Green & Gold

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Welcome to Green & Gold, Rocky Mountain College’s new quarterly magazine. RMC continues to fulfill its mission to educate future leaders through liberal arts and professional programs that cultivate critical thinking, creative expression, ethical decision-making, informed citizenship, and professional excellence. We want to keep our supportive constituency informed about the success of our students, the outstanding stewardship of our faculty, RMC academic and athletic achievements, and alumni accomplishments. The inspirational RMC story will be better communicated with this new College quarterly, named for the school’s colors, and with a nod to RMC history from the days when students grew, harvested, milled, and packaged grain into a cereal of that same name. Green and Gold Cereal and Flour provided income that subsidized scholarships for the students who participated. As Dr. Lawrence F. Small, RMC past president and professor emeritus, wrote in his two-volume history of the College, “That enterprise had originated in the basement of Prescott Commons, largely from the efforts of

Green & Gold

a student off a homestead near Roy, Montana. David Dunn returned after graduation to build the business. By the fall of 1935 a larger mill was needed and a new delivery truck to serve the Billings area.” Dr. Small wrote that Thomas and Lewis Eaton, the founders of Billings Polytechnic, which evolved into RMC, always intended that the cereal operation be a student operation, where “upkeep of machinery, work in the milling, training in packaging and shipping, bookkeeping, and general responsibility for a successful business” were all educational adjuncts to the enterprise. Green





entrepreneurial effort and leadership that prevails at RMC today. With wideranging articles about RMC students, faculty, events, and alumni, Green & Gold will keep you up-to-date with exciting happenings on campus and in the RMC community. We’re excited about the launching of this new RMC publication, which includes the annual gift report in this issue. The next editions will be issued in December, February, and May. As always, we hope you will welcome us into your home, enjoy news from Montana’s first and finest institution of higher education, and share your thoughts with us about how we may better serve you with Green & Gold.


BLACKTIEBLUEJEANS “We’re honored and delighted to recognize a couple whose devoted service to Rocky Mountain College is exceptional, but who also represent extraordinary public service to the entire community,” said Dr. Robert Wilmouth, RMC president. Married for 30 years, the Underriners have excelled professionally while donating time to United Way, St. Vincent Hospital Foundation, the Billings Library Foundation, ZooMontana, and American Cancer Society, to name a few. They are the parents of two sons, Blake and Kyle. Bill, a native of Illinois, is president and owner of Underriner Motors, where he developed his career as sales and general manager when it was Selover Buick. Many of the employees from the successful sales and service teams he put together during that period are still with Underriner Motors today. Mary’s career includes being a grain trader for Cargill, Inc., a director of member services for the Billings Area Chamber of Commerce, and director of the Leadership Billings and Youth Leadership Billings, under the auspices of the Billing Area Chamber of Commerce.

The date and purpose are the same, but excitement mounts as Rocky Mountain College’s premier scholarship benefit – Black Tie Blue Jeans – moves home. RMC is holding its 26th annual event in the Fortin Education Center gymnasium, Friday, November 1, 2013. “We’ve long wanted to host it where we live, and this year we’ve worked it out so we can have it on campus,” said Kelly Edwards, RMC vice president for advancement. “It means we can bring in more people, show off our beautiful campus, and increase the amount of money we raise for student scholarships.”

Mary, who was honored by the YWCA Salute to Women, has served on numerous boards of directors, including United Way of Yellowstone County, Rocky Mountain College, the Billings Library Foundation, Family Support Network, American Cancer Society Relay for Life, Alberta Bair Theater, King of Glory, and Junior League of Billings. She was chair for ACS Relay for Life, cochair for United Way of Yellowstone County Campaign, co-chair for the capital campaign for the new Billings library, and co-chair for All-City Graduation Party Fundraising. She also served on the Scottish Rite Language Disorders Clinic fundraising committee, the School District 2 overcrowding committee, and the MSUB Wine Fest fundraising committee. Bill managed to serve in many volunteer capacities while also serving the National Automobile Dealers Association as immediate past chairman and on the board of directors. He is a member of the Montana Automobile Association Board of Directors and the Honda Dealer Advisory Board. Bill served as chairman and board member of the Helena Branch of the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Board. Bill’s public service includes being a charter member and chairman of the Big Sky Alexis de Tocqueville Society of United Way, past president and board member of the United Way of Yellowstone County, and past chairman of St. Vincent Hospital Foundation. He has also served as board member of the Yellowstone Art Museum, ZooMontana, the American Cancer Society Western Region, and the National Council for the Prevention of Child Abuse.

“This event is crucial to our ability to award scholarships to many deserving students. Every cent we bring in goes to student scholarships,” she added. Bill and Mary Underriner, a couple whose public service is recognized for bettering the Billings and Yellowstone County community and whose leadership and commitment exemplifies RMC’s mission, are this year’s Black Tie Blue Jeans Honorary Chairs.

Black Tie Blue Jeans



THEDOCTORISIN years later.

As an adjunct professor in RMC’s Master of Physician Assistant Studies program, he found out how much he loved teaching, which proved to be a good thing when cancer derailed his career as a surgeon. As a result, he could devote more time to teaching and mentoring physician assistant students. To RMC’s good fortune that would develop into the job as director. The program was failing and consideration was given to abandoning it, but Wilmouth helped resuscitate it. He said he did not do it alone, praising the commitment of then-president Michael R. Mace, former RMC Academic Vice President Anthony Piltz, and a dedicated faculty and staff. When Julius Erving, nicknamed “Dr. J,” astounded basketball fans during his award-studded career spanning two decades, the expression “The doctor is in the house” was popularized. When Erving slammed down dunks or twirled to the basket from the baseline, fans would high five and exclaim, “The doctor is in the house.” When the NBA’s most valuable player took his show on the road and helped unhinge home teams, his followers would exclaim, “The doctor makes house calls.” These days at Rocky Mountain College, the expression “there’s a doctor in the house” is used to describe the real doctor who took over the helm this past year as RMC’s 10th president. Dr. Robert – just call me “Bob” – Wilmouth is the first physician to lead Rocky Mountain College. The former cardiovascular surgeon, who overcame metastasized cancer 10 years ago, tackled his new job with high energy and enthusiasm that has characterized his life from when he first sought to be accepted to medical school. Raised in Illinois, he didn’t make the cut when he applied to the University of Illinois School of Medicine the first time. A combination of hard work and luck resulted in him being accepted two 2

The Doctor Is In

He also praised students who bought into a culture of professionalism and patient safety. “They built the program,” he stated. When Mace announced his retirement, Wilmouth was named interim president in January 2013. By April, after an intensive national search, the RMC Board of Trustees unanimously agreed to drop the interim title and appoint him president. There was no special celebration when Wilmouth took the reins. “Time to roll up our sleeves and go to work,” he told the RMC community. For the past nine months, that’s exactly what he has been doing. He did take time to sit down for a Green & Gold interview in September. G&G: When you took over, you conveyed a sense of urgency about getting down to work, which left little time to celebrate your achievement. What made you decide to push so hard, so quickly? BW: I think because I was a physician, my training and education aim at results and good outcomes in a

timely fashion. I’ve observed things don’t move along in a timely fashion unless there are deadlines. We don’t have time to pat ourselves on the back right now because we have some urgent issues to resolve. So, I hit the ground running and I started setting deadlines to fix things because deadlines are a great motivator. If you want good results and positive outcomes, you see what the problem is, you fix it, and you move on. G&G: You talk about the need for a cultural change at RMC and performance evaluations to ensure progress is being made. Are you concerned that might unnerve people? BW: What I have said is we need to get continually better at what we do until we reach perfection. Again, that may be my doctor side speaking because no one wants a physician treating them who says, “It’s good enough.” My vision for this college is simple: We can all do what we’re doing better, and we should try to do that every day we come to work. We live in one of the best communities in the U.S. – I think Billings recently was picked in the top 10 (in 2013 Kiplinger, Forbes Magazine, and Sunset named Billings in top 10 for best cities to live in), and we want to be part of that. We need to let Billings know “we’re in this with you” and as you get better, you can count on us to be doing the same.

It’s why I talk about reciprocal accountability. This isn’t a one-way street where I’m wanting something I’m not willing to do myself. I expect to be held accountable for what I’m responsible for and you should expect me to be accountable. And I am going to hold others accountable. That’s how it should work. G&G: What are the major challenges you think RMC faces? BW: We need to look better. That means we need to fix up our buildings. Why? Because you can not expect people to invest in this college if it looks shabby. You can’t bring prospective students and their families here when it doesn’t look like the Ivy League campus we often say we resemble. So, we’re working on that now, day and night. And that’s not superficial. It’s important. It instills pride to come to work in a beautiful place. We should always have an eye on our enrollment. We’ve built it up over the years, and we need to stabilize it at over 1,000 students. We also need to improve the retention and graduation rates. We need a new science facility. We have had terrific growth in the sciences. We need modern facilities to allow our faculty to educate in a setting that is conducive for better learning. Last, and certainly not least, we need to pay our faculty and staff better. G&G: We talk about the transformational education RMC provides. What does that mean to you? BW: We get students from point A to B. Sure, they are here for a short time in their lives, but an important time. We believe we do more than just supply a degree. There is a great deal of socialization that occurs allowing them to experience a community. They are educated as a whole person and not just trained


specifically. This will allow them to make better decisions in life and be successful. Graduates know that learning is a lifelong endeavor. The transformational education comes from a great faculty that wants to make certain their students are getting the best value, the widest possible opportunity, and the best teaching that can be provided anywhere. We’re small, we’re unique, we’re paying attention to our students. It is a sacred relationship. We succeed when we have the right people and the right team and are purposeful about developing intellect and character. That kind of personal service excellence does not happen in a lot of places. It happens here. I know that what happens here is not simply educating students in the classroom; we’re building character, we’re cultivating leadership, we’re demanding responsibility. Every graduate of this college is special, which is why 99 percent of them find jobs almost immediately after they graduate. They have what every employer looks for: passion, work ethic, integrity, and character.

G&G: One of the most sought after abilities in a college president now is the ability to raise money. The search committee often joked that its top three qualifications were fundraiser, fundraiser, and fundraiser. How will you address that? BW: We elevate our students. We need to elevate each other. We need to elevate the community. We need to ask the question, what can RMC do for you? We need to foster a culture of trust with the community. What was the best way to do things in the past may not be the best way to do things now and we should never be afraid to look at that. When we have added value to what we do here, when we have people doing great work and getting great results, then people may believe in us enough to want to help us. High value, high standards, high enrollment, and high retention – if we build it strong, if we build it right, they – those with finances to help – will come.

