Rocky Now - June 2007

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ROCKY NOW Vol. 1 Issue 4

Fresh news every day at

June 2007

Rocky Now: Keeping our friends and supporters informed about what’s new and exciting at Rocky Mountain College

It’s all about our students How does a Rocky student differ from other college students? Luke Shealy’s achievement PHOTO/DAVE SHUMWAY provides an Luke Shealy, standing by the answer.

Peace Pole outside the Bair Student Center, completed BILLINGS an outstanding senior honors project. — Give all the credit to a student. An honors program project by Rocky Mountain College senior Luke Shealy is responsible for establishment of an exchange relationship between RMC and The University of Jordan in Amman, Jordan. The partnership will lead to student and faculty exchange opportunities as well as the possibility of joint projects. “The University of Jordan has an excellent program for U.S. students who wish to study Arabic and to learn more about the region,” said Ken Briggs, Rocky Mountain College Director of International Programs. “Given the abundance of misunderstanding about Islam and Arabic cultures, I felt that it was important for Rocky Mountain College students to be able to immerse themselves in Middle Eastern culture while studying the language, the history, and other aspects of the region,” Shealy said. Shealy worked with Briggs to establish a relationship. The memorandum of understanding between the two institutions was signed by The University of Jordan President Abdelrahim A. Hunaiti on April 4 and by Rocky Mountain College President Michael R. Mace on April 10.

A Flathead First

RMC alumni get reacquainted and share some new discoveries Ron Tjaden doesn’t think someone wanting to attend Rocky Mountain College should have to lose part of a finger to do it. So, from his beautiful home overlooking Flathead Lake, Tjaden and Jo Ann Johnson, issued invitations to friends and RMC alumni to the First Annual Flathead Valley Fundraiser. Ron credits RMC with helping him achieve a remarkably successful career with Marriot Company. He had a rough beginning at RMC, suspended for poor grades. That summer, working at a saw mill he lost his index finger. The insurance was enough to pay for him to return to Rocky. This time he knew he wanted to be a business man and not a mill worker. With a new commitment to education and keen support from faculty and staff, he com-


Ron Tjaden and Jo Ann Johnson hosted the First Annual Flathead Valley Fundraiser for RMC June 21. pleted his degree. Ron’s life is testimony to his success and he shared it by opening his home to RMC Director of Development Shari VanDelinder and invited guests June 21. “We had an incredible prime rib dinner in his

gorgeous home, and then a conversation with people who had excellent experiences with Rocky,” Shari said. “There were incredible connections and reunions all going on at the same time.” (Continued other side)

I can’t wait, nor can others who were there, to talk about what a terrific time we had and encourage others to do a similar event in their area.

-- Ron Tjaden

A Flathead First (Continued from front) ! Among the guests who came were two Rocky roommates from the 1960s who, for the past 15 years, did not realize they lived across Flathead Lake from each other until the night of Ron’s event. Lynn Stanley, who works for a publishing company, and Sue Paulson, who teaches in Flathead County celebrated a reunion and rediscovery. ! One of Rocky’s National Advisory Council members, Marcia Reike, brought with her a Montana Wesleyan uniform given to her by a friend whose great grandfather attended in the 1920s. Montana Wesleyan is one of the precursor colleges to what is now Rocky and the sweatshirt is one of the only ones known to exist. ! Sue Paulson, learned so much about Rocky she vowed to talk to high school counselors about how to create greater awareness of “Montana’s First. Montana’s Finest.” ! Tagen Vine credited RMC’s Black Tie Blue Jeans scholarship fundraiser event with his success in obtaining his current job as Executive Vice President of Northwest Healthcare Foundation.. The networking at BTBJ resulted in his becoming acquainted with two people who were on the steering committee which hired him. “I was pleased to inaugurate this event here and hope other board members, alumni and friends will host similar evenings. It’s great to renew ties to a terrific college, and to generate interest with others in the college. It was just great fun,” Ron said. Commitments were made to hold a second get-together next summer — with everyone checking their schedule already — and those were reinforced with generous contributions. “I can’t wait, nor can others who were there, to talk about what a terrific time we had and encourage others to do a similar event in their area. We need to spread the word that Rocky is one place where donors know the college will be good stewards with their money, and a high quality education is guaranteed the students,” Ron said.

Teeing off on the old record Alumni golf tourney sets a new fundraising mark BILLINGS — The Rocky Mountain College Alumni Association’s 7th annual golf scramble tourney June 15 at Peter Yegen Golf Course set a record for raising funds for the endowed scholarship fund. Thanks to the generous support of major sponsors, Rimrock Stages and Moulton, Bellingham, Longo, and Mather P.C., as well as hole sponsors, D.A. Davidson, The Udder Company, Howard Sumner Real Estate, and Biomet Osteosystems, the many local businesses that donated hole prizes, Peter Yegen Golf Course, and The Red Door Lounge, a record $3,000 was raised for the Alumni Association Endowed Scholarship Fund, according to Heather Nitz, RMC alumni and parent relations director. The first place net prize, gift certificates donated by Jakes, went to the Moulton Law Firm team of Mike Begley, Gerry Fagan, Matt Braukman, and Rich Streeter. The


Enjoying a perfect day on the links for the annual alumni golf tourney were Trina Knoche, Jeff Linabary, Marianna and Carl Hansen.

team of Mark Lambott, Steve LaBelle, Jake Gemar, and Cory Elkin walked away with the first place gross prize of gift certificates donated by the Granary. A team of three players, Ron Tjaden, Paul Edwards, and Kathy McGregor took the 2nd place Gross prize, gift certificates to the Granary sponsored by the RMC Alumni Association. “The endowed scholarship funds are specifically to help Rocky students who are the children or grandchildren of Rocky alumni/ae.” said Nitz. “One of the things we pride ourselves most on at Rocky is the fact that we provide a quality education for a reasonable price, and we couldn’t do that without the support of generous alumni and donors.”

RMC celebrates legendary athlete Sam E. McDonald, presentation by Mark Jr. (left in photo), Beckman of the MHSA. shares a laugh with Born in Great Falls, friend Woody Hahn McDonald graduated from during a ceremony Billings Senior High, June 1 in the Great where he was a standout Room of Prescott Hall athlete. A scholarship took honoring McDonald as him to Oklahoma State an inductee to the University, where he Montana High School played basketball under Association Hall of legendary coach, Henry Fame. PHOTO/DAVE SHUMWAY Iba. McDonald was a twoBest known as Chairman and CEO of time all-state player in both basketball and Wendy’s of Montana, McDonald is the football at Billings Senior High in the patriarch of a family which has shared 1950s. He excelled in American Legion their success and good fortune with many. baseball. A special video program featuring “He was a champion in high school and McDonald’s high school athletic career by went on to become a champion in business Production West followed cocktails and and philanthropy,” said Michael Mace, hors d’oeuvres and preceded the award President of Rocky Mountain College.

Rocky Mountain College

1511 Poly Drive ! Billings, Montana 59102 Ph: 1.800.877.6259 Find out more about what’s new and exciting at Rocky online at: !

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