Get Your Open Source Social Network Script | Facebook Script | PHP Scripts Mall

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Facebook Script | Social Network Script Open Source Social Network Script

User and Admin Demo

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Facebook Script with new professional look, highly advanced options, and customization with open source platform. Social Network Script it can also be used for sharing the videos and pictures to the public with easy quick functions to reach the people. The script by allowing the advertisement like the banner advertisement, Google advertisement etc. The business users can develop their own circle social network by connecting their group organization by using the group chat conversations.

Open Source Social Network Script the users can send the messages through the private chat and also in the group conversations. Facebook functionality like sharing the pictures, videos, and links through their timeline and also by tagging the particular user. The site has authorized log-in portals for the users and admin to prevent free from the unauthorized users. The users can give a request to the other user, the other users can accept the request or decline.

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The user can search the particular user or name by entering the keyword, name in the advanced search bar filter. The user can also like, share and comment on the post, get the alert notifications. Open Source Social Network Script also has the privacy for the post by allowing the users to show the post only to friends, only to the user or to the public. We provide the Facebook script with get revenue method by using the banner advertisement, facebook ads, and Google ads etc.

Social Network Script is the place where the users can get connect with the world

For more details visit us: User Demo: Document download:

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Contact us Mail id: Make free dial to us: (IND) – (+91) 9841300660 (USA) – (+1) 325 200 4515 (UK) – (+44)203 290 5530.

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