The Doctor Is In



AFRICANADVENTURE “My first year at RMC I took students to the Galapagos Islands where we studied island biogeography and evolution, read from Darwin’s journals on our trip, and of course snorkeled with penguins, sharks, and seals. Since that trip I have taught courses in tropical ecology in Costa Rica; Arctic ecology, with a trip to see polar bear bears in Churchill, Manitoba; and, most recently, African ecology and conservation with a trip to Tanzania,” he said. Ostovar previously worked as a safari guide and helped co-found a non-profit organization to address the bush meat trade in Kenya. He was comfortable leading students to Tanzania.

“I don’t think I will ever hunt in Montana the same way again,” said Andy Morehead, after helping a group of Maasai warriors butcher a goat. Morehead, a student in environmental science at Rocky Mountain College, had always dreamed of a trip to Africa to see wildlife. Morehead was now learning how to efficiently butcher an animal without wasting any blood. Maasai actually drink the blood from their livestock and use all parts of the animal. Five years ago, Morehead listened to RMC Professor Kayhan Ostovar speak as an invited guest lecturer at Montana State University Billings about an expedition down the Blue Nile in Ethiopia. “I knew after that talk that I had to change schools and learn more about international conservation efforts from Professor Ostovar and hopefully visit Africa,” Morehead said. 4

African Adventure

Ostovar has been teaching at RMC for seven years now. During his time at RMC he has led students on many international trips as a way to develop awareness about international conservation challenges and help students develop problem-solving skills. David Shumway, RMC’s web content manager and photographer, was a coleader on the trip. Shumway, who is also an RMC photography instructor, offered a wildlife photography class last year for students interested in joining this trip. “This trip presented the students and myself with wildlife encounters and scenes we couldn’t see anywhere else, and, for many, it was a once-in-alifetime experience. Africa is visually unique.” Ostovar thinks international exposure for students is an integral part of their learning experience.

“Tanzania is a fabulous country, with a solid tourism infrastructure, that still retains the opportunity to venture into areas with few tourists. On our trip we were able to visit four different tribal groups and sit around the fire and learn about local peoples’ concerns and even field questions from them about our culture. This was a vastly different experience than most safaris offer,” said Ostovar. “Sitting around the fire talking with Maasai warriors was a highpoint of my trip,” said Colin Borchardt, an RMC geology student. “I was initially fascinated with the opportunity to

learn more about the geology of the Great Rift Valley, but will never forget dancing around the fire with the Maasai.” Students were surprised by the friendliness of the Tanzanian people. “Our first day, as we were driving out of town, everyone was waving to us and someone even took off their bracelet and tossed it into the vehicle for me,” recalled RMC student Hannah Groves. “That was not an uncommon experience.” The group received a warm welcome everywhere they went. They were hardly inconspicuous since the group of 15 traveled together in a

large German people mover called a Unimog. Random rest breaks or picnic lunch stops often turned into spontaneous games of soccer with local kids. Traditional safaris focus on wildlife, national parks, and possibly offer a visit to a Maasai village to watch performers sing and dance and then sell bead work. On the RMC trip, students visited national parks where they saw leopards and lions on a kill and the UNESCO World Heritage site of the Ngorongoro Crater where they saw a rare serval cat and an endangered black rhino. “Many of the conservation challenges and human wildlife conflict issues that

we face in Montana seem to pale in comparison to some of the issues that students saw firsthand in Tanzania. With human population pressures so high in some parts of the country, wildlife is being squeezed more all the time,” said Ostovar. All the students on this trip spent a semester studying and reading about conservation challenges. To study conservation theory in the classroom is important, but actually experiencing and seeing the challenges on the ground was a moving experience for many students. The students now have a much better appreciation of how privileged our lives are in America, Ostovar observed. “I was so happy to share my interest in African cultures and wildlife ecology with students and even more excited to hear that some of the students are now thinking about future career opportunities in Africa, “said Ostovar. For Shumway, the trip also meant augmenting his online photo gallery ( with compelling photographs from an African adventure. “I think everyone was excited to document the trip with images,” he said. “Memorable hardly says what this trip meant.” African Adventure



FROMACROSSTHEWORLD “It is a big world out there with so many possibilities for students to grasp on to and experience,” said Amber West-Martin, RMC director of international programs. “It enriches life for all RMC. Through the many functions of international programs, study abroad and international students help bring a little piece of the world to RMC.” Study abroad opens students’ minds to many new possibilities, adventures, and ideas. There are different ways in which a student may learn about study abroad. They may visit with one of the many programs that RMC is affiliated with during a table visit in the Bair Family Student Center, attend an information session that one of the residence assistants offers, or stop by the office.

workers try to make the process as seamless as possible. Beginning with the first inquiry or application, the communication process begins. “It can be difficult for a foreign student to navigate their way through submitting all of the documents needed for admission, interviewing for a student visa at the United States Embassy, traveling, and arriving in a different country,” West-Martin said. Through communicating with different offices on campus, like the athletic programs and residence life, arrangements to pick students up and

get them settled in to their residence halls is a team effort. West-Martin wants to make sure that all foreign students begin their experience positively at RMC by providing a welcome basket full of useful items, transportation to local stores, and an orientation in local and RMC culture as well as federal regulations. “That’s the beginning. After that we are there for them whenever we are needed,” she said. “We want to be supportive in any way we can.”

“All a student has to do is approach me and tell me that they have been thinking about study abroad,” she said. Next question: ‘Where do you want to go?’ and the path has been set for an equal exchange of ideas and plans,” she explained. This has been West-Martin’s approach to students during her career in higher education. Her focus has always been on student success, and study abroad is just another step in that direction. The office also assists foreign students through the whole process of pursuing their degree at RMC. West-Martin and her student 6

From Across the World



our junior and senior years. We stayed with Josefin Petersson in Sweden, then backpacked through Germany, Netherlands, France, and England, before staying with Jeannie McGonagle in Ireland. We were there for about a month.” For this trip, RMC Soccer Coach Richard Duffy, a native of Scotland, graciously loaned the use of the soccer jerseys they wore when they played. The photo with the friends in RMC jerseys was taken one of the nights at Roisin’s mother’s house.

Irish wakes are famous for being an occasion of less mourning than merriment. They may not know for sure about Irish wakes, but this past spring, 11 Rocky Mountain College students found out about the merriment of an Irish wedding when they reunited for a wedding in Ireland.

Growing up in Billings, Melanie said the exposure to students from other countries was educational and fun.

“Her mom cooked food for everyone and then that evening there was a wedding celebration at a local pub,” Melanie said. “This was an Irish wedding for sure.”

“I have now been to Europe twice to visit. The first time I visited was with my boyfriend (now husband, Nathan) the summer between

Later, the friends assembled for a more formal photo.

“It was simply great,” said Melanie (Cox) Schmitz of the wedding and reunion on the Auld Sod. She was one of the 11 who met a decade ago at a pre-season soccer camp. Three of the 11 were sophomores, and the others were all freshmen. All but one wound up with RMC degrees. The April wedding was for Roisin (Mahon) and David Beasley. It took place near her hometown of Buncrana, Ireland. “Of the 11 of us (a full soccer team) there were five Irish, four American, one Scottish, and one Swedish,” Melanie said. “The four Americans and Josefin Petersson (from Sweden) all flew into Dublin, where we met one Jeannie McGonagle, who was from Dublin. She graciously housed us for a couple nights and rented a van for us to drive to Buncrana (about four hours) and then we rented a house for the week. It was just like we were back in college,” Melanie said. “Great friendships were made through soccer and long road trips.”


RMC Reunion in Ireland



FOLLOWINGFAITH Dr. Elizabeth McNamer, Rocky Mountain College professor of religious thought, remembers the people who went to the place almost as much as she recalls the place.

The place is Bethsaida, an Israeli village that was lost for 2,000 years and is being painstakingly unearthed, revealing in each uncovered layer another artifact from the time of Jesus Christ. Some of his disciples lived there. He spent time there. This is where he stood in a boat offshore to preach and teach. This is where he was a welcome guest in the homes of the fishermen he called to serve him. The people Dr. McNamer remembers are those who went there to work on the Bethsaida Archaeological Excavation in Galilee. They include hundreds – many students, others fascinated with the project – who wanted to touch cobblestone streets where Jesus walked. Among them Dr. McNamer remembers the woman who worked as a check-out clerk at a Los Angeles grocery store. “She saved and saved to come on the dig,” McNamer said.


Following Faith

She remembers a Lutheran minister who longed for banana ice cream the whole time he was at the dig. McNamer did find some cereal to try to relieve his sweet tooth, but it didn’t suffice. But those weren’t people she brought to the site. She remembers Courtney Mosher, now Agenten, who heard about Bethsaida when she was a prospective student. It convinced her to come to RMC. “I met Elizabeth during my tour of the school and she handed me an ancient coin from Israel and said, ‘Jesus could have touched this.”’ I was hooked. I couldn’t wait to go to Bethsaida my freshman year,” Agenten said. In 2004, Courtney made her own discovery while sifting a bucket of dirt her last day at Bethsaida. A small object caught her eye. Dr. Rami Arav, the dig director, exclaimed, “It’s a bead.” It was an Iron Age II bead – clay – no longer a part of what was likely a necklace. A graduate student took a photo of her holding up her

find. It wound up on the cover of Biblical Archaeology Review (BAR). “It caused a bit of a controversy because I was wearing a tank top and shorts, which some readers found immodest,” Agenten said. “But that’s what we wore when working.” McNamer remembers controversy, too.


“It was all much ado about nothing,” she laughed. “A bunch of stodgy old scholars with nothing better to complain about.” From McNamer’s perspective it was a silly issue that threatened to obscure wonderful work. It was work that began in 1967 when Bargil Pixner, a Benedictine monk, first examined the area where he believed Bethsaida was located. The war with Syria, Jordan, and Egypt had barely ended when he followed cows over minefields to examine the area. In 1985 he wrote a book advancing his ideas that this was where the village was located that Jesus visited. McNamer teamed with Pixner to convince Israel – a Jewish state – that it would be in its interests to promote a Christian site. It took four years.

she said proudly. “Bethsaida is my baby.”

excavation needing done. The lack is the absence of McNamer.

At least it’s one of her babies. She has six children and four of them, along with her late husband, Bill, have visited Bethsaida.

When Bill’s health wouldn’t permit another trip to Bethsaida, RMC art professor, Mark Moak, and his wife, Rhett, an adjunct art professor, took over escorting students and others to the site.

