Parents & Families! We would like to extend a warm welcome to you and your student. Whether this is your first to leave for college, or your last, this will be a unique and interesting year for all of you.
for your student’s achievement. We encourage you and your student to discover your truths — about college life, academics, involvement, and Buffalo State.
We believe that parents and families are our partners in the success of students. We want to give you information and resources to assist in our partnership
By the time you have completed your orientation, it is our hope that we will have answered all of your questions and responded to all of your concerns. In the event you have further questions, please feel free to contact us at orientat@buffalostate.edu or (716) 878-5336. Robert Mead-Colegrove Director, Orientation & New Student Programs
A compact is a set of principles shared by people engaged in a common purpose. At Buffalo State, the Compact for a Civil and Caring Academic Community describes how those who live, study and work together as members of our college community should treat each other: with civility and respect, with care and concern, and with a commitment to the academic purpose for which Buffalo State exists. 2
Buffalo State’s Compact is not a fixed document nor a policy, a rule or a regulation. Rather, it is an understanding about what is right in our community — what behaviors contribute to achieving our mission, vision and core values: • our commitment to the intellectual, personal and professional growth of students, faculty and staff
The compact is meant to promote the standards and expectations arising from its premise that Buffalo State is and should be a civil and caring academic community. If your student commitst to the Pledge for a Civil and Caring Community, members of the faculty and staff will do their part: • We will SUPPORT your student when they need guidance,
• our desire to be known as a caring academic environment where lives are transformed and each individual is valued
• We will ENCOURAGE your student to resolve conflicts peacefully,
• our commitment to supportive and collegial relationships, respect for diversity and individual differences and opportunities for individuals to realize their full potential
• We will PROTECT your student from those who threaten the health, safety and security of our community
• We will ASSIST your student in times of difficulty and
This is our Compact for a Civil and Caring Academic Community. By working together, we make Buffalo State a safe, secure and challenging place for your student to learn and grow.
Buffalo State The State University of New York
Each academic year, approximately 85 percent of students receive some form of financial aid while attending SUNY Buffalo State. This is usually a combination of gift aid (funds that do not have to be repaid such as grants and scholarships) and selfhelp aid (funds that must be earned or repaid such as Federal Work-Study and loans, respectively). Additional financial aid information is available at financialaid.buffalostate.edu/.
Academic Standards
Academic Skills Center
academicstandards.buffalostate.edu Twin Rise 100 (716) 878-5223 Students can get assistance related to their academic progress and financial aid eligibility from the Academic Standards Office. Students should be aware that while the office is attempting to help them, we are also upholding the academic integrity of the college by assuring that the degree and financial aid requirements of the college are maintained.
academicsupport.buffalostate.edu/ academic-skills-center South Wing 330 (716) 878-4041 The Academic Skills Center provides free tutoring and workshops for all BSC students seeking supplemental instruction in their courses. Our team of professional tutors meets with students one on one or in small groups, handling an array of subjects that include business, humanities, languages, math, science, statistics and writing.
Please note; students must have a completed FERPA release form on file with the Dean of Students Office to allow the Academic Standards Office to discuss their academic record with anyone other than the student.
(continued on next page)
Staff in the Financial Aid Office is available year round to assist families with the application process and with questions related to the receipt of their aid. Specific questions can be directed to:
Financial Aid Office Moot Hall 230 (716) 878-4902 Email: finaid@buffalostate.edu
Student Accounts studentaccounts.buffalostate.edu Moot Hall 260 (716) 878-4121 The Student Accounts Office is responsible for billing and collection of tuition, fees, room and meal plan charges each semester. The office is also responsible for the receipt and disbursement of all student financial aid including processing refunds from financial aid awards.
Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) eop.buffalostate.edu Twin Rise South Wing 710 (716) 878-4225 EOP is an alternative means of acceptance to BSC for students who show ability and motivation despite the effects of economic and academic struggles. Students who do not meet the college’s general academic admissions standards may instead qualify for admission through EOP. Academic and financial guidelines must be met for acceptance.
SERVICES: The staff at the Computing Help Desk can assist with most login and account-related issues. If you’re having trouble with your accounts, visit us in the library or call us at (716) 878-4357. Wireless access is available in a number of buildings on campus, including Butler Library and the Student Union. If you’re having trouble connecting to the wireless network, bring your laptop to the library and our staff will be happy to help.
