Current Board Chair James Almond William Ballard Rockwood Brown David Burt Larry Campodonico Chris Dorr Thorm Forseth George Goodrich Linda Harris Shawn C. Heringer Rod Kastelitz David G. Kimball Rick Larson John B. “Jack” Mowell Randy Scott Barb Skelton
Former Board Chair Steve Smith Ron Sovey Ralph Spence Wallace Stadtfeld Rodney Svee Pete Taylor Ron Tjaden Chuck Tooley Mary Underriner A moonlight evening creates a silver glow along the Morledge Walkway.
P R E S I D E N T ’ S
PRESERVATION WO O R K S F O R TO O DAY’S STUDENTS Tears rrss wel elle leed up led u in th the he eyyeess off O Osssiie Abrams O Ab mss, a lo long ng-timee friennd an titime and d ssuupp uppor pporte pp orrte o ter of of Ro R ockky Mo Moun ouunnta t inn C Col olle ol llleege ege ge, whheenn shee ro osse at the h RMC MC A nual An nnuual a Donnor or App ppre r ci ciat iat atio tio on Lunnccheeo Lu onn to saaluute te Paatttii Mo M orlrled dgee, an anot not othe othe her d deevo v teed Pho Ph hoto: h to Laarry rry Mayer, Bill ill il llling ingss Gaaze in azzette te frrieennd d, suuppor pp por orte teer an and bo b aarrd memb me mb mber ber er of of th thee Co Colllllleeg ge. Thhos T osee in att ttten end daanc ncee in in the the he G Gre reatt R Roo oom oo om off Preesc scot cot ott Ha Hallll, ll, whic wh ichh Pa Pattii aannd he her hu husb husb bannd d,, tthe he lat he atee Dr Dr.r. Ch Char arle les M Mo orrlled dg gee, rreest stor o ed annnd d keeeep wa warm warm rm aand nnd d welco elco el comi ming ng eve veryy sea easo son, n,, gav gave avve herr a ro roussiinng ov ovat a ion io on (b (bellow). ow)).. No ov ow ovat attion ion for io for an fo any ot othe the her RMC C su sup pp por por orte ter co coul uld b bee as de desseerv ervved ed.. . T The he occ ccas ccas asio on fo for th the he ov ovat atio on wa wass p prrom ompt pted d by what whhaatt eevver ery ssttud udeennt sp speeaake akkeer sttat ated teed d dur urin ing tthhe lu lunche nncche heo onn. n. Th Thes Thes ese younng m yo meen annd wo w men men spok me spo sp okkkee of of how w muc uch R RM MC chan chhanng geed thheeiir lliivveess.. Thheey we weree rreep epre reseent ntat ativ ive of of man any di disc disc scip pliline nes, s, from fr m bus usi siinneesss tto o edu duca duca catition cati on tto o equ eque eq uessttri tririaann studi tudies tu diies d es. s. Th Theyy wer They eree po p oised isseed d and d arrttic icuullate icul atee,, exe at xemp xemp plify lilify fyin ing wh ing whaatt kkin iinnd off you oung lea ead ders w er ers wee sen end innto to thhee world d. They Thhey T e als lso sa said d onee of th the prim primar pr im mar ay reeaasson ons ns tthheyy cho hossee RMC hose MC waass how ow b beea eauuttif tiffuull the he campuus is i. When Wh When en the the hey ey visi viisite siitteed th the cam camp ca mpus us, tthhey us, ey mad ade tthheeiir d ade deeci cisi sion si onns. ons. Thhe T heeyy maarrvele veele led ed aatt thhee w wal alkkkw al wayys, s the he gaarrd deennss, thhe gr gree eeen op penn spac sp aces sur urroun ro ouunnding diing d g his isto toririic bu buildi buil illding dinng di gs. s. . Thee Mor T orle leed dg ge ffaami mily ilyy is p prrim maarrilily ily reesp po onnsi nsibl siibl ble fo for th the beeaauutit fic b ficat atio at ion o off th thhee cam mpu pus g grrou ounds ound nnd ds, s, fro rom ttrree rom ree ees to o tul ulip ipss..
Ro ock cky Mo Moun unta taain Col olle lege le g Gififtt Repo ge Repo Re port rt
Thhe Mo The Morlr ed e ge g -K Kim mba balllll Hal a l bears the family name because they finaannce fin ced ed th the reest s orationn of of a res e idence hall many felt would be raazed. zeed. d. The he Gre reat at Roo o m off Pre r scco ottt t Hall is a signature part of the re th renno ova vation vati tition on of of th that at bui u lding, g, als lso oag giift from the Morledge fam fa miily ly, aass is tthhe M ly, Mo orrlled led e ge ge Wal a kw k ay that hhaat w weeav a es past trees and gaarden g rrd den ennss annd gree grreeeen open g openn spa op paces. ces. ce s T Thhee spo po ont ntaneo anneo eous u triribu bute te wass a mov oving mo ome mentt for o me as I cco o onnnssider s the he kiinnd of of leg egaaccy RM RMC MC ne need eeed ds to t mai a nttai ain. n W Wee are alwa al wayyss graateefuul for for th fo thee M Mo orlrled orl edg gee eexa xaamp xamp mple le aand n hope otthe nd h rs rs wilil sseee tthheir way waay to ext w xten tend end finnan en anci anci c all sup uppo port po rtt ffor or oth ther er hhis istoricc bu buililild ildings in gs nee eedi ding ing ng maj ajor or mai aint nten enan anncee.
— Pr Pres Pres esid ideennt C Caalvin lvinn Coo lv ooli olliidg dge dge
T Thiis ye yeaaarr’ss Rocckkyy Mou Mo ouunt ntai taaiin C Co ollleg oll egee An Annu nuaall Gifft Repo nua Repo Re porrtt repr re epr pres res esen sen e ts ts – as ev ever ery ry yyeear’s ar’s’s rep ar epo orrt do oess -- a lil st st of d do ono ors rs we aree pro oud ud tto o ccaallll our ur own w . W Wor ord dss aree nnev evveerr ade dequ equat quate qu ate tto at o exp exp pre ress sss what hhaat co cont ntrriibu bution tition ons fr ons from from om gen ener ner ero ouus g giivveers erss mea ean to ean to o our ur stuude dentts, s, buutt onnee stud st stud uden uden entt exxprres esse s d itt well eelll at at a d don onnor o or app ppreeci ppre ciat atio on luunc nchheeon. nche onn. o ““Itt mea eans ns lititer eral allyy tthe he wor he orld d to me me,,”” she he saaiid aab bouut tthhe scho sc hola larrsshhiip shhe re receeiv ived d. “W “Witithout hout ho ut itt,, I wo ouulld d not not ot go in into to the w the th wo orrlld orl ld as as weelll p prrep parred ed as I am m. W Wiithhouut iitt, I wo woul uld no ot seee th the wo wor d ass cle worl learrly ly as I do do. W Wiithou tthhou out itt, I wo out would uld no ul not be be ab ble le to ma make ke a wor orld ld of di diffe ffere ff renc renc re nce to to som omeo eone one ne els lse. e.” Shhee rrec S ecog eco ec ogni nizzeed, ed, d as as mo most ost st of yo you inncclluud deed d in th this this is repor epor ep ort know kn ow, tthhaatt givviinng iss nott a sub ow, ubtr btr tracctit on trac on. It It is a mu multtip plilica caatition cati on. T Th The here r ’ss sta t titist s iccal al bas asis asis is forr that hhaat w waay of of lo oo okkiing g at cchhaarritab tab ta blle g giivviiing ng. Th ng The bene bene be nefifitts ts of of col ollle lege le ge ed duuca cate ted are ted arre not not jjuusstt no to o ttho hose ho s who ho eaarrn the thhe de degr g ee ee. T Thhos ose be ose bene nefit efit fi s mu multtip iply ly to thhe communnittyy:: ollege-eeduucaate C ted ed ta taxp xpay ayeerrs cco ont ntribu riibu buttee thhrreee times imes im es as muuch m ch as no nonn--cco nonolllleeg oll ge ed educ ucat caatted d tax axpa p ye yerrss. Th Theyy pay ay 80 perc pe rcen rc ennt m ent mo ore re taaxxeess than han no ha on-co n--cco olllleg eg ge ed educ ucat ated ted d, su supp ppor orrttiing o g sccho hool olss,, pub blil c se serv serv rvan van ants ts and d soc soc ocia cia iall se serv rvic rv ices ic es. es es. Cont Co ntin tin inuueed onn page age 4 ag Page Pa ge 1
Fisca issca c l Ye Y ar 2011-20 012