She nurtured development of the site from when there was no money and only a pencil nub to make notes to when a consortium of colleges and universities was formed. It is an impressive group that places RMC in the same league with Michigan State University and the University of Munich in Germany, with the University of Nebraska and Lodz University in Poland. During the 20 years McNamer has been involved she has lectured all over the world about what was being discovered. She has written books, helped make films, and was involved in ABC’s Peter Jennings’ documentary. “We told the Ministry of Tourism, if you put some money into Bethsaida, we know you’ll get a return. Thousands of Christian tourists will come, and they did,” she said, By 1993, McNamer was guiding students to the site. “I’ve gone more than anybody and taken more people than anyone else,”

“Bethsaida is a town frequently associated with the ministry of Jesus and was home to five of the apostles. Buildings and artifacts found here are throwing light on early Christianity. It is one of the most important archaeological digs going on today,” she said. Sadly, RMC’s involvement with trips to Bethsaida are ending. There isn’t a lack of interest nor a lack of more

“It was impressive,” said Moak. “We loved every minute of it. But we couldn’t make a commitment to go every year.” Memories and the record of what was achieved will endure for McNamer. She’ll believe the wine cellar where they discovered a gold earring (she had a replica made that she often wears) belonged to one of the disciples. “They were well-to-do fishermen, so they were likely to have had a wine cellar and prosperous enough to have given a wife a gold earring,” she said. Plus they discovered a shard of pottery with a cross – the early sign of those first Christians. McNamer’s faith follows the evidence, putting hope where new artifacts emerge. She’s not alone. Inspired by her time at Bethsaida, Agenten pursued her secondary

Following Faith



education degree, but hoping she could be an archaeology educator. After graduation she landed a teaching position in Bozeman, but soon discovered Project Archaeology, “a heritage education organization dedicated to teaching scientific and historical inquiry cultural understanding the importance of protecting our nation’s cultural resources,” she said. When there was a job opening she landed the position of Special Projects Coordinator for Project Archaeology. “I am developing a curriculum guide geared toward secondary students. Back at Bethsaida, digging in the dirt and exhuming the remains of a past culture I discovered my passion, archaeology education,” she said. Agenten’s enthusiasm Bethsaida was contagious.


“Kyle Mosher, my brother, just got engaged to Chelsie Farmer, both RMC grads, and she participated in the Bethsaida dig, too (in 2007),” she said. Now she and her sister-in-law hope to take their husbands to the dig. Another who shared the passion for the Bethsaida experience is Julie Palmersheim, who became interested after attending several religious education classes taught by McNamer. “My mother and Elizabeth were great friends for over 50 years, and she’s always been very dear to our family. Elizabeth has an inviting way of encouraging people to join her on the dig. She would say, ‘Come with me! Bethsaida was lost for nearly 2,000 years. We have unearthed fishermen’s houses, wine cellars, and a physician’s house with ancient medical instruments. Come with me!’ ‘Five of the apostles came from this place and so many of the works of Jesus are associated with Bethsaida. It is of great relevance to the quest for the historical Jesus. Come with me!’ ‘We have uncovered the only street on earth that we know Jesus walked on. ‘Come with me!’” Palmersheim said.

And, so, she did. In 2010 Palmersheim arrived in Bethsaida the last week of May. She worked on the site from 6 a.m. until noon. The days were hot. Starstudded nights were cool. Afternoons, they learned about how to identify items they found. They swam in the Sea of Galilee after a hard, hot day of work. “On the weekends we would visit Nazareth, Sepphoris, Megiddo, Caesarea Maritima, Mount of Beatitudes, Tabgha, Capernaum, Caesarea Philippi, and Beth Shean,” she said. By the first week of June they were headed home, stopping at Masada, the Dead Sea, and Qumran, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found before finishing the trip with three days in Jerusalem. “We found loads of shards that were once jugs and cups and kettles and some special finds were jewelry, anchors, and coins. The highlight for me was spending time on the 2,000 year-old cobblestone road, walking in the footsteps of Jesus,” she said. “It was the best trip of my life.”

The experiences of Agenten and Palmersheim have been shared by many, and they will tell you it was because of McNamer. It is why this summer a reunion of those who went was held, first with an informal gettogether at McNamer’s home, and then later at a dinner in the Great Room of Prescott Hall. Bethsaida’s director, Dr. Rami Arav, came. Valerie Hemingway, daughterin-law of Ernest Hemingway came. Agenten, who had another engagement during the Bethsaida reunion regretted she couldn’t come. But then did. Palmersheim recorded the event with hundreds of photos. They show people pouring over pictures, laughing together, and enjoying shared memories. They also show a strong, sturdy woman who told others to “Come with me!’ It was not easy to turn down Dr. Elizabeth McNamer.



Following Faith

OFFTOSPACE Most of us think of it as pond scum, that squishy green stuff that coats our legs when we wade along a quiet pool of water, but algae might provide a solution to a critical problem in space. “Algae converts carbon dioxide to oxygen,” explained Dr. Andy Wildenberg, Rocky Mountain College associate professor of computer science. “So, if there was a way to have algae producing oxygen on space stations, it would be an immense benefit.” An experiment to find out if it’s possible to grow algae in space, and thereby create a supply of oxygen for astronauts, was devised by Billings Central Catholic High School (BCCHS) students Kylee Hraban, Nathan Heldt, Laura Westwood, and James Dilts. The students researched all facets of how to create a space-worthy experiment, meaning it had to be small, compact, and monitored from Earth since space station scientists already have their hands full. “My involvement began with helping them find the way to make it autonomous,” Dr. Wildenberg said. “Space scientists cannot interact with the hundreds of experiments in the ISS, so it’s critical to have an experiment that runs untouched and can be monitored from an orbit 220 miles from Earth.”

bring huge canisters, which involves a lot of work and is costly. According to NASA’s Monsi Roman, the chief microbiologist for the Environmental Control and Life Support Systems (ECLSS), “eventually it would be great if we could use plants to produce oxygen for us.” Doing so provides an additional benefit. Since carbon dioxide is needed to grow plants, the byproduct of a process of plants converting carbon dioxide to oxygen is food, Roman explained.

Their teacher, Dr. Deborah Wines, NASA’s Dr. Florence Gold, and Dr. Wildenberg encouraged them, but the students took charge as they wrangled with the difficulty involved in the biology, choosing and connecting sensors, and even designing the experimental chamber itself.

“You have to remember algae is food,” Dr. Wildenberg explained.

Currently, some oxygen is produced from a cumbersome process using electrolysis, splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen gases. The other source is to

“Liquids are frankly a big problem. They’re messy. Bubbles don’t behave well,” noted Dr. Wildenberg.

The experiment by BCCHS students was viewed favorably because they proposed a way to not grow algae in water, which would not have been possible in a zerogravity environment.

Instead, agar, the substance used in Petri dishes to grow bacteria, was found to work to grow algae. The project, AGAR (Algae Growth and Remediation), began as part of NASA’s HUNCH – High School Students United with NASA to Create Hardware – a competition among young science students to see who can develop novel ideas and experiments. The students spent a year on the experiment, eventually producing a three-pound modularized plastic box with the algae gel and sensors to monitor it. A panel of NASA scientists approved it so it could be transported to the International Space Station, with a hitch. It costs $10,000 per pound for transportation. The students applied for a grant and succeeded in being awarded $30,000 from the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS). Dr. Wildenberg became involved with the BCCHS students because the experiment needed electronics and computer programming to monitor it, sending data back to Earth where it could be analyzed. “They were impressive,” Wildenberg said of the high school scientists. “Now they’ll be heading off to college so we’re assuming the next stage of the experiments. Our students will track it in space.” But, Dr. Wildenberg said, they will have plenty to do before the launch, which is scheduled for April 2014. RMC students will be doing extensive tests and fine tuning it.


“You don’t want to have a $30,000 experiment go awry because a wire fell out. There are huge gravitational and vibration forces to contend with.”

Off to Space






When Dr. Stephen Germic, Rocky Mountain College associate professor of English, regards the success of this year’s Common Read, which included bringing an award-winning author to campus, he sees the results of work that began more than a year ago. The RMC community was asked to select a book that would be a shared reading experience, from freshmen who would be required to read it, to others across the campus spectrum. The community at large would be invited to participate, reading and discussing the book. More than 30 books were submitted to a committee of faculty, students, and staff; the list was narrowed down to six; one – Salvage the Bones by Jesmyn Ward – was chosen. “It’s a book by a really fine writer and it addresses issues we thought would engage our students,” Germic said. “We also wanted a book that would inspire others to read, to have a shared experience. It all helps create community bonding.” The campus community participated in discussing the book and related topics, promoting “intellectual engagement, connections among disciplines, and community,” Germic said. “The whole campus gets involved in conversation.” In addition to reading and discussing the book, a lecture by the author made the Common Read uncommonly prestigious. Jesmyn Ward, an assistant


Common Read

professor of creative writing at the University of South Alabama, was the 2011 National Book Award winner for Salvage the Bones and is already receiving favorable reviews for her newest book, a memoir, Men We Reaped. The Stanford University graduate, who earned a master’s in fine arts from University of Michigan and won a Stegner Fellowship at Stanford, said Billings is a long way from her home in Alabama, but the universality of the human condition she writes about resonates across the country. Ward said her writing is always a journey, finding new characters along the way and weaving them into a coherent narrative. She told the Billings Gazette that she considered her characters like children who never age, “and I don’t want them to grow up.” In her half-hour long address to nearly 300 people who came to hear her at RMC, Ward related aspects of her own life that were incorporated into her

narrative. She grew up with divorced parents so that her mom had to find ways to support four children. She was regarded as an outcast in school, had few friends, and was told she was “pretty for a black child.” Anger mobilized and inspired her, even while her mother thought “writing was a waste.” “She wanted me to be a lawyer or a doctor – ‘how could you attend a top college and do nothing with it,’” her mother would say. Even with her success, her mother thinks she should go back to school to become a nurse. But wanting to write, to have those who disregarded her when she was growing up, read her words would be redemption, she said. Ward survived Hurricane Katrina sitting in a truck in an open field, the only shelter they could find after a white family refused them shelter in their home. That sense of abandonment was what made her able to be honest in her work, to do her community justice. “I couldn’t dull the edges when I wrote about Katrina,” she said. Writing about

When her brother died in a car crash – a subject she deals with in her new book, Men We Reaped – it motivated her to make a difference, “to leave something worthwhile behind if I were to die today.” Ward was a gracious guest, signing books for a long line of students and others who came to hear her. As for Common Read, it worked well with freshmen students who were in a class taught by Jacqueline Dundas, RMC associate professor of English and coordinator of freshmen composition. “I think this is a book that covers a lot of ground for young students. It’s evident from participation in classes that the book grabs them,” she said. One remarked he was not much of a reader, but “it hooks you, there’s so much going on.” Treve Icenoggle said he liked the shared experience because it helped to have others to talk to about difficult passages and to clear up parts he didn’t understand. “You know everyone is reading it and it’s not that hard to find someone to talk with about it,” according to the Billings Gazette article on the class. Beth Bennett said she found it difficult reading because it is so sad, so she read it in spurts between doing other homework. the hurricane made her feel she was living it again, which was painful, but important. The title, she noted, is where salvage, close to the word savage, is important, as a way to convey pride. “We are strong, fierce, and proud,” she said.