TIP! You can visit https://bscintra.buffalostate. edu/accounts/userlookup.asp to look up your Buffalo State username and Banner ID. Your Buffalo State username is used to access e-mail, Blackboard, Degree Works and campus computers; your Banner ID is used to access Banner. For more information on accessing your accounts visit cts.buffalostate.edu/help-newstudents.
E. H. Butler Library library.buffalostate.edu (716) 878-6300 E. H. Butler Library supports the scholarship, research, and creativity of the Buffalo State academic community with more than a million research materials, including more than 675,000 printed books, over 200,000 electronic books, and access to full-text articles from thousands of periodicals. The library’s Information Commons provides a central location for research and technology assistance, equipment loan, writing help, and other resources and services that help students successfully complete their academic projects.
Computing Help Desk Butler Library 146 (716) 878-4357 Email: chd@buffalostate.edu Twitter: twitter.com/bschelpdesk YouTube: www.youtube.com/ BSCHelpDesk The Computing Help Desk is the first line of support for all users on campus. Located in E.H. Butler Library’s Information Commons room (147), we have a kind and courteous staff on hand to help you with your login and account-related problems. For more information about computing at Buffalo State visit the Computing and Technology Services website at cts.buffalostate.edu. PLEASE NOTE: During non-business hours, you can email the Help Desk or leave a voicemail. We will respond to your problem/ request when we reopen the following business day.
Buffalo State The State University of New York
In an Emergency
By Mail
Visit https://buffstatealert.buffalostate. edu/e2campus/ to learn about and sign up for BUFF STATE Alert, a service that sends emergency messages via text, voice or email. If you do not have a Buffalo State user name or password but still want to receive text messages from Buff State Alert, you can sign up by texting the phrase “buffalostate” to 79516.
If you’d like to mail a package to your resident student:
Emergency Closing Policy and Procedures police.buffalostate.edu/emergencybuffalo-state-closings For information concerning cancelation of classes, please check the main Buffalo State web page suny.buffalostate.edu, or call the school closing information number, (716) 878-5000. Please do not call any other number for this information. If the decision to close and cancel classes is made before the start of the workday, the Vice President for Finance and Management will inform University Police.
Student’s Name Hall & Room No. Buffalo State PO Box ______* Buffalo, NY 14213-PO Box # (again) *Based on your student’s hall assignment, insert the appropriate PO Box number in your mailing address: Student Apartment Complex – 5124 Cassety Hall – 5122 Porter – 5120 Perry – 5127 Neumann – 5108 North Wing – 5121 Tower 1 – 5123 Tower 2 – 5118 Tower 3 – 5119 Tower 4 – 5126 Moore Complex – 5125 For further information, log on and like the Buffalo State University Police Department on facebook.
Several departments at Buffalo State offer services related to health and wellness. These offices include: Weigel Health Center, Counseling Center and Health Promotions. Each provides support, information, and workshops to promote and aid in student development and well-being. Staff members also collaborate closely and continuously with other on-campus departments such as University Police, Residence Life, the Fitness Center, and the United Students Government to enhance health and safety on campus.
Weigel Health Center weigel.buffalostate.edu (716) 878-6711 Weigel Health Center has been granted accreditation through the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care. Weigel Health Center is a health care facility staffed by physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, social workers and health promotions staff. Medical services, diagnosis and treatment of illnesses and injuries, well visits for men and women, immunizations and educational resources are offered to all registered SUNY Buffalo State students.
Weigel Health Promotion: weigel.buffalostate.edu/health-promotion (716) 878-4719 Weigel Health Center has an entire department dedicated to educating and developing the students at Buffalo State. The mission of the program is "prevention through education." Interactive and educational programs teach the bystander message of “Do Your Part: Buffalo State” and seek to provide students with information they need to make informed and responsible decisions concerning their physical, mental and social health. Outreach involves campus and community education presentations, workshops, trainings and events. The health promotion office also offers internships, independent studies and volunteer opportunities to all Buffalo State students (all majors are welcome).