F. Wayne Gustafson, who designed many notable buildings in Billings, as well as many buildings and restorations on the RMC campus, has a history with the RMC campus dating to the 1930s. His father was a professor and the family lived in faculty housing located where Fortin Education Center is today. Wayne recalls that in 1931, he and his pals (pictured below) resembling the Little Rascals, managed to scrounge materials from campus construction projects to build an airplane. They were inspired by Charles Lindbergh’s flight across the Atlantic and by early aviators in the valley. That’s a barefoot Wayne on the wing with his brother, Leighton. Another brother, Blaine, is the goggled pilot. “That aircraft was earthbound, but our hopes were always sky high,” he said. “That’s kind of like Rocky, always with an eye to the future, and a vision for higher flight.” Today Wayne is a solid advocate for investing in the preservation of RMC’s historic buildings. In 1955, when he and Vernon Drake founded Drake-Gustafson Architects, some of their first jobs were at RMC, where Wayne said he always had an eye on preserving the historic buildings. One of their earliest efforts to save an RMC building was Losekamp when the sinking foundation caused the walls to tilt outwards. Tie rods, still visible, were used inside to pull the walls back. When buildings could not be saved, he incorporated the rock into newer buildings. He incorporated rock from Kenney Hall when he designed the Bair Science Building. Wayne also was the architect for the renovation of Technology Hall which included handicap access. Today Wayne (inset) is still a solid advocate and proponent for investing in the preservation of RMC’s historic buildings. “Preservation adds to the heritage of it being the oldest college in Montana,” he noted. “There are ways to modernize while retaining the historic features. It’s wise to invest in that legacy.”
Rocky Rocky Mountain Mountain College College Gift Gift Report Report
SUBTRACTING MULTIPLIES Continued from page 1 College-educated people are five times as likely to serve their communities on civic and community boards, from school boards to fine arts organizations. They volunteer 35 percent more often in their churches to work with youth groups. College grads are 2.5 times more likely to vote. College grads tend to be healthier and have healthier offspring, lowering the cost of health care and reducing social costs. Those with a college degree contribute more because they have learned the lesson of giving. They know what someone helping them meant and they know what their giving can mean for others who follow. Acknowledging our gratitude by presenting this report is a small measure of thanks. We hope you know we always welcome you on campus. We hope you know you are welcome to Rocky Mountain College events. We hope you will call us with your concerns and your ideas. Thank you for subtracting something from your personal wealth to share with us so that it could be multiplied at RMC.
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Fiscal Fiscal Year Year 2011-2012 2011-2012
R O C K Y. E D U
EARLY AVIATION TRAINING INSPIRED PILOT’S GIFT “Don Germeraad was just what the War Department wanted in the early 1940s — a college graduate with flight training. Germeraad joined the U.S. Navy after graduating from Rocky Mountain College in 1941 and then went on to a long career as a test pilot and engineer in the U.S. space program. The Billings native didn’t forget his alma mater later in life. His estate left $38,000 to help the college’s aviation program teach students well into the future.” So wrote Mary Pickett in The Billings Gazette in August when she featured the positive changes that came about in Aviation Hall thanks to a graduate from more than 70 years before. The donation Don Germeraad’s widow made to RMC was put to good use. It helped pay for a new lounge, two offices, two briefing rooms and a new classroom for three flight simulators, named the Donald Germeraad Flight Simulation Training Center. Germeraad became a
test pilot after flying in World War II. “It was very Chuck-Yeager, light-your-hair-on-fire, cool stuff,” Hargrove told The Billings Gazette. The renovations – an example of just how much contributions for building projects can mean – improve recruitment and retention. RMC’s program grew 10 percent this past year. With pilots in demand, students should get jobs when they graduate. The need for pilots is based on more people flying as economy has improved; the federal government raised the mandatory pilot retirement age five years ago from 60 to 65, but those pilots are retiring now; airlines that relied on military-trained pilots are finding that number is shrinking. Airlines regularly contact RMC looking for pilots. And there are also RMC aviation management majors who are sought. “What we’ve done to improve this facility – with Germeraad’s gift – will have long term dividends for the program,” Hargrove said. Photo Courtesy of Germeraad Estate
GERMERAAD HAD DISTINGUISHED FLYING CAREER Donald Germeraad was a test pilot and aviation pioneer during the first two decades of the Jet Age in the 1950’s and 1960’s. He worked for Convair Aircraft Corporation where he flew the maiden flight of six different aircraft and test flew numerous others. He also played a significant role is the early days of the Space Age, with his work on the Mercury Space Program and the Atlas rocket as well as his work at Lockheed where he contributed to the development of the first space shuttles. Donald Germeraad was born in 1920 and raised on a ranch on Blue Creek, just south of Billings, MT. He was always proud to say he graduated both first and last in his class from the one room log cabin school house on Blue Creek, as he was the Rocky Mountain College Gift Report
only student in his grade. As a boy, his father took him and his brothers down to the train depot on Montana Avenue in Billings. Donald was convinced he would be a train engineer when he grew up, but he saw Charles Lindbergh when he passed through Billings on a good will trip after his famous solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean. After that, Donald wanted nothing more than to be a pilot. Donald attended college just 10 miles away from his home, at Billings Polytechnic Institute, which was renamed Rocky Mountain College in 1947. He enrolled in the aviation program at the college, became a private pilot as part of his curriculum, and worked part time at the Billings Airport applying dope to the fabric wings of aircraft of the day. Many years later his Continued on page 4 Page 3
Fiscal Year 2011-2012
R O C K Y. E D U
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wife said that he loved his time at BPI and the education he the first U.S. astronauts to space in the Mercury program. received, but the only significant memories he talked about Donald flew the maiden flight of the Convair XP5Y, R3Y, 240 were what he learned there about aviation and flying. While Turboliner, CV880, and CV990. He also was a test pilot on at BPI, he was selected to go on numerous other aircraft. a trip with several other aviation 1961 was the 50th anniversary of students to Seattle where he met Naval Aviation. The first plane ever Eddie Rickenbacker, who was the to land on a ship was the Curtiss A-1 top American Ace in World War I Triad, pilot by Lt. Theodore Ellyson with 26 kills. in 1911. To commemorate the 50th Donald graduated from BPI Anniversary, an exact replica was in 1941 and became a U.S. Navy built by members of the Institute of pilot at the onset of World War II. Aeronautical Sciences, and the flight During the war his job was to test was recreated in San Diego Bay with fly many types of new aircraft, parDonald Germeraad at the controls. ticularly fighters coming off the asThe Atlas rocket powered the sembly lines on the east coast and orbital flights of the Mercury Space then fly them to California where Program which took the first U.S. they joined the fleet for use in the astronauts to space. The Atlas was