Targets for Raising Student Achievement in Mathematics 2014 Strategic Aim:
To increase student achievement in Mathematics All students will be able to access the New Zealand Curriculum as evidenced by the achievement in relation to National Standards
Strategic Objectives: Improve teacher effectiveness, pedagogy and practice; using the inquiry model. To refine teachers’ abilities in making Overall Teacher Judgments. To determine next learning steps, using data analysis, to inform teacher planning. Address the needs of students at risk or cause for concern in relation to the National Standards for their year. Continue to increase the achievement in Mathematics for all students Curriculum Area: Key Competencies: Numeracy
Using language, symbols and texts
Managing self
Annual Objectives and Aims: All students who are not achieving success in relation to the National Standard for Mathematics will have achieved accelerated progress over the year.
Increase the number of students achieving at or above the National Standard for Mathematics.
2014 Annual targets All underachieving students within the school who were below or well below National Standard in Mathematics at the end of 2013 will achieve at or above National Standard by the end of 2014. Baseline Data: In 2013 76% of all students are at/above National Standards. 73% of our Maori students are at/above National Standards. 74% of our Male students are at/above National Standards. 78% of our Female students are at/above National Standards. Due to a small cohort and confidentiality, Pasifika students have not been included in this reporting.
Planned Actions for 2014
Leadership team, teaching staff and board of trustees, will be looking for a continued positive shift in student achievement in maths.
Reporting twice a year to the BOT on progress and achievement.
Leadership team/All staff
Teachers will be planning collaboratively, analysing student achievement to inform next steps, peer supporting one another in their work and driving students’ learning.
Throughout the year. Reviewed at the end of each term
Deputy Principals
Formation of OTJ’s using correct weighting of summative assessment, formative assessment and, anecdotal evidence (Modelling books, anecdotal notes, Gloss, JAM, IKAN.
Daily use of modelling books, anecdotal notes. Gloss, JAM, IKAN as required.
All staff
Specific and targeted teacher aide programmes in place, across the school, as required.
Teacher aide training term one 2014 with facilitator
Leadership team
Funding of teacher aides to be a priority in the budget.
Leadership team
Teacher release for staff.
Support for teachers in numeracy curriculum knowledge, analysing assessment and using the maths curriculum resources as part of our teacher inquiry focus. IEPs for all students who are underachieving in maths across the school based on formative and summative assessment throughout the year, and developed in consultation with parents. The progress of the targeted underachieving students will be discussed at regular team meetings on a 3 week cycle as well as lower 25% These initiatives will be embedded within the school planning and reporting documents.
All staff
Targets for Raising Student Achievement in Reading 2014 Strategic Aim
To increase student achievement in Reading All students will be able to access the New Zealand Curriculum as evidenced by the achievement in relation to National Standards
Strategic Objectives: Improve teacher effectiveness, pedagogy and practice; using the inquiry model. To refine teachers’ abilities in making Overall Teacher Judgments. To determine next learning steps, using data analysis, to inform teacher planning. Address the needs of students at risk or cause for concern in relation to the National Standards for their year. Continue to increase the achievement in Reading for all students
Curriculum Aim: Comprehension
Key Competencies:
Managing self Using language, symbols and text Thinking Participating and contributing
Annual Objectives and Aims:
All students who are not achieving success in relation to the National Standard for Reading will have achieved accelerated progress over the year.
Increase the number of students achieving at or above the National Standard for Reading.
2014 Targets: All underachieving students within the school who were well below and below National Standards at the end of 2013 will achieve at or above the National Standard by the end of 2014.
Increase the number of students who are achieving at or above the National Standard for Reading across the school.
Baseline Data: In 2013 73% of all students are at/above National Standards. 75% of our Maori students are at/above National Standards. 70% of our Male students are at/above National Standards. 75% of our Female students are at/above National Standards. Due to a small cohort and confidentiality, Pasifika students have not been included in this reporting. Timing
BOT Funded PLD Reading Together
Term 1
Continue with specific support from teacher aides, with teachers focusing on accelerating the reading progress of the targeted group of students – underachieving Māori, Pasifika and Special education needs students.
Professional learning to be provided for new staff, based on AFL.
The progress of the targeted underachieving students and lower 25% will be discussed at regular team meetings on a 3 week cycle Teachers will develop IEPs for all students who are underachieving in reading across the school based upon summative and formative assessments throughout the year and developed in consultation with parents.
Leadership team
Funding for relief teachers. Funding of teacher aides to be a priority in the budget.
Leadership team
Classroom teachers
Targets for Raising Student Achievement in Writing 2014 Strategic Aim:
All students will be able to access the New Zealand Curriculum as evidenced by the achievement in relation to National Standards
To increase student achievement in Writing
Strategic Objectives: Improve teacher effectiveness, pedagogy and practice; using the inquiry model. To refine teachers’ abilities in making Overall Teacher Judgments. To determine next learning steps, using data analysis, to inform teacher planning. Address the needs of students at risk or cause for concern in relation to the National Standards for their year.
Curriculum Area: Writing
Key Competencies:
Managing Self
Using language symbols and text
Annual Objectives and Aims:
All students who are not achieving success in relation to the National Standard for Writing will have achieved accelerated progress over the year.
Increase the number of students achieving at or above the National Standard for Writing.
2014 Annual Targets:
All underachieving students within the school who were well below and below National Standards at the end of 2013 in Writing will achieve at or above the National Standard by the end of 2014.
Baseline Data: In 2013 75% of all students are at/above National Standards. 71% of our Maori students are at/above National Standards. 62% of our Male students are at/above National Standards. 86% of our Female students are at/above National Standards. Due to a small cohort and confidentiality, Pasifika students have not been included in this reporting. Planned Actions for 2014
PLD for staff on e-asttle
February 2012
Leadership team
1 day relieving
Teacher will develop IEPs for all students who are underachieving in writing across the school based upon end of year data and developed in consultation with parents
20 February Reviewed at the end of each term to identify acceleration or progress
Leadership team
Continue with teacher aide support in all classes.
All year, 9.00am-12.30pm Monday to Thursday
Team leaders will lead regular meetings on the on going professional development in OTJs. Also the progress of the targeted underachieving students will be discussed at regular team meetings on a 3 week cycle
3 meetings per term to focus on reading writing and maths
Funding of teacher aides to be a priority in the budget. Leadership team