Student Health Insurance weigel.buffalostate.edu/insurance All full-time domestic undergraduate and graduate students who attend Buffalo State are eligible and automatically enrolled in the College’s student health insurance plan unless an online waiver form with proof of health insurance coverage is completed by the applicable deadline. Part time students can request enrollment. This website explains the health insurance program and provides information about the costs and benefits. This plan is affordable with low co-payments and no deductible.
All full-time domestic undergraduate and graduate students who attend Buffalo State are eligible and automatically enrolled in the College’s student health insurance plan...
Buffalo State The State University of New York
NFTA Student Transit Pass Funded by the college’s transportation fee, the NFTA CRAM (College Riders Accessing Metro) Pass program provides undergraduate students with unlimited access to the NFTA Metro Bus and Rail System plus a campus circulator shuttle (#206). Details regarding the routes and schedules may be found at the NFTA website (metro.nfta.com/programs/ college.aspx). A CRAM Pass, along with a current Buffalo State photo ID card, is required to use any of the services. CRAM Passes may be picked up from the E. H. Butler Library
Information Commons. Faculty, staff and campus visitors may use the NFTA campus circulator shuttle at the cost of regular fare (currently $2). You may find more information about transportation services including the Buffalo CarShare program, electric vehicle charging stations, motorist assistance program, bicycles on campus and more by logging onto the following websites: suny.buffalostate.edu/ transportation-and-safety-services and financeandmanagement.buffalostate.edu/ transportation-services.
Equity & Campus Diversity equity.buffalostate.edu Cleveland Hall 415 (716) 878-6210
We ask parents and family members to encourage your student to take advantage of the many campus resources available. It is important that students become involved and connected not only with their peers but also with the Buffalo State faculty and staff, all of whom truly want your student to succeed. The Dean of Student’s resource site for parents of Buffalo State students is deanofstudents.buffalostate.edu/resources-parents. On this site you will find links to various campus and off-campus resources that can help you understand what your student is experiencing while attending college. You will also find information that might help you cope with the unique demands of being the parent/family member of a college student.
The mission of the Equity and Campus Diversity Office is to ensure that the college community understands and complies with both federal and state laws with the respect to equal employment opportunity and affirmative action. While equal employment opportunity is the law, affirmative action and diversity issues require the college not only to provide access to employment and educational programs, but also to provide equitable opportunities to enhance success. The primary goal of the Office of Equity and Campus Diversity is to create a campus climate that supports the development and full potential of all faculty, staff, administration, and students.
Bengal Card Office – Meal Plan Administering www.dineoncampus.com/bsc Butler Library Room 108 (716) 878-5152
Buffalo State Dining – Business Office www.dineoncampus.com/bsc Campbell Student Union Room 223 (716) 878-5214 Buffalo State Dining offers a variety of meal plans designed to fit the needs of Buffalo State’s diverse student population. Meal plans are available for both commuter and resident students. Freshmen and sophomores living on campus are required to select a meal plan. Meal plans are tax-free and may be covered by financial aid.
There are many reasons why students should participate on a meal plan. When selecting one of Buffalo State Dining’s meal plans, students are not just acquiring credits to be used at our various locations, they are participating in a program that exceeds anything found in the area. When it comes to product variety, Buffalo State Dining offers multiple dining venues throughout campus to make dining easy and convenient for students. The two main dining venues are located in the Campbell Student Union. The Resident Dining Hall features Pulse On Dining, an award-winning, cutting-edge all-youcare-to-eat restaurant dining experience designed specifically for the millennial generation. The food court, also located in the Campbell Student Union, offers nine different dining platforms including
Salsarita’s, Train Grill, authentic Italian cuisine from 2.mato, made-to-order salads from Chop’d, authentic Caribbean cuisine from Roots, a local favorite SPoT Coffee, Jamba Juice, Subway, and Asian concept Bluw. Buffalo State Dining also offers multiple satellite locations across campus. Satellite locations include Argo Tea, Choco-late featuring gourmet hot chocolates and Mexican pastries, Outtakes and Café Oh-Le. Of course it’s not just about the food, our programs are constantly changing to address the issues of nutrition and health as well as create an atmosphere that makes dining a relaxing break in the day from the pressures of student life.