Pacific Theater. On every cross built by Convair. Donald applied to Photos: Casey Page, Billings Gazette country trip he stopped for fuel in be one of the original Mercury Seven Dan Hargrove, RMC aviation director, stands in the new student Olathe, Kansas where he met his astronauts, and though not selected, lounge (above and below) funded by the Germeraad Estate. future wife, Esther, who was a Naval became good friends with many Air Evac nurse stationed in Guam. of them. As an engineer, Donald She was in Kansas evaluating locahelped design the flight control tions where U.S. military personnel panel in the space capsule. wounded in the Pacific could recovAfter his work at Convair, Donald er. He flew in the Pacific Theater worked for Lockheed for 17 years, as well, and was awarded thirteen primarily working on deep submersNavy combat and service medals. ible vehicles. He also contributed After the war, he remained in Japan to the design and development of for one year. When he returned to the external tanks for the first space the U.S. he remained in the Naval shuttles in the late 1970’s. Reserve stationed in southern CaliDonald loved the Billings area, fornia where he was a Commanding and was appreciative of the aviation Officer of Naval Reserve Jet and education he received at Billings Transport Squadrons. Polytechnic Institute. He truly was a pioneer in the Jet and He graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of TechnolSpace Ages, and had a lasting impact on aircraft and spaceogy in 1950 with a degree in aeronautical engineering and craft development. When he recalled his time at BPI, he returned to southern California where he began a long career often remarked, “They taught me so well there. I want to give with Convair Aircraft Corporation as a test pilot. Convair, something back.” which later became part of General Dynamics, was a world BY DAN HARGROVE, leader in aircraft development, including many military Rocky Mountain College director of aviation aircraft, civilian airliners, and the Atlas rocket, which launched Rocky Mountain College Gift Report
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Fiscal Year 2011-2012
ANNUAL GIFT REPORT FISCAL YEAR JULY 1, 2011-JUNE 30, 2012 BUSINESS, ORGANIZATIONS, FOUNDATIONS, TRUSTS, & ESTATES An * denotes five or more years of consecutive giving Presidents Cabinet $100,000 & Up Estate of Velmalee Bain Wyo-Ben, Inc.* President’s Trust $50,000 - $99,999 The Haynes Foundation* Honors Club $10,000 - $24,999 Ballard Petroleum Holdings, LLC* Bross Family Trust EBMS* First Interstate Bank Billings* Germeraad Charitable Trust Western Security Bank William L. Abernathy Charitable Trust* Legacy Club $5,000 - $9,999 Coal Black Cattle Company Denny Menholt ChevroletHummer High Tech Construction* Intermountain Equestrian Center* Leadership Club $2,500 - $4,999 Best Western ClockTower Inn Billings Hotel & Convention Ctr.* Biomet Osteo Systems, Inc.* Cellular Plus Cloud Peak Energy Resources, LLC CTA Architects Engineers* Dennis & Phyllis Washington Fdn.* ExxonMobil Foundation First Interstate BancSystem Foundation* Intermountain Distributing Jones Construction Kampgrounds of America Mace Holdings, LLP
MKM Foundation* Montagues Of Montana* Montana Community Foundation Montana Department of Motor Vehicles* Montana Marathon Montana Wilderness Association Montana Women’s Run* NorthWestern Energy Ortho Montana* Quail Roost Foundation Rimrock Trailways* Sisters of Charity/ Leavenworth* Sodexo USA* Sodexo, Inc. & Affiliates* Stella’s Kitchen* Stockman Bank Sysco Food Services of Montana* The Sample Foundation, Inc.* Ticket River WMI Inc. Achievement Club $1,000 - $2,499 A. D. Creative Group Allegiance Benefit Plan Management, Inc.* Bank of America Matching Gifts Billings Clinic Briggs Distributing Co., Inc.* Bruco, Inc.* CenturyLink CHS, Inc.* Con’eer Engineering, Inc. Crowley | Fleck, PLLP* D.A. Davidson & Company, Inc.* Edwards Law Firm Gainan’s Flowers Galusha Higgins & Galusha Gladys Knowles Charitable Trust Goldsmith Gallery Jewelers* Hancock Enterprises HGFA Architects Connect Montana, LLC Integra Telecom Jerry Metcalf Foundation Little Guy Football Magic City Soccer Club* Margaret V. Ping Foundation
Rocky Mountain College Gift Report
Montana Peterbilt, LLC Montana Piano Moulton Bellingham* Mountain View Partners Asset Management LTD. Ninth District Dental Society Outdoor Lighting Payne Financial Group* Pierce Homes & RVs Rimrock Mall Rocky Mountain Health Network Rose Dolores Mendoza Trust Silicon Valley Community Fdn. The Cobb Foundation* The Prudential Fdn.Matching Gifts Treasure State Electric* Van’s Evergreen IGA* Wells Fargo Bank Yellowstone Bank of Billings Ypsilon Associates Pioneer Club $500 - $999 Billings Clinic Foundation 360 Solutions* Advanced Photonix, Inc. Anytime Fitness Babcock & Miles Big West Management, LLC Billings Athletic Club* Billings Kiwanis Club* Billings Mustangs Baseball Club Billings School District #2 Billings Studio Theatre Blanco-Blanco* Briarwood Country Club Buffalo Hill Golf Club Buffalo Wild Wings* C & M Enterprises City Brew Club Rocky Cookie’s Chocolates Cross Petroleum Service, Inc. Crowne Plaza Hotel Dan & Jeanne Scott Family Fdn.* Dana Motors Desmond’s The Store For Men* Dillard’s Dorn Property X. Change Dovetail Designs
Dupree Building Specialties Expanding Your Horizons Fireside Lanes FMC Corporation Matching Gifts Follett Bookstore #489 GLOW Day Spa Gould & Associates, Inc. Grand Lanes, Inc. Guthals, Hunnes & Reuss, P.C. Hansen Music Hilands Golf Club Hoodsport Winery Insurance Store, Inc. Jasons* Keeney & Basford P.A. Funeral Home Kings Ace Hardware KTVQ TV Channel 2 Larsen Farms Hay Terminal Lewistown Ace Hardware Loveable Pets Lyon Family Trust Lyon Group M & M Iron and Recycling LLC Maaco McCormick Cafe Meridian Ltd. Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Montana Railroad Services, Inc. Montana Silversmiths NBC Camps* Neecee’s Northwest Floors, LLC Oasis Health Spa Out In The Cold Productions Parks Real Estate* Peterson & Schofield PLLC Photo Art Designs Players Paradise, LLC Pooh’s Too Preschool & Child Care Center Porsche Club of America Presbyterian Women Association* Price’s Precision Automotive, Inc. Real Estate by Hamwey Reflection Window Cleaning LLC Riley Wellsite Limited Rimrock Art & Frame Rimrock Lighting
Rimrock Opera Company Ronald McDonald House Sage Spa Salon Sarpy Transportation, INC Scheel’s Sport Shop Schroeder Land Company, Inc. Seattle Seahawks Silpada Designs Simply Wine Snyder Design Group State Employees’ Comb.Gvg. Campgn. Stillwater Lodge Stockman Financial Corp.* Straw Hat Pizza SUPERVALU Foundation The Base Camp The Josephine Bed & Breakfast The Rex Thomson Reuters Tiber Tractor Company Time Out Sports Tony Smith Photography Travel Cafe Underriner Motors United Way of Yellowstone County Universal Awards Van Rensselaer Jewelers W.E.L.C.A. Walker’s Grill West Grand Dental Center Wilberts Woodworks, Inc. Yegen Golf Club* Yellowstone Art Museum Yellowstone Country Club Yellowstone Naturopathic Clinic, P.C. Youth Dynamics Eide Bailly, Billings MT* Eide Bailly, Fargo ND Walmart Stores, INC.
INDIVIDUALS An * denotes five or more years of consecutive giving President’s Cabinet $100,000 & Up Jim & Sandy Almond*
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Fiscal Year 2011-2012
The renovation of Kimball Hall, once a residence hall, preserved the historic features while creating new offices, classrooms and lounges. Funded by the Morledge Family Trust, the building was also substantially expanded, resulting in what is now known as Morledge-Kimball Hall.