“I had to put I down, but I always returned to it,” she said. In addition to reading the book, Germic delivered two lectures about the themes in the book and the importance of shared reading. The movie, Beasts of the Southern Wild, will be shown November 5 and 6 with discussion afterwards lead by Andrew Farkas, RMC associate professor of English. Students will also have the opportunity to win prizes for essays. A faculty discussion panel will complete this year’s Common Read, November 21, with awards for the winning essayists.

HOMEHOSPITALITY It’s not like Dallas Cowboy owner Jerry Jones’s suite high above AT&T Stadium nor is it even like the presidential perch above the stadium at Montana State University, but for the Frontier Conference, Rocky Mountain College’s new hospitality booth is testimony to generous donors who wanted to make sure guests of the president watching the Battlin’ Bears would have a good view, good seats, good food, and good company. Mission accomplished thanks to Mike Mathew and Kay Foster, Ron and Colleen Sovey, Frank and Kathy Cross, Craig and Darcy Bartholomew, and 360 Office Solutions. The booth was remodeled in time for RMC’s opener with Dickinson State. The Battlin’ Bears did their part, winning 56-23.


Common Read




The MPAS graduation ceremony is named for when the graduates don their white coats, signifying they are officially physician assistants. The RMC program is dedicated to the education and training of physician assistants who will provide health care that is safe, current, evidence-based, and specifically targeted to primary care in rural areas, said Heather Heggem, director of the RMC’s MPAS program.


With a mission to provide quality medical services to underserved and rural populations, 30 students of the Rocky Mountain College Masters of Physician Assistant Studies (MPAS) graduated during the annual White Coat Ceremony, August 21, 2013, in Losekamp Hall. A reception for graduates and their families and friends followed in the Great Room of Prescott Hall.


Celebrating the Future

The RMC program, established in 1998, has graduated more than 225 physician assistants. The two-year master’s program averages 25-30 graduates each year. The MPAS is a 26-month program that trains highly skilled medical professionals. The RMC program holds active accreditation from the ARC-PA (Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant).


AVIATION25 Aviation has been a part of Rocky Mountain College since before it was Rocky Mountain College.

painting them,” she said. “Anything to be near an airplane and maybe get a ride.”

Before 1947, RMC’s predecessor – Billings Polytechnic Institute (BPI) – offered aviation courses. One of its early students was Don Germeraad, who calculated the odds of winding up a pilot in World War II were pretty good. His flight training helped him become a WWII Navy pilot, which then opened up a lifelong career as a test pilot and engineer for the U.S. space program.

Eventually he took the advice of a pilot to attend BPI’s flight training programs, which qualified him to be a Navy pilot. He earned 13 Navy combat and service medals. After the war he became a test pilot. “It was very Chuck Yeager, light-yourhair-on-fire, cool stuff,” according

to Dan Hargrove, RMC’s aviation director. Germeraad’s contribution to the RMC program helps with student recruitment and retention, Hargrove said. The renovations are helping RMC’s program grow, which was up 10 percent this past year. “What we’ve done to improve this facility – with Germeraad’s gift – will have long-term dividends for the program,” Hargrove said.

As part of RMC’s 25th anniversary of its current aviation program, Germeraad’s reverence for the earlier programs was celebrated when the Donald Germeraad Flight Simulation Training Center was opened. Her husband never forgot his alma mater and the training he received, his widow, Esther “Pete” Germeraad, said. She was one of RMC’s distinguished guests at a ceremony in September when the new section, containing two flight simulators and a lounge area, was dedicated. Room for a third simulator is also included in the remodeling. Mrs. Germeraad said when Charles Lindbergh came to Billings, he inspired Germeraad like so many youngsters whose dreams of flying were motivated by the first aviator to fly across the Atlantic. He began by laboring at the fledgling Logan Airport, “pulling fabric over wings and


Aviation 25



PROFESSIONALCOLLABORATION Rocky Mountain College students will benefit from unique research study opportunities thanks to efforts of two RMC professors working closely with the Geological Society of America (GSA) and ExxonMobil. Dr. Thomas J. Kalakay, RMC associate professor of geology, and Dr. Derek Sjostrom, RMC assistant professor of geology, recently received the prestigious GSA/ExxonMobil Bighorn Basin Field Award. The award included a one-week field seminar where participants were “exposed to some of the industry’s latest techniques and concepts in petroleum systems analysis,” Dr. Kalakay said. “Through our participation we will be able to integrate cutting-edge industry concepts into our geology classes.” Establishing collaborative relationships with professional geoscientists at ExxonMobil, the world’s largest privately owned oil and gas company, will lead to exceptional research study opportunities for faculty and students at RMC, according to Dr. Sjostrom.

and industry professionals, the GSA and ExxonMobil seminars focus on the Wyoming basin that has been explored and studied for more than 100 years by geoscientists. The seminars are taught by four ExxonMobil professionals, who between them, have more than 100 combined years of research in integrated basin analysis, with specific skills in tectonics, geochemistry, structure, sequence stratigraphy, sedimentology, paleontology, hydrocarbon systems analysis, and integrated play analysis. Through the exchange of ideas and development of projects, the program will benefit students, academic professionals, and the oil and gas industry. It also supports ExxonMobil’s efforts to hire highcaliber geoscientists, according to Jennifer Nocerino, a program officer with the non-profit GSA.

“ExxonMobil has veteran geoscientists with broad backgrounds and terrific experience. We were pleased when they approached the GSA to propose the creation of a hands-on experience for faculty and students,” Nocerino said. ExxonMobil funds the Bighorn Basin Field Award program with GSA organizing and administering it. Nocerino said for students it is a rare opportunity and for all participants it is prestigious to be selected. Only 20 college students (15 undergraduates and five graduate students) and five college faculty are chosen from more than 300 applicants. “The program involves five teams, with each one making field trips in order to study the rocks,” Nocerino said. “Each team does their own research and interpretation, then the information is shared. It’s a meeting of talented minds from academia and industry.”

“I plan on having a series of undergraduates work on research projects in collaboration with ExxonMobil geoscientists,” said Dr. Sjostrom. “The first projects will focus on Mesozoic rocks exposed in the southern Pryors and into the Bighorn Basin proper.” According to Sjostrom, RMC is located in a world-class hydrocarbonproducing region. The location, combined with new industry connections and an already strong relationship with local oil industry experts, sets RMC apart from all other schools in the region, he noted. In a unique collaboration of academic 16

Professional Collaboration



Alaska,” she said. “But he was a pretty private person.”

There wasn’t much stated in the obituary when William A. “Billy” Bradford died. A funeral home service. Private internment in Dubois, Wyoming. Date of birth, December 18, 1941. Date of death, November 30, 2012.

Albright said he and Billy renewed their friendship over their shared interest as aviators.

That’s the way Bradford wanted it, said his friends. It was sad in a way because Billy had done a lot in his life. He grew up in Fort Washakie, the son of William Taft and Leona Viola Bradford. His family and the family of his friend, Harold Albright, were neighbors ranching in the Wind River. Billy was older than Harold, but they shared a common passion. Airplanes. “If you’re a kid on horseback trying to get from one place to another and you look up and see an airplane, well, you think ‘Now that’s the way to get somewhere,’” Albright said. Both he and Billy looked up a lot. Older by a dozen years, Billy was first in the air. “He flew all kinds of small planes. He was a bush pilot. Then he learned to fly bigger airplanes. He flew slurry bombers to fight fires in Alaska. He flew PBY 4Ys,” Albright said, referring to the four-engined bombers converted to dump retardant on forest fires. “He loved flying and he could fly about anything,” he said. An enrolled member of the Shoshone Tribe, Bradford frequently flew contract jobs in Alaska, ferrying tribal and government officials around. He also was an outfitter and guide. “I knew him through my first husband,” said Lorena Kohler, a public accountant in Riverton. “He flew us to Canada in 1969. Then he pretty much vanished until he showed up in 2000 and asked me to help with his taxes.”

“He was my mentor. He really knew how to fly in the mountains and more than once what he taught me about mountain flying saved my life,” Albright said. Billy became a family friend as well. “We loved Billy as one of the family. He lived an amazing life, and I am proud to say that I was able to call him a friend. He will be greatly missed,” wrote Megan Ward in the funeral home guestbook. She is Albright’s daughter.

a small service at the Davis Funeral Home in Riverton prior to this body being transported to Dubois by the funeral home. Many of his friends and acquaintances were there. He also wanted to make sure his estate was in order. He took care to leave some money to the animal shelter. He gave some to a few friends. And the rest he wanted to go to Rocky Mountain College. He had communicated with Dan Hargrove, RMC director of aviation, who sent him materials about RMC’s program. He never attended RMC. He never visited. “He looked around for a university that had an aviation school,” Kohler said. “He wanted to help young aviators.” RMC was the closet one to Riverton, Albright said.

When Bradford came home to Fremont County, he knew his travelling days were over, but not his flying days. Nor his days to work on aircraft.

“He read something about it, I think, and thought that’s where the rest of my money is going to go,” Kohler noted.

“He’d buy an old plane and fix it up. He loved tinkering with planes almost as much as flying them,” Albright said.

He hoped maybe it would help a student from Wyoming or Montana, or, at least, an inter-mountain state. If there weren’t any who qualified, then, sure, award it to any deserving aviation student, Bradford instructed.

Albright, who owns a construction company, a sand and gravel company, and a cattle ranch, said Bradford and he shared “wearing a lot of hats” to earn a living. “He ranched, outfitted, flew . . . whatever you had to do to keep going,” Albright noted. When Bradford learned he had terminal cancer, he refused to leave his home. He had a hospital bed set up, had home health nursing care, and kept active right up to the end. “When he went, it was pretty quick,” Kohler recalled. “He didn’t want a fuss.” Bradford had arranged his funeral several years before his passing right down to the music, picture, and wood casket, Kohler said. He wanted

Whoever received the scholarship would need to maintain a 3.00 grade point average, “have an expressed career in aviation, especially to become a pilot,” but, since Bradford loved animals and country living as well as aviation, a student in equestrian studies or environmental studies might qualify as well. The amount came to $135,000, according to Obert Undem, RMC director of planned giving. “It was a pleasant surprise, of course,” Undem said. “Here was someone who had no known connection to RMC. He never attended and, apparently, didn’t know anyone who did, but many lives will be significantly changed by Bill Bradford’s own dream, to help others fly.”

He left again, but resurfaced in 2005, this time for good, resettling in Riverton, and again hiring Koehler to do his taxes and be his personal representative for his estate. “He was always interesting and had a lot of stories to tell about flying in Giving Wings




FISCAL YEAR JULY 1, 2012 – JUNE 30, 2013

The RMC staff worked diligently to prepare this gift report, but there may be names missed or misspelled. If so, we regret the error and rely on donors to notify us so we may correct our records. If you think there is an error in the report, please contact RMC Advancement, 406.657.1006.


