August 31 2016

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SCHOOL 7 Ktaa. Raarl& 0 Wai/ti DonnellyStreet Waihi Ph 078638693 Fax 07 863 8671 Cell 021 0258 4817

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WAIHI EASTscHooL 31st August 2:OLG scHoor NEWSLETTER 27l 2OL6 Kia ora koutou, Thisweekwe havehad a very positivemeetingwith the counciland the police. The meetingwas to discussconF:.+ilcernsand possiblesolutionsfor keepingstudentssafewhentravellingto and from school. Manyideashavebeen I proposedand the cogshavebegunto turnto find roadingI trafficsolutions. ln the meantimewe havebeenadvisedby the counciland policeto use the big orangetrafficconesON THE ROAD SIDEand lN THE MIDDLEOF THE ROADat our mainentrance(thisis to furtherslowtrafficand raisethe awarenessof a studentscrossing.We will continueto superviseour studentsafterschoolcrossthe road. Thankyou to all the parentsthatwait patientlyto crossat our Qirbction.Therehas also beenrobustdiscussionfor makingthe Mataura and Gladstoneintersections safer.


A hugethankyou for the parentsand whanauthat sentfoodand/orcamedownto helpsuperviseand supportour afterschool/ eveningkapahakapracticelastweek. A greatsuccesswith a greatturnout. We lookforwardto seeingyou againlaterin the practice. term(week8) for anotherafternoon/evening We are superexcitedto reportthat room9 is up and running,the studentshaveall settledwell and are enjoyingthe new environment. Max said"it'scool in Room9, becauseit has a tent and puzzlesand books." Jasminesaid "lt's cool becausethere'scool games."lsabellesaid "lt's amazing,I was reallylookingforwardto comingto Room9 becauseit has lotsof coolstufflikea fluffy greenmat and I likethe mathsand the reading."Thanksto the parentsthat camedown lastweekfor coffeeand cakeand to meetMissDavis. We encouragethosethat didn'tmakeit to pop in whenyou get a chanceand introduceyourselfto Gina(Miss Davis). Havea greatweek and enjoythe sun and longerdayswe are havingl N g am i h i n u i Zac NAU MAl, HAERE MA|-WELGOME We would like to warmlywelcomeour neweststudentand their whdnau.Theyare: RitchieS. SEVENS SPORTS Our Year 5 netballand soccerteams and a rugbyteam went io Katikati on Monday to participate in the North Cluster Sevens tournament. A massiveThank You to all whanauwho took time out to help with transportand cheeringalong our teams. GYMSPORT ANS HIPHOP TEAMS Congratulations to all our gymsportcompetitorswho performed well on Monday.East school had quite a few placings!Well done team! Our Hiphopteam performedas well and gaineda first placing. A huge Thank You to Tracey and Mrs. Hughesfor all your work with coachingthese groups. CALF CLUB It's time to start gettingyour calves and lambs readyfor Ag Day. We will be holdingour calf club day on 31st Octoberand group day will be held on 4th November.Entryforms are availablefrom the office. Alan Scott has offered to have 6 calves availablefor any year 4-6 studentwho would like to have a calf at calf club this year. Please apply in writingoutliningwhy you shouldbe chosenand give to Mrs Frew by next Monday. This will involvegoing out to the Scott'sfarm 2-3 times a week to groom and feed you calf and then attend the East School Ag day in October. DIGITAL LEARNING WORKSHOP Using ICT to promotechildren's leamingin a fun, interactiveworkshop. Run by Mrs Laing and Mrs Coll,you willget practicaltips and informationabout how you can supportyourchild'slearningusing onlinegames and activities.There will be's FREEand FUN.See you at schoolon Wednesday8th Sep'tk rmtsFr rs rD k:smpdNc temberat 5:1Spm.Pleasetext Nik taing0274338821 to confirm a spot. $50 groceryvoucherdraw.

Oneentryfor everypersonattending.

q I n$d tbrErd. whh rh rr**ffsan."