Buffalo State The State University of New York
Learn more about meal plan options by visiting www.dineoncampus.com/bsc, by visiting the Bengal Card Office located in E.H. Butler Library, room 108 or by calling (716) 878-5152. To apply for meal plans complete and return the Residence Hall and Meal Plan Application. For meal plan questions please call the Bengal Card Office at (716) 878-5152 or visit the website at www.dineoncampus.com/bsc.
Residence Life and Housing Offices residencelife.buffalostate.edu Porter Hall (716) 878-3000 The Residence Life Office directs all residential programs and residential student governance/leadership. Faculty, staff and students join with Residence Life staff to develop programs promoting self-awareness and appreciation for the diversity among people and their perspectives with the college and community. The Housing Office works with selected operations of residence hall living including housing assignments,
maintenance and custodial services, rennet services and capital planning.
Residence Life Policies and Services staff.buffalostate.edu/hossaiit/ Paraprofessional/ResPol1.pdf The above is a compendium of the policies and procedures governing residential life at Buffalo State. The college reserves the right to change the policies affecting residential students and visitors to the residence halls. Additional policies and procedures will be posted in the residence halls as they are enacted. Each residential student and visitor to the residence halls are expected to have knowledge of, and abide by, the information contained in the student handbook, the Residence Life Office Community Connections newsletter and policy/procedure postings found in the residence halls.
Faculty, staff and students join with Residence Life staff to develop programs promoting selfawareness and appreciation for the diversity among people and their perspectives with the college and community.
Student support services offices exist on campus to enhance the collegiate experience of your student. These offices serve to help your student when in need, program activities for your student, and provide your student with unique opportunities to build their resume and strengthen their college experience.
Student Life
The Counseling Center
The United Students Government (USG) of the State University College at Buffalo (Buffalo State) represents the interests of the students of the college and encourages their active participation in the campus community. The USG sponsors activities funded by the mandatory Student Activity fee.
counselingcenter.buffalostate.edu Weigel 219 (716) 878-4436 Email: counselingcenter@buffalostate.edu The Counseling Center offers free and confidential mental health programs and services through licensed and certified professionals (i.e., Psychologists, Social Workers, Psychiatrists) and supervised trainees. The Counseling Center strives to be a safe and friendly environment for students who are experiencing personal and academic challenges. The Counseling Center has a special concern for the academic success and timely graduation of Buffalo State students.
International Student Affairs internationalstudentaffairs. buffalostate.edu Campbell Student Union 400 (716) 878-5331 The Office of International Student Affairs handles academic, social, immigration, financial, health and judicial concerns of international students/scholars at Buffalo State.
studentlife.buffalostate.edu Campbell Student Union 400 (716) 878-4631 The Student Life Office encourages student engagement in a variety of extracurricular experiences, contributes to building the campus community and helps students develop leadership and lifestyle skills. The Student Life area includes Leadership Education, Greek Affairs, Mentoring and Retention Initiatives, and Activities & Programs.
United Students Government (USG) www.usgbuffstate.org www.bengalconnect.com Campbell Student Union 402 (716) 878-6701
Career Development Center cdc.buffalostate.edu vslc.buffalostate.edu Volunteer and Service-Learning Center Cleveland Hall 306 (716) 878-5811 Open Mon.–Weds., Fri. 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.; Thurs. 8:30 a.m. – 6 p.m. The Career Development Center (CDC) provides comprehensive career and job search counseling to help students choose a major, plan a career, find internship and employment opportunities and prepare for graduate school. We also serve as your connection to the employment community. The CDC also houses the Volunteer and Service-Learning Center, where students can find one-time and long-term community volunteer opportunities and can identify service-learning coursework options.
Barnes & Noble Buffalo State Bookstore buffalostate.bncollege.com Campbell Student Union (716) 878-5509 Our campus Bookstore carries all required course books, as determined by our instructors. That means we have the correct edition or package that your professor has requested.
Registrar registrar.buffalostate.edu Moot Hall 210 (716) 878-4811 The Registrar’s Office maintains official academic records; issues academic transcripts; provides for registration of classes; publishes online course schedules; certifies eligibility for graduation and issues diplomas; administers college academic policies; records grades; maintains the degree audit system; certifies enrollment; and administers FERPA. Visit the website above for more information.