Wyo-Ben, Inc.*

$50,000 - $99,999

The Haynes Foundation* $10,000 - $24,999

Ballard Petroleum Holdings, LLC* EBMS* First Interstate Bank Billings* $5,000 - $9,999

Best Western Plus ClockTower Inn* Cloud Peak Energy Resources, LLC Dennis & Phyllis Washington Fdn.* Denny Menholt Chevrolet-Hummer ExxonMobil Foundation* First Interstate BancSystem Foundation* Herco Knell Transport Mace Holdings, LLP MKM Foundation* Quail Roost Foundation* Rimrock Trailways* Sodexo, Inc. & Affiliates* The Cinnabar Foundation The Sample Foundation, Inc.* $2,500 - $4,999

Bank of America Matching Gifts Billings Hotel & Convention Ctr.* Biomet Osteo Systems, Inc.* Briggs Distributing Co., Inc.* Coal Black Cattle Company CTA Architects Engineers* First Montana Title Company Intermountain Distributing Jane Buttrey Memorial Trust Jones Construction Kibler & Kirch MDU Resources Foundation Montagues Of Montana Montana Community Foundation Montana Marathon* Montana Women’s Run* Moulton Bellingham* My Sports Dreams NorthWestern Energy Ortho Montana* Sarpy Transportation, INC Shale Exploration LLC Sisters of Charity/Leavenworth 18

Stockman Bank Sysco Food Services of Montana* U.S. Bancorp Foundation Grants Program $1,000 - $2,499

A. D. Creative Group Billings Alarm Company, Inc. Billings Clinic Foundation CenturyLink CHS, Inc.* Clean Air Quality Service, Inc. Crowley | Fleck, PLLP* Davidson Design Edwards Jet Center of Montana Enterprise Holdings Foundation Graybar Foundation Heggem Ranch, Inc. HGFA Architects Homer & Mildred Scott Foundation* Intermountain Equestrian Center* Margaret V. Ping Foundation Montana Jack’s Ninth District Dental Society Parks Real Estate* Payne Financial Group* Pierce, Inc. Silicon Valley Community Fdn. SM Energy Sodexo USA* Stella’s Kitchen* The Cobb Foundation* The Heisey Foundation* Treasure State Electric* Ultra Imaging, Inc. Van’s Evergreen IGA* Wells Fargo Bank Wells Fargo Fdn. Matching Program* Western Drywall Assemblies Inc. Yellowstone Bank of Billings Yellowstone Conservation District Yellowstone Surgery Center Zonta Club of Billings $500 - $999

ACT Heating & Cooling Athletic Medicine And Performance, LLC Billings Clinic Bruco, Inc.* Century 21 Hometown Brokers, Inc. Cetrone Studio

Businesses, Organizations, Foundations, & Trusts

Class B All Star Football Commonweath Cares Fund Dan & Jeanne Scott Family Fdn.* Eide Bailly* Energy Laboratories Follett College Stores Corp.* General Electric Foundation HBK Limited Partnership Joan Sorenson MasterLube and Spur Oil, Inc. Matthew Robertson Brokerage Montana Bar Neecee’s Northern Hotel Northwest Floors, LLC Out In The Cold Productions* Paul and Jenna Segal Family Foundation Rimrock Art & Frame Streeter Brothers The Frame Hut & Gallery The Granary Tooley for PSC Underriner Motors Vision Net, Inc. Weis Guy’s Investments, Inc. Wendy’s of Montana Foundation Inc Wesco Resources $100 - $499

360 Office Solutions* A Simple Toast ACES Agri Leasing, Inc. All Pro Paint Allegiance Benefit Plan Management, Inc.* American Drilling & Supply Angry Hanks Microbrewery Anytime Fitness Ashley Furniture Athlete’s Foot Aubrey M. Darnielle, Inc. Beartooth Mountain Christian Ranch Big Sky RV Billings Athletic Club* Billings Friends Meeting Billings Studio Theatre Billings Symphony BKM Enterprises, Inc. Blair Unlimited Blanco-Blanco* Bliss Farms Partnership Blue Body & Paint BNI Billings Bottega Clothing Briarwood Country Club Buffalo Hill Golf Club

Cadillac Jax CAP CLEGG Capstone Wealth Management Carpet Design, Inc. Cellular Plus Charles N. Robbins Appraisal and Property Cookie’s Chocolates Costco Wholesale Dairy Queen Dalton’s RV Center, Inc. Desmond’s The Store For Men* Dillard’s Dominos Pizza Dovetail Designs Ducks Painting Shop, Inc. Dupree Building Specialties Electrical Consultants Fireplace Center Glow Salon Grand Lanes, Inc. Groskinsky Foundation Guthals, Hunnes & Reuss, P.C. Harper & Madison Heberle Ford Sales & Service Herberger’s Hilands Golf Club Hippy Cowgirl LLC Hoodsport Winery Jasons* Joy of Living Juliano’s Restaurant Lewistown Ace Hardware Lewistown Insurance, Inc. Lockheed Martin Corporation LS Power Developement LLC Lyon Family Trust Macco Bodyshop Mangis Accounting, CPA, PC Mark C. Gerber, CFP Meridian Ltd. Microsoft Giving Campaign Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Mitchell Golf Montana Cycling & Ski Montana Honda & Marine Montana International Supply Co. Montana Oil Properties, Inc. Montana Railroad Services, Inc. Montana Silversmiths Montana’s Rib & Chop House Moody Farms Morrison - Maierle Systems Corp. Moss Mansion Museum NBC Camps* Oasis Health Spa Oleruds Inc. Par-3 Exchange City Golf Course PayneWest Insurance Pearson Education Photo Art Designs Porsche Club of America PPL Montana Price’s Precision Automotive, Inc. R Double S, LLC RBC Capital Markets Corporation Remington Construction Company, LLC Ricochet Bullet, LLC

Riddle’s Jewelry Rock Creek Resort Ronald McDonald House Royal & Norma Johnson Charitable Fdn. Ruby Dell Ranch Sage Spa Salon Sanderson Stewart Scandia Down Shop* Scheels Scotts Lawn Service SECGC State Employees’ Comb. Gvg. Campgn.* Silpada Designs Slots of Montana Somewhere in Time Bed & Breakfast St. John’s Lutheran Ministries Foundation Stieg & Associates, Inc. Stillwater Lodge Straw Hat Pizza Tedlund Financial Services, Inc. The DeMate Family Trust The Healthy Protocol LLC

The Pollard The Rex* The Wine Market and Deli Thompson/Collins & Associates, INC. Tiny’s Tavern Tony Smith Photography Totem Construction Travel Cafe Tutt Construction, Inc. Vermilion Ranch Company Village Montessori School W.E.L.C.A. Waldron Companies Walker’s Grill Wal-Mart Western Heritage Center Wetzel’s Quality Cleaners Wilcoxson’s Ice Cream Xerox Corporation

An * denotes five or more consecutive years of giving

Businesses, Organizations, Foundations, & Trusts




Altha Barnhart 1941

Bette Lou Tilton Helen Mathew 1943

Dale Fenner 1945

Eldon Seebart 1946

Bertha Bucher Lloyd Mosdal* 1947

Charles Chapman Helen Erickson William Colbert 1948

Charles Robertson* John Porter* 1950

Charles Mason* Harry Funk 1951

Billie Jean Kilbride* Thomas Nyquist* William Baxter 1952

Dale Nees Erwin Rhodes Joy Baker Leo Fink Martin Mutch* William Matthew 1953

Bette Wolff Betty Nesmith Charles Lechner* Theodore Wagner Vernie Stoddard 1954

Donald Johannsen* J. Mason Leida Hanning* 1955

Dan Russell Donna Esp Gary Nelson* Margaret Witzel Philip Hoffman




Berv Kimberley James Caulkins Marianne McClellan* Paul “Tiger” Venell 1957

Daniel Freund Donald Sherman Erma Badt Fred Arnst Sonja Crocker* 1958

Benjamin Johns Erika Trapp Frank Wu G. Neal Lininger* James Peterson Larry Stanley Ralph Granner Richard Shaules* 1959

Arle Lohof Armand Lohof Francia Presley J. Henry Badt Lyle Hendrickson Marlene Stevens Merlyn Miller 1960

Gilbert Zyzniewski Harold Morgan Richard C. Lee 1961

Gregory Kienzle Irvin Scheidt James Greer James Scott John Flanagan Marlin Overstreet Richard Field Ronald Leftwich* Sharon Lininger 1962

Eugene Doerr John Soderberg Lee Dorr Montie Slusher Robert Williamson Steve Dyche Thomas Widenhouse 1963

Carolyn Hamilton Carolyn Palumbo* Donald Hofmann Gerald Hopkins* Jo Ann Weckwerth LaVerne Esquilin Stanley Holmquist* William Schye Zoe Ann Gerhart


Bernos Bliss David Frasier Donna Halpin* Judith Holcomb M. Layne Rolandson Michael Gustafson Michael McCollough Myrel Nelson* Patricia Redfield Roger Berry Ronald Nelson Ronald Sovey Sharon Cooke 1965

Audrey Cosper David Spencer Frank Richter Harold Mathew Lucinda Lindstrom Martha O’Neil Paul Jarvi Richard McCann Robert FitzGerald Robert Knudsen Robert Thibeault Scott Petterson* 1966

Bernice Mathison Charlene Gustafson David McConnell* David Oberly Dianne Johnson Donald McClure Donald Riegger Henry Becker James Almond Lana Wright Michael Dobbins Myron Vogele Robert McComb Roger O’Neil* Sharon Jeffery William Kraske William Twilling


Barry Hamlin Bonnie Yeo David Reid Donald Palumbo Edward Yeo James Anderson John Cromwell Judith Martin Kathleen Schultz Keytha Burgman Michael McIntire Michael Meredith Paul Edwards Ronald Squatrito Thomas Buck 1968

Daniel Dutton Douglas Shepherd G. Russell Harper Gary Sorum J. Lorenne Rundquist Jacqueline Dundas John Sundelius Merial Fitzgerald* Nancy Freburg Patricia Crook* Phillip Bower Sally Robertson Solomon Harris Stanley Stewart* 1969

Denise Feller Frank Homec Joseph Loos Marilyn Roberts* Martha Tegtmeyer* Paul Bessler Rodney Svee Scott Clarke Thorm Forseth Wayne Stiffler


Bertha Newton Charles Hubley Daryl Beam* Douglas Druckenmiller* James Johnson Jean Neyrinck Kaye Palmer Linda Weirather Patricia Anderson Richard Norden Ronald Scariano Thomas Egnew William Price William Vincent 1971

Alan Hoffman Carol Mathew Clark Dingman Daniel Dwyer David White Donna Sweeney George Mitchell James Quass Jesse Barnhart Laura McKay Mark Larson Patricia Svee Richard Dohrman 1972

