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SCHOOL 7 Kuna Raarl& 0 Warili DonnellyStreet Waihi Ph 078638693 Fax 07 863 8671 Cell 021 0258 4817 Emailehargreaves@east.school. nz www.waihieast.school.nz Principal: Emily Hargreaves TopRow; Gymsports
Bottom row; Some calfclub entries.
IMPORTANT DATES 3 Sept: 1 1S e p t : 14Sept: 18Sept: 18Sept: 22 Sept:
SchoolDisco. A s s e m b lryo, o m s1 , 7 & 8 . DuffyRoleModelAssembly. 9.30am. Calendar ordersdue. Scholastic lssue6 ordersclose. WBOPWinterSportsDay.
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23 Sept; 25 Sept: 25 Sept:
12 Oct: 2 Nov:
WaihiEast'sGotTalentfinals. WaihiAcademy visit.Year6 class. Lastdayterm3. Chalkordersdue. Coolkidsafternoon. Firstdayterm4. CalfClub.
&Vln4a4z4l"upzaalahq & 7da4a4lR*p".t fu Se$. Of/4e4& ?azr4
2 September 2015
Kia ora, The joy of giving to others is a beautifully unique feeling. It spreads like wild fire and enriches our community. As you know our LifePod fundraising mission is well in hand. With your amazing support $794 was raised on Friday with our Greatest Love mufti/heart biscuit day and donations. This was a massive amount. Since this time donations from the wider community have started to come in. Our thanks to the Baptist Church for their donation. We challenge you to seek support in the community to help raise $2000 .We look forward to hearing Sir Ray Avery’s story about LifePods and letting NZ know about our school on Seven Sharp this week. Rumour has it our tamariki want to raise money for a second pod to go to Tonga. I will keep you updated. A huge thank you to the whanau who filled out our recent survey on what health topics are important to you. To help us delve deeper (yes, my questions were too open!) this time we ask you to select the most important areas under each section. What are your top one or two areas of learning that are super important to you. From this, we should be able to put a plan in place. If you have other ideas you would like included e.g. parents advice/ meeting on internet safety, write it down. We will do our best to meet your needs. Alex and her team of lovelies have the school disco for this Thursday well in hand. The cost is $2 per person with treats being sold for $1 per item. We would appreciate your help to make this a successful event for our children. Come along and join in the fun; Alex will welcome your help. A massive congratulations to our two netball teams who have made it through to the next level of competition in Tauranga. This is stunning and we thank your coaches for their guidance and skills to support you to this level. Lastly a massive thank you to Tracey Fowell for her leadership and coaching of our gym team. Our children had a ball on Monday at gym sports. Thank you for your leadership at our school and across the wider Waihi community. Fabulous! Nga mihi nui, Emily Hargreaves (ehargreaves@east.school.nz)
School Notices READING TOGETHER WORKSHOP Due to lack of numbers to support the Reading together initiative we have postponed to next term. If you would like to be involved in next terms Reading Together please let the office know. This initiative is filled with tips and tricks to help your children. AGRICULTURE DAY—Monday 2 November This year Waihi East School’s Agriculture Day will be held on Monday 2nd November. Group Day will be on Friday 6th November at Waimata School. Registration forms are now available at the office. We also have bottles of Animal Health Tonic kindly donated by Agri-Sea NZ. Make sure to collect your free bottle when you hand in your registration form. SCHOLASTIC ISSUE # 6 Scholastic issue 6 went home last week. These need to be returned to school by week 9, Friday 18th September. YUMMY STICKERS We need to send away all our yummy stickers at the end of this term to exchange for some free sports gear. Can we please have all your stickers brought into school by the end of September. EASIYO YOGHURT We have a few sachets of EasiYo yoghurt available. If you have a yogurt maker and would like some to make at home, please pop into the office. These are free of charge. WAIHI EAST’S GOT TALENT We will be running the heats for Waihi East’s Got Talent this week. Heats will run during the school day. Thursday for Team Piwakawaka and Friday for Team Kotuku. Everyone welcome to come along and support your children.