Disability Services disabilityservices.buffalostate.edu Twin Rise Center 120 (716) 878-4500 The Disability Services office supports students with documented disabilities in academic settings, student life, residence halls and in other areas as needed. Students in need of services should provide documentation from a qualified professional outlining the nature of their disability and the impact the disability has on the student in a college environment.
Buffalo State The State University of New York
The section below directs you to the location on the College website where you will find information about important College policies related to student life. The College reserves the right to change any policies, rules or regulations affecting students and any dates reported herein. Questions about College policies can be addressed to the Dean of Students, Campbell Student Union, Room 306, telephone (716) 878-4618.
Buffalo State Code of Student Rights, Freedoms and Responsibilities deanofstudents.buffalostate.edu/sites/ deanofstudents.buffalostate.edu/files/ uploads/Links/Code%20of%20Conduct. pdf
The Code defines student rights, freedoms and responsibilities as a member of the Buffalo State campus community and identifies conduct that is not permitted. The intent of the Code is to provide students with a due process review of allegations that the Code has been violated and delineates sanctions when guilt has been determined.
Campus Safety Forum deanofstudents.buffalostate.edu/campussafety-forum-0 The Campus Safety Forum is the College’s advisory committee on campus security and reviews current security policies and procedures and makes recommendations for their improvement, especially with regard to preventing and responding to sexual assault.
Academic Misconduct Policy academicstandards.buffalostate.edu/ misconduct All students are expected to display honesty and integrity in completing course requirements and following academic regulations. The Academic Misconduct Policy defines the procedures and processes to be used when allegations of plagiarism, cheating or other academic misconduct arise.
suny.buffalostate.edu/parking Chase Hall 126 (716) 878-3041 Parking Services assists students, faculty and staff with parking and ticket concerns. This office distributes temporary permits to those coming to campus without a permit on their cars. Only vehicles with special permits authorizing them to park in spaces designated for persons with disabilities are allowed to park in such spaces. All vehicles parked on the grounds of Buffalo State must display valid college parking permits.
Buffalo State The State University of New York
Homecoming/ Family Weekend: Tuesday, September 29 – Saturday, October 3, 2015 For more information visit homecoming.buffalostate.edu.
School of Arts and Humanities
School of Education
School of the Professions
artsandhumanities.buffalostate.edu Rockwell 222 (716) 878-6326
schoolofeducation.buffalostate.edu Bacon Hall 306 (716) 878-4214
professions.buffalostate.edu Cleveland 214-215 (716) 878-4698
School of Continuing Professional Studies
School of Natural and Social Sciences
University College
sciences.buffalostate.edu Classroom A113 (716) 878-6434
universitycollege.buffalostate.edu Twin Rise 100 (716) 878-5906
continuingstudies.buffalostate.edu Cleveland Hall 210 (716) 878-5907
- By Amanda Taylor
There are rites of passage we go through as parents and generally it all begins with sleep deprivation. Then, as we gain our footing, we get to experience the “firsts.” First word. First step. First tooth. First day of school. First boyfriend or girlfriend. First heartbreak. First graduation. First goodbye. All of the “firsts” brim with a mix of emotions — joy, exhilaration, anxiety, wistfulness. But the thing about goodbyes when it comes to our children is that they always tug on our hearts — even after the first. My 22-year-old son recently left the U.S. to study in Morocco. Though he has lived abroad in the past, his absence and great distance do not get easier. I knew when he was young that he would be an adventurous soul and distinctly remember him announcing at 12 years old that he planned to “travel the world” as soon as he could. A few years passed and sure enough he enlisted his father’s and my support to study abroad his senior year of high school. With many defining moments in life, you don’t know how you will feel until the event occurs. In my experience as a
mother, my son’s moving across the world involved complex feelings. On one hand I was beyond excited for him and knew the opportunity would expand his worldview and open up possibilities. On the other hand, I was sad and worried. Each time he says goodbye, I can’t help thinking, “What if this is the last time I see him?” But I’ve come to accept that, no matter the outcome, my son is on his own unique and self-determined path, and that is what is important. As a new mother, I read a book by Judith Viorst called Necessary Losses (1986). Viorst discusses the mother-child bond and how difficult but necessary it is for child and parent to separate as part of a healthy relationship and for personal growth. She writes: I’ve learned that in the course of our life we leave and are left and let go of much that we love. Losing is the price we pay for living. It is also the source of much of our growth and gain. Making our way from birth to death, we also have to make our way through the pain of giving up some portion of what we cherish. We have to deal with our necessary losses. For in leaving the blurred-boundary bliss of mother-child oneness, we become a conscious, unique and separate self, exchanging the illusion of absolute shelter and absolute safety for the triumphant anxieties of standing alone. In giving up our impossible expectations, we become a lovingly connected self, renouncing ideal visions of perfect friendship, marriage, children, family life for the sweet imperfections of all-too-human relationships.
