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IURI DonnellyStreet Waihi Ph 07 863 8693 Fax 07 863 8671 Cell 021 0258 4817 Emailehargreaves@east.school. nz www.waihieast.school. nz Principal: EmilyHargreaves
TeacherAide Alex workingwith a smallgroupof students
CiaraH pansfor gold!
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Mr Gurnickand RMz studentsreturnfrom YR 6 Leadership Dayon their bikes
IMPORTANTDATES: 19 Feb: 19-20Feb: 23 Feb: 25 Feb: 27 Feb: 27 Feb; 27 Feb: 2 March: 2 March: 4March: 16 March: l April: 2 April: 20 April: 23 April:
EarCaravan @ WaihiCentral9.30am-2pm TentCity@ EastSchool.YR3 & 4 BOTMeeting SchoolPicnic-Splash & DashAnzacBay Scholastic Bookslssue1 Closes SeniorSwimChamps-WaihiCollegePool LastDayof SubwayOrders 'TheLunchBox Club'LunchOrdersStart NewParentsMorningTea Waihiâ‚ŹlusterSwimming-CentralSchool NorthClusterSwirhming-Katikati GiantPumpkinWeigh{n LastDayTerm1 FirstDayTerm2 Photolife Photos-Class & Individual
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18th February 2015
Kia ora Welcome to week three, another week of adventure. This week we have our senior students at camp in Aongatete and year three and four are looking forward to tent city this Thursday & Friday. What an amazing experience for all involved. A huge thank you to our whanau for supporting these educational outings with kai, supervision and transport. We could not do this without your fabulous support. As always, my huge thanks to the teaching team who have carefully planned these events. Thank you for your enthusiasm and mahi. I would like to pass on a huge thank you from Maren Johansen and her whanau for your generous support of them during this sad time. Your words and hands on support have been a blessing to her. Thank you also to tamariki/whanau for serving kai after the funeral. Maren thought you were brilliant. Maren is on leave for term one. Next week we head to ANZAC Bay for our annual Splash & Dash. We would love your attendance on this day with transport, supervision and smiles. These days are super important to set the scene for a united, engaged and respectful kura. With a large bubble of year three students in our school, we have changed our names from seniors and juniors. We now have Kotuku for tamariki in rooms one, two, three and nine. Piwakawaka are students in rooms four, five, six, seven and eight. These teams are for lunchtime sports and other school events. New lunches are heading our way from next week. Like with our veggy orders, everything is on line. Check out the awesome menu. Everything is colour coded, highlighting what is super healthy and what is a treat. Go wild and enjoy this new kai. Nga mihi nui Emily (ehargreaves@east.school.nz) BREAKFAST CLUB Just a reminder that we have breakfast available every school morning. We have weetbix daily, and Miss H (along with her amazing helpers) prepare beans and toast every Tuesday. Come along and share breakfast with us. It’s a lovely way to start the day. Everyone is welcome.
Three of our regular helpers prepare toast for Bean Tuesday. (Front to back: Katie T, Anna R, Izzie C)
SCHOOL PICNIC AND SPLASH & DASH Our annual school picnic and Splash & Dash is happening next Wednesday, 25 Feb. We will be leaving school at 9am and returning in time for buses, leaving Bowentown at 2.00pm. The Splash & Dash duathlon will start approximately 9.30am. No boats will be operating on this day. SCHOOL SWIMMING POOL If you are using our school pool with babies and toddlers swimming, it is an expectation that they will be wearing a swimming nappy. NO nappy = NO swimming.
P : 863 8693
START/FINISH TIMES The starting time for each school day is 9am. Our school is open from 8am. School finishes at 3pm. The school bus leaves at 2.50pm. If your child is a bus student they will be placed on the bus unless the office has been notified otherwise. PUPIL ABSENCE FROM SCHOOL So there is no doubt as to a child's whereabouts, parents are asked to inform the school whenever their child is going to be absent. If the child is away for several days it is only necessary to let the school know on the first day of absence. It is still appropriate to send a note of explanation or make contact with the teacher after a lengthy absence. On the first day of absence the school can be notified in either of the following ways: 1) by telephoning - 863 8693 2) by sending a note to the child's teacher via another child. 3) sending a text to 021 0258 4817 Sharon or another staff member will take the message and note it on a form that is circulated to all classes by 9.30am each day. Note: It is a legal requirement for schools to be advised of children's absences. PAYMENTS We realise that money can be a wee bit tight at this time of year. To make the start of year slightly easier, the administration team can help you set up an automatic payment. Forms are available from the office. Eft-pos is also available.