Brolin Parker Carol Vegge Daniel Rogers Glee Murray Leon Howe Marcia Mack Marshall Left Hand Mary Miller Melody Haynes Patricia Palm Robert Hajek Robert Murphy* Scott McCleary Terill Knutson Timothy Hudson


Barbara Fulton Benjamin Flynn Daria Dooley* David Ellert Felix McGowan Gary Wayne Barndt Hal Forseth* Harvey Langager James Meek Karol Tinken Katherine Beaty Lila Brooks R. Stephen Harper Sally Morrison William Dooley 1974

Cherri McAulay David Floerchinger Dennis Jacobson Jill Ramsey John Barr John Hole Joseph Rhodes* Judy Moynihan Katherine LeFurgey Miles Torske Shauna Gibbs Sheryl Drewry Ted Huffman William Bolen* 1975

Candace Salway Caroline Kost Dell Keys* Floyd Vaughn Gary Sohm* Jack Frazier James Devine Jan Neighbor Kirk Montgomery Matthew Gilson Nancy Harper Patricia Shimkus Alumni



Robert Meyer William Eymer 1976

Catherine Barker Claudia Fife Diane Lusin Howard Sumner Janet Larkin Laurie Lee Peggy Lynn Robert Fife Robert Larkin Samuel Leone Stephen Garnaas-Holmes T. Wayne Koepke 1977

Christine Prymak David Ferries E. Berch Willard Frank Clegg* Grace Matthaes Gustave Forster Jim Mourich Lawrence Monson Maryann Seilstad Patricia Highland Randall Scott Stephen Stewart 1978

D. Michael Gullickson* Gary Gulliksen Kim Behrent Marcia Miller Michael Barber Michael Smith* Peter Johnson Theresa Bajt Vicki Clark Taborek* 1979

Bruce Jensen Gertrude Baldwin Kathleen Jones Kurt Rabenold Loree Campbell Mardell Plainfeather Patricia Bagnard Robert Howes Calkins Susan Gibson-Veyna 1980

Gary Karen Gerald Loran Kirk Manfredi Laurie Howard Nancey Patch Nancy Hons Sharon Raines* Susan Beley Thomas Brantz Thor Gunderson 1981

Carl Finney Christina Williams Doretta Brush 22


Gary Stremcha James Schaff Margaret Ping** Pamela Pula-Kuntz Randy Durr Robbin Wagner Steve Holte Steven Garnaas-Holmes Vicki Hulse* William Earl Hall


David Zimdars Earl Tate** Kevin Bos Mary Anne Souza Matt Price Robert Peterson Theresa Nielsen-Willis 1990

Alex Heyneman Julie Ludington Kerri Walker Paul Taylor Steven Walker

Bevra Jacobson Carline Little Gareld Krieg** Henry Klobucar Kristen Blair Mykel Stockton Philip Seitz




Brad Nason Douglas Hill Dru Cederberg* James Clark James Neilson Mary Koon Peter Taylor 1984

Jeff Malby Joseph Bunch Karyn Taylor Kaylin Gunderson Kerri Brown Nancy Wolf Phoebe Harker-Rivera Robert White* Sandra Barrows Sandy Jones* Susan Morasko Wendy Tanner 1985

Benjamin Kronick Carl Hansen Chong James “Jian Liang� Liang Holly Redman Julie Ann Tieman Randall Holom Sonja Chandler 1986

F. Wayne Gustafson** Hewes Agnew** Ida Henscheid Jeannie Kohn Jessica Stickney** Katheryn Havasi Nelloyd Tharp William Taylor 1987

Kerry Stanley 1988

Coreen Glen Crystal Parrish David Mazza

Jennifer Reiser Judith Wallinder** Larry Albrecht Lawrence Small** Lisa McGuire Loni Moyer Michael Walker Rodney Kastelitz Ronda Seder Susan Gallo 1992

Coyreen Weidner Duane Hons Jamie Miron Linaya Leaf** Lynnell Kuntz Marietta Boyce 1993

Elizabeth Steffan Jeffrey Wilson Robin Albrandt 1994

Carol McGee Jean Sutherland** Lee Rostad** Leonard Goettlich Max Baucus** Ossie Abrams** Pamela Clark Robert Waller** Sandra Freeman** T. Christiane Gee Wenda Wickland William Dreikosen 1995

Alan Simpson** Jennifer Knowles Jon Bowman** Marion Blackman Sandra Barz** Tracy Davis William Ballard** 1996

Barbara Vail**

Bradley Reddick Charles Hough DelAnn Dowling Elizabeth Mix* Karen Nichols Kelly Anderson Merle Froslie Theodore Kober Tricia Harrison 1997

Allison Collins David Orser** Erik Hamilton Irina Braverman Janet Gray Kathy Brekke Laurena Keller Lisa Cunningham M. Julia Huebner** Marcine Tracy Marilyn Foreman Phyllis Roberts** 1998

Cory Heggem Gregory Clark Heather Fanning Katherine Sigafoos Linda Scott-DeRosier** M. Allison Maserick Matt Randall 1999

Angela Bundy-Kelm Angela Kunz Betty Whiting Christopher Currier Cynthia Hessler** Dana Milton Neelie Berlin 2000

Andrew Merry Brenda Eden Kasey Benson Lindsey Lang

Nancy Downing** Patricia Morledge** Scott Ahlgren 2001

Benjamin Bents Brandon Bantz Brian Lang Heather Nitz Kory Anderson Matthew Prinkki Sarah Megyesi Tracy Green* Trevor McDonald 2002

Heather Heggem Joshua McDowell Kelly Coleman Kevin McWilliams Nicolette Rose Randall Glaser Rockwood Brown** 2003

Amanda Gillispie Andrea LaFleur Jonathan Nelson Kevin Larson Parker Lucas Peggie Smith Thomas Hanel 2004


Adam Sanchez Evangelina Duke Jo Brantz Loren Mostad Rondel Smith* 2007

Amie Schillinger Brenda Lyons Darin Seibel Edward Campen* Elizabeth Campen* John Atwood Lura Brown Micah Kemper Ronald Williams* Russel Smail Sydney Madriz 2008

Andrew Hedrick Misty King Sara Hysong-Shimazu Shaun Carr 2009

Brynn Bixby Colleen Hoesly Dava Bauman Megan Hicks Trevor Daer 2010

Barbara Skelton** Bonnie Fifield-Ell Carry Kirkham Judy Kastrop* Megen Angelino Michael Huber Todd Hutton

Obert Undem**



Debra Hayter Larry Campodonico** Matthew Kimmet


Aaron Holt Chadd Laws Morgan Landeraaen Stacey Terrell Austin Maptson Bradley Eliel Nichole Haratyk

An * denotes five or more consecutive years of giving






Diocese of Great Falls/Billings* Yellowstone Conference of the UMC*


$2,500 - $4,999


Bobbi Hylton Jane Garber Keith & Lucinda Loran ’80 Leona Irvine

Mr. & Mrs. Gabel


$5,000 - $9,999

Montana-Northern Wyoming Conf. UCC* United Church of Christ $1,000 - $2,499

Pamela Pride

Lyon Family Trust



First Congregational UCC, Great Falls First Congregational UCC, Billings* Presbytery of Yellowstone* Synod of the Rocky Mountains*

Frank Cordiner

$500 - $999

Art & Sandy Barz ’95 Charlotte Hopper Cindy Kunz Claire Leslie Colleen Cooper Cynthia Foster Don & Betsey Forbes Don & Margaret Glynn Dorothy Aasheim Dorothy Lichtwardt George & Loretta Day Inga Larsen Irvin Michael James & Katy Davies Jan and Tim Weikert Joel & Andrea Long Kae Kufeld Kristie Hepburn Laura Thomson Lennis Ryan Lloyd Mickelson Lorli & Derwood Mercer Margaret Ping ’81 Martha Tanner Martin Meade MaryAnn Canan Obert & Ginny Undem ‘10 Rachel Gappa Rebecca Copple Rex & Ann Hafer Ron & Georgiana Faust

Saint Thomas The Apostle Church $100 - $499

Mayflower Circle Peoples Congregational Church Presbyterian Women Red Lodge Community Church Shiloh UMC The Episcopal Diocese of Montana

An * denotes five or more consecutive years of giving


David & Carolyn Barnett FRANK CLEGG III

Commonweath Cares Fund ROBERT WILMOUTH

Wally & Kay Stadtfeld MIKE MACE

Wally & Kay Stadtfeld OBERT UNDEM

Shiloh UMC 24

Churches, Honorariams, & Memorials


Estate of Betty Eickelberg WILLIAM BRADFORD

Tim & Cindy Thompson Tom & Pam Dimich William & Pat McAllister CLIFFORD H. HANSON

Harry & Louise Randall DON BOTTRELL


David & Louise Auer Harry & Evelyn Funk James Tarr Jim & Lin Roscoe Kenneth Stahley MaryAnn Canan Pinkey L. Scott Patrick & Mary Kay Byorth PayneWest Insurance


Carl Finney ’81


Ben Johns ’58 Fred & Phyllis Arnst ’57 FRED MEIWALD

John & Sally Skaggs Judd & Joyce Ferris Marianne McClellan ’56 Meiwald Living Trust Susie Block Welda Murphy JEFF LINDSAY

Thomas & Lisa Taylor JENNIFER KEYS

Dell Keys ’75


Nicolette Rose ’02

$10,000 - $24,999

Cory Heggem & Julie Kelso ’98, ’97 Erica Hastetter James Tow John Jurist Larry Campodonico* ’05 Louise Spaulding Maurice Brown Rocky Brown* ’02 Ronald Sovey* ’64 Tom & Bonne Morscheck* Betty Eickelberg Richard C. Lee ’60 $5,000 - $9,999


Mr. & Mrs. Gabel KEN SASAHARA

Ericko Sasahara Robert Hajek ’72


Alexandra Linares Kathy French LS Power Developement LLC Paul and Jenna Segal Family Foundation MARILYN BROWN

Rocky Brown ’02


Hazel Menchinsky Stephen Johnson


Robert & Claudia Fife ’76, ’76 MaryAnn Canan Mike & Barbara Sample ’90 Nellie Israel RUSSELL D. BECKER

Mr. & Mrs. Gabel


Mr. & Mrs. Gabel


Bill & Merilyn Ballard* ’95 David Orser & Ossie Abrams* ’97, ’94 $50,000 - $99,999

Dick & Cheri Cox* Neal & Sharon Lininger* ’58, ’61 $25,000 - $49,999

Alex Heyneman* ’82 Mike & Charlene Gustafson* ’64, ’66 Patti Morledge* ’00

Bertha Bucher* ’46 Dan Scott* Denny & Linda Menholt Don & Peggy Lindsay Ericko Sasahara Helori Graff Kevin & Martha Hintt Randall & Lynette Scott* ’77, ’79 Richard Brown* Robert Hajek* ’72 Tom Purcell T. Wayne Koepke* ’76 $2,500 - $4,999