Legacy Club $5,000 - $9,999 Richard Brown* Mike & Karen Mace* Denny & Linda Menholt Dan Scott*
Bertha Bucher* Tom & Deborah Carlsen* Scott Chartier Cynthia Foster* Paul Gatzemeier & Barb Skelton* Helori Graff Bud & Anne Groskinsky Carl & Marianna Hansen* Patrick & Rebecca Houghton Doug & Shannon Jensen John & Darla Jones Rod Kastelitz & Jalene Conlon Berv & Virginia Kimberley* Wayne Koepke* Inga Larsen* Kay Foster & Mike Mathew* Larry Mathew Greg & Eileen McDonald Kim & Kathrine Myhre Tom Purcell Ken Rolle Mike Schmitt* Randy & Lynette Scott* Ed & Jess Stickney* Bill & Mary Underriner* Andre & Raelene Wilkie Jeff & Heather Wilkinson
Leadership Club $2,500 - $4,999 Andy Anderson Anonymous Anonymous* Lorraine Baker*
Achievement Club $1,000 - $2,499 Bruce & Christie Alton* Sheldon Alweis Tom Bennett*
President’s Trust $50,000 - $99,999 Mike & Charlene Gustafson* Neal & Sharon Lininger* President’s Associates $25,000 - $49,999 Bill & Merilyn Ballard* Susan Heyneman* Patti Morledge* Honors Club $10,000 - $24,999 Bobby and Cindy Beers Rocky Brown* Larry Campodonico* Dick & Cheri Cox Cory Heggem & Julie Kelso John Jurist Don & Peggy Lindsay Tom & Bonne Morscheck
Dave & Deanna Bothwell* Keith Bourn William & Jean Bradford* Ted & Betsy Campen* Scott Clarke John & Claudia Decker Mike Walker & Jenny Doggett* Bob & Karen Doolen* John & Chris Dorr* Michael & Nancy Downing* Dick Eddy Rick Faw* David Floerchinger & Beth Sullivan* Tom & Jean Forseth* Dan Freund Sue Gallo* Bob & Anna Mae Graham Jim & Janet Haar Beverly Hall* Phil & Kathleen Hammond Rusty & Pat Harper Linda Harris Matt Prinkki & Heather Heggem Cindy Henderson Shawn & Judy Heringer Scott & Judith Hook Jim Johnson* David & Gail Kimball* Curt & Susan Kochner Greg and Susan Kohn Harry Koyama Ben & Judy Kronick*
Cindy Kunz* Ron Leftwich* Ruthmary Lovitt Dick McCann Tom McCloskey Dan & Connie Merry Bob Meyer* Jerry & Pam Murphy Tyler Murphy Molly Nichelson Dave & Karen Oberly* David Orser & Ossie Abrams* Ben & Kelsey Phipps Francia Presley Linda Scott-DeRosier* Dave & Sondra Shenton Ron Sovey* Paige Spalding Ralph & Tancy Spence* John Sullivan* Steve Wahrlich Charlie & Barbara Walter Robert Williams* Scott & Valerie Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Winchell Pioneer Club $500 - $999 Don & Judy Allen* David & Lynda Ballard* Michael & Laurie Barber* Altha Barnhart* Art & Sandy Barz* Bill & Lori Belinski
Fern Blewett* David & Robin Botma Jon & Ann Bowman* Mark Brabec* David & Rebecca Burt* Mary Ann Canan Cap Clegg* Colleen Cooper* Robert & Nora Copeland* Angie Cormier Ralph Costanzo Joe DeSarro Melissa Descheemaeker Larry & Donna Dugas* Mark & Dorcie Dvarishkis Ron & Georgiana Faust Kristi Fischer Peter & Betty Fitzloff* Don & Marilyn Floberg* Joseph & Barbara Foster David & Sandra Freeman* Gary & Leslie Gangnath Ben & Lois Gerber* Peggy Graham Robert Hajek* Tom & Robin Hanel Kent & Linda Harris Ralph Hawkins* Ronald & Judith Heggem Bill Jamison Peter & Bev Johnson Bill Kraske* Brian & Lindsey Lang Rick & Nicki Larson Linaya Leaf* Frank & Helen Mathew* Scott McCleary Downs & Irene McCloskey Donald & Dolores McClure* Mike McCollough* Laura McKay* Fred Meiwald* Rod & Patti Morris Jim & Terri Mourich* John & Linda Murphy* Lewis Neyland Dick & Linda Norden Roger & Marti O’Neil* Camille Osborn Jeff & Tavell Peete Brian & Tracie Pelczar Matthew & Laura Prill Kristin Rapacz Layne & Myrna Rolandson*
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Fiscal Year 2011-2012
ANNUAL GIFT REPORT FISCAL YEAR JULY 1, 2011-JUNE 30, 2012 Sig & Bev Ross Pat & Michele Schindele George Seebart* Bill & Marilyn Simmons Larry Small* Kim Smith John & Donna Soderberg* Don & Marge Sterhan Pete Taylor Peter & Calley Thompson Chuck & Joan Tooley Obert & Ginny Undem* Bob & Gail Waller* Bob & Ruth Wendt Bob & Caroline Williamson* Bob & Liz Wilmouth Founders Club $100 - $499 Vi Abrams* Edward Aders, Jr Jerry & Shana Adolph Harry Anderson Jim & Linda Anderson* Laura Anderson Patricia Anderson* Fred & Phyllis Arnst Jason Aupied Marlene Bacon Henry & Erma Badt* Jim & Christie Baken* Degan Barber Cathy Barker* Robert & Brenda Barott Travis & Colleen Bartlett Dava Bauman Jim & Linda Beal Katherine Beaty* Doug & Sarah Bennyhoff Kasey Benson* Elsie Bernhardt* Roger Berry* Tim & Melanie Biel Mae Blain Kristen Blair Curt & Kim Boehm Dale Boggs Phil & Nancy Bower Brook Bowman Tom Brantz Butch & Shannon Bratsky Fred & Janet Brautigan Carlie Breen Jane Brophy Don Brown*
Marion Brown* Doretta Brush* Angela Bundy* Mike & Sherril Burke Rick & Dena Burt James & Kathleen Butts* Dan & Jacquie Bymaster Pam Calderon Michael Capshaw Bob FitzGerald & Pam Carlson Carlson James & Charlotte Caulkins Robert & Rae Chaney Charles Chapman Joe & Helen Chauvin Patti Chester Tracy Christensen Bill Clagg* Jim Clark Kathryn Clark* Larry & Michelle Clark Theodore & Jane Clark John & Carol Clausen John Clem Arlin Cole Fred & Mary Collins Jennifer Collins Larry & Linda Collins Audrey Cosper* Randy & Lee Crellin Joe & Cathie Cross Lori Crow* Bob & Robin Cummings Pamela Curnow Bob & Patti Daniels Dick & Peggy Dare Bruce Davidson* Deborah Davis Vicki Davison George & Loretta Day Ruben & Nancy Day Bill & Evelyn Defferding* Mike DeLoach Jack & Jean DeVeer* Dave & Jan Dietrich Gene Doerr Viola Donaldson Bill & Daria Dooley Jack & Cynthia Dorgan Lee Dorr Larry Dover* Gary & Jean Dreikosen Doug & Pat Druckenmiller Bob & Jackie Duncan Jacquee Dundas*
