living in the Pearl Village a social worker will work with each Pearl and her family to help stimulate independence and track progress of each Pearl’s education/vocation training and spiritual healing. You can help by providing a Pearl with a home! Each transitional home costs $4,000 which includes the costs of furniture for the home.

Did You Know The Pearl Village Will Provide Our Community Sustainability?

Agriculture and farming The farm at The Pearl Village will provide food (grains, vegetables, beans) for the families within the community and also be sold to local markets to assist with sustaining the village and its efforts.



The Pearl Village will have goats, chickens and cows which will provide added nutrition for the families residing in the village. Milk which is often luxury will also be available for the children in the village. And eggs will be produced and sold to the local markets to assist with sustaining the village.

Women living in the Pearl Village will have a shop to sell the products they create in the life-skills center whether it be through sewing, jewelry making or basket weaving among other skills. They will be able to put to practice the knowledge they are acquiring to manage and create a living for their families once they transition out of the Pearl Village.


Special Thanks

Everything we do is made possible because of YOUR generosity, enthusiasm, and dedication. 20

Project Orphans Gala

We wouldn’t exist without our supporters! Everything we do is made possible because of their generosity, enthusiasm, and dedication. They donate online, mail in checks, volunteer and/or sponsor events, and even give up their vacation time to help us do what we do on trips with Project Orphans. Thank you to our generous sponsors for support the 2017Hidden Jewel Gala! AMIAN Homes Arnould Dental CURA for the world Drummond Law

First Baptist Church Pittsburg, TX

Oak Leaf Estates

The Vail Family


Thalken Family Foundation

The Wiens Family

Luxe Furniture & Design

The Advancement Group

Kelli Smotone

The Cooper Family

We would like to extend a special thanks to the Project Orphans board members who have supported us along the way. Bonnie Arnould Dr. and Mrs. Wiens Mindy Kuehn, Secretary Michelle Loeber

Kelly Martin, Treasurer

Christina Yarid, Project Orphans Co-founder and Vice President

Miranda Nelson

Michele Yarid

Tamara Noel Brittany Stokes, Project Orphans Co-founder & President


Live auction

The Hidden Jewel Live Auction 1 4 22

100% of the funds raised this evening will go towards the building of The Pearl Village, sustaining our education and medical programs, and finishing the final construction phase of our missions and rescue home in Uganda, Africa. Every other year, we come together to raise a glass and work together to fund a mission to serve the voiceless children waiting to be heard. Cheers to doing it again!

First to the Valet Don’t wait in line. The highest bidder of this package will have their car brought up to the front of the Southern Hills Country Club drive through with two warm Starbucks drinks and chocolate chip cookies!


Night with the Chef Treat yourself and some of your friends to a personal meal in the privacy of your home prepared by Personal Chef, Preston Childress! This private dinner and demonstration includes a special Asian Style Cuisine for six people.

Puerto Vallarta - All Inclusive Vacation Package


A Furry Family Member Heart, beauty and brains, the Standard Poodle is an amazing breed. Non-shedding and easily trained - you will have a buddy for life. Plus, did we mention they are great with kids?

Enjoy an all-inclusive 3-night stay at the Puerto Vallarta Secrets Resort & Spa. This package guarantees two adults an Ocean View Junior Suite at the 5-start hotel surrounded by the sparkling Pacific Ocean and boasting the region’s unique cloistered beach-cove!


Date Nights for a Year Enjoy 12 pre-paid dates with activities once a month for the entire year! This package is full of unique experiences for you and your loved one to enjoy and share.

Project Orphans Gala


Enjoy the Magic of St. Barth’s The Contreras family and Le Sereno Hotel in St Barth’s is delighted to offer a 2 night complimentary stay for two people in one of our rooms designed and furnished by Christian Liaigre! This package includes daily breakfast, one massage, roundtrip airport transfer, VIP transfer assistance at St Martin Airport and non-alcoholic beverages in the minibar throughout the entire stay.


Unlimited Botox - Say, “What?” Enjoy an evening with two of your best friends filled with fun, refreshments and Botox! Dr. Trad, from CURA for the world, is donating botox for three people in the privacy of their own home. We’ll provide fancy wine for this special occasion.


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Room Makeover Luxe Furniture & Design is excited to offer free in-home design consulting along with a $2,000 gift certificate to makeover a room in your home! This package also includes a custom piece of art by Angela Finch.


Thunder Up & Then Snooze at The Skirvin Hilton in OKC

Handcrafted Smile By Dr. Emily Carter This orthodontic treatment package from Dr. Carter is sure to have you smiling for years to come. Bid on this package which comes with braces, records, one set of retainers and teeth whitening, making this a deal almost too good to pass up.

Wheels Up! Time to Take-off to Miami Miami is the place to be all year round, no matter what day it is the sun is always shining. Take a weekend getaway to the Faena Hotel Miami Beach. The Faena is not just a hotel but a district- where people visit to experience art, its hotel, award winning chefs and so much more. But before you go be sure to get your custom swimwear made from Miami based Britlow Swim. This package entitles the recipient to a two-night stay in an Ocean View Room with daily breakfast for two at the 5-star hotel as well as a custom made swimsuit from Britlow Swim.

Snag two lower level tickets to an Oklahoma City Thunder game as they play the Denver Nuggets on Wednesday, April 12, 2017. After the game, head on over to the luxury hotel, The Skirvin Hilton. This hotel is one of the best hotels Oklahoma City has to offer! Complimentary breakfast for two and parking is provided in this OKC Escape.


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