Waihi East School Cross Country 2013 – Parent Helpers Date —Tuesday 28th May (Postponement day Thursday 30th May), Waihi / Waihi Beach District Primary Schools' Cross Country- Friday 7th June (postponement day Tuesday 11th June), Northern Cluster Cross Country – Tues 18th June (pp Thurs 20th June) at and organized by Whakamarama, WBOP Cross Country - Wed 3rd July (pp Fri 5th July) Waipuna Park, W. Bay.
Venue– Morgan Park. Time - 1.00 p.m.—2.30 p.m. (leave East 12.00 noon, walk the course 12.30 p.m.) (children can go home with parents after cross country))
Order of events—in year groups as listed below, girls events then boys. See maps on pages 2 and 3 for course details. 1. Yr 4—once around the blue course. 2. Yr 2—once around yellow course. 3. Yr 1—once around yellow course. 4. Yr 3—once around the blue course. 5. Yr 5—once around the orange course. 6. Yr 6—once around yellow course followed by once around orange course. Yellow Course = 400 m, Blue Course = 1 kilometre, Orange Course = 1.8 kilometres for year 5's and the year 6's cover 2.2 kilometres due to their small lap before the big loop.
N.B.—children are grouped according to current year. Parent Help We need ten parent helpers on the day for our cross country, the help is needed where the marshall figures are shown on the maps included with this cross country newsletter. The marshalls will direct children, we really need these helpers to make sure the runners stay on course. The seniors will have walked their courses, but marshalls will still be needed on the day. Please help make our school cross country successful by volunteering some of your time. To offer your help, fill in the form below. See attached pages for maps of the courses and placement of marshalls. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Parent Helpers For Waihi East School Cross Country ____________________________________________ is available to help as a (Parent/ Caregivers name) marshall on the course at Waihi East Primary Schools Cross Country on Tuesday 28th of May at Morgan Park. Phone _________________ Course details P.T.O.
Yellow Course Year 1/2's
Blue Course Year 3/4's
P.T.O. For year 5 and 6 courses.
Orange Course Year 5/6's