GYMSPORT FESTIVAL Congratulations to Evah C who placed 4th in Flyers girls, Nicky T 4th Springers girls, Kayleigh F 5th in Springers girls at Gymsports on Monday. Well done girls! KAPAHAKA TUTOR Our School needs a new Kapahaka tutor. Our tutor needs to be fun, firm, fair and kind, have lots of enthusiasm, and the ability to lead our beautiful tamariki in waiata and dance. This is a paid position for 1.5 hrs a week. Time can be negotiated and will require a police check. If this sounds like you we invite you to write a letter (address to Emily) of interest outlining your skill set, experience and availability. AFTER SCHOOL TURF HOCKEY DRAW for next week 8th September 2015 3.30pm East 1 v Waikino 4.00pm East 2 v Central Tigers SCHOOL DISCO Our school disco will take place tomorrow night, Thursday 3rd September at the St James Presbyterian Church Hall on Moresby Ave. The disco will run from 5.00-6.30PM. Please be prompt with pick-up as the hall is being used by another group at 7.15PM. Entry is $2 per student. Snacks and refreshments will also be sold on the night—$1 each. There is no theme for this disco. Thanks to all our amazing helpers. PRE-SCHOOLERS We need to have an up-to-date list of those children who are likely to come to this school for our roll projection. Please fill in the slip below and return it with names of any pre-schoolers you know who will be coming to this school, including neighbours or friends who don’t presently have children at school.
Date of birth
Parents’ Name
Phone No.
KIDS’ PAGE Are Dogs Better than Cats? I definitely think dogs are better than cats because dogs ate fun to cuddle and take for walks. Do you think dogs are better? Secondly, I know dogs are more helpful than cats because they guide blind people, hunt pigs and deer, round up cattle and sheep and chase birds away from the garden. Thirdly, dogs are fit and more energetic than cats . Cats are lazy and sleep on the couch and just meow all the time, asking for more food! Lastly, I’m telling you dogs are much more patient than cats! So dogs are definitely better than cats! By Lily M, age 8, room 3. Feeling Proud. Hi, my name is Josh and I’m going to tell you about my awesome weekend. On Saturday I bought a lawn mower for $400 that Kale’s Grandma gave me. We went to Wenlock Street because there was a garage sale. We were interested in what there was. I can mow peoples lawns now, to make money. By Josh M, age 9, room 1. I am going to tell you how to be a good friend. Encourage others. If you are hurt she will come and help you. Share you toys or pets. If you are lonely a friend will come and play with you. If you hurt someone they won’t want to be your friend. If you want a friend, be nice. I just told you how to be a good friend, I hope you were listening, because if you listened and you do all this you will have lots of friends. By Celeste R, age 7, room 7.
COMMUNITY NOTICES WAIHI BEACH SCHOOL’S BEATS & PLEATS WEARABLE ARTS & INSTRUMENTS PERFORMANCE Waihi Beach School are holding a ‘Beats & Pleats’ Wearable Arts & Instruments show on Wednesday 16th September at 10am. $2 per person. For more information: Waihi Beach School: 863 5704 or e-mail: admin@waihibeach.school.nz COUNTDOWN KIDS HOSPITAL APPEAL The staff of Countdown Waihi are organising a fundraiser walk, to raise money for the Children’s Wards in 11 different hospitals. The walk will go from Countdown Waihi to the Waikino pub (8.1kms) on Saturday October 3rd. Countdown are encouraging as many people as possible from our community to join in. The cost will be $5 per person. We will meet in the Countdown car park at 12pm and start the walk at 12.30pm. A free sausage sizzle will be provided at the end. Transport can be arranged back into town. There is also a donation page if anyone would like to donate. Any help is much appreciated. http:// www.fundraiseonline.co.nz/CountdownWaihi/ Waihi East School has a new fundraising project! Parenting by the Stars is an exciting parenting book for New Zealand parents and caregivers at all stages of parenting. From pregnancy and birth to toddlers and those tricky teenage years over 65 well known New Zealanders share their parenting tips, tricks, candid and amusing stories as well as family photographs and favourite family recipes in a 225 page paperback. This book is a great read for all New Zealand families and is the perfect gift for anyone having a baby. Contributors include Nadia Lim, Michael Campbell, Bernice Mene, Sir Ray Avery, Sir Peter Leitch, Toni Street, Rawdon Christie, Nicole Whippy, Jaquie Brown, Nigel Latta, Diane Levy, Lady Pippa Blake, Dame Trelise Cooper, Ben Boyce, Temepara George, Stephen Bell/Youthline, Jeremy Corbett and many more! We’re able to sell the book for $20 (it currently retails at $24.99) and we will get 40% of all books sold, that’s $8 a book! You can pick up a copy of Parenting by the Stars from the school office – available now! LEARN TO SWIN AT GOLDFIELDS SCHOOL POOL TERM 4 In Paeroa, Swimming Waikato are running a ‘Swimming for Life’ programme at Goldfields School Pool in Term 4, 2015 and Term 1, 2016. The programme is designed to progress swimmers through the levels from babies right through to intermediate aged children. Registrations for Term 4 lessons are being welcomed now. Time slots as follows: Wednesday: 2-6PM Saturday: 9-12.30PM Sunday: 10-12.30PM For more information or to book lessons please contact: Nanette Felton, Swimming Waikato Administrator nanette@swimmingwaikato.co.nz Ph. (07) 838 3633 HOUSE NEEDED TO RENT Family of 5 moving to Waihi and are looking for a house to rent. References available. Phone Shane if you can help. 022 600 5257.