Randy & Carolyn Durr* Dan & Lynne Dutton* Daniel & Candace Dwyer Steve Dyche* Leslie Edwards Herm Elenbaas Helen Erickson* Donna Esp Dave & Beth Ferries Dick Field* Charles & Lois Fietz Bob & Claudia Fife Leo & Erlys Fink Kimberly Finney Jeri Flanagan John Flanagan Susan Flax Ruth Fletcher Barbara Fogarty Stella Fong Todd & Eva Foran Eric & Jennifer Forseth Hal & Lori Forseth Denise Fosado Kristi Foster Steven Fraser Charlie & Ellen Frasure Nancy Freburg* Jim & Pam Freeman Bob Frost* Thomas & Judy Galletti Larry & Melody Gallup Christiane Gee Steve Streit & Edna Gehrke Luke Gerber* Mark & Vickie Gerber Lynda Gibson* Matt Gilson* George & Kathleen Goodrich Roger Gordon* Ralph & Carolyn Granner Scotty Gray* Jim & Janet Greer* Mike & Pat Greer Kathy Griffin Jeff & Kerry Gruizenga Jody Guinn Earl & Maggie Guss Wayne & Pamela Gustafson Joel & Ann Guthals Rex & Ann Hafer Carol Hagan Dennis & Robyn Hall Greg & Kellie Hall Donna Halpin*
Ed Hamilton* Lyn Hamilton* Barry & Terry Hamlin* Ken & Barbara Hansen Jack Harbison Dan Hargrove* Jodi Harper Steve & Pam Harper* Donald & Shirley Harr* Solomon & Olita Harris Trevor Harvard Katie Havasi* Barbara Hawkins Marita Heggem Velvet Hein Daniel Hellerud Pamela Hellerud Leroy Hellickson Neil & Maria Henderson Tom Hennessy Hugh Herbert John & Dixie Hertel Cindy Hessler* Alex Heyneman* Don & Georgia Hicks* James Higginbotham Donaldson Hill Alan Hoffman* Braydon Hoiness Judy Holcomb* John Hole* Dennis Holmes Randall & Stephanie Holom* Steve & Paula Holte Bill & Marcia Honaker Fitch & Nancy Hons* Charlotte Hopper* Steve & Laurie Howard* Leon Howe Vicki Hulse* Cristi Hunnes* Vince & Ann Huntington Hubert & Mary Huntley* Cynthia Hutchinson* Nellie Israel* Ambassador Jackson Doug James Tim & Gail Janiak* Sharon & James Jeffery Doug & Mary Ann Jenkins Carol Jensen* Ben Johns* Dianne Johnson* Douglas Johnson* Jeffrey & Linda Johnson
Jerry Johnson Mary Johnson Paul Johnson Peggy Johnson Ralph Johnson James & Mary Ann Jones Kathy Jones* Tim Lehman & Danell Jones Jones* Darlene Jordan Bob & Audrey Jurovich* Perry Kaminski Bud & Judy Kastrop* Vance & Estela Kaufman Bill Kennedy Phillip & Donna Key Dell Keys* ShaďŹ g & Tasneem Khaleel* Eileen Kiesow Daniel & Kathryn Kifer Bob & Ruby Klein Steve & Christine Klepps Russell & Janet Kline Clete Knaub* Robert & Danene Knudsen Rich & Marlene Kramer Gareld & Barbara Krieg* Gary & Gwen Krug Carl & Lynne Krusi* Paul & Dolores Kuhlman Angie Kunz Clarece Lacy* Carl & Deb Lafky Les & Sue Lafountain Connie Landis Marietta Lane Bob & Janet Larkin* Scott Wilson & Mary Lavey James Lea* Robert Lee Marshall Left Hand* Kathy LeFurgey Rick & Cindy Leonard Clementine Lindley Chris & Carline Little Tom Little Armand & Arle Lohof Tim & Cara Lohrenz James & Sharon Longmire Keith & Lucinda Loran Clementine Lord Bette Lowery* Parker & Sarah Lucas
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ANNUAL GIFT REPORT FISCAL YEAR JULY 1, 2011-JUNE 30, 2012 Elwood & Elizabeth Lynn Dwight & Maggie Mackay Syvert & Brenda Mahlen Rietta Malsom Kirk Manfredi* Herb & Gerry Mangis Steve & Lorraine Marsh Jesse & Janet Martin Judith Martin* Petrea Martin Michael Martinsen Keith & Janice Mason* Hal Mathew* Bill & Dorothy Matthew* Kevin McCauley Bob & Sharon McComb* Clayton & Joan McCracken Jamie & Bernice McCreery Susan & Stuart McDaniel Keith & Carol McDivitt Doc & Roberta McDowell John McDowell* Josh & Alison McDowell* Marc Thompson & Kim McDowell Deb McGlone Phillip McGlone Randy & Cassie McHenry Mike & Carla McIntire* Kathy McKibbin William & Betty McKinley* Joe & Jennifer McKinney Jim Meek* Mike & Jo Ann Meredith* Kelsey Merriam Andy Merry* Pat Merry Brent & Peg Mertz Marcia & Chris Miller* Mary Ann & Victor Miller Thomas & Carol Miller George Mitchell Larry Mitchell Marjorie Mollar Vicki Monroe-Killmar Larry & Lynne Monson* Kirk & Teresa Montgomery Conard Moore Louis & Jean Moore Robert & Susan Morasko Kerrie More Harold & Elfie Morgan Lloyd Mosdal* Bruce & Ruth Most Sam & Jessie Mourich*
Kristin Mullaney Pat Mundt Robert Murphy* Glee Murray* Ed & Marcy Mutch Martin & Nadine Mutch* Gary Myhre Brad & Shanna Nason* Gayle Nebel Dale Nees* Jim & Jan Neighbor Myrel Nelson Betty Nesmith* Bertie Newton* Robert & Mary Anne Nichols Mark & Heather Nitz Barry Nolan Jon Nuss Tom Nyquist* Milton & Jane Ohnstad Wesley & Barbara Oja Sherman & Frances Oland Don & Kim Olsen Marian Olsen David & Vickie Orendorff Shelly Ostang Ray Ostermiller Kaye Palmer Don & Carolyn Palumbo Crystal Parrish Douglas & Shirley Parrott Sue Paulson* Jeffrey & Melinda Payne John Peikert Bill & Janet Perrin Jade Peterson Edmond Piesen* Margaret Ping* Ernest & Barbara Potter Audre Pressman* Todd & Patty Preston Brad & Mary Quatier Harry & Louise Randall* Ray & Marilyn Randall* George Rankin* Brock & Heidi Rasmussen* Virgil Rauch* Brad & Julia Reddick Holly Redman Paul Reeder Jane Reger Dusty Rhodes* Lynn Rhodes Frank & Kathy Richter Don Riegger
Don & Carol Roberts* Charles Robertson* Sally Robertson Teddy Roe Selwyn & Dolores Rogers Donald Rome Bernie Rose* Teresa Rowen Dan Russell* Alice Ryniker* Jerry & Bobbi Sawicki Jim Schaff* Irvin Scheidt Catherine Scherwenka Glen & Joyleen Schipman Don & Nita Schofield Grace Schofield George Schuman Tim & Sandy Schwartz* George & Patty Selover* Scott Severance Carol Shaw Douglas Shepherd Gale & Joan Sherrodd* Tricia Shimkus* Ken Siderius* Blaine & Diane Simons Al & Ann Simpson Daniel & Tanja Sloan Montie Slusher Stanley Smith Steve Smith Dennis & Sandra Snow Marilyn Sorby Gary Sorum Dick & Marcia Spalding Ed & Suzy Speare* David Spence* Dave & Donna Spencer* Larry & Elinore Stanley Sterling & Joan Starr* Reid & Marlene Stevens* Jay & Lotta Stewart Stan Stewart Stephen Stewart* Vernie Stoddard Dave & Londa Stout Bill & Mary Strong Roy & Sherry Strong Rudy Stulc T.J. & Mary Lou Stulc Sarah Sullivan John Sundelius Rod & Pat Svee* Bill & Kathie Sybrant