GELEBRATION ASSEMBLY The date of our next celebrationassemblywas changedlast week and is now tomonow,ThursdaySeptember1st with Rooms 6,8&3presenting. Rooms5,1 &7 will be presentingon SeptembeltSth. YEAR 6 GOLLEGE VISIT Our Year 6 group visitedthe collegelast week and took home enrolmentforms.These forms can be broughtback to East schooland are due by21st October. KAPAHAKA Whaea Whetu is holdingpracticesthis week. Wednesday31 August,1.30-3pm.Fullpractice. Wednesday31 August,3.00-4.30pm.Girls practice Thursday1 Sept: Lunchtimepracticefor boys(haka). SGHOLASTIG BOOK ORDERS lssue No. 5 was orderedlast week and shouldbe back at school this week. These will be given to the childrento bring home on anival. lssue no. 6 went home last week. All orderswith paymentto the office please.lssue 6 closeson,Thursday1SthSeptemberand should be back beforethe holidays. CALENDAR FUNDRAISER Your childrenare busy makingtheir art calendarsin class and are lookingfantastic!! Order forms went home last week. Art Calendarsare again $12.00.Photo Calendarsare $12 and Art card packs are also $12. Pleaseplace all orders(with payment)throughthe office. BLUELIGHT BASKETBALL 20{6 Bluelightbasketball(FREE)will start 3.30pmMondayOctober 10th. (week 1 term 4) at the Waihi Eventscentre.Playerswill be musteredinto teams so will need to be there on the first night. This will run for 6 to 8 weeks and is for middleand intermediate school students(year5-8).The draw will be in the Leadereach week. Registrationforms are at the schoolofficeand closingdate for registrationis Sept 16th. No late entries. Please hand completedforms to the schooloffice. For more info call SterlingHuett,Waihi Police0211912435

BREAKFASTCLUB Thanksto ourawesome club breakfast


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with littledistraction.Put a basketof books near the spot, includepencils,pens,paper,crayons.

whatrexercj-se t; tr ti:r BADY. L -z


homethat ishis/herfavouriteipot RfiEffiB - ' to read.A placewhichis comfy,

GROWLINK Growlinkorders have been droppingoff so free deliverymay have to be stoppedto our school. ,jE* Growlinkoffers your choice of fruit, vegies and U groceriesonline delivered'forfree to Waihi East ltL* School.OrderTuesdayor a Wednesdaydelivery. Go to and use coupon code WAIHIEASTfor free delivery. KIDS MARTIAL ARTS CLASSES EveryThursdayand Friday4.30-5.30pm@ St JohnsAnglicanHall. Age: 8-12 years.Cost:$7.50 per week. Firstclassis free with no joiningfees. For more info phone0211631891, or checkout our FB page:WaihiCommunityMartialArts. SEASONS FOR GROWTH PROGRAM Learningto live with change and loss. Changeand loss are issuesthat affect all of us at some stagein our lives. At Waihi East Schoolw! recognisethat

SPORTSDRAWS HOCKEY Wednesday31st Augustat$t JosephsSchool. 3.30pmEast v Beach Thursday1st SeptemberWeek 4 of 6. Waihi EventsCentre.

3 . 5 0 p m e a s tvlW a i m a t a 4.00pmEast2 v St Joes 4.20pmeast1 v Beach2 4.30pmEast2 v Beach3 4.50pmEast1 v Central1 5.00pmEast2 v Central2 nextweek8thSeptember. NOTE:NOBasketball

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MEMOSFROMTHE KIDS Don't forget how quickly l'fi, growing up. lt mustbe difficultfor you to keep pacewith me, but pleasedo. L-4/1 Don't forget I love experimenting.I leamso C muchby tryingnewthings.

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s?f33n'J s ^ o Hi;l#3::,i :?i? i:i'i?"", ::!l relatedcircumstances. Youngpeople maybenefitfromlearninghowto managethesechanges effectively.We arethereforeofferinga verysuccessful educationprogramcalledSeasonsfor Growthat Waihi EastSchool,withgroupsrunningat schoolin schooltime as required.lf yourchildhasgonethroughsignificant changeandyouwouldlikeyourchildto attendSeasonsfor letter/permission slip Growthpleaseaskfor an information at the office. Forfurtherinformation contactthe program co-ordinator on 0220835478or email I{OUSE NEEDED Gota houseto rent?A 3 bedroomhouseis neededfor a familyto rent.PleaseseeBriarif youcanhelp. DANCE CLASSES freestylejazz,balletandtap- pre Cfassesin Theatrecraft, schooltoadult.ContactSheryl07 8628150or 027 2800294. EAR GARAVAN TheEarcaravan willbe at WaihiCentral School,Moresby 1st.9.30amto Waihion Thursday Avenue, September -1.30pm 12noon and12.30pm




rhisyear's Round the Bridges is on Sunday'13November.Entera schoolteam now and be in the draw to win one of two $500RebelSport vouchers! $6 SuperSaverentryfor the 2km Kids Challengeis availableuntil 31 August.The event alsofeatures6km and 12kmcategoriesfor adults.

-'!/ sportnaikato moreinfo.

:,zKMKIE$CHALLENGE EttilHFi Pleaseemail if you are interestedin this event.


FURNITURE MOVERS Small or large moves. Home or Business. North Island wide. Packing Service. Available seven days.

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Phone(07)363 2LL2 OpeningHours:Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm

CiannBrown Independent Di strib utor 07 863 8772 o22 ltL 5535 W a i h i3 6 1 0


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Rd., WaihiBeach 29Wilson 07 863 5223 usecouponcode

WAIHI EAST for free delivery

for deliveryto OrderTuesday WaihiEastSchoolon Wednesday

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