circle1 numberin eachquestion, in orderof whatis mostimportant Please to youandyourwhanau. Pleasetakethe time to thoughtfullycompletethis surveyasthe resultswill contributetowardsthe healthtopicsto be taught in the future. 1 = mostimportant 2 = Dâ‚Źxtmostimportant 3 = 3rd mostimportant.... andso on Please be sureto answerall questions in eachSECTION ::nr]::
Mediotionand Leodership Troinino- solvingproblems,mediating 72345 Forword- developsco-operation, Reochina self-confidence andacceptance r2345 Reachino Out - developsco-operation, self-confidence and acceptance 12345 DARE- drugandalcoholresistance education L23 lnternetSofetv 1 SelfAwareness- o positiveand responsible attitudetowardsselfandothers t23456 HEAITHAREAS.PLEASE MENTAT LISTYOUR COMMENTS ANDTHOUGHTS:
programme KeepinoOurselves Safe - safetyawareness L23 PositivePubertv- introducesthe issuesof sexualdevelopment(seniorsonly) L23 - understanding Relationships skillsto enhance friendships, love,familiesandparenting andattitudes of care,concernandrespectfor themselves andothers
5+A Dov - enhances the understanding andacceptance of a balanced diet 1234 Culture- understands the culturalsignifigance and influences of food 7234 - enhances ProiectEneraize the understanding of a healthydietandexercise, andunderstands that nutrition,exercise andwellbeing related are
lndividuols- gainthe skillsrequiredto selectand preparefood successfully andsafely 7234 - PIEASE FOODANDNUTRITION LISTYOURCOMMENTS ANDTHOUGHTS::
- includeshygiene,physicalactivity,selfcareand importanceof sleepand rest Personal Responsibilitv 7234567 Bike Sofetv t WoterSofetv 7
RoadSofetv- steppingout L2 SunSofetv 1 Hazards- identifyingandeliminatingriskson or aroundroads,playgrounds, outdoorenvironments etc. 7234567 . PTEASE BODYCARE ANDPHYSICAT SAFETY IISTYOURCOMMENTS ANDTHOUGHTS:
gymetc. MovementSkills- physical competence in dance,play,games,wateractivities, athletics, L2345 Anti-BuIlvino Guideli nes L2
Phvsicol Educotion- programmes designed to developskillsandattitudesin a widerangeof activities L2345 lnter-School Sports- developco-operation andacceptance 1234 CulturolPractices- understanding signifigance of culturalpracticesin physicalactivity L2345 - PLEASE PHYSICAL LISTYOURCOMMENTS ACTIVITY ANDTHOUGHTS:
To developskills,attitudesandfair playwhileexperiencing enjoymentandachievement in sports Porticipatino in soortinoroles - suchasplaying,coaching, officiatingandadministrating L2345 Anti-bullvina 1 PhvsicalEducation L2 lnter-schoolSports t2 Attitudes, valuesandbehaviours to helpmanageco-operation in a competetive sportsenvironment L2345 . PTEASE SPORTS IISTYOURCOMMENTS STUDIES ANDTHOUGHTS:
Visitsond Visitors- enhancelearningthroughall schoolfieldtripsandoutsideexperts L23 andmeetchallenges andsocialskillsin a rangeof environments Camps- enhancelearning L23 to learnabouttraditions,values,and heratigeof their HerotiaeandCulture- providedopportunities ownandotherculturalgroups
Pleasetick your child/children'sschoolteam. Tickboth if you havea child in eachteam Kotuku
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