Vicki Taborek* Bryce Terpstra & Vicki-Lynn Tacke Paul Tarmann John & Jean Taylor Mark & Rosanna Taylor Paul Taylor* Rebecca Taylor Will & Karyn Taylor* Bob & Marilyn Thaden Cobey & Kathi Theade Todd & Paullette Thelen Katherine Thomas Trace Thomas Jim & Linda Thompson Kent & Juliana Thompson* James & Marilyn Threatt* Robert & Patricia Thuesen Ward & Rhonda Tigner Herbert & Sue Tillema* Herb & Bette Tilton James Tingle Ron Tjaden* Ruth Towe Tom & Ruth Towe Jacob & Michelle Troyer Steven & Deb Tucker Bill Twilling* Bob Ketchum & Barb Vail* Vicki Vaira Lloyd Van Zee Ilya Vasilevskiy Paul Venell* Myron & Laurie Vogele* Russell & Robin Vukonich Brian & Angela Waddell Robbin Wagner* Ted Wagner Leoti Waite* Kerri Walker Steve & Sue Walker* Larry & Jessie Walter* Dick & Susan Walton Ruth Warren* Norman & Mazie Webb Larry & Linda Weirather Kyle & Jeanelle Wessmer Tom Widenhouse Chris Wiens David Williams Holly Williamson Liz Willner Rodd & Jacque Wohlfeil Jerry Wolf Bette Wolff*
Harry & Palma Wolverton* Phil & Betty Young Sherry Zimmerman Gilbert Zyzniewski* CHURCHES An * denotes five or more years of consecutive giving Legacy Club $5,000 - $9,999 Diocese of Great Falls/ Billings* Leadership Club $2,500 - $4,999 Presbytery of Yellowstone* United Church of Christ Yellowstone Conference of the UMC* Achievement Club $1,000 - $2,499 Montana-Northern Wyoming Conf.UCC* Synod of the Rocky Mountains* First Congregational UCC, Billings MT* First Congregational UCC, Great Falls MT Pioneer Club $500 - $999 Bozeman UMC Founders Club $100 - $499 Chester UMC Choteau UMC Denton UMC First Presbyterian Church First UMC Livingston Grace UMC Mission Valley UMC Presbyterian Women UCC--Wider Church Ministries Peoples Congregational Church, Sidney MT
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ANNUAL GIFT REPORT FISCAL YEAR JULY 1, 2011-JUNE 30, 2012 INDIVIDUALS GRADUATED BY YEAR An * denotes RMC Attendees 1936 Altha Barnhart 1938 John Yeates 1941 Irene Estes George Gray Frank Mathew Helen Mathew Harold McElroy Marjory Shiell * Herb Tilton
Leo Fink Dorothy Foreman * Alex Kaiser William Matthew Martin Mutch * Dale Nees Yvonne Olson * Erwin Rhodes 1953 Charles Lechner * Betty Nesmith Vernie Stoddard Theodore Wagner Bette Wolff 1954 Charlotte Caulkins Leida Hanning * Robert Hudson J. Keith Mason
1943 Lorraine Baker Dale Fenner Lewis Neyland Leoti Waite Ruth Warren
1955 Elsie Bernhardt Donna Esp Gary Nelson * Dan Russell Kenneth Siderius
1945 Eldon Seebart
1956 James Caulkins Ralph Johnson Berv Kimberley Edwin Ludington Adelia Pedersen * Eldora Stobie * Paul Venell
1946 Bertha Bucher Ethel Jordan Lloyd Mosdal * 1947 Charles Chapman William Colbert Helen Erickson Virgil Rauch 1948 John Kindelman * Betty Porter * John Porter * George Rankin * Charles Robertson * 1950 William Macer Charles Mason * 1951 William Baxter Fred Collins Thomas Nyquist * 1952 Joy Baker
1957 Richard Alberta Vicky Allen * Phyllis Arnst * Fred Arnst Erma Badt Sonja Crocker * Daniel Freund Thomas Lane Kathleen Magee * William Ryan Carol Nancy Schreiber * Donald Sherman 1958 Ralph Granner Benjamin Johns G. Neal Lininger * Conard Moore Jack Overby David Ristow * Francee Shaules * Richard Shaules *
Rocky Mountain College Gift Report
The Great Room of Prescott Hall is the signature space used for prestigious college events and was part of a renovation of the entire building. Larry Stanley Reid Stevens Gordon Stoddard Frank Wu 1959 J. Henry Badt Donald Brown Larry Dover Janet Greer * Albert Groskinsky Anne Groskinsky Arle Lohof Armand Lohof Elfie Morgan Francia Presley Marlene Stevens 1960 Janet Kay Brautigan Harold Morgan Frabert Stobie Mary Thornton Gilbert Zyzniewski 1961 Leroy Bender Fred Brautigan Richard Field John Flanagan David Freeman Philip Ganson Carolyn Granner James Greer Dixie Hertel * Alfred Kiser Ronald Leftwich * Sharon Lininger Marlin Overstreet Thomas Quilling Irvin Scheidt James Scott Donna Soderberg
1962 Eugene Doerr Lee Dorr Steve Dyche Ralph Hawkins John Hertel Montie Slusher John Soderberg Thomas Widenhouse Robert Williams Robert Williamson Stewart Wolbach 1963 Wilbur Armagost Richard Dare * LaVerne Esquilin Zoe Ann Gerhart Carolyn Hamilton Kaaren Hill Richard Hill Gerald Hopkins * Fred Meiwald Carolyn Palumbo * Jo Ann Weckwerth 1964 Roger Berry Bernos (Bernie) Bliss Kenneth Bondy Sharon Cooke David Frasier Michael Gustafson Donna Halpin * Neil Henderson Judith Holcomb Howard Hunter Michael McCollough Patricia Mundt Myrel Nelson * Carol Sue Nelson Charles Redfield M. Layne Rolandson
Ronald Sovey Margaret Webb 1965 Audrey Cosper E. Joseph Cross Birdeena Dapples Robert FitzGerald James Fortune James Freeman Luke Gerber Lynda Gibson Paul Jarvi Jeanne Johnston * Danene Knudsen * Robert Knudsen Michael Kosorok Harold Mathew Richard McCann Martha O’Malley John Peikert * Edmond Piesen Frank Richter Blaine Simons Diana Solle Earl Solle David Spencer Donna Spencer 1966 James Almond Marion Brown James Carter Charles Dapples Bruce Davidson Jacquelyn Duncan Charlene Gustafson Sharon Jeffery Dianne Johnson William Kraske Donald McClure
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ANNUAL GIFT REPORT FISCAL YEAR JULY 1, 2011-JUNE 30, 2012 R. Stephen Harper Timothy Janiak James Meek Sally Morrison Michele Schindele Jean Taylor Larry Walter
Patricia is a member of the RMC Board of Trustees and loyal friend to the College, as was her late husband, Dr. Charles C. Morledge.
