July 6 2016

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SCHOOL 7e Kana.Raarl& 0 Waili DonnellyStreet Waihi Ph 07 863 8693 Fax O7863 8671 Cell 021 0258 4817 Emailprincipal@east.school.nz www.waihieast,school. nz

UPCOMINGEVENTS Tapuwae Tournament, WaihiCentral. LastDayof Term2. CulturalDress-Up Day, SausageSizzle($3)& CoolKids. July25 FirstDayof Term3. Powhirifor NewPrincipal, ZacTaylor10:30am Allwelcome. July7 July8

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6th July 2016

Kia ora koutou. Ngā mihi maioha ki a koutou katoa. Warm greetings to you all. My goodness, the last 10 weeks have flown by! What a great end to Term 2! All the fabulous Matariki events, the most delicious hangi today and a stunning performance by our musicians, led by Mrs Tasma. I have been impressed with the children’s willingness to give all sorts of activities a go, and to challenge themselves in their learning. I’ve loved having them share their learning with me, hearing about what they are interested in and the things they do outside of school. I would like to thank all the staff for their amazing professionalism, and their commitment to providing the best educational opportunities for the children here. I have really enjoyed working with them all. A huge thanks to Rachael and Briar for their impressive leadership during this time of change; they have been a great support to me! Thanks also to Sharon for coping so well with having me ask questions and for favours on a daily basis. Thanks to the two Boards I have worked with. The school is lucky to have such strong governance. Thanks to you all for being so welcoming and friendly too. It has been great working in a school that has children’s learning needs and well-being at its heart. Finally I hope that your new principal, Zac Taylor, enjoys his time here, even half as much as I have, and that you are able to join the school in welcoming him at his pōwhiri on Monday 25th July, 10:30am. Whāia te iti kahurangi ki te tūohu koe me he maunga teitei Seek the treasure you value most dearly: if you bow your head, let it be to a lofty mountain Ngā mihi nui, Whaea Steph (Anich), principal@east.school.nz

MATARIKI WAIHI Tapuwae Tournament Tomorrow, Thursday 7th July, 9-3pm at Waihi Central School. We have our Y4-6 East teams entered to compete for the carved trohpy and become ‘Nga Whetu (Stars) o Matariki’. ENROLMENTS FOR TERM 3 & 4 Do you, or someone you know, have a child who will turn 5 years old this year and intends to start at our school? If you / they haven’t already enrolled, we would love to start this process ASAP. Please contact Sharon at the office. LEARNING TIPS When you listen to you child read it is very important that you let them read by themselves. If they make a mistake give them time, PAUSE, to let them notice their mistake. If they do not notice their mistake you need to PROMPT them to try again and PRAISE what they do to fix it up. After the reading, talk about what happened in the story and if you can, relate it to an event in their own life. HANGI A massive THANKS to all our whānau who helped in any way towards making our school hangi a delicious success! Whether that be donations of food or koha. Special thanks to whānau who were able to spend time in school helping our children peel and sort vegetables you are amazing! Also, special thanks to the whānau who arrived before the sun to help build the fires and put our hangi in to cook. Finally a special, special thanks to David Dixon, for leading our hangi. Such a tremendous effort - we thank you for giving your time, muscles and knowledge.

MUSIC LESSONS There will be NO music lessons with Wella in Week 1 of next term. Wednesday 27th July. NETBALL FUNDRAISER Our Netball club is required to do stocktaking at New World on Sunday 10 July. 6:30pm for approx 2 hours. All primary schools are required to provide 2 people per school for stocktaking. Volunteers must be minimum of 15 years old. Waihi Netball Centre is paid by way of sponsorship for this stocktaking so it benefits us all. If you can help please let Sharon in the office know. Thanks BASKETBALL HOLIDAY PROGRAMME Monday 11th July, Waihi College Gym with James Ballinger. 9.30-10.15am Miniball (up to Year 2) $5 10.30-12noon Primary (Year 3 & 4) $8 12.30-1.30pm Senior Primary (Year 5 & 6) $8 1.45-3.45pm Intermediate (Year 7 & 8) $10 Space are limited. Please register your interest with Rachael Roycroft on 027 870 0937 email; rachaelr@waihicol.school.nz WAIHI BLUE LIGHT EVENTS Term 2 School Holidays Blue light is running activities during the July school holidays. Parents are welcome to attend and watch or join in. Ages; 5 to 15 years, Waihi Events Centre 1-4pm. Tuesdays 12th, Thursday 14th, Tuesday 19th and Thursday 21st July. Activities include inline skating & scooters, various activities and sports games, basketball & indoor soccer. For more info contact Waihi Police station 863 8179 or email Andrew.cochrane@police.govt.nz TERM 3 BASKETBALL Waihi Basketball Circle of Growth, Year 5 & 6 basketball starts Thursday 11th August 2016, 3.30pm-5pm at Waihi Events Centre. $25 per player includes a t-shirt. 6 weeks long. 3 weeks drills and skills followed by 3 week tournament. See the office with your payment if you want to play.

KIDS’ WORK It was cold this morning and there was ice on the ground. I kept slipping over on the ice. It was fun. By Tevita H, age 6, room 8. We had a Matariki Māori concert. Eleven of our class went on stage. We sang Tohora Nui and our school song. By Ben P, age 6, room 8.

COMMUNITY NOTICES GROWLINK Growlink orders have been dropping off so free delivery may have to be stopped to our school. Growlink offers your choice of fruit, veges and groceries online delivered for free to Waihi East School. Order Tuesday or a Wednesday delivery. Go to www.growlink.co.nz and use coupon code WAIHIEAST for free delivery. KIDS MARTIAL ARTS CLASSES Every Thursday and Friday 4.30-5.30pm @ St Johns Anglican Hall. Age: 8-12 years. Cost: $7.50 per week. First class is free with no joining fees. For more info phone 0211631891, email: waihimuaythai@gmail.com or check out our FB page: Waihi Community Martial Arts. KATIKATI TOY LIBRARY HOSTS TE RADAR Te Radar’s Eating the Dog Friday 22nd July 2016, Katikati Memorial Hall, 7pm start. Doors open 6pm. Tickets $30 single $50 double available from Katikati Information Centre or register and pay online at katikatitoylibrary.eventsmart.com Any enquiries please email katikatitoylibrary@gmail.com Do you want to make a difference in a child’s life?

Child, Youth and Family are currently looking for people in this area who can offer safe, caring, stable homes for young people in need of short term care, time out over weekends and/or holidays, or a home for life. Our team will support you to understand and manage the challenges of fostering a young person, and we will be there with you to celebrate the successes. You may be surprised; you could be just the right person to offer your care to a young person who needs you! If you are interested in finding out more, or know someone who may be interested, or if you think you might be able to help in some other way then we would love to hear from you! Please contact Johnson Taoho, Care Services Manager, on 07 957-4740 or johnson.taoho001@cyf.govt.nz


Saturday 9th July 2016

NETBALL 9.00 Ct 4 9.50 Ct 2 9.50 Ct 5

Suns v Waimata Wetas Shooting Stars v Central Quartz Comets v Beach Mermaids

Player of the Day Awards: Suns: Lily M Shooting Stars: Nicky Comets: Ellie Can all Future Ferns return their netball skirts to school now please. SOCCER Year 5-6 Friday 3.30 pm, at Waihi College top field.


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