SCHOOL CONTACTS M : 021 0258 4817 F : 863 8671 E : ehargreaves@east.school.nz Visit our school’s new website www.waihieast.school.nz
READING TOGETHER Mrs Laing will be starting Reading Together workshops this term. Come along to these four sessions and discover practical ways to bring fun and enjoyment into reading with your children at home. Chocolate and hot drinks supplied! Please let the office or Mrs Laing know if you would like to attend. Course will be held in the staffroom. Dates are:
Thursday 26th Feb Thursday 5th March Thursday 12th March Thursday 26th March
1.30—2.45pm 1.30—2.45pm 1.30—2.45pm 1.30—2.45pm
NEW SCHOOL LUNCHES COMING SOON…. We have jumped on board with ‘The Lunch Box Club’ and these new and exciting lunches will be available at school from Monday March 2nd. This is how ‘The Lunch Box Club’ works:
Register on-line to create an account Place orders and pay on-line (up to 8am for same day delivery) Lunches will be prepared by ‘Farm Gate Deli’ in Waihi Beach and delivered to school
The food offered works on a ‘Traffic Light’ system, making it easy to make healthy food choices:
SCHOOL DOCTOR Doctor Tineke Iverson has re-started her weekly Tuesday morning visits to school. Please make an appointment through the office. EAST SWIMMING WITH TESS Learn to Swim lessons will be offered in the East School pool on Monday’s & Wednesday’s after school (3.10pm— 4.40pm). $10 per lesson. Contact Tess 021 138 5484 or 863 6130. MUSIC LESSONS 2015 Mrs Wella Tasma’s music lessons have re-started for the year. Individual or group lessons are available in: Recorder, flute, singing, keyboard, guitar, ukulele and saxophone. For information and enrolment phone: 863 6322 or e-mail artzsong134@gmail.com SCHOOL NEWSLETTERS Wednesday is school newsletter day and a newsletter is issued every Wednesday - ask your child for it each Wednesday or check it out on our school website. School newsletters are given to the eldest child in a family or the only child going to East School. These newsletters are the main means of communicating with parents and I would ask that parents read them carefully. Quite often a reply slip is attached and it is most helpful if we get an early response to such requests. Many thanks! We appreciate the support of those who pay for adverts on the newsletter. Please support them with your patronage. If you would prefer your newsletter emailed to you please email Sharon in the office. WAIHI MINERS INLINE HOCKEY CLUB Anyone interested in seeing what the sport is about is welcome to attend. Teams start training: Tues 17 Feb:
They also cater for students with allergies. Lunches are available every day, and we will continue to have Sushi available Thursdays. Friday 27th Feb will be our last day for Subway orders. Please see the enclosed flyer for further information on The Lunch Box Club and to view the full menu. Their website is also very helpful: www.thelunchboxclub.co.nz We will have a computer available in the school office for those to use who do not have internet access at home.
Wed 18 Feb:
Under 14’s 5.30—7PM Senior Social 7—9PM Under 10’s 4.30—5.30PM Under 12’s 5.30—7PM
SATURDAY NIGHT SKATING Saturday night skating at the Waihi Events Centre starts again on Saturday 28th February: 6—8 PM $5 entry fee (includes skate hire –adult spectators free)
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Available everydayat WaihiEastSchool from 2ndMarch!
Mains RoastChicken Roll$3.50 Glazed HamRoll$3.50 BlissBall(GF,SF)52.60 ChickWholegrain S/wichY'53,50 ChickWholegrain S/wichLge$S.SO HamWholegrain S/wich%$3.50 HamWholegrain S/wichtge 56.50 BeefWholegrain S/wich % 53.50 BeefWholegrain S/wichLge$S.SO Tandoori Chicken Wrap(GF)$6 HamWrap(GF)56 Chicken Wrap(GF)95 Homemade Hummus &VegeSticks
Ss Pieceof FreshFruit$1.20 DriedFruit& NutPot54 Air PoppedPopcorn $2
WholeScotchEeC(GF)56.20 HalfScotchEeC(GF)53.20 Bacon& EggPie$5 - LgeSZ.SO BeefLasagne - Lge$7.50 VegeLasagne Cheese Scone$4 Kumara Crisps 40g(GF)$Z.gS Homemade SoupwithRoll55 Macaroni Cheese $5.50 - Ham55 Lorriane Quiche Quiche- RoastV"g SS FishCakex1 (GF)$a FishCakex2 (GF)$8 LouiseCakeSlice54.50 Homemade Roll53.50 Sausage RawChocCaramel SliceGF54.50 YoYo52.50 Shortbread S2.s0 AnimalCookie $g.lO
Drinks GF= GultenFree SF= RefinedSugarFree
FeijoaFrenzySmoothie$4 TropicalStormSmoothie$4 Very BerrySmoothie$4 CoconutWater $3.50
Orderby 8amdayof delivery- or anytimein advance, up to the end of term!
QuickPick:Usethis buttonto view the menu& pickyouritems,using the > buttonto expandmenu sections.Onceyouareready,click 'Orderthis Lunch'. To Order: OR 1.Visitwww.thelunchboxclub.co.nz LunchBoxes- Usethisbuttonto & createan account for yourfamily fromyoursavedLunch choose by submitting the formon the Boxes*(menuitemcombinations). page.Thenclickon the Families Thenclick'OrderthisLunch'. linkwithinthe activation email. 5. More Children?Repeatsteps3 2. LogIn to navigate aroundyour & 4 for eachchild. accountusingthe left handmenu bar. Toviewyourschool's menu, 6. Check& Review:To viewall of yourpendingorders,navigate navigateto the OrderLunches to page. the'ViewPlanned Orders'page. Orderscanbe easilycancelled from 3.TopUp:lf youwishto placean thispage. order,first credityouraccountby *LunchBoxesaresavedmenuitem submittinga Top Up Request.You canTopUp usingCredit/Debit card combinations. lf yourchildhasa or onlinebanktransfer.Enterthe favouritecombo,you cancreate& amountyouwishto TopUp(S20 savea lunchbox for themon the minimum), page,makingfor faster selectthe TopUp Lunchboxes method,andclickPAYandfollow ordering.Navigate to the 'Lunch prompts. the onscreen Boxes'page. 4. To Order:Navigate to the Order page.Usethe Calendar Lunches or ArrowKeyto selectthe dateyou wishto orderfor. Scrolldownto yourChildsName, thenuseeitherthe 'QuickPick buttonor'LunchBoxes'buttonto order.
Yourmenuis proudlysupplied by; FarmGateDeli& Kitchen,Waihi Beach.
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Wnanoutupu ngdtohi - fomilies growing together