Berv & Virginia Kimberley* ’56 Robert & Janet Larkin* ’76, ’76 Bobby and Cindy Beers* Curt & Sue Schelle Ed & Jess Stickney* ’86 Eric & Jennifer Forseth Inga Larsen* James & Sandy Almond* ’66 Linda Scott-DeRosier* ’98 Mary Underriner Michael Carney Michael & Jenny Walker* ’91, ’94 Mike & Jill Palmer Ralph & Tancy Spence* Rodney Kastelitz & Jalene Conlon* ’91 Scott & Valerie Wilson Shelly Hermanson Vi Abrams*

Dave & Gini Langlas David & Gail Kimball* David & Rebecca Burt* David & Sandra Freeman ’61, ’94 Dick & Jane Paasch Dick Eddy Richard McCann ’65 Francia Presley ’59 Guy & MaryJo Smith Harrison Fagg Harry Koyama Jean Bradford* James Johnson* ’70 John & Chris Dorr* John & Darla Jones John Sullivan* Kevin & Heather Bos ’89 Kira Fercho Landy Leep Mark & Jill Richardson Matthew & Laura Prill Max Baucus ’94 Michael McCollough* ’64 Patrick & Rebecca Houghton Paul Gatzemeier & Barb Skelton* ’04 Paul Tarmann Peter & Beverly Johnson ’78, ’79 Phil & Kathleen Hammond Ralph Costanzo Rick & Nicki Larson Robert & Nora Copeland* Rodney & Patricia Svee* ’69, ’71 Ronald Leftwich* ’61 Ronald Nelson ’64 Ruthmary Lovitt* Scott Clarke ’69 Shaun Carr ’08 Shawn & Judy Heringer Susan Gallo* ’91 Edward & Elizabeth Campen* ’07, ’07 Thomas & Lisa Taylor Wally & Kay Stadtfeld Edward Aders, Jr. $500 - $999

Al & Ann Simpson ’95 Altha Barnhart* ’36 $1,000 - $2,499 Angela Kunz ’99 Abigail Hornik Arlin Cole Amber & Bing Ellinghouse William Kraske* ’66 Andrew & Paulette Laszlo Bob & Gail Waller* ’94 Austin Maptson ’12 Bob & Julie Huebner ’97 Benjamin & Judy Kronick* ’85 Bob & Karen Doolen Bernie & Lynn Harrington Bob & Ruth Wendt* Bernie Rose* Brian & Lindsey Lang* ’01, ’00 Beverly Hall* Cap Clegg* ’77 Bob & Liz Wilmouth Charles Chapman ’47 Bob & Shari Dayton* Colleen Cooper* Robert Meyer* ’75 Craig & Darcy Bartholomew Bruce & Christie Alton* Bruce Jensen & Lynette Kahalekai ’79, ’94 David & Beth Floerchinger* ’74, ’77 David & Lynda Ballard* Carl & Marianna Hansen* ’85 David Flohr Chris & Tracy Hoiness Dennis & Diane Lusin ’76 Cindy Kunz* Dennis Jacobson ’74 Cynthia Foster* Don & Judy Allen* Dan & Connie Merry Donald & Dolores McClure* ’66 Daniel Freund* ’57 Doug & Mary Ann Jenkins Dave & Deanna Bothwell* Individuals



Doug James* Downs & Irene McCloskey Fern Blewett* Fred & Phyllis Arnst ’57 Gary & Leslie Gangnath Herb & Gerry Mangis Herbert & Sue Tillema* James & Kathleen Butts* James Lea* Jeremy & Roxanne Morgrett Jerry & Jan Wolf* Jim & Terri Mourich* ’77 James Clark ’83 Joe & Cathy Hanser John & Donna Soderberg* ’62, ’61 John & Dorothy Ellert ’73 John & Linda Murphy* Judy Wallinder ’91 Julie & Shaun Seedhouse Keith & Janice Mason* ’54 Kristin Rapacz Laura McKay* ’71 M. Layne & Myrna Rolandson* ’64 Lee Rostad ’94 Linaya Leaf* ’92 Loren & Evelyn Acton Lorraine Marsh Mark & Judy Adams MaryAnn Canan* Michael & Laurie Barber* ’78, ’78 Mike & Nancy Downing ’00 Mykel & Michelle Stockton ’90 Paige Spalding Peter Taylor ’83 Peter & Betty Fitzloff* Philip Hoffman ’55 Rod & Patti Morris Scott & Judith Hook Scott McCleary ’72 Sterling & Joan Starr* Tim & Jeannie Kohn ’86 Tom & Jean Sutherland ’94 Tom & Robin Hanel Tom Bennett* Tyler Murphy William & Margaret Woolston Rick Reid $100 - $499

Aaron Holt ’11 Aaron Keffer Addie Darlene Sullivan Alan Hoffman* ’71 Alexandra Linares Alice Brenden Alice Gordon Andrew & Kathryn Eggen Andy Wildenberg Angela Bundy-Kelm* ’99 Annette Murphy Anthony Trudnowski Antony & Jennifer Codd Armand & Arle Lohof ’59, ’59 Art & Jo Anne Lamey Art & Sandy Barz* ’95 Audrey Cosper* ’65 William Bolen ’74 Barbara Dudczak Barbara Norton Ben & Kelsey Phipps 26


Benjamin Johns* ’58 Benedict Ow Bertha Newton* ’70 Bette Lowery* Bette Wolff* ’53 Betty Nesmith* ’53 Betty Whiting* ’99 Bevra Jacobson ’90 William & Daria Dooley* ’73, ’73 William & Dorothy Matthew* ’52 Bill & Evelyn Defferding* Bill & Joan Wilson William & Linda Price ’70 Bill & Sally Toner William Schye ’63 Billie Jean Kilbride ’51 Billie Jo Meglen Bob & Audrey Jurovich* Bob & Barb Vail* ’96 Robert & Caroline Williamson* ’62 Robert & Claudia Fife ’76, ’76 Bob & Robin Cummings Robert & Sharon McComb* ’66 Robert White ’84 Bobbie Ostrum Bradley & Brandalyn Reddick ’96 Brad & Jamie McCauley Brad & Shanna Nason* ’83, ’83 Brandon & Ayse Haxton Brett & Lane Black-Partridge Bruce & Joann Parker Bruce & Vincene Stanfield Bryan & Beth Roach Bryce Ballard Bryce Terpstra Brynn Bixby ’09 Butch & Shannon Bratsky* Cal & Judy Northam Cal & Tami Stacey Carl & Constance Hotvedt Carl & Lynne Krusi* Carlie Breen Photography Carol Fergerson Carol Hagan Carol Jensen* Carrie Barnhart Catherine Barker* ’76 Chad & Jeanette Hilded Charles & Beverly Howard Charles Robertson* ’48 Charlotte Hopper* Christopher Currier ’99 T. Christiane Gee ’94 Chuck & Joan Tooley* Cindy Hessler* ’99 Clarece Lacy* Clayton & Joan McCracken Clementine Lindley* Clete Knaub* Colleen Mullowney Cormier Properties Craig & Jane Anderson Cristi Hunnes* Crystal Parrish ’88 Curt & Susan Kochner Cynthia Hutchinson* D. L. Kay Dale Fenner ’43 Dale Nees* ’52 Dan Russell* ’55

Dan & Jacquie Bymaster Daniel & Lynne Dutton* ’68 Daniel & Theresa Burkhart Dan Bummer Dan Hargrove* Daniel & Beverly Saunders Daniel & Candace Dwyer ’71, ’71 Darlene Jordan Daryl & Debra Waarvik David & Beth Ferries ’77 David & Donna Spencer* ’65 Dave & Jan Dietrich* David & Karen Oberly* ’66 Dave & Sondra Shenton David & Carolyn Barnett David & Louise Auer David & Maribeth Daines David & Marilyn Klein David & Mary Lee Darby David & Teresa Mazza ’88, ’87 David Frasier ’64 Philip Seitz ’90 David Zimdars ‘89 Debra Hayter ’05 Deborah Lafky DelAnn Dowling ’96 Dell Keys* ’75 Delores Crimmel* Dennis Holmes Diana Dunn Richard & Linda Norden ’70, ’69 Richard Field* ’61 Doc & Roberta McDowell Don & Betsey Forbes Don & Carol Roberts* Don & Carolyn Palumbo ’67, ’63 Don & Georgia Hicks* Don & Gertrude Christensen Eldon & Joyce Seebart* ’45 Don & Margaret Glynn Don & Marge Sterhan Don & Marilyn Floberg* Donald Riegger ’66 Donald & Betty Johnson Donald & Paula Wargo Donald Sherman* ’57 Donna Esp ’55 Donna Halpin* ’64 Doretta Brush* ’81 Dorothy Leikam Dorothy McGuire Doug & Diana Hollowell Doug & Donna Dierenfield Doug & Pat Druckenmiller ’70, ’68 Doug & Shannon Jensen Doug & Susann Saarel Doug Fawcett Douglas Johnson* Douglas Shepherd ’68 Andrew Hedrick ’08 Dru Cederberg ’83 Duane & Stephanie Hons ’92 Paul & Patty Edwards* ’67 Erwin Rhodes* ’52 Dwight & Carla Hager Earl Tate ’89 Edward & Bonnie Yeo ’67, ’67 Ed Gryder Edward Mertens Eric & Amy Peterson

Eric Buer Erik Hamilton ’97 Ernest & Barbara Potter Fitch & Nancy Hons* ’80 Francis & Joan Walsh Frank & Joyce Hollowell Frank & Terri Stevenson Frank Cordiner Gareld & Barbara Krieg* ’90 Gary & Judy Treglown Gary & Lorna Stremcha ’81 Gary Kautsky Gayle & Daniel Nebel George & Kathleen Goodrich George & Loretta Day George & Suzanne Merriam George Mitchell ’71 George Schuman Gerald & Pam Murphy Gerald & Rita Stulc Gerry Thompson Gilbert Zyzniewski* ’60 Glee Murray* ’72 Greg & Linda Goggins Greg & Susan Kohn Hal & Lori Forseth ’73 Harold & Elfie Morgan ’60, ’59 Harry & Evelyn Funk ’50 Harry & Louise Randall* Harry & Palma Wolverton* Heather Nitz ’01 Helen Erickson* ’47 Helen Mathew ’41 Henry & Erma Badt* ’59, ’57 Herb & Bette Lou Tilton ’41, ’41 Hewes & Susan Agnew ’86 Holly Redman ’85