The renovation of Technology Hall created handicap access as well as creation of the Ryniker-Morrison Art Gallery. Robert McComb David McConnell * Gary Myhre David Oberly Roger O’Neil * Carol Preyer Donald Riegger Louise Squatrito William Twilling Myron Vogele 1967 James Anderson Linda Anderson Tom Buck Keytha Burgman John Cromwell Paul Edwards Cynthia Fortune James Gibbs Barry Hamlin Terry Hamlin Olita Harris Ann Huntington * Vince Huntington Judith Martin Carla McIntire * Michael McIntire Michael Meredith Donald Palumbo William Perrin Dale Pohle * David Reid Kathleen Schultz Marilyn Sorby * Ronald Squatrito
1968 Nancy Bower * Phillip Bower Patricia Crook * Catherine Cross Robert Daniels Pat Druckenmiller Jacqueline Dundas Daniel Dutton Merial Fitzgerald * Nancy Freburg Janet Ganson G. Russell Harper Solomon Harris Jerome Johnson * Perry Kaminski Margaret Lough Sue Paulson Sally Robertson J. Lorenne Rundquist Douglas Shepherd Gary Sorum Stanley Stewart * John Sundelius 1969 Kathy Case * Gerald Case Scott Clarke Denise Feller Thorm Forseth David Fox Carol Heath Frank Homec Gwendolyn Krug Joseph Loos Karen Loos Dwight Mackay
Rocky Mountain College Gift Report
Ruth Most Linda Norden Georgia Ruebsamen Gale Sherrodd Dennis Snow Sandra Snow Wayne Stiffler Rodney Svee Martha Tegtmeyer * Ronald Tjaden Jean Wallace 1970 Patricia Anderson Douglas Druckenmiller * William Fortune Ivy Hark Charles Hubley James Johnson Gary Krug Bertha Newton Richard Norden Kaye Palmer Norma Pruett * Allen Siroky Edwin Speare John Thompson William Vincent Linda Weirather 1971 Jesse Barnhart Penelope Breen Thomas Carlsen Richard Dohrman Gary Drye Candace Dwyer Daniel Dwyer
Alan Hoffman Doretta Hoand William Hope Jean Kormylo Mark Larson Carol Mathew Michael Mathew Laura McKay George Mitchell David Orendorff Margaret Orendorff James Quass Patricia Svee Donna Sweeney David Torgerson 1972 Robert Murphy * Judy Nielsen * John Rose * Tina Szczepanski * Robert Hajek Edward Hamilton Leon Howe Marshall Left Hand Scott McCleary Mary Miller Glee Murray Brolin Parker 1973 Katherine Beaty Lila Brooks Robin Devine Daria Dooley * William Dooley Benjamin Flynn Hal Forseth *
1974 Melanie Biel Timothy Biel Pamela Carlson * Deborah Davis * Carolyn Drye David Floerchinger Robert Frost Shauna Gibbs Gail Grovenstein James Helgeson John Hole Anonymous Cherri McAulay Judy Moynihan Jill Ramsey Dean Szczepanski John Taylor 1975 Nancy Camp James Devine Matthew Gilson Nancy Harper Colleen Johnson Dell Keys * Caroline Kost Reynolds Kost Ralph Leary Robert Meyer Kirk Montgomery Jan Neighbor Jim Neighbor Patricia Shimkus Gary Sohm * 1976 Catherine Barker John Bliss Keith Bourn Michael Capshaw * Sue Cozzens Claudia Fife Robert Fife Stephen Garnaas-Holmes Thomas Johnson T. Wayne Koepke Janet Larkin Robert Larkin Larry Mathew
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ANNUAL GIFT REPORT FISCAL YEAR JULY 1, 2011-JUNE 30, 2012 Martin Novak Timothy Schwartz David Spence Stephen Stewart 1977 Monte Lee Anderson Larry Clark Frank Clegg * David Ferries Kellie Hall Patricia Highland Russell Kline * Grace Matthaes Lawrence Monson Lynne Monson Jim Mourich Christine Prymak Randall Scott Esther Beth Sullivan E. Berch Willard 1978 Theresa Bajt Laurie Barber Michael Barber Kim Behrent Donald Dellos Sylvia DeVries Jack Harbison Peter Johnson Judith Kimmer Marcia Miller Terri Mourich * Sandy Schwartz Vicki Taborek * 1979 Theresa Adams Patricia Bagnard Dale Boggs Robert Howes Calkins Loree Campbell Claudia Decker John Decker Susan Gibson-Veyna Bruce Jensen Beverly Johnson Kathleen Jones Janet Kline Vicki Monroe-Killmar * Gregory Peterson Kurt Rabenold Lynette Scott Vicki Vaira Jay Walstedter * S. Elizabeth Willner
1980 Susan Beley Thomas Brantz Carol Calkins * Loralee Crow * Carolyn Durr Larry Gunderson Paula Holte Nancy Hons Laurie Howard Steven Howard Gerald Loran Kirk Manfredi Edward Mutch Diane Schlegel Stanley Smith Kay Wallin * Andre Wilkie 1981 Doretta Brush Randy Durr Dorcie Dvarishkis Mark Dvarishkis Carl Finney Kathy Hodges Steve Holte Vicki Hulse * Kevin McCauley Pamela Pula-Kuntz James Schaff Maureen Singh Gary Stremcha Robbin Wagner
Wendy Lewis Susan Morasko Mary Quatier Kevin Reinschmidt Karyn Taylor Nancy Wolf 1985 Carolyn Ann Beringer Ronald Beringer Sonja Chandler Jeffrey Gannon Carl Hansen Randall Holom Abigail Johnson Benjamin Kronick Martin McDowell Cathie Osmun Brad Quatier Holly Redman 1986 Katheryn Havasi Jeannice Malsom * Susan Newell * Michael Schmitt William Taylor Nelloyd Tharp 1987 Brian Bell Jennifer Collins * Mary Kunn Ronald Sannes *
1982 Alex Heyneman Berta Newton Steve Shaw Paul Taylor Kerri Walker Steven Walker David Williams
1988 Sarah Bennyhoff * Ted Connors Jennifer Girard Coreen Glen Gary Lesch Crystal Parrish Juliana Thompson *
1983 James Clark Clifford Fillner * Douglas Hill Lucinda Loran Teresa Montgomery Brad Nason Shanna Nason Peter Taylor
1989 Doug Bennyhoff A. Elizabeth Colliower J. Christopher Little B. Scott Severance Kent Thompson
1984 Pamela Calderon Kaylin Gunderson Jill Hill Beth Johnstone
Rocky Mountain College Gift Report
1990 Kristen Blair Carline Little James Loughrie 1991 Charles Fietz * Susan Gallo
Michael Hanneman Rodney Kastelitz Marlene Kramer Traci Marchwinski Mitchell Matuska Jennifer Reiser Frank Richter Trace Thomas Rhonda Tigner Michael Walker 1992 Marietta Boyce Mark Brabec Jeniffer Hammontree Jamie Miron Michael Ryan Douglas Van Zee Robyn Yovetich 1993 Melinda Cheetham Rick Faw Wade Lundin * Kerrie More Lorna Stremcha 1994 Becky Bryn Jennifer Doggett William Dreikosen T. Christiane Gee Lee Hoffman Lynette Kahalekai Petrea Martin Elizabeth Parrish Katherine Thomas Wenda Wickland 1995 Jennifer Knowles Bruce LeCaptain Deena Popp Henry Stoecker Calley Thompson 1996 Kelly Anderson Merle Froslie Theodore Kober Bradley Reddick 1997 Lisa Cunningham Janet Gray Erik Hamilton Robert Haney Pamela Kania Julie Kelso
Abbie Skelton Donna Small Teresa Tafoya Gretchen Wagner 1998 Cory Heggem Eileen Kiesow Jonathan Nuss 1999 Elisabeth Anderson * Christi Brown Angela Bundy Angela Kunz Angela McConnell Kimberley McDowell Dana Milton Mark Nitz Marcus Thompson Devin Tomcik * Betty Whiting 2000 Kasey Benson Brenda Eden Connie Genger Lindsey Lang Andrew Merry Patrick Merry Diana Morelli Lisa Posada-Griffin Suzanne Rudi Jude Tardy 2001 Bria Chimenti John Clem Brian Lang April Logulo Timothy Lohrenz Heather Nitz Matthew Prinkki Peter Thompson Tanner Tweten Virginia Williams 2002 Christy Bone Heather Heggem Joshua McDowell Erin Willenburg 2003 Robert Davis Thomas Hanel Kevin Larson Parker Lucas