I try to keep in mind how essential separations like these are for my son’s emotional well-being and understand it can be a catalyst for great personal growth and transformation. I always feel more at ease after I’m able to see where and with whom he’s living, and know that he has made connections with people in the community. It’s also reassuring to communicate with him every few weeks via text or Skype. As I contemplate an ending to this short piece, I sit and look at my mother sleeping. I have traveled to be with her for a week as she recuperates from surgery. I am reminded of my role as a daughter and think back to when I first left my own family of origin. Although I didn’t leave the country, I left for college. With grace, my mother let me go while continuing to be a supportive and loving force in my life. I hope I am able to continue to model the same love and support for my children even when they are worlds away.
With grace, my mother let me go while continuing to be a supportive and loving force in my life.
Buffalo State The State University of New York
- By Jo Calhoun
A crucial developmental task for college students is learning to handle independence, solve problems, and selfadvocate. Parents are important to supporting this growth, which is why you may receive messages from the university reminding you not to rush to the rescue when your student has a problem. Still, there are times when parents should get involved. If you suspect that it’s one of those times for your student, start by contacting the administrator closest to the situation (academic, residential, athletic, etc.). Premature calls to the President, Chancellor or Provost will always be directed back to that person.
These three rules of thumb may help you decide if the time is right to intervene:
Step in when it’s an issue of safety.
Your student’s safety always comes first. If your student is having a major health crisis, physical or emotional, the Student Affairs staff will welcome your assistance and your presence. When students are hospitalized, nothing helps more than having parents present. Decisions need to be made quickly, and ailing students may not be able to make them alone.
2 your student about the nature
Consider what you want to teach
of the world. Parents often intervene
prematurely when their student is involved in a conduct violation. College is a relatively safe place for students to experience the natural consequences of their actions. Although painful and embarrassing, participating in a campus judicial proceeding for a minor behavioral violation can be an excellent educational experience for students. Sometimes students on probation are not allowed to participate in organizational leadership, study abroad or other campus privileges. Again, painful, but not fatal. Parental intervention in these matters communicates to students that they cannot be trusted to manage their own behavior.
However, if a student is involved in a major conduct violation that might involve suspension, expulsion, or criminal charges, parents’ involvement is not unusual. If you choose to intervene in such a circumstance, do not expect to attend campus judicial proceedings or to try to influence sanctions imposed on your student. Colleges are ethically and legally obligated to follow their written policies and procedures. It is fine to have respectful conversations with college administrators to clarify processes and timelines. Focus on expressing your continuing love and support for your student during a trying time.
Presume good will. When you intervene to support your student, assume that college officials will be your allies not adversaries. Student Life professionals are passionate about student development and success. The common ground you share is your student’s well-being. These administrators can help you navigate university processes, clarify options and provide ongoing support to you and your student. Even if you are upset, focus on establishing a partnership with these professionals who are in close relationship with your student. They will help you.
produced by in partnership with
About this Guide For more information, please contact Orientation & New Student Programs Buffalo State 14J Porter Hall 1300 Elmwood Ave Buffalo, NY 14222 (716) 878-5336 Email: orientat@buffalostate.edu Web: orientation.buffalostate.edu
UniversityParent has published this guide in partnership with Buffalo State with the mission of helping you easily navigate your student’s university with the most timely and relevant information available. Discover more articles, tips and local business information by visiting the online guide at: www.universityparent.com/buffalostate
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What are some of the area’s best restaurants?
Where should we stay when we come to visit our student?
Where can my son store his belongings over the summer?
What's the best way to get from the airport to campus?
What banks are near campus?
What are some fun things to do in the area?
Who should I call if I want to send my daughter flowers?
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