Hubert & Mary Huntley* Irina Braverman ’97 Irvin Scheidt ’61 J A Hearn Jack & Jean DeVeer* Jacqueline Dundas* ’68 James & Charlotte Caulkins ’56, ’54 James & Laurie Elliott James & Marilyn Threatt* James & Mary Ann Jones* James & Mary Hogue James & Susanne Hill James Kelly Chong “James” Liang ’85 James McGehee James Tingle Jamiee Clark Jane Reger Jared & Natalie Dickerson Jay & Cindi Keeling Jay Graham Jean Neyrinck ’70 Jean Nyby Jeff Ballard Jeff Malby ’84 Jeffrey Wilson ’93 Jeffrey & Melinda Sanders Jerry & Bobbi Sawicki Jerry & Carol Grandahl Jerry Wolf Jim & Christie Baken* Jim & Jan Neighbor ’75 James & Janet Greer* ’61 Jim & Lin Roscoe James & Linda Anderson* ’67, ’67 Jim & Linda Thompson Jim & Sally Knostman

Jim & Sue Beckers James Meek* ’73 James Peterson ’58 James Schaff* ’81 Joan Nickola Joe & Lorrie Chenoweth Joseph Bunch ’84 Joel & Andrea Long John & Bernos Bliss ’76, ’64 John & Marit Ita John & Norma Cromwell* ’67 John & Sally Skaggs John Bell John Flanagan ’61 John Grande John Hole* ’74 John Moos John Vondra Jon & Ann Bowman ’95 Jonathan Olsen Joseph & Darlyn Jablonski Joshua & Alison McDowell* ’02 Judd & Joyce Ferris Judith Martin* ’67 Judith Holcomb* ’64 Julie Ann Tieman ’85 Justin & Harmony Jantz Kamber Kelly Kasey Benson* ’00 Kathy French Kathleen Jones* ’79 Katheryn Havasi* ’86 Kaye Palmer ’70 Kayla Krenzler Keith & Lucinda Loran ’80 Kelli Johnson Kelly & Tina Drain Individuals



Kelly Anderson ’96 Kelly Coleman ’02 Kelly Edwards Kelly Hintt Ken & Barbara Hansen Kenneth & Shirley Klebsch Kerby & Debra Haynes Kerri Walker ’82 Kevin & Kimberly Cremer Kevin & Laurette Baker Kevin & Pamela McGuire Kevin Larson ’03 Kevin Rose Kirk Manfredi* ’80 Kovash Construction, LLC Kristen & Dallas Blair ’90 Kristie Hepburn Kurt & Kim Weber Larry & Elinore Stanley ’58 Larry & Linda Weirather ’70 Lawrence & Lynne Monson* ’77, ’77 Larry Preston Larry Small* ’91 Laura Robinson Leo & Erlys Fink ’52 Linda Harris Lloyd Mosdal* ’46 Lloyd Van Zee Logan Smith Loni Moyer ’91 Loren & Linda Dewald Loren Mostad ’06 Louis Scharbrough Lucy Scott Carolyn Hamilton* ’63 Marcia & Chris Miller* ’78 Margaret Hagler Margaret Ping* ’81 Marietta Lane Marilyn Foreman ’97 Marilyn Roberts ’69 Marion Blackman ’95 Marita Heggem Mark & Linda Lanctot Mark & Raquel Norton Marshall Left Hand* ’72 Martha Tanner Martin & Nadine Mutch* ’52 Martin Meade Mary Ann & Victor Miller ’72 Matilde Canals Matthew Prinkki & Heather Heggem ’01, ’02 Matt Price ’89 Matthew Concienne Maureen Flynn Max Wilson Merwin & Sandra Barrows ’84 Michael & Linda Capser Michael & Lisa Button Michelle Goettemoeller Mike & Alane O’Dore Michael & Carla McIntire* ’67, ’67 Milton & Jane Ohnstad Montie Slusher ’62 Mr. & Mrs. Gabel Myrel Nelson ’64 Myron & Laurie Vogele* ’66 Nadine Hart Neelie Berlin ’99 28


Nellie Israel* Nora Morgan Obert & Ginny Undem* ’10 Patricia Anderson* ’70 Patricia Kirkley Patricia Leikam Patrick & Mary Kay Byorth Paul & Dolores Kuhlman Paul & Janis Strom Paul & Patricia Palm ’72 Paul Bessler ’69 Paul Johnson Paul “Tiger” Venell* ’56 Peggy Johnson Phillip & Nancy Bower ’68, ’68 Phillip & Barbara Griffin Phyllis Roberts* ’97 Plentywood Drug Inc. R & R Silve Rachel Robertson Ralph & Carolyn Granner* ’58, ’61 Randy & Carolyn Durr* ’81, ’80 Randall Glaser ’02 Raymond & Patricia Graham ’74 Ray Ostermiller Rich Deming Robbin Wagner* ’81 Robert & Carol Hurd Robert & Danene Knudsen ’65 Robert & Karee Bradford Robert & Lori Mai Robert & Maryvonne Briscoe Robert & Susan Morasko ’84 Robert & Vera Mai Robert DeMate Robert Mericle Robert Murphy* ’72 Robert Peterson ’89 Roger & Martha O’Neil* ’66, ’65 Roger & Norma Terry Roger Berry* ’64 Roger Gordon* Ron & Georgiana Faust Ron & Karin Smith Ron & Margie Prokop Ronald & Susan Scariano ’70 Ronan Gavin Ronda McCrone Rosalie Steinbach Roy & Lily Stefani Roy & Sherry Strong Russel & Mary Seacor Ruth Towe* Ryan Ferguson S.R. & A.F. Bayley Scott & Carol Harr Scott & Deb Brown Scott & Nancy Schaefer Scott Petterson ’65 Sharon & James Jeffery* ’66 Sharon Ellis Solomon & Olita Harris ’68, ’67 Stanley Stewart ’68 Stephen & Marilyn Kramer Stephen & Traci Baum Stephen Stewart* ’77 Steve & Christine Klepps Steve & Laurie Howard ’80, ’80 R. Steven & Pam Harper* ’73 Steven & Sue Walker* ’82

Steve Dyche* ’62 Steve Smith* Steven & Doris Gerstner Stuart Shaw Sunrise Campground Syvert & Brenda Mahlen T.J. & Mary Lou Stulc Ted & Susan Huffman ’74 Ted Cerise Theodore Wagner ’53 Terena Miller Terry Corey Tersh & Jane McCracken Thomas & Judy Galletti Thomas Nelson Tim Cook Tim Lehman* Timothy Downing Toby Rundle Todd & Eva Foran Todd & Heidi Lepard Todd & Kristine Keller Todd Buchanan Thomas & Barbara Buck ’67 Thorm & Jean Forseth* ’69 Tom & Lynn Morledge Thomas Brantz ’80 Thomas Egnew ’70 Thomas Nyquist* ’51 Thomas Widenhouse ’62 Travis & Nedrya Arnett Trevor Daer ’09 Trevor McDonald ’01 Patricia Shimkus* ’75 Ty and Jenny Randall Vance & Estela Kaufman Velvet Hein Veronica Restad Vicki Davison* Vicki Hulse* ’81 Vincent & Louise Larsen W. Glenn & Sallie Opel Warren & Judith Frank Wayne & Delberta Ketcham Wayne & Pamela Gustafson ’86 William & Karyn Taylor* ’86, ’84 William Houser William & Betty McKinley* William & Marcia Tyson William & Pat McAllister Woody & Sharon Hahn Ziggy & Stella Ziegler Harry M. Anderson Anne E Begley Jane C Brophy Robert V. DiGiallonardo Denise K Heare Hugh S. Herbert Dale Icopini Betty Laird Paul Reeder Rebecca L. Taylor Brian Thomas Bradley Eliel ’12

An * denotes five or more consecutive years of giving

RMCBOARDOFTRUSTEES William Ballard Rocky Brown David Burt Larry Campodonico Chris Dorr Thorm Forseth George Goodrich Carl Hansen Linda Harris

ACADEMIC PROGRAMS BACHELOR OF ARTS Art Communication Studies Creative Writing Education English Environmental Studies History Individualized Program of Study (IPS) Music Philosophy and Religious Thought Theatre BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Aviation Biology Business Management Chemistry Computer Science Environmental Management & Policy Environmental Science Equestrian Studies Geology History and Political Science Individualized Program of Study (IPS) Managerial Accounting Mathematics Physical Education and Health Psychology Sociology MINORS Accountancy Aeronautical Science Art Art Education Biology Biology Education Business Management Chemistry Communication Studies Computer Science Economics English Education Environmental Science Equestrian Studies Geology History History Education Literary Studies Mathematics Mathematics Education Music Organizational Leadership Philosophy and Religious Thought Physical Education and Health Studies PE & Health – Athletic Training PE & Health – Coaching Physics Political Science Political Science (Government) Education

Shawn Heringer Rod Kastelitz David Kimball Jack Mowell Randy Scott Barb Skelton Steve Smith, Chairman Ralph Spence Wally Stadtfeld

Marc Stewart Rod Svee Pete Taylor Ron Tjaden Chuck Tooley Mary Underriner Mike Walker Jan Witman

Pre-law Psychology Psychology Education Reading Sociology Theatre Arts Writing

Outdoor Recreation Activities The Summit (student newspaper) Student Government - Associated Students of Rocky Mountain College (ASRMC) Theatre



Students may prepare for the following professional programs:

Athletic Training Dentistry Law Medicine Ministry Occupational Therapy Ophthalmology Pharmacy Physical Therapy Physician Assistant Veterinary MASTER’S PROGRAMS Master of Accountancy (M.Acc.) Master of Educational Leadership Master of Physician Assistant Studies (MPAS)


Average class size: 14 Student/Faculty ratio: 12:1 Among our undergraduate population, 53 percent come from Montana, while the remainder of our diverse student body represents 22 countries and 48 states.


Men’s & Women’s Alpine Ski Racing Men’s & Women’s Basketball Men’s & Women’s Cheerleading Men’s & Women’s Cross Country Men’s & Women’s Distance Track Men’s & Women’s Golf Men’s & Women’s Soccer Men’s Football Women’s Volleyball

Alpha Chapter, Pi Kappa Delta National Honorary Forensics Fraternity Alpha Chi National Honor Society Alpha Eta Rho National Aviation Fraternity American Indian Cultural Association (AICA) American Indian Science & Engineering Society (AISES) Aviation Ambassadors Chemistry Club Enactus Equestrian Club Gay/Straight Alliance InterVarsity Christian Fellowship Investing Club Latter-Day Saint Student Association (LDSSA) Music Club Newman Club Nontraditional Students Club Organization of Interested Students Toward Environmentally Responsible Solutions (OISTERS) Intercollegiate Flight Team Residence Hall Association (RHA) Student Ambassadors Ski Club Sojourner Club Student Theatre Association of Rocky (STARs) Students Today, Alumni Tomorrow Campus Ministry

STUDENT ACTIVITIES Concert Band Concert Choir Debate Intramural Athletics Jazz Ensemble

RMC Governance & Overview



An inside look at Jerry Wolf, RMC Men’s and Women’s Head Ski Coach

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