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ANNUAL GIFT REPORT FISCAL YEAR JULY 1, 2011-JUNE 30, 2012 Sarah Lucas Katherine Stack Vicki-Lynn Tacke 2004 Maria Fosado Drews * Judy Kastrop * 2005 Cheyenne Aldrich Heidi Rasmussen Edward Stack * Rebecca Tidwell 2006 Vicki Carstens Evangelina Duke Cara Lohrenz John Riley Jacob Troyer Bryce Wulf 2007 Scott Anderson Edward Campen * Elizabeth Campen * Erin Elenbaas Brenda Lyons Sheena Rasmussen Russel Smail 2008 Carlie Breen Michael DeLoach Edna Gehrke Misty King Michelle Troyer 2009 Valeri Adolph Dava Bauman Colleen Hoesly Nancy Morrison Jadriene Peterson Catherine Scheidecker 2010 Kristin Ballbach Degan Barber Trevor Harvard Kristin Mullaney Rhonda Sappington 2011 Stacey Terrell Ian Turner
Honors & Memorials Al Guinn Jody Guinn Annete Murphy & Sue Tillema Robert Murphy Betty Eickelberg June Butler Leonard & Marguerite Dahl Bob & Karen Doolen Cindy Holtz Obert & Ginny Undem Bill Drum Don & Judy Allen Harry Anderson Anonymous Sonja Bennett Ron & Georgiana Faust Earl & Maggie Guss Ed & Jill Ludington Milton & Jane Ohnstad George Schuman Dick & Marcia Spalding Thomas & Linda Weeks Bob & Poly Holmes Kathy Jones Dale Zimdars Larry Small Advanced Photonix, Inc. Darrell Booth Kampgrounds of America Doc McDowell Doug & Sarah Bennyhoff Mark & Dorcie Dvarishkis Frank Mathew Nancy Aalgaard John & Janice Alberta Anonymous Fred & Janet Brautigan June Butler Theodore & Jane Clark Cumim Associates B & D Enterprise Helen Erickson Jeri Flanagan Russ & Dorothy Foreman Tom & Jean Forseth Steven Fraser Dorothy Brush Genatone Rex & Ann Hafer Yvonne Harris Marjorie & Darrel Hermann James Higginbotham Dorothy Hilger Edward Hoem Bill Hope Howard & Janice Hunter Ambassador Jackson Jackson Bill Jamison
Rocky Mountain College Gift Report
Keith Johnson M. Kay Kennedy Berv & Virginia Kimberley Alfred Kiser Bill Kraske Gary & Gwen Krug Pearl Langstaff Jim & Mary Lee Armand & Arle Lohof Jesse and Janet Martin Michael Martinsen Mike Mathew & Kay Foster Carol Mathew Larry Mathew Helen Mathew Doc & Roberta McDowell Larry Mitchell Patti Morledge Jim & Terri Mourich Don & Kim Olsen Marlin Overstreet Hong Kok Ting Paugh Margaret Ping Dale Pohle Tom & Arline Quilling Layne & Myrna Rolandson Bill & Helen Ryan Alice Ryniker Jerry & Bobbi Sawicki Janeen Schmidt Don & Nita Schofield Grace Schofield Carol Schreiber Doris Schuman George & Patty Selover Larry Small Dave & Donna Spencer Gordon & Vernie Stoddard Rod & Pat Svee Gerry Ann Thompson Robert & Patricia Thuesen Herb & Bette Tilton Obert & Ginny Undem Myron & Laurie Vogele Ruth Warren Sandra Wyman Steve Markovich
Peterson & Schofield PLLC George Harper Bob & Claudia Fife Nancy Freburg Hailey Pearce Doc & Roberta McDowell Helen Bross Robert Hajek Jeff Lindsay Anonymous Tom & Deborah Carlsen John & Carol Clausen Mary Johnson Marlowe Kinkade Don & Peggy Lindsay Jennifer Keys Dell Keys John & Claudia Fife Dorothy Harper John & Linda Murphy Herbert & Sue Tillema Margaret Huffman Bob & Claudia Fife Marilyn Brown Rocky Brown James Tingle Milous Repka Patti Morledge Obert Undem Roger Gordon Randy Hyvonen Ruth Fletcher Ray Albert Inga Larsen Rev. Kristi Foster Raymond & Linda Aschettino Cheryl Barthelman Tom & Susan Blossom Karen Cole Glenn & Marjorie Coleman Darlene Collins G. William & Bondetta Cutcher Bob & Shari Dayton Richarch & Christina English Ann English Robert Failor
Tom & Jean Forseth Joseph & Barbara Foster Tiffany French Jonathan & Elizabeth Griffiths R. Rebecca Guyton Lynne Hansen Donaldson Hill Craig Hoffman Steven & Margaret Hoover Lloyd & Charlotte Hoover Richard & Frances Kingman Albert & Dayna Lane Linaya Leaf M. Marlo Marjorie Marshall Kathy McKibbin Brent & Peg Mertz Marjorie Mollar Shelly Ostang Sally Phillips Margaret Ping Feagaville Parish Women of the ELCA Lois Reichard Larry Small Barbara Stutzman Richard Stutzman, Jr. Larry & Nancy Sweet Susan Towner-Larsen Obert & Ginny Undem UCC--Wider Church Ministries First UMC Montana Association of Churches Yellowstone Conference of the UMC Keeney & Basford P.A. Funeral Home Robert & Diann Murphy Herbert & Sue Tillema Sandy Barz Doug & Sarah Bennyhoff Steve & Rie Murphy Herbert & Sue Tillema Tony Eatinger Colleen Hoesly
Not Listed? THE RMC ADVANCEMENT OFFICE works diligently to prepare the 20112012 Gift Report, but there may be a name missed or misspelled. If so, we regret the error and rely on donors to notify us so we may correct our records. Please note that this President’s and Annual Gifts Report includes contributions made between July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2012. Page 12
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R O C K Y. E D U
BE AN OPENER OF DOORS FOR SUCH AS COME AFTER THEE. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson For so many, the dream of a college education seems like an impossibility. At the very core of the mission of Rocky Mountain College is to make this dream attainable, and we could not fulfill this mission without the generosity of donors like you. THANK YOU FOR YOUR BELIEF IN THE GOOD WORK OF RMC AND FOR YOUR INVESTMENT IN THE DREAMS OF OUR STUDENTS. JULIE SEEDHOUSE RMC VICE PRESIDENT, ADVANCEMENT Contact me at 406.657.1008 or email me at julie.seedhouse@rocky.edu
The future is always purchased at present cost. Our donors are generous, care about others and are passionate about education as a means to change the future. They are willing to take action now to seed generations to come. There are tax advantages to doing so. Each donor to Rocky Mountain College, no matter the size of the gift, is important because she or he is leaving a living legacy. Such gifts change lives and realize dreams while creating educational magic. With current tax laws, there are ways ordinary people can make extraordinary gifts, permitting donors to subsidize larger gifts by diverting tax dollars from tax collectors to Rocky Mountain College, a life changing educational institution where dreams are cultivated into reality. I wish I could talk to those of you who are Montana taxpayers about the magic of the 40% Montana tax credit. It has caused many of our friends to smile on April 15th, a most unusual happening on that taxpaying day knowing that 2012 tax dollars have been diverted to permanent employment on the RMC campus. Call me for free and confidential discussion about this, IRA Rollovers, and using Rocky Mountain College’s Charitable Gift Annuities to boost retirement income while “paying back” others who invested in your education at RMC (or elsewhere). I WO U L D BE HAPPY TO DI SC U S S H OW YO U COU LD C REATE A LIV IN G LEGAC Y.
OBERT UNDEM RMC DIRECTOR OF PLANNED GIVING Contact me at 406.657.1142 or email me at undemo@rocky.edu.
All photographs, unless otherwise noted, are by Dave M. Shumway, RMC photographer